/**************************************************************************** ** ** Namespace Office generated by dumpcpp from type library ** c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\MSO.DLL ** ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef QAX_DUMPCPP_OFFICE_H #define QAX_DUMPCPP_OFFICE_H // Define this symbol to __declspec(dllexport) or __declspec(dllimport) #ifndef OFFICE_EXPORT #define OFFICE_EXPORT #endif #include <qaxobject.h> #include <qaxwidget.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qpixmap.h> struct IDispatch; // Referenced namespace namespace Office { enum DocProperties { offPropertyTypeNumber = 1, offPropertyTypeBoolean = 2, offPropertyTypeDate = 3, offPropertyTypeString = 4, offPropertyTypeFloat = 5 }; enum MailFormat { mfPlainText = 1, mfHTML = 2, mfRTF = 3 }; enum MsoAlertButtonType { msoAlertButtonOK = 0, msoAlertButtonOKCancel = 1, msoAlertButtonAbortRetryIgnore= 2, msoAlertButtonYesNoCancel= 3, msoAlertButtonYesNo = 4, msoAlertButtonRetryCancel= 5, msoAlertButtonYesAllNoCancel= 6 }; enum MsoAlertCancelType { msoAlertCancelDefault = -1, msoAlertCancelFirst = 0, msoAlertCancelSecond = 1, msoAlertCancelThird = 2, msoAlertCancelFourth = 3, msoAlertCancelFifth = 4 }; enum MsoAlertDefaultType { msoAlertDefaultFirst = 0, msoAlertDefaultSecond = 1, msoAlertDefaultThird = 2, msoAlertDefaultFourth = 3, msoAlertDefaultFifth = 4 }; enum MsoAlertIconType { msoAlertIconNoIcon = 0, msoAlertIconCritical = 1, msoAlertIconQuery = 2, msoAlertIconWarning = 3, msoAlertIconInfo = 4 }; enum MsoAlignCmd { msoAlignLefts = 0, msoAlignCenters = 1, msoAlignRights = 2, msoAlignTops = 3, msoAlignMiddles = 4, msoAlignBottoms = 5 }; enum MsoAnimationType { msoAnimationIdle = 1, msoAnimationGreeting = 2, msoAnimationGoodbye = 3, msoAnimationBeginSpeaking= 4, msoAnimationRestPose = 5, msoAnimationCharacterSuccessMajor= 6, msoAnimationGetAttentionMajor= 11, msoAnimationGetAttentionMinor= 12, msoAnimationSearching = 13, msoAnimationPrinting = 18, msoAnimationGestureRight= 19, msoAnimationWritingNotingSomething= 22, msoAnimationWorkingAtSomething= 23, msoAnimationThinking = 24, msoAnimationSendingMail = 25, msoAnimationListensToComputer= 26, msoAnimationDisappear = 31, msoAnimationAppear = 32, msoAnimationGetArtsy = 100, msoAnimationGetTechy = 101, msoAnimationGetWizardy = 102, msoAnimationCheckingSomething= 103, msoAnimationLookDown = 104, msoAnimationLookDownLeft= 105, msoAnimationLookDownRight= 106, msoAnimationLookLeft = 107, msoAnimationLookRight = 108, msoAnimationLookUp = 109, msoAnimationLookUpLeft = 110, msoAnimationLookUpRight = 111, msoAnimationSaving = 112, msoAnimationGestureDown = 113, msoAnimationGestureLeft = 114, msoAnimationGestureUp = 115, msoAnimationEmptyTrash = 116 }; enum MsoAppLanguageID { msoLanguageIDInstall = 1, msoLanguageIDUI = 2, msoLanguageIDHelp = 3, msoLanguageIDExeMode = 4, msoLanguageIDUIPrevious = 5 }; enum MsoArrowheadLength { msoArrowheadLengthMixed = -2, msoArrowheadShort = 1, msoArrowheadLengthMedium= 2, msoArrowheadLong = 3 }; enum MsoArrowheadStyle { msoArrowheadStyleMixed = -2, msoArrowheadNone = 1, msoArrowheadTriangle = 2, msoArrowheadOpen = 3, msoArrowheadStealth = 4, msoArrowheadDiamond = 5, msoArrowheadOval = 6 }; enum MsoArrowheadWidth { msoArrowheadWidthMixed = -2, msoArrowheadNarrow = 1, msoArrowheadWidthMedium = 2, msoArrowheadWide = 3 }; enum MsoAutoShapeType { msoShapeMixed = -2, msoShapeRectangle = 1, msoShapeParallelogram = 2, msoShapeTrapezoid = 3, msoShapeDiamond = 4, msoShapeRoundedRectangle= 5, msoShapeOctagon = 6, msoShapeIsoscelesTriangle= 7, msoShapeRightTriangle = 8, msoShapeOval = 9, msoShapeHexagon = 10, msoShapeCross = 11, msoShapeRegularPentagon = 12, msoShapeCan = 13, msoShapeCube = 14, msoShapeBevel = 15, msoShapeFoldedCorner = 16, msoShapeSmileyFace = 17, msoShapeDonut = 18, msoShapeNoSymbol = 19, msoShapeBlockArc = 20, msoShapeHeart = 21, msoShapeLightningBolt = 22, msoShapeSun = 23, msoShapeMoon = 24, msoShapeArc = 25, msoShapeDoubleBracket = 26, msoShapeDoubleBrace = 27, msoShapePlaque = 28, msoShapeLeftBracket = 29, msoShapeRightBracket = 30, msoShapeLeftBrace = 31, msoShapeRightBrace = 32, msoShapeRightArrow = 33, msoShapeLeftArrow = 34, msoShapeUpArrow = 35, msoShapeDownArrow = 36, msoShapeLeftRightArrow = 37, msoShapeUpDownArrow = 38, msoShapeQuadArrow = 39, msoShapeLeftRightUpArrow= 40, msoShapeBentArrow = 41, msoShapeUTurnArrow = 42, msoShapeLeftUpArrow = 43, msoShapeBentUpArrow = 44, msoShapeCurvedRightArrow= 45, msoShapeCurvedLeftArrow = 46, msoShapeCurvedUpArrow = 47, msoShapeCurvedDownArrow = 48, msoShapeStripedRightArrow= 49, msoShapeNotchedRightArrow= 50, msoShapePentagon = 51, msoShapeChevron = 52, msoShapeRightArrowCallout= 53, msoShapeLeftArrowCallout= 54, msoShapeUpArrowCallout = 55, msoShapeDownArrowCallout= 56, msoShapeLeftRightArrowCallout= 57, msoShapeUpDownArrowCallout= 58, msoShapeQuadArrowCallout= 59, msoShapeCircularArrow = 60, msoShapeFlowchartProcess= 61, msoShapeFlowchartAlternateProcess= 62, msoShapeFlowchartDecision= 63, msoShapeFlowchartData = 64, msoShapeFlowchartPredefinedProcess= 65, msoShapeFlowchartInternalStorage= 66, msoShapeFlowchartDocument= 67, msoShapeFlowchartMultidocument= 68, msoShapeFlowchartTerminator= 69, msoShapeFlowchartPreparation= 70, msoShapeFlowchartManualInput= 71, msoShapeFlowchartManualOperation= 72, msoShapeFlowchartConnector= 73, msoShapeFlowchartOffpageConnector= 74, msoShapeFlowchartCard = 75, msoShapeFlowchartPunchedTape= 76, msoShapeFlowchartSummingJunction= 77, msoShapeFlowchartOr = 78, msoShapeFlowchartCollate= 79, msoShapeFlowchartSort = 80, msoShapeFlowchartExtract= 81, msoShapeFlowchartMerge = 82, msoShapeFlowchartStoredData= 83, msoShapeFlowchartDelay = 84, msoShapeFlowchartSequentialAccessStorage= 85, msoShapeFlowchartMagneticDisk= 86, msoShapeFlowchartDirectAccessStorage= 87, msoShapeFlowchartDisplay= 88, msoShapeExplosion1 = 89, msoShapeExplosion2 = 90, msoShape4pointStar = 91, msoShape5pointStar = 92, msoShape8pointStar = 93, msoShape16pointStar = 94, msoShape24pointStar = 95, msoShape32pointStar = 96, msoShapeUpRibbon = 97, msoShapeDownRibbon = 98, msoShapeCurvedUpRibbon = 99, msoShapeCurvedDownRibbon= 100, msoShapeVerticalScroll = 101, msoShapeHorizontalScroll= 102, msoShapeWave = 103, msoShapeDoubleWave = 104, msoShapeRectangularCallout= 105, msoShapeRoundedRectangularCallout= 106, msoShapeOvalCallout = 107, msoShapeCloudCallout = 108, msoShapeLineCallout1 = 109, msoShapeLineCallout2 = 110, msoShapeLineCallout3 = 111, msoShapeLineCallout4 = 112, msoShapeLineCallout1AccentBar= 113, msoShapeLineCallout2AccentBar= 114, msoShapeLineCallout3AccentBar= 115, msoShapeLineCallout4AccentBar= 116, msoShapeLineCallout1NoBorder= 117, msoShapeLineCallout2NoBorder= 118, msoShapeLineCallout3NoBorder= 119, msoShapeLineCallout4NoBorder= 120, msoShapeLineCallout1BorderandAccentBar= 121, msoShapeLineCallout2BorderandAccentBar= 122, msoShapeLineCallout3BorderandAccentBar= 123, msoShapeLineCallout4BorderandAccentBar= 124, msoShapeActionButtonCustom= 125, msoShapeActionButtonHome= 126, msoShapeActionButtonHelp= 127, msoShapeActionButtonInformation= 128, msoShapeActionButtonBackorPrevious= 129, msoShapeActionButtonForwardorNext= 130, msoShapeActionButtonBeginning= 131, msoShapeActionButtonEnd = 132, msoShapeActionButtonReturn= 133, msoShapeActionButtonDocument= 134, msoShapeActionButtonSound= 135, msoShapeActionButtonMovie= 136, msoShapeBalloon = 137, msoShapeNotPrimitive = 138 }; enum MsoAutomationSecurity { msoAutomationSecurityLow= 1, msoAutomationSecurityByUI= 2, msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable= 3 }; enum MsoBalloonButtonType { msoBalloonButtonYesToAll= -15, msoBalloonButtonOptions = -14, msoBalloonButtonTips = -13, msoBalloonButtonClose = -12, msoBalloonButtonSnooze = -11, msoBalloonButtonSearch = -10, msoBalloonButtonIgnore = -9, msoBalloonButtonAbort = -8, msoBalloonButtonRetry = -7, msoBalloonButtonNext = -6, msoBalloonButtonBack = -5, msoBalloonButtonNo = -4, msoBalloonButtonYes = -3, msoBalloonButtonCancel = -2, msoBalloonButtonOK = -1, msoBalloonButtonNull = 0 }; enum MsoBalloonErrorType { msoBalloonErrorNone = 0, msoBalloonErrorOther = 1, msoBalloonErrorTooBig = 2, msoBalloonErrorOutOfMemory= 3, msoBalloonErrorBadPictureRef= 4, msoBalloonErrorBadReference= 5, msoBalloonErrorButtonlessModal= 6, msoBalloonErrorButtonModeless= 7, msoBalloonErrorBadCharacter= 8, msoBalloonErrorCOMFailure= 9, msoBalloonErrorCharNotTopmostForModal= 10, msoBalloonErrorTooManyControls= 11 }; enum MsoBalloonType { msoBalloonTypeButtons = 0, msoBalloonTypeBullets = 1, msoBalloonTypeNumbers = 2 }; enum MsoBarPosition { msoBarLeft = 0, msoBarTop = 1, msoBarRight = 2, msoBarBottom = 3, msoBarFloating = 4, msoBarPopup = 5, msoBarMenuBar = 6 }; enum MsoBarProtection { msoBarNoProtection = 0, msoBarNoCustomize = 1, msoBarNoResize = 2, msoBarNoMove = 4, msoBarNoChangeVisible = 8, msoBarNoChangeDock = 16, msoBarNoVerticalDock = 32, msoBarNoHorizontalDock = 64 }; enum MsoBarRow { msoBarRowFirst = 0, msoBarRowLast = -1 }; enum MsoBarType { msoBarTypeNormal = 0, msoBarTypeMenuBar = 1, msoBarTypePopup = 2 }; enum MsoBlackWhiteMode { msoBlackWhiteMixed = -2, msoBlackWhiteAutomatic = 1, msoBlackWhiteGrayScale = 2, msoBlackWhiteLightGrayScale= 3, msoBlackWhiteInverseGrayScale= 4, msoBlackWhiteGrayOutline= 5, msoBlackWhiteBlackTextAndLine= 6, msoBlackWhiteHighContrast= 7, msoBlackWhiteBlack = 8, msoBlackWhiteWhite = 9, msoBlackWhiteDontShow = 10 }; enum MsoButtonSetType { msoButtonSetNone = 0, msoButtonSetOK = 1, msoButtonSetCancel = 2, msoButtonSetOkCancel = 3, msoButtonSetYesNo = 4, msoButtonSetYesNoCancel = 5, msoButtonSetBackClose = 6, msoButtonSetNextClose = 7, msoButtonSetBackNextClose= 8, msoButtonSetRetryCancel = 9, msoButtonSetAbortRetryIgnore= 10, msoButtonSetSearchClose = 11, msoButtonSetBackNextSnooze= 12, msoButtonSetTipsOptionsClose= 13, msoButtonSetYesAllNoCancel= 14 }; enum MsoButtonState { msoButtonUp = 0, msoButtonDown = -1, msoButtonMixed = 2 }; enum MsoButtonStyle { msoButtonAutomatic = 0, msoButtonIcon = 1, msoButtonCaption = 2, msoButtonIconAndCaption = 3, msoButtonIconAndWrapCaption= 7, msoButtonIconAndCaptionBelow= 11, msoButtonWrapCaption = 14, msoButtonIconAndWrapCaptionBelow= 15 }; enum MsoButtonStyleHidden { msoButtonWrapText = 4, msoButtonTextBelow = 8 }; enum MsoCalloutAngleType { msoCalloutAngleMixed = -2, msoCalloutAngleAutomatic= 1, msoCalloutAngle30 = 2, msoCalloutAngle45 = 3, msoCalloutAngle60 = 4, msoCalloutAngle90 = 5 }; enum MsoCalloutDropType { msoCalloutDropMixed = -2, msoCalloutDropCustom = 1, msoCalloutDropTop = 2, msoCalloutDropCenter = 3, msoCalloutDropBottom = 4 }; enum MsoCalloutType { msoCalloutMixed = -2, msoCalloutOne = 1, msoCalloutTwo = 2, msoCalloutThree = 3, msoCalloutFour = 4 }; enum MsoCharacterSet { msoCharacterSetArabic = 1, msoCharacterSetCyrillic = 2, msoCharacterSetEnglishWesternEuropeanOtherLatinScript= 3, msoCharacterSetGreek = 4, msoCharacterSetHebrew = 5, msoCharacterSetJapanese = 6, msoCharacterSetKorean = 7, msoCharacterSetMultilingualUnicode= 8, msoCharacterSetSimplifiedChinese= 9, msoCharacterSetThai = 10, msoCharacterSetTraditionalChinese= 11, msoCharacterSetVietnamese= 12 }; enum MsoColorType { msoColorTypeMixed = -2, msoColorTypeRGB = 1, msoColorTypeScheme = 2, msoColorTypeCMYK = 3, msoColorTypeCMS = 4, msoColorTypeInk = 5 }; enum MsoComboStyle { msoComboNormal = 0, msoComboLabel = 1 }; enum MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType { msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkNone= 0, msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen= 1, msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkInsertPicture= 2 }; enum MsoCondition { msoConditionFileTypeAllFiles= 1, msoConditionFileTypeOfficeFiles= 2, msoConditionFileTypeWordDocuments= 3, msoConditionFileTypeExcelWorkbooks= 4, msoConditionFileTypePowerPointPresentations= 5, msoConditionFileTypeBinders= 6, msoConditionFileTypeDatabases= 7, msoConditionFileTypeTemplates= 8, msoConditionIncludes = 9, msoConditionIncludesPhrase= 10, msoConditionBeginsWith = 11, msoConditionEndsWith = 12, msoConditionIncludesNearEachOther= 13, msoConditionIsExactly = 14, msoConditionIsNot = 15, msoConditionYesterday = 16, msoConditionToday = 17, msoConditionTomorrow = 18, msoConditionLastWeek = 19, msoConditionThisWeek = 20, msoConditionNextWeek = 21, msoConditionLastMonth = 22, msoConditionThisMonth = 23, msoConditionNextMonth = 24, msoConditionAnytime = 25, msoConditionAnytimeBetween= 26, msoConditionOn = 27, msoConditionOnOrAfter = 28, msoConditionOnOrBefore = 29, msoConditionInTheNext = 30, msoConditionInTheLast = 31, msoConditionEquals = 32, msoConditionDoesNotEqual= 33, msoConditionAnyNumberBetween= 34, msoConditionAtMost = 35, msoConditionAtLeast = 36, msoConditionMoreThan = 37, msoConditionLessThan = 38, msoConditionIsYes = 39, msoConditionIsNo = 40, msoConditionIncludesFormsOf= 41, msoConditionFreeText = 42, msoConditionFileTypeOutlookItems= 43, msoConditionFileTypeMailItem= 44, msoConditionFileTypeCalendarItem= 45, msoConditionFileTypeContactItem= 46, msoConditionFileTypeNoteItem= 47, msoConditionFileTypeJournalItem= 48, msoConditionFileTypeTaskItem= 49, msoConditionFileTypePhotoDrawFiles= 50, msoConditionFileTypeDataConnectionFiles= 51, msoConditionFileTypePublisherFiles= 52, msoConditionFileTypeProjectFiles= 53, msoConditionFileTypeDocumentImagingFiles= 54, msoConditionFileTypeVisioFiles= 55, msoConditionFileTypeDesignerFiles= 56, msoConditionFileTypeWebPages= 57, msoConditionEqualsLow = 58, msoConditionEqualsNormal= 59, msoConditionEqualsHigh = 60, msoConditionNotEqualToLow= 61, msoConditionNotEqualToNormal= 62, msoConditionNotEqualToHigh= 63, msoConditionEqualsNotStarted= 64, msoConditionEqualsInProgress= 65, msoConditionEqualsCompleted= 66, msoConditionEqualsWaitingForSomeoneElse= 67, msoConditionEqualsDeferred= 68, msoConditionNotEqualToNotStarted= 69, msoConditionNotEqualToInProgress= 70, msoConditionNotEqualToCompleted= 71, msoConditionNotEqualToWaitingForSomeoneElse= 72, msoConditionNotEqualToDeferred= 73 }; enum MsoConnector { msoConnectorAnd = 1, msoConnectorOr = 2 }; enum MsoConnectorType { msoConnectorTypeMixed = -2, msoConnectorStraight = 1, msoConnectorElbow = 2, msoConnectorCurve = 3 }; enum MsoControlOLEUsage { msoControlOLEUsageNeither= 0, msoControlOLEUsageServer= 1, msoControlOLEUsageClient= 2, msoControlOLEUsageBoth = 3 }; enum MsoControlType { msoControlCustom = 0, msoControlButton = 1, msoControlEdit = 2, msoControlDropdown = 3, msoControlComboBox = 4, msoControlButtonDropdown= 5, msoControlSplitDropdown = 6, msoControlOCXDropdown = 7, msoControlGenericDropdown= 8, msoControlGraphicDropdown= 9, msoControlPopup = 10, msoControlGraphicPopup = 11, msoControlButtonPopup = 12, msoControlSplitButtonPopup= 13, msoControlSplitButtonMRUPopup= 14, msoControlLabel = 15, msoControlExpandingGrid = 16, msoControlSplitExpandingGrid= 17, msoControlGrid = 18, msoControlGauge = 19, msoControlGraphicCombo = 20, msoControlPane = 21, msoControlActiveX = 22, msoControlSpinner = 23, msoControlLabelEx = 24, msoControlWorkPane = 25, msoControlAutoCompleteCombo= 26 }; enum MsoDiagramNodeType { msoDiagramNode = 1, msoDiagramAssistant = 2 }; enum MsoDiagramType { msoDiagramMixed = -2, msoDiagramOrgChart = 1, msoDiagramCycle = 2, msoDiagramRadial = 3, msoDiagramPyramid = 4, msoDiagramVenn = 5, msoDiagramTarget = 6 }; enum MsoDistributeCmd { msoDistributeHorizontally= 0, msoDistributeVertically = 1 }; enum MsoDocProperties { msoPropertyTypeNumber = 1, msoPropertyTypeBoolean = 2, msoPropertyTypeDate = 3, msoPropertyTypeString = 4, msoPropertyTypeFloat = 5 }; enum MsoEditingType { msoEditingAuto = 0, msoEditingCorner = 1, msoEditingSmooth = 2, msoEditingSymmetric = 3 }; enum MsoEncoding { msoEncodingThai = 874, msoEncodingJapaneseShiftJIS= 932, msoEncodingSimplifiedChineseGBK= 936, msoEncodingKorean = 949, msoEncodingTraditionalChineseBig5= 950, msoEncodingUnicodeLittleEndian= 1200, msoEncodingUnicodeBigEndian= 1201, msoEncodingCentralEuropean= 1250, msoEncodingCyrillic = 1251, msoEncodingWestern = 1252, msoEncodingGreek = 1253, msoEncodingTurkish = 1254, msoEncodingHebrew = 1255, msoEncodingArabic = 1256, msoEncodingBaltic = 1257, msoEncodingVietnamese = 1258, msoEncodingAutoDetect = 50001, msoEncodingJapaneseAutoDetect= 50932, msoEncodingSimplifiedChineseAutoDetect= 50936, msoEncodingKoreanAutoDetect= 50949, msoEncodingTraditionalChineseAutoDetect= 50950, msoEncodingCyrillicAutoDetect= 51251, msoEncodingGreekAutoDetect= 51253, msoEncodingArabicAutoDetect= 51256, msoEncodingISO88591Latin1= 28591, msoEncodingISO88592CentralEurope= 28592, msoEncodingISO88593Latin3= 28593, msoEncodingISO88594Baltic= 28594, msoEncodingISO88595Cyrillic= 28595, msoEncodingISO88596Arabic= 28596, msoEncodingISO88597Greek= 28597, msoEncodingISO88598Hebrew= 28598, msoEncodingISO88599Turkish= 28599, msoEncodingISO885915Latin9= 28605, msoEncodingISO88598HebrewLogical= 38598, msoEncodingISO2022JPNoHalfwidthKatakana= 50220, msoEncodingISO2022JPJISX02021984= 50221, msoEncodingISO2022JPJISX02011989= 50222, msoEncodingISO2022KR = 50225, msoEncodingISO2022CNTraditionalChinese= 50227, msoEncodingISO2022CNSimplifiedChinese= 50229, msoEncodingMacRoman = 10000, msoEncodingMacJapanese = 10001, msoEncodingMacTraditionalChineseBig5= 10002, msoEncodingMacKorean = 10003, msoEncodingMacArabic = 10004, msoEncodingMacHebrew = 10005, msoEncodingMacGreek1 = 10006, msoEncodingMacCyrillic = 10007, msoEncodingMacSimplifiedChineseGB2312= 10008, msoEncodingMacRomania = 10010, msoEncodingMacUkraine = 10017, msoEncodingMacLatin2 = 10029, msoEncodingMacIcelandic = 10079, msoEncodingMacTurkish = 10081, msoEncodingMacCroatia = 10082, msoEncodingEBCDICUSCanada= 37, msoEncodingEBCDICInternational= 500, msoEncodingEBCDICMultilingualROECELatin2= 870, msoEncodingEBCDICGreekModern= 875, msoEncodingEBCDICTurkishLatin5= 1026, msoEncodingEBCDICGermany= 20273, msoEncodingEBCDICDenmarkNorway= 20277, msoEncodingEBCDICFinlandSweden= 20278, msoEncodingEBCDICItaly = 20280, msoEncodingEBCDICLatinAmericaSpain= 20284, msoEncodingEBCDICUnitedKingdom= 20285, msoEncodingEBCDICJapaneseKatakanaExtended= 20290, msoEncodingEBCDICFrance = 20297, msoEncodingEBCDICArabic = 20420, msoEncodingEBCDICGreek = 20423, msoEncodingEBCDICHebrew = 20424, msoEncodingEBCDICKoreanExtended= 20833, msoEncodingEBCDICThai = 20838, msoEncodingEBCDICIcelandic= 20871, msoEncodingEBCDICTurkish= 20905, msoEncodingEBCDICRussian= 20880, msoEncodingEBCDICSerbianBulgarian= 21025, msoEncodingEBCDICJapaneseKatakanaExtendedAndJapanese= 50930, msoEncodingEBCDICUSCanadaAndJapanese= 50931, msoEncodingEBCDICKoreanExtendedAndKorean= 50933, msoEncodingEBCDICSimplifiedChineseExtendedAndSimplifiedChinese= 50935, msoEncodingEBCDICUSCanadaAndTraditionalChinese= 50937, msoEncodingEBCDICJapaneseLatinExtendedAndJapanese= 50939, msoEncodingOEMUnitedStates= 437, msoEncodingOEMGreek437G = 737, msoEncodingOEMBaltic = 775, msoEncodingOEMMultilingualLatinI= 850, msoEncodingOEMMultilingualLatinII= 852, msoEncodingOEMCyrillic = 855, msoEncodingOEMTurkish = 857, msoEncodingOEMPortuguese= 860, msoEncodingOEMIcelandic = 861, msoEncodingOEMHebrew = 862, msoEncodingOEMCanadianFrench= 863, msoEncodingOEMArabic = 864, msoEncodingOEMNordic = 865, msoEncodingOEMCyrillicII= 866, msoEncodingOEMModernGreek= 869, msoEncodingEUCJapanese = 51932, msoEncodingEUCChineseSimplifiedChinese= 51936, msoEncodingEUCKorean = 51949, msoEncodingEUCTaiwaneseTraditionalChinese= 51950, msoEncodingISCIIDevanagari= 57002, msoEncodingISCIIBengali = 57003, msoEncodingISCIITamil = 57004, msoEncodingISCIITelugu = 57005, msoEncodingISCIIAssamese= 57006, msoEncodingISCIIOriya = 57007, msoEncodingISCIIKannada = 57008, msoEncodingISCIIMalayalam= 57009, msoEncodingISCIIGujarati= 57010, msoEncodingISCIIPunjabi = 57011, msoEncodingArabicASMO = 708, msoEncodingArabicTransparentASMO= 720, msoEncodingKoreanJohab = 1361, msoEncodingTaiwanCNS = 20000, msoEncodingTaiwanTCA = 20001, msoEncodingTaiwanEten = 20002, msoEncodingTaiwanIBM5550= 20003, msoEncodingTaiwanTeleText= 20004, msoEncodingTaiwanWang = 20005, msoEncodingIA5IRV = 20105, msoEncodingIA5German = 20106, msoEncodingIA5Swedish = 20107, msoEncodingIA5Norwegian = 20108, msoEncodingUSASCII = 20127, msoEncodingT61 = 20261, msoEncodingISO6937NonSpacingAccent= 20269, msoEncodingKOI8R = 20866, msoEncodingExtAlphaLowercase= 21027, msoEncodingKOI8U = 21866, msoEncodingEuropa3 = 29001, msoEncodingHZGBSimplifiedChinese= 52936, msoEncodingSimplifiedChineseGB18030= 54936, msoEncodingUTF7 = 65000, msoEncodingUTF8 = 65001 }; enum MsoExtraInfoMethod { msoMethodGet = 0, msoMethodPost = 1 }; enum MsoExtrusionColorType { msoExtrusionColorTypeMixed= -2, msoExtrusionColorAutomatic= 1, msoExtrusionColorCustom = 2 }; enum MsoFarEastLineBreakLanguageID { MsoFarEastLineBreakLanguageJapanese= 1041, MsoFarEastLineBreakLanguageKorean= 1042, MsoFarEastLineBreakLanguageSimplifiedChinese= 2052, MsoFarEastLineBreakLanguageTraditionalChinese= 1028 }; enum MsoFeatureInstall { msoFeatureInstallNone = 0, msoFeatureInstallOnDemand= 1, msoFeatureInstallOnDemandWithUI= 2 }; enum MsoFileDialogType { msoFileDialogOpen = 1, msoFileDialogSaveAs = 2, msoFileDialogFilePicker = 3, msoFileDialogFolderPicker= 4 }; enum MsoFileDialogView { msoFileDialogViewList = 1, msoFileDialogViewDetails= 2, msoFileDialogViewProperties= 3, msoFileDialogViewPreview= 4, msoFileDialogViewThumbnail= 5, msoFileDialogViewLargeIcons= 6, msoFileDialogViewSmallIcons= 7, msoFileDialogViewWebView= 8, msoFileDialogViewTiles = 9 }; enum MsoFileFindListBy { msoListbyName = 1, msoListbyTitle = 2 }; enum MsoFileFindOptions { msoOptionsNew = 1, msoOptionsAdd = 2, msoOptionsWithin = 3 }; enum MsoFileFindSortBy { msoFileFindSortbyAuthor = 1, msoFileFindSortbyDateCreated= 2, msoFileFindSortbyLastSavedBy= 3, msoFileFindSortbyDateSaved= 4, msoFileFindSortbyFileName= 5, msoFileFindSortbySize = 6, msoFileFindSortbyTitle = 7 }; enum MsoFileFindView { msoViewFileInfo = 1, msoViewPreview = 2, msoViewSummaryInfo = 3 }; enum MsoFileNewAction { msoEditFile = 0, msoCreateNewFile = 1, msoOpenFile = 2 }; enum MsoFileNewSection { msoOpenDocument = 0, msoNew = 1, msoNewfromExistingFile = 2, msoNewfromTemplate = 3, msoBottomSection = 4 }; enum MsoFileType { msoFileTypeAllFiles = 1, msoFileTypeOfficeFiles = 2, msoFileTypeWordDocuments= 3, msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks= 4, msoFileTypePowerPointPresentations= 5, msoFileTypeBinders = 6, msoFileTypeDatabases = 7, msoFileTypeTemplates = 8, msoFileTypeOutlookItems = 9, msoFileTypeMailItem = 10, msoFileTypeCalendarItem = 11, msoFileTypeContactItem = 12, msoFileTypeNoteItem = 13, msoFileTypeJournalItem = 14, msoFileTypeTaskItem = 15, msoFileTypePhotoDrawFiles= 16, msoFileTypeDataConnectionFiles= 17, msoFileTypePublisherFiles= 18, msoFileTypeProjectFiles = 19, msoFileTypeDocumentImagingFiles= 20, msoFileTypeVisioFiles = 21, msoFileTypeDesignerFiles= 22, msoFileTypeWebPages = 23 }; enum MsoFillType { msoFillMixed = -2, msoFillSolid = 1, msoFillPatterned = 2, msoFillGradient = 3, msoFillTextured = 4, msoFillBackground = 5, msoFillPicture = 6 }; enum MsoFilterComparison { msoFilterComparisonEqual= 0, msoFilterComparisonNotEqual= 1, msoFilterComparisonLessThan= 2, msoFilterComparisonGreaterThan= 3, msoFilterComparisonLessThanEqual= 4, msoFilterComparisonGreaterThanEqual= 5, msoFilterComparisonIsBlank= 6, msoFilterComparisonIsNotBlank= 7, msoFilterComparisonContains= 8, msoFilterComparisonNotContains= 9 }; enum MsoFilterConjunction { msoFilterConjunctionAnd = 0, msoFilterConjunctionOr = 1 }; enum MsoFlipCmd { msoFlipHorizontal = 0, msoFlipVertical = 1 }; enum MsoGradientColorType { msoGradientColorMixed = -2, msoGradientOneColor = 1, msoGradientTwoColors = 2, msoGradientPresetColors = 3 }; enum MsoGradientStyle { msoGradientMixed = -2, msoGradientHorizontal = 1, msoGradientVertical = 2, msoGradientDiagonalUp = 3, msoGradientDiagonalDown = 4, msoGradientFromCorner = 5, msoGradientFromTitle = 6, msoGradientFromCenter = 7 }; enum MsoHTMLProjectOpen { msoHTMLProjectOpenSourceView= 1, msoHTMLProjectOpenTextView= 2 }; enum MsoHTMLProjectState { msoHTMLProjectStateDocumentLocked= 1, msoHTMLProjectStateProjectLocked= 2, msoHTMLProjectStateDocumentProjectUnlocked= 3 }; enum MsoHorizontalAnchor { msoHorizontalAnchorMixed= -2, msoAnchorNone = 1, msoAnchorCenter = 2 }; enum MsoHyperlinkType { msoHyperlinkRange = 0, msoHyperlinkShape = 1, msoHyperlinkInlineShape = 2 }; enum MsoIconType { msoIconNone = 0, msoIconAlert = 2, msoIconTip = 3, msoIconAlertInfo = 4, msoIconAlertWarning = 5, msoIconAlertQuery = 6, msoIconAlertCritical = 7 }; enum MsoLanguageID { msoLanguageIDMixed = -2, msoLanguageIDNone = 0, msoLanguageIDNoProofing = 1024, msoLanguageIDAfrikaans = 1078, msoLanguageIDAlbanian = 1052, msoLanguageIDAmharic = 1118, msoLanguageIDArabicAlgeria= 5121, msoLanguageIDArabicBahrain= 15361, msoLanguageIDArabicEgypt= 3073, msoLanguageIDArabicIraq = 2049, msoLanguageIDArabicJordan= 11265, msoLanguageIDArabicKuwait= 13313, msoLanguageIDArabicLebanon= 12289, msoLanguageIDArabicLibya= 4097, msoLanguageIDArabicMorocco= 6145, msoLanguageIDArabicOman = 8193, msoLanguageIDArabicQatar= 16385, msoLanguageIDArabic = 1025, msoLanguageIDArabicSyria= 10241, msoLanguageIDArabicTunisia= 7169, msoLanguageIDArabicUAE = 14337, msoLanguageIDArabicYemen= 9217, msoLanguageIDArmenian = 1067, msoLanguageIDAssamese = 1101, msoLanguageIDAzeriCyrillic= 2092, msoLanguageIDAzeriLatin = 1068, msoLanguageIDBasque = 1069, msoLanguageIDByelorussian= 1059, msoLanguageIDBengali = 1093, msoLanguageIDBosnian = 4122, msoLanguageIDBosnianBosniaHerzegovinaCyrillic= 8218, msoLanguageIDBosnianBosniaHerzegovinaLatin= 5146, msoLanguageIDBulgarian = 1026, msoLanguageIDBurmese = 1109, msoLanguageIDCatalan = 1027, msoLanguageIDChineseHongKongSAR= 3076, msoLanguageIDChineseMacaoSAR= 5124, msoLanguageIDSimplifiedChinese= 2052, msoLanguageIDChineseSingapore= 4100, msoLanguageIDTraditionalChinese= 1028, msoLanguageIDCherokee = 1116, msoLanguageIDCroatian = 1050, msoLanguageIDCzech = 1029, msoLanguageIDDanish = 1030, msoLanguageIDDivehi = 1125, msoLanguageIDBelgianDutch= 2067, msoLanguageIDDutch = 1043, msoLanguageIDDzongkhaBhutan= 2129, msoLanguageIDEdo = 1126, msoLanguageIDEnglishAUS = 3081, msoLanguageIDEnglishBelize= 10249, msoLanguageIDEnglishCanadian= 4105, msoLanguageIDEnglishCaribbean= 9225, msoLanguageIDEnglishIndonesia= 14345, msoLanguageIDEnglishIreland= 6153, msoLanguageIDEnglishJamaica= 8201, msoLanguageIDEnglishNewZealand= 5129, msoLanguageIDEnglishPhilippines= 13321, msoLanguageIDEnglishSouthAfrica= 7177, msoLanguageIDEnglishTrinidadTobago= 11273, msoLanguageIDEnglishUK = 2057, msoLanguageIDEnglishUS = 1033, msoLanguageIDEnglishZimbabwe= 12297, msoLanguageIDEstonian = 1061, msoLanguageIDFaeroese = 1080, msoLanguageIDFarsi = 1065, msoLanguageIDFilipino = 1124, msoLanguageIDFinnish = 1035, msoLanguageIDBelgianFrench= 2060, msoLanguageIDFrenchCameroon= 11276, msoLanguageIDFrenchCanadian= 3084, msoLanguageIDFrenchCotedIvoire= 12300, msoLanguageIDFrench = 1036, msoLanguageIDFrenchHaiti= 15372, msoLanguageIDFrenchLuxembourg= 5132, msoLanguageIDFrenchMali = 13324, msoLanguageIDFrenchMonaco= 6156, msoLanguageIDFrenchMorocco= 14348, msoLanguageIDFrenchReunion= 8204, msoLanguageIDFrenchSenegal= 10252, msoLanguageIDSwissFrench= 4108, msoLanguageIDFrenchWestIndies= 7180, msoLanguageIDFrenchZaire= 9228, msoLanguageIDFrisianNetherlands= 1122, msoLanguageIDFulfulde = 1127, msoLanguageIDGaelicIreland= 2108, msoLanguageIDGaelicScotland= 1084, msoLanguageIDGalician = 1110, msoLanguageIDGeorgian = 1079, msoLanguageIDGermanAustria= 3079, msoLanguageIDGerman = 1031, msoLanguageIDGermanLiechtenstein= 5127, msoLanguageIDGermanLuxembourg= 4103, msoLanguageIDSwissGerman= 2055, msoLanguageIDGreek = 1032, msoLanguageIDGuarani = 1140, msoLanguageIDGujarati = 1095, msoLanguageIDHausa = 1128, msoLanguageIDHawaiian = 1141, msoLanguageIDHebrew = 1037, msoLanguageIDHindi = 1081, msoLanguageIDHungarian = 1038, msoLanguageIDIbibio = 1129, msoLanguageIDIcelandic = 1039, msoLanguageIDIgbo = 1136, msoLanguageIDIndonesian = 1057, msoLanguageIDInuktitut = 1117, msoLanguageIDItalian = 1040, msoLanguageIDSwissItalian= 2064, msoLanguageIDJapanese = 1041, msoLanguageIDKannada = 1099, msoLanguageIDKanuri = 1137, msoLanguageIDKashmiri = 1120, msoLanguageIDKashmiriDevanagari= 2144, msoLanguageIDKazakh = 1087, msoLanguageIDKhmer = 1107, msoLanguageIDKirghiz = 1088, msoLanguageIDKonkani = 1111, msoLanguageIDKorean = 1042, msoLanguageIDKyrgyz = 1088, msoLanguageIDLatin = 1142, msoLanguageIDLao = 1108, msoLanguageIDLatvian = 1062, msoLanguageIDLithuanian = 1063, msoLanguageIDMacedonian = 1071, msoLanguageIDMalaysian = 1086, msoLanguageIDMalayBruneiDarussalam= 2110, msoLanguageIDMalayalam = 1100, msoLanguageIDMaltese = 1082, msoLanguageIDManipuri = 1112, msoLanguageIDMaori = 1153, msoLanguageIDMarathi = 1102, msoLanguageIDMongolian = 1104, msoLanguageIDNepali = 1121, msoLanguageIDNorwegianBokmol= 1044, msoLanguageIDNorwegianNynorsk= 2068, msoLanguageIDOriya = 1096, msoLanguageIDOromo = 1138, msoLanguageIDPashto = 1123, msoLanguageIDPolish = 1045, msoLanguageIDBrazilianPortuguese= 1046, msoLanguageIDPortuguese = 2070, msoLanguageIDPunjabi = 1094, msoLanguageIDQuechuaBolivia= 1131, msoLanguageIDQuechuaEcuador= 2155, msoLanguageIDQuechuaPeru= 3179, msoLanguageIDRhaetoRomanic= 1047, msoLanguageIDRomanianMoldova= 2072, msoLanguageIDRomanian = 1048, msoLanguageIDRussianMoldova= 2073, msoLanguageIDRussian = 1049, msoLanguageIDSamiLappish= 1083, msoLanguageIDSanskrit = 1103, msoLanguageIDSepedi = 1132, msoLanguageIDSerbianBosniaHerzegovinaCyrillic= 7194, msoLanguageIDSerbianBosniaHerzegovinaLatin= 6170, msoLanguageIDSerbianCyrillic= 3098, msoLanguageIDSerbianLatin= 2074, msoLanguageIDSesotho = 1072, msoLanguageIDSindhi = 1113, msoLanguageIDSindhiPakistan= 2137, msoLanguageIDSinhalese = 1115, msoLanguageIDSlovak = 1051, msoLanguageIDSlovenian = 1060, msoLanguageIDSomali = 1143, msoLanguageIDSorbian = 1070, msoLanguageIDSpanishArgentina= 11274, msoLanguageIDSpanishBolivia= 16394, msoLanguageIDSpanishChile= 13322, msoLanguageIDSpanishColombia= 9226, msoLanguageIDSpanishCostaRica= 5130, msoLanguageIDSpanishDominicanRepublic= 7178, msoLanguageIDSpanishEcuador= 12298, msoLanguageIDSpanishElSalvador= 17418, msoLanguageIDSpanishGuatemala= 4106, msoLanguageIDSpanishHonduras= 18442, msoLanguageIDMexicanSpanish= 2058, msoLanguageIDSpanishNicaragua= 19466, msoLanguageIDSpanishPanama= 6154, msoLanguageIDSpanishParaguay= 15370, msoLanguageIDSpanishPeru= 10250, msoLanguageIDSpanishPuertoRico= 20490, msoLanguageIDSpanishModernSort= 3082, msoLanguageIDSpanish = 1034, msoLanguageIDSpanishUruguay= 14346, msoLanguageIDSpanishVenezuela= 8202, msoLanguageIDSutu = 1072, msoLanguageIDSwahili = 1089, msoLanguageIDSwedishFinland= 2077, msoLanguageIDSwedish = 1053, msoLanguageIDSyriac = 1114, msoLanguageIDTajik = 1064, msoLanguageIDTamil = 1097, msoLanguageIDTamazight = 1119, msoLanguageIDTamazightLatin= 2143, msoLanguageIDTatar = 1092, msoLanguageIDTelugu = 1098, msoLanguageIDThai = 1054, msoLanguageIDTibetan = 1105, msoLanguageIDTigrignaEthiopic= 1139, msoLanguageIDTigrignaEritrea= 2163, msoLanguageIDTsonga = 1073, msoLanguageIDTswana = 1074, msoLanguageIDTurkish = 1055, msoLanguageIDTurkmen = 1090, msoLanguageIDUkrainian = 1058, msoLanguageIDUrdu = 1056, msoLanguageIDUzbekCyrillic= 2115, msoLanguageIDUzbekLatin = 1091, msoLanguageIDVenda = 1075, msoLanguageIDVietnamese = 1066, msoLanguageIDWelsh = 1106, msoLanguageIDXhosa = 1076, msoLanguageIDYi = 1144, msoLanguageIDYiddish = 1085, msoLanguageIDYoruba = 1130, msoLanguageIDZulu = 1077 }; enum MsoLanguageIDHidden { msoLanguageIDChineseHongKong= 3076, msoLanguageIDChineseMacao= 5124, msoLanguageIDEnglishTrinidad= 11273 }; enum MsoLastModified { msoLastModifiedYesterday= 1, msoLastModifiedToday = 2, msoLastModifiedLastWeek = 3, msoLastModifiedThisWeek = 4, msoLastModifiedLastMonth= 5, msoLastModifiedThisMonth= 6, msoLastModifiedAnyTime = 7 }; enum MsoLineDashStyle { msoLineDashStyleMixed = -2, msoLineSolid = 1, msoLineSquareDot = 2, msoLineRoundDot = 3, msoLineDash = 4, msoLineDashDot = 5, msoLineDashDotDot = 6, msoLineLongDash = 7, msoLineLongDashDot = 8 }; enum MsoLineStyle { msoLineStyleMixed = -2, msoLineSingle = 1, msoLineThinThin = 2, msoLineThinThick = 3, msoLineThickThin = 4, msoLineThickBetweenThin = 5 }; enum MsoMenuAnimation { msoMenuAnimationNone = 0, msoMenuAnimationRandom = 1, msoMenuAnimationUnfold = 2, msoMenuAnimationSlide = 3 }; enum MsoMixedType { msoIntegerMixed = 32768, msoSingleMixed = -2147483648 }; enum MsoModeType { msoModeModal = 0, msoModeAutoDown = 1, msoModeModeless = 2 }; enum MsoMoveRow { msoMoveRowFirst = -4, msoMoveRowPrev = -3, msoMoveRowNext = -2, msoMoveRowNbr = -1 }; enum MsoOLEMenuGroup { msoOLEMenuGroupNone = -1, msoOLEMenuGroupFile = 0, msoOLEMenuGroupEdit = 1, msoOLEMenuGroupContainer= 2, msoOLEMenuGroupObject = 3, msoOLEMenuGroupWindow = 4, msoOLEMenuGroupHelp = 5 }; enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType { msoOrgChartLayoutMixed = -2, msoOrgChartLayoutStandard= 1, msoOrgChartLayoutBothHanging= 2, msoOrgChartLayoutLeftHanging= 3, msoOrgChartLayoutRightHanging= 4 }; enum MsoOrgChartOrientation { msoOrgChartOrientationMixed= -2, msoOrgChartOrientationVertical= 1 }; enum MsoOrientation { msoOrientationMixed = -2, msoOrientationHorizontal= 1, msoOrientationVertical = 2 }; enum MsoPatternType { msoPatternMixed = -2, msoPattern5Percent = 1, msoPattern10Percent = 2, msoPattern20Percent = 3, msoPattern25Percent = 4, msoPattern30Percent = 5, msoPattern40Percent = 6, msoPattern50Percent = 7, msoPattern60Percent = 8, msoPattern70Percent = 9, msoPattern75Percent = 10, msoPattern80Percent = 11, msoPattern90Percent = 12, msoPatternDarkHorizontal= 13, msoPatternDarkVertical = 14, msoPatternDarkDownwardDiagonal= 15, msoPatternDarkUpwardDiagonal= 16, msoPatternSmallCheckerBoard= 17, msoPatternTrellis = 18, msoPatternLightHorizontal= 19, msoPatternLightVertical = 20, msoPatternLightDownwardDiagonal= 21, msoPatternLightUpwardDiagonal= 22, msoPatternSmallGrid = 23, msoPatternDottedDiamond = 24, msoPatternWideDownwardDiagonal= 25, msoPatternWideUpwardDiagonal= 26, msoPatternDashedUpwardDiagonal= 27, msoPatternDashedDownwardDiagonal= 28, msoPatternNarrowVertical= 29, msoPatternNarrowHorizontal= 30, msoPatternDashedVertical= 31, msoPatternDashedHorizontal= 32, msoPatternLargeConfetti = 33, msoPatternLargeGrid = 34, msoPatternHorizontalBrick= 35, msoPatternLargeCheckerBoard= 36, msoPatternSmallConfetti = 37, msoPatternZigZag = 38, msoPatternSolidDiamond = 39, msoPatternDiagonalBrick = 40, msoPatternOutlinedDiamond= 41, msoPatternPlaid = 42, msoPatternSphere = 43, msoPatternWeave = 44, msoPatternDottedGrid = 45, msoPatternDivot = 46, msoPatternShingle = 47, msoPatternWave = 48 }; enum MsoPermission { msoPermissionView = 1, msoPermissionRead = 1, msoPermissionEdit = 2, msoPermissionSave = 4, msoPermissionExtract = 8, msoPermissionChange = 15, msoPermissionPrint = 16, msoPermissionObjModel = 32, msoPermissionFullControl= 64 }; enum MsoPictureColorType { msoPictureMixed = -2, msoPictureAutomatic = 1, msoPictureGrayscale = 2, msoPictureBlackAndWhite = 3, msoPictureWatermark = 4 }; enum MsoPresetExtrusionDirection { msoPresetExtrusionDirectionMixed= -2, msoExtrusionBottomRight = 1, msoExtrusionBottom = 2, msoExtrusionBottomLeft = 3, msoExtrusionRight = 4, msoExtrusionNone = 5, msoExtrusionLeft = 6, msoExtrusionTopRight = 7, msoExtrusionTop = 8, msoExtrusionTopLeft = 9 }; enum MsoPresetGradientType { msoPresetGradientMixed = -2, msoGradientEarlySunset = 1, msoGradientLateSunset = 2, msoGradientNightfall = 3, msoGradientDaybreak = 4, msoGradientHorizon = 5, msoGradientDesert = 6, msoGradientOcean = 7, msoGradientCalmWater = 8, msoGradientFire = 9, msoGradientFog = 10, msoGradientMoss = 11, msoGradientPeacock = 12, msoGradientWheat = 13, msoGradientParchment = 14, msoGradientMahogany = 15, msoGradientRainbow = 16, msoGradientRainbowII = 17, msoGradientGold = 18, msoGradientGoldII = 19, msoGradientBrass = 20, msoGradientChrome = 21, msoGradientChromeII = 22, msoGradientSilver = 23, msoGradientSapphire = 24 }; enum MsoPresetLightingDirection { msoPresetLightingDirectionMixed= -2, msoLightingTopLeft = 1, msoLightingTop = 2, msoLightingTopRight = 3, msoLightingLeft = 4, msoLightingNone = 5, msoLightingRight = 6, msoLightingBottomLeft = 7, msoLightingBottom = 8, msoLightingBottomRight = 9 }; enum MsoPresetLightingSoftness { msoPresetLightingSoftnessMixed= -2, msoLightingDim = 1, msoLightingNormal = 2, msoLightingBright = 3 }; enum MsoPresetMaterial { msoPresetMaterialMixed = -2, msoMaterialMatte = 1, msoMaterialPlastic = 2, msoMaterialMetal = 3, msoMaterialWireFrame = 4 }; enum MsoPresetTextEffect { msoTextEffectMixed = -2, msoTextEffect1 = 0, msoTextEffect2 = 1, msoTextEffect3 = 2, msoTextEffect4 = 3, msoTextEffect5 = 4, msoTextEffect6 = 5, msoTextEffect7 = 6, msoTextEffect8 = 7, msoTextEffect9 = 8, msoTextEffect10 = 9, msoTextEffect11 = 10, msoTextEffect12 = 11, msoTextEffect13 = 12, msoTextEffect14 = 13, msoTextEffect15 = 14, msoTextEffect16 = 15, msoTextEffect17 = 16, msoTextEffect18 = 17, msoTextEffect19 = 18, msoTextEffect20 = 19, msoTextEffect21 = 20, msoTextEffect22 = 21, msoTextEffect23 = 22, msoTextEffect24 = 23, msoTextEffect25 = 24, msoTextEffect26 = 25, msoTextEffect27 = 26, msoTextEffect28 = 27, msoTextEffect29 = 28, msoTextEffect30 = 29 }; enum MsoPresetTextEffectShape { msoTextEffectShapeMixed = -2, msoTextEffectShapePlainText= 1, msoTextEffectShapeStop = 2, msoTextEffectShapeTriangleUp= 3, msoTextEffectShapeTriangleDown= 4, msoTextEffectShapeChevronUp= 5, msoTextEffectShapeChevronDown= 6, msoTextEffectShapeRingInside= 7, msoTextEffectShapeRingOutside= 8, msoTextEffectShapeArchUpCurve= 9, msoTextEffectShapeArchDownCurve= 10, msoTextEffectShapeCircleCurve= 11, msoTextEffectShapeButtonCurve= 12, msoTextEffectShapeArchUpPour= 13, msoTextEffectShapeArchDownPour= 14, msoTextEffectShapeCirclePour= 15, msoTextEffectShapeButtonPour= 16, msoTextEffectShapeCurveUp= 17, msoTextEffectShapeCurveDown= 18, msoTextEffectShapeCanUp = 19, msoTextEffectShapeCanDown= 20, msoTextEffectShapeWave1 = 21, msoTextEffectShapeWave2 = 22, msoTextEffectShapeDoubleWave1= 23, msoTextEffectShapeDoubleWave2= 24, msoTextEffectShapeInflate= 25, msoTextEffectShapeDeflate= 26, msoTextEffectShapeInflateBottom= 27, msoTextEffectShapeDeflateBottom= 28, msoTextEffectShapeInflateTop= 29, msoTextEffectShapeDeflateTop= 30, msoTextEffectShapeDeflateInflate= 31, msoTextEffectShapeDeflateInflateDeflate= 32, msoTextEffectShapeFadeRight= 33, msoTextEffectShapeFadeLeft= 34, msoTextEffectShapeFadeUp= 35, msoTextEffectShapeFadeDown= 36, msoTextEffectShapeSlantUp= 37, msoTextEffectShapeSlantDown= 38, msoTextEffectShapeCascadeUp= 39, msoTextEffectShapeCascadeDown= 40 }; enum MsoPresetTexture { msoPresetTextureMixed = -2, msoTexturePapyrus = 1, msoTextureCanvas = 2, msoTextureDenim = 3, msoTextureWovenMat = 4, msoTextureWaterDroplets = 5, msoTexturePaperBag = 6, msoTextureFishFossil = 7, msoTextureSand = 8, msoTextureGreenMarble = 9, msoTextureWhiteMarble = 10, msoTextureBrownMarble = 11, msoTextureGranite = 12, msoTextureNewsprint = 13, msoTextureRecycledPaper = 14, msoTextureParchment = 15, msoTextureStationery = 16, msoTextureBlueTissuePaper= 17, msoTexturePinkTissuePaper= 18, msoTexturePurpleMesh = 19, msoTextureBouquet = 20, msoTextureCork = 21, msoTextureWalnut = 22, msoTextureOak = 23, msoTextureMediumWood = 24 }; enum MsoPresetThreeDFormat { msoPresetThreeDFormatMixed= -2, msoThreeD1 = 1, msoThreeD2 = 2, msoThreeD3 = 3, msoThreeD4 = 4, msoThreeD5 = 5, msoThreeD6 = 6, msoThreeD7 = 7, msoThreeD8 = 8, msoThreeD9 = 9, msoThreeD10 = 10, msoThreeD11 = 11, msoThreeD12 = 12, msoThreeD13 = 13, msoThreeD14 = 14, msoThreeD15 = 15, msoThreeD16 = 16, msoThreeD17 = 17, msoThreeD18 = 18, msoThreeD19 = 19, msoThreeD20 = 20 }; enum MsoRelativeNodePosition { msoBeforeNode = 1, msoAfterNode = 2, msoBeforeFirstSibling = 3, msoAfterLastSibling = 4 }; enum MsoScaleFrom { msoScaleFromTopLeft = 0, msoScaleFromMiddle = 1, msoScaleFromBottomRight = 2 }; enum MsoScreenSize { msoScreenSize544x376 = 0, msoScreenSize640x480 = 1, msoScreenSize720x512 = 2, msoScreenSize800x600 = 3, msoScreenSize1024x768 = 4, msoScreenSize1152x882 = 5, msoScreenSize1152x900 = 6, msoScreenSize1280x1024 = 7, msoScreenSize1600x1200 = 8, msoScreenSize1800x1440 = 9, msoScreenSize1920x1200 = 10 }; enum MsoScriptLanguage { msoScriptLanguageJava = 1, msoScriptLanguageVisualBasic= 2, msoScriptLanguageASP = 3, msoScriptLanguageOther = 4 }; enum MsoScriptLocation { msoScriptLocationInHead = 1, msoScriptLocationInBody = 2 }; enum MsoSearchIn { msoSearchInMyComputer = 0, msoSearchInOutlook = 1, msoSearchInMyNetworkPlaces= 2, msoSearchInCustom = 3 }; enum MsoSegmentType { msoSegmentLine = 0, msoSegmentCurve = 1 }; enum MsoShadowType { msoShadowMixed = -2, msoShadow1 = 1, msoShadow2 = 2, msoShadow3 = 3, msoShadow4 = 4, msoShadow5 = 5, msoShadow6 = 6, msoShadow7 = 7, msoShadow8 = 8, msoShadow9 = 9, msoShadow10 = 10, msoShadow11 = 11, msoShadow12 = 12, msoShadow13 = 13, msoShadow14 = 14, msoShadow15 = 15, msoShadow16 = 16, msoShadow17 = 17, msoShadow18 = 18, msoShadow19 = 19, msoShadow20 = 20 }; enum MsoShapeType { msoShapeTypeMixed = -2, msoAutoShape = 1, msoCallout = 2, msoChart = 3, msoComment = 4, msoFreeform = 5, msoGroup = 6, msoEmbeddedOLEObject = 7, msoFormControl = 8, msoLine = 9, msoLinkedOLEObject = 10, msoLinkedPicture = 11, msoOLEControlObject = 12, msoPicture = 13, msoPlaceholder = 14, msoTextEffect = 15, msoMedia = 16, msoTextBox = 17, msoScriptAnchor = 18, msoTable = 19, msoCanvas = 20, msoDiagram = 21, msoInk = 22, msoInkComment = 23 }; enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority { msoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriorityHigh= 1, msoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriorityNormal= 2, msoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriorityLow= 3 }; enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus { msoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatusNotStarted= 1, msoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatusInProgress= 2, msoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatusCompleted= 3, msoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatusDeferred= 4, msoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatusWaiting= 5 }; enum MsoSortBy { msoSortByFileName = 1, msoSortBySize = 2, msoSortByFileType = 3, msoSortByLastModified = 4, msoSortByNone = 5 }; enum MsoSortOrder { msoSortOrderAscending = 1, msoSortOrderDescending = 2 }; enum MsoSyncAvailableType { msoSyncAvailableNone = 0, msoSyncAvailableOffline = 1, msoSyncAvailableAnywhere= 2 }; enum MsoSyncCompareType { msoSyncCompareAndMerge = 0, msoSyncCompareSideBySide= 1 }; enum MsoSyncConflictResolutionType { msoSyncConflictClientWins= 0, msoSyncConflictServerWins= 1, msoSyncConflictMerge = 2 }; enum MsoSyncErrorType { msoSyncErrorNone = 0, msoSyncErrorUnauthorizedUser= 1, msoSyncErrorCouldNotConnect= 2, msoSyncErrorOutOfSpace = 3, msoSyncErrorFileNotFound= 4, msoSyncErrorFileTooLarge= 5, msoSyncErrorFileInUse = 6, msoSyncErrorVirusUpload = 7, msoSyncErrorVirusDownload= 8, msoSyncErrorUnknownUpload= 9, msoSyncErrorUnknownDownload= 10, msoSyncErrorCouldNotOpen= 11, msoSyncErrorCouldNotUpdate= 12, msoSyncErrorCouldNotCompare= 13, msoSyncErrorCouldNotResolve= 14, msoSyncErrorNoNetwork = 15, msoSyncErrorUnknown = 16 }; enum MsoSyncEventType { msoSyncEventDownloadInitiated= 0, msoSyncEventDownloadSucceeded= 1, msoSyncEventDownloadFailed= 2, msoSyncEventUploadInitiated= 3, msoSyncEventUploadSucceeded= 4, msoSyncEventUploadFailed= 5, msoSyncEventDownloadNoChange= 6, msoSyncEventOffline = 7 }; enum MsoSyncStatusType { msoSyncStatusNoSharedWorkspace= 0, msoSyncStatusLatest = 1, msoSyncStatusNewerAvailable= 2, msoSyncStatusLocalChanges= 3, msoSyncStatusConflict = 4, msoSyncStatusSuspended = 5, msoSyncStatusError = 6 }; enum MsoSyncVersionType { msoSyncVersionLastViewed= 0, msoSyncVersionServer = 1 }; enum MsoTargetBrowser { msoTargetBrowserV3 = 0, msoTargetBrowserV4 = 1, msoTargetBrowserIE4 = 2, msoTargetBrowserIE5 = 3, msoTargetBrowserIE6 = 4 }; enum MsoTextEffectAlignment { msoTextEffectAlignmentMixed= -2, msoTextEffectAlignmentLeft= 1, msoTextEffectAlignmentCentered= 2, msoTextEffectAlignmentRight= 3, msoTextEffectAlignmentLetterJustify= 4, msoTextEffectAlignmentWordJustify= 5, msoTextEffectAlignmentStretchJustify= 6 }; enum MsoTextOrientation { msoTextOrientationMixed = -2, msoTextOrientationHorizontal= 1, msoTextOrientationUpward= 2, msoTextOrientationDownward= 3, msoTextOrientationVerticalFarEast= 4, msoTextOrientationVertical= 5, msoTextOrientationHorizontalRotatedFarEast= 6 }; enum MsoTextureType { msoTextureTypeMixed = -2, msoTexturePreset = 1, msoTextureUserDefined = 2 }; enum MsoTriState { msoTrue = -1, msoFalse = 0, msoCTrue = 1, msoTriStateToggle = -3, msoTriStateMixed = -2 }; enum MsoVerticalAnchor { msoVerticalAnchorMixed = -2, msoAnchorTop = 1, msoAnchorTopBaseline = 2, msoAnchorMiddle = 3, msoAnchorBottom = 4, msoAnchorBottomBaseLine = 5 }; enum MsoWizardActType { msoWizardActInactive = 0, msoWizardActActive = 1, msoWizardActSuspend = 2, msoWizardActResume = 3 }; enum MsoWizardMsgType { msoWizardMsgLocalStateOn= 1, msoWizardMsgLocalStateOff= 2, msoWizardMsgShowHelp = 3, msoWizardMsgSuspending = 4, msoWizardMsgResuming = 5 }; enum MsoZOrderCmd { msoBringToFront = 0, msoSendToBack = 1, msoBringForward = 2, msoSendBackward = 3, msoBringInFrontOfText = 4, msoSendBehindText = 5 }; // forward declarations enum MsoLineDashStyle; enum MsoLineStyle; enum MsoArrowheadStyle; enum MsoArrowheadWidth; enum MsoArrowheadLength; enum MsoFillType; enum MsoGradientStyle; enum MsoGradientColorType; enum MsoTextureType; enum MsoPresetTexture; enum MsoPatternType; enum MsoPresetGradientType; enum MsoShadowType; enum MsoPresetTextEffect; enum MsoPresetTextEffectShape; enum MsoTextEffectAlignment; enum MsoPresetLightingDirection; enum MsoPresetLightingSoftness; enum MsoPresetMaterial; enum MsoPresetExtrusionDirection; enum MsoPresetThreeDFormat; enum MsoExtrusionColorType; enum MsoAlignCmd; enum MsoDistributeCmd; enum MsoConnectorType; enum MsoHorizontalAnchor; enum MsoVerticalAnchor; enum MsoOrientation; enum MsoZOrderCmd; enum MsoSegmentType; enum MsoEditingType; enum MsoAutoShapeType; enum MsoShapeType; enum MsoFlipCmd; enum MsoTriState; enum MsoColorType; enum MsoPictureColorType; enum MsoCalloutAngleType; enum MsoCalloutDropType; enum MsoCalloutType; enum MsoBlackWhiteMode; enum MsoMixedType; enum MsoTextOrientation; enum MsoScaleFrom; enum MsoBarPosition; enum MsoBarProtection; enum MsoBarType; enum MsoControlType; enum MsoButtonState; enum MsoControlOLEUsage; enum MsoButtonStyleHidden; enum MsoButtonStyle; enum MsoComboStyle; enum MsoOLEMenuGroup; enum MsoMenuAnimation; enum MsoBarRow; enum MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType; enum MsoHyperlinkType; enum MsoExtraInfoMethod; enum MsoAnimationType; enum MsoButtonSetType; enum MsoIconType; enum MsoBalloonType; enum MsoModeType; enum MsoBalloonErrorType; enum MsoWizardActType; enum MsoWizardMsgType; enum MsoBalloonButtonType; enum DocProperties; enum MsoDocProperties; enum MsoAppLanguageID; enum MsoFarEastLineBreakLanguageID; enum MsoFeatureInstall; enum MsoScriptLanguage; enum MsoScriptLocation; class DocumentProperty; class DocumentProperties; enum MsoFileFindOptions; enum MsoFileFindView; enum MsoFileFindSortBy; enum MsoFileFindListBy; enum MsoLastModified; enum MsoSortBy; enum MsoSortOrder; enum MsoConnector; enum MsoCondition; enum MsoFileType; enum MsoLanguageID; enum MsoScreenSize; enum MsoCharacterSet; enum MsoEncoding; enum MsoHTMLProjectOpen; enum MsoHTMLProjectState; enum MsoFileDialogType; enum MsoFileDialogView; enum MsoAutomationSecurity; enum MailFormat; enum MsoAlertButtonType; enum MsoAlertIconType; enum MsoAlertDefaultType; enum MsoAlertCancelType; enum MsoSearchIn; enum MsoTargetBrowser; enum MsoOrgChartOrientation; enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType; enum MsoRelativeNodePosition; enum MsoDiagramType; enum MsoDiagramNodeType; enum MsoMoveRow; enum MsoFilterComparison; enum MsoFilterConjunction; enum MsoFileNewSection; enum MsoFileNewAction; enum MsoLanguageIDHidden; enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus; enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority; enum MsoSyncVersionType; enum MsoSyncConflictResolutionType; enum MsoSyncCompareType; enum MsoSyncAvailableType; enum MsoSyncEventType; enum MsoSyncErrorType; enum MsoSyncStatusType; enum MsoPermission; enum MsoLineDashStyle; enum MsoLineStyle; enum MsoArrowheadStyle; enum MsoArrowheadWidth; enum MsoArrowheadLength; enum MsoFillType; enum MsoGradientStyle; enum MsoGradientColorType; enum MsoTextureType; enum MsoPresetTexture; enum MsoPatternType; enum MsoPresetGradientType; enum MsoShadowType; enum MsoPresetTextEffect; enum MsoPresetTextEffectShape; enum MsoTextEffectAlignment; enum MsoPresetLightingDirection; enum MsoPresetLightingSoftness; enum MsoPresetMaterial; enum MsoPresetExtrusionDirection; enum MsoPresetThreeDFormat; enum MsoExtrusionColorType; enum MsoAlignCmd; enum MsoDistributeCmd; enum MsoConnectorType; enum MsoHorizontalAnchor; enum MsoVerticalAnchor; enum MsoOrientation; enum MsoZOrderCmd; enum MsoSegmentType; enum MsoEditingType; enum MsoAutoShapeType; enum MsoShapeType; enum MsoFlipCmd; enum MsoTriState; enum MsoColorType; enum MsoPictureColorType; enum MsoCalloutAngleType; enum MsoCalloutDropType; enum MsoCalloutType; enum MsoBlackWhiteMode; enum MsoMixedType; enum MsoTextOrientation; enum MsoScaleFrom; enum MsoBarPosition; enum MsoBarProtection; enum MsoBarType; enum MsoControlType; enum MsoButtonState; enum MsoControlOLEUsage; enum MsoButtonStyleHidden; enum MsoButtonStyle; enum MsoComboStyle; enum MsoOLEMenuGroup; enum MsoMenuAnimation; enum MsoBarRow; enum MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType; enum MsoHyperlinkType; enum MsoExtraInfoMethod; enum MsoAnimationType; enum MsoButtonSetType; enum MsoIconType; enum MsoBalloonType; enum MsoModeType; enum MsoBalloonErrorType; enum MsoWizardActType; enum MsoWizardMsgType; enum MsoBalloonButtonType; enum DocProperties; enum MsoDocProperties; enum MsoAppLanguageID; enum MsoFarEastLineBreakLanguageID; enum MsoFeatureInstall; class CommandBarControl; class CommandBar; class CommandBarControls; class Shape; class ColorFormat; class ShapeRange; class ShapeNode; enum MsoScriptLanguage; enum MsoScriptLocation; class Script; class Adjustments; class CalloutFormat; class ConnectorFormat; class FillFormat; class GroupShapes; class LineFormat; class ShapeNodes; class PictureFormat; class ShadowFormat; class TextEffectFormat; class TextFrame; class ThreeDFormat; class IMsoDiagram; class DiagramNode; class CanvasShapes; class FreeformBuilder; class AnswerWizardFiles; class Balloon; class DocumentProperty; class DocumentProperties; enum MsoFileFindOptions; enum MsoFileFindView; enum MsoFileFindSortBy; enum MsoFileFindListBy; class IFoundFiles; enum MsoLastModified; enum MsoSortBy; enum MsoSortOrder; enum MsoConnector; enum MsoCondition; enum MsoFileType; class PropertyTest; class FoundFiles; class PropertyTests; class SearchScopes; class SearchFolders; class FileTypes; class COMAddIn; enum MsoLanguageID; struct GUID; struct DISPPARAMS; struct EXCEPINFO; class CommandBarComboBox; class CommandBarButton; enum MsoScreenSize; enum MsoCharacterSet; enum MsoEncoding; class WebPageFont; enum MsoHTMLProjectOpen; enum MsoHTMLProjectState; class HTMLProjectItem; class HTMLProjectItems; enum MsoFileDialogType; enum MsoFileDialogView; class FileDialogFilter; class FileDialogFilters; class FileDialogSelectedItems; enum MsoAutomationSecurity; class Signature; enum MailFormat; enum MsoAlertButtonType; enum MsoAlertIconType; enum MsoAlertDefaultType; enum MsoAlertCancelType; enum MsoSearchIn; enum MsoTargetBrowser; class ScopeFolder; class ScopeFolders; class SearchScope; enum MsoOrgChartOrientation; enum MsoOrgChartLayoutType; enum MsoRelativeNodePosition; enum MsoDiagramType; enum MsoDiagramNodeType; class DiagramNodes; class DiagramNodeChildren; enum MsoMoveRow; enum MsoFilterComparison; enum MsoFilterConjunction; enum MsoFileNewSection; enum MsoFileNewAction; class WebComponent; enum MsoLanguageIDHidden; class SharedWorkspaceMember; enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus; enum MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority; class SharedWorkspaceTask; class SharedWorkspaceFile; class SharedWorkspaceFolder; class SharedWorkspaceLink; class SharedWorkspaceMembers; class SharedWorkspaceTasks; class SharedWorkspaceFiles; class SharedWorkspaceFolders; class SharedWorkspaceLinks; enum MsoSyncVersionType; enum MsoSyncConflictResolutionType; enum MsoSyncCompareType; enum MsoSyncAvailableType; enum MsoSyncEventType; enum MsoSyncErrorType; enum MsoSyncStatusType; class DocumentLibraryVersion; enum MsoPermission; class UserPermission; class OFFICE_EXPORT IAccessible : public QAxObject { public: IAccessible(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property accChildCount For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accChildCount() const; //Returns the value of accChildCount /* Property accDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDefaultAction() const; //Returns the value of accDefaultAction /* Property accDescription For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDescription() const; //Returns the value of accDescription /* Property accFocus For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accFocus() const; //Returns the value of accFocus /* Property accHelp For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accHelp() const; //Returns the value of accHelp /* Property accKeyboardShortcut For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accKeyboardShortcut() const; //Returns the value of accKeyboardShortcut /* Property accName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accName() const; //Returns the value of accName inline void setAccName(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accName property /* Property accParent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accParent() const; //Returns the value of accParent /* Property accRole For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accRole() const; //Returns the value of accRole /* Property accSelection For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accSelection() const; //Returns the value of accSelection /* Property accState For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accState() const; //Returns the value of accState /* Property accValue For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accValue() const; //Returns the value of accValue inline void setAccValue(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accValue property /* Method accChild For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accChild(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHitTest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT _IMsoDispObj : public QAxObject { public: _IMsoDispObj(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT _IMsoOleAccDispObj : public QAxObject { public: _IMsoOleAccDispObj(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property accChildCount For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accChildCount() const; //Returns the value of accChildCount /* Property accDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDefaultAction() const; //Returns the value of accDefaultAction /* Property accDescription For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDescription() const; //Returns the value of accDescription /* Property accFocus For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accFocus() const; //Returns the value of accFocus /* Property accHelp For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accHelp() const; //Returns the value of accHelp /* Property accKeyboardShortcut For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accKeyboardShortcut() const; //Returns the value of accKeyboardShortcut /* Property accName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accName() const; //Returns the value of accName inline void setAccName(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accName property /* Property accParent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accParent() const; //Returns the value of accParent /* Property accRole For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accRole() const; //Returns the value of accRole /* Property accSelection For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accSelection() const; //Returns the value of accSelection /* Property accState For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accState() const; //Returns the value of accState /* Property accValue For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accValue() const; //Returns the value of accValue inline void setAccValue(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accValue property /* Method accChild For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accChild(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHitTest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT _CommandBars : public QAxObject { public: _CommandBars(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property ActionControl For more information, see help context 2001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* ActionControl() const; //Returns the value of ActionControl /* Property ActiveMenuBar For more information, see help context 2002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* ActiveMenuBar() const; //Returns the value of ActiveMenuBar /* Property AdaptiveMenus For more information, see help context 2013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool AdaptiveMenus() const; //Returns the value of AdaptiveMenus inline void SetAdaptiveMenus(bool value); //Sets the value of the AdaptiveMenus property /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 2004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property DisableAskAQuestionDropdown For more information, see help context 2017 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool DisableAskAQuestionDropdown() const; //Returns the value of DisableAskAQuestionDropdown inline void SetDisableAskAQuestionDropdown(bool value); //Sets the value of the DisableAskAQuestionDropdown property /* Property DisableCustomize For more information, see help context 2016 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool DisableCustomize() const; //Returns the value of DisableCustomize inline void SetDisableCustomize(bool value); //Sets the value of the DisableCustomize property /* Property DisplayFonts For more information, see help context 2015 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool DisplayFonts() const; //Returns the value of DisplayFonts inline void SetDisplayFonts(bool value); //Sets the value of the DisplayFonts property /* Property DisplayKeysInTooltips For more information, see help context 2006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool DisplayKeysInTooltips() const; //Returns the value of DisplayKeysInTooltips inline void SetDisplayKeysInTooltips(bool value); //Sets the value of the DisplayKeysInTooltips property /* Property DisplayTooltips For more information, see help context 2005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool DisplayTooltips() const; //Returns the value of DisplayTooltips inline void SetDisplayTooltips(bool value); //Sets the value of the DisplayTooltips property /* Property LargeButtons For more information, see help context 2009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool LargeButtons() const; //Returns the value of LargeButtons inline void SetLargeButtons(bool value); //Sets the value of the LargeButtons property /* Property MenuAnimationStyle For more information, see help context 2010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoMenuAnimation MenuAnimationStyle() const; //Returns the value of MenuAnimationStyle inline void SetMenuAnimationStyle(Office::MsoMenuAnimation value); //Sets the value of the MenuAnimationStyle property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 2011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Add For more information, see help context 2003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Add(); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 2003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Add(const QVariant& Name); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 2003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Add(const QVariant& Name, const QVariant& Position); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 2003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Add(const QVariant& Name, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 2003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Add(const QVariant& Name, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar, const QVariant& Temporary); /* Method AddEx For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* AddEx(); /* Method AddEx For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName); /* Method AddEx For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName, const QVariant& Position); /* Method AddEx For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar); /* Method AddEx For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar, const QVariant& Temporary); /* Method AddEx For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar, const QVariant& Temporary, const QVariant& TbtrProtection); /* Method FindControl For more information, see help context 2007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* FindControl(); /* Method FindControl For more information, see help context 2007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* FindControl(const QVariant& Type); /* Method FindControl For more information, see help context 2007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id); /* Method FindControl For more information, see help context 2007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag); /* Method FindControl For more information, see help context 2007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag, const QVariant& Visible); /* Method FindControls For more information, see help context 2014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControls* FindControls(); /* Method FindControls For more information, see help context 2014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControls* FindControls(const QVariant& Type); /* Method FindControls For more information, see help context 2014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControls* FindControls(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id); /* Method FindControls For more information, see help context 2014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControls* FindControls(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag); /* Method FindControls For more information, see help context 2014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControls* FindControls(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag, const QVariant& Visible); /* Method IdsString For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int IdsString(int ids, QString& pbstrName); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 2008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Item(const QVariant& Index); /* Method ReleaseFocus For more information, see help context 2012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ReleaseFocus(); /* Method TmcGetName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int TmcGetName(int tmc, QString& pbstrName); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT CommandBar : public QAxObject { public: CommandBar(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property AdaptiveMenu For more information, see help context 3022 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool AdaptiveMenu() const; //Returns the value of AdaptiveMenu inline void SetAdaptiveMenu(bool value); //Sets the value of the AdaptiveMenu property /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property BuiltIn For more information, see help context 3001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool BuiltIn() const; //Returns the value of BuiltIn /* Property Context For more information, see help context 3002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Context() const; //Returns the value of Context inline void SetContext(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Context property /* Property Controls For more information, see help context 3003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControls* Controls() const; //Returns the value of Controls /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Enabled For more information, see help context 3005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Enabled() const; //Returns the value of Enabled inline void SetEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the Enabled property /* Property Height For more information, see help context 3007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Height() const; //Returns the value of Height inline void SetHeight(int value); //Sets the value of the Height property /* Property Id For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Id() const; //Returns the value of Id /* Property Index For more information, see help context 3008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Index() const; //Returns the value of Index /* Property InstanceId For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int InstanceId() const; //Returns the value of InstanceId /* Property Left For more information, see help context 3009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Left() const; //Returns the value of Left inline void SetLeft(int value); //Sets the value of the Left property /* Property Name For more information, see help context 3010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name inline void SetName(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Name property /* Property NameLocal For more information, see help context 3011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString NameLocal() const; //Returns the value of NameLocal inline void SetNameLocal(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the NameLocal property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 3012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Position For more information, see help context 3013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoBarPosition Position() const; //Returns the value of Position inline void SetPosition(Office::MsoBarPosition value); //Sets the value of the Position property /* Property Protection For more information, see help context 3015 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoBarProtection Protection() const; //Returns the value of Protection inline void SetProtection(Office::MsoBarProtection value); //Sets the value of the Protection property /* Property RowIndex For more information, see help context 3014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int RowIndex() const; //Returns the value of RowIndex inline void SetRowIndex(int value); //Sets the value of the RowIndex property /* Property Top For more information, see help context 3018 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Top() const; //Returns the value of Top inline void SetTop(int value); //Sets the value of the Top property /* Property Type For more information, see help context 3019 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoBarType Type() const; //Returns the value of Type /* Property Visible For more information, see help context 3020 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Visible() const; //Returns the value of Visible inline void SetVisible(bool value); //Sets the value of the Visible property /* Property Width For more information, see help context 3021 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Width() const; //Returns the value of Width inline void SetWidth(int value); //Sets the value of the Width property /* Property accChildCount For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accChildCount() const; //Returns