/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Webdoc SA * * This file is part of Open-Sankoré. * * Open-Sankoré is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, * with a specific linking exception for the OpenSSL project's * "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that use the * same license as the "OpenSSL" library). * * Open-Sankoré is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Open-Sankoré. If not, see . */ #include "UBBoardView.h" #include #include #include #include "UBDrawingController.h" #include "frameworks/UBGeometryUtils.h" #include "frameworks/UBPlatformUtils.h" #include "core/UBSettings.h" #include "core/UBMimeData.h" #include "core/UBApplication.h" #include "core/UBSetting.h" #include "core/UBPersistenceManager.h" #include "core/UB.h" #include "network/UBHttpGet.h" #include "gui/UBStylusPalette.h" #include "gui/UBRubberBand.h" #include "gui/UBToolWidget.h" #include "gui/UBResources.h" #include "gui/UBMainWindow.h" #include "gui/UBThumbnailWidget.h" #include "gui/UBTeacherGuideWidgetsTools.h" #include "board/UBBoardController.h" #include "board/UBBoardPaletteManager.h" #ifdef Q_WS_MAC #include "core/UBApplicationController.h" #include "desktop/UBDesktopAnnotationController.h" #endif #include "domain/UBGraphicsTextItem.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsPixmapItem.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsWidgetItem.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsPDFItem.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsPolygonItem.h" #include "domain/UBItem.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsMediaItem.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsSvgItem.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsStrokesGroup.h" #include "document/UBDocumentProxy.h" #include "tools/UBGraphicsRuler.h" #include "tools/UBGraphicsCurtainItem.h" #include "tools/UBGraphicsCompass.h" #include "tools/UBGraphicsCache.h" #include "tools/UBGraphicsTriangle.h" #include "tools/UBGraphicsProtractor.h" #include "core/memcheck.h" UBBoardView::UBBoardView (UBBoardController* pController, QWidget* pParent, bool isControl, bool isDesktop) : QGraphicsView (pParent) , mController (pController) , mIsCreatingTextZone (false) , mIsCreatingSceneGrabZone (false) , mOkOnWidget(false) , suspendedMousePressEvent(NULL) , mLongPressInterval(1000) , mIsDragInProgress(false) , mMultipleSelectionIsEnabled(false) , bIsControl(isControl) , bIsDesktop(isDesktop) , mRubberBandInPlayMode(false) //enables rubberband with play tool { init (); mFilterZIndex = false; mLongPressTimer.setInterval(mLongPressInterval); mLongPressTimer.setSingleShot(true); } UBBoardView::UBBoardView (UBBoardController* pController, int pStartLayer, int pEndLayer, QWidget* pParent, bool isControl, bool isDesktop) : QGraphicsView (pParent) , mController (pController) , suspendedMousePressEvent(NULL) , mLongPressInterval(1000) , mIsDragInProgress(false) , mMultipleSelectionIsEnabled(false) , bIsControl(isControl) , bIsDesktop(isDesktop) { init (); mStartLayer = pStartLayer; mEndLayer = pEndLayer; mFilterZIndex = true; mLongPressTimer.setInterval(mLongPressInterval); mLongPressTimer.setSingleShot(true); } UBBoardView::~UBBoardView () { //NOOP if (suspendedMousePressEvent) delete suspendedMousePressEvent; } void UBBoardView::init () { connect (UBSettings::settings ()->boardPenPressureSensitive, SIGNAL (changed (QVariant)), this, SLOT (settingChanged (QVariant))); connect (UBSettings::settings ()->boardMarkerPressureSensitive, SIGNAL (changed (QVariant)), this, SLOT (settingChanged (QVariant))); connect (UBSettings::settings ()->boardUseHighResTabletEvent, SIGNAL (changed (QVariant)), this, SLOT (settingChanged (QVariant))); setWindowFlags (Qt::FramelessWindowHint); setFrameStyle (QFrame::NoFrame); setRenderHints (QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform | QPainter::TextAntialiasing); setVerticalScrollBarPolicy (Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy (Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setAcceptDrops (true); setOptimizationFlag (QGraphicsView::IndirectPainting); // enable UBBoardView::drawItems filter mTabletStylusIsPressed = false; mMouseButtonIsPressed = false; mPendingStylusReleaseEvent = false; setCacheMode (QGraphicsView::CacheBackground); mUsingTabletEraser = false; mIsCreatingTextZone = false; mRubberBand = 0; mUBRubberBand = 0; mVirtualKeyboardActive = false; settingChanged (QVariant ()); unsetCursor(); movingItem = NULL; mWidgetMoved = false; } UBGraphicsScene* UBBoardView::scene () { return qobject_cast (QGraphicsView::scene ()); } void UBBoardView::hideEvent (QHideEvent * event) { Q_UNUSED (event); emit hidden (); } void UBBoardView::showEvent (QShowEvent * event) { Q_UNUSED (event); emit shown (); } void UBBoardView::keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event) { // send to the scene anyway QApplication::sendEvent (scene (), event); if (!event->isAccepted ()) { switch (event->key ()) { case Qt::Key_Up: case Qt::Key_PageUp: case Qt::Key_Left: { mController->previousScene (); break; } case Qt::Key_Down: case Qt::Key_PageDown: case Qt::Key_Right: case Qt::Key_Space: { mController->nextScene (); break; } case Qt::Key_Home: { mController->firstScene (); break; } case Qt::Key_End: { mController->lastScene (); break; } case Qt::Key_Insert: { mController->addScene (); break; } case