новые иконки в OpenBoard
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

307 lines
10 KiB

* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 years ago
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QtGui>
#include <QObject>
#include "document/UBDocumentContainer.h"
class UBMainWindow;
class UBApplication;
class UBBoardView;
class UBDocumentController;
class UBMessageWindow;
class UBGraphicsScene;
class UBDocumentProxy;
class UBBlackoutWidget;
class UBToolWidget;
class UBVersion;
class UBSoftwareUpdate;
class UBSoftwareUpdateDialog;
class UBGraphicsMediaItem;
class UBGraphicsVideoItem;
class UBGraphicsAudioItem;
class UBGraphicsWidgetItem;
class UBBoardPaletteManager;
class UBItem;
class UBGraphicsItem;
class UBBoardController : public UBDocumentContainer
UBBoardController(UBMainWindow *mainWindow);
virtual ~UBBoardController();
void init();
void setupLayout();
UBGraphicsScene* activeScene() const;
int activeSceneIndex() const;
QSize displayViewport();
QSize controlViewport();
QRectF controlGeometry();
void closing();
int currentPage();
QWidget* controlContainer()
return mControlContainer;
UBBoardView* controlView()
return mControlView;
UBBoardView* displayView()
return mDisplayView;
UBGraphicsScene* activeScene()
return mActiveScene;
void setPenColorOnDarkBackground(const QColor& pColor)
if (mPenColorOnDarkBackground == pColor)
mPenColorOnDarkBackground = pColor;
emit penColorChanged();
void setPenColorOnLightBackground(const QColor& pColor)
if (mPenColorOnLightBackground == pColor)
mPenColorOnLightBackground = pColor;
emit penColorChanged();
void setMarkerColorOnDarkBackground(const QColor& pColor)
mMarkerColorOnDarkBackground = pColor;
void setMarkerColorOnLightBackground(const QColor& pColor)
mMarkerColorOnLightBackground = pColor;
QColor penColorOnDarkBackground()
return mPenColorOnDarkBackground;
QColor penColorOnLightBackground()
return mPenColorOnLightBackground;
QColor markerColorOnDarkBackground()
return mMarkerColorOnDarkBackground;
QColor markerColorOnLightBackground()
return mMarkerColorOnLightBackground;
qreal systemScaleFactor()
return mSystemScaleFactor;
qreal currentZoom();
void persistCurrentScene();
void showNewVersionAvailable(bool automatic, const UBVersion &installedVersion, const UBSoftwareUpdate &softwareUpdate);
void setBoxing(QRect displayRect);
void setToolbarTexts();
static QUrl expandWidgetToTempDir(const QByteArray& pZipedData, const QString& pExtension = QString("wgt"));
// static QRect freeRectInGlobalPos() const {return ;}
void setPageSize(QSize newSize);
UBBoardPaletteManager *paletteManager()
return mPaletteManager;
void notifyCache(bool visible);
void notifyPageChanged();
void displayMetaData(QMap<QString, QString> metadatas);
void ClearUndoStack();
void setActiveDocumentScene(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, int pSceneIndex = 0, bool forceReload = false);
void setActiveDocumentScene(int pSceneIndex);
void moveSceneToIndex(int source, int target);
void duplicateScene(int index);
UBGraphicsItem *duplicateItem(UBItem *item);
void deleteScene(int index);
bool cacheIsVisible() {return mCacheWidgetIsEnabled;}
QString actionGroupText(){ return mActionGroupText;}
QString actionUngroupText(){ return mActionUngroupText;}
public slots:
void showDocumentsDialog();
void showKeyboard(bool show);
void togglePodcast(bool checked);
void blackout();
void addScene();
void addScene(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, int sceneIndex, bool replaceActiveIfEmpty = false);
void addScene(UBGraphicsScene* scene, bool replaceActiveIfEmpty = false);
void duplicateScene();
void importPage();
void clearScene();
void clearSceneItems();
void clearSceneAnnotation();
void clearSceneBackground();
void zoomIn(QPointF scenePoint = QPointF(0,0));
void zoomOut(QPointF scenePoint = QPointF(0,0));
