@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
var sankoreLang = { |
"en":{ |
"embed": "Embed" |
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"ru":{ |
"embed": "Вставить" |
}, |
"fr":{ |
"embed": "Intégrer" |
} |
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 214 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 451 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 214 B |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
var sankoreLang = { |
"en":{ |
"edit": "Edit", |
"display":"Display", |
"add":"Add", |
"enter_data":"Enter data:", |
"enter_result":"Enter result:", |
"ok":"Ok", |
"cancel":"Cancel" |
}, |
"ru":{ |
"edit": "Изменить", |
"display":"Показать", |
"add":"Добавить", |
"enter_data":"Введите вопрос:", |
"enter_result":"Введите ответ:", |
"ok":"Ок", |
"cancel":"Отмена" |
}, |
"fr":{ |
"edit": "Modifier", |
"display":"Afficher", |
"add":"Ajouter", |
"enter_data":"Entrer les données:", |
"enter_result":"Entrez le résultat:", |
"ok":"Ok", |
"cancel":"Annuler" |
} |
}; |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 214 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 451 B |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
var sankoreLang = { |
"en":{ |
"edit": "Edit", |
"display":"Display", |
"question":"Question", |
"example_question":"This is an example of the question", |
"answer":"This is an example of the answer", |
"q":"Q", |
"add_new_question":"Add new question ...", |
"options":"Options", |
"close":"Close", |
"delete_question":"Delete question", |
"delete_answer":"Delete answer", |
"right_answer":"Right answer", |
"template_question":"Enter your question here ...", |
"template_answer":"Enter the answer here ...", |
"add_answer":"Add answer", |
"select_text":"Choose the right answer", |
"options_desc":"You can choose any of these three options of displaying your answers. See a short their description.", |
"radio_desc":"This option allow to choose one answer only and the answers are displayed as radio buttons.", |
"checkbox_desc":"This option allow to choose several answers and the answers are displayed as checkboxes.", |
"select_desc":"This option allow to chose one answer only and the answers are displayed as pull-down menu.", |
"a":"A" |
}, |
"ru":{ |
"edit": "Изменить", |
"display":"Показать", |
"question":"Вопрос", |
"example_question":"Это пример вопроса", |
"answer":"Это пример ответа", |
"q":"В", |
"add_new_question":"Добавить новый вопрос ...", |
"options":"Настройки", |
"close":"Закрыть", |
"delete_question":"Удалить вопрос", |
"delete_answer":"Удалить ответ", |
"right_answer":"Правильный ответ", |
"template_question":"Введите Ваш вопрос здесь ...", |
"template_answer":"Введите ответ здесь ...", |
"add_answer":"Добавить ответ", |
"select_text":"Выберите правильный ответ", |
"options_desc":"Вы можете выбрать любой из трех вариантов отображения. Смотрите их краткое описание.", |
"radio_desc":"Эта опция позволяет выбрать только один вариант ответа. Ответы будут показаны как радио-кнопки.", |
"checkbox_desc":"Эта опция позволяет выбрать несколько вариантов ответов. Ответы будут показаны как чекбоксы.", |
"select_desc":"Эта опция позволяет выбрать только один вариант ответа. Ответы будут показаны в виде выпадающего меню.", |
"a":"О" |
}, |
"fr":{ |
"edit": "Modifier", |
"display":"Afficher", |
"question":"La question", |
"example_question":"Ceci est un exemple de la question", |
"answer":"Ceci est un exemple de la réponse", |
"q":"Q", |
"add_new_question":"Ajouter nouvelle question ...", |
"options":"Les options", |
"close":"Fermer", |
"delete_question":"Supprimer la question", |
"delete_answer":"Supprimer réponse", |
"right_answer":"Bonne réponse", |
"template_question":"Saisissez votre question ici ...", |
"template_answer":"Entrez la réponse ici ...", |
"add_answer":"Ajouter une réponse", |
"select_text":"Choisissez la bonne réponse", |
"options_desc":"Vous pouvez choisir n'importe lequel de ces trois options d'affichage de vos réponses. Voir un court leur description.", |
"radio_desc":"Cette option permet de choisir une seule réponse et les réponses sont affichées sous forme de boutons radio.", |
"checkbox_desc":"Cette option permet de choisir plusieurs réponses et les réponses sont affichées comme des cases à cocher.", |
"select_desc":"Cette option permet de choisir une seule réponse et les réponses sont affichées sous forme de menu déroulant.", |
"a":"R" |
} |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,506 @@ |
var sankoreLang = { |
"en":{ |
"fnc":"Function: ", |
"display":"Display", |
"x_axis":"X-axis", |
"y_axis":"Y-axis", |
"zoom":"Zoom", |
"color":"Color:", |
"menus":"Menu", |
"tools":"Tools", |
"options":"Options", |
"help":"Help", |
"about":"About", |
"mouse_events":"Mouse events:", |
"moving":"Moving", |
"tangente":"Tangente", |
"point":"Point", |
"choosing_color":"Choosing the color:", |
"value":"Value:", |
"saturation":"Saturation:", |
"red":"Red:", |
"green":"Green:", |
"blue":"Blue:", |
"opacity":"Opacity:", |
"check":"Check", |
"derivative":"Derivative:", |
"square_under_func":"Square under function:", |
"from":"From", |
"to":"To", |
"calculate":"Calculate", |
"draw":"Draw", |
"point_calculate":"Calculate the point on the function:", |
"estimate":"Estimate", |
"analysis_of_func":"Analysis of function:", |
"start_to_analysis":"Start to analysis", |
"quit":"Quit", |
"display_test":"Display the test:", |
"test":"Test", |
"widget":"Widget", |
"widget_options":"Widget options", |
"themes_of_widget":"Themes of the widget:", |
"black":"Black", |
"white":"White", |
"control_options":"Control options:", |
"save":"Save", |
"load":"Load", |
"del":"Delete", |
"save_a_widget_options":"Save a widget options in cookies or load an options from cookies or delete a registered options.", |
"auto_update":"Automatically update when a widget opening.", |
"reload_widget":"Reload widget", |
"update":"Update", |
"the_graphical":"The graphical method displaying:", |
"lines":"lines", |
"points":"points", |
"image":"image", |
"zoom_def":"Zoom default:", |
"update_zoom":"Update zoom", |
"show_grid":"Show grid", |
"show_axis":"Show axis", |
"scale":"Scale", |
"thickness":"Thickness:", |
"offset_diagram":"Offset diagram:", |
"accuracy_graph":"Accuracy graph:", |
"show_the_style":"Show the style:", |
"surfaces":"surfaces", |
"points":"points", |
"reset_display":"Reset display", |
"accuracy_func":"Accuracy function:", |
"use_the_color":"Use the color:", |
"positive_value":"positive value", |
"negative_value":"negative value", |
"general_value":"general value", |
"how_it_work":"How it works", |
"this_widget_allow":"This widget allows to draw mathematical function. Enter function in the field in the top part of the widget and press\"Display\"", |
"you_can_enter":"You can enter following mathematical functions:", |
"basic_operations":"Basic operations", |
"plus":"Plus", |
"minus":"Minus", |
"multi":"Multiplication", |
"division":"Division", |
"mod":"Mod", |
"trigonometric":"Trigonometric functions", |
"sine":"Sine", |
"cosine":"Cosine", |
"tangent":"Tangent", |
"cotangent":"Cotangent", |
"secant":"Secant", |
"cosecant":"Cosecant", |
"arc_sine":"Arc sine", |
"arc_cosine":"Arc cosine", |
"arc_tangent":"Arc tangent", |
"arc_cotangent":"Arc cotangent", |
"hyperbolic_func":"Hyperbolic functions", |
"hyp_sine":"Hyperbolic sine", |
"hyp_cosine":"Hyperbolic cosine", |