Qt::Key_Control: case Qt::Key_Shift: { setMultiselection(true); }break; } if (event->modifiers () & Qt::ControlModifier) // keep only ctrl/cmd keys { switch (event->key ()) { case Qt::Key_Plus: case Qt::Key_I: { mController->zoomIn (); event->accept (); break; } case Qt::Key_Minus: case Qt::Key_O: { mController->zoomOut (); event->accept (); break; } case Qt::Key_0: { mController->zoomRestore (); event->accept (); break; } case Qt::Key_Left: { mController->handScroll (-100, 0); event->accept (); break; } case Qt::Key_Right: { mController->handScroll (100, 0); event->accept (); break; } case Qt::Key_Up: { mController->handScroll (0, -100); event->accept (); break; } case Qt::Key_Down: { mController->handScroll (0, 100); event->accept (); break; } default: { // NOOP } } } } // if ctrl of shift was pressed combined with other keys - we need to disable multiple selection. if (event->isAccepted()) setMultiselection(false); } void UBBoardView::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { // if (!event->isAccepted ()) { if (Qt::Key_Shift == event->key() ||Qt::Key_Control == event->key()) { setMultiselection(false); } } QGraphicsView::keyReleaseEvent(event); } bool UBBoardView::event (QEvent * e) { if (e->type () == QEvent::Gesture) { QGestureEvent *gestureEvent = dynamic_cast (e); if (gestureEvent) { QSwipeGesture* swipe = dynamic_cast (gestureEvent->gesture (Qt::SwipeGesture)); if (swipe) { if (swipe->horizontalDirection () == QSwipeGesture::Left) { mController->previousScene (); gestureEvent->setAccepted (swipe, true); } if (swipe->horizontalDirection () == QSwipeGesture::Right) { mController->nextScene (); gestureEvent->setAccepted (swipe, true); } } } } return QGraphicsView::event (e); } void UBBoardView::tabletEvent (QTabletEvent * event) { if (!mUseHighResTabletEvent) { event->setAccepted (false); return; } UBDrawingController *dc = UBDrawingController::drawingController (); QPointF tabletPos = event->pos(); UBStylusTool::Enum currentTool = (UBStylusTool::Enum)dc->stylusTool (); if (event->type () == QEvent::TabletPress || event->type () == QEvent::TabletEnterProximity) { if (event->pointerType () == QTabletEvent::Eraser) { dc->setStylusTool (UBStylusTool::Eraser); mUsingTabletEraser = true; } else { if (mUsingTabletEraser && currentTool == UBStylusTool::Eraser) dc->setStylusTool (dc->latestDrawingTool ()); mUsingTabletEraser = false; } } // if event are not Pen events, we drop the tablet stuff and route everything through mouse event if (currentTool != UBStylusTool::Pen && currentTool != UBStylusTool::Line && currentTool != UBStylusTool::Marker && !mMarkerPressureSensitive){ event->setAccepted (false); return; } QPointF scenePos = viewportTransform ().inverted ().map (tabletPos); qreal pressure = 1.0; if (((currentTool == UBStylusTool::Pen || currentTool == UBStylusTool::Line) && mPenPressureSensitive) || (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Marker && mMarkerPressureSensitive)) pressure = event->pressure (); bool acceptEvent = true; #ifdef Q_WS_MAC //Work around #1388. After selecting annotation tool in desktop mode, annotation view appears on top when //using Mac OS X. In this case tablet event should send mouse event so as to let user interact with //stylus palette. Q_ASSERT(UBApplication::applicationController->uninotesController()); if (UBApplication::applicationController->uninotesController()->drawingView() == this) { if (UBApplication::applicationController->uninotesController()->desktopPalettePath().contains(event->pos())) { acceptEvent = false; } } #endif switch (event->type ()) { case QEvent::TabletPress: { mTabletStylusIsPressed = true; scene()->inputDevicePress (scenePos, pressure); break; } case QEvent::TabletMove: { if (mTabletStylusIsPressed) scene ()->inputDeviceMove (scenePos, pressure); acceptEvent = false; // rerouted to mouse move break; } case QEvent::TabletRelease: { UBStylusTool::Enum currentTool = (UBStylusTool::Enum)dc->stylusTool (); scene ()->setToolCursor (currentTool); setToolCursor (currentTool); scene ()->inputDeviceRelease (); mPendingStylusReleaseEvent = false; mTabletStylusIsPressed = false; mMouseButtonIsPressed = false; break; } default: { //NOOP - avoid compiler warning } } // ignore mouse press and mouse move tablet event so that it is rerouted to mouse events, // documented in QTabletEvent Class Reference: /* The event handler QWidget::tabletEvent() receives all three types of tablet events. Qt will first send a tabletEvent then, if it is not accepted, it will send a mouse event. */ // // This is a workaround to the fact that tablet event are not delivered to child widget (like palettes) // event->setAccepted (acceptEvent); } bool UBBoardView::itemIsLocked(QGraphicsItem *item) { if (!item) return false; return item->data(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemLocked).toBool(); } bool UBBoardView::itemHaveParentWithType(QGraphicsItem *item, int type) { if (!item) return false; if (type == item->type()) return true; return itemHaveParentWithType(item->parentItem(), type); } bool UBBoardView::isUBItem(QGraphicsItem *item) { if ((UBGraphicsItemType::UserTypesCount > item->type()) && (item->type() > QGraphicsItem::UserType)) return true; else { return false; } } bool UBBoardView::isCppTool(QGraphicsItem *item) { return (item->type() == UBGraphicsItemType::CompassItemType || item->type() == UBGraphicsItemType::RulerItemType || item->type() == UBGraphicsItemType::ProtractorItemType || item->type() == UBGraphicsItemType::TriangleItemType || item->type() == UBGraphicsItemType::CurtainItemType); } void UBBoardView::handleItemsSelection(QGraphicsItem *item) { // we need to select new pressed itemOnBoard and deselect all other items. // the trouble is in: // some items can has parents (groupped items or strokes, or strokes in groups). // some items is already selected and we don't need to reselect them // // item selection managed by QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent(). It should be called later. if (item) { // item has group as first parent - it is any item or UBGraphicsStrokesGroup. if(item->parentItem() && UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem::Type == movingItem->parentItem()->type()) return; // delegate buttons shouldn't selected if (DelegateButton::Type == item->type()) return; // click on svg items (images on Frame) shouldn't change selection. if (QGraphicsSvgItem::Type == item->type()) return; // Delegate frame shouldn't selected if (UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::Type == item->type()) return; // if we need to uwe multiple selection - we shouldn't deselect other items. if (!isMultipleSelectionEnabled()) { // here we need to determine what item is pressed. We should work // only with UB items. if ((UBGraphicsItemType::UserTypesCount > item->type()) && (item->type() > QGraphicsItem::UserType)) { // if Item can be selected at mouse press - then we need to deselect all other items. foreach(QGraphicsItem *iter_item, scene()->selectedItems()) { if (iter_item != item) { iter_item->setSelected(false); } } } } } } bool UBBoardView::itemShouldReceiveMousePressEvent(QGraphicsItem *item) { /* Some items should receive mouse press events averytime, some items should receive that events when they are selected, some items shouldn't receive mouse press events at mouse press, but should receive them at mouse release (suspended mouse press event) Here we determines cases when items should to get mouse press event at pressing on mouse. */ if (!item) return true; // for now background objects is not interactable, but it can be deprecated for some items in the future. if (item == scene()->backgroundObject()) return false; // some behavior depends on current tool. UBStylusTool::Enum currentTool = (UBStylusTool::Enum)UBDrawingController::drawingController()->stylusTool(); switch(item->type()) { case UBGraphicsProtractor::Type: case UBGraphicsRuler::Type: case UBGraphicsTriangle::Type: case UBGraphicsCompass::Type: case UBGraphicsCache::Type: return true; case UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::Type: case QGraphicsSvgItem::Type: return true; case DelegateButton::Type: return true; case UBGraphicsMediaItem::Type: return false; case UBGraphicsSvgItem::Type: case UBGraphicsPixmapItem::Type: case UBGraphicsTextItem::Type: if ((currentTool == UBStylusTool::Selector) && item->isSelected()) return true; if ((currentTool == UBStylusTool::Selector) && item->parentItem() && item->parentItem()->isSelected()) return true; if (currentTool != UBStylusTool::Selector) return false; break; // Groups shouldn't reacts on any presses and moves for Play tool. case UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem::Type: if(currentTool == UBStylusTool::Play) { movingItem = NULL; } return false; break; //case UBToolWidget::Type: // return true; case QGraphicsWebView::Type: return true; case UBGraphicsWidgetItem::Type: if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Selector && item->parentItem() && item->parentItem()->isSelected()) return true; if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Selector && item->isSelected()) return true; if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Play) return true; return false; break; } return !isUBItem(item); // standard behavior of QGraphicsScene for not UB items. UB items should be managed upper. } bool UBBoardView::itemShouldReceiveSuspendedMousePressEvent(QGraphicsItem *item) { if (!item) return false; if (item == scene()->backgroundObject()) return false; UBStylusTool::Enum currentTool = (UBStylusTool::Enum)UBDrawingController::drawingController()->stylusTool(); switch(item->type()) { case QGraphicsWebView::Type: return false; case UBGraphicsPixmapItem::Type: case UBGraphicsTextItem::Type: case UBGraphicsWidgetItem::Type: if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Selector && !item->isSelected() && item->parentItem()) return true; if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Selector && item->isSelected()) return true; break; case DelegateButton::Type: case UBGraphicsMediaItem::Type: return true; } return false; } bool UBBoardView::itemShouldBeMoved(QGraphicsItem *item) { if (!item) return false; if (item == scene()->backgroundObject()) return false; if (!