the value of accChildCount /* Property accDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDefaultAction() const; //Returns the value of accDefaultAction /* Property accDescription For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDescription() const; //Returns the value of accDescription /* Property accFocus For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accFocus() const; //Returns the value of accFocus /* Property accHelp For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accHelp() const; //Returns the value of accHelp /* Property accKeyboardShortcut For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accKeyboardShortcut() const; //Returns the value of accKeyboardShortcut /* Property accName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accName() const; //Returns the value of accName inline void setAccName(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accName property /* Property accParent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accParent() const; //Returns the value of accParent /* Property accRole For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accRole() const; //Returns the value of accRole /* Property accSelection For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accSelection() const; //Returns the value of accSelection /* Property accState For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accState() const; //Returns the value of accState /* Property accValue For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accValue() const; //Returns the value of accValue inline void setAccValue(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accValue property /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 3004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method FindControl For more information, see help context 3006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* FindControl(); /* Method FindControl For more information, see help context 3006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* FindControl(const QVariant& Type); /* Method FindControl For more information, see help context 3006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id); /* Method FindControl For more information, see help context 3006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag); /* Method FindControl For more information, see help context 3006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag, const QVariant& Visible); /* Method FindControl For more information, see help context 3006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag, const QVariant& Visible, const QVariant& Recursive); /* Method Reset For more information, see help context 3016 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reset(); /* Method ShowPopup For more information, see help context 3017 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ShowPopup(); /* Method ShowPopup For more information, see help context 3017 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ShowPopup(const QVariant& x); /* Method ShowPopup For more information, see help context 3017 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ShowPopup(const QVariant& x, const QVariant& y); /* Method accChild For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accChild(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHitTest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT CommandBarControls : public QAxObject { public: CommandBarControls(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 4002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 4004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Add For more information, see help context 4001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Add(); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 4001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Add(const QVariant& Type); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 4001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Add(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 4001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Add(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Parameter); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 4001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Add(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Parameter, const QVariant& Before); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 4001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Add(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Parameter, const QVariant& Before, const QVariant& Temporary); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 4003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Item(const QVariant& Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT CommandBarControl : public QAxObject { public: CommandBarControl(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property BeginGroup For more information, see help context 5001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool BeginGroup() const; //Returns the value of BeginGroup inline void SetBeginGroup(bool value); //Sets the value of the BeginGroup property /* Property BuiltIn For more information, see help context 5002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool BuiltIn() const; //Returns the value of BuiltIn /* Property Caption For more information, see help context 5003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Caption() const; //Returns the value of Caption inline void SetCaption(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Caption property /* Property Control For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Control() const; //Returns the value of Control /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property DescriptionText For more information, see help context 5006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString DescriptionText() const; //Returns the value of DescriptionText inline void SetDescriptionText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the DescriptionText property /* Property Enabled For more information, see help context 5007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Enabled() const; //Returns the value of Enabled inline void SetEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the Enabled property /* Property Height For more information, see help context 5009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Height() const; //Returns the value of Height inline void SetHeight(int value); //Sets the value of the Height property /* Property HelpContextId For more information, see help context 5010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int HelpContextId() const; //Returns the value of HelpContextId inline void SetHelpContextId(int value); //Sets the value of the HelpContextId property /* Property HelpFile For more information, see help context 5011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString HelpFile() const; //Returns the value of HelpFile inline void SetHelpFile(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the HelpFile property /* Property Id For more information, see help context 5012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Id() const; //Returns the value of Id /* Property Index For more information, see help context 5013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Index() const; //Returns the value of Index /* Property InstanceId For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int InstanceId() const; //Returns the value of InstanceId /* Property IsPriorityDropped For more information, see help context 5029 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool IsPriorityDropped() const; //Returns the value of IsPriorityDropped /* Property Left For more information, see help context 5015 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Left() const; //Returns the value of Left /* Property OLEUsage For more information, see help context 5016 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoControlOLEUsage OLEUsage() const; //Returns the value of OLEUsage inline void SetOLEUsage(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage value); //Sets the value of the OLEUsage property /* Property OnAction For more information, see help context 5017 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString OnAction() const; //Returns the value of OnAction inline void SetOnAction(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the OnAction property /* Property Parameter For more information, see help context 5019 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Parameter() const; //Returns the value of Parameter inline void SetParameter(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Parameter property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 5018 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Priority For more information, see help context 5020 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Priority() const; //Returns the value of Priority inline void SetPriority(int value); //Sets the value of the Priority property /* Property Tag For more information, see help context 5023 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Tag() const; //Returns the value of Tag inline void SetTag(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Tag property /* Property TooltipText For more information, see help context 5024 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString TooltipText() const; //Returns the value of TooltipText inline void SetTooltipText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the TooltipText property /* Property Top For more information, see help context 5025 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Top() const; //Returns the value of Top /* Property Type For more information, see help context 5026 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoControlType Type() const; //Returns the value of Type /* Property Visible For more information, see help context 5027 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Visible() const; //Returns the value of Visible inline void SetVisible(bool value); //Sets the value of the Visible property /* Property Width For more information, see help context 5028 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Width() const; //Returns the value of Width inline void SetWidth(int value); //Sets the value of the Width property /* Property accChildCount For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accChildCount() const; //Returns the value of accChildCount /* Property accDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDefaultAction() const; //Returns the value of accDefaultAction /* Property accDescription For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDescription() const; //Returns the value of accDescription /* Property accFocus For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accFocus() const; //Returns the value of accFocus /* Property accHelp For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accHelp() const; //Returns the value of accHelp /* Property accKeyboardShortcut For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accKeyboardShortcut() const; //Returns the value of accKeyboardShortcut /* Property accName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accName() const; //Returns the value of accName inline void setAccName(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accName property /* Property accParent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accParent() const; //Returns the value of accParent /* Property accRole For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accRole() const; //Returns the value of accRole /* Property accSelection For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accSelection() const; //Returns the value of accSelection /* Property accState For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accState() const; //Returns the value of accState /* Property accValue For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accValue() const; //Returns the value of accValue inline void setAccValue(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accValue property /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(); /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(const QVariant& Bar); /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 5005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 5005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(const QVariant& Temporary); /* Method Execute For more information, see help context 5008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Execute(); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(const QVariant& Bar); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before); /* Method Reserved1 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved1(); /* Method Reserved2 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved2(); /* Method Reserved3 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved3(); /* Method Reserved4 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved4(); /* Method Reserved5 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved5(); /* Method Reserved6 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved6(); /* Method Reserved7 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved7(); /* Method Reset For more information, see help context 5021 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reset(); /* Method SetFocus For more information, see help context 5022 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetFocus(); /* Method accChild For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accChild(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHitTest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT _CommandBarButton : public QAxObject { public: _CommandBarButton(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property BeginGroup For more information, see help context 5001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool BeginGroup() const; //Returns the value of BeginGroup inline void SetBeginGroup(bool value); //Sets the value of the BeginGroup property /* Property BuiltIn For more information, see help context 5002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool BuiltIn() const; //Returns the value of BuiltIn /* Property BuiltInFace For more information, see help context 6001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool BuiltInFace() const; //Returns the value of BuiltInFace inline void SetBuiltInFace(bool value); //Sets the value of the BuiltInFace property /* Property Caption For more information, see help context 5003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Caption() const; //Returns the value of Caption inline void SetCaption(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Caption property /* Property Control For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Control() const; //Returns the value of Control /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property DescriptionText For more information, see help context 5006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString DescriptionText() const; //Returns the value of DescriptionText inline void SetDescriptionText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the DescriptionText property /* Property Enabled For more information, see help context 5007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Enabled() const; //Returns the value of Enabled inline void SetEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the Enabled property /* Property FaceId For more information, see help context 6003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int FaceId() const; //Returns the value of FaceId inline void SetFaceId(int value); //Sets the value of the FaceId property /* Property Height For more information, see help context 5009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Height() const; //Returns the value of Height inline void SetHeight(int value); //Sets the value of the Height property /* Property HelpContextId For more information, see help context 5010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int HelpContextId() const; //Returns the value of HelpContextId inline void SetHelpContextId(int value); //Sets the value of the HelpContextId property /* Property HelpFile For more information, see help context 5011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString HelpFile() const; //Returns the value of HelpFile inline void SetHelpFile(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the HelpFile property /* Property HyperlinkType For more information, see help context 6008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType HyperlinkType() const; //Returns the value of HyperlinkType inline void SetHyperlinkType(Office::MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType value); //Sets the value of the HyperlinkType property /* Property Id For more information, see help context 5012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Id() const; //Returns the value of Id /* Property Index For more information, see help context 5013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Index() const; //Returns the value of Index /* Property InstanceId For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int InstanceId() const; //Returns the value of InstanceId /* Property IsPriorityDropped For more information, see help context 5029 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool IsPriorityDropped() const; //Returns the value of IsPriorityDropped /* Property Left For more information, see help context 5015 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Left() const; //Returns the value of Left /* Property Mask For more information, see help context 6010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QPixmap Mask() const; //Returns the value of Mask inline void SetMask(const QPixmap& value); //Sets the value of the Mask property /* Property OLEUsage For more information, see help context 5016 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoControlOLEUsage OLEUsage() const; //Returns the value of OLEUsage inline void SetOLEUsage(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage value); //Sets the value of the OLEUsage property /* Property OnAction For more information, see help context 5017 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString OnAction() const; //Returns the value of OnAction inline void SetOnAction(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the OnAction property /* Property Parameter For more information, see help context 5019 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Parameter() const; //Returns the value of Parameter inline void SetParameter(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Parameter property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 5018 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Picture For more information, see help context 6009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QPixmap Picture() const; //Returns the value of Picture inline void SetPicture(const QPixmap& value); //Sets the value of the Picture property /* Property Priority For more information, see help context 5020 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Priority() const; //Returns the value of Priority inline void SetPriority(int value); //Sets the value of the Priority property /* Property ShortcutText For more information, see help context 6005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString ShortcutText() const; //Returns the value of ShortcutText inline void SetShortcutText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the ShortcutText property /* Property State For more information, see help context 6006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoButtonState State() const; //Returns the value of State inline void SetState(Office::MsoButtonState value); //Sets the value of the State property /* Property Style For more information, see help context 6007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoButtonStyle Style() const; //Returns the value of Style inline void SetStyle(Office::MsoButtonStyle value); //Sets the value of the Style property /* Property Tag For more information, see help context 5023 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Tag() const; //Returns the value of Tag inline void SetTag(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Tag property /* Property TooltipText For more information, see help context 5024 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString TooltipText() const; //Returns the value of TooltipText inline void SetTooltipText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the TooltipText property /* Property Top For more information, see help context 5025 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Top() const; //Returns the value of Top /* Property Type For more information, see help context 5026 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoControlType Type() const; //Returns the value of Type /* Property Visible For more information, see help context 5027 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Visible() const; //Returns the value of Visible inline void SetVisible(bool value); //Sets the value of the Visible property /* Property Width For more information, see help context 5028 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Width() const; //Returns the value of Width inline void SetWidth(int value); //Sets the value of the Width property /* Property accChildCount For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accChildCount() const; //Returns the value of accChildCount /* Property accDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDefaultAction() const; //Returns the value of accDefaultAction /* Property accDescription For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDescription() const; //Returns the value of accDescription /* Property accFocus For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accFocus() const; //Returns the value of accFocus /* Property accHelp For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accHelp() const; //Returns the value of accHelp /* Property accKeyboardShortcut For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accKeyboardShortcut() const; //Returns the value of accKeyboardShortcut /* Property accName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accName() const; //Returns the value of accName inline void setAccName(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accName property /* Property accParent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accParent() const; //Returns the value of accParent /* Property accRole For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accRole() const; //Returns the value of accRole /* Property accSelection For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accSelection() const; //Returns the value of accSelection /* Property accState For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accState() const; //Returns the value of accState /* Property accValue For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accValue() const; //Returns the value of accValue inline void setAccValue(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accValue property /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(); /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(const QVariant& Bar); /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before); /* Method CopyFace For more information, see help context 6002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void CopyFace(); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 5005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 5005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(const QVariant& Temporary); /* Method Execute For more information, see help context 5008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Execute(); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(const QVariant& Bar); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before); /* Method PasteFace For more information, see help context 6004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void PasteFace(); /* Method Reserved1 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved1(); /* Method Reserved2 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved2(); /* Method Reserved3 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved3(); /* Method Reserved4 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved4(); /* Method Reserved5 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved5(); /* Method Reserved6 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved6(); /* Method Reserved7 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved7(); /* Method Reset For more information, see help context 5021 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reset(); /* Method SetFocus For more information, see help context 5022 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetFocus(); /* Method accChild For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accChild(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHitTest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT CommandBarPopup : public QAxObject { public: CommandBarPopup(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property BeginGroup For more information, see help context 5001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool BeginGroup() const; //Returns the value of BeginGroup inline void SetBeginGroup(bool value); //Sets the value of the BeginGroup property /* Property BuiltIn For more information, see help context 5002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool BuiltIn() const; //Returns the value of BuiltIn /* Property Caption For more information, see help context 5003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Caption() const; //Returns the value of Caption inline void SetCaption(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Caption property /* Property CommandBar For more information, see help context 7001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBar() const; //Returns the value of CommandBar /* Property Control For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Control() const; //Returns the value of Control /* Property Controls For more information, see help context 7002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControls* Controls() const; //Returns the value of Controls /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property DescriptionText For more information, see help context 5006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString DescriptionText() const; //Returns the value of DescriptionText inline void SetDescriptionText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the DescriptionText property /* Property Enabled For more information, see help context 5007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Enabled() const; //Returns the value of Enabled inline void SetEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the Enabled property /* Property Height For more information, see help context 5009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Height() const; //Returns the value of Height inline void SetHeight(int value); //Sets the value of the Height property /* Property HelpContextId For more information, see help context 5010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int HelpContextId() const; //Returns the value of HelpContextId inline void SetHelpContextId(int value); //Sets the value of the HelpContextId property /* Property HelpFile For more information, see help context 5011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString HelpFile() const; //Returns the value of HelpFile inline void SetHelpFile(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the HelpFile property /* Property Id For more information, see help context 5012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Id() const; //Returns the value of Id /* Property Index For more information, see help context 5013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Index() const; //Returns the value of Index /* Property InstanceId For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int InstanceId() const; //Returns the value of InstanceId /* Property IsPriorityDropped For more information, see help context 5029 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool IsPriorityDropped() const; //Returns the value of IsPriorityDropped /* Property Left For more information, see help context 5015 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Left() const; //Returns the value of Left /* Property OLEMenuGroup For more information, see help context 7003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoOLEMenuGroup OLEMenuGroup() const; //Returns the value of OLEMenuGroup inline void SetOLEMenuGroup(Office::MsoOLEMenuGroup value); //Sets the value of the OLEMenuGroup property /* Property OLEUsage For more information, see help context 5016 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoControlOLEUsage OLEUsage() const; //Returns the value of OLEUsage inline void SetOLEUsage(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage value); //Sets the value of the OLEUsage property /* Property OnAction For more information, see help context 5017 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString OnAction() const; //Returns the value of OnAction inline void SetOnAction(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the OnAction property /* Property Parameter For more information, see help context 5019 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Parameter() const; //Returns the value of Parameter inline void SetParameter(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Parameter property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 5018 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Priority For more information, see help context 5020 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Priority() const; //Returns the value of Priority inline void SetPriority(int value); //Sets the value of the Priority property /* Property Tag For more information, see help context 5023 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Tag() const; //Returns the value of Tag inline void SetTag(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Tag property /* Property TooltipText For more information, see help context 5024 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString TooltipText() const; //Returns the value of TooltipText inline void SetTooltipText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the TooltipText property /* Property Top For more information, see help context 5025 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Top() const; //Returns the value of Top /* Property Type For more information, see help context 5026 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoControlType Type() const; //Returns the value of Type /* Property Visible For more information, see help context 5027 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Visible() const; //Returns the value of Visible inline void SetVisible(bool value); //Sets the value of the Visible property /* Property Width For more information, see help context 5028 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Width() const; //Returns the value of Width inline void SetWidth(int value); //Sets the value of the Width property /* Property accChildCount For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accChildCount() const; //Returns the value of accChildCount /* Property accDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDefaultAction() const; //Returns the value of accDefaultAction /* Property accDescription For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDescription() const; //Returns the value of accDescription /* Property accFocus For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accFocus() const; //Returns the value of accFocus /* Property accHelp For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accHelp() const; //Returns the value of accHelp /* Property accKeyboardShortcut For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accKeyboardShortcut() const; //Returns the value of accKeyboardShortcut /* Property accName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accName() const; //Returns the value of accName inline void setAccName(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accName property /* Property accParent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accParent() const; //Returns the value of accParent /* Property accRole For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accRole() const; //Returns the value of accRole /* Property accSelection For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accSelection() const; //Returns the value of accSelection /* Property accState For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accState() const; //Returns the value of accState /* Property accValue For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accValue() const; //Returns the value of accValue inline void setAccValue(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accValue property /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(); /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(const QVariant& Bar); /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 5005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 5005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(const QVariant& Temporary); /* Method Execute For more information, see help context 5008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Execute(); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(const QVariant& Bar); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before); /* Method Reserved1 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved1(); /* Method Reserved2 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved2(); /* Method Reserved3 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved3(); /* Method Reserved4 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved4(); /* Method Reserved5 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved5(); /* Method Reserved6 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved6(); /* Method Reserved7 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved7(); /* Method Reset For more information, see help context 5021 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reset(); /* Method SetFocus For more information, see help context 5022 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetFocus(); /* Method accChild For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accChild(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHitTest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT _CommandBarComboBox : public QAxObject { public: _CommandBarComboBox(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property BeginGroup For more information, see help context 5001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool BeginGroup() const; //Returns the value of BeginGroup inline void SetBeginGroup(bool value); //Sets the value of the BeginGroup property /* Property BuiltIn For more information, see help context 5002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool BuiltIn() const; //Returns the value of BuiltIn /* Property Caption For more information, see help context 5003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Caption() const; //Returns the value of Caption inline void SetCaption(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Caption property /* Property Control For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Control() const; //Returns the value of Control /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property DescriptionText For more information, see help context 5006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString DescriptionText() const; //Returns the value of DescriptionText inline void SetDescriptionText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the DescriptionText property /* Property DropDownLines For more information, see help context 8003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int DropDownLines() const; //Returns the value of DropDownLines inline void SetDropDownLines(int value); //Sets the value of the DropDownLines property /* Property DropDownWidth For more information, see help context 8004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int DropDownWidth() const; //Returns the value of DropDownWidth inline void SetDropDownWidth(int value); //Sets the value of the DropDownWidth property /* Property Enabled For more information, see help context 5007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Enabled() const; //Returns the value of Enabled inline void SetEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the Enabled property /* Property Height For more information, see help context 5009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Height() const; //Returns the value of Height inline void SetHeight(int value); //Sets the value of the Height property /* Property HelpContextId For more information, see help context 5010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int HelpContextId() const; //Returns the value of HelpContextId inline void SetHelpContextId(int value); //Sets the value of the HelpContextId property /* Property HelpFile For more information, see help context 5011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString HelpFile() const; //Returns the value of HelpFile inline void SetHelpFile(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the HelpFile property /* Property Id For more information, see help context 5012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Id() const; //Returns the value of Id /* Property Index For more information, see help context 5013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Index() const; //Returns the value of Index /* Property InstanceId For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int InstanceId() const; //Returns the value of InstanceId /* Property IsPriorityDropped For more information, see help context 5029 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool IsPriorityDropped() const; //Returns the value of IsPriorityDropped /* Property Left For more information, see help context 5015 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Left() const; //Returns the value of Left /* Property ListCount For more information, see help context 8006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int ListCount() const; //Returns the value of ListCount /* Property ListHeaderCount For more information, see help context 8007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int ListHeaderCount() const; //Returns the value of ListHeaderCount inline void SetListHeaderCount(int value); //Sets the value of the ListHeaderCount property /* Property ListIndex For more information, see help context 8008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int ListIndex() const; //Returns the value of ListIndex inline void SetListIndex(int value); //Sets the value of the ListIndex property /* Property OLEUsage For more information, see help context 5016 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoControlOLEUsage OLEUsage() const; //Returns the value of OLEUsage inline void SetOLEUsage(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage value); //Sets the value of the OLEUsage property /* Property OnAction For more information, see help context 5017 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString OnAction() const; //Returns the value of OnAction inline void SetOnAction(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the OnAction property /* Property Parameter For more information, see help context 5019 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Parameter() const; //Returns the value of Parameter inline void SetParameter(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Parameter property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 5018 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Priority For more information, see help context 5020 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Priority() const; //Returns the value of Priority inline void SetPriority(int value); //Sets the value of the Priority property /* Property Style For more information, see help context 8010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoComboStyle Style() const; //Returns the value of Style inline void SetStyle(Office::MsoComboStyle value); //Sets the value of the Style property /* Property Tag For more information, see help context 5023 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Tag() const; //Returns the value of Tag inline void SetTag(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Tag property /* Property Text For more information, see help context 8011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Text() const; //Returns the value of Text inline void SetText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Text property /* Property TooltipText For more information, see help context 5024 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString TooltipText() const; //Returns the value of TooltipText inline void SetTooltipText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the TooltipText property /* Property Top For more information, see help context 5025 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Top() const; //Returns the value of Top /* Property Type For more information, see help context 5026 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoControlType Type() const; //Returns the value of Type /* Property Visible For more information, see help context 5027 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Visible() const; //Returns the value of Visible inline void SetVisible(bool value); //Sets the value of the Visible property /* Property Width For more information, see help context 5028 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Width() const; //Returns the value of Width inline void SetWidth(int value); //Sets the value of the Width property /* Property accChildCount For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accChildCount() const; //Returns the value of accChildCount /* Property accDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDefaultAction() const; //Returns the value of accDefaultAction /* Property accDescription For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDescription() const; //Returns the value of accDescription /* Property accFocus For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accFocus() const; //Returns the value of accFocus /* Property accHelp For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accHelp() const; //Returns the value of accHelp /* Property accKeyboardShortcut For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accKeyboardShortcut() const; //Returns the value of accKeyboardShortcut /* Property accName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accName() const; //Returns the value of accName inline void setAccName(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accName property /* Property accParent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accParent() const; //Returns the value of accParent /* Property accRole For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accRole() const; //Returns the value of accRole /* Property accSelection For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accSelection() const; //Returns the value of accSelection /* Property accState For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accState() const; //Returns the value of accState /* Property accValue For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accValue() const; //Returns the value of accValue inline void setAccValue(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accValue property /* Method AddItem For more information, see help context 8001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AddItem(const QString& Text); /* Method AddItem For more information, see help context 8001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AddItem(const QString& Text, const QVariant& Index); /* Method Clear For more information, see help context 8002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Clear(); /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(); /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(const QVariant& Bar); /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 5005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 5005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(const QVariant& Temporary); /* Method Execute For more information, see help context 5008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Execute(); /* Method List For more information, see help context 8005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString List(int Index); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(const QVariant& Bar); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before); /* Method RemoveItem For more information, see help context 8009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void RemoveItem(int Index); /* Method Reserved1 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved1(); /* Method Reserved2 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved2(); /* Method Reserved3 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved3(); /* Method Reserved4 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved4(); /* Method Reserved5 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved5(); /* Method Reserved6 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved6(); /* Method Reserved7 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved7(); /* Method Reset For more information, see help context 5021 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reset(); /* Method SetFocus For more information, see help context 5022 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetFocus(); /* Method SetList */ inline int SetList(int Index, const QString& rhs); /* Method accChild For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accChild(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHitTest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT _CommandBarActiveX : public QAxObject { public: _CommandBarActiveX(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property BeginGroup For more information, see help context 5001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool BeginGroup() const; //Returns the value of BeginGroup inline void SetBeginGroup(bool value); //Sets the value of the BeginGroup property /* Property BuiltIn For more information, see help context 5002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool BuiltIn() const; //Returns the value of BuiltIn /* Property Caption For more information, see help context 5003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Caption() const; //Returns the value of Caption inline void SetCaption(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Caption property /* Property Control For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Control() const; //Returns the value of Control /* Property ControlCLSID For more information, see help context 9001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString ControlCLSID() const; //Returns the value of ControlCLSID inline void SetControlCLSID(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the ControlCLSID property /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property DescriptionText For more information, see help context 5006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString DescriptionText() const; //Returns the value of DescriptionText inline void SetDescriptionText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the DescriptionText property /* Property Enabled For more information, see help context 5007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Enabled() const; //Returns the value of Enabled inline void SetEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the Enabled property /* Property Height For more information, see help context 5009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Height() const; //Returns the value of Height inline void SetHeight(int value); //Sets the value of the Height property /* Property HelpContextId For more information, see help context 5010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int HelpContextId() const; //Returns the value of HelpContextId inline void SetHelpContextId(int value); //Sets the value of the HelpContextId property /* Property HelpFile For more information, see help context 5011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString HelpFile() const; //Returns the value of HelpFile inline void SetHelpFile(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the HelpFile property /* Property Id For more information, see help context 5012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Id() const; //Returns the value of Id /* Property Index For more information, see help context 5013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Index() const; //Returns the value of Index /* Property InitWith For more information, see help context 9005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* InitWith() const; //Returns the value of InitWith inline void SetInitWith(IUnknown* value); //Sets the value of the InitWith property /* Property InstanceId For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int InstanceId() const; //Returns the value of InstanceId /* Property IsPriorityDropped For more information, see help context 5029 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool IsPriorityDropped() const; //Returns the value of IsPriorityDropped /* Property Left For more information, see help context 5015 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Left() const; //Returns the value of Left /* Property OLEUsage For more information, see help context 5016 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoControlOLEUsage OLEUsage() const; //Returns the value of OLEUsage inline void SetOLEUsage(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage value); //Sets the value of the OLEUsage property /* Property OnAction For more information, see help context 5017 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString OnAction() const; //Returns the value of OnAction inline void SetOnAction(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the OnAction property /* Property Parameter For more information, see help context 5019 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Parameter() const; //Returns the value of Parameter inline void SetParameter(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Parameter property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 5018 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Priority For more information, see help context 5020 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Priority() const; //Returns the value of Priority inline void SetPriority(int value); //Sets the value of the Priority property /* Property Tag For more information, see help context 5023 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Tag() const; //Returns the value of Tag inline void SetTag(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Tag property /* Property TooltipText For more information, see help context 5024 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString TooltipText() const; //Returns the value of TooltipText inline void SetTooltipText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the TooltipText property /* Property Top For more information, see help context 5025 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Top() const; //Returns the value of Top /* Property Type For more information, see help context 5026 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoControlType Type() const; //Returns the value of Type /* Property Visible For more information, see help context 5027 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Visible() const; //Returns the value of Visible inline void SetVisible(bool value); //Sets the value of the Visible property /* Property Width For more information, see help context 5028 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Width() const; //Returns the value of Width inline void SetWidth(int value); //Sets the value of the Width property /* Property accChildCount For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accChildCount() const; //Returns the value of accChildCount /* Property accDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDefaultAction() const; //Returns the value of accDefaultAction /* Property accDescription For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDescription() const; //Returns the value of accDescription /* Property accFocus For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accFocus() const; //Returns the value of accFocus /* Property accHelp For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accHelp() const; //Returns the value of accHelp /* Property accKeyboardShortcut For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accKeyboardShortcut() const; //Returns the value of accKeyboardShortcut /* Property accName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accName() const; //Returns the value of accName inline void setAccName(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accName property /* Property accParent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accParent() const; //Returns the value of accParent /* Property accRole For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accRole() const; //Returns the value of accRole /* Property accSelection For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accSelection() const; //Returns the value of accSelection /* Property accState For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accState() const; //Returns the value of accState /* Property accValue For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accValue() const; //Returns the value of accValue inline void setAccValue(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accValue property /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(); /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(const QVariant& Bar); /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 5005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 5005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(const QVariant& Temporary); /* Method EnsureControl For more information, see help context 9004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void EnsureControl(); /* Method Execute For more information, see help context 5008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Execute(); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(const QVariant& Bar); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before); /* Method QueryControlInterface For more information, see help context 9002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* QueryControlInterface(const QString& bstrIid); /* Method Reserved1 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved1(); /* Method Reserved2 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved2(); /* Method Reserved3 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved3(); /* Method Reserved4 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved4(); /* Method Reserved5 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved5(); /* Method Reserved6 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved6(); /* Method Reserved7 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved7(); /* Method Reset For more information, see help context 5021 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reset(); /* Method SetFocus For more information, see help context 5022 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetFocus(); /* Method SetInnerObjectFactory For more information, see help context 9003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetInnerObjectFactory(IUnknown* pUnk); /* Method accChild For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accChild(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHitTest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT Adjustments : public QAxObject { public: Adjustments(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Method Item For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Item(int Index); /* Method SetItem */ inline int SetItem(int Index, double rhs); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT CalloutFormat : public QAxObject { public: CalloutFormat(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Accent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState Accent() const; //Returns the value of Accent inline void SetAccent(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the Accent property /* Property Angle For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoCalloutAngleType Angle() const; //Returns the value of Angle inline void SetAngle(Office::MsoCalloutAngleType value); //Sets the value of the Angle property /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property AutoAttach For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState AutoAttach() const; //Returns the value of AutoAttach inline void SetAutoAttach(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the AutoAttach property /* Property AutoLength For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState AutoLength() const; //Returns the value of AutoLength /* Property Border For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState Border() const; //Returns the value of Border inline void SetBorder(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the Border property /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Drop For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Drop() const; //Returns the value of Drop /* Property DropType For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoCalloutDropType DropType() const; //Returns the value of DropType /* Property Gap For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Gap() const; //Returns the value of Gap inline void SetGap(double value); //Sets the value of the Gap property /* Property Length For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Length() const; //Returns the value of Length /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Type For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoCalloutType Type() const; //Returns the value of Type inline void SetType(Office::MsoCalloutType value); //Sets the value of the Type property /* Method AutomaticLength For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AutomaticLength(); /* Method CustomDrop For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void CustomDrop(double Drop); /* Method CustomLength For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void CustomLength(double Length); /* Method PresetDrop For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void PresetDrop(Office::MsoCalloutDropType DropType); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT ColorFormat : public QAxObject { public: ColorFormat(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property RGB For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int RGB() const; //Returns the value of RGB inline void SetRGB(int value); //Sets the value of the RGB property /* Property SchemeColor For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int SchemeColor() const; //Returns the value of SchemeColor inline void SetSchemeColor(int value); //Sets the value of the SchemeColor property /* Property TintAndShade For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double TintAndShade() const; //Returns the value of TintAndShade inline void SetTintAndShade(double value); //Sets the value of the TintAndShade property /* Property Type For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoColorType Type() const; //Returns the value of Type // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT ConnectorFormat : public QAxObject { public: ConnectorFormat(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property BeginConnected For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState BeginConnected() const; //Returns the value of BeginConnected /* Property BeginConnectedShape For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* BeginConnectedShape() const; //Returns the value of BeginConnectedShape /* Property BeginConnectionSite For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int BeginConnectionSite() const; //Returns the value of BeginConnectionSite /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property EndConnected For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState EndConnected() const; //Returns the value of EndConnected /* Property EndConnectedShape For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* EndConnectedShape() const; //Returns the value of EndConnectedShape /* Property EndConnectionSite For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int EndConnectionSite() const; //Returns the value of EndConnectionSite /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Type For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoConnectorType Type() const; //Returns the value of Type inline void SetType(Office::MsoConnectorType value); //Sets the value of the Type property /* Method BeginConnect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void BeginConnect(Office::Shape* ConnectedShape, int ConnectionSite); /* Method BeginDisconnect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void BeginDisconnect(); /* Method EndConnect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void EndConnect(Office::Shape* ConnectedShape, int ConnectionSite); /* Method EndDisconnect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void EndDisconnect(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT FillFormat : public QAxObject { public: FillFormat(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property BackColor For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ColorFormat* BackColor() const; //Returns the value of BackColor inline void SetBackColor(Office::ColorFormat* value); //Sets the value of the BackColor property /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property ForeColor For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ColorFormat* ForeColor() const; //Returns the value of ForeColor inline void SetForeColor(Office::ColorFormat* value); //Sets the value of the ForeColor property /* Property GradientColorType For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoGradientColorType GradientColorType() const; //Returns the value of GradientColorType /* Property GradientDegree For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double GradientDegree() const; //Returns the value of GradientDegree /* Property GradientStyle For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoGradientStyle GradientStyle() const; //Returns the value of GradientStyle /* Property GradientVariant For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int GradientVariant() const; //Returns the value of GradientVariant /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Pattern For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoPatternType Pattern() const; //Returns the value of Pattern /* Property PresetGradientType For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoPresetGradientType PresetGradientType() const; //Returns the value of PresetGradientType /* Property PresetTexture For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoPresetTexture PresetTexture() const; //Returns the value of PresetTexture /* Property TextureName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString TextureName() const; //Returns the value of TextureName /* Property TextureType For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTextureType TextureType() const; //Returns the value of TextureType /* Property Transparency For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Transparency() const; //Returns the value of Transparency inline void SetTransparency(double value); //Sets the value of the Transparency property /* Property Type For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoFillType Type() const; //Returns the value of Type /* Property Visible For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState Visible() const; //Returns the value of Visible inline void SetVisible(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the Visible property /* Method Background For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Background(); /* Method OneColorGradient For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void OneColorGradient(Office::MsoGradientStyle Style, int Variant, double Degree); /* Method Patterned For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Patterned(Office::MsoPatternType Pattern); /* Method PresetGradient For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void PresetGradient(Office::MsoGradientStyle Style, int Variant, Office::MsoPresetGradientType PresetGradientType); /* Method PresetTextured For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void PresetTextured(Office::MsoPresetTexture PresetTexture); /* Method Solid For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Solid(); /* Method TwoColorGradient For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void TwoColorGradient(Office::MsoGradientStyle Style, int Variant); /* Method UserPicture For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void UserPicture(const QString& PictureFile); /* Method UserTextured For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void UserTextured(const QString& TextureFile); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT FreeformBuilder : public QAxObject { public: FreeformBuilder(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Method AddNodes For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AddNodes(Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1); /* Method AddNodes For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AddNodes(Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1, double X2); /* Method AddNodes For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AddNodes(Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2); /* Method AddNodes For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AddNodes(Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2, double X3); /* Method AddNodes For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AddNodes(Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2, double X3, double Y3); /* Method ConvertToShape For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* ConvertToShape(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT GroupShapes : public QAxObject { public: GroupShapes(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Item For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* Item(const QVariant& Index); /* Method Range For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ShapeRange* Range(const QVariant& Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT LineFormat : public QAxObject { public: LineFormat(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property BackColor For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ColorFormat* BackColor() const; //Returns the value of BackColor inline void SetBackColor(Office::ColorFormat* value); //Sets the value of the BackColor property /* Property BeginArrowheadLength For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoArrowheadLength BeginArrowheadLength() const; //Returns the value of BeginArrowheadLength inline void SetBeginArrowheadLength(Office::MsoArrowheadLength value); //Sets the value of the BeginArrowheadLength property /* Property BeginArrowheadStyle For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoArrowheadStyle BeginArrowheadStyle() const; //Returns the value of BeginArrowheadStyle inline void