diff --git a/resources/library/interactivities/Selectionner.wgt/js/script.js b/resources/library/interactivities/Selectionner.wgt/js/script.js index d2442c81..3523e62b 100644 --- a/resources/library/interactivities/Selectionner.wgt/js/script.js +++ b/resources/library/interactivities/Selectionner.wgt/js/script.js @@ -9,13 +9,29 @@ var sankoreLang = { shovel: "shovel", dog: "dog", tree: "tree", - wgt_name: "Select the desired", + wgt_name: "Select", reload: "Reload", slate: "slate", pad: "pad", none: "none", help: "Help", - help_content: "This is an example of help content ...", + help_content: +"
Choose correct element(s). If the result is correct, the area turns in green.
" + +"“Reload “button resets the exercises.
" + +"Enter the “Edit” mode to :
" + +"To create a new exercise :
" + +"To delete a frame, click the cross (X).
" + +"To delete a whole exercise, click the cross to the left.
" + +"“Display” button comes back to the activity.
", theme: "Theme" }; diff --git a/resources/library/interactivities/Separe phrase.wgt/scripts/wcontainer.js b/resources/library/interactivities/Separe phrase.wgt/scripts/wcontainer.js index c8dc3527..dd50da5b 100644 --- a/resources/library/interactivities/Separe phrase.wgt/scripts/wcontainer.js +++ b/resources/library/interactivities/Separe phrase.wgt/scripts/wcontainer.js @@ -2,13 +2,25 @@ var sankoreLang = { view: "Display", edit: "Edit", example: "this is a bunch of words which should be split apart", - wgt_name: "Split a phrase", + wgt_name: "Split a sentence", reload: "Reload", slate: "slate", pad: "pad", none: "none", help: "Help", - help_content: "This is an example of help content ...", + help_content: +"The sentence is written without separations between words. The goal is to insert spaces in right places. If the result is correct, the area turns in green.
"+ + +"To add separations between words, move the cursor and click between two characters, a separation is then added.
" + +"“Reload” button resets the exercise.
" + + + +"Enter the “Edit” mode to :
" + +"“Display” button comes back to the activity.
", theme: "Theme" }; diff --git a/resources/library/interactivities/Separe texte.wgt/scripts/wcontainer.js b/resources/library/interactivities/Separe texte.wgt/scripts/wcontainer.js index 2a72ced0..8161c782 100644 --- a/resources/library/interactivities/Separe texte.wgt/scripts/wcontainer.js +++ b/resources/library/interactivities/Separe texte.wgt/scripts/wcontainer.js @@ -8,7 +8,17 @@ var sankoreLang = { pad: "pad", none: "none", help: "Help", - help_content: "This is an example of help content ...", + help_content: +"Text is written without the dots between sentences. The goal is to split the text correctly. If the result is correct, the area turns in green.
" + +"To add points between sentences, move the cursor and click between two words.
" + +"“Reload” button resets the exercise.
" + +"Enter the “Edit” mode to :
" + +"Do not use question and exclamation mark.
" + +"“Display” button comes back to the activity.
", theme: "Theme" }; diff --git a/resources/library/interactivities/Syllabes.wgt/scripts/wcontainer.js b/resources/library/interactivities/Syllabes.wgt/scripts/wcontainer.js index 26d16a89..0c2abc0e 100644 --- a/resources/library/interactivities/Syllabes.wgt/scripts/wcontainer.js +++ b/resources/library/interactivities/Syllabes.wgt/scripts/wcontainer.js @@ -2,13 +2,24 @@ var sankoreLang = { view: "Display", edit: "Edit", example: "so*phis*ti*ca*ted", - wgt_name: "Split a word", + wgt_name: "Syllables", reload: "Reload", slate: "slate", pad: "pad", none: "none", help: "Help", - help_content: "This is an example of help content ...", + help_content: +"The goal is split the word correctly. If the result is correct, the area turns in green.
" + +"To add a separation between two syllables, move the cursor and click between two characters.
" + +"“Reload” button resets the exercise. P>" + + +"
Enter the “Edit” mode to :
" + +"“Display” button comes back to the activity.
", theme: "Theme" };