(mMouseButtonIsPressed || mTabletStylusIsPressed)) return false; if (movingItem->data(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemLocked).toBool()) return false; if (movingItem->parentItem() && UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem::Type == movingItem->parentItem()->type() && !movingItem->isSelected() && movingItem->parentItem()->isSelected()) return false; UBStylusTool::Enum currentTool = (UBStylusTool::Enum)UBDrawingController::drawingController()->stylusTool(); switch(item->type()) { case UBGraphicsCurtainItem::Type: case UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem::Type: return true; case UBGraphicsWidgetItem::Type: if(currentTool == UBStylusTool::Selector && item->isSelected()) return false; if(currentTool == UBStylusTool::Play) return false; case UBGraphicsSvgItem::Type: case UBGraphicsPixmapItem::Type: if (item->isSelected()) return false; case UBGraphicsMediaItem::Type: case UBGraphicsStrokesGroup::Type: return true; case UBGraphicsTextItem::Type: return !item->isSelected(); } return false; } QGraphicsItem* UBBoardView::determineItemToPress(QGraphicsItem *item) { if(item) { UBStylusTool::Enum currentTool = (UBStylusTool::Enum)UBDrawingController::drawingController()->stylusTool(); // if item is on group and group is not selected - group should take press. if (UBStylusTool::Selector == currentTool && item->parentItem() && UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem::Type == item->parentItem()->type() && !item->parentItem()->isSelected()) return item->parentItem(); // items like polygons placed in two groups nested, so we need to recursive call. if(item->parentItem() && UBGraphicsStrokesGroup::Type == item->parentItem()->type()) return determineItemToPress(item->parentItem()); } return item; } // determine item to interacts: item self or it's container. QGraphicsItem* UBBoardView::determineItemToMove(QGraphicsItem *item) { if(item) { UBStylusTool::Enum currentTool = (UBStylusTool::Enum)UBDrawingController::drawingController()->stylusTool(); //W3C widgets should take mouse move events from play tool. if ((UBStylusTool::Play == currentTool) && (UBGraphicsWidgetItem::Type == item->type())) return item; // if item is in group if(item->parentItem() && UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem::Type == item->parentItem()->type()) { // play tool should move groups by any element if (UBStylusTool::Play == currentTool && item->parentItem()->isSelected()) return item->parentItem(); // groups should should be moved instead of strokes groups if (UBGraphicsStrokesGroup::Type == item->type()) return item->parentItem(); // selected groups should be moved by moving any element if (item->parentItem()->isSelected()) return item; if (item->isSelected()) return NULL; return item->parentItem(); } // items like polygons placed in two groups nested, so we need to recursive call. if(item->parentItem() && UBGraphicsStrokesGroup::Type == item->parentItem()->type()) return determineItemToMove(item->parentItem()); } return item; } void UBBoardView::handleItemMousePress(QMouseEvent *event) { mLastPressedMousePos = mapToScene(event->pos()); // Determining item who will take mouse press event //all other items will be deselected and if all item will be deselected, then // wrong item can catch mouse press. because selected items placed on the top movingItem = determineItemToPress(movingItem); handleItemsSelection(movingItem); if (isMultipleSelectionEnabled()) return; if (itemShouldReceiveMousePressEvent(movingItem)) { QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent (event); } else { if (movingItem) { UBGraphicsItem *graphicsItem = dynamic_cast(movingItem); if (graphicsItem) graphicsItem->Delegate()->startUndoStep(); movingItem->clearFocus(); } if (suspendedMousePressEvent) { delete suspendedMousePressEvent; suspendedMousePressEvent = NULL; } if (itemShouldReceiveSuspendedMousePressEvent(movingItem)) { suspendedMousePressEvent = new QMouseEvent(event->type(), event->pos(), event->button(), event->buttons(), event->modifiers()); } } } void UBBoardView::handleItemMouseMove(QMouseEvent *event) { // determine item to move (maybee we need to move group of item or his parent. movingItem = determineItemToMove(movingItem); // items should be moved not every mouse move. if (movingItem && itemShouldBeMoved(movingItem) && (mMouseButtonIsPressed || mTabletStylusIsPressed)) { QPointF scenePos = mapToScene(event->pos()); QPointF newPos = movingItem->pos() + scenePos - mLastPressedMousePos; movingItem->setPos(newPos); mLastPressedMousePos = scenePos; mWidgetMoved = true; event->accept(); } else { QPointF posBeforeMove; QPointF posAfterMove; if (movingItem) posBeforeMove = movingItem->pos(); QGraphicsView::mouseMoveEvent (event); if (movingItem) posAfterMove = movingItem->pos(); mWidgetMoved = ((posAfterMove-posBeforeMove).manhattanLength() != 0); // a cludge for terminate moving of w3c widgets. // in some cases w3c widgets catches mouse move and doesn't sends that events to web page, // at simple - in google map widget - mouse move events doesn't comes to web page from rectangle of wearch bar on bottom right corner of widget. if (mWidgetMoved && UBGraphicsW3CWidgetItem::Type == movingItem->type()) movingItem->setPos(posBeforeMove); } } void UBBoardView::rubberItems() { if (mUBRubberBand) mRubberedItems = items(mUBRubberBand->geometry()); foreach(QGraphicsItem *item, mRubberedItems) { if (item->parentItem() && UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem::Type == item->parentItem()->type()) mRubberedItems.removeOne(item); } } void UBBoardView::moveRubberedItems(QPointF movingVector) { QRectF invalidateRect = scene()->itemsBoundingRect(); foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, mRubberedItems) { if (item->type() == UBGraphicsW3CWidgetItem::Type || item->type() == UBGraphicsPixmapItem::Type || item->type() == UBGraphicsMediaItem::Type || item->type() == UBGraphicsSvgItem::Type || item->type() == UBGraphicsTextItem::Type || item->type() == UBGraphicsStrokesGroup::Type || item->type() == UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem::Type) { item->setPos(item->pos()+movingVector); } } scene()->invalidate(invalidateRect); } void UBBoardView::setMultiselection(bool enable) { mMultipleSelectionIsEnabled = enable; } // work around for handling tablet events on MAC OS with Qt 4.8.0 and above #if defined(Q_WS_MACX) bool UBBoardView::directTabletEvent(QEvent *event) { QTabletEvent *tEvent = static_cast(event); tEvent = new QTabletEvent(tEvent->type() , mapFromGlobal(tEvent->pos()) , tEvent->globalPos() , tEvent->hiResGlobalPos() , tEvent->device() , tEvent->pointerType() , tEvent->pressure() , tEvent->xTilt() , tEvent->yTilt() , tEvent->tangentialPressure() , tEvent->rotation() , tEvent->z() , tEvent->modifiers() , tEvent->uniqueId()); if (geometry().contains(tEvent->pos())) { if (NULL == widgetForTabletEvent(this->parentWidget(), tEvent->pos())) { tabletEvent(tEvent); return true; } } return false; } QWidget *UBBoardView::widgetForTabletEvent(QWidget *w, const QPoint &pos) { Q_ASSERT(w); // it should work that, but it doesn't. So we check if it is control view. //UBBoardView *board = qobject_cast(w); UBBoardView *board = UBApplication::boardController->controlView(); QWidget *childAtPos = NULL; QList childs = w->children(); foreach(QObject *child, childs) { QWidget *childWidget = qobject_cast(child); if (childWidget) { if (childWidget->isVisible() && childWidget->geometry().contains(pos)) { QWidget *lastChild = widgetForTabletEvent(childWidget, pos); if (board && board->viewport() == lastChild) continue; if (NULL != lastChild) childAtPos = lastChild; else childAtPos = childWidget; break; } else childAtPos = NULL; } } return childAtPos; } #endif void UBBoardView::longPressEvent() { UBDrawingController *drawingController = UBDrawingController::drawingController(); UBStylusTool::Enum currentTool = (UBStylusTool::Enum)UBDrawingController::drawingController ()->stylusTool (); disconnect(&mLongPressTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(longPressEvent())); if (UBStylusTool::Selector == currentTool) { drawingController->setStylusTool(UBStylusTool::Play); } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Play) { drawingController->setStylusTool(UBStylusTool::Selector); } else if (UBStylusTool::Eraser == currentTool) { UBApplication::boardController->paletteManager()->toggleErasePalette(true); } } void UBBoardView::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event) { if (!bIsControl && !bIsDesktop) { event->ignore(); return; } mIsDragInProgress = false; if (isAbsurdPoint (event->pos ())) { event->accept (); return; } mMouseDownPos = event->pos (); movingItem = scene()->itemAt(this->mapToScene(event->posF().toPoint())); if (!movingItem) emit clickOnBoard(); if (event->button () == Qt::LeftButton && isInteractive ()) { UBStylusTool::Enum currentTool = (UBStylusTool::Enum)UBDrawingController::drawingController ()->stylusTool (); if (!mTabletStylusIsPressed) mMouseButtonIsPressed = true; if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::ZoomIn) { mController->zoomIn (mapToScene (event->pos ())); event->accept (); } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::ZoomOut) { mController->zoomOut (mapToScene (event->pos ())); event->accept (); } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Hand) { viewport ()->setCursor (QCursor (Qt::ClosedHandCursor)); mPreviousPoint = event->posF (); event->accept (); } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Selector || currentTool == UBStylusTool::Play) { if (bIsDesktop) { event->ignore(); return; } if (scene()->backgroundObject() == movingItem) movingItem = NULL; connect(&mLongPressTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(longPressEvent())); if (!movingItem && !mController->cacheIsVisible()) mLongPressTimer.start(); if (!movingItem) { // Rubberband selection implementation if (!mUBRubberBand) { mUBRubberBand = new UBRubberBand(QRubberBand::Rectangle, this); } mUBRubberBand->setGeometry (QRect (mMouseDownPos, QSize ())); mUBRubberBand->show(); } else { if(mUBRubberBand) mUBRubberBand->hide(); } handleItemMousePress(event); event->accept(); } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Text) { int frameWidth = UBSettings::settings ()->objectFrameWidth; QRectF fuzzyRect (0, 0, frameWidth * 4, frameWidth * 4); fuzzyRect.moveCenter (mapToScene (mMouseDownPos)); UBGraphicsTextItem* foundTextItem = 0; QListIterator it (scene ()->items (fuzzyRect)); while (it.hasNext () && !foundTextItem) { foundTextItem = qgraphicsitem_cast(it.next ()); } if (foundTextItem) { mIsCreatingTextZone = false; QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent (event); } else { scene ()->deselectAllItems (); if (!mRubberBand) mRubberBand = new UBRubberBand (QRubberBand::Rectangle, this); mRubberBand->setGeometry (QRect (mMouseDownPos, QSize ())); mRubberBand->show (); mIsCreatingTextZone = true; event->accept (); } } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Capture) { scene ()->deselectAllItems (); if (!mRubberBand) mRubberBand = new UBRubberBand (QRubberBand::Rectangle, this); mRubberBand->setGeometry (QRect (mMouseDownPos, QSize ())); mRubberBand->show (); mIsCreatingSceneGrabZone = true; event->accept (); } else { if(UBDrawingController::drawingController()->mActiveRuler==NULL) { viewport()->setCursor (QCursor (Qt::BlankCursor)); } if (scene () && !mTabletStylusIsPressed) { if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Eraser) { connect(&mLongPressTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(longPressEvent())); mLongPressTimer.start(); } scene ()->inputDevicePress (mapToScene (UBGeometryUtils::pointConstrainedInRect (event->pos (), rect ()))); } event->accept (); } } } void UBBoardView::mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event) { if(!mIsDragInProgress && ((mapToScene(event->pos()) - mLastPressedMousePos).