SetBeginArrowheadStyle(Office::MsoArrowheadStyle value); //Sets the value of the BeginArrowheadStyle property /* Property BeginArrowheadWidth For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoArrowheadWidth BeginArrowheadWidth() const; //Returns the value of BeginArrowheadWidth inline void SetBeginArrowheadWidth(Office::MsoArrowheadWidth value); //Sets the value of the BeginArrowheadWidth property /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property DashStyle For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoLineDashStyle DashStyle() const; //Returns the value of DashStyle inline void SetDashStyle(Office::MsoLineDashStyle value); //Sets the value of the DashStyle property /* Property EndArrowheadLength For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoArrowheadLength EndArrowheadLength() const; //Returns the value of EndArrowheadLength inline void SetEndArrowheadLength(Office::MsoArrowheadLength value); //Sets the value of the EndArrowheadLength property /* Property EndArrowheadStyle For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoArrowheadStyle EndArrowheadStyle() const; //Returns the value of EndArrowheadStyle inline void SetEndArrowheadStyle(Office::MsoArrowheadStyle value); //Sets the value of the EndArrowheadStyle property /* Property EndArrowheadWidth For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoArrowheadWidth EndArrowheadWidth() const; //Returns the value of EndArrowheadWidth inline void SetEndArrowheadWidth(Office::MsoArrowheadWidth value); //Sets the value of the EndArrowheadWidth property /* Property ForeColor For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ColorFormat* ForeColor() const; //Returns the value of ForeColor inline void SetForeColor(Office::ColorFormat* value); //Sets the value of the ForeColor property /* Property InsetPen For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState InsetPen() const; //Returns the value of InsetPen inline void SetInsetPen(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the InsetPen property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Pattern For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoPatternType Pattern() const; //Returns the value of Pattern inline void SetPattern(Office::MsoPatternType value); //Sets the value of the Pattern property /* Property Style For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoLineStyle Style() const; //Returns the value of Style inline void SetStyle(Office::MsoLineStyle value); //Sets the value of the Style property /* Property Transparency For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Transparency() const; //Returns the value of Transparency inline void SetTransparency(double value); //Sets the value of the Transparency property /* Property Visible For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState Visible() const; //Returns the value of Visible inline void SetVisible(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the Visible property /* Property Weight For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Weight() const; //Returns the value of Weight inline void SetWeight(double value); //Sets the value of the Weight property // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT ShapeNode : public QAxObject { public: ShapeNode(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property EditingType For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoEditingType EditingType() const; //Returns the value of EditingType /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Points For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant Points() const; //Returns the value of Points /* Property SegmentType For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType() const; //Returns the value of SegmentType // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT ShapeNodes : public QAxObject { public: ShapeNodes(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(int Index); /* Method Insert For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Insert(int Index, Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1); /* Method Insert For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Insert(int Index, Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1, double X2); /* Method Insert For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Insert(int Index, Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2); /* Method Insert For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Insert(int Index, Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2, double X3); /* Method Insert For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Insert(int Index, Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2, double X3, double Y3); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ShapeNode* Item(const QVariant& Index); /* Method SetEditingType For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetEditingType(int Index, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType); /* Method SetPosition For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetPosition(int Index, double X1, double Y1); /* Method SetSegmentType For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetSegmentType(int Index, Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT PictureFormat : public QAxObject { public: PictureFormat(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Brightness For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Brightness() const; //Returns the value of Brightness inline void SetBrightness(double value); //Sets the value of the Brightness property /* Property ColorType For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoPictureColorType ColorType() const; //Returns the value of ColorType inline void SetColorType(Office::MsoPictureColorType value); //Sets the value of the ColorType property /* Property Contrast For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Contrast() const; //Returns the value of Contrast inline void SetContrast(double value); //Sets the value of the Contrast property /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property CropBottom For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double CropBottom() const; //Returns the value of CropBottom inline void SetCropBottom(double value); //Sets the value of the CropBottom property /* Property CropLeft For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double CropLeft() const; //Returns the value of CropLeft inline void SetCropLeft(double value); //Sets the value of the CropLeft property /* Property CropRight For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double CropRight() const; //Returns the value of CropRight inline void SetCropRight(double value); //Sets the value of the CropRight property /* Property CropTop For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double CropTop() const; //Returns the value of CropTop inline void SetCropTop(double value); //Sets the value of the CropTop property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property TransparencyColor For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int TransparencyColor() const; //Returns the value of TransparencyColor inline void SetTransparencyColor(int value); //Sets the value of the TransparencyColor property /* Property TransparentBackground For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState TransparentBackground() const; //Returns the value of TransparentBackground inline void SetTransparentBackground(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the TransparentBackground property /* Method IncrementBrightness For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void IncrementBrightness(double Increment); /* Method IncrementContrast For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void IncrementContrast(double Increment); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT ShadowFormat : public QAxObject { public: ShadowFormat(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property ForeColor For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ColorFormat* ForeColor() const; //Returns the value of ForeColor inline void SetForeColor(Office::ColorFormat* value); //Sets the value of the ForeColor property /* Property Obscured For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState Obscured() const; //Returns the value of Obscured inline void SetObscured(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the Obscured property /* Property OffsetX For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double OffsetX() const; //Returns the value of OffsetX inline void SetOffsetX(double value); //Sets the value of the OffsetX property /* Property OffsetY For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double OffsetY() const; //Returns the value of OffsetY inline void SetOffsetY(double value); //Sets the value of the OffsetY property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Transparency For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Transparency() const; //Returns the value of Transparency inline void SetTransparency(double value); //Sets the value of the Transparency property /* Property Type For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoShadowType Type() const; //Returns the value of Type inline void SetType(Office::MsoShadowType value); //Sets the value of the Type property /* Property Visible For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState Visible() const; //Returns the value of Visible inline void SetVisible(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the Visible property /* Method IncrementOffsetX For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void IncrementOffsetX(double Increment); /* Method IncrementOffsetY For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void IncrementOffsetY(double Increment); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT Script : public QAxObject { public: Script(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Extended For more information, see help context 218002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Extended() const; //Returns the value of Extended inline void SetExtended(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Extended property /* Property Id For more information, see help context 218004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Id() const; //Returns the value of Id inline void SetId(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Id property /* Property Language For more information, see help context 218006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoScriptLanguage Language() const; //Returns the value of Language inline void SetLanguage(Office::MsoScriptLanguage value); //Sets the value of the Language property /* Property Location For more information, see help context 218008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoScriptLocation Location() const; //Returns the value of Location /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 218001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property ScriptText For more information, see help context 218011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString ScriptText() const; //Returns the value of ScriptText inline void SetScriptText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the ScriptText property /* Property Shape For more information, see help context 218010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Shape() const; //Returns the value of Shape /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 218009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT Scripts : public QAxObject { public: Scripts(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 217002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 217001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 217003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Add For more information, see help context 217005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Script* Add(); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 217005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Script* Add(IDispatch* Anchor); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 217005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Script* Add(IDispatch* Anchor, Office::MsoScriptLocation Location); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 217005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Script* Add(IDispatch* Anchor, Office::MsoScriptLocation Location, Office::MsoScriptLanguage Language); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 217005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Script* Add(IDispatch* Anchor, Office::MsoScriptLocation Location, Office::MsoScriptLanguage Language, const QString& Id); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 217005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Script* Add(IDispatch* Anchor, Office::MsoScriptLocation Location, Office::MsoScriptLanguage Language, const QString& Id, const QString& Extended); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 217005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Script* Add(IDispatch* Anchor, Office::MsoScriptLocation Location, Office::MsoScriptLanguage Language, const QString& Id, const QString& Extended, const QString& ScriptText); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 217006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 217004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Script* Item(const QVariant& Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT Shape : public QAxObject { public: Shape(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Adjustments For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Adjustments* Adjustments() const; //Returns the value of Adjustments /* Property AlternativeText For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString AlternativeText() const; //Returns the value of AlternativeText inline void SetAlternativeText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the AlternativeText property /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property AutoShapeType For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoAutoShapeType AutoShapeType() const; //Returns the value of AutoShapeType inline void SetAutoShapeType(Office::MsoAutoShapeType value); //Sets the value of the AutoShapeType property /* Property BlackWhiteMode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoBlackWhiteMode BlackWhiteMode() const; //Returns the value of BlackWhiteMode inline void SetBlackWhiteMode(Office::MsoBlackWhiteMode value); //Sets the value of the BlackWhiteMode property /* Property Callout For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CalloutFormat* Callout() const; //Returns the value of Callout /* Property CanvasItems For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CanvasShapes* CanvasItems() const; //Returns the value of CanvasItems /* Property Child For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState Child() const; //Returns the value of Child /* Property ConnectionSiteCount For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int ConnectionSiteCount() const; //Returns the value of ConnectionSiteCount /* Property Connector For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState Connector() const; //Returns the value of Connector /* Property ConnectorFormat For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ConnectorFormat* ConnectorFormat() const; //Returns the value of ConnectorFormat /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Diagram For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::IMsoDiagram* Diagram() const; //Returns the value of Diagram /* Property DiagramNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNode* DiagramNode() const; //Returns the value of DiagramNode /* Property Fill For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::FillFormat* Fill() const; //Returns the value of Fill /* Property GroupItems For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::GroupShapes* GroupItems() const; //Returns the value of GroupItems /* Property HasDiagram For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState HasDiagram() const; //Returns the value of HasDiagram /* Property HasDiagramNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState HasDiagramNode() const; //Returns the value of HasDiagramNode /* Property Height For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Height() const; //Returns the value of Height inline void SetHeight(double value); //Sets the value of the Height property /* Property HorizontalFlip For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState HorizontalFlip() const; //Returns the value of HorizontalFlip /* Property Id For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Id() const; //Returns the value of Id /* Property Left For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Left() const; //Returns the value of Left inline void SetLeft(double value); //Sets the value of the Left property /* Property Line For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::LineFormat* Line() const; //Returns the value of Line /* Property LockAspectRatio For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState LockAspectRatio() const; //Returns the value of LockAspectRatio inline void SetLockAspectRatio(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the LockAspectRatio property /* Property Name For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name inline void SetName(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Name property /* Property Nodes For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ShapeNodes* Nodes() const; //Returns the value of Nodes /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property ParentGroup For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* ParentGroup() const; //Returns the value of ParentGroup /* Property PictureFormat For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::PictureFormat* PictureFormat() const; //Returns the value of PictureFormat /* Property RTF For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString RTF() const; //Returns the value of RTF inline void SetRTF(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the RTF property /* Property Rotation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Rotation() const; //Returns the value of Rotation inline void SetRotation(double value); //Sets the value of the Rotation property /* Property Script For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Script* Script() const; //Returns the value of Script /* Property Shadow For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ShadowFormat* Shadow() const; //Returns the value of Shadow /* Property TextEffect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::TextEffectFormat* TextEffect() const; //Returns the value of TextEffect /* Property TextFrame For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::TextFrame* TextFrame() const; //Returns the value of TextFrame /* Property ThreeD For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ThreeDFormat* ThreeD() const; //Returns the value of ThreeD /* Property Top For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Top() const; //Returns the value of Top inline void SetTop(double value); //Sets the value of the Top property /* Property Type For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoShapeType Type() const; //Returns the value of Type /* Property VerticalFlip For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState VerticalFlip() const; //Returns the value of VerticalFlip /* Property Vertices For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant Vertices() const; //Returns the value of Vertices /* Property Visible For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState Visible() const; //Returns the value of Visible inline void SetVisible(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the Visible property /* Property Width For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Width() const; //Returns the value of Width inline void SetWidth(double value); //Sets the value of the Width property /* Property ZOrderPosition For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int ZOrderPosition() const; //Returns the value of ZOrderPosition /* Method Apply For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Apply(); /* Method CanvasCropBottom For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void CanvasCropBottom(double Increment); /* Method CanvasCropLeft For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void CanvasCropLeft(double Increment); /* Method CanvasCropRight For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void CanvasCropRight(double Increment); /* Method CanvasCropTop For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void CanvasCropTop(double Increment); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method Duplicate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* Duplicate(); /* Method Flip For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Flip(Office::MsoFlipCmd FlipCmd); /* Method IncrementLeft For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void IncrementLeft(double Increment); /* Method IncrementRotation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void IncrementRotation(double Increment); /* Method IncrementTop For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void IncrementTop(double Increment); /* Method PickUp For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void PickUp(); /* Method RerouteConnections For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void RerouteConnections(); /* Method ScaleHeight For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ScaleHeight(double Factor, Office::MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize); /* Method ScaleHeight For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ScaleHeight(double Factor, Office::MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize, Office::MsoScaleFrom fScale); /* Method ScaleWidth For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ScaleWidth(double Factor, Office::MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize); /* Method ScaleWidth For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ScaleWidth(double Factor, Office::MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize, Office::MsoScaleFrom fScale); /* Method Select For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Select(); /* Method Select For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Select(const QVariant& Replace); /* Method SetShapesDefaultProperties For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetShapesDefaultProperties(); /* Method Ungroup For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ShapeRange* Ungroup(); /* Method ZOrder For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ZOrder(Office::MsoZOrderCmd ZOrderCmd); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT ShapeRange : public QAxObject { public: ShapeRange(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Adjustments For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Adjustments* Adjustments() const; //Returns the value of Adjustments /* Property AlternativeText For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString AlternativeText() const; //Returns the value of AlternativeText inline void SetAlternativeText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the AlternativeText property /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property AutoShapeType For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoAutoShapeType AutoShapeType() const; //Returns the value of AutoShapeType inline void SetAutoShapeType(Office::MsoAutoShapeType value); //Sets the value of the AutoShapeType property /* Property BlackWhiteMode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoBlackWhiteMode BlackWhiteMode() const; //Returns the value of BlackWhiteMode inline void SetBlackWhiteMode(Office::MsoBlackWhiteMode value); //Sets the value of the BlackWhiteMode property /* Property Callout For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CalloutFormat* Callout() const; //Returns the value of Callout /* Property CanvasItems For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CanvasShapes* CanvasItems() const; //Returns the value of CanvasItems /* Property Child For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState Child() const; //Returns the value of Child /* Property ConnectionSiteCount For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int ConnectionSiteCount() const; //Returns the value of ConnectionSiteCount /* Property Connector For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState Connector() const; //Returns the value of Connector /* Property ConnectorFormat For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ConnectorFormat* ConnectorFormat() const; //Returns the value of ConnectorFormat /* Property Count For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Diagram For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::IMsoDiagram* Diagram() const; //Returns the value of Diagram /* Property DiagramNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNode* DiagramNode() const; //Returns the value of DiagramNode /* Property Fill For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::FillFormat* Fill() const; //Returns the value of Fill /* Property GroupItems For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::GroupShapes* GroupItems() const; //Returns the value of GroupItems /* Property HasDiagram For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState HasDiagram() const; //Returns the value of HasDiagram /* Property HasDiagramNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState HasDiagramNode() const; //Returns the value of HasDiagramNode /* Property Height For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Height() const; //Returns the value of Height inline void SetHeight(double value); //Sets the value of the Height property /* Property HorizontalFlip For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState HorizontalFlip() const; //Returns the value of HorizontalFlip /* Property Id For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Id() const; //Returns the value of Id /* Property Left For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Left() const; //Returns the value of Left inline void SetLeft(double value); //Sets the value of the Left property /* Property Line For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::LineFormat* Line() const; //Returns the value of Line /* Property LockAspectRatio For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState LockAspectRatio() const; //Returns the value of LockAspectRatio inline void SetLockAspectRatio(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the LockAspectRatio property /* Property Name For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name inline void SetName(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Name property /* Property Nodes For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ShapeNodes* Nodes() const; //Returns the value of Nodes /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property ParentGroup For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* ParentGroup() const; //Returns the value of ParentGroup /* Property PictureFormat For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::PictureFormat* PictureFormat() const; //Returns the value of PictureFormat /* Property RTF For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString RTF() const; //Returns the value of RTF inline void SetRTF(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the RTF property /* Property Rotation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Rotation() const; //Returns the value of Rotation inline void SetRotation(double value); //Sets the value of the Rotation property /* Property Script For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Script* Script() const; //Returns the value of Script /* Property Shadow For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ShadowFormat* Shadow() const; //Returns the value of Shadow /* Property TextEffect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::TextEffectFormat* TextEffect() const; //Returns the value of TextEffect /* Property TextFrame For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::TextFrame* TextFrame() const; //Returns the value of TextFrame /* Property ThreeD For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ThreeDFormat* ThreeD() const; //Returns the value of ThreeD /* Property Top For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Top() const; //Returns the value of Top inline void SetTop(double value); //Sets the value of the Top property /* Property Type For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoShapeType Type() const; //Returns the value of Type /* Property VerticalFlip For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState VerticalFlip() const; //Returns the value of VerticalFlip /* Property Vertices For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant Vertices() const; //Returns the value of Vertices /* Property Visible For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState Visible() const; //Returns the value of Visible inline void SetVisible(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the Visible property /* Property Width For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Width() const; //Returns the value of Width inline void SetWidth(double value); //Sets the value of the Width property /* Property ZOrderPosition For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int ZOrderPosition() const; //Returns the value of ZOrderPosition /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Align For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Align(Office::MsoAlignCmd AlignCmd, Office::MsoTriState RelativeTo); /* Method Apply For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Apply(); /* Method CanvasCropBottom For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void CanvasCropBottom(double Increment); /* Method CanvasCropLeft For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void CanvasCropLeft(double Increment); /* Method CanvasCropRight For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void CanvasCropRight(double Increment); /* Method CanvasCropTop For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void CanvasCropTop(double Increment); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method Distribute For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Distribute(Office::MsoDistributeCmd DistributeCmd, Office::MsoTriState RelativeTo); /* Method Duplicate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ShapeRange* Duplicate(); /* Method Flip For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Flip(Office::MsoFlipCmd FlipCmd); /* Method Group For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* Group(); /* Method IncrementLeft For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void IncrementLeft(double Increment); /* Method IncrementRotation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void IncrementRotation(double Increment); /* Method IncrementTop For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void IncrementTop(double Increment); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* Item(const QVariant& Index); /* Method PickUp For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void PickUp(); /* Method Regroup For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* Regroup(); /* Method RerouteConnections For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void RerouteConnections(); /* Method ScaleHeight For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ScaleHeight(double Factor, Office::MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize); /* Method ScaleHeight For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ScaleHeight(double Factor, Office::MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize, Office::MsoScaleFrom fScale); /* Method ScaleWidth For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ScaleWidth(double Factor, Office::MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize); /* Method ScaleWidth For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ScaleWidth(double Factor, Office::MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize, Office::MsoScaleFrom fScale); /* Method Select For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Select(); /* Method Select For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Select(const QVariant& Replace); /* Method SetShapesDefaultProperties For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetShapesDefaultProperties(); /* Method Ungroup For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ShapeRange* Ungroup(); /* Method ZOrder For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ZOrder(Office::MsoZOrderCmd ZOrderCmd); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT Shapes : public QAxObject { public: Shapes(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Background For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* Background() const; //Returns the value of Background /* Property Count For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Default For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* Default() const; //Returns the value of Default /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method AddCallout For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddCallout(Office::MsoCalloutType Type, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height); /* Method AddCanvas For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddCanvas(double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height); /* Method AddConnector For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddConnector(Office::MsoConnectorType Type, double BeginX, double BeginY, double EndX, double EndY); /* Method AddCurve For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddCurve(const QVariant& SafeArrayOfPoints); /* Method AddDiagram For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddDiagram(Office::MsoDiagramType Type, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height); /* Method AddLabel For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddLabel(Office::MsoTextOrientation Orientation, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height); /* Method AddLine For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddLine(double BeginX, double BeginY, double EndX, double EndY); /* Method AddPicture For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddPicture(const QString& FileName, Office::MsoTriState LinkToFile, Office::MsoTriState SaveWithDocument, double Left, double Top); /* Method AddPicture For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddPicture(const QString& FileName, Office::MsoTriState LinkToFile, Office::MsoTriState SaveWithDocument, double Left, double Top, double Width); /* Method AddPicture For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddPicture(const QString& FileName, Office::MsoTriState LinkToFile, Office::MsoTriState SaveWithDocument, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height); /* Method AddPolyline For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddPolyline(const QVariant& SafeArrayOfPoints); /* Method AddShape For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddShape(Office::MsoAutoShapeType Type, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height); /* Method AddTextEffect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddTextEffect(Office::MsoPresetTextEffect PresetTextEffect, const QString& Text, const QString& FontName, double FontSize, Office::MsoTriState FontBold, Office::MsoTriState FontItalic, double Left, double Top); /* Method AddTextbox For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddTextbox(Office::MsoTextOrientation Orientation, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height); /* Method BuildFreeform For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::FreeformBuilder* BuildFreeform(Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* Item(const QVariant& Index); /* Method Range For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ShapeRange* Range(const QVariant& Index); /* Method SelectAll For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SelectAll(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT TextEffectFormat : public QAxObject { public: TextEffectFormat(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Alignment For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTextEffectAlignment Alignment() const; //Returns the value of Alignment inline void SetAlignment(Office::MsoTextEffectAlignment value); //Sets the value of the Alignment property /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property FontBold For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState FontBold() const; //Returns the value of FontBold inline void SetFontBold(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the FontBold property /* Property FontItalic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState FontItalic() const; //Returns the value of FontItalic inline void SetFontItalic(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the FontItalic property /* Property FontName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString FontName() const; //Returns the value of FontName inline void SetFontName(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the FontName property /* Property FontSize For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double FontSize() const; //Returns the value of FontSize inline void SetFontSize(double value); //Sets the value of the FontSize property /* Property KernedPairs For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState KernedPairs() const; //Returns the value of KernedPairs inline void SetKernedPairs(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the KernedPairs property /* Property NormalizedHeight For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState NormalizedHeight() const; //Returns the value of NormalizedHeight inline void SetNormalizedHeight(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the NormalizedHeight property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property PresetShape For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoPresetTextEffectShape PresetShape() const; //Returns the value of PresetShape inline void SetPresetShape(Office::MsoPresetTextEffectShape value); //Sets the value of the PresetShape property /* Property PresetTextEffect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoPresetTextEffect PresetTextEffect() const; //Returns the value of PresetTextEffect inline void SetPresetTextEffect(Office::MsoPresetTextEffect value); //Sets the value of the PresetTextEffect property /* Property RotatedChars For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState RotatedChars() const; //Returns the value of RotatedChars inline void SetRotatedChars(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the RotatedChars property /* Property Text For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Text() const; //Returns the value of Text inline void SetText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Text property /* Property Tracking For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Tracking() const; //Returns the value of Tracking inline void SetTracking(double value); //Sets the value of the Tracking property /* Method ToggleVerticalText For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ToggleVerticalText(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT TextFrame : public QAxObject { public: TextFrame(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property MarginBottom For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double MarginBottom() const; //Returns the value of MarginBottom inline void SetMarginBottom(double value); //Sets the value of the MarginBottom property /* Property MarginLeft For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double MarginLeft() const; //Returns the value of MarginLeft inline void SetMarginLeft(double value); //Sets the value of the MarginLeft property /* Property MarginRight For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double MarginRight() const; //Returns the value of MarginRight inline void SetMarginRight(double value); //Sets the value of the MarginRight property /* Property MarginTop For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double MarginTop() const; //Returns the value of MarginTop inline void SetMarginTop(double value); //Sets the value of the MarginTop property /* Property Orientation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTextOrientation Orientation() const; //Returns the value of Orientation inline void SetOrientation(Office::MsoTextOrientation value); //Sets the value of the Orientation property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT ThreeDFormat : public QAxObject { public: ThreeDFormat(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Depth For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double Depth() const; //Returns the value of Depth inline void SetDepth(double value); //Sets the value of the Depth property /* Property ExtrusionColor For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ColorFormat* ExtrusionColor() const; //Returns the value of ExtrusionColor /* Property ExtrusionColorType For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoExtrusionColorType ExtrusionColorType() const; //Returns the value of ExtrusionColorType inline void SetExtrusionColorType(Office::MsoExtrusionColorType value); //Sets the value of the ExtrusionColorType property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Perspective For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState Perspective() const; //Returns the value of Perspective inline void SetPerspective(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the Perspective property /* Property PresetExtrusionDirection For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoPresetExtrusionDirection PresetExtrusionDirection() const; //Returns the value of PresetExtrusionDirection /* Property PresetLightingDirection For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoPresetLightingDirection PresetLightingDirection() const; //Returns the value of PresetLightingDirection inline void SetPresetLightingDirection(Office::MsoPresetLightingDirection value); //Sets the value of the PresetLightingDirection property /* Property PresetLightingSoftness For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoPresetLightingSoftness PresetLightingSoftness() const; //Returns the value of PresetLightingSoftness inline void SetPresetLightingSoftness(Office::MsoPresetLightingSoftness value); //Sets the value of the PresetLightingSoftness property /* Property PresetMaterial For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoPresetMaterial PresetMaterial() const; //Returns the value of PresetMaterial inline void SetPresetMaterial(Office::MsoPresetMaterial value); //Sets the value of the PresetMaterial property /* Property PresetThreeDFormat For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoPresetThreeDFormat PresetThreeDFormat() const; //Returns the value of PresetThreeDFormat /* Property RotationX For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double RotationX() const; //Returns the value of RotationX inline void SetRotationX(double value); //Sets the value of the RotationX property /* Property RotationY For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double RotationY() const; //Returns the value of RotationY inline void SetRotationY(double value); //Sets the value of the RotationY property /* Property Visible For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState Visible() const; //Returns the value of Visible inline void SetVisible(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the Visible property /* Method IncrementRotationX For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void IncrementRotationX(double Increment); /* Method IncrementRotationY For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void IncrementRotationY(double Increment); /* Method ResetRotation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ResetRotation(); /* Method SetExtrusionDirection For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetExtrusionDirection(Office::MsoPresetExtrusionDirection PresetExtrusionDirection); /* Method SetThreeDFormat For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetThreeDFormat(Office::MsoPresetThreeDFormat PresetThreeDFormat); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT IMsoDispCagNotifySink : public QAxObject { public: IMsoDispCagNotifySink(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Method InsertClip For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void InsertClip(IUnknown* pClipMoniker, IUnknown* pItemMoniker); /* Method WindowIsClosing For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void WindowIsClosing(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT Balloon : public QAxObject { public: Balloon(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Animation For more information, see help context 201009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoAnimationType Animation() const; //Returns the value of Animation inline void SetAnimation(Office::MsoAnimationType value); //Sets the value of the Animation property /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property BalloonType For more information, see help context 201004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoBalloonType BalloonType() const; //Returns the value of BalloonType inline void SetBalloonType(Office::MsoBalloonType value); //Sets the value of the BalloonType property /* Property Button For more information, see help context 201010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoButtonSetType Button() const; //Returns the value of Button inline void SetButton(Office::MsoButtonSetType value); //Sets the value of the Button property /* Property Callback For more information, see help context 201011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Callback() const; //Returns the value of Callback inline void SetCallback(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Callback property /* Property Checkboxes For more information, see help context 201002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Checkboxes() const; //Returns the value of Checkboxes /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Heading For more information, see help context 201006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Heading() const; //Returns the value of Heading inline void SetHeading(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Heading property /* Property Icon For more information, see help context 201005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoIconType Icon() const; //Returns the value of Icon inline void SetIcon(Office::MsoIconType value); //Sets the value of the Icon property /* Property Labels For more information, see help context 201003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Labels() const; //Returns the value of Labels /* Property Mode For more information, see help context 201008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoModeType Mode() const; //Returns the value of Mode inline void SetMode(Office::MsoModeType value); //Sets the value of the Mode property /* Property Name For more information, see help context 201014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 201001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Private For more information, see help context 201012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Private() const; //Returns the value of Private inline void SetPrivate(int value); //Sets the value of the Private property /* Property Text For more information, see help context 201007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Text() const; //Returns the value of Text inline void SetText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Text property /* Method Close For more information, see help context 201016 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Close(); /* Method SetAvoidRectangle For more information, see help context 201013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetAvoidRectangle(int Left, int Top, int Right, int Bottom); /* Method Show For more information, see help context 201015 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline MsoBalloonButtonType Show(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT BalloonCheckboxes : public QAxObject { public: BalloonCheckboxes(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 202004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count inline void SetCount(int value); //Sets the value of the Count property /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Name For more information, see help context 202001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 202002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 202005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Item For more information, see help context 202003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Item(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT BalloonCheckbox : public QAxObject { public: BalloonCheckbox(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Checked For more information, see help context 203004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Checked() const; //Returns the value of Checked inline void SetChecked(bool value); //Sets the value of the Checked property /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Item For more information, see help context 203001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Item() const; //Returns the value of Item /* Property Name For more information, see help context 203002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 203003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Text For more information, see help context 203005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Text() const; //Returns the value of Text inline void SetText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Text property // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT BalloonLabels : public QAxObject { public: BalloonLabels(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 204004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count inline void SetCount(int value); //Sets the value of the Count property /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Name For more information, see help context 204001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 204002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 204005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Item For more information, see help context 204003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Item(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT BalloonLabel : public QAxObject { public: BalloonLabel(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Item For more information, see help context 205001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Item() const; //Returns the value of Item /* Property Name For more information, see help context 205002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 205003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Text For more information, see help context 205004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Text() const; //Returns the value of Text inline void SetText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Text property // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT AnswerWizardFiles : public QAxObject { public: AnswerWizardFiles(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 226003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 226001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Method Add For more information, see help context 226004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Add(const QString& FileName); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 226005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(const QString& FileName); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 226002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Item(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT AnswerWizard : public QAxObject { public: AnswerWizard(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Files For more information, see help context 227002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::AnswerWizardFiles* Files() const; //Returns the value of Files /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 227001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Method ClearFileList For more information, see help context 227003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ClearFileList(); /* Method ResetFileList For more information, see help context 227004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ResetFileList(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT Assistant : public QAxObject { public: Assistant(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Animation For more information, see help context 200013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoAnimationType Animation() const; //Returns the value of Animation inline void SetAnimation(Office::MsoAnimationType value); //Sets the value of the Animation property /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property AssistWithAlerts For more information, see help context 200017 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool AssistWithAlerts() const; //Returns the value of AssistWithAlerts inline void SetAssistWithAlerts(bool value); //Sets the value of the AssistWithAlerts property /* Property AssistWithHelp For more information, see help context 200015 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool AssistWithHelp() const; //Returns the value of AssistWithHelp inline void SetAssistWithHelp(bool value); //Sets the value of the AssistWithHelp property /* Property AssistWithWizards For more information, see help context 200016 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool AssistWithWizards() const; //Returns the value of AssistWithWizards inline void SetAssistWithWizards(bool value); //Sets the value of the AssistWithWizards property /* Property BalloonError For more information, see help context 200011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoBalloonErrorType BalloonError() const; //Returns the value of BalloonError /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property FeatureTips For more information, see help context 200020 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool FeatureTips() const; //Returns the value of FeatureTips inline void SetFeatureTips(bool value); //Sets the value of the FeatureTips property /* Property FileName For more information, see help context 200028 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString FileName() const; //Returns the value of FileName inline void SetFileName(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the FileName property /* Property GuessHelp For more information, see help context 200025 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool GuessHelp() const; //Returns the value of GuessHelp inline void SetGuessHelp(bool value); //Sets the value of the GuessHelp property /* Property HighPriorityTips For more information, see help context 200023 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool HighPriorityTips() const; //Returns the value of HighPriorityTips inline void SetHighPriorityTips(bool value); //Sets the value of the HighPriorityTips property /* Property Item For more information, see help context 200027 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Item() const; //Returns the value of Item /* Property KeyboardShortcutTips For more information, see help context 200022 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool KeyboardShortcutTips() const; //Returns the value of KeyboardShortcutTips inline void SetKeyboardShortcutTips(bool value); //Sets the value of the KeyboardShortcutTips property /* Property Left For more information, see help context 200004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Left() const; //Returns the value of Left inline void SetLeft(int value); //Sets the value of the Left property /* Property MouseTips For more information, see help context 200021 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool MouseTips() const; //Returns the value of MouseTips inline void SetMouseTips(bool value); //Sets the value of the MouseTips property /* Property MoveWhenInTheWay For more information, see help context 200018 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool MoveWhenInTheWay() const; //Returns the value of MoveWhenInTheWay inline void SetMoveWhenInTheWay(bool value); //Sets the value of the MoveWhenInTheWay property /* Property Name For more information, see help context 200029 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name /* Property NewBalloon For more information, see help context 200010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Balloon* NewBalloon() const; //Returns the value of NewBalloon /* Property On For more information, see help context 200030 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool On() const; //Returns the value of On inline void SetOn(bool value); //Sets the value of the On property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 200001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Reduced For more information, see help context 200014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Reduced() const; //Returns the value of Reduced inline void SetReduced(bool value); //Sets the value of the Reduced property /* Property SearchWhenProgramming For more information, see help context 200026 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool SearchWhenProgramming() const; //Returns the value of SearchWhenProgramming inline void SetSearchWhenProgramming(bool value); //Sets the value of the SearchWhenProgramming property /* Property Sounds For more information, see help context 200019 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Sounds() const; //Returns the value of Sounds inline void SetSounds(bool value); //Sets the value of the Sounds property /* Property TipOfDay For more information, see help context 200024 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool TipOfDay() const; //Returns the value of TipOfDay inline void SetTipOfDay(bool value); //Sets the value of the TipOfDay property /* Property Top For more information, see help context 200003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Top() const; //Returns the value of Top inline void SetTop(int value); //Sets the value of the Top property /* Property Visible For more information, see help context 200012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Visible() const; //Returns the value of Visible inline void SetVisible(bool value); //Sets the value of the Visible property /* Method ActivateWizard For more information, see help context 200008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ActivateWizard(int WizardID, Office::MsoWizardActType act); /* Method ActivateWizard For more information, see help context 200008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ActivateWizard(int WizardID, Office::MsoWizardActType act, const QVariant& Animation); /* Method DoAlert For more information, see help context 200031 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int DoAlert(const QString& bstrAlertTitle, const QString& bstrAlertText, Office::MsoAlertButtonType alb, Office::MsoAlertIconType alc, Office::MsoAlertDefaultType ald, Office::MsoAlertCancelType alq, bool varfSysAlert); /* Method EndWizard For more information, see help context 200007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void EndWizard(int WizardID, bool varfSuccess); /* Method EndWizard For more information, see help context 200007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void EndWizard(int WizardID, bool varfSuccess, const QVariant& Animation); /* Method Help For more information, see help context 200005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Help(); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 200002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Move(int xLeft, int yTop); /* Method ResetTips For more information, see help context 200009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ResetTips(); /* Method StartWizard For more information, see help context 200006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int StartWizard(bool On, const QString& Callback, int PrivateX); /* Method StartWizard For more information, see help context 200006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int StartWizard(bool On, const QString& Callback, int PrivateX, const QVariant& Animation); /* Method StartWizard For more information, see help context 200006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int StartWizard(bool On, const QString& Callback, int PrivateX, const QVariant& Animation, const QVariant& CustomTeaser); /* Method StartWizard For more information, see help context 200006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int StartWizard(bool On, const QString& Callback, int PrivateX, const QVariant& Animation, const QVariant& CustomTeaser, const QVariant& Top); /* Method StartWizard For more information, see help context 200006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int StartWizard(bool On, const QString& Callback, int PrivateX, const QVariant& Animation, const QVariant& CustomTeaser, const QVariant& Top, const QVariant& Left); /* Method StartWizard For more information, see help context 200006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int StartWizard(bool On, const QString& Callback, int PrivateX, const QVariant& Animation, const QVariant& CustomTeaser, const QVariant& Top, const QVariant& Left, const QVariant& Bottom); /* Method StartWizard For more information, see help context 200006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int StartWizard(bool On, const QString& Callback, int PrivateX, const QVariant& Animation, const QVariant& CustomTeaser, const QVariant& Top, const QVariant& Left, const QVariant& Bottom, const QVariant& Right); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; // stub for vtable-only interface class DocumentProperty : public QAxObject {}; // stub for vtable-only interface class DocumentProperties : public QAxObject {}; class OFFICE_EXPORT IFoundFiles : public QAxObject { public: IFoundFiles(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Count For more information, see help context 211002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Item For more information, see help context 211001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Item(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT IFind : public QAxObject { public: IFind(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Author For more information, see help context 212005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Author() const; //Returns the value of Author inline void SetAuthor(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Author property /* Property DateCreatedFrom For more information, see help context 212015 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant DateCreatedFrom() const; //Returns the value of DateCreatedFrom inline void SetDateCreatedFrom(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the DateCreatedFrom property /* Property DateCreatedTo For more information, see help context 212016 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant DateCreatedTo() const; //Returns the value of DateCreatedTo inline void SetDateCreatedTo(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the DateCreatedTo property /* Property DateSavedFrom For more information, see help context 212012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant DateSavedFrom() const; //Returns the value of DateSavedFrom inline void SetDateSavedFrom(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the DateSavedFrom property /* Property DateSavedTo For more information, see help context 212013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant DateSavedTo() const; //Returns the value of DateSavedTo inline void SetDateSavedTo(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the DateSavedTo property /* Property FileType For more information, see help context 212027 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int FileType() const; //Returns the value of FileType inline void SetFileType(int value); //Sets the value of the FileType property /* Property Keywords For more information, see help context 212006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Keywords() const; //Returns the value of Keywords inline void SetKeywords(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Keywords property /* Property ListBy For more information, see help context 212019 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoFileFindListBy ListBy() const; //Returns the value of ListBy inline void SetListBy(Office::MsoFileFindListBy value); //Sets the value of the ListBy property /* Property MatchCase For more information, see help context 212009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool MatchCase() const; //Returns the value of MatchCase inline void SetMatchCase(bool value); //Sets the value of the MatchCase property /* Property Name For more information, see help context 212002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name inline void SetName(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Name property /* Property Options For more information, see help context 212008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoFileFindOptions Options() const; //Returns the value of Options inline void SetOptions(Office::MsoFileFindOptions value); //Sets the value of the Options property /* Property PatternMatch For more information, see help context 212011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool PatternMatch() const; //Returns the value of PatternMatch inline void SetPatternMatch(bool value); //Sets the value of the PatternMatch property /* Property Results For more information, see help context 212021 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::IFoundFiles* Results() const; //Returns the value of Results /* Property SavedBy For more information, see help context 212014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString SavedBy() const; //Returns the value of SavedBy inline void SetSavedBy(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the SavedBy property /* Property SearchPath For more information, see help context 212001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString SearchPath() const; //Returns the value of SearchPath inline void SetSearchPath(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the SearchPath property /* Property SelectedFile For more information, see help context 212020 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int SelectedFile() const; //Returns the value of SelectedFile inline void SetSelectedFile(int value); //Sets the value of the SelectedFile property /* Property SortBy For more information, see help context 212018 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoFileFindSortBy SortBy() const; //Returns the value of SortBy inline void SetSortBy(Office::MsoFileFindSortBy value); //Sets the value of the SortBy property /* Property SubDir For more information, see help context 212003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool SubDir() const; //Returns the value of SubDir inline void SetSubDir(bool value); //Sets the value of the SubDir property /* Property Subject For more information, see help context 212007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Subject() const; //Returns the value of Subject inline void