/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Open Education Foundation * * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Groupement d'Intérêt Public pour * l'Education Numérique en Afrique (GIP ENA) * * This file is part of OpenBoard. * * OpenBoard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, * with a specific linking exception for the OpenSSL project's * "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that use the * same license as the "OpenSSL" library). * * OpenBoard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenBoard. If not, see . */ #include "UBTrapFlashController.h" #include #include "frameworks/UBFileSystemUtils.h" #include "core/UBApplicationController.h" #include "core/UBApplication.h" #include "core/UBSettings.h" #include "network/UBNetworkAccessManager.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsScene.h" #include "board/UBBoardController.h" #include "frameworks/UBPlatformUtils.h" #include "ui_trapFlash.h" #include "core/memcheck.h" UBTrapFlashController::UBTrapFlashController(QWidget* parent) : QObject(parent) , mTrapFlashUi(0) , mTrapFlashDialog(0) , mParentWidget(parent) , mCurrentWebFrame(0) { // NOOP } UBTrapFlashController::~UBTrapFlashController() { // NOOP } void UBTrapFlashController::showTrapFlash() { if (!mTrapFlashDialog) { Qt::WindowFlags flag = Qt::Dialog | Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint ; flag &= ~ Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint; flag &= ~ Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint; mTrapFlashDialog = new QDialog(mParentWidget, flag); mTrapFlashUi = new Ui::trapFlashDialog(); mTrapFlashUi->setupUi(mTrapFlashDialog); mTrapFlashUi->webView->page()->setNetworkAccessManager(UBNetworkAccessManager::defaultAccessManager()); int viewWidth = mParentWidget->width() / 2; int viewHeight = mParentWidget->height() * 2. / 3.; mTrapFlashDialog->setGeometry( (mParentWidget->width() - viewWidth) / 2 , (mParentWidget->height() - viewHeight) / 2 , viewWidth , viewHeight); connect(mTrapFlashUi->flashCombobox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(selectFlash(int))); connect(mTrapFlashUi->widgetNameLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(text_Changed(const QString &))); connect(mTrapFlashUi->widgetNameLineEdit, SIGNAL(textEdited(const QString &)), this, SLOT(text_Edited(const QString &))); connect(mTrapFlashUi->createWidgetButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(createWidget())); } mTrapFlashDialog->show(); } void UBTrapFlashController::text_Changed(const QString &newText) { QString new_text = newText; #ifdef Q_WS_WIN // Defined on Windows. QString illegalCharList(" < > : \" / \\ | ? * "); QRegExp regExp("[<>:\"/\\\\|?*]"); #endif #ifdef Q_WS_QWS // Defined on Qt for Embedded Linux. QString illegalCharList(" < > : \" / \\ | ? * "); QRegExp regExp("[<>:\"/\\\\|?*]"); #endif #ifdef Q_WS_MAC // Defined on Mac OS X. QString illegalCharList(" < > : \" / \\ | ? * "); QRegExp regExp("[<>:\"/\\\\|?*]"); #endif #ifdef Q_WS_X11 // Defined on X11. QString illegalCharList(" < > : \" / \\ | ? * "); QRegExp regExp("[<>:\"/\\\\|?*]"); #endif if(new_text.indexOf(regExp) > -1) { new_text.remove(regExp); mTrapFlashUi->widgetNameLineEdit->setText(new_text); QToolTip::showText(mTrapFlashUi->widgetNameLineEdit->mapToGlobal(QPoint()), "Application name can`t contain any of the following characters:\r\n"+illegalCharList); } } void UBTrapFlashController::text_Edited(const QString &newText) { Q_UNUSED(newText); } void UBTrapFlashController::hideTrapFlash() { if (mTrapFlashDialog) { mTrapFlashDialog->hide(); } } void UBTrapFlashController::updateListOfFlashes(const QList& pAllFlashes) { if (mTrapFlashDialog) { mAvailableFlashes = pAllFlashes; disconnect(mTrapFlashUi->flashCombobox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(selectFlash(int))); mTrapFlashUi->flashCombobox->clear(); mTrapFlashUi->flashCombobox->addItem(tr("Whole page")); foreach(UBWebKitUtils::HtmlObject wrapper, pAllFlashes) { mTrapFlashUi->flashCombobox->addItem(widgetNameForObject(wrapper)); } connect(mTrapFlashUi->flashCombobox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(selectFlash(int))); selectFlash(mTrapFlashUi->flashCombobox->currentIndex()); } } void