BlackoutWidgetClick to Return to ApplicationDownloadDialogDownloadsClean Up0 ItemsDownloadItemFormFilenameTry AgainStopOpenIntranetPodcastPublishingDialogPublish Podcast to YouTubeTitleDescriptionAuthorMainWindowBoardWebDocumentsStylusCtrl+TBackgroundsTextCaptureAdd To Current PageAdd To New PageAdd To LibraryPagesNew PageUndoChange BackgroundCtrl+ZRedoCtrl+YPreviousPrevious PagePgUpNextNext PagePgDownManage DocumentsCtrl+DWeb BrowsingCtrl+WSmall LineMedium LineLarge LineSmalle EraserMedium EraserLarge EraserReload Current PageLoad Home PageShow BookmarksAdd BookmarkDisplay BoardErase ContentDisplay PreferencesShow LibraryShow Computer DesktopCtrl+Shift+HCreate a New FolderCreate a New DocumentImport a DocumentExport a DocumentOpen Page in BoardDuplicate Selected ContentDelete Selected ContentAdd Content to DocumentRename ContentDisplay ToolsUse Document Wide Size (16/9)Use Document Regular Size (4/3)Use Custom Document SizeStop Loading Web PagePut Presentation to SleepDisplay Virtual KeyboardRecord Presentation to VideoErase ItemsErase All ItemsErase AnnotationsErase All AnnotationsClear All ElementsPenAnnotate DocumentCtrl+IErase AnnotationCtrl+EMarkerHighlight Ctrl+MSelectorSelect And Modify ObjectsCtrl+FHandCapture Part of the ScreenCustom CaptureCapture a WindowEmbed Web ContentCapture Embeddable Web ContentShow Main Screen on Display ScreenErase all AnnotationseduMediaImport eduMedia simulationCheck UpdateCtrl+HZoom InZoom OutLineQuitEraserColorBackLeftForwardRightReloadHomeBookmarksBookmarkCtrl+BClear PagePreferencesEraseLibraryCtrl+LShow DesktopBiggerCtrl++SmallerCtrl+-New FolderNew DocumentImportExportOpen in BoardCtrl+ODuplicateDeleteDelAdd to Working DocumentAdd Selected Content to Open DocumentAddRenameCutCopyPasteGrid Light BackgroundGrid Dark BackgroundStart Screen RecordingScroll PageLaser PointerVirtual Laser PointerCtrl+GDraw LinesCtrl+JWrite TextCtrl+KAdd Item To Current PageAdd Item To New PageAdd Item To LibraryCreate a New PageDuplicate PageDuplicate the Current PageImport PageImport an External PagePausePause Podcast RecordingPodcast ConfigConfigure Podcast RecordingFlash TrapTrap Flash ContentWeb TrapTrap Web ContentWindow CaptureShow on DisplaySleepVirtual KeyboardPlain Light BackgroundLightPlain Dark BackgroundDarkPodcastRecordToolsMulti ScreenWide Size (16/9)Regular Size (4/3)Custom SizeStop LoadingOpenBoardQuit OpenBoardHide OpenBoardHide OpenBoard ApplicationPlayInteract with itemsErase BackgroundRemove the backgoundOpen TutorialOpen the tutorial web pageRuled Light BackgroundRuled Dark BackgroundPasswordDialogAuthentication RequiredUsername:Password:ProxyDialogProxy AuthenticationConnect to ProxyUsername:Password:Save username and password for future useQObjectRemove PageAre you sure you want to remove 1 page from the selected document '%0'?UBApplicationPage SizePodcastUBApplicationControllerWebNew update available, would you go to the web page ?No update availableUpdate availableUpdateUBBackgroundPaletteGrid sizeUBBoardControllerDownloading content %1 failedDownload finishedUnknown tool type %1Add ItemAll Supported (%1)Unknown content type %1Delete page %1 from documentPage %1 deletedAdd file operation failed: file copying errorGroupUngroupSaving document...Document has just been saved...UBBoardPaletteManagerError Adding Image to LibraryCapturedImageUBCachePropertiesWidgetCache PropertiesColor:Shape:Size:CloseUBDesktopPaletteCapture Part of the ScreenCapture the ScreenShow the stylus paletteShow Board on Secondary ScreenShow Desktop on Secondary ScreenShow OpenBoardUBDocumentControllerNew FolderPage %1Add Folder of ImagesAdd ImagesAdd Pages from FileDuplicating Document %1Document %1 copiedRemove PageRemove DocumentAre you sure you want to remove the document '%1'?Empty TrashAre you sure you want to empty trash?Emptying trashEmptied trashRemove FolderAre you sure you want to remove the folder '%1' and all its content?No document selected!Open Supported FileImporting file %1...Failed to import file ... Import all Images from FolderDeleteEmptyTrashOpen DocumentAdd all Images to DocumentAll Images (%1)Selection does not contain any image files!Are you sure you want to remove %n page(s) from the selected document '%1'?Folder does not contain any image filesUntitled DocumentsThe document '%1' has been generated with a newer version of OpenBoard (%2). By opening it, you may lose some information. Do you want to proceed?Are you sure you want to remove all selected documents?Remove multiple documentsUBDocumentManagerimagesvideosobjectswidgetsAll supported files (*.