/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "core/UBApplication.h" #include "core/UBPersistenceManager.h" #include "core/UBDocumentManager.h" #include "core/UBPersistenceManager.h" #include "document/UBDocumentProxy.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsPDFItem.h" #include "frameworks/UBFileSystemUtils.h" #include "pdf/PDFRenderer.h" #include "UBCFFSubsetAdaptor.h" #include "UBImportCFF.h" #include "globals/UBGlobals.h" THIRD_PARTY_WARNINGS_DISABLE #include "quazip.h" #include "quazipfile.h" #include "quazipfileinfo.h" THIRD_PARTY_WARNINGS_ENABLE #include "core/memcheck.h" UBImportCFF::UBImportCFF(QObject *parent) : UBImportAdaptor(parent) { // NOOP } UBImportCFF::~UBImportCFF() { // NOOP } QStringList UBImportCFF::supportedExtentions() { return QStringList("iwb"); } QString UBImportCFF::importFileFilter() { QString filter = tr("Common File Format ("); QStringList formats = supportedExtentions(); bool isFirst = true; foreach(QString format, formats) { if(isFirst) isFirst = false; else filter.append(" "); filter.append("*."+format); } filter.append(")"); return filter; } bool UBImportCFF::addFileToDocument(UBDocumentProxy* pDocument, const QFile& pFile) { QFileInfo fi(pFile); UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Importing file %1...").arg(fi.baseName()), true); // first unzip the file to the correct place //TODO create temporary path for iwb file content QString path = QDir::tempPath(); QString documentRootFolder = expandFileToDir(pFile, path); QString contentFile; if (documentRootFolder.isEmpty()) //if file has failed to unzip it is probably just xml file contentFile = pFile.fileName(); else //get path to content xml (according to iwbcff specification) contentFile = documentRootFolder.append("/content.xml"); if(!contentFile.length()){ UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Import of file %1 failed.").arg(fi.baseName())); return false; } else{ //TODO convert expanded CFF file content to the destination document //create destination document proxy //fill metadata and save UBDocumentProxy* destDocument = new UBDocumentProxy(UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->generateUniqueDocumentPath()); QDir dir; dir.mkdir(destDocument->persistencePath()); //try to import cff to document if (UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::ConvertCFFFileToUbz(contentFile, destDocument)) { UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->addDirectoryContentToDocument(destDocument->persistencePath(), pDocument); UBFileSystemUtils::deleteDir(destDocument->persistencePath()); delete destDocument; UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Import successful.")); return true; } else { UBFileSystemUtils::deleteDir(destDocument->persistencePath()); delete destDocument; UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Import failed.")); return false; } } } QString UBImportCFF::expandFileToDir(const QFile& pZipFile, const QString& pDir) { QuaZip zip(pZipFile.fileName()); if(!zip.open(QuaZip::mdUnzip)) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause zip.open(): " << zip.getZipError(); return ""; } zip.setFileNameCodec("UTF-8"); QuaZipFileInfo info; QuaZipFile file(&zip); //create unique cff document root fodler //use current date/time and temp number for folder name QString documentRootFolder; int tmpNumber = 0; QDir rootDir; while (true) { QString tempPath = QString("%1/sank%2.%3") .arg(pDir) .arg(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd_MM_yyyy_HH-mm")) .arg(tmpNumber); if (!rootDir.exists(tempPath)) { documentRootFolder = tempPath; break; } tmpNumber++; if (tmpNumber == 100000) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Failed to create temporary directory for iwb file"; return ""; } } if (!rootDir.mkdir(documentRootFolder)) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Couse: failed to create temp folder for cff package"; } QFile out; char c; for(bool more=zip.goToFirstFile(); more; more=zip.goToNextFile()) { if(!zip.getCurrentFileInfo(&info)) { //TOD UB 4.3 O display error to user or use crash reporter qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: getCurrentFileInfo(): " << zip.getZipError(); return ""; } // if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { // qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: file.open(): " << zip.getZipError(); // return ""; // } file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); if(file.getZipError()!= UNZ_OK) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: file.getFileName(): " << zip.getZipError(); return ""; } QString newFileName = documentRootFolder + "/" + file.getActualFileName(); QFileInfo newFileInfo(newFileName); rootDir.mkpath(newFileInfo.absolutePath()); out.setFileName(newFileName); out.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); while(file.getChar(&c)) out.putChar(c); out.close(); if(file.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: " << zip.getZipError(); return ""; } if(!file.atEnd()) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: read all but not EOF"; return ""; } file.close(); if(file.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: file.close(): " << file.getZipError(); return ""; } } zip.close(); if(zip.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: zip.close(): " << zip.getZipError(); return ""; } return documentRootFolder; } UBDocumentProxy* UBImportCFF::importFile(const QFile& pFile, const QString& pGroup) { Q_UNUSED(pGroup); // group is defined in the imported file QFileInfo fi(pFile); UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Importing file %1...").arg(fi.baseName()), true); // first unzip the file to the correct place //TODO create temporary path for iwb file content QString path = QDir::tempPath(); QString documentRootFolder = expandFileToDir(pFile, path); QString contentFile; if (documentRootFolder.isEmpty()) //if file has failed to umzip it is probably just xml file contentFile = pFile.fileName(); else //get path to content xml contentFile = QString("%1/content.xml").arg(documentRootFolder); if(!contentFile.length()){ UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Import of file %1 failed.").arg(fi.baseName())); return 0; } else{ //create destination document proxy //fill metadata and save UBDocumentProxy* destDocument = new UBDocumentProxy(UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->generateUniqueDocumentPath()); QDir dir; dir.mkdir(destDocument->persistencePath()); if (pGroup.length() > 0) destDocument->setMetaData(UBSettings::documentGroupName, pGroup); if (fi.baseName() > 0) destDocument->setMetaData(UBSettings::documentName, fi.baseName()); destDocument->setMetaData(UBSettings::documentVersion, UBSettings::currentFileVersion); destDocument->setMetaData(UBSettings::documentUpdatedAt, UBStringUtils::toUtcIsoDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime())); UBDocumentProxy* newDocument = NULL; //try to import cff to document if (UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::ConvertCFFFileToUbz(contentFile, destDocument)) { newDocument = UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->createDocumentFromDir(destDocument->persistencePath()); UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Import successful.")); } else { UBFileSystemUtils::deleteDir(destDocument->persistencePath()); UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Import failed.")); } delete destDocument; if (documentRootFolder.length() != 0) UBFileSystemUtils::deleteDir(documentRootFolder); return newDocument; } }