UBTrapFlashController::selectFlash(int pFlashIndex) { if (pFlashIndex == 0) { mTrapFlashUi->webView->setHtml(generateFullPageHtml("", false)); QVariant res = mCurrentWebFrame->evaluateJavaScript("window.document.title"); mTrapFlashUi->widgetNameLineEdit->setText(res.toString().trimmed()); } else if (pFlashIndex > 0 && pFlashIndex <= mAvailableFlashes.size()) { UBWebKitUtils::HtmlObject currentObject = mAvailableFlashes.at(pFlashIndex - 1); mTrapFlashUi->webView->setHtml(generateHtml(currentObject, "", false)); mTrapFlashUi->widgetNameLineEdit->setText(widgetNameForObject(currentObject)); } } void UBTrapFlashController::createWidget() { int selectedIndex = mTrapFlashUi->flashCombobox->currentIndex(); if (selectedIndex == 0) { // full page widget QString tempDir = UBFileSystemUtils::createTempDir("TrapFlashRendering"); QDir widgetDir(tempDir + "/" + mTrapFlashUi->widgetNameLineEdit->text() + ".wgt"); if (widgetDir.exists() && !UBFileSystemUtils::deleteDir(widgetDir.path())) { qWarning() << "Cannot delete " << widgetDir.path(); } widgetDir.mkpath(widgetDir.path()); generateFullPageHtml(widgetDir.path(), true); generateIcon(widgetDir.path()); generateConfig(800, 600, widgetDir.path()); //generateDefaultPng(width, height, widgetDir.path()); importWidgetInLibrary(widgetDir); UBFileSystemUtils::deleteDir(tempDir); } else { // flash widget UBWebKitUtils::HtmlObject selectedObject = mAvailableFlashes.at(selectedIndex - 1); UBApplication::applicationController->showBoard(); UBApplication::boardController->downloadURL(QUrl(selectedObject.source), QString(), QPoint(0, 0), QSize(selectedObject.width, selectedObject.height)); } QString freezedWidgetPath = UBPlatformUtils::applicationResourcesDirectory() + "/etc/freezedWidgetWrapper.html"; mTrapFlashUi->webView->load(QUrl::fromLocalFile(freezedWidgetPath)); mTrapFlashDialog->hide(); } void UBTrapFlashController::importWidgetInLibrary(QDir pSourceDir) { const QString userWidgetPath = UBSettings::settings()->userInteractiveDirectory() + "/" + tr("Web"); QDir userWidgetDir(userWidgetPath); if (!userWidgetDir.exists()) { userWidgetDir.mkpath(userWidgetPath); } QString widgetLibraryPath = userWidgetPath + "/" + mTrapFlashUi->widgetNameLineEdit->text() + ".wgt"; QDir widgetLibraryDir(widgetLibraryPath); if (widgetLibraryDir.exists()) { if (!UBFileSystemUtils::deleteDir(widgetLibraryDir.path())) { qWarning() << "Cannot delete old widget " << widgetLibraryDir.path(); } } qDebug() << "Widget imported in path " << widgetLibraryPath; UBFileSystemUtils::copyDir(pSourceDir.path(), widgetLibraryPath); // also add to current scene if (UBApplication::applicationController) UBApplication::applicationController->showBoard(); if (UBApplication::boardController && UBApplication::boardController->activeScene()) { UBApplication::boardController->activeScene()->addWidget(QUrl::fromLocalFile(widgetLibraryPath)); } } void UBTrapFlashController::updateTrapFlashFromPage(QWebFrame* pCurrentWebFrame) { if (pCurrentWebFrame && mTrapFlashDialog && mTrapFlashDialog->isVisible()) { QList list = UBWebKitUtils::objectsInFrame(pCurrentWebFrame); mCurrentWebFrame = pCurrentWebFrame; updateListOfFlashes(list); } } QString UBTrapFlashController::generateIcon(const QString& pDirPath) { QDesktopWidget* desktop = QApplication::desktop(); QPoint webViewPosition = mTrapFlashUi->webView->mapToGlobal(mTrapFlashUi->webView->pos()); QSize webViewSize = mTrapFlashUi->webView->size(); QPixmap capture = QPixmap::grabWindow(desktop->winId(), webViewPosition.x(), webViewPosition.y() , webViewSize.width() - 10, webViewSize.height() -10); QPixmap widgetIcon(75,75); widgetIcon.