/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ function init(){ var embed; var lang = ""; if(window.sankore){ try{ lang = sankore.locale().substr(0,2); sankoreLang[lang].embed; } catch(e){ lang = "en"; } } else lang = "en"; var inputBox = $("<textarea type='text'></textarea>") .css({ width: "350px", height: "58px", marginRight: "5px" }); var submit = $("<div>" + sankoreLang[lang].embed + "</div>") .css({ float: "right", width: "auto", height:"auto", padding:"4px", marginTop:"13px", cursor:"pointer", backgroundColor:"rgb(45,65,250)", border:"1px solid", borderColor:"rgb(45,65,250) rgb(25,45,230) rgb(25,45,230) rgb(45,65,250)", textTransform:"capitalize", fontFamily:"Arial", fontSize:"18px", fontWeight:"regular", color:"white" }); var loadWindow = $("<div></div>"); var searchWrap = $("<div></div>") .css({ position:"absolute", padding: "10px", backgroundColor: "rgb(230,230,233)", width: "460px", height: "65px" }); //FIT WIDGET FRAME ON LAUNCH... if(window.sankore){ window.sankore.resize($("#ubwidget").width() + 20,85); } searchWrap.append(inputBox) .append(submit); $("#ubwidget").append(searchWrap); submit.click(function(){ $("#ubwidget").append(loadWindow) embed = inputBox.val(); searchWrap.hide(); if(/<object/.test(embed)){ loadWindow.append(embed); loadWindow.find("embed").attr("wmode","opaque"); var loadWindow_content = loadWindow.html(); loadWindow.empty().html(loadWindow_content); } else { loadWindow.append(embed); } if(window.sankore){ window.sankore.resize($(document).width(),$(document).height()); window.sankore.setPreference("embed", escape(embed)); } }); if(window.sankore){ if(window.sankore.preferenceKeys().length != 0){ var loadEmbed = unescape(window.sankore.preference("embed")); inputBox.val(loadEmbed); submit.trigger("click"); } } if (window.widget) { window.widget.onremove = function(){ loadWindow.empty(); } } }