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance())) { return; } mIsDragInProgress = true; UBStylusTool::Enum currentTool = (UBStylusTool::Enum)UBDrawingController::drawingController ()->stylusTool (); mLongPressTimer.stop(); if (isAbsurdPoint (event->pos ())) { event->accept (); return; } if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Hand && (mMouseButtonIsPressed || mTabletStylusIsPressed)) { QPointF eventPosition = event->posF (); qreal dx = eventPosition.x () - mPreviousPoint.x (); qreal dy = eventPosition.y () - mPreviousPoint.y (); mController->handScroll (dx, dy); mPreviousPoint = eventPosition; event->accept (); } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Selector || currentTool == UBStylusTool::Play) { if((event->pos() - mLastPressedMousePos).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance()) { return; } if (bIsDesktop) { event->ignore(); return; } if (currentTool != UBStylusTool::Play || mRubberBandInPlayMode) { if (!movingItem && (mMouseButtonIsPressed || mTabletStylusIsPressed) && mUBRubberBand && mUBRubberBand->isVisible()) { QRect bandRect(mMouseDownPos, event->pos()); bandRect = bandRect.normalized(); mUBRubberBand->setGeometry(bandRect); QList rubberItems = items(bandRect); foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, mJustSelectedItems) { if (!rubberItems.contains(item)) { item->setSelected(false); mJustSelectedItems.remove(item); } } if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Selector) foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, items(bandRect)) { if (item->type() == UBGraphicsW3CWidgetItem::Type || item->type() == UBGraphicsPixmapItem::Type || item->type() == UBGraphicsMediaItem::Type || item->type() == UBGraphicsSvgItem::Type || item->type() == UBGraphicsTextItem::Type || item->type() == UBGraphicsStrokesGroup::Type || item->type() == UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem::Type) { if (!mJustSelectedItems.contains(item)) { item->setSelected(true); mJustSelectedItems.insert(item); } } } } } handleItemMouseMove(event); } else if ((UBDrawingController::drawingController()->isDrawingTool()) && !mMouseButtonIsPressed) { QGraphicsView::mouseMoveEvent (event); } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Text || currentTool == UBStylusTool::Capture) { if (mRubberBand && (mIsCreatingTextZone || mIsCreatingSceneGrabZone)) { mRubberBand->setGeometry (QRect (mMouseDownPos, event->pos ()).normalized ()); event->accept (); } else { QGraphicsView::mouseMoveEvent (event); } } else { if (!mTabletStylusIsPressed && scene ()) { scene ()->inputDeviceMove (mapToScene (UBGeometryUtils::pointConstrainedInRect (event->pos (), rect ())), mMouseButtonIsPressed); } event->accept (); } if((event->pos() - mLastPressedMousePos).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance()) mWidgetMoved = true; } void UBBoardView::mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event) { UBStylusTool::Enum currentTool = (UBStylusTool::Enum)UBDrawingController::drawingController ()->stylusTool (); setToolCursor (currentTool); // first/ propagate device release to the scene if (scene ()) scene ()->inputDeviceRelease (); if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Selector) { if (bIsDesktop) { event->ignore(); return; } UBGraphicsItem *graphicsItem = dynamic_cast(movingItem); if (graphicsItem) graphicsItem->Delegate()->commitUndoStep(); bool bReleaseIsNeed = true; if (movingItem != determineItemToPress(scene()->itemAt(this->mapToScene(event->posF().toPoint())))) { movingItem = NULL; bReleaseIsNeed = false; } if (mWidgetMoved) { mWidgetMoved = false; movingItem = NULL; } else if (movingItem && (!isCppTool(movingItem) || UBGraphicsCurtainItem::Type == movingItem->type())) { if (suspendedMousePressEvent) { QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent(suspendedMousePressEvent); // suspendedMousePressEvent is deleted by old Qt event loop movingItem = NULL; delete suspendedMousePressEvent; suspendedMousePressEvent = NULL; bReleaseIsNeed = true; } else { if (isUBItem(movingItem) && DelegateButton::Type != movingItem->type() && QGraphicsSvgItem::Type != movingItem->type() && UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::Type != movingItem->type() && UBGraphicsCache::Type != movingItem->type() && QGraphicsWebView::Type != movingItem->type() && // for W3C widgets as Tools. !