"hyp_tangent":"Hyperbolic tangent", |
"hyp_cotangent":"Hyperbolic cotangent", |
"hyp_secant":"Hyperbolic secant", |
"hyp_cosecant":"Hyperbolic cosecant", |
"hyp_arc_sine":"Hyperbolic arc sine", |
"hyp_arc_cosine":"Hyperbolic arc cosine", |
"hyp_arc_tangent":"Hyperbolic arc tangent", |
"hyp_arc_cotangent":"Hyperbolic arc cotangent", |
"square_roots_and_degrees":"Square roots and degrees", |
"square_root":"Square root", |
"degree":"Degree", |
"root":"Root", |
"variable_x":"Variable x to the power y", |
"root_y":"Root y of x", |
"exponential":"Exponential and logarithm", |
"natural_log":"Natural logarithm", |
"decimal_log":"Decimal logarithm", |
"abs":"Absolute number value", |
"rounding":"Rounding", |
"round_nearest":"Rounding to the nearest whole number", |
"round_nearest_big":"Rounding to the nearest whole number in a big way", |
"round_nearest_small":"Rounding to the nearest whole number the smaller side", |
"consts":"Constants", |
"available_const":"Also are some constants available:", |
"keys":"Keyboard keys", |
"moved_left":"Graph will be moved left", |
"moved_top":"Graph will be moved top", |
"moved_right":"Graph will be moved right", |
"moved_botom":"Graph will be moved bottom", |
"guide":"User's guide", |
"using":"Using", |
"examples":"Examples", |
"other":"Other", |
"you_can_view":"You can view example. Don't forget to set a accuracy in option if it will be necessary.", |
"save_graph":"Save graph", |
"in_some_browsers":"In some browsers when display method \"Canvas\" used you can save graph by clcking it with right mouse button and selecting \"Save image\". Also you can save 3D-graphs.", |
"offset":"Offset", |
"if_graph_isnt":"If graph isn't in the right plase (larger than canvas) then can you set necessary parameters graph displaying in settings menu.", |
"history":"History", |
"current":"Current", |
"additional":"Additional", |
"left_arrow":"left arrow", |
"right_arrow":"right arrow", |
"top_arrow":"top arrow", |
"bottom_arrow":"bottom arrow", |
"or":"or", |
"funcs":"Functions", |
"widget_is_developed":"Widget is developed by", |
"if_you_want_to":"If you want to inform about a bug, make a proposal or just ask some questions. You can contact to me at the following e-mail:", |
"if_you_want_to_change":"If you want to change background design then you can contact at following address:", |
"set_of_def":"Set of definitions:", |
"parity":"Parity:", |
"zeros":"Zeros of function:", |
"signe":"Sign:", |
"asympt":"Asymptotes", |
"min":"Min", |
"ev":"even", |
"unev":"uneven", |
"na":"n/a", |
"curve_lower":"curve is lower than a AH", |
"curve_higher":"curve is higher than a AH", |
"max":"Max", |
"no_min":"No minimum", |
"no_max":"No maximum", |
"tool_for":"Tool for analysis of function is not reliable on 100%. Don't forget check results of analysis before use it.", |
"ah_left":"AH left:", |
"ah_right":"AH right:", |
"av":"AV:", |
"options_saved":"Options saved!", |
"cur_version":"Current version:", |
"last_version":"The last on-line version:", |
"using_web":"This widget is available to using on web-site:", |
"show_saved":"Now parameters will be saved" |
}, |
"ru":{ |
"fnc": "Функция: ", |
"display":"Показать", |
"x_axis":"ось X", |
"y_axis":"ось Y", |
"zoom":"Размер", |
"color":"Цвет:", |
"menus":"Меню", |
"tools":"Инструменты", |
"options":"Опции", |
"help":"Помощь", |
"about":"О программе", |
"mouse_events":"События мыши:", |
"moving":"Движение", |
"tangente":"Касательная", |
"point":"Точка", |
"choosing_color":"Выбор цвета:", |
"value":"Значение:", |
"saturation":"Насыщенность:", |
"red":"Красный:", |
"green":"Зеленый:", |
"blue":"Голубой:", |
"opacity":"Прозрачность:", |
"check":"Применить", |
"derivative":"Производная:", |
"square_under_func":"Область функции:", |
"from":"От", |
"to":"До", |
"calculate":"Посчитать", |
"draw":"Зарисовать", |
"point_calculate":"Рассчитать точку функции:", |
"estimate":"Оценить", |
"analysis_of_func":"Анализ функции:", |
"start_to_analysis":"Начать анализ", |
"quit":"Выйти", |
"display_test":"Показать тест:", |
"test":"Тест", |
"widget":"Виджет", |
"widget_options":"Настройки виджета", |
"themes_of_widget":"Темы виджета:", |
"black":"Черный", |
"white":"Белый", |
"control_options":"Опции управления:", |
"save":"Сохранить", |
"load":"Загрузить", |
"del":"Удалить", |
"save_a_widget_options":"Сохранить или загрузить настройки виджета в/из куки-файлов, или же удалить выбранные опции", |
"auto_update":"Автоматическое обновление виджета при загрузке", |
"reload_widget":"Перегрузить виджет", |
"update":"Обновить", |
"the_graphical":"Графический метод отображения:", |
"lines":"линии", |
"points":"точки", |
"image":"изображения", |
"zoom_def":"Размер по-умолчанию:", |
"update_zoom":"Изменить размер:", |
"show_grid":"Показать таблицу", |
"show_axis":"Показать оси", |
"scale":"Масштаб", |
"thickness":"Толщина", |
"offset_diagram":"Смещение диаграммы:", |
"accuracy_graph":"Точность графика:", |
"show_the_style":"Показать стиль:", |
"surfaces":"поверхности", |
"points":"точки", |
"reset_display":"Обновить отображение", |
"accuracy_func":"Точность функции:", |
"use_the_color":"Использовать цвет:", |
"positive_value":"положительное значение", |
"negative_value":"отрицательное значение", |
"general_value":"основное значение", |
"how_it_work":"Как это работает", |
"this_widget_allow":"Этот виджет позволяет рисовать математические функции. Введите функцию в верхней части виджета и нажмите \"Показать\"", |
"you_can_enter":"Вы можете использовать следующие математические функции:", |
"basic_operations":"Основные операции", |
"plus":"Сложение", |
"minus":"Вычетание", |
"multi":"Произведение", |
"division":"Частное", |
"mod":"Остаток от деления", |
"trigonometric":"Тригонометрические функции", |
"sine":"Синус", |
"cosine":"Косинус", |
"tangent":"Тангенс", |
"cotangent":"Котангенс", |
"secant":"Секанс", |
"cosecant":"Косеканс", |
"arc_sine":"Арксинус", |
"arc_cosine":"Арккосинус", |
"arc_tangent":"Арктангенс", |
"arc_cotangent":"Арккотангенс", |
"hyperbolic_func":"Гиперболические функции", |
"hyp_sine":"Гиперболический синус", |
"hyp_cosine":"Гиперболический косинус", |
"hyp_tangent":"Гиперболический тангенс", |
"hyp_cotangent":"Гиперболический котангенс", |
"hyp_secant":"Гиперболический секанс", |
"hyp_cosecant":"Гиперболический косеканс", |
"hyp_arc_sine":"Гиперболический арксинус", |
"hyp_arc_cosine":"Гиперболический арккосинус", |
"hyp_arc_tangent":"Гиперболический арктангенс", |
"hyp_arc_cotangent":"Гиперболический арккотангенс", |
"square_roots_and_degrees":"Квардатные корни и степени", |
"square_root":"Квадратный корень", |
"degree":"Степень", |
"root":"Корень", |
"variable_x":"Переменная х в степени у", |
"root_y":"Корень y степени x", |
"exponential":"Экспоненты и логарифмы", |
"natural_log":"Натуральный логарифм", |
"decimal_log":"Десятичный логарифм", |
"abs":"Абсолютное значение числа", |
"rounding":"Округление", |
"round_nearest":"Округление до ближайшего целого числа", |
"round_nearest_big":"Округление до ближайшего целого числа в большую сторону", |
"round_nearest_small":"Округление до ближайшего целого числа в меньую сторону", |
"consts":"Константы", |
"available_const":"Также доступны некоторые константы:", |
"keys":"Горячие клавиши", |
"moved_left":"График будет сдвинут влево", |
"moved_top":"График будет сдвинут вверх", |
"moved_right":"График будет сдвинут вправо", |
