/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "UBBoardView.h" #include #include #include "UBDrawingController.h" #include "frameworks/UBGeometryUtils.h" #include "frameworks/UBPlatformUtils.h" #include "core/UBSettings.h" #include "core/UBMimeData.h" #include "core/UBApplication.h" #include "core/UBSetting.h" #include "core/UBPersistenceManager.h" #include "network/UBHttpGet.h" #include "gui/UBStylusPalette.h" #include "gui/UBRubberBand.h" #include "gui/UBToolWidget.h" #include "gui/UBResources.h" #include "gui/UBMainWindow.h" #include "gui/UBThumbnailWidget.h" #include "gui/UBTeacherGuideWidgetsTools.h" #include "board/UBBoardController.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsTextItem.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsPixmapItem.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsWidgetItem.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsPDFItem.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsPolygonItem.h" #include "domain/UBItem.h" #include "document/UBDocumentProxy.h" #include "tools/UBGraphicsCompass.h" #include "tools/UBGraphicsCache.h" #include "tools/UBGraphicsTriangle.h" #include "core/memcheck.h" UBBoardView::UBBoardView (UBBoardController* pController, QWidget* pParent) : QGraphicsView (pParent) , mController (pController) , mIsCreatingTextZone (false) , mIsCreatingSceneGrabZone (false) , mOkOnWidget(false) , suspendedMousePressEvent(NULL) { init (); mFilterZIndex = false; } UBBoardView::UBBoardView (UBBoardController* pController, int pStartLayer, int pEndLayer, QWidget* pParent) : QGraphicsView (pParent) , mController (pController) , suspendedMousePressEvent(NULL) { init (); mStartLayer = pStartLayer; mEndLayer = pEndLayer; mFilterZIndex = true; } UBBoardView::~UBBoardView () { //NOOP if (suspendedMousePressEvent) delete suspendedMousePressEvent; } void UBBoardView::init () { connect (UBSettings::settings ()->boardPenPressureSensitive, SIGNAL (changed (QVariant)), this, SLOT (settingChanged (QVariant))); connect (UBSettings::settings ()->boardMarkerPressureSensitive, SIGNAL (changed (QVariant)), this, SLOT (settingChanged (QVariant))); connect (UBSettings::settings ()->boardUseHighResTabletEvent, SIGNAL (changed (QVariant)), this, SLOT (settingChanged (QVariant))); setWindowFlags (Qt::FramelessWindowHint); setFrameStyle (QFrame::NoFrame); setRenderHints (QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform | QPainter::TextAntialiasing); setVerticalScrollBarPolicy (Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy (Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setAcceptDrops (true); setOptimizationFlag (QGraphicsView::IndirectPainting); // enable UBBoardView::drawItems filter mTabletStylusIsPressed = false; mMouseButtonIsPressed = false; mPendingStylusReleaseEvent = false; setCacheMode (QGraphicsView::CacheBackground); mUsingTabletEraser = false; mIsCreatingTextZone = false; mRubberBand = 0; mVirtualKeyboardActive = false; settingChanged (QVariant ()); unsetCursor(); movingItem = NULL; mWidgetMoved = false; } UBGraphicsScene* UBBoardView::scene () { return qobject_cast (QGraphicsView::scene ()); } void UBBoardView::hideEvent (QHideEvent * event) { Q_UNUSED (event); emit hidden (); } void UBBoardView::showEvent (QShowEvent * event) { Q_UNUSED (event); emit shown (); } void UBBoardView::keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event) { // send to the scene anyway QApplication::sendEvent (scene (), event); if (!event->isAccepted ()) { switch (event->key ()) { case Qt::Key_Up: case Qt::Key_PageUp: case Qt::Key_Left: { mController->previousScene (); break; } case Qt::Key_Down: case Qt::Key_PageDown: case Qt::Key_Right: case Qt::Key_Space: { mController->nextScene (); break; } case Qt::Key_Home: { mController->firstScene (); break; } case Qt::Key_End: { mController->lastScene (); break; } case Qt::Key_Insert: { mController->addScene (); break; } } if (event->modifiers () & Qt::ControlModifier) // keep only ctrl/cmd keys { switch (event->key ()) { case Qt::Key_Plus: case Qt::Key_I: { mController->zoomIn (); event->accept (); break; } case Qt::Key_Minus: case Qt::Key_O: { mController->zoomOut (); event->accept (); break; } case Qt::Key_0: { mController->zoomRestore (); event->accept (); break; } case Qt::Key_Left: { mController->handScroll (-100, 0); event->accept (); break; } case Qt::Key_Right: { mController->handScroll (100, 0); event->accept (); break; } case Qt::Key_Up: { mController->handScroll (0, -100); event->accept (); break; } case Qt::Key_Down: { mController->handScroll (0, 100); event->accept (); break; } default: { // NOOP } } } } } bool UBBoardView::event (QEvent * e) { if (e->type () == QEvent::Gesture) { QGestureEvent *gestureEvent = dynamic_cast (e); if (gestureEvent) { QSwipeGesture* swipe = dynamic_cast (gestureEvent->gesture (Qt::SwipeGesture)); if (swipe) { if (swipe->horizontalDirection () == QSwipeGesture::Left) { mController->previousScene (); gestureEvent->setAccepted (swipe, true); } if (swipe->horizontalDirection () == QSwipeGesture::Right) { mController->nextScene (); gestureEvent->setAccepted (swipe, true); } } } } return QGraphicsView::event (e); } void UBBoardView::tabletEvent (QTabletEvent * event) { if (!mUseHighResTabletEvent) { event->setAccepted (false); return; } UBDrawingController *dc = UBDrawingController::drawingController (); QPointF tabletPos = event->pos(); UBStylusTool::Enum currentTool = (UBStylusTool::Enum)dc->stylusTool (); if (event->type () == QEvent::TabletPress || event->type () == QEvent::TabletEnterProximity) { if (event->pointerType () == QTabletEvent::Eraser) { dc->setStylusTool (UBStylusTool::Eraser); mUsingTabletEraser = true; } else { if (mUsingTabletEraser && currentTool == UBStylusTool::Eraser) dc->setStylusTool (dc->latestDrawingTool ()); mUsingTabletEraser = false; } } // if event are not Pen events, we drop the tablet stuff and route everything through mouse event if (currentTool != UBStylusTool::Pen && currentTool != UBStylusTool::Line && currentTool != UBStylusTool::Marker && !mMarkerPressureSensitive){ event->setAccepted (false); return; } QPointF scenePos = viewportTransform ().inverted ().map (tabletPos); qDebug() << "scene Pos " << scenePos; qreal pressure = 1.0; if (((currentTool == UBStylusTool::Pen || currentTool == UBStylusTool::Line) && mPenPressureSensitive) || (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Marker && mMarkerPressureSensitive)) pressure = event->pressure (); bool acceptEvent = true; switch (event->type ()) { case QEvent::TabletPress: { qDebug() << "TabletPress"; mTabletStylusIsPressed = true; scene()->inputDevicePress (scenePos, pressure); break; } case QEvent::TabletMove: { qDebug() << "TabletMove"; if (mTabletStylusIsPressed) scene ()->inputDeviceMove (scenePos, pressure); acceptEvent = false; // rerouted to mouse move break; } case QEvent::TabletRelease: { qDebug() << "TabletRelease"; UBStylusTool::Enum currentTool = (UBStylusTool::Enum)dc->stylusTool (); scene ()->setToolCursor (currentTool); setToolCursor (currentTool); scene ()->inputDeviceRelease (); mPendingStylusReleaseEvent = false; mTabletStylusIsPressed = false; mMouseButtonIsPressed = false; break; } default: { //NOOP - avoid compiler warning } } // ignore mouse press and mouse move tablet event so that it is rerouted to mouse events, // documented in QTabletEvent Class Reference: /* The event handler QWidget::tabletEvent() receives all three types of tablet events. Qt will first send a tabletEvent then, if it is not accepted, it will send a mouse event. */ // // This is a workaround to the fact that tablet event are not delivered to child widget (like palettes) // event->setAccepted (acceptEvent); } void UBBoardView::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event) { if (isAbsurdPoint (event->pos ())) { event->accept (); return; } mMouseDownPos = event->pos (); emit clickOnBoard(); if (event->button () == Qt::LeftButton && isInteractive ()) { UBStylusTool::Enum currentTool = (UBStylusTool::Enum)UBDrawingController::drawingController ()->stylusTool (); if (!mTabletStylusIsPressed) mMouseButtonIsPressed = true; if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::ZoomIn) { mController->zoomIn (mapToScene (event->pos ())); event->accept (); } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::ZoomOut) { mController->zoomOut (mapToScene (event->pos ())); event->accept (); } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Hand) { viewport ()->setCursor (QCursor (Qt::ClosedHandCursor)); mPreviousPoint = event->posF (); event->accept (); } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Selector) { QSet existingTools = scene()->tools(); movingItem = scene()->itemAt(this->mapToScene(event->posF().toPoint())); if (!movingItem || movingItem->isSelected() || movingItem->type() == UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::Type || movingItem->type() == DelegateButton::Type || movingItem->type() == UBGraphicsCompass::Type || movingItem->type() == UBGraphicsPDFItem::Type || movingItem->type() == UBGraphicsPolygonItem::Type || movingItem->type() == UBGraphicsCache::Type || movingItem->type() == UBGraphicsTriangle::Type || movingItem == this->scene()->backgroundObject()) { movingItem = NULL; QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent (event); } else { mLastPressedMousePos = mapToScene(event->pos()); if (suspendedMousePressEvent) { delete suspendedMousePressEvent; } suspendedMousePressEvent = new QMouseEvent(event->type(), event->pos(), event->button(), event->buttons(), event->modifiers()); // удалить } event->accept(); } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Text) { int frameWidth = UBSettings::settings ()->objectFrameWidth; QRectF fuzzyRect (0, 0, frameWidth * 4, frameWidth * 4); fuzzyRect.moveCenter (mapToScene (mMouseDownPos)); UBGraphicsTextItem* foundTextItem = 0; QListIterator it (scene ()->items (fuzzyRect)); while (it.hasNext () && !foundTextItem) { foundTextItem = qgraphicsitem_cast(it.next ()); } if (foundTextItem) { mIsCreatingTextZone = false; QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent (event); } else { scene ()->deselectAllItems (); if (!mRubberBand) mRubberBand = new UBRubberBand (QRubberBand::Rectangle, this); mRubberBand->setGeometry (QRect (mMouseDownPos, QSize ())); mRubberBand->show (); mIsCreatingTextZone = true; event->accept (); } } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Capture) { scene ()->deselectAllItems (); if (!mRubberBand) mRubberBand = new UBRubberBand (QRubberBand::Rectangle, this); mRubberBand->setGeometry (QRect (mMouseDownPos, QSize ())); mRubberBand->show (); mIsCreatingSceneGrabZone = true; event->accept (); } else { if(UBDrawingController::drawingController()->mActiveRuler==NULL) { viewport()->setCursor (QCursor (Qt::BlankCursor)); } if (scene () && !mTabletStylusIsPressed) { scene ()->inputDevicePress (mapToScene (UBGeometryUtils::pointConstrainedInRect (event->pos (), rect ()))); } event->accept (); } } } void UBBoardView::mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event) { UBStylusTool::Enum currentTool = (UBStylusTool::Enum)UBDrawingController::drawingController ()->stylusTool (); if (isAbsurdPoint (event->pos ())) { event->accept (); return; } if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Hand && (mMouseButtonIsPressed || mTabletStylusIsPressed)) { QPointF eventPosition = event->posF (); qreal dx = eventPosition.x () - mPreviousPoint.x (); qreal dy = eventPosition.y () - mPreviousPoint.y (); mController->handScroll (dx, dy); mPreviousPoint = eventPosition; event->accept (); } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Selector) { if((event->pos() - mLastPressedMousePos).