(!isMultipleSelectionEnabled() && movingItem->parentItem() && UBGraphicsWidgetItem::Type == movingItem->type() && UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem::Type == movingItem->parentItem()->type())) { bReleaseIsNeed = false; if (movingItem->isSelected() && isMultipleSelectionEnabled()) movingItem->setSelected(false); else if (movingItem->parentItem() && movingItem->parentItem()->isSelected() && isMultipleSelectionEnabled()) movingItem->parentItem()->setSelected(false); else { if (movingItem->isSelected()) bReleaseIsNeed = true; movingItem->setSelected(true); } } } } else bReleaseIsNeed = true; if (mUBRubberBand && mUBRubberBand->isVisible()) { mUBRubberBand->hide(); } if (bReleaseIsNeed) { QGraphicsView::mouseReleaseEvent (event); } } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Play) { if (bIsDesktop) { event->ignore(); return; } if (mWidgetMoved) { movingItem = NULL; mWidgetMoved = false; } else { if (suspendedMousePressEvent) { QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent(suspendedMousePressEvent); // suspendedMousePressEvent is deleted by old Qt event loop movingItem = NULL; delete suspendedMousePressEvent; suspendedMousePressEvent = NULL; } } QGraphicsView::mouseReleaseEvent (event); } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Text) { if (mRubberBand) mRubberBand->hide (); if (scene () && mRubberBand && mIsCreatingTextZone) { QRect rubberRect = mRubberBand->geometry (); UBGraphicsTextItem* textItem = scene()->addTextHtml ("", mapToScene (rubberRect.topLeft ())); event->accept (); UBDrawingController::drawingController ()->setStylusTool (UBStylusTool::Selector); textItem->setSelected (true); textItem->setFocus(); } else { QGraphicsView::mouseReleaseEvent (event); } mIsCreatingTextZone = false; } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Capture) { if (mRubberBand) mRubberBand->hide (); if (scene () && mRubberBand && mIsCreatingSceneGrabZone && mRubberBand->geometry ().width () > 16) { QRect rect = mRubberBand->geometry (); QPointF sceneTopLeft = mapToScene (rect.topLeft ()); QPointF sceneBottomRight = mapToScene (rect.bottomRight ()); QRectF sceneRect (sceneTopLeft, sceneBottomRight); mController->grabScene (sceneRect); event->accept (); } else { QGraphicsView::mouseReleaseEvent (event); } mIsCreatingSceneGrabZone = false; } else { if (mPendingStylusReleaseEvent || mMouseButtonIsPressed) { event->accept (); } } mMouseButtonIsPressed = false; mPendingStylusReleaseEvent = false; mTabletStylusIsPressed = false; movingItem = NULL; mLongPressTimer.stop(); } void UBBoardView::forcedTabletRelease () { if (mMouseButtonIsPressed || mTabletStylusIsPressed || mPendingStylusReleaseEvent) { qWarning () << "dirty mouse/tablet state:"; qWarning () << "mMouseButtonIsPressed =" << mMouseButtonIsPressed; qWarning () << "mTabletStylusIsPressed = " << mTabletStylusIsPressed; qWarning () << "mPendingStylusReleaseEvent" << mPendingStylusReleaseEvent; qWarning () << "forcing device release"; scene ()->inputDeviceRelease (); mMouseButtonIsPressed = false; mTabletStylusIsPressed = false; mPendingStylusReleaseEvent = false; } } void UBBoardView::mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *event) { // We don't want a double click, we want two clicks mousePressEvent (event); } void UBBoardView::wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *wheelEvent) { if (isInteractive () && wheelEvent->orientation () == Qt::Vertical) { // Too many wheelEvent are sent, how should we handle them to "smoothly" zoom ? // something like zoom( pow(zoomFactor, event->delta() / 120) ) // use DateTime man, store last event time, and if if less than 300ms than this is one big scroll // and move scroll with one const speed. // so, you no will related with scroll event count } QList selItemsList = scene()->selectedItems(); // if NO have selected items, than no need process mouse wheel. just exist if( selItemsList.count() > 0 ) { // only one selected item possible, so we will work with first item only QGraphicsItem * selItem = selItemsList[0]; // get items list under mouse cursor QPointF scenePos = mapToScene(wheelEvent->pos()); QList itemsList = scene()->items(scenePos); QBool isSlectedAndMouseHower = itemsList.contains(selItem); if(isSlectedAndMouseHower) { QGraphicsView::wheelEvent(wheelEvent); wheelEvent->accept(); } } } void UBBoardView::leaveEvent (QEvent * event) { if (scene ()) scene ()->leaveEvent (event); QGraphicsView::leaveEvent (event); } void UBBoardView::drawItems (QPainter *painter, int numItems, QGraphicsItem* items[], const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem options[]) { if (!mFilterZIndex) { QGraphicsView::drawItems (painter, numItems, items, options); } else { int count = 0; QGraphicsItem** itemsFiltered = new QGraphicsItem*[numItems]; QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *optionsFiltered = new QStyleOptionGraphicsItem[numItems]; for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { if (shouldDisplayItem (items[i])) { itemsFiltered[count] = items[i]; optionsFiltered[count] = options[i]; count++; } } QGraphicsView::drawItems (painter, count, itemsFiltered, optionsFiltered); delete[] optionsFiltered; delete[] itemsFiltered; } } void UBBoardView::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) { QGraphicsView::dragMoveEvent(event); event->acceptProposedAction(); } void UBBoardView::dropEvent (QDropEvent *event) { QGraphicsItem *onItem = itemAt(event->pos().x(),event->pos().y()); if (onItem && onItem->type() == UBGraphicsWidgetItem::Type) { QGraphicsView::dropEvent(event); } else { if (!event->source() || qobject_cast(event->source()) || qobject_cast(event->source()) || qobject_cast(event->source()) || qobject_cast(event->source()) || qobject_cast(event->source())) { mController->processMimeData (event->mimeData (), mapToScene (event->pos ())); event->acceptProposedAction(); } } //prevent features in UBFeaturesWidget deletion from the model when event is processing inside //Qt base classes if (event->dropAction() == Qt::MoveAction) { event->setDropAction(Qt::CopyAction); } } void UBBoardView::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent * event) { const qreal maxWidth = width () * 10; const qreal maxHeight = height () * 10; setSceneRect (-(maxWidth / 2), -(maxHeight / 2), maxWidth, maxHeight); centerOn (0, 0); emit resized (event); } void UBBoardView::drawBackground (QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) { if (testAttribute (Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground)) { QGraphicsView::drawBackground (painter, rect); return; } bool darkBackground = scene () && scene ()->isDarkBackground (); if (darkBackground) { painter->fillRect (rect, QBrush (QColor (Qt::black))); } else { painter->fillRect (rect, QBrush (QColor (Qt::white))); } if (transform ().m11 () > 0.5) { QColor bgCrossColor; if (darkBackground) bgCrossColor = UBSettings::crossDarkBackground; else bgCrossColor = UBSettings::crossLightBackground; if (transform ().m11 () < 1.0) { int alpha = 255 * transform ().m11 () / 2; bgCrossColor.setAlpha (alpha); // fade the crossing on small zooms } painter->setPen (bgCrossColor); if (scene () && scene ()->isCrossedBackground ()) { qreal firstY = ((int) (rect.y () / UBSettings::crossSize)) * UBSettings::crossSize; for (qreal yPos = firstY; yPos < rect.y () + rect.height (); yPos += UBSettings::crossSize) { painter->drawLine (rect.x (), yPos, rect.x () + rect.width (), yPos); } qreal firstX = ((int) (rect.x () / UBSettings::crossSize)) * UBSettings::crossSize; for (qreal xPos = firstX; xPos < rect.x () + rect.width (); xPos += UBSettings::crossSize) { painter->drawLine (xPos, rect.y (), xPos, rect.y () + rect.height ()); } } } if (!mFilterZIndex && scene ()) { QSize pageNominalSize = scene ()->nominalSize (); if (pageNominalSize.isValid ()) { qreal penWidth = 8.0 / transform ().m11 (); QRectF pageRect (pageNominalSize.width () / -2, pageNominalSize.height () / -2 , pageNominalSize.width (), pageNominalSize.height ()); pageRect.adjust (-penWidth / 2, -penWidth / 2, penWidth / 2, penWidth / 2); QColor docSizeColor; if (darkBackground) docSizeColor = UBSettings::documentSizeMarkColorDarkBackground; else docSizeColor = UBSettings::documentSizeMarkColorLightBackground; QPen pen (docSizeColor); pen.setWidth (penWidth); painter->setPen (pen); painter->drawRect (pageRect); } } } void UBBoardView::settingChanged (QVariant newValue) { Q_UNUSED (newValue); mPenPressureSensitive = UBSettings::settings ()->boardPenPressureSensitive->get ().toBool (); mMarkerPressureSensitive = UBSettings::settings ()->boardMarkerPressureSensitive->get ().toBool (); mUseHighResTabletEvent = UBSettings::settings ()->boardUseHighResTabletEvent->get ().toBool (); } void UBBoardView::virtualKeyboardActivated(bool b) { UBPlatformUtils::setWindowNonActivableFlag(this, b); mVirtualKeyboardActive = b; setInteractive(!b); } // Apple remote desktop sends funny events when the transmission is bad bool UBBoardView::isAbsurdPoint(QPoint point) { QDesktopWidget *desktop = qApp->desktop (); bool isValidPoint = false; for (int i = 0; i < desktop->numScreens (); i++) { QRect screenRect = desktop->screenGeometry (i); isValidPoint = isValidPoint || screenRect.contains (mapToGlobal(point)); } return !isValidPoint; } void UBBoardView::focusOutEvent (QFocusEvent * event) { Q_UNUSED (event); } void UBBoardView::setToolCursor (int tool) { QWidget *controlViewport = viewport (); switch (tool) { case UBStylusTool::Pen: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->penCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::Eraser: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->eraserCursor); scene()->hideEraser(); break; case UBStylusTool::Marker: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->markerCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::Pointer: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->pointerCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::Hand: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->handCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::ZoomIn: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->zoomInCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::ZoomOut: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->zoomOutCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::Selector: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->arrowCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::Play: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->playCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::Line: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->penCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::Text: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->textCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::Capture: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->penCursor); break; default: Q_ASSERT (false); //failsafe controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->penCursor); } } bool UBBoardView::hasSelectedParents(QGraphicsItem * item) { if (item->isSelected()) return true; if (item->parentItem()==NULL) return false; return hasSelectedParents(item->parentItem()); }