/* * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Département de l'Instruction Publique (DIP-SEM) * * Copyright (C) 2013 Open Education Foundation * * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Groupement d'Intérêt Public pour * l'Education Numérique en Afrique (GIP ENA) * * This file is part of OpenBoard. * * OpenBoard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, * with a specific linking exception for the OpenSSL project's * "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that use the * same license as the "OpenSSL" library). * * OpenBoard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenBoard. If not, see . */ #ifndef UBFEATURESCONTROLLER_H #define UBFEATURESCONTROLLER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class UBFeaturesModel; class UBFeaturesItemDelegate; class UBFeaturesPathItemDelegate; class UBFeaturesProxyModel; class UBFeaturesSearchProxyModel; class UBFeaturesPathProxyModel; class UBFeaturesListView; class UBFeature; class UBFeaturesComputingThread : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: explicit UBFeaturesComputingThread(QObject *parent = 0); virtual ~UBFeaturesComputingThread(); void compute(const QList > &pScanningData, QSet *pFavoritesSet); protected: void run(); signals: void sendFeature(UBFeature pFeature); void featureSent(); void scanStarted(); void scanFinished(); void maxFilesCountEvaluated(int max); void scanCategory(const QString &str); void scanPath(const QString &str); public slots: private: void scanFS(const QUrl & currentPath, const QString & currVirtualPath, const QSet &pFavoriteSet); void scanAll(QList > pScanningData, const QSet &pFavoriteSet); int featuresCount(const QUrl &pPath); int featuresCountAll(QList > pScanningData); private: QMutex mMutex; QWaitCondition mWaitCondition; QUrl mScanningPath; QString mScanningVirtualPath; QList > mScanningData; QSet mFavoriteSet; bool restart; bool abort; }; enum UBFeatureElementType { FEATURE_CATEGORY, FEATURE_VIRTUALFOLDER, FEATURE_FOLDER, FEATURE_INTERACTIVE, FEATURE_INTERNAL, FEATURE_ITEM, FEATURE_AUDIO, FEATURE_VIDEO, FEATURE_IMAGE, FEATURE_FLASH, FEATURE_TRASH, FEATURE_FAVORITE, FEATURE_SEARCH, FEATURE_INVALID }; class UBFeature { public: UBFeature() {;} UBFeature(const QString &url, const QImage &icon, const QString &name, const QUrl &realPath, UBFeatureElementType type = FEATURE_CATEGORY); virtual ~UBFeature(); QString getName() const { return mName; } QString getDisplayName() const {return mDisplayName;} QImage getThumbnail() const {return mThumbnail;} QString getVirtualPath() const { return virtualDir; } QUrl getFullPath() const { return mPath; } QString getFullVirtualPath() const { return virtualDir + "/" + mName; } QString getUrl() const; void setFullPath(const QUrl &newPath) {mPath = newPath;} void setFullVirtualPath(const QString &newVirtualPath) {virtualDir = newVirtualPath;} UBFeatureElementType getType() const { return elementType; } bool isFolder() const; bool allowedCopy() const; bool isDeletable() const; bool inTrash() const; bool operator ==( const UBFeature &f )const; bool operator !=( const UBFeature &f )const; const QMap & getMetadata() const { return metadata; } void setMetadata( const QMap &data ) { metadata = data; } private: QString getNameFromVirtualPath(const QString &pVirtPath); QString getVirtualDirFromVirtualPath(const QString &pVirtPath); private: QString virtualDir; QString virtualPath; QImage mThumbnail; QString mName; QString mDisplayName; QUrl mPath; UBFeatureElementType elementType; QMap metadata; }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE( UBFeature ) class UBFeaturesController : public QObject { friend class UBFeaturesWidget; Q_OBJECT public: UBFeaturesController(QWidget *parentWidget); virtual ~UBFeaturesController(); QList * getFeatures() const {return featuresList;} const QString& getRootPath()const {return rootPath;} void scanFS(); void addItemToPage(const UBFeature &item); void addItemAsBackground(const UBFeature &item); const UBFeature& getCurrentElement()const {return currentElement;} void setCurrentElement( const UBFeature &elem ) {currentElement = elem;} const