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance()) { return; } if (movingItem && (mMouseButtonIsPressed || mTabletStylusIsPressed)) { QPointF scenePos = mapToScene(event->pos()); QPointF newPos = movingItem->pos() + scenePos - mLastPressedMousePos; movingItem->setPos(newPos); mLastPressedMousePos = scenePos; mWidgetMoved = true; event->accept(); } else QGraphicsView::mouseMoveEvent (event); } else if ((UBDrawingController::drawingController()->isDrawingTool()) && !mMouseButtonIsPressed) { QGraphicsView::mouseMoveEvent (event); } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Text || currentTool == UBStylusTool::Capture) { if (mRubberBand && (mIsCreatingTextZone || mIsCreatingSceneGrabZone)) { mRubberBand->setGeometry (QRect (mMouseDownPos, event->pos ()).normalized ()); event->accept (); } else { QGraphicsView::mouseMoveEvent (event); } } else { if (!mTabletStylusIsPressed && scene ()) { scene ()->inputDeviceMove (mapToScene (UBGeometryUtils::pointConstrainedInRect (event->pos (), rect ())), mMouseButtonIsPressed); } event->accept (); } } void UBBoardView::mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event) { UBStylusTool::Enum currentTool = (UBStylusTool::Enum)UBDrawingController::drawingController ()->stylusTool (); scene ()->setToolCursor (currentTool); setToolCursor (currentTool); // first propagate device release to the scene if (scene ()) scene ()->inputDeviceRelease (); if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Selector) { if (mWidgetMoved) { mWidgetMoved = false; movingItem = NULL; } else if (movingItem && suspendedMousePressEvent) { QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent(suspendedMousePressEvent); // suspendedMousePressEvent is deleted by old Qt event loop movingItem = NULL; delete suspendedMousePressEvent; suspendedMousePressEvent = NULL; } QGraphicsView::mouseReleaseEvent (event); } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Text) { if (mRubberBand) mRubberBand->hide (); if (scene () && mRubberBand && mIsCreatingTextZone) { QRect rubberRect = mRubberBand->geometry (); UBGraphicsTextItem* textItem = scene()->addTextHtml ("", mapToScene (rubberRect.topLeft ())); event->accept (); UBDrawingController::drawingController ()->setStylusTool (UBStylusTool::Selector); textItem->setSelected (true); } else { QGraphicsView::mouseReleaseEvent (event); } mIsCreatingTextZone = false; } else if (currentTool == UBStylusTool::Capture) { if (mRubberBand) mRubberBand->hide (); if (scene () && mRubberBand && mIsCreatingSceneGrabZone && mRubberBand->geometry ().width () > 16) { QRect rect = mRubberBand->geometry (); QPointF sceneTopLeft = mapToScene (rect.topLeft ()); QPointF sceneBottomRight = mapToScene (rect.bottomRight ()); QRectF sceneRect (sceneTopLeft, sceneBottomRight); mController->grabScene (sceneRect); event->accept (); } else { QGraphicsView::mouseReleaseEvent (event); } mIsCreatingSceneGrabZone = false; } else { if (mPendingStylusReleaseEvent || mMouseButtonIsPressed) { event->accept (); } } mMouseButtonIsPressed = false; mPendingStylusReleaseEvent = false; mTabletStylusIsPressed = false; } void UBBoardView::forcedTabletRelease () { if (mMouseButtonIsPressed || mTabletStylusIsPressed || mPendingStylusReleaseEvent) { qWarning () << "dirty mouse/tablet state:"; qWarning () << "mMouseButtonIsPressed =" << mMouseButtonIsPressed; qWarning () << "mTabletStylusIsPressed = " << mTabletStylusIsPressed; qWarning () << "mPendingStylusReleaseEvent" << mPendingStylusReleaseEvent; qWarning () << "forcing device release"; scene ()->inputDeviceRelease (); mMouseButtonIsPressed = false; mTabletStylusIsPressed = false; mPendingStylusReleaseEvent = false; } } void UBBoardView::mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *event) { // We don't want a double click, we want two clicks mousePressEvent (event); } void UBBoardView::wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *wheelEvent) { if (isInteractive () && wheelEvent->orientation () == Qt::Vertical) { // Too many wheelEvent are sent, how should we handle them to "smoothly" zoom ? // something like