void zoomRestore();
void centerRestore();
void centerOn(QPointF scenePoint = QPointF(0,0));
void zoom(const qreal ratio, QPointF scenePoint);
void handScroll(qreal dx, qreal dy);
void previousScene();
void nextScene();
void firstScene();
void lastScene();
void groupButtonClicked();
void downloadURL(const QUrl& url, const QPointF& pPos = QPointF(0.0, 0.0), const QSize& pSize = QSize(), bool isBackground = false, bool internalData = false);
UBItem *downloadFinished(bool pSuccess, QUrl sourceUrl, QString pHeader,
QByteArray pData, QPointF pPos, QSize pSize,
bool isBackground = false, bool internalData = false);
void changeBackground(bool isDark, bool isCrossed);
void setToolCursor(int tool);
void showMessage(const QString& message, bool showSpinningWheel = false);
void hideMessage();
void setDisabled(bool disable);
void setColorIndex(int pColorIndex);
void removeTool(UBToolWidget* toolWidget);
void hide();
void show();
void setWidePageSize(bool checked);
void setRegularPageSize(bool checked);
void stylusToolChanged(int tool);
void grabScene(const QRectF& pSceneRect);
UBGraphicsMediaItem* addVideo(const QUrl& pUrl, bool startPlay, const QPointF& pos, bool bUseSource = false);
UBGraphicsMediaItem* addAudio(const QUrl& pUrl, bool startPlay, const QPointF& pos, bool bUseSource = false);
UBGraphicsWidgetItem *addW3cWidget(const QUrl& pUrl, const QPointF& pos);
void cut();
void copy();
void paste();
void processMimeData(const QMimeData* pMimeData, const QPointF& pPos);
void moveGraphicsWidgetToControlView(UBGraphicsWidgetItem* graphicWidget);
void moveToolWidgetToScene(UBToolWidget* toolWidget);
void addItem();
void freezeW3CWidgets(bool freeze);
void freezeW3CWidget(QGraphicsItem* item, bool freeze);
void startScript();
void stopScript();
void newPageAdded();
void activeSceneWillBePersisted();
void activeSceneWillChange();
void activeSceneChanged();
void zoomChanged(qreal pZoomFactor);
void systemScaleFactorChanged(qreal pSystemScaleFactor);
void penColorChanged();
void controlViewportChanged();
void backgroundChanged();
void cacheEnabled();
void cacheDisabled();
void pageChanged();
void documentReorganized(int index);
void displayMetadata(QMap<QString, QString> metadata);
void pageSelectionChanged(int index);
void npapiWidgetCreated(const QString &Url);
void setupViews();
void setupToolbar();
void connectToolbar();
void initToolbarTexts();
void updateActionStates();
void updateSystemScaleFactor();
QString truncate(QString text, int maxWidth);
protected slots:
void selectionChanged();
void undoRedoStateChange(bool canUndo);
void documentSceneChanged(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, int pIndex);
void updatePageSizeState();
void saveViewState();
void adjustDisplayViews();
UBMainWindow *mMainWindow;
UBGraphicsScene* mActiveScene;
int mActiveSceneIndex;
UBBoardPaletteManager *mPaletteManager;
UBSoftwareUpdateDialog *mSoftwareUpdateDialog;
UBMessageWindow *mMessageWindow;
UBBoardView *mControlView;
UBBoardView *mDisplayView;
QWidget *mControlContainer;
QHBoxLayout *mControlLayout;
qreal mZoomFactor;
bool mIsClosing;
QColor mPenColorOnDarkBackground;
QColor mPenColorOnLightBackground;
QColor mMarkerColorOnDarkBackground;
QColor mMarkerColorOnLightBackground;
qreal mSystemScaleFactor;
bool mCleanupDone;
QMap<QAction*, QPair<QString, QString> > mActionTexts;
bool mCacheWidgetIsEnabled;
QGraphicsItem* mLastCreatedItem;
int mDeletingSceneIndex;
QString mActionGroupText;
QString mActionUngroupText;
private slots:
void stylusToolDoubleClicked(int tool);
void boardViewResized(QResizeEvent* event);
void documentWillBeDeleted(UBDocumentProxy* pProxy);
void updateBackgroundActionsState(bool isDark, bool isCrossed);
void updateBackgroundState();
void colorPaletteChanged();
void libraryDialogClosed(int ret);
void lastWindowClosed();
void onDownloadModalFinished();