<h3> Tic tac toe </ h3> <h4> Mental calculation version </h4> <p> The two players choose, complete and valid an operation in turn. </p> <p> Click the "check" button to verify the entry. The App is able to verify the calculation. </p> <p> If the answer is correct, the box is marked with a cross (X) or a circle (O) according to the player.</p> <p> If the answer is false, the other player takes the hand and begins to play.</p> <p> The name of the player is displayed on the left : Player 1 (X), Player 2 (O).</p> <p> The first player to get 3 of his marks ( X or O) in a row (up, down, across, or diagonally) is the winner.</p> <p> The "Reload" button restarts the game. </p> <p> Enter the "Edit" mode to : </p> <ul> <li> choose the theme of interactivity : pad, slate or none (by default : pad),</li> <li> modify the calculations that you want to use for your activity. </li> </ul> <p> Insert the calculation in each field. <b> Results of operations are automatically calculated by the interactivity. </b> </p> <p> The App is able to identify mathematical signs ("+", "*", "-", "/" and parentheses). </p> <p> "Display" button comes back to the activity.</p>