новые иконки в OpenBoard
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

170 lines
3.9 KiB

14 years ago
function createElements( text )
var s = '';
var words = text.split( " " );
for( var i = 0; i < words.length; i++ )
if( i ){
s += '<div>&nbsp;</div>';
s += '<div class="letter">' + words[i] + '</div>' +
'<div class="dash">.</div>';
return s;
var w = new wcontainer( "#ub-widget" );
w.maxWidth = 600;
w.setEditContent( '<div class="inputwrap"><textarea class="percent">hello, this is the first sentence. hi, this is the second sentence. hello again, this is the third sentence. good morning, this is the fifth sentence. hi, sorry, i\'m late, i\'m the fourth sentence.</textarea></div>' );
w.setViewContent( '<div class="upper"><div class="dash fixed">. </div></div>' );
w.setData( "dashWidth", w.elements.container.find( ".dash" ).outerWidth() );
w.setViewContent( '<div class="upper"><div class="dash fixed">M</div></div>' );
w.setData( "lineHeight", w.elements.container.find( ".dash" ).outerHeight() );
w.setViewContent( "" );
// onViewMode
w.onViewMode = function()
// clean up the text
var text = w.elements.container.find( "textarea" ).val()
.replace( /\r/g, '' ).replace( /\n/g, ' ' ).replace( / /g, ' ' );
// store the text
w.setData( "text", text );
// remove all dots (they are to be set during the exercise)
text = text.replace( /\. /g, ' ' ).trim( ["."] );
// create the html
w.setViewContent( createElements( text ) );
// the behaviour
w.elements.containerView.find( ".letter" )
.mouseover( function()
var el = $( this ).next();
// determine new hover class
var is_fixed = ( el.get( 0 ).className.indexOf( "fixed" ) != -1 );
var hover_class = is_fixed?
"dash_hover_fixed" : "dash_hover";
// assign new hover class
el.addClass( hover_class )
.data( "hc", hover_class );
.mouseout( function()
var el = $( this ).next();
// remove current hover class
var hc = el.data( "hc" );
el.removeClass( hc );
.click( function()
var el = $( this ).next();
// remove current hover class
$( this ).trigger( "mouseout" );
// toggle fixed class
el.toggleClass( "fixed" );
// determine new hover class
// assign new hover class
$( this ).trigger( "mouseover" );
// viewSize
w.viewSize = function()
var w = 0;
var h = 0;
var dh = winstance.getData( "lineHeight" );
var dw = winstance.getData( "dashWidth" );
winstance.elements.containerView.find( "div:visible" ).each( function()
w += $( this ).outerWidth();
h = Math.max( h, $( this ).outerHeight( true ) );
var square = w*h;
h = Math.max( h, $( winstance.elements.containerView ).height() );
if( winstance.maxWidth )
w = Math.min( w, winstance.maxWidth );
h = parseInt( square / w );
return { w: w, h: h+dh };
// editSize
w.editSize = function()
return {
w: winstance.elements.containerEdit.find( "textarea" ).parent().outerWidth( true ),
h: winstance.elements.containerEdit.find( "textarea" ).parent().outerHeight( true ),
w.checkAnswer = function()
var text = "";
var ch = "";
this.elements.containerView.find( "div:visible" ).each( function()
if( this.className.indexOf( "fixed" ) != -1 ){
text += '.';
else if( this.className.indexOf( "dash" ) != -1 ){
ch = $( this ).html();
if( ch == "&nbsp;" ){
ch = " ";
text += ch;
console.log( text );
if( text == this.getData( "text" ) ){
this.elements.containerView.addClass( "answerRight" );
this.elements.containerView.removeClass( "answerRight" );
window.w = w;
window.winstance = w;