SetSubject(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Subject property /* Property Text For more information, see help context 212010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Text() const; //Returns the value of Text inline void SetText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Text property /* Property Title For more information, see help context 212004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Title() const; //Returns the value of Title inline void SetTitle(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Title property /* Property View For more information, see help context 212017 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoFileFindView View() const; //Returns the value of View inline void SetView(Office::MsoFileFindView value); //Sets the value of the View property /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 212026 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(const QString& bstrQueryName); /* Method Execute For more information, see help context 212023 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Execute(); /* Method Load For more information, see help context 212024 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Load(const QString& bstrQueryName); /* Method Save For more information, see help context 212025 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Save(const QString& bstrQueryName); /* Method Show For more information, see help context 212022 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Show(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT FoundFiles : public QAxObject { public: FoundFiles(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 213002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Item For more information, see help context 213001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Item(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT PropertyTest : public QAxObject { public: PropertyTest(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Condition For more information, see help context 214002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoCondition Condition() const; //Returns the value of Condition /* Property Connector For more information, see help context 214005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoConnector Connector() const; //Returns the value of Connector /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Name For more information, see help context 214001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name /* Property SecondValue For more information, see help context 214004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant SecondValue() const; //Returns the value of SecondValue /* Property Value For more information, see help context 214003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant Value() const; //Returns the value of Value // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT PropertyTests : public QAxObject { public: PropertyTests(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 215002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Add For more information, see help context 215003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Add(const QString& Name, Office::MsoCondition Condition); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 215003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Add(const QString& Name, Office::MsoCondition Condition, const QVariant& Value); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 215003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Add(const QString& Name, Office::MsoCondition Condition, const QVariant& Value, const QVariant& SecondValue); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 215003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Add(const QString& Name, Office::MsoCondition Condition, const QVariant& Value, const QVariant& SecondValue, Office::MsoConnector Connector); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 215001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::PropertyTest* Item(int Index); /* Method Remove For more information, see help context 215004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Remove(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT FileSearch : public QAxObject { public: FileSearch(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property FileName For more information, see help context 216004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString FileName() const; //Returns the value of FileName inline void SetFileName(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the FileName property /* Property FileType For more information, see help context 216005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoFileType FileType() const; //Returns the value of FileType inline void SetFileType(Office::MsoFileType value); //Sets the value of the FileType property /* Property FileTypes For more information, see help context 216016 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::FileTypes* FileTypes() const; //Returns the value of FileTypes /* Property FoundFiles For more information, see help context 216011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::FoundFiles* FoundFiles() const; //Returns the value of FoundFiles /* Property LastModified For more information, see help context 216006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoLastModified LastModified() const; //Returns the value of LastModified inline void SetLastModified(Office::MsoLastModified value); //Sets the value of the LastModified property /* Property LookIn For more information, see help context 216008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString LookIn() const; //Returns the value of LookIn inline void SetLookIn(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the LookIn property /* Property MatchAllWordForms For more information, see help context 216003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool MatchAllWordForms() const; //Returns the value of MatchAllWordForms inline void SetMatchAllWordForms(bool value); //Sets the value of the MatchAllWordForms property /* Property MatchTextExactly For more information, see help context 216002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool MatchTextExactly() const; //Returns the value of MatchTextExactly inline void SetMatchTextExactly(bool value); //Sets the value of the MatchTextExactly property /* Property PropertyTests For more information, see help context 216012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::PropertyTests* PropertyTests() const; //Returns the value of PropertyTests /* Property SearchFolders For more information, see help context 216014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SearchFolders* SearchFolders() const; //Returns the value of SearchFolders /* Property SearchScopes For more information, see help context 216013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SearchScopes* SearchScopes() const; //Returns the value of SearchScopes /* Property SearchSubFolders For more information, see help context 216001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool SearchSubFolders() const; //Returns the value of SearchSubFolders inline void SetSearchSubFolders(bool value); //Sets the value of the SearchSubFolders property /* Property TextOrProperty For more information, see help context 216007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString TextOrProperty() const; //Returns the value of TextOrProperty inline void SetTextOrProperty(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the TextOrProperty property /* Method Execute For more information, see help context 216009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Execute(); /* Method Execute For more information, see help context 216009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Execute(Office::MsoSortBy SortBy); /* Method Execute For more information, see help context 216009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Execute(Office::MsoSortBy SortBy, Office::MsoSortOrder SortOrder); /* Method Execute For more information, see help context 216009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Execute(Office::MsoSortBy SortBy, Office::MsoSortOrder SortOrder, bool AlwaysAccurate); /* Method NewSearch For more information, see help context 216010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void NewSearch(); /* Method RefreshScopes For more information, see help context 216017 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void RefreshScopes(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT COMAddIn : public QAxObject { public: COMAddIn(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Connect For more information, see help context 219005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Connect() const; //Returns the value of Connect inline void SetConnect(bool value); //Sets the value of the Connect property /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Description For more information, see help context 219001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Description() const; //Returns the value of Description inline void SetDescription(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Description property /* Property Guid For more information, see help context 219004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Guid() const; //Returns the value of Guid /* Property Object For more information, see help context 219007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Object() const; //Returns the value of Object inline void SetObject(IDispatch* value); //Sets the value of the Object property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 219009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property ProgId For more information, see help context 219003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString ProgId() const; //Returns the value of ProgId // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT COMAddIns : public QAxObject { public: COMAddIns(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 220002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 220005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 220003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Item For more information, see help context 220001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::COMAddIn* Item(QVariant& Index); /* Method SetAppModal For more information, see help context 220006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetAppModal(bool varfModal); /* Method Update For more information, see help context 220004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Update(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT LanguageSettings : public QAxObject { public: LanguageSettings(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 231003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Method LanguageID For more information, see help context 231001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int LanguageID(Office::MsoAppLanguageID Id); /* Method LanguagePreferredForEditing For more information, see help context 231002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool LanguagePreferredForEditing(Office::MsoLanguageID lid); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT ICommandBarsEvents : public QAxObject { public: ICommandBarsEvents(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Method OnUpdate For more information, see help context 228001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void OnUpdate(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; // skipping event interface _CommandBarsEvents class OFFICE_EXPORT ICommandBarComboBoxEvents : public QAxObject { public: ICommandBarComboBoxEvents(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Method Change For more information, see help context 229001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Change(Office::CommandBarComboBox* Ctrl); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; // skipping event interface _CommandBarComboBoxEvents class OFFICE_EXPORT ICommandBarButtonEvents : public QAxObject { public: ICommandBarButtonEvents(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Method Click For more information, see help context 230001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Click(Office::CommandBarButton* Ctrl, bool& CancelDefault); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; // skipping event interface _CommandBarButtonEvents class OFFICE_EXPORT WebPageFont : public QAxObject { public: WebPageFont(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property FixedWidthFont For more information, see help context 224003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString FixedWidthFont() const; //Returns the value of FixedWidthFont inline void SetFixedWidthFont(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the FixedWidthFont property /* Property FixedWidthFontSize For more information, see help context 224004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double FixedWidthFontSize() const; //Returns the value of FixedWidthFontSize inline void SetFixedWidthFontSize(double value); //Sets the value of the FixedWidthFontSize property /* Property ProportionalFont For more information, see help context 224001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString ProportionalFont() const; //Returns the value of ProportionalFont inline void SetProportionalFont(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the ProportionalFont property /* Property ProportionalFontSize For more information, see help context 224002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline double ProportionalFontSize() const; //Returns the value of ProportionalFontSize inline void SetProportionalFontSize(double value); //Sets the value of the ProportionalFontSize property // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT WebPageFonts : public QAxObject { public: WebPageFonts(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 225001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Item For more information, see help context 225002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::WebPageFont* Item(Office::MsoCharacterSet Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT HTMLProjectItem : public QAxObject { public: HTMLProjectItem(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property IsOpen For more information, see help context 221002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool IsOpen() const; //Returns the value of IsOpen /* Property Name For more information, see help context 221001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 221008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Text For more information, see help context 221006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Text() const; //Returns the value of Text inline void SetText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Text property /* Method LoadFromFile For more information, see help context 221003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void LoadFromFile(const QString& FileName); /* Method Open For more information, see help context 221004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Open(); /* Method Open For more information, see help context 221004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Open(Office::MsoHTMLProjectOpen OpenKind); /* Method SaveCopyAs For more information, see help context 221005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SaveCopyAs(const QString& FileName); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT HTMLProjectItems : public QAxObject { public: HTMLProjectItems(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 222002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 222004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 222003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Item For more information, see help context 222001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::HTMLProjectItem* Item(QVariant& Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT HTMLProject : public QAxObject { public: HTMLProject(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property HTMLProjectItems For more information, see help context 223004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::HTMLProjectItems* HTMLProjectItems() const; //Returns the value of HTMLProjectItems /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 223005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property State For more information, see help context 223001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoHTMLProjectState State() const; //Returns the value of State /* Method Open For more information, see help context 223006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Open(); /* Method Open For more information, see help context 223006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Open(Office::MsoHTMLProjectOpen OpenKind); /* Method RefreshDocument For more information, see help context 223003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void RefreshDocument(); /* Method RefreshDocument For more information, see help context 223003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void RefreshDocument(bool Refresh); /* Method RefreshProject For more information, see help context 223002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void RefreshProject(); /* Method RefreshProject For more information, see help context 223002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void RefreshProject(bool Refresh); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT MsoDebugOptions : public QAxObject { public: MsoDebugOptions(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property FeatureReports For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int FeatureReports() const; //Returns the value of FeatureReports inline void SetFeatureReports(int value); //Sets the value of the FeatureReports property /* Property OutputToDebugger For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool OutputToDebugger() const; //Returns the value of OutputToDebugger inline void SetOutputToDebugger(bool value); //Sets the value of the OutputToDebugger property /* Property OutputToFile For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool OutputToFile() const; //Returns the value of OutputToFile inline void SetOutputToFile(bool value); //Sets the value of the OutputToFile property /* Property OutputToMessageBox For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool OutputToMessageBox() const; //Returns the value of OutputToMessageBox inline void SetOutputToMessageBox(bool value); //Sets the value of the OutputToMessageBox property // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT FileDialogSelectedItems : public QAxObject { public: FileDialogSelectedItems(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 253002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 253001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Item For more information, see help context 253003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Item(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT FileDialogFilter : public QAxObject { public: FileDialogFilter(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Description For more information, see help context 254003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Description() const; //Returns the value of Description /* Property Extensions For more information, see help context 254002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Extensions() const; //Returns the value of Extensions /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 254001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT FileDialogFilters : public QAxObject { public: FileDialogFilters(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 255002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 255001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Add For more information, see help context 255006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::FileDialogFilter* Add(const QString& Description, const QString& Extensions); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 255006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::FileDialogFilter* Add(const QString& Description, const QString& Extensions, const QVariant& Position); /* Method Clear For more information, see help context 255005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Clear(); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 255004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 255004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(const QVariant& filter); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 255003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::FileDialogFilter* Item(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT FileDialog : public QAxObject { public: FileDialog(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property AllowMultiSelect For more information, see help context 256006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool AllowMultiSelect() const; //Returns the value of AllowMultiSelect inline void SetAllowMultiSelect(bool value); //Sets the value of the AllowMultiSelect property /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property ButtonName For more information, see help context 256005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString ButtonName() const; //Returns the value of ButtonName inline void SetButtonName(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the ButtonName property /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property DialogType For more information, see help context 256010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoFileDialogType DialogType() const; //Returns the value of DialogType /* Property FilterIndex For more information, see help context 256003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int FilterIndex() const; //Returns the value of FilterIndex inline void SetFilterIndex(int value); //Sets the value of the FilterIndex property /* Property Filters For more information, see help context 256002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::FileDialogFilters* Filters() const; //Returns the value of Filters /* Property InitialFileName For more information, see help context 256008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString InitialFileName() const; //Returns the value of InitialFileName inline void SetInitialFileName(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the InitialFileName property /* Property InitialView For more information, see help context 256007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoFileDialogView InitialView() const; //Returns the value of InitialView inline void SetInitialView(Office::MsoFileDialogView value); //Sets the value of the InitialView property /* Property Item For more information, see help context 256011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Item() const; //Returns the value of Item /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 256001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property SelectedItems For more information, see help context 256009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::FileDialogSelectedItems* SelectedItems() const; //Returns the value of SelectedItems /* Property Title For more information, see help context 256004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Title() const; //Returns the value of Title inline void SetTitle(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Title property /* Method Execute For more information, see help context 256013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Execute(); /* Method Show For more information, see help context 256012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Show(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT SignatureSet : public QAxObject { public: SignatureSet(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 247001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 247005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Add For more information, see help context 247003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Signature* Add(); /* Method Commit For more information, see help context 247004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Commit(); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 247002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Signature* Item(int iSig); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT Signature : public QAxObject { public: Signature(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property AttachCertificate For more information, see help context 248005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool AttachCertificate() const; //Returns the value of AttachCertificate inline void SetAttachCertificate(bool value); //Sets the value of the AttachCertificate property /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property ExpireDate For more information, see help context 248003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant ExpireDate() const; //Returns the value of ExpireDate /* Property IsCertificateExpired For more information, see help context 248008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool IsCertificateExpired() const; //Returns the value of IsCertificateExpired /* Property IsCertificateRevoked For more information, see help context 248009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool IsCertificateRevoked() const; //Returns the value of IsCertificateRevoked /* Property IsValid For more information, see help context 248004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool IsValid() const; //Returns the value of IsValid /* Property Issuer For more information, see help context 248002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Issuer() const; //Returns the value of Issuer /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 248007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property SignDate For more information, see help context 248010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant SignDate() const; //Returns the value of SignDate /* Property Signer For more information, see help context 248001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Signer() const; //Returns the value of Signer /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 248006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT IMsoEnvelopeVB : public QAxObject { public: IMsoEnvelopeVB(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property CommandBars For more information, see help context 11005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* CommandBars() const; //Returns the value of CommandBars /* Property Introduction For more information, see help context 11001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Introduction() const; //Returns the value of Introduction inline void SetIntroduction(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Introduction property /* Property Item For more information, see help context 11003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Item() const; //Returns the value of Item /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 11004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; // skipping event interface IMsoEnvelopeVBEvents class OFFICE_EXPORT FileTypes : public QAxObject { public: FileTypes(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 257002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Add For more information, see help context 257003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Add(Office::MsoFileType FileType); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 257001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline MsoFileType Item(int Index); /* Method Remove For more information, see help context 257004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Remove(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT SearchFolders : public QAxObject { public: SearchFolders(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 258002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Add For more information, see help context 258003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Add(Office::ScopeFolder* ScopeFolder); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 258001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ScopeFolder* Item(int Index); /* Method Remove For more information, see help context 258004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Remove(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT ScopeFolders : public QAxObject { public: ScopeFolders(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 249002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Item For more information, see help context 249001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ScopeFolder* Item(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT ScopeFolder : public QAxObject { public: ScopeFolder(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Name For more information, see help context 259001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name /* Property Path For more information, see help context 259002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Path() const; //Returns the value of Path /* Property ScopeFolders For more information, see help context 259003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ScopeFolders* ScopeFolders() const; //Returns the value of ScopeFolders /* Method AddToSearchFolders For more information, see help context 259004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AddToSearchFolders(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT SearchScope : public QAxObject { public: SearchScope(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property ScopeFolder For more information, see help context 251002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ScopeFolder* ScopeFolder() const; //Returns the value of ScopeFolder /* Property Type For more information, see help context 251001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoSearchIn Type() const; //Returns the value of Type // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT SearchScopes : public QAxObject { public: SearchScopes(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 252002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Item For more information, see help context 252001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SearchScope* Item(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT IMsoDiagram : public QAxObject { public: IMsoDiagram(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property AutoFormat For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState AutoFormat() const; //Returns the value of AutoFormat inline void SetAutoFormat(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the AutoFormat property /* Property AutoLayout For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState AutoLayout() const; //Returns the value of AutoLayout inline void SetAutoLayout(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the AutoLayout property /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Nodes For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNodes* Nodes() const; //Returns the value of Nodes /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Reverse For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoTriState Reverse() const; //Returns the value of Reverse inline void SetReverse(Office::MsoTriState value); //Sets the value of the Reverse property /* Property Type For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoDiagramType Type() const; //Returns the value of Type /* Method Convert For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Convert(Office::MsoDiagramType Type); /* Method FitText For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void FitText(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT DiagramNodes : public QAxObject { public: DiagramNodes(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Item For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNode* Item(const QVariant& Index); /* Method SelectAll For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SelectAll(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT DiagramNodeChildren : public QAxObject { public: DiagramNodeChildren(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property FirstChild For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNode* FirstChild() const; //Returns the value of FirstChild /* Property LastChild For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNode* LastChild() const; //Returns the value of LastChild /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method AddNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNode* AddNode(); /* Method AddNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNode* AddNode(const QVariant& Index); /* Method AddNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNode* AddNode(const QVariant& Index, Office::MsoDiagramNodeType NodeType); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNode* Item(const QVariant& Index); /* Method SelectAll For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SelectAll(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT DiagramNode : public QAxObject { public: DiagramNode(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Children For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNodeChildren* Children() const; //Returns the value of Children /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Diagram For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::IMsoDiagram* Diagram() const; //Returns the value of Diagram /* Property Layout For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoOrgChartLayoutType Layout() const; //Returns the value of Layout inline void SetLayout(Office::MsoOrgChartLayoutType value); //Sets the value of the Layout property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Root For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNode* Root() const; //Returns the value of Root /* Property Shape For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* Shape() const; //Returns the value of Shape /* Property TextShape For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* TextShape() const; //Returns the value of TextShape /* Method AddNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNode* AddNode(); /* Method AddNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNode* AddNode(Office::MsoRelativeNodePosition Pos); /* Method AddNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNode* AddNode(Office::MsoRelativeNodePosition Pos, Office::MsoDiagramNodeType NodeType); /* Method CloneNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNode* CloneNode(bool CopyChildren, Office::DiagramNode* TargetNode); /* Method CloneNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNode* CloneNode(bool CopyChildren, Office::DiagramNode* TargetNode, Office::MsoRelativeNodePosition Pos); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method MoveNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void MoveNode(Office::DiagramNode* TargetNode, Office::MsoRelativeNodePosition Pos); /* Method NextNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNode* NextNode(); /* Method PrevNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DiagramNode* PrevNode(); /* Method ReplaceNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ReplaceNode(Office::DiagramNode* TargetNode); /* Method SwapNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SwapNode(Office::DiagramNode* TargetNode); /* Method SwapNode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SwapNode(Office::DiagramNode* TargetNode, bool SwapChildren); /* Method TransferChildren For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void TransferChildren(Office::DiagramNode* ReceivingNode); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT CanvasShapes : public QAxObject { public: CanvasShapes(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Background For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* Background() const; //Returns the value of Background /* Property Count For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method AddCallout For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddCallout(Office::MsoCalloutType Type, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height); /* Method AddConnector For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddConnector(Office::MsoConnectorType Type, double BeginX, double BeginY, double EndX, double EndY); /* Method AddCurve For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddCurve(const QVariant& SafeArrayOfPoints); /* Method AddLabel For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddLabel(Office::MsoTextOrientation Orientation, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height); /* Method AddLine For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddLine(double BeginX, double BeginY, double EndX, double EndY); /* Method AddPicture For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddPicture(const QString& FileName, Office::MsoTriState LinkToFile, Office::MsoTriState SaveWithDocument, double Left, double Top); /* Method AddPicture For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddPicture(const QString& FileName, Office::MsoTriState LinkToFile, Office::MsoTriState SaveWithDocument, double Left, double Top, double Width); /* Method AddPicture For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddPicture(const QString& FileName, Office::MsoTriState LinkToFile, Office::MsoTriState SaveWithDocument, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height); /* Method AddPolyline For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddPolyline(const QVariant& SafeArrayOfPoints); /* Method AddShape For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddShape(Office::MsoAutoShapeType Type, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height); /* Method AddTextEffect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddTextEffect(Office::MsoPresetTextEffect PresetTextEffect, const QString& Text, const QString& FontName, double FontSize, Office::MsoTriState FontBold, Office::MsoTriState FontItalic, double Left, double Top); /* Method AddTextbox For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* AddTextbox(Office::MsoTextOrientation Orientation, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height); /* Method BuildFreeform For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::FreeformBuilder* BuildFreeform(Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::Shape* Item(const QVariant& Index); /* Method Range For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::ShapeRange* Range(const QVariant& Index); /* Method SelectAll For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SelectAll(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT OfficeDataSourceObject : public QAxObject { public: OfficeDataSourceObject(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Columns For more information, see help context 232004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Columns() const; //Returns the value of Columns /* Property ConnectString For more information, see help context 232001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString ConnectString() const; //Returns the value of ConnectString inline void SetConnectString(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the ConnectString property /* Property DataSource For more information, see help context 232003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString DataSource() const; //Returns the value of DataSource inline void SetDataSource(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the DataSource property /* Property Filters For more information, see help context 232010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Filters() const; //Returns the value of Filters /* Property RowCount For more information, see help context 232005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int RowCount() const; //Returns the value of RowCount /* Property Table For more information, see help context 232002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Table() const; //Returns the value of Table inline void SetTable(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Table property /* Method ApplyFilter For more information, see help context 232009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ApplyFilter(); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 232006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Move(Office::MsoMoveRow MsoMoveRow); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 232006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Move(Office::MsoMoveRow MsoMoveRow, int RowNbr); /* Method Open For more information, see help context 232007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Open(); /* Method Open For more information, see help context 232007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Open(const QString& bstrSrc); /* Method Open For more information, see help context 232007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Open(const QString& bstrSrc, const QString& bstrConnect); /* Method Open For more information, see help context 232007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Open(const QString& bstrSrc, const QString& bstrConnect, const QString& bstrTable); /* Method Open For more information, see help context 232007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Open(const QString& bstrSrc, const QString& bstrConnect, const QString& bstrTable, int fOpenExclusive); /* Method Open For more information, see help context 232007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Open(const QString& bstrSrc, const QString& bstrConnect, const QString& bstrTable, int fOpenExclusive, int fNeverPrompt); /* Method SetSortOrder For more information, see help context 232008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetSortOrder(const QString& SortField1); /* Method SetSortOrder For more information, see help context 232008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetSortOrder(const QString& SortField1, bool SortAscending1); /* Method SetSortOrder For more information, see help context 232008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetSortOrder(const QString& SortField1, bool SortAscending1, const QString& SortField2); /* Method SetSortOrder For more information, see help context 232008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetSortOrder(const QString& SortField1, bool SortAscending1, const QString& SortField2, bool SortAscending2); /* Method SetSortOrder For more information, see help context 232008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetSortOrder(const QString& SortField1, bool SortAscending1, const QString& SortField2, bool SortAscending2, const QString& SortField3); /* Method SetSortOrder For more information, see help context 232008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetSortOrder(const QString& SortField1, bool SortAscending1, const QString& SortField2, bool SortAscending2, const QString& SortField3, bool SortAscending3); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT ODSOColumn : public QAxObject { public: ODSOColumn(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Index For more information, see help context 233001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Index() const; //Returns the value of Index /* Property Name For more information, see help context 233002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 233003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Value For more information, see help context 233004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Value() const; //Returns the value of Value // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT ODSOColumns : public QAxObject { public: ODSOColumns(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 234001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 234002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Method Item For more information, see help context 234003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Item(const QVariant& varIndex); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT ODSOFilter : public QAxObject { public: ODSOFilter(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Column For more information, see help context 240003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Column() const; //Returns the value of Column inline void SetColumn(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Column property /* Property CompareTo For more information, see help context 240005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString CompareTo() const; //Returns the value of CompareTo inline void SetCompareTo(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the CompareTo property /* Property Comparison For more information, see help context 240004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoFilterComparison Comparison() const; //Returns the value of Comparison inline void SetComparison(Office::MsoFilterComparison value); //Sets the value of the Comparison property /* Property Conjunction For more information, see help context 240006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoFilterConjunction Conjunction() const; //Returns the value of Conjunction inline void SetConjunction(Office::MsoFilterConjunction value); //Sets the value of the Conjunction property /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Index For more information, see help context 240001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Index() const; //Returns the value of Index /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 240002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT ODSOFilters : public QAxObject { public: ODSOFilters(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 241001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 241002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Method Add For more information, see help context 241004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Add(const QString& Column, Office::MsoFilterComparison Comparison, Office::MsoFilterConjunction Conjunction); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 241004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Add(const QString& Column, Office::MsoFilterComparison Comparison, Office::MsoFilterConjunction Conjunction, const QString& bstrCompareTo); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 241004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Add(const QString& Column, Office::MsoFilterComparison Comparison, Office::MsoFilterConjunction Conjunction, const QString& bstrCompareTo, bool DeferUpdate); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 241005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(int Index); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 241005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(int Index, bool DeferUpdate); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 241003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Item(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT NewFile : public QAxObject { public: NewFile(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Method Add For more information, see help context 235001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Add(const QString& FileName); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 235001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Add(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& Section); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 235001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Add(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& Section, const QVariant& DisplayName); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 235001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Add(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& Section, const QVariant& DisplayName, const QVariant& Action); /* Method Remove For more information, see help context 235002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Remove(const QString& FileName); /* Method Remove For more information, see help context 235002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Remove(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& Section); /* Method Remove For more information, see help context 235002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Remove(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& Section, const QVariant& DisplayName); /* Method Remove For more information, see help context 235002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Remove(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& Section, const QVariant& DisplayName, const QVariant& Action); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT WebComponent : public QAxObject { public: WebComponent(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property HTML For more information, see help context 236004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString HTML() const; //Returns the value of HTML inline void SetHTML(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the HTML property /* Property Height For more information, see help context 236010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Height() const; //Returns the value of Height inline void SetHeight(int value); //Sets the value of the Height property /* Property Name For more information, see help context 236006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name inline void SetName(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Name property /* Property Shape For more information, see help context 236001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Shape() const; //Returns the value of Shape /* Property URL For more information, see help context 236002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString URL() const; //Returns the value of URL inline void SetURL(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the URL property /* Property Width For more information, see help context 236008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Width() const; //Returns the value of Width inline void SetWidth(int value); //Sets the value of the Width property /* Method Commit For more information, see help context 236014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Commit(); /* Method Revert For more information, see help context 236015 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Revert(); /* Method SetPlaceHolderGraphic For more information, see help context 236012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetPlaceHolderGraphic(const QString& PlaceHolderGraphic); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT WebComponentWindowExternal : public QAxObject { public: WebComponentWindowExternal(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 237004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property ApplicationName For more information, see help context 237002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString ApplicationName() const; //Returns the value of ApplicationName /* Property ApplicationVersion For more information, see help context 237003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int ApplicationVersion() const; //Returns the value of ApplicationVersion /* Property InterfaceVersion For more information, see help context 237001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int InterfaceVersion() const; //Returns the value of InterfaceVersion /* Property WebComponent For more information, see help context 237006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::WebComponent* WebComponent() const; //Returns the value of WebComponent /* Method CloseWindow For more information, see help context 237005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void CloseWindow(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT WebComponentFormat : public QAxObject { public: WebComponentFormat(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 237001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property HTML For more information, see help context 237005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString HTML() const; //Returns the value of HTML inline void SetHTML(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the HTML property /* Property Height For more information, see help context 237011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Height() const; //Returns the value of Height inline void SetHeight(int value); //Sets the value of the Height property /* Property Name For more information, see help context 237007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name inline void SetName(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Name property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 237002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property PreviewGraphic For more information, see help context 237013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString PreviewGraphic() const; //Returns the value of PreviewGraphic inline void SetPreviewGraphic(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the PreviewGraphic property /* Property URL For more information, see help context 237003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString URL() const; //Returns the value of URL inline void SetURL(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the URL property /* Property Width For more information, see help context 237009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Width() const; //Returns the value of Width inline void SetWidth(int value); //Sets the value of the Width property /* Method LaunchPropertiesWindow For more information, see help context 237015 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void LaunchPropertiesWindow(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT ILicWizExternal : public QAxObject { public: ILicWizExternal(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property AnimationEnabled For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int AnimationEnabled() const; //Returns the value of AnimationEnabled /* Property Context For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Context() const; //Returns the value of Context /* Property CountryInfo For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString CountryInfo() const; //Returns the value of CountryInfo /* Property CurrentHelpId For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int CurrentHelpId() const; //Returns the value of CurrentHelpId inline void SetCurrentHelpId(int value); //Sets the value of the CurrentHelpId property /* Property LicAgent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* LicAgent() const; //Returns the value of LicAgent /* Property OfficeOnTheWebUrl For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString OfficeOnTheWebUrl() const; //Returns the value of OfficeOnTheWebUrl /* Property Validator For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Validator() const; //Returns the value of Validator /* Property WizardTitle For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString WizardTitle() const; //Returns the value of WizardTitle inline void SetWizardTitle(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the WizardTitle property /* Property WizardVisible For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int WizardVisible() const; //Returns the value of WizardVisible inline void SetWizardVisible(int value); //Sets the value of the WizardVisible property /* Method DepositPidKey For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int DepositPidKey(const QString& bstrKey, int fMORW); /* Method DisableVORWReminder For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void DisableVORWReminder(int BPC); /* Method FormatDate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString FormatDate(const QDateTime& date); /* Method FormatDate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString FormatDate(const QDateTime& date, const QString& pFormat); /* Method GetConnectedState For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int GetConnectedState(); /* Method InternetDisconnect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void InternetDisconnect(); /* Method InvokeDateTimeApplet For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void InvokeDateTimeApplet(); /* Method MsoAlert For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int MsoAlert(const QString& bstrText, const QString& bstrButtons, const QString& bstrIcon); /* Method OpenInDefaultBrowser For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void OpenInDefaultBrowser(const QString& bstrUrl); /* Method PrintHtmlDocument For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void PrintHtmlDocument(IUnknown* punkHtmlDoc); /* Method ResetPID For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ResetPID(); /* Method ResignDpc For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ResignDpc(const QString& bstrProductCode); /* Method SaveReceipt For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString SaveReceipt(const QString& bstrReceipt); /* Method SetDialogSize For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetDialogSize(int dx, int dy); /* Method ShowHelp For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ShowHelp(); /* Method ShowHelp For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ShowHelp(QVariant& pvarId); /* Method SortSelectOptions For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SortSelectOptions(IDispatch* pdispSelect); /* Method Terminate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Terminate(); /* Method VerifyClock For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int VerifyClock(int lMode); /* Method WriteLog For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void WriteLog(const QString& bstrMessage); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT ILicValidator : public QAxObject { public: ILicValidator(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Products For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant Products() const; //Returns the value of Products /* Property Selection For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Selection() const; //Returns the value of Selection inline void SetSelection(int value); //Sets the value of the Selection property // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT ILicAgent : public QAxObject { public: ILicAgent(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Method AsyncProcessCCRenewalLicenseRequest method AsyncProcessCCRenewalLicenseRequest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AsyncProcessCCRenewalLicenseRequest(); /* Method AsyncProcessCCRenewalPriceRequest method AsyncProcessCCRenewalPriceRequest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AsyncProcessCCRenewalPriceRequest(); /* Method AsyncProcessDroppedLicenseRequest method AsyncProcessDroppedLicenseRequest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AsyncProcessDroppedLicenseRequest(); /* Method AsyncProcessHandshakeRequest method AsyncProcessHandshakeRequest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AsyncProcessHandshakeRequest(int bReviseCustInfo); /* Method AsyncProcessNewLicenseRequest method AsyncProcessNewLicenseRequest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AsyncProcessNewLicenseRequest(); /* Method AsyncProcessReissueLicenseRequest method AsyncProcessReissueLicenseRequest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AsyncProcessReissueLicenseRequest(); /* Method AsyncProcessRetailRenewalLicenseRequest method AsyncProcessRetailRenewalLicenseRequest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AsyncProcessRetailRenewalLicenseRequest(); /* Method AsyncProcessReviseCustInfoRequest method AsyncProcessReviseCustInfoRequest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AsyncProcessReviseCustInfoRequest(); /* Method CancelAsyncProcessRequest method CancelAsyncProcessRequest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void CancelAsyncProcessRequest(int bIsLicenseRequest); /* Method CheckSystemClock method CheckSystemClock For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline uint CheckSystemClock(); /* Method DepositConfirmationId method DepositConfirmationId For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline uint DepositConfirmationId(const QString& bstrVal); /* Method DisplaySSLCert method DisplaySSLCert For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline uint DisplaySSLCert(); /* Method GenerateInstallationId method GenerateInstallationId For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GenerateInstallationId(); /* Method GetAddress1 method GetAddress1 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetAddress1(); /* Method GetAddress2 method GetAddress2 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetAddress2(); /* Method GetAsyncProcessReturnCode method GetAsyncProcessReturnCode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline uint GetAsyncProcessReturnCode(); /* Method GetBackendErrorMsg method GetBackendErrorMsg For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetBackendErrorMsg(); /* Method GetBillingAddress1 method GetBillingAddress1 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetBillingAddress1(); /* Method GetBillingAddress2 method GetBillingAddress2 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetBillingAddress2(); /* Method GetBillingCity method GetBillingCity For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetBillingCity(); /* Method GetBillingCountryCode method GetBillingCountryCode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetBillingCountryCode(); /* Method GetBillingFirstName method GetBillingFirstName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetBillingFirstName(); /* Method GetBillingLastName method GetBillingLastName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetBillingLastName(); /* Method GetBillingPhone method GetBillingPhone For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetBillingPhone(); /* Method GetBillingState method GetBillingState For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetBillingState(); /* Method GetBillingZip method GetBillingZip For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetBillingZip(); /* Method GetCCRenewalExpiryDate method GetCCRenewalExpiryDate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QDateTime GetCCRenewalExpiryDate(); /* Method GetCity method GetCity For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetCity(); /* Method GetCountryCode method GetCountryCode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetCountryCode(); /* Method GetCountryDesc method GetCountryDesc For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetCountryDesc(); /* Method GetCreditCardCode method GetCreditCardCode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetCreditCardCode(uint dwIndex); /* Method GetCreditCardCount method GetCreditCardCount For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline uint GetCreditCardCount(); /* Method GetCreditCardExpiryMonth method GetCreditCardExpiryMonth For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline uint GetCreditCardExpiryMonth(); /* Method GetCreditCardExpiryYear method GetCreditCardExpiryYear For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline uint GetCreditCardExpiryYear(); /* Method GetCreditCardName method GetCreditCardName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetCreditCardName(uint dwIndex); /* Method GetCreditCardNumber method GetCreditCardNumber For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetCreditCardNumber(); /* Method GetCreditCardType method GetCreditCardType For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetCreditCardType(); /* Method GetCurrencyDescription method GetCurrencyDescription For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetCurrencyDescription(uint dwCurrencyIndex); /* Method GetCurrencyOption method GetCurrencyOption For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline uint GetCurrencyOption(); /* Method GetCurrentExpiryDate method GetCurrentExpiryDate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QDateTime GetCurrentExpiryDate(); /* Method GetDisconnectOption method GetDisconnectOption For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int GetDisconnectOption(); /* Method GetEmail method GetEmail For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetEmail(); /* Method GetEndOfLifeHtmlText method GetEndOfLifeHtmlText For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetEndOfLifeHtmlText(); /* Method GetExistingExpiryDate method GetExistingExpiryDate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QDateTime GetExistingExpiryDate(); /* Method GetFirstName method GetFirstName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetFirstName(); /* Method GetInvoiceText method GetInvoiceText For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetInvoiceText(); /* Method GetIsoLanguage method GetIsoLanguage For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline uint GetIsoLanguage(); /* Method GetLastName method GetLastName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetLastName(); /* Method GetMSOffer method GetMSOffer For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetMSOffer(); /* Method GetMSUpdate method GetMSUpdate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetMSUpdate(); /* Method GetNewExpiryDate method GetNewExpiryDate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QDateTime GetNewExpiryDate(); /* Method GetOrgName method GetOrgName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetOrgName(); /* Method GetOtherOffer method GetOtherOffer For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetOtherOffer(); /* Method GetPhone method GetPhone For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetPhone(); /* Method GetPriceItemCount method GetPriceItemCount For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline uint GetPriceItemCount(); /* Method GetPriceItemLabel method GetPriceItemLabel For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetPriceItemLabel(uint dwIndex); /* Method GetPriceItemValue method GetPriceItemValue For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetPriceItemValue(uint dwCurrencyIndex, uint dwIndex); /* Method GetState method GetState For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetState(); /* Method GetVATLabel method GetVATLabel For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetVATLabel(const QString& bstrCountryCode); /* Method GetVATNumber method GetVATNumber For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetVATNumber(); /* Method GetZip method GetZip For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString GetZip(); /* Method Initialize method Initialize For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline uint Initialize(uint dwBPC, uint dwMode, const QString& bstrLicSource); /* Method IsCCRenewalCountry method IsCCRenewalCountry For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int IsCCRenewalCountry(const QString& bstrCountryCode); /* Method IsUpgradeAvailable method IsUpgradeAvailable For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int IsUpgradeAvailable(); /* Method SaveBillingInfo method SaveBillingInfo For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline uint SaveBillingInfo(int bSave); /* Method SetAddress1 method SetAddress1 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetAddress1(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetAddress2 method SetAddress2 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetAddress2(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetBillingAddress1 method SetBillingAddress1 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetBillingAddress1(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetBillingAddress2 