UBFeature & getTrashElement () const { return trashElement; } void addDownloadedFile( const QUrl &sourceUrl, const QByteArray &pData, const QString pContentSource, const QString pTitle ); UBFeature moveItemToFolder( const QUrl &url, const UBFeature &destination ); UBFeature copyItemToFolder( const QUrl &url, const UBFeature &destination ); void moveExternalData(const QUrl &url, const UBFeature &destination); void rescanModel(); void siftElements(const QString &pSiftValue); //TODO make less complicated for betteer maintainence UBFeature getFeature(const QModelIndex &index, const QString &listName); void searchStarted(const QString &pattern, QListView *pOnView); void refreshModels(); void deleteItem( const QUrl &url ); void deleteItem(const UBFeature &pFeature); bool isTrash( const QUrl &url ); void moveToTrash(UBFeature feature, bool deleteManualy = false); void addToFavorite( const QUrl &path ); void removeFromFavorite(const QUrl &path, bool deleteManualy = false); void importImage(const QImage &image, const QString &fileName = QString()); void importImage( const QImage &image, const UBFeature &destination, const QString &fileName = QString() ); QStringList getFileNamesInFolders(); void fileSystemScan(const QUrl &currPath, const QString & currVirtualPath); int featuresCount(const QUrl &currPath); static UBFeatureElementType fileTypeFromUrl( const QString &path ); static QString fileNameFromUrl( const QUrl &url ); static QImage getIcon( const QString &path, UBFeatureElementType pFType ); static bool isDeletable( const QUrl &url ); static char featureTypeSplitter() {return ':';} static QString categoryNameForVirtualPath(const QString &str); static const QString virtualRootName; void assignFeaturesListView(UBFeaturesListView *pList); void assignPathListView(UBFeaturesListView *pList); public: static const QString rootPath; static const QString audiosPath; static const QString moviesPath; static const QString picturesPath; static const QString appPath; static const QString flashPath; static const QString shapesPath; static const QString interactPath; static const QString trashPath; static const QString favoritePath; static const QString webSearchPath; signals: void maxFilesCountEvaluated(int pLimit); void scanStarted(); void scanFinished(); void featureAddedFromThread(); void scanCategory(const QString &); void scanPath(const QString &); private slots: void addNewFolder(QString name); void startThread(); void createNpApiFeature(const QString &str); private: UBFeaturesItemDelegate *itemDelegate; UBFeaturesPathItemDelegate *pathItemDelegate; UBFeaturesModel *featuresModel; UBFeaturesProxyModel *featuresProxyModel; UBFeaturesSearchProxyModel *featuresSearchModel; UBFeaturesPathProxyModel *featuresPathModel; QAbstractItemModel *curListModel; UBFeaturesComputingThread mCThread; private: static QImage createThumbnail(const QString &path); //void addImageToCurrentPage( const QString &path ); void loadFavoriteList(); void saveFavoriteList(); QString uniqNameForFeature(const UBFeature &feature, const QString &pName = "Imported", const QString &pExtention = "") const; QString adjustName(const QString &str); QList *featuresList; QUrl mUserAudioDirectoryPath; QUrl mUserVideoDirectoryPath; QUrl mUserPicturesDirectoryPath; QUrl mUserInteractiveDirectoryPath; QUrl mUserAnimationDirectoryPath; QString libraryPath; QUrl mLibPicturesDirectoryPath; QUrl mLibAudiosDirectoryPath; QUrl mLibVideosDirectoryPath; QUrl mLibInteractiveDirectoryPath; QUrl mLibAnimationsDirectoryPath; QUrl mLibApplicationsDirectoryPath; QUrl mLibShapesDirectoryPath; QUrl trashDirectoryPath; QUrl mLibSearchDirectoryPath; int mLastItemOffsetIndex; UBFeature currentElement; UBFeature rootElement; UBFeature favoriteElement; UBFeature audiosElement; UBFeature moviesElement; UBFeature picturesElement; UBFeature interactElement; UBFeature applicationsElement; UBFeature flashElement; UBFeature shapesElement; UBFeature webSearchElement; QSet *favoriteSet; public: UBFeature trashElement; UBFeature getDestinationFeatureForUrl( const QUrl &url ); UBFeature getDestinationFeatureForMimeType(const QString &pMmimeType); }; #endif