"moved_bottom":"График будет сдвинут вниз", |
"guide":"Руководство пользователя", |
"using":"Использование", |
"examples":"Примеры", |
"other":"Другое", |
"you_can_view":"Вы можете посмотреть примеры. Не забывайте выставить точность в настройках, если это необходимо.", |
"save_graph":"Сохранить график", |
"in_some_browsers":"В некоторых браузерах при выборе метода отоюражения \"Canvas\" вы можете сохранить гафик кликом ПКМ на нем и выбором пункта \"Сохранить изображение\". Таким же способом вы можете сохранять 3D-графики.", |
"offset":"Смещение", |
"if_graph_isnt":"Если график арсположен в неправильном месте (больше, чем холст), то Вы можете выставить необходимые параметры отображения графа в настройках виджета.", |
"history":"История", |
"current":"Текущие", |
"additional":"Дополнительные", |
"left_arrow":"стрелка влево", |
"right_arrow":"стрелка вправо", |
"top_arrow":"стрелка вверх", |
"bottom_arrow":"стрелка вниз", |
"or":"или", |
"funcs":"Функции", |
"widget_is_developed":"Виджет разработан ", |
"if_you_want_to":"Если вы хотите сообщить о проблеме, внести предложение или задать некоторые вопросы, то можете связаться со мной через электронную почту:", |
"if_you_want_to_change":"Если вы хотите изменить дизайн, обращайтесь по адресу:", |
"set_of_def":"Набор определений:", |
"parity":"Равенство:", |
"zeros":"Нули функции:", |
"signe":"Знак:", |
"asympt":"Ассимптоты", |
"min":"Мин", |
"ev":"равны", |
"unev":"не равны", |
"na":"не определено", |
"curve_lower":"кривая ниже, чем горизонтальная ассимптота", |
"curve_higher":"кривая выше, чем горизонтальная ассимптота", |
"max":"Макс", |
"no_min":"Нет минимума", |
"no_max":"Нет максимума", |
"tool_for":"Анализ функции не надежен на 100%. Не забывайте проверить результат анализа перед их использованием.", |
"ah_left":"ГА слева:", |
"ah_right":"ГА справа:", |
"av":"ВА:", |
"options_saved":"Настройки сохранены!", |
"cur_version":"Текущая версия:", |
"last_version":"Последняя он-лайн версия:", |
"using_web":"Этот виджет доступен для использования на сайте:", |
"show_saved":"Теперь параметры будут сохранены" |
}, |
"fr":{ |
"fnc":"Fonction: ", |
"display":"Afficher", |
"x_axis":"Axe des X de:", |
"y_axis":"Axe des Y de:", |
"zoom":"Zoom", |
"color":"Couleur:", |
"menus":"Menus", |
"tools":"Outils", |
"options":"Options", |
"help":"Aide", |
"about":"À propos", |
"mouse_events":"Action de la souris:", |
"moving":"Déplacement", |
"tangente":"Tangente", |
"point":"Point", |
"choosing_color":"Choix de la couleur:", |
"value":"Valeur:", |
"saturation":"Saturation:", |
"red":"Rouge:", |
"green":"Vert:", |
"blue":"Bleu:", |
"opacity":"Opacité:", |
"check":"Valider", |
"derivative":"Dessiner la dérivée de la fonction:", |
"square_under_func":"Aire sous la fonction:", |
"from":"From", |
"to":"To", |
"calculate":"Calculer", |
"draw":"Dessiner", |
"point_calculate":"Calculer un point de la fonction:", |
"estimate":"Évaluer", |
"analysis_of_func":"Analysis of function:", |
"start_to_analysis":"Démarrer l'étude", |
"quit":"Fermer", |
"display_test":"Display the test:", |
"test":"Test", |
"widget":"Widget", |
"widget_options":"Options du widget", |
"themes_of_widget":"Thème du widget:", |
"black":"Noir", |
"white":"Blanc", |
"control_options":"Gèrer les options:", |
"save":"Sauvegarder", |
"load":"Charger", |
"del":"Supprimer", |
"save_a_widget_options":"Sauvegarder les options du widget dans les cookies, charger les options depuis les cookies ou supprimer les options actuellement enregistrées.", |
"auto_update":"Mise à jour automatique à l'ouverture du widget.", |
"reload_widget":"Recharger le widget", |
"update":"Mise à jour", |
"the_graphical":"Méthode d'affichage du graphique:", |
"lines":"lignes", |
"points":"points", |
"image":"image", |
"zoom_def":"Zoom par défau:", |
"update_zoom":"Réinitialiser le zoom", |
"show_grid":"Afficher la grille", |
"show_axis":"Afficher les axes ", |
"scale":"Afficher l'échelle ", |
"thickness":"Épaisseur de la fonction:", |
"offset_diagram":"Décalage du graphique:", |
"accuracy_graph":"Précision des calculs du graphique:", |
"show_the_style":"Style d'affichage:", |
"surfaces":"surfaces", |
"points":"points", |
"reset_display":"Réinitialiser l'affichage", |
"accuracy_func":"Précision de la fonction:", |
"use_the_color":"Utilisation des couleurs:", |
"positive_value":"valeur positive", |
"negative_value":"valeur négative", |
"general_value":"valeur générale", |
"how_it_work":"Fonctionnement", |
"this_widget_allow":"Ce widget vous permet de dessiner des fonctions mathématiques. Entrez une fonction dans le champ en haut du widget et cliquez sur le bouton \"Afficher\".", |
"you_can_enter":"Vous pouvez saisir les fonctions mathématiques suivantes:", |
"basic_operations":"Les opérations de base", |
"plus":"Addition", |
"minus":"Soustraction", |
"multi":"Multiplication", |
"division":"Division", |
"mod":"Modulo", |
"trigonometric":"Les fonctions trigonométriques", |
"sine":"Sinus", |
"cosine":"Cosinus", |
"tangent":"Tangente", |
"cotangent":"Cotangente", |
"secant":"Secante", |
"cosecant":"Cosecante", |
"arc_sine":"Arcsinus", |
"arc_cosine":"Arccosinus", |
"arc_tangent":"Arctangente", |
"arc_cotangent":"Arccotangente", |
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"hyp_cotangent":"Cotangente hyp", |
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"hyp_arc_cosine":"Arccosinus hyp", |
"hyp_arc_tangent":"Arctangente hyp", |
"hyp_arc_cotangent":"Arccotangente hyp", |
"square_roots_and_degrees":"Les racines et les puissances", |
"square_root":"Racine carrée", |
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"root":"Racines", |
"variable_x":"Élève x à une puissance y", |
"root_y":"Racine y d'un nombre x", |
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"natural_log":"logarithme naturel", |
"decimal_log":"logarithme de base", |
"abs":"La valeur absolue d'un nombre", |
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"round_nearest":"arrondit à l'entier le plus proche", |
"round_nearest_big":"arrondit à l'entier supérieur", |
"round_nearest_small":"arrondit à l'entier inférieur", |
"consts":"Constantes", |
"available_const":"Quelques constantes sont aussi disponibles:", |
"keys":"Touches clavier", |
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"guide":"Guide d'utilisation", |
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"other":"Autres", |
"you_can_view":"Vous pouvez cliquer sur un exemple pour l'afficher. Pensez à ajuster la précision du graphique dans les options si nécessaire", |
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"in_some_browsers":"Dans certains navigateurs, lorsque vous utilisez la méthode d'affichage \"Canvas\", vous pouvez sauvegarder le graphique en cliquant avec le bouton de droite de la souris sur celui-ci et en séléctionnant \"Enregistrer l'image\". Vous pouvez aussi sauvegarder le graphique 3D. ", |
"offset":"Décalage", |
"if_graph_isnt":"Si le graphique n'est pas à la bonne place (il dépasse de la zone prévue), ajustez le \"décalage du graphique\" dans le menu des options. Pour Konqueror, il faut utiliser un décalage de x=122 et y=48.", |
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"funcs":"Fonction", |
"widget_is_developed":"Widget réalisé par", |
"if_you_want_to":"Si vous voulez rapporter un bug, avez une suggestion par rapport au widget ou voulez simplement poser une question, merci de me contacter par:", |