method SetBillingAddress2 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetBillingAddress2(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetBillingCity method SetBillingCity For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetBillingCity(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetBillingCountryCode method SetBillingCountryCode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetBillingCountryCode(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetBillingFirstName method SetBillingFirstName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetBillingFirstName(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetBillingLastName method SetBillingLastName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetBillingLastName(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetBillingPhone method SetBillingPhone For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetBillingPhone(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetBillingState method SetBillingState For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetBillingState(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetBillingZip method SetBillingZip For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetBillingZip(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetCity method SetCity For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetCity(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetCountryCode method SetCountryCode For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetCountryCode(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetCountryDesc method SetCountryDesc For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetCountryDesc(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetCreditCardExpiryMonth method SetCreditCardExpiryMonth For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetCreditCardExpiryMonth(uint dwCCMonth); /* Method SetCreditCardExpiryYear method SetCreditCardExpiryYear For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetCreditCardExpiryYear(uint dwCCYear); /* Method SetCreditCardNumber method SetCreditCardNumber For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetCreditCardNumber(const QString& bstrCCNumber); /* Method SetCreditCardType method SetCreditCardType For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetCreditCardType(const QString& bstrCCCode); /* Method SetCurrencyOption method SetCurrencyOption For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetCurrencyOption(uint dwCurrencyOption); /* Method SetDisconnectOption method SetDisconnectOption For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetDisconnectOption(int bNewVal); /* Method SetEmail method SetEmail For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetEmail(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetFirstName method SetFirstName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetFirstName(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetIsoLanguage method SetIsoLanguage For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetIsoLanguage(uint dwNewVal); /* Method SetLastName method SetLastName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetLastName(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetMSOffer method SetMSOffer For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetMSOffer(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetMSUpdate method SetMSUpdate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetMSUpdate(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetOrgName method SetOrgName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetOrgName(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetOtherOffer method SetOtherOffer For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetOtherOffer(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetPhone method SetPhone For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetPhone(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetState method SetState For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetState(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method SetVATNumber method SetVATNumber For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetVATNumber(const QString& bstrVATNumber); /* Method SetZip method SetZip For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetZip(const QString& bstrNewVal); /* Method VerifyCheckDigits method VerifyCheckDigits For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int VerifyCheckDigits(const QString& bstrCIDIID); /* Method WantUpgrade method WantUpgrade For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void WantUpgrade(int bWantUpgrade); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT IMsoEServicesDialog : public QAxObject { public: IMsoEServicesDialog(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property ApplicationName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString ApplicationName() const; //Returns the value of ApplicationName /* Property ClipArt For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* ClipArt() const; //Returns the value of ClipArt /* Property WebComponent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* WebComponent() const; //Returns the value of WebComponent /* Method AddTrustedDomain For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AddTrustedDomain(const QString& Domain); /* Method Close For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Close(); /* Method Close For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Close(bool ApplyWebComponentChanges); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT WebComponentProperties : public QAxObject { public: WebComponentProperties(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property HTML For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString HTML() const; //Returns the value of HTML inline void SetHTML(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the HTML property /* Property Height For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Height() const; //Returns the value of Height inline void SetHeight(int value); //Sets the value of the Height property /* Property Name For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name inline void SetName(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Name property /* Property PreviewGraphic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString PreviewGraphic() const; //Returns the value of PreviewGraphic inline void SetPreviewGraphic(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the PreviewGraphic property /* Property PreviewHTML For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString PreviewHTML() const; //Returns the value of PreviewHTML inline void SetPreviewHTML(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the PreviewHTML property /* Property Shape For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Shape() const; //Returns the value of Shape /* Property Tag For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Tag() const; //Returns the value of Tag inline void SetTag(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Tag property /* Property URL For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString URL() const; //Returns the value of URL inline void SetURL(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the URL property /* Property Width For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Width() const; //Returns the value of Width inline void SetWidth(int value); //Sets the value of the Width property // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT SmartDocument : public QAxObject { public: SmartDocument(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property SolutionID For more information, see help context 262001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString SolutionID() const; //Returns the value of SolutionID inline void SetSolutionID(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the SolutionID property /* Property SolutionURL For more information, see help context 262002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString SolutionURL() const; //Returns the value of SolutionURL inline void SetSolutionURL(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the SolutionURL property /* Method PickSolution For more information, see help context 262003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void PickSolution(); /* Method PickSolution For more information, see help context 262003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void PickSolution(bool ConsiderAllSchemas); /* Method RefreshPane For more information, see help context 262004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void RefreshPane(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT SharedWorkspaceMember : public QAxObject { public: SharedWorkspaceMember(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property DomainName For more information, see help context 272001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString DomainName() const; //Returns the value of DomainName /* Property Email For more information, see help context 272003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Email() const; //Returns the value of Email /* Property Id For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Id() const; //Returns the value of Id /* Property Name For more information, see help context 272002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 272005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 272004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT SharedWorkspaceMembers : public QAxObject { public: SharedWorkspaceMembers(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 273002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property ItemCountExceeded For more information, see help context 273005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool ItemCountExceeded() const; //Returns the value of ItemCountExceeded /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 273004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Add For more information, see help context 273003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceMember* Add(const QString& Email, const QString& DomainName, const QString& DisplayName); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 273003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceMember* Add(const QString& Email, const QString& DomainName, const QString& DisplayName, const QVariant& Role); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 273001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceMember* Item(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT SharedWorkspaceTask : public QAxObject { public: SharedWorkspaceTask(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property AssignedTo For more information, see help context 264002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString AssignedTo() const; //Returns the value of AssignedTo inline void SetAssignedTo(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the AssignedTo property /* Property CreatedBy For more information, see help context 264007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString CreatedBy() const; //Returns the value of CreatedBy /* Property CreatedDate For more information, see help context 264008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant CreatedDate() const; //Returns the value of CreatedDate /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Description For more information, see help context 264005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Description() const; //Returns the value of Description inline void SetDescription(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Description property /* Property DueDate For more information, see help context 264006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant DueDate() const; //Returns the value of DueDate inline void SetDueDate(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the DueDate property /* Property ModifiedBy For more information, see help context 264009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString ModifiedBy() const; //Returns the value of ModifiedBy /* Property ModifiedDate For more information, see help context 264010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant ModifiedDate() const; //Returns the value of ModifiedDate /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 263013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Priority For more information, see help context 264004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority Priority() const; //Returns the value of Priority inline void SetPriority(Office::MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority value); //Sets the value of the Priority property /* Property Status For more information, see help context 264003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus Status() const; //Returns the value of Status inline void SetStatus(Office::MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus value); //Sets the value of the Status property /* Property Title For more information, see help context 264001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Title() const; //Returns the value of Title inline void SetTitle(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Title property /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 263012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method Save For more information, see help context 2640011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Save(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT SharedWorkspaceTasks : public QAxObject { public: SharedWorkspaceTasks(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 265002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property ItemCountExceeded For more information, see help context 265005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool ItemCountExceeded() const; //Returns the value of ItemCountExceeded /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 265004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Add For more information, see help context 265003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* Add(const QString& Title); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 265003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* Add(const QString& Title, const QVariant& Status); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 265003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* Add(const QString& Title, const QVariant& Status, const QVariant& Priority); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 265003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* Add(const QString& Title, const QVariant& Status, const QVariant& Priority, const QVariant& Assignee); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 265003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* Add(const QString& Title, const QVariant& Status, const QVariant& Priority, const QVariant& Assignee, const QVariant& Description); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 265003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* Add(const QString& Title, const QVariant& Status, const QVariant& Priority, const QVariant& Assignee, const QVariant& Description, const QVariant& DueDate); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 265001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* Item(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT SharedWorkspaceFile : public QAxObject { public: SharedWorkspaceFile(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property CreatedBy For more information, see help context 266002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString CreatedBy() const; //Returns the value of CreatedBy /* Property CreatedDate For more information, see help context 266003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant CreatedDate() const; //Returns the value of CreatedDate /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property ModifiedBy For more information, see help context 266004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString ModifiedBy() const; //Returns the value of ModifiedBy /* Property ModifiedDate For more information, see help context 266005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant ModifiedDate() const; //Returns the value of ModifiedDate /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 266007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property URL For more information, see help context 266001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString URL() const; //Returns the value of URL /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 266006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT SharedWorkspaceFiles : public QAxObject { public: SharedWorkspaceFiles(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 267002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property ItemCountExceeded For more information, see help context 267005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool ItemCountExceeded() const; //Returns the value of ItemCountExceeded /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 267004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Add For more information, see help context 267003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFile* Add(const QString& FileName); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 267003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFile* Add(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& ParentFolder); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 267003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFile* Add(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& ParentFolder, const QVariant& OverwriteIfFileAlreadyExists); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 267003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFile* Add(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& ParentFolder, const QVariant& OverwriteIfFileAlreadyExists, const QVariant& KeepInSync); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 267001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFile* Item(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT SharedWorkspaceFolder : public QAxObject { public: SharedWorkspaceFolder(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property FolderName For more information, see help context 268001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString FolderName() const; //Returns the value of FolderName /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 268007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 268006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 268006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(const QVariant& DeleteEventIfFolderContainsFiles); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT SharedWorkspaceFolders : public QAxObject { public: SharedWorkspaceFolders(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 269002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property ItemCountExceeded For more information, see help context 269005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool ItemCountExceeded() const; //Returns the value of ItemCountExceeded /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 269004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Add For more information, see help context 269003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFolder* Add(const QString& FolderName); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 269003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFolder* Add(const QString& FolderName, const QVariant& ParentFolder); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 269001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFolder* Item(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT SharedWorkspaceLink : public QAxObject { public: SharedWorkspaceLink(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property CreatedBy For more information, see help context 270004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString CreatedBy() const; //Returns the value of CreatedBy /* Property CreatedDate For more information, see help context 270005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant CreatedDate() const; //Returns the value of CreatedDate /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Description For more information, see help context 270002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Description() const; //Returns the value of Description inline void SetDescription(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Description property /* Property ModifiedBy For more information, see help context 270006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString ModifiedBy() const; //Returns the value of ModifiedBy /* Property ModifiedDate For more information, see help context 270007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant ModifiedDate() const; //Returns the value of ModifiedDate /* Property Notes For more information, see help context 270003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Notes() const; //Returns the value of Notes inline void SetNotes(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Notes property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 270010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property URL For more information, see help context 270001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString URL() const; //Returns the value of URL inline void SetURL(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the URL property /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 270009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method Save For more information, see help context 270008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Save(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT SharedWorkspaceLinks : public QAxObject { public: SharedWorkspaceLinks(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 271002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property ItemCountExceeded For more information, see help context 271005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool ItemCountExceeded() const; //Returns the value of ItemCountExceeded /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 271004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Add For more information, see help context 271003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceLink* Add(const QString& URL); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 271003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceLink* Add(const QString& URL, const QVariant& Description); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 271003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceLink* Add(const QString& URL, const QVariant& Description, const QVariant& Notes); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 271001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceLink* Item(int Index); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT SharedWorkspace : public QAxObject { public: SharedWorkspace(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Connected For more information, see help context 276012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Connected() const; //Returns the value of Connected /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Files For more information, see help context 276004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFiles* Files() const; //Returns the value of Files /* Property Folders For more information, see help context 276005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFolders* Folders() const; //Returns the value of Folders /* Property LastRefreshed For more information, see help context 276013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant LastRefreshed() const; //Returns the value of LastRefreshed /* Property Links For more information, see help context 276006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceLinks* Links() const; //Returns the value of Links /* Property Members For more information, see help context 276002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceMembers* Members() const; //Returns the value of Members /* Property Name For more information, see help context 276001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Name() const; //Returns the value of Name inline void SetName(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Name property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 276010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property SourceURL For more information, see help context 276014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString SourceURL() const; //Returns the value of SourceURL inline void SetSourceURL(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the SourceURL property /* Property Tasks For more information, see help context 276003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::SharedWorkspaceTasks* Tasks() const; //Returns the value of Tasks /* Property URL For more information, see help context 276011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString URL() const; //Returns the value of URL /* Method CreateNew For more information, see help context 276008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void CreateNew(); /* Method CreateNew For more information, see help context 276008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void CreateNew(const QVariant& URL); /* Method CreateNew For more information, see help context 276008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void CreateNew(const QVariant& URL, const QVariant& Name); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 276009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method Disconnect For more information, see help context 276016 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Disconnect(); /* Method Refresh For more information, see help context 276007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Refresh(); /* Method RemoveDocument For more information, see help context 276015 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void RemoveDocument(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT Sync : public QAxObject { public: Sync(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property ErrorType For more information, see help context 277005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoSyncErrorType ErrorType() const; //Returns the value of ErrorType /* Property LastSyncTime For more information, see help context 277003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant LastSyncTime() const; //Returns the value of LastSyncTime /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 277015 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Status For more information, see help context 277001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoSyncStatusType Status() const; //Returns the value of Status /* Property WorkspaceLastChangedBy For more information, see help context 277002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString WorkspaceLastChangedBy() const; //Returns the value of WorkspaceLastChangedBy /* Method GetUpdate For more information, see help context 277007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void GetUpdate(); /* Method OpenVersion For more information, see help context 277009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void OpenVersion(Office::MsoSyncVersionType SyncVersionType); /* Method PutUpdate For more information, see help context 277008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void PutUpdate(); /* Method ResolveConflict For more information, see help context 277010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ResolveConflict(Office::MsoSyncConflictResolutionType SyncConflictResolution); /* Method Unsuspend For more information, see help context 277011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Unsuspend(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT DocumentLibraryVersion : public QAxObject { public: DocumentLibraryVersion(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Comments For more information, see help context 277021 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Comments() const; //Returns the value of Comments /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property Index For more information, see help context 277018 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Index() const; //Returns the value of Index /* Property Modified For more information, see help context 277017 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant Modified() const; //Returns the value of Modified /* Property ModifiedBy For more information, see help context 277020 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString ModifiedBy() const; //Returns the value of ModifiedBy /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 277019 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 277022 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method Open For more information, see help context 277023 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Open(); /* Method Restore For more information, see help context 277024 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Restore(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT DocumentLibraryVersions : public QAxObject { public: DocumentLibraryVersions(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 277028 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property IsVersioningEnabled For more information, see help context 277030 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool IsVersioningEnabled() const; //Returns the value of IsVersioningEnabled /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 277029 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Item For more information, see help context 277027 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::DocumentLibraryVersion* Item(int lIndex); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT UserPermission : public QAxObject { public: UserPermission(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property ExpirationDate For more information, see help context 260003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant ExpirationDate() const; //Returns the value of ExpirationDate inline void SetExpirationDate(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the ExpirationDate property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 260004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Permission For more information, see help context 260002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Permission() const; //Returns the value of Permission inline void SetPermission(int value); //Sets the value of the Permission property /* Property UserId For more information, see help context 260001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString UserId() const; //Returns the value of UserId /* Method Remove For more information, see help context 260005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Remove(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT Permission : public QAxObject { public: Permission(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 261002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property DocumentAuthor For more information, see help context 261013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString DocumentAuthor() const; //Returns the value of DocumentAuthor inline void SetDocumentAuthor(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the DocumentAuthor property /* Property EnableTrustedBrowser For more information, see help context 261003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool EnableTrustedBrowser() const; //Returns the value of EnableTrustedBrowser inline void SetEnableTrustedBrowser(bool value); //Sets the value of the EnableTrustedBrowser property /* Property Enabled For more information, see help context 261008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Enabled() const; //Returns the value of Enabled inline void SetEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the Enabled property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 261006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property PermissionFromPolicy For more information, see help context 261014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool PermissionFromPolicy() const; //Returns the value of PermissionFromPolicy /* Property PolicyDescription For more information, see help context 261011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString PolicyDescription() const; //Returns the value of PolicyDescription /* Property PolicyName For more information, see help context 261010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString PolicyName() const; //Returns the value of PolicyName /* Property RequestPermissionURL For more information, see help context 261009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString RequestPermissionURL() const; //Returns the value of RequestPermissionURL inline void SetRequestPermissionURL(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the RequestPermissionURL property /* Property StoreLicenses For more information, see help context 261012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool StoreLicenses() const; //Returns the value of StoreLicenses inline void SetStoreLicenses(bool value); //Sets the value of the StoreLicenses property /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Add For more information, see help context 261004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::UserPermission* Add(const QString& UserId); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 261004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::UserPermission* Add(const QString& UserId, const QVariant& Permission); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 261004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::UserPermission* Add(const QString& UserId, const QVariant& Permission, const QVariant& ExpirationDate); /* Method ApplyPolicy For more information, see help context 261005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ApplyPolicy(const QString& FileName); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 261001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::UserPermission* Item(const QVariant& Index); /* Method RemoveAll For more information, see help context 261007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void RemoveAll(); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; // Actual coclasses class OFFICE_EXPORT CommandBars : public QAxObject { public: CommandBars(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } CommandBars(_CommandBars *iface) : QAxObject() { initializeFrom(iface); delete iface; } /* Property ActionControl For more information, see help context 2001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* ActionControl() const; //Returns the value of ActionControl /* Property ActiveMenuBar For more information, see help context 2002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* ActiveMenuBar() const; //Returns the value of ActiveMenuBar /* Property AdaptiveMenus For more information, see help context 2013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool AdaptiveMenus() const; //Returns the value of AdaptiveMenus inline void SetAdaptiveMenus(bool value); //Sets the value of the AdaptiveMenus property /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property Count For more information, see help context 2004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Count() const; //Returns the value of Count /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property DisableAskAQuestionDropdown For more information, see help context 2017 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool DisableAskAQuestionDropdown() const; //Returns the value of DisableAskAQuestionDropdown inline void SetDisableAskAQuestionDropdown(bool value); //Sets the value of the DisableAskAQuestionDropdown property /* Property DisableCustomize For more information, see help context 2016 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool DisableCustomize() const; //Returns the value of DisableCustomize inline void SetDisableCustomize(bool value); //Sets the value of the DisableCustomize property /* Property DisplayFonts For more information, see help context 2015 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool DisplayFonts() const; //Returns the value of DisplayFonts inline void SetDisplayFonts(bool value); //Sets the value of the DisplayFonts property /* Property DisplayKeysInTooltips For more information, see help context 2006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool DisplayKeysInTooltips() const; //Returns the value of DisplayKeysInTooltips inline void SetDisplayKeysInTooltips(bool value); //Sets the value of the DisplayKeysInTooltips property /* Property DisplayTooltips For more information, see help context 2005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool DisplayTooltips() const; //Returns the value of DisplayTooltips inline void SetDisplayTooltips(bool value); //Sets the value of the DisplayTooltips property /* Property LargeButtons For more information, see help context 2009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool LargeButtons() const; //Returns the value of LargeButtons inline void SetLargeButtons(bool value); //Sets the value of the LargeButtons property /* Property MenuAnimationStyle For more information, see help context 2010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoMenuAnimation MenuAnimationStyle() const; //Returns the value of MenuAnimationStyle inline void SetMenuAnimationStyle(Office::MsoMenuAnimation value); //Sets the value of the MenuAnimationStyle property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 2011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property _NewEnum For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IUnknown* _NewEnum() const; //Returns the value of _NewEnum /* Method Add For more information, see help context 2003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Add(); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 2003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Add(const QVariant& Name); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 2003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Add(const QVariant& Name, const QVariant& Position); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 2003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Add(const QVariant& Name, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar); /* Method Add For more information, see help context 2003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Add(const QVariant& Name, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar, const QVariant& Temporary); /* Method AddEx For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* AddEx(); /* Method AddEx For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName); /* Method AddEx For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName, const QVariant& Position); /* Method AddEx For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar); /* Method AddEx For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar, const QVariant& Temporary); /* Method AddEx For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar, const QVariant& Temporary, const QVariant& TbtrProtection); /* Method FindControl For more information, see help context 2007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* FindControl(); /* Method FindControl For more information, see help context 2007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* FindControl(const QVariant& Type); /* Method FindControl For more information, see help context 2007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id); /* Method FindControl For more information, see help context 2007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag); /* Method FindControl For more information, see help context 2007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag, const QVariant& Visible); /* Method FindControls For more information, see help context 2014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControls* FindControls(); /* Method FindControls For more information, see help context 2014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControls* FindControls(const QVariant& Type); /* Method FindControls For more information, see help context 2014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControls* FindControls(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id); /* Method FindControls For more information, see help context 2014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControls* FindControls(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag); /* Method FindControls For more information, see help context 2014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControls* FindControls(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag, const QVariant& Visible); /* Method IdsString For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int IdsString(int ids, QString& pbstrName); /* Method Item For more information, see help context 2008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Item(const QVariant& Index); /* Method ReleaseFocus For more information, see help context 2012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void ReleaseFocus(); /* Method TmcGetName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int TmcGetName(int tmc, QString& pbstrName); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT CommandBarComboBox : public QAxObject { public: CommandBarComboBox(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } CommandBarComboBox(_CommandBarComboBox *iface) : QAxObject() { initializeFrom(iface); delete iface; } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property BeginGroup For more information, see help context 5001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool BeginGroup() const; //Returns the value of BeginGroup inline void SetBeginGroup(bool value); //Sets the value of the BeginGroup property /* Property BuiltIn For more information, see help context 5002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool BuiltIn() const; //Returns the value of BuiltIn /* Property Caption For more information, see help context 5003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Caption() const; //Returns the value of Caption inline void SetCaption(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Caption property /* Property Control For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Control() const; //Returns the value of Control /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property DescriptionText For more information, see help context 5006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString DescriptionText() const; //Returns the value of DescriptionText inline void SetDescriptionText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the DescriptionText property /* Property DropDownLines For more information, see help context 8003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int DropDownLines() const; //Returns the value of DropDownLines inline void SetDropDownLines(int value); //Sets the value of the DropDownLines property /* Property DropDownWidth For more information, see help context 8004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int DropDownWidth() const; //Returns the value of DropDownWidth inline void SetDropDownWidth(int value); //Sets the value of the DropDownWidth property /* Property Enabled For more information, see help context 5007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Enabled() const; //Returns the value of Enabled inline void SetEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the Enabled property /* Property Height For more information, see help context 5009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Height() const; //Returns the value of Height inline void SetHeight(int value); //Sets the value of the Height property /* Property HelpContextId For more information, see help context 5010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int HelpContextId() const; //Returns the value of HelpContextId inline void SetHelpContextId(int value); //Sets the value of the HelpContextId property /* Property HelpFile For more information, see help context 5011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString HelpFile() const; //Returns the value of HelpFile inline void SetHelpFile(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the HelpFile property /* Property Id For more information, see help context 5012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Id() const; //Returns the value of Id /* Property Index For more information, see help context 5013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Index() const; //Returns the value of Index /* Property InstanceId For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int InstanceId() const; //Returns the value of InstanceId /* Property IsPriorityDropped For more information, see help context 5029 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool IsPriorityDropped() const; //Returns the value of IsPriorityDropped /* Property Left For more information, see help context 5015 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Left() const; //Returns the value of Left /* Property ListCount For more information, see help context 8006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int ListCount() const; //Returns the value of ListCount /* Property ListHeaderCount For more information, see help context 8007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int ListHeaderCount() const; //Returns the value of ListHeaderCount inline void SetListHeaderCount(int value); //Sets the value of the ListHeaderCount property /* Property ListIndex For more information, see help context 8008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int ListIndex() const; //Returns the value of ListIndex inline void SetListIndex(int value); //Sets the value of the ListIndex property /* Property OLEUsage For more information, see help context 5016 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoControlOLEUsage OLEUsage() const; //Returns the value of OLEUsage inline void SetOLEUsage(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage value); //Sets the value of the OLEUsage property /* Property OnAction For more information, see help context 5017 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString OnAction() const; //Returns the value of OnAction inline void SetOnAction(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the OnAction property /* Property Parameter For more information, see help context 5019 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Parameter() const; //Returns the value of Parameter inline void SetParameter(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Parameter property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 5018 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Priority For more information, see help context 5020 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Priority() const; //Returns the value of Priority inline void SetPriority(int value); //Sets the value of the Priority property /* Property Style For more information, see help context 8010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoComboStyle Style() const; //Returns the value of Style inline void SetStyle(Office::MsoComboStyle value); //Sets the value of the Style property /* Property Tag For more information, see help context 5023 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Tag() const; //Returns the value of Tag inline void SetTag(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Tag property /* Property Text For more information, see help context 8011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Text() const; //Returns the value of Text inline void SetText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Text property /* Property TooltipText For more information, see help context 5024 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString TooltipText() const; //Returns the value of TooltipText inline void SetTooltipText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the TooltipText property /* Property Top For more information, see help context 5025 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Top() const; //Returns the value of Top /* Property Type For more information, see help context 5026 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoControlType Type() const; //Returns the value of Type /* Property Visible For more information, see help context 5027 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Visible() const; //Returns the value of Visible inline void SetVisible(bool value); //Sets the value of the Visible property /* Property Width For more information, see help context 5028 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Width() const; //Returns the value of Width inline void SetWidth(int value); //Sets the value of the Width property /* Property accChildCount For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accChildCount() const; //Returns the value of accChildCount /* Property accDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDefaultAction() const; //Returns the value of accDefaultAction /* Property accDescription For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDescription() const; //Returns the value of accDescription /* Property accFocus For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accFocus() const; //Returns the value of accFocus /* Property accHelp For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accHelp() const; //Returns the value of accHelp /* Property accKeyboardShortcut For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accKeyboardShortcut() const; //Returns the value of accKeyboardShortcut /* Property accName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accName() const; //Returns the value of accName inline void setAccName(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accName property /* Property accParent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accParent() const; //Returns the value of accParent /* Property accRole For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accRole() const; //Returns the value of accRole /* Property accSelection For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accSelection() const; //Returns the value of accSelection /* Property accState For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accState() const; //Returns the value of accState /* Property accValue For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accValue() const; //Returns the value of accValue inline void setAccValue(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accValue property /* Method AddItem For more information, see help context 8001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AddItem(const QString& Text); /* Method AddItem For more information, see help context 8001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void AddItem(const QString& Text, const QVariant& Index); /* Method Clear For more information, see help context 8002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Clear(); /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(); /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(const QVariant& Bar); /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 5005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 5005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(const QVariant& Temporary); /* Method Execute For more information, see help context 5008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Execute(); /* Method List For more information, see help context 8005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString List(int Index); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(const QVariant& Bar); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before); /* Method RemoveItem For more information, see help context 8009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void RemoveItem(int Index); /* Method Reserved1 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved1(); /* Method Reserved2 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved2(); /* Method Reserved3 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved3(); /* Method Reserved4 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved4(); /* Method Reserved5 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved5(); /* Method Reserved6 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved6(); /* Method Reserved7 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved7(); /* Method Reset For more information, see help context 5021 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reset(); /* Method SetFocus For more information, see help context 5022 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetFocus(); /* Method SetList */ inline int SetList(int Index, const QString& rhs); /* Method accChild For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accChild(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHitTest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT CommandBarButton : public QAxObject { public: CommandBarButton(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property Application For more information, see help context 1001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Application() const; //Returns the value of Application /* Property BeginGroup For more information, see help context 5001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool BeginGroup() const; //Returns the value of BeginGroup inline void SetBeginGroup(bool value); //Sets the value of the BeginGroup property /* Property BuiltIn For more information, see help context 5002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool BuiltIn() const; //Returns the value of BuiltIn /* Property BuiltInFace For more information, see help context 6001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool BuiltInFace() const; //Returns the value of BuiltInFace inline void SetBuiltInFace(bool value); //Sets the value of the BuiltInFace property /* Property Caption For more information, see help context 5003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Caption() const; //Returns the value of Caption inline void SetCaption(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Caption property /* Property Control For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Control() const; //Returns the value of Control /* Property Creator For more information, see help context 1002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Creator() const; //Returns the value of Creator /* Property DescriptionText For more information, see help context 5006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString DescriptionText() const; //Returns the value of DescriptionText inline void SetDescriptionText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the DescriptionText property /* Property Enabled For more information, see help context 5007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Enabled() const; //Returns the value of Enabled inline void SetEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the Enabled property /* Property FaceId For more information, see help context 6003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int FaceId() const; //Returns the value of FaceId inline void SetFaceId(int value); //Sets the value of the FaceId property /* Property Height For more information, see help context 5009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Height() const; //Returns the value of Height inline void SetHeight(int value); //Sets the value of the Height property /* Property HelpContextId For more information, see help context 5010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int HelpContextId() const; //Returns the value of HelpContextId inline void SetHelpContextId(int value); //Sets the value of the HelpContextId property /* Property HelpFile For more information, see help context 5011 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString HelpFile() const; //Returns the value of HelpFile inline void SetHelpFile(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the HelpFile property /* Property HyperlinkType For more information, see help context 6008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType HyperlinkType() const; //Returns the value of HyperlinkType inline void SetHyperlinkType(Office::MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType value); //Sets the value of the HyperlinkType property /* Property Id For more information, see help context 5012 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Id() const; //Returns the value of Id /* Property Index For more information, see help context 5013 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Index() const; //Returns the value of Index /* Property InstanceId For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int InstanceId() const; //Returns the value of InstanceId /* Property IsPriorityDropped For more information, see help context 5029 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool IsPriorityDropped() const; //Returns the value of IsPriorityDropped /* Property Left For more information, see help context 5015 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Left() const; //Returns the value of Left /* Property Mask For more information, see help context 6010 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QPixmap Mask() const; //Returns the value of Mask inline void SetMask(const QPixmap& value); //Sets the value of the Mask property /* Property OLEUsage For more information, see help context 5016 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoControlOLEUsage OLEUsage() const; //Returns the value of OLEUsage inline void SetOLEUsage(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage value); //Sets the value of the OLEUsage property /* Property OnAction For more information, see help context 5017 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString OnAction() const; //Returns the value of OnAction inline void SetOnAction(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the OnAction property /* Property Parameter For more information, see help context 5019 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Parameter() const; //Returns the value of Parameter inline void SetParameter(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Parameter property /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 5018 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBar* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent /* Property Picture For more information, see help context 6009 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QPixmap Picture() const; //Returns the value of Picture inline void SetPicture(const QPixmap& value); //Sets the value of the Picture property /* Property Priority For more information, see help context 5020 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Priority() const; //Returns the value of Priority inline void SetPriority(int value); //Sets the value of the Priority property /* Property ShortcutText For more information, see help context 6005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString ShortcutText() const; //Returns the value of ShortcutText inline void SetShortcutText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the ShortcutText property /* Property State For more information, see help context 6006 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoButtonState State() const; //Returns the value of State inline void SetState(Office::MsoButtonState value); //Sets the value of the State property /* Property Style For more information, see help context 6007 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoButtonStyle Style() const; //Returns the value of Style inline void SetStyle(Office::MsoButtonStyle value); //Sets the value of the Style property /* Property Tag For more information, see help context 5023 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Tag() const; //Returns the value of Tag inline void SetTag(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Tag property /* Property TooltipText For more information, see help context 5024 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString TooltipText() const; //Returns the value of TooltipText inline void SetTooltipText(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the TooltipText property /* Property Top For more information, see help context 5025 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Top() const; //Returns the value of Top /* Property Type For more information, see help context 5026 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::MsoControlType Type() const; //Returns the value of Type /* Property Visible For more information, see help context 5027 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline bool Visible() const; //Returns the value of Visible inline void SetVisible(bool value); //Sets the value of the Visible property /* Property Width For more information, see help context 5028 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int Width() const; //Returns the value of Width inline void SetWidth(int value); //Sets the value of the Width property /* Property accChildCount For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accChildCount() const; //Returns the value of accChildCount /* Property accDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDefaultAction() const; //Returns the value of accDefaultAction /* Property accDescription For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accDescription() const; //Returns the value of accDescription /* Property accFocus For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accFocus() const; //Returns the value of accFocus /* Property accHelp For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accHelp() const; //Returns the value of accHelp /* Property accKeyboardShortcut For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString accKeyboardShortcut() const; //Returns the value of accKeyboardShortcut /* Property accName For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accName() const; //Returns the value of accName inline void setAccName(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accName property /* Property accParent For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accParent() const; //Returns the value of accParent /* Property accRole For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accRole() const; //Returns the value of accRole /* Property accSelection For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accSelection() const; //Returns the value of accSelection /* Property accState For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accState() const; //Returns the value of accState /* Property accValue For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accValue() const; //Returns the value of accValue inline void setAccValue(const QVariant& value); //Sets the value of the accValue property /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(); /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(const QVariant& Bar); /* Method Copy For more information, see help context 5004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Copy(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before); /* Method CopyFace For more information, see help context 6002 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void CopyFace(); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 5005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(); /* Method Delete For more information, see help context 5005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Delete(const QVariant& Temporary); /* Method Execute For more information, see help context 5008 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Execute(); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(const QVariant& Bar); /* Method Move For more information, see help context 5014 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline Office::CommandBarControl* Move(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before); /* Method PasteFace For more information, see help context 6004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void PasteFace(); /* Method Reserved1 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved1(); /* Method Reserved2 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved2(); /* Method Reserved3 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved3(); /* Method Reserved4 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved4(); /* Method Reserved5 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved5(); /* Method Reserved6 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved6(); /* Method Reserved7 For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reserved7(); /* Method Reset For more information, see help context 5021 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void Reset(); /* Method SetFocus For more information, see help context 5022 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void SetFocus(); /* Method accChild For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* accChild(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(); /* Method accDoDefaultAction For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile); /* Method accHelpTopic For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline int accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accHitTest For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight); /* Method accLocation For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir); /* Method accNavigate For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QVariant accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect); /* Method accSelect For more information, see help context 0 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline void accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; class OFFICE_EXPORT MsoEnvelope : public QAxObject { public: MsoEnvelope(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property CommandBars For more information, see help context 11005 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* CommandBars() const; //Returns the value of CommandBars /* Property Introduction For more information, see help context 11001 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline QString Introduction() const; //Returns the value of Introduction inline void SetIntroduction(const QString& value); //Sets the value of the Introduction property /* Property Item For more information, see help context 11003 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Item() const; //Returns the value of Item /* Property Parent For more information, see help context 11004 in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\vbaof11.chm. */ inline IDispatch* Parent() const; //Returns the value of Parent // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; // member function implementation #ifndef QAX_DUMPCPP_OFFICE_NOINLINES inline int IAccessible::accChildCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accChildCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString IAccessible::accDefaultAction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDefaultAction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString IAccessible::accDescription() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDescription"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant IAccessible::accFocus() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accFocus"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString IAccessible::accHelp() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accHelp"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString IAccessible::accKeyboardShortcut() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accKeyboardShortcut"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant IAccessible::accName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IAccessible::setAccName(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accName", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* IAccessible::accParent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accParent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant IAccessible::accRole() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accRole"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant IAccessible::accSelection() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accSelection"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant IAccessible::accState() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accState"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant IAccessible::accValue() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accValue"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IAccessible::setAccValue(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accValue", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* IAccessible::accChild(const QVariant& varChild) { IDispatch* qax_result = 0; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline void IAccessible::accDoDefaultAction() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline void IAccessible::accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); } inline int IAccessible::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); return qax_result; } inline int IAccessible::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant IAccessible::accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&xLeft, (void*)&yTop}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); return qax_result; } inline void IAccessible::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); } inline void IAccessible::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); } inline QVariant IAccessible::accNavigate(int navDir) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 25, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant IAccessible::accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir, (void*)&varStart}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 26, _a); return qax_result; } inline void IAccessible::accSelect(int flagsSelect) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 29, _a); } inline void IAccessible::accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 30, _a); } inline IDispatch* _IMsoDispObj::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _IMsoDispObj::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* _IMsoOleAccDispObj::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _IMsoOleAccDispObj::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accChildCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accChildCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accDefaultAction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDefaultAction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accDescription() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDescription"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accFocus() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accFocus"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accHelp() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accHelp"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accKeyboardShortcut() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accKeyboardShortcut"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _IMsoOleAccDispObj::setAccName(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accName", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accParent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accParent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accRole() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accRole"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accSelection() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accSelection"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accState() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accState"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accValue() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accValue"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _IMsoOleAccDispObj::setAccValue(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accValue", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accChild(const QVariant& varChild) { IDispatch* qax_result = 0; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accDoDefaultAction() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline void _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); } inline int _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); return qax_result; } inline int _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&xLeft, (void*)&yTop}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); } inline void _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); } inline QVariant _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accNavigate(int navDir) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 25, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir, (void*)&varStart}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 26, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accSelect(int flagsSelect) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 29, _a); } inline void _IMsoOleAccDispObj::accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 30, _a); } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBars::ActionControl() const { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("ActionControl"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CommandBarControl**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::CommandBar* _CommandBars::ActiveMenuBar() const { Office::CommandBar* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("ActiveMenuBar"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CommandBar**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool _CommandBars::AdaptiveMenus() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AdaptiveMenus"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBars::SetAdaptiveMenus(bool value){ setProperty("AdaptiveMenus", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* _CommandBars::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _CommandBars::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _CommandBars::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool _CommandBars::DisableAskAQuestionDropdown() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DisableAskAQuestionDropdown"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBars::SetDisableAskAQuestionDropdown(bool value){ setProperty("DisableAskAQuestionDropdown", QVariant(value)); } inline bool _CommandBars::DisableCustomize() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DisableCustomize"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBars::SetDisableCustomize(bool value){ setProperty("DisableCustomize", QVariant(value)); } inline bool _CommandBars::DisplayFonts() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DisplayFonts"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBars::SetDisplayFonts(bool value){ setProperty("DisplayFonts", QVariant(value)); } inline bool _CommandBars::DisplayKeysInTooltips() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DisplayKeysInTooltips"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBars::SetDisplayKeysInTooltips(bool value){ setProperty("DisplayKeysInTooltips", QVariant(value)); } inline bool _CommandBars::DisplayTooltips() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DisplayTooltips"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBars::SetDisplayTooltips(bool value){ setProperty("DisplayTooltips", QVariant(value)); } inline bool _CommandBars::LargeButtons() const { QVariant qax_result = property("LargeButtons"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBars::SetLargeButtons(bool value){ setProperty("LargeButtons", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoMenuAnimation _CommandBars::MenuAnimationStyle() const { QVariant qax_result = property("MenuAnimationStyle"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoMenuAnimation*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBars::SetMenuAnimationStyle(Office::MsoMenuAnimation value){ setProperty("MenuAnimationStyle", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* _CommandBars::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* _CommandBars::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::CommandBar* _CommandBars::Add() { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* _CommandBars::Add(const QVariant& Name) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Name}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* _CommandBars::Add(const QVariant& Name, const QVariant& Position) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Name, (void*)&Position}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* _CommandBars::Add(const QVariant& Name, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Name, (void*)&Position, (void*)&MenuBar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* _CommandBars::Add(const QVariant& Name, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar, const QVariant& Temporary) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Name, (void*)&Position, (void*)&MenuBar, (void*)&Temporary}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* _CommandBars::AddEx() { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* _CommandBars::AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&TbidOrName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* _CommandBars::AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName, const QVariant& Position) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&TbidOrName, (void*)&Position}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* _CommandBars::AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&TbidOrName, (void*)&Position, (void*)&MenuBar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* _CommandBars::AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar, const QVariant& Temporary) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&TbidOrName, (void*)&Position, (void*)&MenuBar, (void*)&Temporary}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* _CommandBars::AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar, const QVariant& Temporary, const QVariant& TbtrProtection) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&TbidOrName, (void*)&Position, (void*)&MenuBar, (void*)&Temporary, (void*)&TbtrProtection}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBars::FindControl() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBars::FindControl(const QVariant& Type) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBars::FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 20, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBars::FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id, (void*)&Tag}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBars::FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag, const QVariant& Visible) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id, (void*)&Tag, (void*)&Visible}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControls* _CommandBars::FindControls() { Office::CommandBarControls* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 23, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControls* _CommandBars::FindControls(const QVariant& Type) { Office::CommandBarControls* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 24, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControls* _CommandBars::FindControls(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id) { Office::CommandBarControls* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 25, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControls* _CommandBars::FindControls(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag) { Office::CommandBarControls* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id, (void*)&Tag}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 26, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControls* _CommandBars::FindControls(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag, const QVariant& Visible) { Office::CommandBarControls* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id, (void*)&Tag, (void*)&Visible}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 27, _a); return qax_result; } inline int _CommandBars::IdsString(int ids, QString& pbstrName) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&ids, (void*)&pbstrName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 28, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* _CommandBars::Item(const QVariant& Index) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 29, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _CommandBars::ReleaseFocus() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 30, _a); } inline int _CommandBars::TmcGetName(int tmc, QString& pbstrName) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&tmc, (void*)&pbstrName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 39, _a); return qax_result; } inline bool CommandBar::AdaptiveMenu() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AdaptiveMenu"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBar::SetAdaptiveMenu(bool value){ setProperty("AdaptiveMenu", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* CommandBar::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBar::BuiltIn() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BuiltIn"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBar::Context() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Context"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBar::SetContext(const QString& value){ setProperty("Context", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::CommandBarControls* CommandBar::Controls() const { Office::CommandBarControls* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Controls"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CommandBarControls**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBar::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBar::Enabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Enabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBar::SetEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("Enabled", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBar::Height() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Height"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBar::SetHeight(int value){ setProperty("Height", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBar::Id() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Id"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBar::Index() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Index"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBar::InstanceId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("InstanceId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBar::Left() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Left"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBar::SetLeft(int value){ setProperty("Left", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBar::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBar::SetName(const QString& value){ setProperty("Name", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBar::NameLocal() const { QVariant qax_result = property("NameLocal"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBar::SetNameLocal(const QString& value){ setProperty("NameLocal", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* CommandBar::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoBarPosition CommandBar::Position() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Position"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoBarPosition*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBar::SetPosition(Office::MsoBarPosition value){ setProperty("Position", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoBarProtection CommandBar::Protection() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Protection"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoBarProtection*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBar::SetProtection(Office::MsoBarProtection value){ setProperty("Protection", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBar::RowIndex() const { QVariant qax_result = property("RowIndex"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBar::SetRowIndex(int value){ setProperty("RowIndex", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBar::Top() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Top"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBar::SetTop(int value){ setProperty("Top", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoBarType CommandBar::Type() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Type"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoBarType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBar::Visible() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Visible"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBar::SetVisible(bool value){ setProperty("Visible", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBar::Width() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Width"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBar::SetWidth(int value){ setProperty("Width", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBar::accChildCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accChildCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBar::accDefaultAction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDefaultAction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBar::accDescription() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDescription"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBar::accFocus() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accFocus"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBar::accHelp() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accHelp"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBar::accKeyboardShortcut() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accKeyboardShortcut"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBar::accName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBar::setAccName(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accName", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* CommandBar::accParent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accParent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBar::accRole() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accRole"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBar::accSelection() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accSelection"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBar::accState() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accState"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBar::accValue() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accValue"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBar::setAccValue(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accValue", QVariant(value)); } inline void CommandBar::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBar::FindControl() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBar::FindControl(const QVariant& Type) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBar::FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBar::FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id, (void*)&Tag}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBar::FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag, const QVariant& Visible) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id, (void*)&Tag, (void*)&Visible}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBar::FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag, const QVariant& Visible, const QVariant& Recursive) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id, (void*)&Tag, (void*)&Visible, (void*)&Recursive}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBar::Reset() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); } inline void CommandBar::ShowPopup() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 28, _a); } inline void CommandBar::ShowPopup(const QVariant& x) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&x}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 29, _a); } inline void CommandBar::ShowPopup(const QVariant& x, const QVariant& y) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&x, (void*)&y}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 30, _a); } inline IDispatch* CommandBar::accChild(const QVariant& varChild) { IDispatch* qax_result = 0; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 31, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBar::accDoDefaultAction() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 36, _a); } inline void CommandBar::accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 37, _a); } inline int CommandBar::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 40, _a); return qax_result; } inline int CommandBar::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 41, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant CommandBar::accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&xLeft, (void*)&yTop}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 42, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBar::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 45, _a); } inline void CommandBar::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 46, _a); } inline QVariant CommandBar::accNavigate(int navDir) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 49, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant CommandBar::accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir, (void*)&varStart}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 50, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBar::accSelect(int flagsSelect) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 53, _a); } inline void CommandBar::accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 54, _a); } inline IDispatch* CommandBarControls::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarControls::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarControls::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBarControls::Parent() const { Office::CommandBar* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CommandBar**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* CommandBarControls::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarControls::Add() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarControls::Add(const QVariant& Type) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarControls::Add(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarControls::Add(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Parameter) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id, (void*)&Parameter}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarControls::Add(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Parameter, const QVariant& Before) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id, (void*)&Parameter, (void*)&Before}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarControls::Add(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Parameter, const QVariant& Before, const QVariant& Temporary) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id, (void*)&Parameter, (void*)&Before, (void*)&Temporary}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarControls::Item(const QVariant& Index) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* CommandBarControl::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBarControl::BeginGroup() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BeginGroup"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarControl::SetBeginGroup(bool value){ setProperty("BeginGroup", QVariant(value)); } inline bool CommandBarControl::BuiltIn() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BuiltIn"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarControl::Caption() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Caption"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarControl::SetCaption(const QString& value){ setProperty("Caption", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* CommandBarControl::Control() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Control"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarControl::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarControl::DescriptionText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DescriptionText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarControl::SetDescriptionText(const QString& value){ setProperty("DescriptionText", QVariant(value)); } inline bool CommandBarControl::Enabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Enabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarControl::SetEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("Enabled", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarControl::Height() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Height"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarControl::SetHeight(int value){ setProperty("Height", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarControl::HelpContextId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HelpContextId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarControl::SetHelpContextId(int value){ setProperty("HelpContextId", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarControl::HelpFile() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HelpFile"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarControl::SetHelpFile(const QString& value){ setProperty("HelpFile", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarControl::Id() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Id"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarControl::Index() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Index"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarControl::InstanceId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("InstanceId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBarControl::IsPriorityDropped() const { QVariant qax_result = property("IsPriorityDropped"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarControl::Left() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Left"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoControlOLEUsage CommandBarControl::OLEUsage() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OLEUsage"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarControl::SetOLEUsage(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage value){ setProperty("OLEUsage", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarControl::OnAction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OnAction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarControl::SetOnAction(const QString& value){ setProperty("OnAction", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarControl::Parameter() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parameter"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarControl::SetParameter(const QString& value){ setProperty("Parameter", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBarControl::Parent() const { Office::CommandBar* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CommandBar**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarControl::Priority() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Priority"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarControl::SetPriority(int value){ setProperty("Priority", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarControl::Tag() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Tag"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarControl::SetTag(const QString& value){ setProperty("Tag", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarControl::TooltipText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("TooltipText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarControl::SetTooltipText(const QString& value){ setProperty("TooltipText", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarControl::Top() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Top"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoControlType CommandBarControl::Type() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Type"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoControlType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBarControl::Visible() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Visible"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarControl::SetVisible(bool value){ setProperty("Visible", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarControl::Width() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Width"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarControl::SetWidth(int value){ setProperty("Width", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarControl::accChildCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accChildCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarControl::accDefaultAction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDefaultAction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarControl::accDescription() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDescription"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarControl::accFocus() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accFocus"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarControl::accHelp() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accHelp"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarControl::accKeyboardShortcut() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accKeyboardShortcut"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarControl::accName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarControl::setAccName(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accName", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* CommandBarControl::accParent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accParent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarControl::accRole() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accRole"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarControl::accSelection() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accSelection"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarControl::accState() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accState"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarControl::accValue() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accValue"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarControl::setAccValue(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accValue", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarControl::Copy() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarControl::Copy(const QVariant& Bar) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarControl::Copy(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar, (void*)&Before}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarControl::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline void CommandBarControl::Delete(const QVariant& Temporary) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Temporary}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline void CommandBarControl::Execute() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarControl::Move() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarControl::Move(const QVariant& Bar) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarControl::Move(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar, (void*)&Before}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarControl::Reserved1() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); } inline void CommandBarControl::Reserved2() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); } inline void CommandBarControl::Reserved3() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); } inline void CommandBarControl::Reserved4() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); } inline void CommandBarControl::Reserved5() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 20, _a); } inline void CommandBarControl::Reserved6() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); } inline void CommandBarControl::Reserved7() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); } inline void CommandBarControl::Reset() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 23, _a); } inline void CommandBarControl::SetFocus() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 28, _a); } inline IDispatch* CommandBarControl::accChild(const QVariant& varChild) { IDispatch* qax_result = 0; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 40, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarControl::accDoDefaultAction() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 45, _a); } inline void CommandBarControl::accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 46, _a); } inline int CommandBarControl::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 49, _a); return qax_result; } inline int CommandBarControl::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 50, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant CommandBarControl::accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&xLeft, (void*)&yTop}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 51, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarControl::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 54, _a); } inline void CommandBarControl::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 55, _a); } inline QVariant CommandBarControl::accNavigate(int navDir) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 58, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant CommandBarControl::accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir, (void*)&varStart}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 59, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarControl::accSelect(int flagsSelect) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 62, _a); } inline void CommandBarControl::accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 63, _a); } inline IDispatch* _CommandBarButton::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool _CommandBarButton::BeginGroup() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BeginGroup"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetBeginGroup(bool value){ setProperty("BeginGroup", QVariant(value)); } inline bool _CommandBarButton::BuiltIn() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BuiltIn"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool _CommandBarButton::BuiltInFace() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BuiltInFace"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetBuiltInFace(bool value){ setProperty("BuiltInFace", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarButton::Caption() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Caption"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetCaption(const QString& value){ setProperty("Caption", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* _CommandBarButton::Control() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Control"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _CommandBarButton::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarButton::DescriptionText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DescriptionText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetDescriptionText(const QString& value){ setProperty("DescriptionText", QVariant(value)); } inline bool _CommandBarButton::Enabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Enabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("Enabled", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarButton::FaceId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("FaceId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetFaceId(int value){ setProperty("FaceId", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarButton::Height() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Height"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetHeight(int value){ setProperty("Height", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarButton::HelpContextId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HelpContextId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetHelpContextId(int value){ setProperty("HelpContextId", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarButton::HelpFile() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HelpFile"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetHelpFile(const QString& value){ setProperty("HelpFile", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType _CommandBarButton::HyperlinkType() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HyperlinkType"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetHyperlinkType(Office::MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType value){ setProperty("HyperlinkType", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarButton::Id() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Id"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _CommandBarButton::Index() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Index"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _CommandBarButton::InstanceId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("InstanceId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool _CommandBarButton::IsPriorityDropped() const { QVariant qax_result = property("IsPriorityDropped"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _CommandBarButton::Left() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Left"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QPixmap _CommandBarButton::Mask() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Mask"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QPixmap*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetMask(const QPixmap& value){ setProperty("Mask", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoControlOLEUsage _CommandBarButton::OLEUsage() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OLEUsage"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetOLEUsage(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage value){ setProperty("OLEUsage", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarButton::OnAction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OnAction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetOnAction(const QString& value){ setProperty("OnAction", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarButton::Parameter() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parameter"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetParameter(const QString& value){ setProperty("Parameter", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::CommandBar* _CommandBarButton::Parent() const { Office::CommandBar* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CommandBar**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QPixmap _CommandBarButton::Picture() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Picture"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QPixmap*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetPicture(const QPixmap& value){ setProperty("Picture", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarButton::Priority() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Priority"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetPriority(int value){ setProperty("Priority", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarButton::ShortcutText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ShortcutText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetShortcutText(const QString& value){ setProperty("ShortcutText", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoButtonState _CommandBarButton::State() const { QVariant qax_result = property("State"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoButtonState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetState(Office::MsoButtonState value){ setProperty("State", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoButtonStyle _CommandBarButton::Style() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Style"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoButtonStyle*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetStyle(Office::MsoButtonStyle value){ setProperty("Style", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarButton::Tag() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Tag"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetTag(const QString& value){ setProperty("Tag", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarButton::TooltipText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("TooltipText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetTooltipText(const QString& value){ setProperty("TooltipText", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarButton::Top() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Top"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoControlType _CommandBarButton::Type() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Type"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoControlType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool _CommandBarButton::Visible() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Visible"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetVisible(bool value){ setProperty("Visible", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarButton::Width() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Width"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetWidth(int value){ setProperty("Width", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarButton::accChildCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accChildCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarButton::accDefaultAction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDefaultAction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarButton::accDescription() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDescription"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarButton::accFocus() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accFocus"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarButton::accHelp() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accHelp"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarButton::accKeyboardShortcut() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accKeyboardShortcut"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarButton::accName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::setAccName(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accName", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* _CommandBarButton::accParent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accParent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarButton::accRole() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accRole"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarButton::accSelection() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accSelection"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarButton::accState() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accState"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarButton::accValue() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accValue"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarButton::setAccValue(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accValue", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarButton::Copy() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarButton::Copy(const QVariant& Bar) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarButton::Copy(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar, (void*)&Before}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _CommandBarButton::CopyFace() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline void _CommandBarButton::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline void _CommandBarButton::Delete(const QVariant& Temporary) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Temporary}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline void _CommandBarButton::Execute() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarButton::Move() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarButton::Move(const QVariant& Bar) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarButton::Move(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar, (void*)&Before}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _CommandBarButton::PasteFace() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); } inline void _CommandBarButton::Reserved1() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); } inline void _CommandBarButton::Reserved2() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); } inline void _CommandBarButton::Reserved3() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 20, _a); } inline void _CommandBarButton::Reserved4() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); } inline void _CommandBarButton::Reserved5() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); } inline void _CommandBarButton::Reserved6() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 23, _a); } inline void _CommandBarButton::Reserved7() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 24, _a); } inline void _CommandBarButton::Reset() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 25, _a); } inline void _CommandBarButton::SetFocus() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 32, _a); } inline IDispatch* _CommandBarButton::accChild(const QVariant& varChild) { IDispatch* qax_result = 0; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 50, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _CommandBarButton::accDoDefaultAction() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 55, _a); } inline void _CommandBarButton::accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 56, _a); } inline int _CommandBarButton::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 59, _a); return qax_result; } inline int _CommandBarButton::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 60, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant _CommandBarButton::accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&xLeft, (void*)&yTop}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 61, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _CommandBarButton::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 64, _a); } inline void _CommandBarButton::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 65, _a); } inline QVariant _CommandBarButton::accNavigate(int navDir) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 68, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant _CommandBarButton::accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir, (void*)&varStart}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 69, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _CommandBarButton::accSelect(int flagsSelect) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 72, _a); } inline void _CommandBarButton::accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 73, _a); } inline IDispatch* CommandBarPopup::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBarPopup::BeginGroup() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BeginGroup"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::SetBeginGroup(bool value){ setProperty("BeginGroup", QVariant(value)); } inline bool CommandBarPopup::BuiltIn() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BuiltIn"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarPopup::Caption() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Caption"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::SetCaption(const QString& value){ setProperty("Caption", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBarPopup::CommandBar() const { Office::CommandBar* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("CommandBar"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CommandBar**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* CommandBarPopup::Control() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Control"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::CommandBarControls* CommandBarPopup::Controls() const { Office::CommandBarControls* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Controls"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CommandBarControls**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarPopup::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarPopup::DescriptionText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DescriptionText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::SetDescriptionText(const QString& value){ setProperty("DescriptionText", QVariant(value)); } inline bool CommandBarPopup::Enabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Enabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::SetEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("Enabled", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarPopup::Height() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Height"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::SetHeight(int value){ setProperty("Height", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarPopup::HelpContextId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HelpContextId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::SetHelpContextId(int value){ setProperty("HelpContextId", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarPopup::HelpFile() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HelpFile"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::SetHelpFile(const QString& value){ setProperty("HelpFile", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarPopup::Id() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Id"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarPopup::Index() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Index"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarPopup::InstanceId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("InstanceId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBarPopup::IsPriorityDropped() const { QVariant qax_result = property("IsPriorityDropped"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarPopup::Left() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Left"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoOLEMenuGroup CommandBarPopup::OLEMenuGroup() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OLEMenuGroup"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoOLEMenuGroup*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::SetOLEMenuGroup(Office::MsoOLEMenuGroup value){ setProperty("OLEMenuGroup", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoControlOLEUsage CommandBarPopup::OLEUsage() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OLEUsage"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::SetOLEUsage(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage value){ setProperty("OLEUsage", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarPopup::OnAction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OnAction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::SetOnAction(const QString& value){ setProperty("OnAction", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarPopup::Parameter() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parameter"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::SetParameter(const QString& value){ setProperty("Parameter", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBarPopup::Parent() const { Office::CommandBar* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CommandBar**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarPopup::Priority() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Priority"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::SetPriority(int value){ setProperty("Priority", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarPopup::Tag() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Tag"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::SetTag(const QString& value){ setProperty("Tag", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarPopup::TooltipText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("TooltipText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::SetTooltipText(const QString& value){ setProperty("TooltipText", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarPopup::Top() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Top"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoControlType CommandBarPopup::Type() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Type"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoControlType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBarPopup::Visible() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Visible"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::SetVisible(bool value){ setProperty("Visible", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarPopup::Width() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Width"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::SetWidth(int value){ setProperty("Width", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarPopup::accChildCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accChildCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarPopup::accDefaultAction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDefaultAction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarPopup::accDescription() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDescription"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarPopup::accFocus() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accFocus"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarPopup::accHelp() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accHelp"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarPopup::accKeyboardShortcut() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accKeyboardShortcut"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarPopup::accName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::setAccName(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accName", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* CommandBarPopup::accParent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accParent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarPopup::accRole() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accRole"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarPopup::accSelection() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accSelection"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarPopup::accState() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accState"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarPopup::accValue() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accValue"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarPopup::setAccValue(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accValue", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarPopup::Copy() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarPopup::Copy(const QVariant& Bar) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarPopup::Copy(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar, (void*)&Before}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarPopup::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline void CommandBarPopup::Delete(const QVariant& Temporary) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Temporary}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline void CommandBarPopup::Execute() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarPopup::Move() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarPopup::Move(const QVariant& Bar) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarPopup::Move(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar, (void*)&Before}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarPopup::Reserved1() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); } inline void CommandBarPopup::Reserved2() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); } inline void CommandBarPopup::Reserved3() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); } inline void CommandBarPopup::Reserved4() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); } inline void CommandBarPopup::Reserved5() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 20, _a); } inline void CommandBarPopup::Reserved6() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); } inline void CommandBarPopup::Reserved7() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); } inline void CommandBarPopup::Reset() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 23, _a); } inline void CommandBarPopup::SetFocus() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 28, _a); } inline IDispatch* CommandBarPopup::accChild(const QVariant& varChild) { IDispatch* qax_result = 0; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 41, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarPopup::accDoDefaultAction() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 46, _a); } inline void CommandBarPopup::accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 47, _a); } inline int CommandBarPopup::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 50, _a); return qax_result; } inline int CommandBarPopup::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 51, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant CommandBarPopup::accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&xLeft, (void*)&yTop}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 52, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarPopup::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 55, _a); } inline void CommandBarPopup::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 56, _a); } inline QVariant CommandBarPopup::accNavigate(int navDir) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 59, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant CommandBarPopup::accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir, (void*)&varStart}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 60, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarPopup::accSelect(int flagsSelect) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 63, _a); } inline void CommandBarPopup::accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 64, _a); } inline IDispatch* _CommandBarComboBox::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool _CommandBarComboBox::BeginGroup() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BeginGroup"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetBeginGroup(bool value){ setProperty("BeginGroup", QVariant(value)); } inline bool _CommandBarComboBox::BuiltIn() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BuiltIn"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarComboBox::Caption() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Caption"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetCaption(const QString& value){ setProperty("Caption", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* _CommandBarComboBox::Control() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Control"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarComboBox::DescriptionText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DescriptionText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetDescriptionText(const QString& value){ setProperty("DescriptionText", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::DropDownLines() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DropDownLines"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetDropDownLines(int value){ setProperty("DropDownLines", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::DropDownWidth() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DropDownWidth"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetDropDownWidth(int value){ setProperty("DropDownWidth", QVariant(value)); } inline bool _CommandBarComboBox::Enabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Enabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("Enabled", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::Height() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Height"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetHeight(int value){ setProperty("Height", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::HelpContextId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HelpContextId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetHelpContextId(int value){ setProperty("HelpContextId", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarComboBox::HelpFile() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HelpFile"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetHelpFile(const QString& value){ setProperty("HelpFile", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::Id() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Id"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::Index() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Index"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::InstanceId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("InstanceId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool _CommandBarComboBox::IsPriorityDropped() const { QVariant qax_result = property("IsPriorityDropped"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::Left() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Left"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::ListCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ListCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::ListHeaderCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ListHeaderCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetListHeaderCount(int value){ setProperty("ListHeaderCount", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::ListIndex() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ListIndex"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetListIndex(int value){ setProperty("ListIndex", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoControlOLEUsage _CommandBarComboBox::OLEUsage() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OLEUsage"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetOLEUsage(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage value){ setProperty("OLEUsage", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarComboBox::OnAction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OnAction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetOnAction(const QString& value){ setProperty("OnAction", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarComboBox::Parameter() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parameter"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetParameter(const QString& value){ setProperty("Parameter", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::CommandBar* _CommandBarComboBox::Parent() const { Office::CommandBar* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CommandBar**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::Priority() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Priority"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetPriority(int value){ setProperty("Priority", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoComboStyle _CommandBarComboBox::Style() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Style"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoComboStyle*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetStyle(Office::MsoComboStyle value){ setProperty("Style", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarComboBox::Tag() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Tag"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetTag(const QString& value){ setProperty("Tag", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarComboBox::Text() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Text"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetText(const QString& value){ setProperty("Text", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarComboBox::TooltipText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("TooltipText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetTooltipText(const QString& value){ setProperty("TooltipText", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::Top() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Top"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoControlType _CommandBarComboBox::Type() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Type"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoControlType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool _CommandBarComboBox::Visible() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Visible"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetVisible(bool value){ setProperty("Visible", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::Width() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Width"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetWidth(int value){ setProperty("Width", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::accChildCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accChildCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarComboBox::accDefaultAction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDefaultAction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarComboBox::accDescription() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDescription"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarComboBox::accFocus() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accFocus"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarComboBox::accHelp() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accHelp"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarComboBox::accKeyboardShortcut() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accKeyboardShortcut"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarComboBox::accName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::setAccName(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accName", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* _CommandBarComboBox::accParent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accParent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarComboBox::accRole() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accRole"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarComboBox::accSelection() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accSelection"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarComboBox::accState() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accState"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarComboBox::accValue() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accValue"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::setAccValue(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accValue", QVariant(value)); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::AddItem(const QString& Text) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Text}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::AddItem(const QString& Text, const