%1)File %1 savedInserting page %1 of %2Import successful.Import of file %1 successful.Importing file %1UBDocumentTreeWidget%1 (copy)Copying page %1/%2%1 pages copiedUBDownloadWidgetDownloading filesCancelUBDraggableThumbnailViewPage %0UBExportAdaptorWarnings during export was appearedExporting document...Export failedUnable to export to the selected location. You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file.Export failed: location not writableExport successful.UBExportDocumentPageExport as UBZ FileExporting %1 %2 of %3Export to OpenBoard FormatUBExportFullPDFExport as PDF FileExport to PDFUBExportPDFExport as PDF FileExporting page %1 of %2Export to PDFUBExportWebPageExport as Web dataExporting document...Export successful.Export failed.Export to Web BrowserUBFeaturePropertiesAdd to pageAdd to libraryObject informationsUBFeaturesActionBarAdd to favoritesShareSearchDeleteBack to folderRemove from favoritesCreate new folderRescan file systemUBFeaturesControllerImportedImageAudiosMoviesPicturesAnimationsInteractivitiesApplicationsShapesFavoritesWeb searchTrashUBFeaturesNewFolderDialogAcceptCancelEnter a new folder nameUBFeaturesProgressInfoLoading UBGraphicsGroupContainerItemDelegateLockedVisible on Extended ScreenUBGraphicsItemDelegateLockedVisible on Extended ScreenGo to Content SourceSet as backgroundUBGraphicsMediaItemMedia resource couldn't be resolvedUnsupported media formatMedia playback service not foundMedia error: UBGraphicsTextItem<Type Text Here>UBGraphicsTextItemDelegateText ColorEditableUBGraphicsW3CWidgetItemWebUBGraphicsWidgetItemLoading ...UBGraphicsWidgetItemDelegateFrozenTransform as Tool UBImportDocumentImporting file %1...Import successful.Import of file %1 failed.OpenBoard (*.ubz)UBImportImageImage Format (UBImportPDFPortable Document Format (*.pdf)PDF import failed.Importing page %1 of %2UBIntranetPodcastPublisherError while publishing video to intranet (%1)Publishing to Intranet in progress %1 %UBIntranetPodcastPublishingDialogPublishUBKeyboardPaletteEnterUBMainWindowYesNoOkUBMessagesDialogCloseUBNetworkAccessManager<qt>Enter username and password for "%1" at %2</qt>Failed to log to ProxySSL Errors:
Do you want to ignore these errors for this host?YesNoUBOpenSankoreImporterWidgetOpen-Sankore Documents DetectedShow this panel next timeYou can always access the OpenBoard Document Importer through the Preferences panel in the About tab. Warning, if you have already imported your Open-Sankore datas, you might loose your current OpenBoard documents.CancelProceedOpen-Sankoré documents are present on your computer. It is possible to import them to OpenBoard by pressing the “Proceed” button to launch the importer application.UBPersistenceManager(copy)Document Repository Losshas lost access to the document repository '%1'. Unfortunately the application must shut down to avoid data corruption. Latest changes may be lost as well.UBPlatformUtilsEnglishRussianGermanFrenchSwiss FrenchUBPodcastControllerFailed to start encoder ...No Podcast encoder available ...Part %1on your desktop folder %1Podcast created %1Podcast recording error (%1)Default Audio InputNo Audio RecordingSmallMediumFullPublish to IntranetPublish to YoutubeOpenBoard CastUBPreferencesControllerversion: Marker is pressure sensitiveUBProxyLoginDlgProxy LoginUsername:Password:UBPublicationDlgPublish document on the webTitle:Description:PublishUBSettingsMy MoviesUBStartupHintsPaletteVisible next timeUBTeacherBarWidgetUBThumbnailAdaptorGenerating preview thumbnails ...%1 thumbnails generated ...UBThumbnailTextItemPage %0UBToolsManagerCompassRulerProtractorMaskTriangleMagnifierCacheUBTrapFlashControllerWhole pageWebUBUpdateDlgDocument updater files require an update.Backup path: BrowseUpdateSelect a backup folderFiles update successful!