"if_you_want_to_change":"Les images d'arrière-plan du widget on été tirées des thèmes du bureau \"plasma-desktop\" de l'environnement:", |
"set_of_def":"Ensemble de définition:", |
"parity":"Parité:", |
"zeros":"Zéros de la fonction:", |
"signe":"Signe:", |
"asympt":"Asymptotes", |
"min":"Min", |
"ev":"paire", |
"unev":"impaire", |
"na":"aucune", |
"curve_lower":"courbe au-dessus de l'AH", |
"curve_higher":"courbe au-dessous de l'AH", |
"max":"Max", |
"no_min":"Aucun minimum", |
"no_max":"Aucun maximum", |
"tool_for":"L'outil permettant d'étudier les fonctions n'est pas fiable à 100%. Pensez à vérifier les résultats de l'étude avant d'en faire une quelconque utilisation.", |
"ah_left":"AH gauche:", |
"ah_right":"AH droite:", |
"av":"AV:", |
"options_saved":"Options sauvegardées!", |
"cur_version":"Version en cours d'utilisation:", |
"last_version":"Dernière version disponible en ligne:", |
"using_web":"Ce widget est également utilisable dans un navigateur internet sur le site:", |
"show_saved":"Options actuellement sauvegardées" |
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/* Pour info, les span йtaient une tentative de mise en forme via CSS mais j'ai trouvй plus pratique, et je les ai laissйs au cas oщ... */ |
var txt_vesicule = ""; |
var txt_lysosome = ""; |
var txt_mitoch = ""; |
var txt_golgi = ""; |
var txt_rer = ""; |
var txt_noy = ""; |
var txt_rel = ""; |
var txt_adn = ""; |
var txt_centr = ""; |
var txt_rib = ""; |
var txt_arn = ""; |
var txt_nucl = ""; |
var lang = ""; //locale language
if(window.sankore){ |
try{ |
lang = sankore.locale().substr(0,2); |
} catch(e){ |
lang = "en"; |
} |
} else
lang = "en"; |
switch(lang){ |
case "en": |
txt_vesicule = "<h2>Vesicle<br/>Transporter</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Phospholipid bilayer</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Transport of proteins and other components inside the cell to the exterior (exocytosis) or inward (endocytosis).</p></span>"+ |
'<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Transport "towed" by Protein building on the cytoskeleton.</p></span>' |
txt_lysosome = "<h2>Lysosome<br/>A stomach cell.</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Phospholipid bilayer</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>a intracellular digestion with enzymes.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Absorbes nutrient uptake or damaged cellular components by endocytosis, digest them and then distributes the results of the chemical reaction in the cell and finally expels of waste by exocytosis.</p></span>" |
txt_mitoch = "<h2>Mitochondrie<br/>Batteries</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Two phospholipid bilayers called mitochondrial membranes, one external and one internal. The mitochondria contain ribosomes, ATP of DNA and other molecules.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Powerhouse of the cell.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Energy - in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) - comes from various stages of chemical reactions starting from a glucose molecule.</p></span>" |
txt_golgi = "<h2>Apparatus golgi<br/>Miniature plants</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Has a stack of flattened membrane saccules.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Modification of proteins during a journey through its saccules.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Chemical reactions, including glycosylation.</p></span>" |
txt_rer = "<h2>Rough endoplasmic reticulum - Tunnel</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Consists of a phospholipid bilayer studded with ribosomes (an aspect <i> rough </ i>) define the light, an internal space that can be compared to a tunnel.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>More specialized than the real, he participated in the transport and a finalizing the proteins that are synthesized by ribosomes.</p></span>"+ |
'<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Proteins "fall" in the light of the RER where they are modified and displaced. They leave the RER in a vesicle membrane after it.</p></span>' |
txt_noy = "<h2>Core - The safe</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Surrounded by a double membrane, that called the nuclear envelope, in places linked with the RER. These two membranes protect regular intervals formed nuclear pores. It located within the nucleolus and the DNA in the form of chromatin or chromosomes.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Storing all the genetic information necessary for a life of the cell.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Copying of genetic information on mRNA.</p></span>" |
txt_rel = "<h2>Smooth endoplasmic reticulum - REL</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Like that of the RER, with the difference that the membrane is studded with ribosomes, as its smooth <i>appearance</i>.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Phospholipid synthesis, calcium storage, transformation of certain molecules external (drugs, alcohol, ...). In some cells, the LRA also performs additional functions, such as the production of hormones, gastric acid, etc.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>It is the seat of many complex chemical reactions (eg detoxification, various syntheses).</p></span>" |
txt_adn = "<h2>DNA - The Book of Life</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>A scale in form of the famous double helix consists of two columns sugar-phosphate-sugar-phosphate ... and whose levels are called nitrogenous bases.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>DNA contains all the information needed for a life.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>All information is written using the four letters A, T, G and C. Using these combinations, it is possible to write anything useful about cell.</p></span>" |
txt_centr = "<h2>Centrioles - Tug of chromosomes</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Nine triplets of microtubules surrounded by a some number of proteins.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Separate the different chromosomes during cell division.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Centrioles, once placed at the two poles of the cell, deploy the microtubules to the centromeres of chromosomes and pull them to them to separate them.</p></span>" |
txt_rib = "<h2>Ribosome - Decoders</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Formed by two subunits composed of ribosomal RNA and proteins.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>The ribosome synthesizes proteins.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>A strand of mRNA (messenger) pass through the ribosome and tRNA (transfer) between the large subunit where the codon (group of three nitrogen bases) is one who is in front of the mRNA. This tRNA carries with it a specific amino acid that is added a chain already assembled.</p></span>" |