zoom( pow(zoomFactor, event->delta() / 120) ) // use DateTime man, store last event time, and if if less than 300ms than this is one big scroll // and move scroll with one const speed. // so, you no will related with scroll event count } QList selItemsList = scene()->selectedItems(); // if NO have selected items, than no need process mouse wheel. just exist if( selItemsList.count() > 0 ) { // only one selected item possible, so we will work with first item only QGraphicsItem * selItem = selItemsList[0]; // get items list under mouse cursor QPointF scenePos = mapToScene(wheelEvent->pos()); QList itemsList = scene()->items(scenePos); QBool isSlectedAndMouseHower = itemsList.contains(selItem); if(isSlectedAndMouseHower) { QGraphicsView::wheelEvent(wheelEvent); wheelEvent->accept(); } } } void UBBoardView::leaveEvent (QEvent * event) { if (scene ()) scene ()->leaveEvent (event); QGraphicsView::leaveEvent (event); } void UBBoardView::drawItems (QPainter *painter, int numItems, QGraphicsItem* items[], const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem options[]) { if (!mFilterZIndex) { QGraphicsView::drawItems (painter, numItems, items, options); } else { int count = 0; QGraphicsItem** itemsFiltered = new QGraphicsItem*[numItems]; QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *optionsFiltered = new QStyleOptionGraphicsItem[numItems]; for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { if (shouldDisplayItem (items[i])) { itemsFiltered[count] = items[i]; optionsFiltered[count] = options[i]; count++; } } QGraphicsView::drawItems (painter, count, itemsFiltered, optionsFiltered); delete[] optionsFiltered; delete[] itemsFiltered; } } void UBBoardView::dragMoveEvent (QDragMoveEvent *event) { QGraphicsItem* graphicsItemAtPos = itemAt(event->pos().x(),event->pos().y()); UBGraphicsWidgetItem* graphicsWidget = dynamic_cast(graphicsItemAtPos); if (graphicsWidget) { if (graphicsWidget->acceptDrops()) { if (!mOkOnWidget) { if (!graphicsWidget->isDropableData(event->mimeData())) { mOkOnWidget = false; event->ignore(); return; } else { mOkOnWidget = true; } } QPoint newPoint(graphicsWidget->mapFromScene(mapToScene(event->pos())).toPoint()); QDragMoveEvent newEvent(newPoint, event->dropAction(), event->mimeData(), event->mouseButtons(), event->keyboardModifiers()); QApplication::sendEvent(graphicsWidget->widgetWebView(),&newEvent); } else { mOkOnWidget = false; event->ignore(); } } else { event->acceptProposedAction(); mOkOnWidget = false; } } void UBBoardView::dropEvent (QDropEvent *event) { mOkOnWidget = false; QGraphicsItem* graphicsItemAtPos = itemAt(event->pos().x(),event->pos().y()); UBGraphicsWidgetItem* graphicsWidget = dynamic_cast(graphicsItemAtPos); qDebug() << event->source(); if (graphicsWidget && graphicsWidget->acceptDrops()) { graphicsWidget->processDropEvent(event); event->acceptProposedAction(); } else if (!event->source() || dynamic_cast(event->source()) || dynamic_cast(event->source()) || dynamic_cast(event->source())) { mController->processMimeData (event->mimeData (), mapToScene (event->pos ())); event->acceptProposedAction(); } } void UBBoardView::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent * event) { const qreal maxWidth = width () * 10; const qreal maxHeight = height () * 10; setSceneRect (-(maxWidth / 2), -(maxHeight / 2), maxWidth, maxHeight); centerOn (0, 0); emit resized (event); } void UBBoardView::drawBackground (QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) { if (testAttribute (Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground)) { QGraphicsView::drawBackground (painter, rect); return; } bool darkBackground = scene () && scene ()->isDarkBackground (); if (darkBackground) { painter->fillRect (rect, QBrush (QColor (Qt::black))); } else { painter->fillRect (rect, QBrush (QColor (Qt::white))); } if (transform ().m11 () > 0.5) { QColor bgCrossColor; if (darkBackground) bgCrossColor = UBSettings::crossDarkBackground; else