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter painter(&widgetIcon); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); painter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(180,180,180))); painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, 75, 75, 10, 10); QPixmap icon = capture.scaled(65, 65); painter.drawPixmap(5,5,icon); QString iconFile = pDirPath + "/icon.png"; widgetIcon.save(iconFile, "PNG"); return iconFile; } void UBTrapFlashController::generateConfig(int pWidth, int pHeight, const QString& pDestinationPath) { QFile configFile(pDestinationPath + "/" + "config.xml"); if (configFile.exists()) { configFile.remove(configFile.fileName()); } if (!configFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { qWarning() << "Cannot open file " << configFile.fileName(); return; } QTextStream out(&configFile); out.setCodec("UTF-8"); out << "" << endl; out << "widgetNameLineEdit->text() << "\"" <" << endl; out << " " << mTrapFlashUi->widgetNameLineEdit->text() << "" << endl; out << " widgetNameLineEdit->text() << ".html\"/>" << endl; out << "" << endl; configFile.close(); } QString UBTrapFlashController::generateFullPageHtml(const QString& pDirPath, bool pGenerateFile) { QString htmlContentString; htmlContentString += "\r\n"; htmlContentString += "\r\n"; htmlContentString += " \r\n"; htmlContentString += " url().toString() + "\">\r\n"; htmlContentString += " \r\n"; htmlContentString += " \r\n"; htmlContentString += " Redirect to target...\r\n"; htmlContentString += " \r\n"; htmlContentString += "\r\n"; if (!pGenerateFile) { return htmlContentString; } else { QString fileName = mTrapFlashUi->widgetNameLineEdit->text(); const QString fullHtmlFileName = pDirPath + "/" + fileName + ".html"; QDir dir(pDirPath); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkpath(dir.path()); } QFile widgetHtmlFile(fullHtmlFileName); if (widgetHtmlFile.exists()) { widgetHtmlFile.remove(widgetHtmlFile.fileName()); } if (!widgetHtmlFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { qWarning() << "cannot open file " << widgetHtmlFile.fileName(); return ""; } QTextStream out(&widgetHtmlFile); out << htmlContentString; widgetHtmlFile.close(); return widgetHtmlFile.fileName(); } } QString UBTrapFlashController::generateHtml(const UBWebKitUtils::HtmlObject& pObject, const QString& pDirPath, bool pGenerateFile) { qDebug() << pObject.source; QUrl objectUrl(pObject.source); QString objectFullUrl = pObject.source; if (!objectUrl.isValid()) { qWarning() << "invalid URL " << pObject.source; return ""; } if (objectUrl.isRelative()) { int lastSlashIndex = mCurrentWebFrame->url().toString().lastIndexOf("/"); QString objectPath = mCurrentWebFrame->url().toString().left(lastSlashIndex); objectFullUrl = objectPath+ "/" + pObject.source; } QString htmlContentString; htmlContentString += "\n"; htmlContentString += "\n"; htmlContentString += "\n"; htmlContentString += " \n"; htmlContentString += "\n"; if (!pGenerateFile) { htmlContentString += "\n"; } else { htmlContentString += "\n"; } htmlContentString += "
\n"; if (mCurrentWebFrame->url().toString().contains("youtube")) { QVariant res = mCurrentWebFrame->evaluateJavaScript("window.document.getElementById('embed_code').value"); //force windowsless mode htmlContentString += res.toString().replace(">", " wmode='opaque'>"); } else { htmlContentString += " \n"; htmlContentString += " \n"; htmlContentString += " \n"; htmlContentString += " \n"; htmlContentString += " \n"; htmlContentString += " \n"; htmlContentString += " \n"; } htmlContentString += "
\n"; htmlContentString += "\n"; htmlContentString += "\n"; if (!pGenerateFile) { return htmlContentString; } else { QString fileName = mTrapFlashUi->widgetNameLineEdit->text(); const QString fullHtmlFileName = pDirPath + "/" + fileName + ".html"; QDir dir(pDirPath); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkpath(dir.path()); } QFile widgetHtmlFile(fullHtmlFileName); if (widgetHtmlFile.exists()) { widgetHtmlFile.remove(widgetHtmlFile.fileName()); } if (!widgetHtmlFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { qWarning() << "cannot open file " << widgetHtmlFile.fileName(); return ""; } QTextStream out(&widgetHtmlFile); out << htmlContentString; widgetHtmlFile.close(); return widgetHtmlFile.fileName(); } } QString UBTrapFlashController::widgetNameForObject(UBWebKitUtils::HtmlObject pObject) { QString url = pObject.source; int parametersIndex = url.indexOf("?"); if(parametersIndex != -1) url = url.left(parametersIndex); int lastSlashIndex = url.lastIndexOf("/"); QString result = url.right(url.length() - lastSlashIndex); result = UBFileSystemUtils::cleanName(result); return result; }