txt_arn = "<h2>RNA - Multifunction</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Very similar DNA with the difference it has only one strand and thymine (T) of DNA is replaced by uracil (U). In addition, it is chemically more stable than DNA, so it is not used for information storage, just if in long term.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Multiple, there are RNA transport, passenger, cruise, guides, satellite ...</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Copying of genetic information, the opening of the double helix of DNA, and then copying the RNA codons. It can then exit the nucleus, the DNA can not do it.</p></span>" |
txt_nucl = "<h2>Nucleolus - Factory RNA</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Composed of any membrane, a cluster of proteins and RNA.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Location of the RNA transcripts, including RNA (ribosomal), which combines with protein, will form the two subunits of ribosomes.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Creation of a ribosome: Transcription of rRNA and protein needed (this step is performed in the cytoplasm by other ribosomes) that fall within the nucleus, association of molecules frankly formed a new ribosome, which leaves the nucleus to play its role.</p></span>" |
break; |
case "ru": |
txt_vesicule = "<h2>Везикула<br/>Транспортер</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Структура:</h4><span><p>фосфолипидный бислой</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Роль:</h4><span><p>Транспорт белков и других элементов внутри клетки наружу (экзоцитоз) или внутрь (эндоцитоз).</p></span>"+ |
'<h4>Процесс работы:</h4><span><p>Перевозит "буксируемые" белки, опираясь на цитоскелет.</p></span>' |
txt_lysosome = "<h2>Лизосома<br/>В желудках клетки</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Структура:</h4><span><p>фосфолипидный бислой</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Роль:</h4><span><p>Внутриклеточного пищеварения с ферментами.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Процесс работы:</h4><span><p>Поглощение питательных веществ или поврежденных компонентов путем эндоцитоза, их переваривание, а затем распространение результатов химических реакций в клекте и, наконец, удаление отходов путем эндоцитоза.</p></span>" |
txt_mitoch = "<h2>Митохондрии<br/>Батареи</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Структура:</h4><span><p>Два бифосфолипида, называемых митохондриальными мембранами, один внешний и один внутренний. Митохондрии содержат рибосомы, АТФ ДНК и другие молекулы.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Роль:</h4><span><p>Центральные энергетические клетки.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Процесс работы:</h4><span><p>Энергия - в форме АТФ (аденозинтрифосфата) - является результатом различных стадий химических реакций, начиная с молекулы глюкозы.</p></span>" |
txt_golgi = "<h2>Аппарат Гольджи<br/>Миниатюрные растения</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Структура:</h4><span><p>Имеет стопку уплощенных мешочков мембран.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Роль:</h4><span><p>Модификация белков во время путешествия по ее мешочкам.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Процесс работы:</h4><span><p>Химические реакции, в том числе гликозилирование.</p></span>" |
txt_rer = "<h2>Шероховатой эндоплазматической сети - Тоннель</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Структура:</h4><span><p>Состояит из фосфолипидного бислоя, усеянного рибосомами. Внутреннее пространство разграничено по свету, что можно сравнить с туннелем. (грубое <i>предположение</i>)</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Роль:</h4><span><p>Более специализированные, чем REL. Участвует в транспортировке и доработке белков, которые синтезируются рибосомами.</p></span>"+ |
'<h4>Процесс работы:</h4><span><p>Белки "попадают" на свет о RER, изменяются и перемещаются. Они оставляют RER в везикуле, в конце оболочки последнего.</p></span>' |
txt_noy = "<h2>Ядро - безопасное</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Структура:</h4><span><p>Окружено двойной мембраной, называемой ядерной оболочкой, в местах, связанных с RER. Эти две мембраны предохраняют ядро регулярной при формировании ядерной поры. Внутри находится ядрышко и ДНК в виде хроматина или хромосом.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Роль:</h4><span><p>Хранение всей генетической информации, необходимой для жизни клетки.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Процесс работы:</h4><span><p>Транскрипция (копирования генетической информации в мРНК).</p></span>" |
txt_rel = "<h2>Гладкая эндоплазматическая сеть - REL</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Структура:</h4><span><p>Как и PER, за исключением того, что мембрана усеяна рибосомами, 'гладкий внешний вид'</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Роль:</h4><span><p>Синтез фосфолипидов, кальция, хранение, переработка некоторых внешних молекул (наркотики, алкоголь, ...). В некоторых клетках, REL также выполняет дополнительные функции, такие как производство гормонов, желудочные кислоты и т.д..</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Процесс работы:</h4><span><p>Имеет место много сложных химических реакций (например, детоксикация, различные синтезы).</p></span>" |
txt_adn = "<h2>ДНК - Книга Жизни</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Структура:</h4><span><p>Двойная спираль, состоящая из двух столбцов глюкоза-фосфат-глюкоза-фосфат ... уровни которых называются азотистыми основаниями.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Роль:</h4><span><p>ДНК содержит всю информацию, необходимую для жизни.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Процесс работы:</h4><span><p>Вся информация записывается с помощью четырех букв A, T, G и C. С помощью этих комбинаций можно написать все, что полезно для клеток.</p></span>" |
txt_centr= "<h2>Центриоли - Буксиры хромосом</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Структура:</h4><span><p>Девять триплетов микротрубочек, окруженных белками.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Роль:</h4><span><p>Отделение различных хромосом во время деления клетки.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Процесс работы:</h4><span><p>Микротрубочки развертывают центриоли, когда те размещены на двух полюсах клетки, на центромеры хромосом и тянут их к ним, чтобы разделить их.</p></span>" |
txt_rib = "<h2>Рибосома - декодеры</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Структура:</h4><span><p>Сформирована из двух субъединиц: рибосомальной РНК и белков.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Роль:</h4><span><p>Рибосомы синтезируют белки.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Процесс работы:</h4><span><p>Нити мРНК (мессенджер) происходит в рибосоме и тРНК (передача) между большой субъединицы, если ее кодона (группа из трех азотистых оснований) соответствует один перед мРНК. Это тРНК несет в себе определенный аминокислота, которая добавляется к цепочке уже собранном виде.</p></span>" |
txt_arn = "<h2>РНК - многофункциональная</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Структура:</h4><span><p>Очень похожа на ДНК. Кроме того, что он имеет только один берег и тимин (Т) ДНК заменяется урацил (U). Кроме того, он химически более нестабильна, чем ДНК, поэтому он не используется для хранения информации с течением времени.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Роль:</h4><span><p>Несколько, Есть РНК транспорта, курьеров, regulateus, гиды, спутник ...</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Процесс работы:</h4><span><p>Копирование генетической информации осуществляется через открытие двойной спирали ДНК, а затем копирование РНК кодонов. Это может затем выйти из ядра, ДНК не может сделать.</p></span>" |