bgCrossColor = UBSettings::crossLightBackground; if (transform ().m11 () < 1.0) { int alpha = 255 * transform ().m11 () / 2; bgCrossColor.setAlpha (alpha); // fade the crossing on small zooms } painter->setPen (bgCrossColor); if (scene () && scene ()->isCrossedBackground ()) { qreal firstY = ((int) (rect.y () / UBSettings::crossSize)) * UBSettings::crossSize; for (qreal yPos = firstY; yPos < rect.y () + rect.height (); yPos += UBSettings::crossSize) { painter->drawLine (rect.x (), yPos, rect.x () + rect.width (), yPos); } qreal firstX = ((int) (rect.x () / UBSettings::crossSize)) * UBSettings::crossSize; for (qreal xPos = firstX; xPos < rect.x () + rect.width (); xPos += UBSettings::crossSize) { painter->drawLine (xPos, rect.y (), xPos, rect.y () + rect.height ()); } } } if (!mFilterZIndex && scene ()) { QSize pageNominalSize = scene ()->nominalSize (); if (pageNominalSize.isValid ()) { qreal penWidth = 8.0 / transform ().m11 (); QRectF pageRect (pageNominalSize.width () / -2, pageNominalSize.height () / -2 , pageNominalSize.width (), pageNominalSize.height ()); pageRect.adjust (-penWidth / 2, -penWidth / 2, penWidth / 2, penWidth / 2); QColor docSizeColor; if (darkBackground) docSizeColor = UBSettings::documentSizeMarkColorDarkBackground; else docSizeColor = UBSettings::documentSizeMarkColorLightBackground; QPen pen (docSizeColor); pen.setWidth (penWidth); painter->setPen (pen); painter->drawRect (pageRect); } } } void UBBoardView::settingChanged (QVariant newValue) { Q_UNUSED (newValue); mPenPressureSensitive = UBSettings::settings ()->boardPenPressureSensitive->get ().toBool (); mMarkerPressureSensitive = UBSettings::settings ()->boardMarkerPressureSensitive->get ().toBool (); mUseHighResTabletEvent = UBSettings::settings ()->boardUseHighResTabletEvent->get ().toBool (); } void UBBoardView::virtualKeyboardActivated(bool b) { UBPlatformUtils::setWindowNonActivableFlag(this, b); mVirtualKeyboardActive = b; setInteractive(!b); } // Apple remote desktop sends funny events when the transmission is bad bool UBBoardView::isAbsurdPoint (QPoint point) { QDesktopWidget *desktop = qApp->desktop (); bool isValidPoint = false; for (int i = 0; i < desktop->numScreens (); i++) { QRect screenRect = desktop->screenGeometry (i); isValidPoint = isValidPoint || screenRect.contains (point); } return !isValidPoint; } void UBBoardView::focusOutEvent (QFocusEvent * event) { Q_UNUSED (event); } void UBBoardView::setToolCursor (int tool) { QWidget *controlViewport = viewport (); switch (tool) { case UBStylusTool::Pen: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->penCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::Eraser: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->eraserCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::Marker: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->markerCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::Pointer: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->pointerCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::Hand: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->handCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::ZoomIn: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->zoomInCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::ZoomOut: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->zoomOutCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::Selector: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->arrowCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::Line: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->penCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::Text: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->textCursor); break; case UBStylusTool::Capture: controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->penCursor); break; default: Q_ASSERT (false); //failsafe controlViewport->setCursor (UBResources::resources ()->penCursor); } }