Please reboot the application to access the updated documents.An error occured during the update. The files have not been affected.Files update resultsUpdating file Please wait the import process will start soon...Remind me laterUBWebPluginWidgetLoading...UBWidgetUniboardAPI%0 called (method=%1, status=%2)UBYouTubePublisherYouTube authentication failed.Error while uploading video to YouTube (%1)Upload to YouTube in progress %1 %UBYouTubePublishingDialogUploadAutos & VehiclesMusicPets & AnimalsSportsTravel & EventsGamingComedyPeople & BlogsNews & PoliticsEntertainmentEducationHowto & StyleNonprofits & ActivismScience & TechnologyUBZoomPalette%1 xWBClearButtonClearWBDownloadItemSave FileDownload canceled: %1Error opening saved file: %1Error saving: %1Network Error: %1secondsminutes- %4 %5 remaining%1 of %2 (%3/sec) %4?unknown file size%1 of %2 - StoppedbytesKBMBWBDownloadManager%1 Downloadsalways >= 21 DownloadWBHistoryModelTitleAddressWBHistoryTreeModelEarlier Today%1 itemsWBSearchLineEditSearchWBTabBarNew &TabClone Tab&Close TabClose &Other TabsReload TabReload All TabsWBTabWidgetRecently Closed Tabs(Untitled)WBToolbarSearchSearchNo Recent SearchesRecent SearchesClear Recent SearchesWBWebPageDownloadAdd to Current DocumentPDFError loading page: %1Download PDF Document: would you prefer to download the PDF file or add it to the current OpenBoard document?WBWebViewOpen in New TabYouTubePublishingDialogPublish Podcast to YouTubeTitleDescriptionKeywordsCategoryYouTube UsernameYouTube Password<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:10pt;">By clicking 'Upload,' you certify that you own all rights to the content or that you are authorized by the owner to make the content publicly available on YouTube, and that it otherwise complies with the YouTube Terms of Service located at </span><a href=""><span style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;"></span></a></p></body></html>Restore credentials on rebootOpenBoardbrushPropertiesOpacityOn Light BackgroundOn Dark BackgroundLine WidthMediumStrongFinePen is Pressure SensitiveShow preview circle frompxcapturePublishingDialogDialogTitleE-mailAuthorDescriptiondocumentsOpenBoard DocumentspreferencesDialogPreferencesDefault SettingsCloseDisplayShow Page with External BrowserVirtual KeyboardPositioned at the Top (recommended for tablets)Positioned at the Bottom (recommended for white boards)Display Text Under ButtonStylus PaletteHorizontalVerticalAboutSoftware UpdateCheck software update at launchInternetHome Page:ToolbarPenMarkerversion : …LicencesNetworkShow internal web page content on secondary screen or projectorMulti displaySwap control display and view displayModeMode to start in:BoardDesktopProxy User:Pass:CreditsOpen-Sankoré ImporterCheck if Open-Sankoré data could be imported at launchUse system keyboard (recommended)Built-in virtual keyboard button size:trapFlashDialogTrap flashSelect a flash to trapabout:blankApplication nameCreate Application