txt_nucl = "<h2>Ядрышко - фабрика РНК</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Структура:</h4><span><p>Состоит из любой оболочки, скопления белков и РНК.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Роль:</h4><span><p>Расположение транскрипта РНК, Ночной рРНК (рибосомальной), который вместе с белками, образуют две субъединицы рибосом.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Процесс работы:</h4><span><p>Создание рибосомы: Транскрипция РНК и белков, необходимых (этот шаг выполняется в цитоплазму других рибосомы), которые входят в ядро, ассоциация молекул, образующихся в откровенной новые рибосомы, которая находится вне ядра, чтобы играть свою роль.</p></span>" |
break; |
case "fr": |
txt_vesicule = "<h2>Vesicule<br/>Transporteurs</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Bicouche phospholipidique</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Transport de proteines ou d'autres elements a l'interieur de la cellule, vers l'exterieur (exocytose) ou vers l'interieur (endocytose).</p></span>"+ |
'<h4>Fonctionnement:</h4><span><p>Transporteur "remorque" par des proteines prenant appui sur le cytosquelette.</p></span>' |
txt_lysosome = "<h2>Lysosome<br/>Estomacs cellulaires</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Bicouche phospholipidique</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Digestion intra-cellulaire a l'aide d'enzymes</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Fonctionnement:</h4><span><p>Absorption de nutriments par endocytose ou d'elements cellulaires abimes, digestion de ceux-ci, puis distribution des resultats de la reaction chimique dans la cellule et enfin expulsion des dechets par exocytose.</p></span>" |
txt_mitoch = "<h2>Mitochondrie<br/>Piles</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Deux bichouches phospholipidiques appelees membranes mitochondriales, une externe et une interne. La mitochondrie contient des ribosomes, de l'ATP de l'ADN et bien d'autres molecules.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Centrale energetique de la cellule.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Fonctionnement:</h4><span><p>L'energie - sous forme d'ATP (adenosine triphosphate) - est issue de differentes etapes de reactions chimique partant d'une molecule de glucose.</p></span>" |
txt_golgi = "<h2>Appareil de Golgi<br/>Usines miniatures</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Forme d'un empilement de saccules membranaires applatis.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Modification de certaines proteines au cours d'un cheminement au travers de ses saccules.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Fonctionnement:</h4><span><p>Suite de reactions chimiques, notamment par glycosilation.</p></span>" |
var txt_vesicule = "<h2>Vesicle<br/>Transporter</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Phospholipid bilayer</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Transport of proteins and other components inside the cell to the exterior (exocytosis) or inward (endocytosis).</p></span>"+ |
'<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Transport "towed" by Protein building on the cytoskeleton.</p></span>' |
txt_rer = "<h2>Reticulum endoplasmique rugueux - Tunnel</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Compose d'une bicouche phospholipidique piquetee de ribosomes (d'un aspect <i>rugueux</i>) delimitant la lumiere, un espace interne pouvant tre compare a un tunnel.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Plus specialise que le REL, il participe au transport et a la finalisation des proteines, qui sont synthetisees par les ribosomes.</p></span>"+ |
'<h4>Fonctionnement:</h4><span><p>Les proteines "tombent" dans la lumiere du RER o elles sont modifiees et deplacees. Elles quittent le RER dans une vesucule issue de la membrane de ce dernier.</p></span>' |
txt_noy = "<h2>Noyau - Le coffre-fort</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Entoure par une double membrane appelee enveloppe nucleaire en lien par endroits avec le RER. Ces deux membranes fusionnent a intervalles reguliers pour former les pores nucleaires. a l'interieur se trouvent le nucleole et l'ADN, sous forme de chromatine ou de chomosomes.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Stockage de la totalite des informations genetiques necessaires a la vie de la cellule.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Fonctionnement:</h4><span><p>Site de la transcription (copie de l'information genetique sur des ARNm).</p></span>" |
txt_rel = "<h2>Reticulum endoplasmique lisse - REL</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Similaires a celle du RER, a la difference que sa membranne n'est pas parsemee de ribosomes, d'o son aspect <i>lisse</i>.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Sinthese des phospholipides,stockage du calcium, transformation de certaines molecules exterieures (medicament, alcool, ...). Dans certaines cellules, le REL remplit aussi des fonctions supplementaires, telles la production d'hormones, d'acides gastriques, etc.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Fonctionnement:</h4><span><p>Il est le siege de beaucoup de reactions chimiques complexes (ex: detoxification, differentes syntheses).</p></span>" |
txt_adn = "<h2>ADN - Le livre de la vie</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>echelle a la celebre forme de double helice composee de deux colonnes sucre-phosphate-sucre-phosphate-... et dont les echelons sont apelles bases azotees.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>L'ADN contient toutes les informations necessaires a la vie.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Fonctionnement:</h4><span><p>Toutes les informations sont ecrites a l'aide des quatre lettres A, T, G, et C. Grace a ces combinaisons, il est possible d'ecrire tout ce qui est utile a la cellule.</p></span>" |
txt_centr= "<h2>Centrioles - Remorqueurs de choromosomes</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Neuf triplets de microtubules entoures par un certain nombre de proteines.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Separer les differents chromosomes durant la division cellulaire.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Fonctionnement:</h4><span><p>Les centrioles, une fois places aux deux poles de la cellule, deploient des microtubules vers les centromeres des chromosomes et les tirent vers eux pour les separer.</p></span>" |
txt_rib = "<h2>Ribosome - Decodeurs</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Forme par deux sous-unites composees d'ARN ribosomique et de proteines.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Le ribosome synthetise les proteines.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Fonctionnement:</h4><span><p>Un brin d'ARNm (messager) passe dans le ribosome et un ARNt (de transfert) entre dans la grande sous-unite si son codon (groupe de trois bases azotees) correspond a celui qui est en face sur l'ARNm. Cet ARNt porte avec lui un acide amine specifique qui est ajoute a la chaine deja assemblee.</p></span>" |
txt_arn = "<h2>ARN - Multifonction</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Tres similaire a l'ADN a la difference qu'il ne possede qu'un brin et que la thymine (T) de l'ADN est remplacee par l'uracile (U). De plus, il est chimiquement plus instable que l'ADN, c'est pourquoi il n'est pas utilise pour le stockage d'informations a long terme.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Multiples, il existe des ARN de transport, messagers, regulateus, guides, satellites, ...</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Fonctionnement:</h4><span><p>La copie d'informations genetiques se fait grace a l'ouverture de la double-helice d'ADN, puis la copie des codons sur l'ARN. Celui-ci peut alors sortir du noyau, ce que l'ADN ne peut pas faire.</p></span>" |
txt_nucl = "<h2>Nucleole - Fabrique d'ARN</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Compose d'aucune membranne, c'est un agglomerat de proteines et d'ARN.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Lieu de la transcription d'ARN, nottament d'ARNr (ribosomiques) qui, associes avec des proteines, vont former les deux sous-unites des ribosomes.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Fonctionnement:</h4><span><p>Creation d'un ribosome: Transcription des ARNr ainsi que des proteines necessaires (cette etape est effectuee dans le cytoplasme par d'autres ribosomes) qui rentrent dans le noyau, association des molecules franchement formees en un nouveau ribosome, qui sort du noyau pour jouer son Role.</p></span>" |
break; |
default: |
txt_vesicule = "<h2>Vesicle<br/>Transporter</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Phospholipid bilayer</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Transport of proteins and other components inside the cell to the exterior (exocytosis) or inward (endocytosis).</p></span>"+ |
'<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Transport "towed" by Protein building on the cytoskeleton.</p></span>' |
var txt_lysosome = "<h2>Lysosome<br/>A stomach cell.</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Phospholipid bilayer</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>А intracellular digestion with enzymes.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Absorbes nutrient uptake or damaged cellular components by endocytosis, digest them and then distributes the results of the chemical reaction in the cell and finally expels of waste by exocytosis.</p></span>" |
var txt_mitoch = "<h2>Mitochondrie<br/>Batteries</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Two phospholipid bilayers called mitochondrial membranes, one external and one internal. The mitochondria contain ribosomes, ATP of DNA and other molecules.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Powerhouse of the cell.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Energy - in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) - comes from various stages of chemical reactions starting from a glucose molecule.</p></span>" |
var txt_golgi = "<h2>Apparatus golgi<br/>Miniature plants</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Has a stack of flattened membrane saccules.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Modification of proteins during a journey through its saccules.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Chemical reactions, including glycosylation.</p></span>" |
var txt_rer = "<h2>Rough endoplasmic reticulum - Tunnel</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Consists of a phospholipid bilayer studded with ribosomes (an aspect <i> rough </ i>) define the light, an internal space that can be compared to a tunnel.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>More specialized than the real, he participated in the transport and а finalizing the proteins that are synthesized by ribosomes.</p></span>"+ |
'<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Proteins "fall" in the light of the RER where they are modified and displaced. They leave the RER in a vesicle membrane after it.</p></span>' |
var txt_noy = "<h2>Core - The safe</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Surrounded by a double membrane, that called the nuclear envelope, in places linked with the RER. These two membranes protect regular intervals formed nuclear pores. It located within the nucleolus and the DNA in the form of chromatin or chromosomes.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Storing all the genetic information necessary for a life of the cell.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Copying of genetic information on mRNA.</p></span>" |
var txt_rel = "<h2>Smooth endoplasmic reticulum - REL</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Like that of the RER, with the difference that the membrane is studded with ribosomes, as its smooth <i>appearance</i>.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Phospholipid synthesis, calcium storage, transformation of certain molecules external (drugs, alcohol, ...). In some cells, the LRA also performs additional functions, such as the production of hormones, gastric acid, etc.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>It is the seat of many complex chemical reactions (eg detoxification, various syntheses).</p></span>" |
var txt_adn = "<h2>DNA - The Book of Life</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>A scale in form of the famous double helix consists of two columns sugar-phosphate-sugar-phosphate ... and whose levels are called nitrogenous bases.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>DNA contains all the information needed for a life.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>All information is written using the four letters A, T, G and C. Using these combinations, it is possible to write anything useful about cell.</p></span>" |
var txt_centr= "<h2>Centrioles - Tug of chromosomes</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Nine triplets of microtubules surrounded by a some number of proteins.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Separate the different chromosomes during cell division.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Centrioles, once placed at the two poles of the cell, deploy the microtubules to the centromeres of chromosomes and pull them to them to separate them.</p></span>" |
txt_lysosome = "<h2>Lysosome<br/>A stomach cell.</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Phospholipid bilayer</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>a intracellular digestion with enzymes.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Absorbes nutrient uptake or damaged cellular components by endocytosis, digest them and then distributes the results of the chemical reaction in the cell and finally expels of waste by exocytosis.</p></span>" |
txt_mitoch = "<h2>Mitochondrie<br/>Batteries</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Two phospholipid bilayers called mitochondrial membranes, one external and one internal. The mitochondria contain ribosomes, ATP of DNA and other molecules.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Powerhouse of the cell.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Energy - in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) - comes from various stages of chemical reactions starting from a glucose molecule.</p></span>" |
txt_golgi = "<h2>Apparatus golgi<br/>Miniature plants</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Has a stack of flattened membrane saccules.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Modification of proteins during a journey through its saccules.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Chemical reactions, including glycosylation.</p></span>" |
txt_rer = "<h2>Rough endoplasmic reticulum - Tunnel</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Consists of a phospholipid bilayer studded with ribosomes (an aspect <i> rough </ i>) define the light, an internal space that can be compared to a tunnel.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>More specialized than the real, he participated in the transport and a finalizing the proteins that are synthesized by ribosomes.</p></span>"+ |
'<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Proteins "fall" in the light of the RER where they are modified and displaced. They leave the RER in a vesicle membrane after it.</p></span>' |
txt_noy = "<h2>Core - The safe</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Surrounded by a double membrane, that called the nuclear envelope, in places linked with the RER. These two membranes protect regular intervals formed nuclear pores. It located within the nucleolus and the DNA in the form of chromatin or chromosomes.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Storing all the genetic information necessary for a life of the cell.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Copying of genetic information on mRNA.</p></span>" |
txt_rel = "<h2>Smooth endoplasmic reticulum - REL</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Like that of the RER, with the difference that the membrane is studded with ribosomes, as its smooth <i>appearance</i>.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Phospholipid synthesis, calcium storage, transformation of certain molecules external (drugs, alcohol, ...). In some cells, the LRA also performs additional functions, such as the production of hormones, gastric acid, etc.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>It is the seat of many complex chemical reactions (eg detoxification, various syntheses).</p></span>" |
txt_adn = "<h2>DNA - The Book of Life</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>A scale in form of the famous double helix consists of two columns sugar-phosphate-sugar-phosphate ... and whose levels are called nitrogenous bases.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>DNA contains all the information needed for a life.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>All information is written using the four letters A, T, G and C. Using these combinations, it is possible to write anything useful about cell.</p></span>" |
txt_centr = "<h2>Centrioles - Tug of chromosomes</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Nine triplets of microtubules surrounded by a some number of proteins.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Separate the different chromosomes during cell division.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Centrioles, once placed at the two poles of the cell, deploy the microtubules to the centromeres of chromosomes and pull them to them to separate them.</p></span>" |
var txt_rib = "<h2>Ribosome - Decoders</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Formed by two subunits composed of ribosomal RNA and proteins.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>The ribosome synthesizes proteins.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>A strand of mRNA (messenger) pass through the ribosome and tRNA (transfer) between the large subunit where the codon (group of three nitrogen bases) is one who is in front of the mRNA. This tRNA carries with it a specific amino acid that is added а chain already assembled.</p></span>" |
var txt_arn = "<h2>RNA - Multifunction</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Very similar DNA with the difference it has only one strand and thymine (T) of DNA is replaced by uracil (U). In addition, it is chemically more stable than DNA, so it is not used for information storage, just if in long term.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Multiple, there are RNA transport, passenger, cruise, guides, satellite ...</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Copying of genetic information, the opening of the double helix of DNA, and then copying the RNA codons. It can then exit the nucleus, the DNA can not do it.</p></span>" |
var txt_nucl = "<h2>Nucleolus - Factory RNA</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Composed of any membrane, a cluster of proteins and RNA.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Location of the RNA transcripts, including RNA (ribosomal), which combines with protein, will form the two subunits of ribosomes.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Creation of a ribosome: Transcription of rRNA and protein needed (this step is performed in the cytoplasm by other ribosomes) that fall within the nucleus, association of molecules frankly formed a new ribosome, which leaves the nucleus to play its role.</p></span>" |
txt_rib = "<h2>Ribosome - Decoders</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Formed by two subunits composed of ribosomal RNA and proteins.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>The ribosome synthesizes proteins.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>A strand of mRNA (messenger) pass through the ribosome and tRNA (transfer) between the large subunit where the codon (group of three nitrogen bases) is one who is in front of the mRNA. This tRNA carries with it a specific amino acid that is added a chain already assembled.</p></span>" |
txt_arn = "<h2>RNA - Multifunction</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Very similar DNA with the difference it has only one strand and thymine (T) of DNA is replaced by uracil (U). In addition, it is chemically more stable than DNA, so it is not used for information storage, just if in long term.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Multiple, there are RNA transport, passenger, cruise, guides, satellite ...</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Copying of genetic information, the opening of the double helix of DNA, and then copying the RNA codons. It can then exit the nucleus, the DNA can not do it.</p></span>" |
txt_nucl = "<h2>Nucleolus - Factory RNA</h2>"+ |
"<h4>Structure:</h4><span><p>Composed of any membrane, a cluster of proteins and RNA.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Role:</h4><span><p>Location of the RNA transcripts, including RNA (ribosomal), which combines with protein, will form the two subunits of ribosomes.</p></span>"+ |
"<h4>Operation:</h4><span><p>Creation of a ribosome: Transcription of rRNA and protein needed (this step is performed in the cytoplasm by other ribosomes) that fall within the nucleus, association of molecules frankly formed a new ribosome, which leaves the nucleus to play its role.</p></span>" |
break; |
} |