QVariant& Index) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Text, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::Clear() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarComboBox::Copy() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarComboBox::Copy(const QVariant& Bar) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarComboBox::Copy(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar, (void*)&Before}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::Delete(const QVariant& Temporary) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Temporary}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::Execute() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); } inline QString _CommandBarComboBox::List(int Index) { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarComboBox::Move() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarComboBox::Move(const QVariant& Bar) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarComboBox::Move(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar, (void*)&Before}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::RemoveItem(int Index) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 20, _a); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::Reserved1() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::Reserved2() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::Reserved3() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 23, _a); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::Reserved4() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 24, _a); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::Reserved5() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 25, _a); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::Reserved6() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 26, _a); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::Reserved7() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 27, _a); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::Reset() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 28, _a); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::SetFocus() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 35, _a); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::SetList(int Index, const QString& rhs) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index, (void*)&rhs}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 39, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* _CommandBarComboBox::accChild(const QVariant& varChild) { IDispatch* qax_result = 0; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 52, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::accDoDefaultAction() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 57, _a); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 58, _a); } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 61, _a); return qax_result; } inline int _CommandBarComboBox::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 62, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant _CommandBarComboBox::accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&xLeft, (void*)&yTop}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 63, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 66, _a); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 67, _a); } inline QVariant _CommandBarComboBox::accNavigate(int navDir) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 70, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant _CommandBarComboBox::accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir, (void*)&varStart}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 71, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::accSelect(int flagsSelect) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 74, _a); } inline void _CommandBarComboBox::accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 75, _a); } inline IDispatch* _CommandBarActiveX::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool _CommandBarActiveX::BeginGroup() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BeginGroup"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetBeginGroup(bool value){ setProperty("BeginGroup", QVariant(value)); } inline bool _CommandBarActiveX::BuiltIn() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BuiltIn"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarActiveX::Caption() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Caption"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetCaption(const QString& value){ setProperty("Caption", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* _CommandBarActiveX::Control() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Control"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarActiveX::ControlCLSID() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ControlCLSID"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetControlCLSID(const QString& value){ setProperty("ControlCLSID", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarActiveX::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarActiveX::DescriptionText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DescriptionText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetDescriptionText(const QString& value){ setProperty("DescriptionText", QVariant(value)); } inline bool _CommandBarActiveX::Enabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Enabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("Enabled", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarActiveX::Height() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Height"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetHeight(int value){ setProperty("Height", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarActiveX::HelpContextId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HelpContextId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetHelpContextId(int value){ setProperty("HelpContextId", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarActiveX::HelpFile() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HelpFile"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetHelpFile(const QString& value){ setProperty("HelpFile", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarActiveX::Id() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Id"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _CommandBarActiveX::Index() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Index"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* _CommandBarActiveX::InitWith() const { QVariant qax_result = property("InitWith"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetInitWith(IUnknown* value){ int typeId = qRegisterMetaType("IUnknown*", &value); setProperty("InitWith", QVariant(typeId, &value)); } inline int _CommandBarActiveX::InstanceId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("InstanceId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool _CommandBarActiveX::IsPriorityDropped() const { QVariant qax_result = property("IsPriorityDropped"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _CommandBarActiveX::Left() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Left"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoControlOLEUsage _CommandBarActiveX::OLEUsage() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OLEUsage"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetOLEUsage(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage value){ setProperty("OLEUsage", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarActiveX::OnAction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OnAction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetOnAction(const QString& value){ setProperty("OnAction", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarActiveX::Parameter() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parameter"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetParameter(const QString& value){ setProperty("Parameter", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::CommandBar* _CommandBarActiveX::Parent() const { Office::CommandBar* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CommandBar**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int _CommandBarActiveX::Priority() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Priority"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetPriority(int value){ setProperty("Priority", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarActiveX::Tag() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Tag"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetTag(const QString& value){ setProperty("Tag", QVariant(value)); } inline QString _CommandBarActiveX::TooltipText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("TooltipText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetTooltipText(const QString& value){ setProperty("TooltipText", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarActiveX::Top() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Top"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoControlType _CommandBarActiveX::Type() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Type"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoControlType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool _CommandBarActiveX::Visible() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Visible"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetVisible(bool value){ setProperty("Visible", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarActiveX::Width() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Width"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetWidth(int value){ setProperty("Width", QVariant(value)); } inline int _CommandBarActiveX::accChildCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accChildCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarActiveX::accDefaultAction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDefaultAction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarActiveX::accDescription() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDescription"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarActiveX::accFocus() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accFocus"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarActiveX::accHelp() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accHelp"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString _CommandBarActiveX::accKeyboardShortcut() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accKeyboardShortcut"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarActiveX::accName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::setAccName(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accName", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* _CommandBarActiveX::accParent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accParent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarActiveX::accRole() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accRole"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarActiveX::accSelection() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accSelection"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarActiveX::accState() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accState"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant _CommandBarActiveX::accValue() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accValue"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::setAccValue(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accValue", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarActiveX::Copy() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarActiveX::Copy(const QVariant& Bar) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarActiveX::Copy(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar, (void*)&Before}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::Delete(const QVariant& Temporary) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Temporary}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::EnsureControl() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::Execute() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarActiveX::Move() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarActiveX::Move(const QVariant& Bar) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* _CommandBarActiveX::Move(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar, (void*)&Before}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); return qax_result; } inline IUnknown* _CommandBarActiveX::QueryControlInterface(const QString& bstrIid) { IUnknown* qax_result = 0; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&bstrIid}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::Reserved1() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::Reserved2() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::Reserved3() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 20, _a); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::Reserved4() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::Reserved5() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::Reserved6() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 23, _a); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::Reserved7() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 24, _a); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::Reset() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 25, _a); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetFocus() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 31, _a); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::SetInnerObjectFactory(IUnknown* pUnk) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pUnk}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 36, _a); } inline IDispatch* _CommandBarActiveX::accChild(const QVariant& varChild) { IDispatch* qax_result = 0; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 45, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::accDoDefaultAction() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 50, _a); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 51, _a); } inline int _CommandBarActiveX::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 54, _a); return qax_result; } inline int _CommandBarActiveX::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 55, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant _CommandBarActiveX::accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&xLeft, (void*)&yTop}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 56, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 59, _a); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 60, _a); } inline QVariant _CommandBarActiveX::accNavigate(int navDir) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 63, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant _CommandBarActiveX::accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir, (void*)&varStart}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 64, _a); return qax_result; } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::accSelect(int flagsSelect) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 67, _a); } inline void _CommandBarActiveX::accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 68, _a); } inline IDispatch* Adjustments::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int Adjustments::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int Adjustments::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* Adjustments::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline double Adjustments::Item(int Index) { double qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline int Adjustments::SetItem(int Index, double rhs) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index, (void*)&rhs}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::MsoTriState CalloutFormat::Accent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Accent"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CalloutFormat::SetAccent(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("Accent", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoCalloutAngleType CalloutFormat::Angle() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Angle"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoCalloutAngleType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CalloutFormat::SetAngle(Office::MsoCalloutAngleType value){ setProperty("Angle", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* CalloutFormat::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState CalloutFormat::AutoAttach() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AutoAttach"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CalloutFormat::SetAutoAttach(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("AutoAttach", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoTriState CalloutFormat::AutoLength() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AutoLength"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState CalloutFormat::Border() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Border"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CalloutFormat::SetBorder(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("Border", QVariant(value)); } inline int CalloutFormat::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline double CalloutFormat::Drop() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Drop"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoCalloutDropType CalloutFormat::DropType() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DropType"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoCalloutDropType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline double CalloutFormat::Gap() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Gap"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CalloutFormat::SetGap(double value){ setProperty("Gap", QVariant(value)); } inline double CalloutFormat::Length() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Length"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* CalloutFormat::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoCalloutType CalloutFormat::Type() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Type"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoCalloutType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CalloutFormat::SetType(Office::MsoCalloutType value){ setProperty("Type", QVariant(value)); } inline void CalloutFormat::AutomaticLength() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void CalloutFormat::CustomDrop(double Drop) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Drop}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void CalloutFormat::CustomLength(double Length) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Length}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void CalloutFormat::PresetDrop(Office::MsoCalloutDropType DropType) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&DropType}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline IDispatch* ColorFormat::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ColorFormat::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* ColorFormat::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ColorFormat::RGB() const { QVariant qax_result = property("RGB"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ColorFormat::SetRGB(int value){ setProperty("RGB", QVariant(value)); } inline int ColorFormat::SchemeColor() const { QVariant qax_result = property("SchemeColor"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ColorFormat::SetSchemeColor(int value){ setProperty("SchemeColor", QVariant(value)); } inline double ColorFormat::TintAndShade() const { QVariant qax_result = property("TintAndShade"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ColorFormat::SetTintAndShade(double value){ setProperty("TintAndShade", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoColorType ColorFormat::Type() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Type"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoColorType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* ConnectorFormat::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState ConnectorFormat::BeginConnected() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BeginConnected"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::Shape* ConnectorFormat::BeginConnectedShape() const { Office::Shape* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("BeginConnectedShape"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::Shape**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ConnectorFormat::BeginConnectionSite() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BeginConnectionSite"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ConnectorFormat::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState ConnectorFormat::EndConnected() const { QVariant qax_result = property("EndConnected"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::Shape* ConnectorFormat::EndConnectedShape() const { Office::Shape* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("EndConnectedShape"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::Shape**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ConnectorFormat::EndConnectionSite() const { QVariant qax_result = property("EndConnectionSite"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* ConnectorFormat::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoConnectorType ConnectorFormat::Type() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Type"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoConnectorType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ConnectorFormat::SetType(Office::MsoConnectorType value){ setProperty("Type", QVariant(value)); } inline void ConnectorFormat::BeginConnect(Office::Shape* ConnectedShape, int ConnectionSite) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&ConnectedShape, (void*)&ConnectionSite}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void ConnectorFormat::BeginDisconnect() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void ConnectorFormat::EndConnect(Office::Shape* ConnectedShape, int ConnectionSite) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&ConnectedShape, (void*)&ConnectionSite}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void ConnectorFormat::EndDisconnect() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline IDispatch* FillFormat::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::ColorFormat* FillFormat::BackColor() const { Office::ColorFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ColorFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("ColorFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("BackColor"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::ColorFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FillFormat::SetBackColor(Office::ColorFormat* value){ int typeId = qRegisterMetaType("Office::ColorFormat*", &value); setProperty("BackColor", QVariant(typeId, &value)); } inline int FillFormat::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::ColorFormat* FillFormat::ForeColor() const { Office::ColorFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ColorFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("ColorFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("ForeColor"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::ColorFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FillFormat::SetForeColor(Office::ColorFormat* value){ int typeId = qRegisterMetaType("Office::ColorFormat*", &value); setProperty("ForeColor", QVariant(typeId, &value)); } inline Office::MsoGradientColorType FillFormat::GradientColorType() const { QVariant qax_result = property("GradientColorType"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoGradientColorType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline double FillFormat::GradientDegree() const { QVariant qax_result = property("GradientDegree"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoGradientStyle FillFormat::GradientStyle() const { QVariant qax_result = property("GradientStyle"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoGradientStyle*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int FillFormat::GradientVariant() const { QVariant qax_result = property("GradientVariant"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* FillFormat::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoPatternType FillFormat::Pattern() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Pattern"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoPatternType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoPresetGradientType FillFormat::PresetGradientType() const { QVariant qax_result = property("PresetGradientType"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoPresetGradientType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoPresetTexture FillFormat::PresetTexture() const { QVariant qax_result = property("PresetTexture"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoPresetTexture*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString FillFormat::TextureName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("TextureName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTextureType FillFormat::TextureType() const { QVariant qax_result = property("TextureType"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTextureType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline double FillFormat::Transparency() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Transparency"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FillFormat::SetTransparency(double value){ setProperty("Transparency", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoFillType FillFormat::Type() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Type"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoFillType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState FillFormat::Visible() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Visible"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FillFormat::SetVisible(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("Visible", QVariant(value)); } inline void FillFormat::Background() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void FillFormat::OneColorGradient(Office::MsoGradientStyle Style, int Variant, double Degree) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Style, (void*)&Variant, (void*)&Degree}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void FillFormat::Patterned(Office::MsoPatternType Pattern) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Pattern}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void FillFormat::PresetGradient(Office::MsoGradientStyle Style, int Variant, Office::MsoPresetGradientType PresetGradientType) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Style, (void*)&Variant, (void*)&PresetGradientType}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline void FillFormat::PresetTextured(Office::MsoPresetTexture PresetTexture) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&PresetTexture}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline void FillFormat::Solid() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); } inline void FillFormat::TwoColorGradient(Office::MsoGradientStyle Style, int Variant) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Style, (void*)&Variant}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); } inline void FillFormat::UserPicture(const QString& PictureFile) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&PictureFile}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); } inline void FillFormat::UserTextured(const QString& TextureFile) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&TextureFile}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); } inline IDispatch* FreeformBuilder::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int FreeformBuilder::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* FreeformBuilder::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FreeformBuilder::AddNodes(Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&SegmentType, (void*)&EditingType, (void*)&X1, (void*)&Y1}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void FreeformBuilder::AddNodes(Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1, double X2) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&SegmentType, (void*)&EditingType, (void*)&X1, (void*)&Y1, (void*)&X2}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void FreeformBuilder::AddNodes(Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&SegmentType, (void*)&EditingType, (void*)&X1, (void*)&Y1, (void*)&X2, (void*)&Y2}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void FreeformBuilder::AddNodes(Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2, double X3) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&SegmentType, (void*)&EditingType, (void*)&X1, (void*)&Y1, (void*)&X2, (void*)&Y2, (void*)&X3}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline void FreeformBuilder::AddNodes(Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2, double X3, double Y3) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&SegmentType, (void*)&EditingType, (void*)&X1, (void*)&Y1, (void*)&X2, (void*)&Y2, (void*)&X3, (void*)&Y3}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline Office::Shape* FreeformBuilder::ConvertToShape() { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* GroupShapes::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int GroupShapes::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int GroupShapes::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* GroupShapes::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* GroupShapes::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::Shape* GroupShapes::Item(const QVariant& Index) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::ShapeRange* GroupShapes::Range(const QVariant& Index) { Office::ShapeRange* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ShapeRange*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("ShapeRange", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* LineFormat::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::ColorFormat* LineFormat::BackColor() const { Office::ColorFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ColorFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("ColorFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("BackColor"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::ColorFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void LineFormat::SetBackColor(Office::ColorFormat* value){ int typeId = qRegisterMetaType("Office::ColorFormat*", &value); setProperty("BackColor", QVariant(typeId, &value)); } inline Office::MsoArrowheadLength LineFormat::BeginArrowheadLength() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BeginArrowheadLength"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoArrowheadLength*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void LineFormat::SetBeginArrowheadLength(Office::MsoArrowheadLength value){ setProperty("BeginArrowheadLength", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoArrowheadStyle LineFormat::BeginArrowheadStyle() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BeginArrowheadStyle"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoArrowheadStyle*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void LineFormat::SetBeginArrowheadStyle(Office::MsoArrowheadStyle value){ setProperty("BeginArrowheadStyle", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoArrowheadWidth LineFormat::BeginArrowheadWidth() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BeginArrowheadWidth"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoArrowheadWidth*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void LineFormat::SetBeginArrowheadWidth(Office::MsoArrowheadWidth value){ setProperty("BeginArrowheadWidth", QVariant(value)); } inline int LineFormat::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoLineDashStyle LineFormat::DashStyle() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DashStyle"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoLineDashStyle*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void LineFormat::SetDashStyle(Office::MsoLineDashStyle value){ setProperty("DashStyle", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoArrowheadLength LineFormat::EndArrowheadLength() const { QVariant qax_result = property("EndArrowheadLength"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoArrowheadLength*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void LineFormat::SetEndArrowheadLength(Office::MsoArrowheadLength value){ setProperty("EndArrowheadLength", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoArrowheadStyle LineFormat::EndArrowheadStyle() const { QVariant qax_result = property("EndArrowheadStyle"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoArrowheadStyle*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void LineFormat::SetEndArrowheadStyle(Office::MsoArrowheadStyle value){ setProperty("EndArrowheadStyle", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoArrowheadWidth LineFormat::EndArrowheadWidth() const { QVariant qax_result = property("EndArrowheadWidth"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoArrowheadWidth*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void LineFormat::SetEndArrowheadWidth(Office::MsoArrowheadWidth value){ setProperty("EndArrowheadWidth", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::ColorFormat* LineFormat::ForeColor() const { Office::ColorFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ColorFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("ColorFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("ForeColor"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::ColorFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void LineFormat::SetForeColor(Office::ColorFormat* value){ int typeId = qRegisterMetaType("Office::ColorFormat*", &value); setProperty("ForeColor", QVariant(typeId, &value)); } inline Office::MsoTriState LineFormat::InsetPen() const { QVariant qax_result = property("InsetPen"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void LineFormat::SetInsetPen(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("InsetPen", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* LineFormat::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoPatternType LineFormat::Pattern() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Pattern"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoPatternType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void LineFormat::SetPattern(Office::MsoPatternType value){ setProperty("Pattern", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoLineStyle LineFormat::Style() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Style"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoLineStyle*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void LineFormat::SetStyle(Office::MsoLineStyle value){ setProperty("Style", QVariant(value)); } inline double LineFormat::Transparency() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Transparency"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void LineFormat::SetTransparency(double value){ setProperty("Transparency", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoTriState LineFormat::Visible() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Visible"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void LineFormat::SetVisible(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("Visible", QVariant(value)); } inline double LineFormat::Weight() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Weight"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void LineFormat::SetWeight(double value){ setProperty("Weight", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* ShapeNode::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ShapeNode::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoEditingType ShapeNode::EditingType() const { QVariant qax_result = property("EditingType"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoEditingType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* ShapeNode::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant ShapeNode::Points() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Points"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoSegmentType ShapeNode::SegmentType() const { QVariant qax_result = property("SegmentType"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoSegmentType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* ShapeNodes::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ShapeNodes::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ShapeNodes::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* ShapeNodes::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* ShapeNodes::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShapeNodes::Delete(int Index) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void ShapeNodes::Insert(int Index, Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Index, (void*)&SegmentType, (void*)&EditingType, (void*)&X1, (void*)&Y1}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void ShapeNodes::Insert(int Index, Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1, double X2) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Index, (void*)&SegmentType, (void*)&EditingType, (void*)&X1, (void*)&Y1, (void*)&X2}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void ShapeNodes::Insert(int Index, Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Index, (void*)&SegmentType, (void*)&EditingType, (void*)&X1, (void*)&Y1, (void*)&X2, (void*)&Y2}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline void ShapeNodes::Insert(int Index, Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2, double X3) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Index, (void*)&SegmentType, (void*)&EditingType, (void*)&X1, (void*)&Y1, (void*)&X2, (void*)&Y2, (void*)&X3}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline void ShapeNodes::Insert(int Index, Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2, double X3, double Y3) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Index, (void*)&SegmentType, (void*)&EditingType, (void*)&X1, (void*)&Y1, (void*)&X2, (void*)&Y2, (void*)&X3, (void*)&Y3}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline Office::ShapeNode* ShapeNodes::Item(const QVariant& Index) { Office::ShapeNode* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ShapeNode*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("ShapeNode", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ShapeNodes::SetEditingType(int Index, Office::MsoEditingType EditingType) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Index, (void*)&EditingType}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); } inline void ShapeNodes::SetPosition(int Index, double X1, double Y1) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Index, (void*)&X1, (void*)&Y1}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); } inline void ShapeNodes::SetSegmentType(int Index, Office::MsoSegmentType SegmentType) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Index, (void*)&SegmentType}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); } inline IDispatch* PictureFormat::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline double PictureFormat::Brightness() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Brightness"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void PictureFormat::SetBrightness(double value){ setProperty("Brightness", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoPictureColorType PictureFormat::ColorType() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ColorType"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoPictureColorType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void PictureFormat::SetColorType(Office::MsoPictureColorType value){ setProperty("ColorType", QVariant(value)); } inline double PictureFormat::Contrast() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Contrast"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void PictureFormat::SetContrast(double value){ setProperty("Contrast", QVariant(value)); } inline int PictureFormat::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline double PictureFormat::CropBottom() const { QVariant qax_result = property("CropBottom"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void PictureFormat::SetCropBottom(double value){ setProperty("CropBottom", QVariant(value)); } inline double PictureFormat::CropLeft() const { QVariant qax_result = property("CropLeft"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void PictureFormat::SetCropLeft(double value){ setProperty("CropLeft", QVariant(value)); } inline double PictureFormat::CropRight() const { QVariant qax_result = property("CropRight"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void PictureFormat::SetCropRight(double value){ setProperty("CropRight", QVariant(value)); } inline double PictureFormat::CropTop() const { QVariant qax_result = property("CropTop"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void PictureFormat::SetCropTop(double value){ setProperty("CropTop", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* PictureFormat::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int PictureFormat::TransparencyColor() const { QVariant qax_result = property("TransparencyColor"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void PictureFormat::SetTransparencyColor(int value){ setProperty("TransparencyColor", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoTriState PictureFormat::TransparentBackground() const { QVariant qax_result = property("TransparentBackground"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void PictureFormat::SetTransparentBackground(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("TransparentBackground", QVariant(value)); } inline void PictureFormat::IncrementBrightness(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void PictureFormat::IncrementContrast(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline IDispatch* ShadowFormat::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ShadowFormat::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::ColorFormat* ShadowFormat::ForeColor() const { Office::ColorFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ColorFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("ColorFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("ForeColor"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::ColorFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShadowFormat::SetForeColor(Office::ColorFormat* value){ int typeId = qRegisterMetaType("Office::ColorFormat*", &value); setProperty("ForeColor", QVariant(typeId, &value)); } inline Office::MsoTriState ShadowFormat::Obscured() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Obscured"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShadowFormat::SetObscured(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("Obscured", QVariant(value)); } inline double ShadowFormat::OffsetX() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OffsetX"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShadowFormat::SetOffsetX(double value){ setProperty("OffsetX", QVariant(value)); } inline double ShadowFormat::OffsetY() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OffsetY"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShadowFormat::SetOffsetY(double value){ setProperty("OffsetY", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* ShadowFormat::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline double ShadowFormat::Transparency() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Transparency"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShadowFormat::SetTransparency(double value){ setProperty("Transparency", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoShadowType ShadowFormat::Type() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Type"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoShadowType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShadowFormat::SetType(Office::MsoShadowType value){ setProperty("Type", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoTriState ShadowFormat::Visible() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Visible"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShadowFormat::SetVisible(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("Visible", QVariant(value)); } inline void ShadowFormat::IncrementOffsetX(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void ShadowFormat::IncrementOffsetY(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline IDispatch* Script::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int Script::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString Script::Extended() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Extended"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Script::SetExtended(const QString& value){ setProperty("Extended", QVariant(value)); } inline QString Script::Id() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Id"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Script::SetId(const QString& value){ setProperty("Id", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoScriptLanguage Script::Language() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Language"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoScriptLanguage*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Script::SetLanguage(Office::MsoScriptLanguage value){ setProperty("Language", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoScriptLocation Script::Location() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Location"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoScriptLocation*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* Script::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString Script::ScriptText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ScriptText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Script::SetScriptText(const QString& value){ setProperty("ScriptText", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* Script::Shape() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Shape"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Script::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline IDispatch* Scripts::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int Scripts::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int Scripts::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* Scripts::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* Scripts::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::Script* Scripts::Add() { Office::Script* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Script*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Script", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Script* Scripts::Add(IDispatch* Anchor) { Office::Script* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Script*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Script", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Anchor}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Script* Scripts::Add(IDispatch* Anchor, Office::MsoScriptLocation Location) { Office::Script* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Script*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Script", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Anchor, (void*)&Location}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Script* Scripts::Add(IDispatch* Anchor, Office::MsoScriptLocation Location, Office::MsoScriptLanguage Language) { Office::Script* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Script*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Script", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Anchor, (void*)&Location, (void*)&Language}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Script* Scripts::Add(IDispatch* Anchor, Office::MsoScriptLocation Location, Office::MsoScriptLanguage Language, const QString& Id) { Office::Script* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Script*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Script", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Anchor, (void*)&Location, (void*)&Language, (void*)&Id}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Script* Scripts::Add(IDispatch* Anchor, Office::MsoScriptLocation Location, Office::MsoScriptLanguage Language, const QString& Id, const QString& Extended) { Office::Script* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Script*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Script", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Anchor, (void*)&Location, (void*)&Language, (void*)&Id, (void*)&Extended}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Script* Scripts::Add(IDispatch* Anchor, Office::MsoScriptLocation Location, Office::MsoScriptLanguage Language, const QString& Id, const QString& Extended, const QString& ScriptText) { Office::Script* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Script*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Script", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Anchor, (void*)&Location, (void*)&Language, (void*)&Id, (void*)&Extended, (void*)&ScriptText}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); return qax_result; } inline void Scripts::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); } inline Office::Script* Scripts::Item(const QVariant& Index) { Office::Script* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Script*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Script", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Adjustments* Shape::Adjustments() const { Office::Adjustments* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Adjustments*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("Adjustments", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Adjustments"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::Adjustments**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString Shape::AlternativeText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AlternativeText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Shape::SetAlternativeText(const QString& value){ setProperty("AlternativeText", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* Shape::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoAutoShapeType Shape::AutoShapeType() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AutoShapeType"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoAutoShapeType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Shape::SetAutoShapeType(Office::MsoAutoShapeType value){ setProperty("AutoShapeType", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoBlackWhiteMode Shape::BlackWhiteMode() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BlackWhiteMode"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoBlackWhiteMode*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Shape::SetBlackWhiteMode(Office::MsoBlackWhiteMode value){ setProperty("BlackWhiteMode", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::CalloutFormat* Shape::Callout() const { Office::CalloutFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CalloutFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CalloutFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Callout"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CalloutFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::CanvasShapes* Shape::CanvasItems() const { Office::CanvasShapes* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CanvasShapes*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CanvasShapes", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("CanvasItems"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CanvasShapes**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState Shape::Child() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Child"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int Shape::ConnectionSiteCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ConnectionSiteCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState Shape::Connector() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Connector"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::ConnectorFormat* Shape::ConnectorFormat() const { Office::ConnectorFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ConnectorFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("ConnectorFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("ConnectorFormat"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::ConnectorFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int Shape::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::IMsoDiagram* Shape::Diagram() const { Office::IMsoDiagram* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("IMsoDiagram*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("IMsoDiagram", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Diagram"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::IMsoDiagram**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::DiagramNode* Shape::DiagramNode() const { Office::DiagramNode* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("DiagramNode"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::DiagramNode**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::FillFormat* Shape::Fill() const { Office::FillFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("FillFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("FillFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Fill"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::FillFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::GroupShapes* Shape::GroupItems() const { Office::GroupShapes* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("GroupShapes*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("GroupShapes", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("GroupItems"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::GroupShapes**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState Shape::HasDiagram() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HasDiagram"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState Shape::HasDiagramNode() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HasDiagramNode"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline double Shape::Height() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Height"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Shape::SetHeight(double value){ setProperty("Height", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoTriState Shape::HorizontalFlip() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HorizontalFlip"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int Shape::Id() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Id"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline double Shape::Left() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Left"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Shape::SetLeft(double value){ setProperty("Left", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::LineFormat* Shape::Line() const { Office::LineFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("LineFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("LineFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Line"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::LineFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState Shape::LockAspectRatio() const { QVariant qax_result = property("LockAspectRatio"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Shape::SetLockAspectRatio(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("LockAspectRatio", QVariant(value)); } inline QString Shape::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Shape::SetName(const QString& value){ setProperty("Name", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::ShapeNodes* Shape::Nodes() const { Office::ShapeNodes* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ShapeNodes*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("ShapeNodes", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Nodes"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::ShapeNodes**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* Shape::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::Shape* Shape::ParentGroup() const { Office::Shape* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("ParentGroup"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::Shape**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::PictureFormat* Shape::PictureFormat() const { Office::PictureFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("PictureFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("PictureFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("PictureFormat"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::PictureFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString Shape::RTF() const { QVariant qax_result = property("RTF"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Shape::SetRTF(const QString& value){ setProperty("RTF", QVariant(value)); } inline double Shape::Rotation() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Rotation"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Shape::SetRotation(double value){ setProperty("Rotation", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::Script* Shape::Script() const { Office::Script* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Script*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("Script", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Script"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::Script**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::ShadowFormat* Shape::Shadow() const { Office::ShadowFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ShadowFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("ShadowFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Shadow"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::ShadowFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::TextEffectFormat* Shape::TextEffect() const { Office::TextEffectFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("TextEffectFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("TextEffectFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("TextEffect"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::TextEffectFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::TextFrame* Shape::TextFrame() const { Office::TextFrame* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("TextFrame*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("TextFrame", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("TextFrame"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::TextFrame**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::ThreeDFormat* Shape::ThreeD() const { Office::ThreeDFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ThreeDFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("ThreeDFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("ThreeD"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::ThreeDFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline double Shape::Top() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Top"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Shape::SetTop(double value){ setProperty("Top", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoShapeType Shape::Type() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Type"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoShapeType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState Shape::VerticalFlip() const { QVariant qax_result = property("VerticalFlip"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant Shape::Vertices() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Vertices"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState Shape::Visible() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Visible"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Shape::SetVisible(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("Visible", QVariant(value)); } inline double Shape::Width() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Width"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Shape::SetWidth(double value){ setProperty("Width", QVariant(value)); } inline int Shape::ZOrderPosition() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ZOrderPosition"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Shape::Apply() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void Shape::CanvasCropBottom(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void Shape::CanvasCropLeft(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void Shape::CanvasCropRight(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline void Shape::CanvasCropTop(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline void Shape::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline Office::Shape* Shape::Duplicate() { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); return qax_result; } inline void Shape::Flip(Office::MsoFlipCmd FlipCmd) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&FlipCmd}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); } inline void Shape::IncrementLeft(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); } inline void Shape::IncrementRotation(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); } inline void Shape::IncrementTop(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); } inline void Shape::PickUp() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); } inline void Shape::RerouteConnections() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); } inline void Shape::ScaleHeight(double Factor, Office::MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Factor, (void*)&RelativeToOriginalSize}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 20, _a); } inline void Shape::ScaleHeight(double Factor, Office::MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize, Office::MsoScaleFrom fScale) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Factor, (void*)&RelativeToOriginalSize, (void*)&fScale}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); } inline void Shape::ScaleWidth(double Factor, Office::MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Factor, (void*)&RelativeToOriginalSize}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); } inline void Shape::ScaleWidth(double Factor, Office::MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize, Office::MsoScaleFrom fScale) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Factor, (void*)&RelativeToOriginalSize, (void*)&fScale}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 23, _a); } inline void Shape::Select() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 24, _a); } inline void Shape::Select(const QVariant& Replace) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Replace}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 25, _a); } inline void Shape::SetShapesDefaultProperties() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 35, _a); } inline Office::ShapeRange* Shape::Ungroup() { Office::ShapeRange* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ShapeRange*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("ShapeRange", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 39, _a); return qax_result; } inline void Shape::ZOrder(Office::MsoZOrderCmd ZOrderCmd) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&ZOrderCmd}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 40, _a); } inline Office::Adjustments* ShapeRange::Adjustments() const { Office::Adjustments* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Adjustments*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("Adjustments", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Adjustments"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::Adjustments**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString ShapeRange::AlternativeText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AlternativeText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShapeRange::SetAlternativeText(const QString& value){ setProperty("AlternativeText", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* ShapeRange::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoAutoShapeType ShapeRange::AutoShapeType() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AutoShapeType"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoAutoShapeType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShapeRange::SetAutoShapeType(Office::MsoAutoShapeType value){ setProperty("AutoShapeType", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoBlackWhiteMode ShapeRange::BlackWhiteMode() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BlackWhiteMode"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoBlackWhiteMode*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShapeRange::SetBlackWhiteMode(Office::MsoBlackWhiteMode value){ setProperty("BlackWhiteMode", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::CalloutFormat* ShapeRange::Callout() const { Office::CalloutFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CalloutFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CalloutFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Callout"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CalloutFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::CanvasShapes* ShapeRange::CanvasItems() const { Office::CanvasShapes* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CanvasShapes*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CanvasShapes", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("CanvasItems"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CanvasShapes**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState ShapeRange::Child() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Child"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ShapeRange::ConnectionSiteCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ConnectionSiteCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState ShapeRange::Connector() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Connector"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::ConnectorFormat* ShapeRange::ConnectorFormat() const { Office::ConnectorFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ConnectorFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("ConnectorFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("ConnectorFormat"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::ConnectorFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ShapeRange::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ShapeRange::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::IMsoDiagram* ShapeRange::Diagram() const { Office::IMsoDiagram* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("IMsoDiagram*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("IMsoDiagram", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Diagram"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::IMsoDiagram**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::DiagramNode* ShapeRange::DiagramNode() const { Office::DiagramNode* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("DiagramNode"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::DiagramNode**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::FillFormat* ShapeRange::Fill() const { Office::FillFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("FillFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("FillFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Fill"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::FillFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::GroupShapes* ShapeRange::GroupItems() const { Office::GroupShapes* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("GroupShapes*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("GroupShapes", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("GroupItems"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::GroupShapes**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState ShapeRange::HasDiagram() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HasDiagram"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState ShapeRange::HasDiagramNode() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HasDiagramNode"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline double ShapeRange::Height() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Height"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShapeRange::SetHeight(double value){ setProperty("Height", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoTriState ShapeRange::HorizontalFlip() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HorizontalFlip"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ShapeRange::Id() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Id"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline double ShapeRange::Left() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Left"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShapeRange::SetLeft(double value){ setProperty("Left", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::LineFormat* ShapeRange::Line() const { Office::LineFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("LineFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("LineFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Line"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::LineFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState ShapeRange::LockAspectRatio() const { QVariant qax_result = property("LockAspectRatio"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShapeRange::SetLockAspectRatio(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("LockAspectRatio", QVariant(value)); } inline QString ShapeRange::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShapeRange::SetName(const QString& value){ setProperty("Name", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::ShapeNodes* ShapeRange::Nodes() const { Office::ShapeNodes* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ShapeNodes*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("ShapeNodes", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Nodes"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::ShapeNodes**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* ShapeRange::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::Shape* ShapeRange::ParentGroup() const { Office::Shape* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("ParentGroup"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::Shape**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::PictureFormat* ShapeRange::PictureFormat() const { Office::PictureFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("PictureFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("PictureFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("PictureFormat"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::PictureFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString ShapeRange::RTF() const { QVariant qax_result = property("RTF"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShapeRange::SetRTF(const QString& value){ setProperty("RTF", QVariant(value)); } inline double ShapeRange::Rotation() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Rotation"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShapeRange::SetRotation(double value){ setProperty("Rotation", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::Script* ShapeRange::Script() const { Office::Script* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Script*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("Script", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Script"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::Script**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::ShadowFormat* ShapeRange::Shadow() const { Office::ShadowFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ShadowFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("ShadowFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Shadow"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::ShadowFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::TextEffectFormat* ShapeRange::TextEffect() const { Office::TextEffectFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("TextEffectFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("TextEffectFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("TextEffect"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::TextEffectFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::TextFrame* ShapeRange::TextFrame() const { Office::TextFrame* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("TextFrame*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("TextFrame", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("TextFrame"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::TextFrame**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::ThreeDFormat* ShapeRange::ThreeD() const { Office::ThreeDFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ThreeDFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("ThreeDFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("ThreeD"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::ThreeDFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline double ShapeRange::Top() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Top"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShapeRange::SetTop(double value){ setProperty("Top", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoShapeType ShapeRange::Type() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Type"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoShapeType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState ShapeRange::VerticalFlip() const { QVariant qax_result = property("VerticalFlip"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant ShapeRange::Vertices() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Vertices"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState ShapeRange::Visible() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Visible"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShapeRange::SetVisible(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("Visible", QVariant(value)); } inline double ShapeRange::Width() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Width"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShapeRange::SetWidth(double value){ setProperty("Width", QVariant(value)); } inline int ShapeRange::ZOrderPosition() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ZOrderPosition"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* ShapeRange::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ShapeRange::Align(Office::MsoAlignCmd AlignCmd, Office::MsoTriState RelativeTo) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&AlignCmd, (void*)&RelativeTo}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void ShapeRange::Apply() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void ShapeRange::CanvasCropBottom(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void ShapeRange::CanvasCropLeft(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline void ShapeRange::CanvasCropRight(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline void ShapeRange::CanvasCropTop(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline void ShapeRange::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); } inline void ShapeRange::Distribute(Office::MsoDistributeCmd DistributeCmd, Office::MsoTriState RelativeTo) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&DistributeCmd, (void*)&RelativeTo}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); } inline Office::ShapeRange* ShapeRange::Duplicate() { Office::ShapeRange* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ShapeRange*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("ShapeRange", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ShapeRange::Flip(Office::MsoFlipCmd FlipCmd) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&FlipCmd}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); } inline Office::Shape* ShapeRange::Group() { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ShapeRange::IncrementLeft(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); } inline void ShapeRange::IncrementRotation(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); } inline void ShapeRange::IncrementTop(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 20, _a); } inline Office::Shape* ShapeRange::Item(const QVariant& Index) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ShapeRange::PickUp() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); } inline Office::Shape* ShapeRange::Regroup() { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 23, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ShapeRange::RerouteConnections() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 24, _a); } inline void ShapeRange::ScaleHeight(double Factor, Office::MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Factor, (void*)&RelativeToOriginalSize}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 25, _a); } inline void ShapeRange::ScaleHeight(double Factor, Office::MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize, Office::MsoScaleFrom fScale) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Factor, (void*)&RelativeToOriginalSize, (void*)&fScale}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 26, _a); } inline void ShapeRange::ScaleWidth(double Factor, Office::MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Factor, (void*)&RelativeToOriginalSize}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 27, _a); } inline void ShapeRange::ScaleWidth(double Factor, Office::MsoTriState RelativeToOriginalSize, Office::MsoScaleFrom fScale) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Factor, (void*)&RelativeToOriginalSize, (void*)&fScale}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 28, _a); } inline void ShapeRange::Select() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 29, _a); } inline void ShapeRange::Select(const QVariant& Replace) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Replace}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 30, _a); } inline void ShapeRange::SetShapesDefaultProperties() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 40, _a); } inline Office::ShapeRange* ShapeRange::Ungroup() { Office::ShapeRange* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ShapeRange*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("ShapeRange", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 44, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ShapeRange::ZOrder(Office::MsoZOrderCmd ZOrderCmd) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&ZOrderCmd}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 45, _a); } inline IDispatch* Shapes::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::Shape* Shapes::Background() const { Office::Shape* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Background"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::Shape**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int Shapes::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int Shapes::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::Shape* Shapes::Default() const { Office::Shape* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Default"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::Shape**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* Shapes::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* Shapes::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::Shape* Shapes::AddCallout(Office::MsoCalloutType Type, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Width, (void*)&Height}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* Shapes::AddCanvas(double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Width, (void*)&Height}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* Shapes::AddConnector(Office::MsoConnectorType Type, double BeginX, double BeginY, double EndX, double EndY) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&BeginX, (void*)&BeginY, (void*)&EndX, (void*)&EndY}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* Shapes::AddCurve(const QVariant& SafeArrayOfPoints) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&SafeArrayOfPoints}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* Shapes::AddDiagram(Office::MsoDiagramType Type, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Width, (void*)&Height}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* Shapes::AddLabel(Office::MsoTextOrientation Orientation, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Orientation, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Width, (void*)&Height}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* Shapes::AddLine(double BeginX, double BeginY, double EndX, double EndY) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&BeginX, (void*)&BeginY, (void*)&EndX, (void*)&EndY}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* Shapes::AddPicture(const QString& FileName, Office::MsoTriState LinkToFile, Office::MsoTriState SaveWithDocument, double Left, double Top) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName, (void*)&LinkToFile, (void*)&SaveWithDocument, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* Shapes::AddPicture(const QString& FileName, Office::MsoTriState LinkToFile, Office::MsoTriState SaveWithDocument, double Left, double Top, double Width) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName, (void*)&LinkToFile, (void*)&SaveWithDocument, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Width}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* Shapes::AddPicture(const QString& FileName, Office::MsoTriState LinkToFile, Office::MsoTriState SaveWithDocument, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName, (void*)&LinkToFile, (void*)&SaveWithDocument, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Width, (void*)&Height}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* Shapes::AddPolyline(const QVariant& SafeArrayOfPoints) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&SafeArrayOfPoints}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* Shapes::AddShape(Office::MsoAutoShapeType Type, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Width, (void*)&Height}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* Shapes::AddTextEffect(Office::MsoPresetTextEffect PresetTextEffect, const QString& Text, const QString& FontName, double FontSize, Office::MsoTriState FontBold, Office::MsoTriState FontItalic, double Left, double Top) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&PresetTextEffect, (void*)&Text, (void*)&FontName, (void*)&FontSize, (void*)&FontBold, (void*)&FontItalic, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* Shapes::AddTextbox(Office::MsoTextOrientation Orientation, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Orientation, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Width, (void*)&Height}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 20, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::FreeformBuilder* Shapes::BuildFreeform(Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1) { Office::FreeformBuilder* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("FreeformBuilder*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("FreeformBuilder", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&EditingType, (void*)&X1, (void*)&Y1}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* Shapes::Item(const QVariant& Index) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::ShapeRange* Shapes::Range(const QVariant& Index) { Office::ShapeRange* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ShapeRange*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("ShapeRange", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 23, _a); return qax_result; } inline void Shapes::SelectAll() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 24, _a); } inline Office::MsoTextEffectAlignment TextEffectFormat::Alignment() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Alignment"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTextEffectAlignment*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void TextEffectFormat::SetAlignment(Office::MsoTextEffectAlignment value){ setProperty("Alignment", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* TextEffectFormat::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int TextEffectFormat::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState TextEffectFormat::FontBold() const { QVariant qax_result = property("FontBold"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void TextEffectFormat::SetFontBold(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("FontBold", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoTriState TextEffectFormat::FontItalic() const { QVariant qax_result = property("FontItalic"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void TextEffectFormat::SetFontItalic(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("FontItalic", QVariant(value)); } inline QString TextEffectFormat::FontName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("FontName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void TextEffectFormat::SetFontName(const QString& value){ setProperty("FontName", QVariant(value)); } inline double TextEffectFormat::FontSize() const { QVariant qax_result = property("FontSize"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void TextEffectFormat::SetFontSize(double value){ setProperty("FontSize", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoTriState TextEffectFormat::KernedPairs() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KernedPairs"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void TextEffectFormat::SetKernedPairs(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("KernedPairs", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoTriState TextEffectFormat::NormalizedHeight() const { QVariant qax_result = property("NormalizedHeight"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void TextEffectFormat::SetNormalizedHeight(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("NormalizedHeight", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* TextEffectFormat::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoPresetTextEffectShape TextEffectFormat::PresetShape() const { QVariant qax_result = property("PresetShape"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoPresetTextEffectShape*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void TextEffectFormat::SetPresetShape(Office::MsoPresetTextEffectShape value){ setProperty("PresetShape", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoPresetTextEffect TextEffectFormat::PresetTextEffect() const { QVariant qax_result = property("PresetTextEffect"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoPresetTextEffect*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void TextEffectFormat::SetPresetTextEffect(Office::MsoPresetTextEffect value){ setProperty("PresetTextEffect", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoTriState TextEffectFormat::RotatedChars() const { QVariant qax_result = property("RotatedChars"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void TextEffectFormat::SetRotatedChars(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("RotatedChars", QVariant(value)); } inline QString TextEffectFormat::Text() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Text"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void TextEffectFormat::SetText(const QString& value){ setProperty("Text", QVariant(value)); } inline double TextEffectFormat::Tracking() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Tracking"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void TextEffectFormat::SetTracking(double value){ setProperty("Tracking", QVariant(value)); } inline void TextEffectFormat::ToggleVerticalText() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); } inline IDispatch* TextFrame::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int TextFrame::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline double TextFrame::MarginBottom() const { QVariant qax_result = property("MarginBottom"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void TextFrame::SetMarginBottom(double value){ setProperty("MarginBottom", QVariant(value)); } inline double TextFrame::MarginLeft() const { QVariant qax_result = property("MarginLeft"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void TextFrame::SetMarginLeft(double value){ setProperty("MarginLeft", QVariant(value)); } inline double TextFrame::MarginRight() const { QVariant qax_result = property("MarginRight"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void TextFrame::SetMarginRight(double value){ setProperty("MarginRight", QVariant(value)); } inline double TextFrame::MarginTop() const { QVariant qax_result = property("MarginTop"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void TextFrame::SetMarginTop(double value){ setProperty("MarginTop", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoTextOrientation TextFrame::Orientation() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Orientation"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTextOrientation*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void TextFrame::SetOrientation(Office::MsoTextOrientation value){ setProperty("Orientation", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* TextFrame::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* ThreeDFormat::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ThreeDFormat::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline double ThreeDFormat::Depth() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Depth"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ThreeDFormat::SetDepth(double value){ setProperty("Depth", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::ColorFormat* ThreeDFormat::ExtrusionColor() const { Office::ColorFormat* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ColorFormat*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("ColorFormat", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("ExtrusionColor"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::ColorFormat**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoExtrusionColorType ThreeDFormat::ExtrusionColorType() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ExtrusionColorType"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoExtrusionColorType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ThreeDFormat::SetExtrusionColorType(Office::MsoExtrusionColorType value){ setProperty("ExtrusionColorType", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* ThreeDFormat::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState ThreeDFormat::Perspective() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Perspective"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ThreeDFormat::SetPerspective(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("Perspective", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoPresetExtrusionDirection ThreeDFormat::PresetExtrusionDirection() const { QVariant qax_result = property("PresetExtrusionDirection"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoPresetExtrusionDirection*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoPresetLightingDirection ThreeDFormat::PresetLightingDirection() const { QVariant qax_result = property("PresetLightingDirection"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoPresetLightingDirection*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ThreeDFormat::SetPresetLightingDirection(Office::MsoPresetLightingDirection value){ setProperty("PresetLightingDirection", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoPresetLightingSoftness ThreeDFormat::PresetLightingSoftness() const { QVariant qax_result = property("PresetLightingSoftness"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoPresetLightingSoftness*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ThreeDFormat::SetPresetLightingSoftness(Office::MsoPresetLightingSoftness value){ setProperty("PresetLightingSoftness", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoPresetMaterial ThreeDFormat::PresetMaterial() const { QVariant qax_result = property("PresetMaterial"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoPresetMaterial*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ThreeDFormat::SetPresetMaterial(Office::MsoPresetMaterial value){ setProperty("PresetMaterial", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoPresetThreeDFormat ThreeDFormat::PresetThreeDFormat() const { QVariant qax_result = property("PresetThreeDFormat"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoPresetThreeDFormat*)qax_result.constData(); } inline double ThreeDFormat::RotationX() const { QVariant qax_result = property("RotationX"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ThreeDFormat::SetRotationX(double value){ setProperty("RotationX", QVariant(value)); } inline double ThreeDFormat::RotationY() const { QVariant qax_result = property("RotationY"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ThreeDFormat::SetRotationY(double value){ setProperty("RotationY", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoTriState ThreeDFormat::Visible() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Visible"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ThreeDFormat::SetVisible(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("Visible", QVariant(value)); } inline void ThreeDFormat::IncrementRotationX(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void ThreeDFormat::IncrementRotationY(double Increment) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Increment}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void ThreeDFormat::ResetRotation() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void ThreeDFormat::SetExtrusionDirection(Office::MsoPresetExtrusionDirection PresetExtrusionDirection) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&PresetExtrusionDirection}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline void ThreeDFormat::SetThreeDFormat(Office::MsoPresetThreeDFormat PresetThreeDFormat) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&PresetThreeDFormat}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); } inline void IMsoDispCagNotifySink::InsertClip(IUnknown* pClipMoniker, IUnknown* pItemMoniker) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pClipMoniker, (void*)&pItemMoniker}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void IMsoDispCagNotifySink::WindowIsClosing() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline Office::MsoAnimationType Balloon::Animation() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Animation"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoAnimationType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Balloon::SetAnimation(Office::MsoAnimationType value){ setProperty("Animation", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* Balloon::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoBalloonType Balloon::BalloonType() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BalloonType"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoBalloonType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Balloon::SetBalloonType(Office::MsoBalloonType value){ setProperty("BalloonType", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoButtonSetType Balloon::Button() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Button"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoButtonSetType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Balloon::SetButton(Office::MsoButtonSetType value){ setProperty("Button", QVariant(value)); } inline QString Balloon::Callback() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Callback"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Balloon::SetCallback(const QString& value){ setProperty("Callback", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* Balloon::Checkboxes() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Checkboxes"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int Balloon::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString Balloon::Heading() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Heading"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Balloon::SetHeading(const QString& value){ setProperty("Heading", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoIconType Balloon::Icon() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Icon"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoIconType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Balloon::SetIcon(Office::MsoIconType value){ setProperty("Icon", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* Balloon::Labels() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Labels"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoModeType Balloon::Mode() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Mode"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoModeType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Balloon::SetMode(Office::MsoModeType value){ setProperty("Mode", QVariant(value)); } inline QString Balloon::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* Balloon::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int Balloon::Private() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Private"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Balloon::SetPrivate(int value){ setProperty("Private", QVariant(value)); } inline QString Balloon::Text() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Text"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Balloon::SetText(const QString& value){ setProperty("Text", QVariant(value)); } inline void Balloon::Close() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void Balloon::SetAvoidRectangle(int Left, int Top, int Right, int Bottom) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Right, (void*)&Bottom}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline MsoBalloonButtonType Balloon::Show() { MsoBalloonButtonType qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* BalloonCheckboxes::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int BalloonCheckboxes::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void BalloonCheckboxes::SetCount(int value){ setProperty("Count", QVariant(value)); } inline int BalloonCheckboxes::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString BalloonCheckboxes::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* BalloonCheckboxes::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* BalloonCheckboxes::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* BalloonCheckboxes::Item(int Index) { IDispatch* qax_result = 0; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* BalloonCheckbox::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool BalloonCheckbox::Checked() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Checked"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void BalloonCheckbox::SetChecked(bool value){ setProperty("Checked", QVariant(value)); } inline int BalloonCheckbox::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString BalloonCheckbox::Item() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Item"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString BalloonCheckbox::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* BalloonCheckbox::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString BalloonCheckbox::Text() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Text"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void BalloonCheckbox::SetText(const QString& value){ setProperty("Text", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* BalloonLabels::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int BalloonLabels::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void BalloonLabels::SetCount(int value){ setProperty("Count", QVariant(value)); } inline int BalloonLabels::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString BalloonLabels::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* BalloonLabels::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* BalloonLabels::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* BalloonLabels::Item(int Index) { IDispatch* qax_result = 0; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* BalloonLabel::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int BalloonLabel::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString BalloonLabel::Item() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Item"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString BalloonLabel::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* BalloonLabel::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString BalloonLabel::Text() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Text"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void BalloonLabel::SetText(const QString& value){ setProperty("Text", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* AnswerWizardFiles::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int AnswerWizardFiles::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int AnswerWizardFiles::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* AnswerWizardFiles::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void AnswerWizardFiles::Add(const QString& FileName) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&FileName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void AnswerWizardFiles::Delete(const QString& FileName) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&FileName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline QString AnswerWizardFiles::Item(int Index) { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* AnswerWizard::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int AnswerWizard::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::AnswerWizardFiles* AnswerWizard::Files() const { Office::AnswerWizardFiles* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("AnswerWizardFiles*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("AnswerWizardFiles", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Files"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::AnswerWizardFiles**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* AnswerWizard::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void AnswerWizard::ClearFileList() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void AnswerWizard::ResetFileList() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline Office::MsoAnimationType Assistant::Animation() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Animation"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoAnimationType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetAnimation(Office::MsoAnimationType value){ setProperty("Animation", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* Assistant::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool Assistant::AssistWithAlerts() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AssistWithAlerts"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetAssistWithAlerts(bool value){ setProperty("AssistWithAlerts", QVariant(value)); } inline bool Assistant::AssistWithHelp() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AssistWithHelp"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetAssistWithHelp(bool value){ setProperty("AssistWithHelp", QVariant(value)); } inline bool Assistant::AssistWithWizards() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AssistWithWizards"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetAssistWithWizards(bool value){ setProperty("AssistWithWizards", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoBalloonErrorType Assistant::BalloonError() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BalloonError"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoBalloonErrorType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int Assistant::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool Assistant::FeatureTips() const { QVariant qax_result = property("FeatureTips"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetFeatureTips(bool value){ setProperty("FeatureTips", QVariant(value)); } inline QString Assistant::FileName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("FileName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetFileName(const QString& value){ setProperty("FileName", QVariant(value)); } inline bool Assistant::GuessHelp() const { QVariant qax_result = property("GuessHelp"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetGuessHelp(bool value){ setProperty("GuessHelp", QVariant(value)); } inline bool Assistant::HighPriorityTips() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HighPriorityTips"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetHighPriorityTips(bool value){ setProperty("HighPriorityTips", QVariant(value)); } inline QString Assistant::Item() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Item"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool Assistant::KeyboardShortcutTips() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeyboardShortcutTips"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetKeyboardShortcutTips(bool value){ setProperty("KeyboardShortcutTips", QVariant(value)); } inline int Assistant::Left() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Left"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetLeft(int value){ setProperty("Left", QVariant(value)); } inline bool Assistant::MouseTips() const { QVariant qax_result = property("MouseTips"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetMouseTips(bool value){ setProperty("MouseTips", QVariant(value)); } inline bool Assistant::MoveWhenInTheWay() const { QVariant qax_result = property("MoveWhenInTheWay"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetMoveWhenInTheWay(bool value){ setProperty("MoveWhenInTheWay", QVariant(value)); } inline QString Assistant::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::Balloon* Assistant::NewBalloon() const { Office::Balloon* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Balloon*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("Balloon", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("NewBalloon"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::Balloon**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool Assistant::On() const { QVariant qax_result = property("On"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetOn(bool value){ setProperty("On", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* Assistant::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool Assistant::Reduced() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Reduced"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetReduced(bool value){ setProperty("Reduced", QVariant(value)); } inline bool Assistant::SearchWhenProgramming() const { QVariant qax_result = property("SearchWhenProgramming"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetSearchWhenProgramming(bool value){ setProperty("SearchWhenProgramming", QVariant(value)); } inline bool Assistant::Sounds() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Sounds"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetSounds(bool value){ setProperty("Sounds", QVariant(value)); } inline bool Assistant::TipOfDay() const { QVariant qax_result = property("TipOfDay"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetTipOfDay(bool value){ setProperty("TipOfDay", QVariant(value)); } inline int Assistant::Top() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Top"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetTop(int value){ setProperty("Top", QVariant(value)); } inline bool Assistant::Visible() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Visible"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Assistant::SetVisible(bool value){ setProperty("Visible", QVariant(value)); } inline void Assistant::ActivateWizard(int WizardID, Office::MsoWizardActType act) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&WizardID, (void*)&act}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void Assistant::ActivateWizard(int WizardID, Office::MsoWizardActType act, const QVariant& Animation) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&WizardID, (void*)&act, (void*)&Animation}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline int Assistant::DoAlert(const QString& bstrAlertTitle, const QString& bstrAlertText, Office::MsoAlertButtonType alb, Office::MsoAlertIconType alc, Office::MsoAlertDefaultType ald, Office::MsoAlertCancelType alq, bool varfSysAlert) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&bstrAlertTitle, (void*)&bstrAlertText, (void*)&alb, (void*)&alc, (void*)&ald, (void*)&alq, (void*)&varfSysAlert}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline void Assistant::EndWizard(int WizardID, bool varfSuccess) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&WizardID, (void*)&varfSuccess}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline void Assistant::EndWizard(int WizardID, bool varfSuccess, const QVariant& Animation) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&WizardID, (void*)&varfSuccess, (void*)&Animation}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline void Assistant::Help() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline void Assistant::Move(int xLeft, int yTop) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&xLeft, (void*)&yTop}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); } inline void Assistant::ResetTips() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); } inline int Assistant::StartWizard(bool On, const QString& Callback, int PrivateX) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&On, (void*)&Callback, (void*)&PrivateX}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 34, _a); return qax_result; } inline int Assistant::StartWizard(bool On, const QString& Callback, int PrivateX, const QVariant& Animation) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&On, (void*)&Callback, (void*)&PrivateX, (void*)&Animation}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 35, _a); return qax_result; } inline int Assistant::StartWizard(bool On, const QString& Callback, int PrivateX, const QVariant& Animation, const QVariant& CustomTeaser) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&On, (void*)&Callback, (void*)&PrivateX, (void*)&Animation, (void*)&CustomTeaser}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 36, _a); return qax_result; } inline int Assistant::StartWizard(bool On, const QString& Callback, int PrivateX, const QVariant& Animation, const QVariant& CustomTeaser, const QVariant& Top) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&On, (void*)&Callback, (void*)&PrivateX, (void*)&Animation, (void*)&CustomTeaser, (void*)&Top}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 37, _a); return qax_result; } inline int Assistant::StartWizard(bool On, const QString& Callback, int PrivateX, const QVariant& Animation, const QVariant& CustomTeaser, const QVariant& Top, const QVariant& Left) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&On, (void*)&Callback, (void*)&PrivateX, (void*)&Animation, (void*)&CustomTeaser, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Left}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 38, _a); return qax_result; } inline int Assistant::StartWizard(bool On, const QString& Callback, int PrivateX, const QVariant& Animation, const QVariant& CustomTeaser, const QVariant& Top, const QVariant& Left, const QVariant& Bottom) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&On, (void*)&Callback, (void*)&PrivateX, (void*)&Animation, (void*)&CustomTeaser, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Bottom}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 39, _a); return qax_result; } inline int Assistant::StartWizard(bool On, const QString& Callback, int PrivateX, const QVariant& Animation, const QVariant& CustomTeaser, const QVariant& Top, const QVariant& Left, const QVariant& Bottom, const QVariant& Right) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&On, (void*)&Callback, (void*)&PrivateX, (void*)&Animation, (void*)&CustomTeaser, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Bottom, (void*)&Right}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 40, _a); return qax_result; } inline int IFoundFiles::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* IFoundFiles::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString IFoundFiles::Item(int Index) { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString IFind::Author() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Author"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetAuthor(const QString& value){ setProperty("Author", QVariant(value)); } inline QVariant IFind::DateCreatedFrom() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DateCreatedFrom"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetDateCreatedFrom(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("DateCreatedFrom", QVariant(value)); } inline QVariant IFind::DateCreatedTo() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DateCreatedTo"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetDateCreatedTo(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("DateCreatedTo", QVariant(value)); } inline QVariant IFind::DateSavedFrom() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DateSavedFrom"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetDateSavedFrom(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("DateSavedFrom", QVariant(value)); } inline QVariant IFind::DateSavedTo() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DateSavedTo"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetDateSavedTo(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("DateSavedTo", QVariant(value)); } inline int IFind::FileType() const { QVariant qax_result = property("FileType"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetFileType(int value){ setProperty("FileType", QVariant(value)); } inline QString IFind::Keywords() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Keywords"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetKeywords(const QString& value){ setProperty("Keywords", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoFileFindListBy IFind::ListBy() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ListBy"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoFileFindListBy*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetListBy(Office::MsoFileFindListBy value){ setProperty("ListBy", QVariant(value)); } inline bool IFind::MatchCase() const { QVariant qax_result = property("MatchCase"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetMatchCase(bool value){ setProperty("MatchCase", QVariant(value)); } inline QString IFind::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetName(const QString& value){ setProperty("Name", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoFileFindOptions IFind::Options() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Options"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoFileFindOptions*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetOptions(Office::MsoFileFindOptions value){ setProperty("Options", QVariant(value)); } inline bool IFind::PatternMatch() const { QVariant qax_result = property("PatternMatch"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetPatternMatch(bool value){ setProperty("PatternMatch", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::IFoundFiles* IFind::Results() const { Office::IFoundFiles* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("IFoundFiles*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("IFoundFiles", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Results"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::IFoundFiles**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString IFind::SavedBy() const { QVariant qax_result = property("SavedBy"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetSavedBy(const QString& value){ setProperty("SavedBy", QVariant(value)); } inline QString IFind::SearchPath() const { QVariant qax_result = property("SearchPath"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetSearchPath(const QString& value){ setProperty("SearchPath", QVariant(value)); } inline int IFind::SelectedFile() const { QVariant qax_result = property("SelectedFile"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetSelectedFile(int value){ setProperty("SelectedFile", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoFileFindSortBy IFind::SortBy() const { QVariant qax_result = property("SortBy"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoFileFindSortBy*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetSortBy(Office::MsoFileFindSortBy value){ setProperty("SortBy", QVariant(value)); } inline bool IFind::SubDir() const { QVariant qax_result = property("SubDir"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetSubDir(bool value){ setProperty("SubDir", QVariant(value)); } inline QString IFind::Subject() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Subject"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetSubject(const QString& value){ setProperty("Subject", QVariant(value)); } inline QString IFind::Text() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Text"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetText(const QString& value){ setProperty("Text", QVariant(value)); } inline QString IFind::Title() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Title"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetTitle(const QString& value){ setProperty("Title", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoFileFindView IFind::View() const { QVariant qax_result = property("View"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoFileFindView*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IFind::SetView(Office::MsoFileFindView value){ setProperty("View", QVariant(value)); } inline void IFind::Delete(const QString& bstrQueryName) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrQueryName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void IFind::Execute() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void IFind::Load(const QString& bstrQueryName) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrQueryName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void IFind::Save(const QString& bstrQueryName) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrQueryName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline int IFind::Show() { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 32, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* FoundFiles::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int FoundFiles::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int FoundFiles::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* FoundFiles::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString FoundFiles::Item(int Index) { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* PropertyTest::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoCondition PropertyTest::Condition() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Condition"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoCondition*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoConnector PropertyTest::Connector() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Connector"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoConnector*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int PropertyTest::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString PropertyTest::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant PropertyTest::SecondValue() const { QVariant qax_result = property("SecondValue"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant PropertyTest::Value() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Value"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* PropertyTests::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int PropertyTests::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int PropertyTests::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* PropertyTests::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void PropertyTests::Add(const QString& Name, Office::MsoCondition Condition) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Name, (void*)&Condition}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void PropertyTests::Add(const QString& Name, Office::MsoCondition Condition, const QVariant& Value) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Name, (void*)&Condition, (void*)&Value}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void PropertyTests::Add(const QString& Name, Office::MsoCondition Condition, const QVariant& Value, const QVariant& SecondValue) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Name, (void*)&Condition, (void*)&Value, (void*)&SecondValue}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void PropertyTests::Add(const QString& Name, Office::MsoCondition Condition, const QVariant& Value, const QVariant& SecondValue, Office::MsoConnector Connector) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Name, (void*)&Condition, (void*)&Value, (void*)&SecondValue, (void*)&Connector}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline Office::PropertyTest* PropertyTests::Item(int Index) { Office::PropertyTest* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("PropertyTest*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("PropertyTest", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); return qax_result; } inline void PropertyTests::Remove(int Index) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline IDispatch* FileSearch::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int FileSearch::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString FileSearch::FileName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("FileName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FileSearch::SetFileName(const QString& value){ setProperty("FileName", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoFileType FileSearch::FileType() const { QVariant qax_result = property("FileType"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoFileType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FileSearch::SetFileType(Office::MsoFileType value){ setProperty("FileType", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::FileTypes* FileSearch::FileTypes() const { Office::FileTypes* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("FileTypes*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("FileTypes", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("FileTypes"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::FileTypes**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::FoundFiles* FileSearch::FoundFiles() const { Office::FoundFiles* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("FoundFiles*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("FoundFiles", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("FoundFiles"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::FoundFiles**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoLastModified FileSearch::LastModified() const { QVariant qax_result = property("LastModified"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoLastModified*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FileSearch::SetLastModified(Office::MsoLastModified value){ setProperty("LastModified", QVariant(value)); } inline QString FileSearch::LookIn() const { QVariant qax_result = property("LookIn"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FileSearch::SetLookIn(const QString& value){ setProperty("LookIn", QVariant(value)); } inline bool FileSearch::MatchAllWordForms() const { QVariant qax_result = property("MatchAllWordForms"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FileSearch::SetMatchAllWordForms(bool value){ setProperty("MatchAllWordForms", QVariant(value)); } inline bool FileSearch::MatchTextExactly() const { QVariant qax_result = property("MatchTextExactly"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FileSearch::SetMatchTextExactly(bool value){ setProperty("MatchTextExactly", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::PropertyTests* FileSearch::PropertyTests() const { Office::PropertyTests* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("PropertyTests*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("PropertyTests", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("PropertyTests"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::PropertyTests**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::SearchFolders* FileSearch::SearchFolders() const { Office::SearchFolders* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SearchFolders*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("SearchFolders", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("SearchFolders"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::SearchFolders**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::SearchScopes* FileSearch::SearchScopes() const { Office::SearchScopes* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SearchScopes*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("SearchScopes", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("SearchScopes"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::SearchScopes**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool FileSearch::SearchSubFolders() const { QVariant qax_result = property("SearchSubFolders"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FileSearch::SetSearchSubFolders(bool value){ setProperty("SearchSubFolders", QVariant(value)); } inline QString FileSearch::TextOrProperty() const { QVariant qax_result = property("TextOrProperty"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FileSearch::SetTextOrProperty(const QString& value){ setProperty("TextOrProperty", QVariant(value)); } inline int FileSearch::Execute() { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline int FileSearch::Execute(Office::MsoSortBy SortBy) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&SortBy}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline int FileSearch::Execute(Office::MsoSortBy SortBy, Office::MsoSortOrder SortOrder) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&SortBy, (void*)&SortOrder}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline int FileSearch::Execute(Office::MsoSortBy SortBy, Office::MsoSortOrder SortOrder, bool AlwaysAccurate) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&SortBy, (void*)&SortOrder, (void*)&AlwaysAccurate}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); return qax_result; } inline void FileSearch::NewSearch() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline void FileSearch::RefreshScopes() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline IDispatch* COMAddIn::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool COMAddIn::Connect() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Connect"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void COMAddIn::SetConnect(bool value){ setProperty("Connect", QVariant(value)); } inline int COMAddIn::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString COMAddIn::Description() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Description"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void COMAddIn::SetDescription(const QString& value){ setProperty("Description", QVariant(value)); } inline QString COMAddIn::Guid() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Guid"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* COMAddIn::Object() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Object"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void COMAddIn::SetObject(IDispatch* value){ int typeId = qRegisterMetaType("IDispatch*", &value); setProperty("Object", QVariant(typeId, &value)); } inline IDispatch* COMAddIn::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString COMAddIn::ProgId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ProgId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* COMAddIns::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int COMAddIns::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int COMAddIns::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* COMAddIns::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* COMAddIns::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::COMAddIn* COMAddIns::Item(QVariant& Index) { Office::COMAddIn* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("COMAddIn*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("COMAddIn", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline void COMAddIns::SetAppModal(bool varfModal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&varfModal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void COMAddIns::Update() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline IDispatch* LanguageSettings::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int LanguageSettings::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* LanguageSettings::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int LanguageSettings::LanguageID(Office::MsoAppLanguageID Id) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Id}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline bool LanguageSettings::LanguagePreferredForEditing(Office::MsoLanguageID lid) { bool qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&lid}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ICommandBarsEvents::OnUpdate() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBars::ActionControl() const { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("ActionControl"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CommandBarControl**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBars::ActiveMenuBar() const { Office::CommandBar* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("ActiveMenuBar"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CommandBar**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBars::AdaptiveMenus() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AdaptiveMenus"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBars::SetAdaptiveMenus(bool value){ setProperty("AdaptiveMenus", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* CommandBars::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBars::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBars::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBars::DisableAskAQuestionDropdown() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DisableAskAQuestionDropdown"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBars::SetDisableAskAQuestionDropdown(bool value){ setProperty("DisableAskAQuestionDropdown", QVariant(value)); } inline bool CommandBars::DisableCustomize() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DisableCustomize"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBars::SetDisableCustomize(bool value){ setProperty("DisableCustomize", QVariant(value)); } inline bool CommandBars::DisplayFonts() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DisplayFonts"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBars::SetDisplayFonts(bool value){ setProperty("DisplayFonts", QVariant(value)); } inline bool CommandBars::DisplayKeysInTooltips() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DisplayKeysInTooltips"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBars::SetDisplayKeysInTooltips(bool value){ setProperty("DisplayKeysInTooltips", QVariant(value)); } inline bool CommandBars::DisplayTooltips() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DisplayTooltips"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBars::SetDisplayTooltips(bool value){ setProperty("DisplayTooltips", QVariant(value)); } inline bool CommandBars::LargeButtons() const { QVariant qax_result = property("LargeButtons"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBars::SetLargeButtons(bool value){ setProperty("LargeButtons", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoMenuAnimation CommandBars::MenuAnimationStyle() const { QVariant qax_result = property("MenuAnimationStyle"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoMenuAnimation*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBars::SetMenuAnimationStyle(Office::MsoMenuAnimation value){ setProperty("MenuAnimationStyle", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* CommandBars::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* CommandBars::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBars::Add() { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBars::Add(const QVariant& Name) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Name}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBars::Add(const QVariant& Name, const QVariant& Position) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Name, (void*)&Position}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBars::Add(const QVariant& Name, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Name, (void*)&Position, (void*)&MenuBar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBars::Add(const QVariant& Name, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar, const QVariant& Temporary) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Name, (void*)&Position, (void*)&MenuBar, (void*)&Temporary}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBars::AddEx() { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 20, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBars::AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&TbidOrName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBars::AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName, const QVariant& Position) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&TbidOrName, (void*)&Position}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBars::AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&TbidOrName, (void*)&Position, (void*)&MenuBar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 23, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBars::AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar, const QVariant& Temporary) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&TbidOrName, (void*)&Position, (void*)&MenuBar, (void*)&Temporary}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 24, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBars::AddEx(const QVariant& TbidOrName, const QVariant& Position, const QVariant& MenuBar, const QVariant& Temporary, const QVariant& TbtrProtection) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&TbidOrName, (void*)&Position, (void*)&MenuBar, (void*)&Temporary, (void*)&TbtrProtection}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 25, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBars::FindControl() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 26, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBars::FindControl(const QVariant& Type) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 27, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBars::FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 28, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBars::FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id, (void*)&Tag}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 29, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBars::FindControl(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag, const QVariant& Visible) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id, (void*)&Tag, (void*)&Visible}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 30, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControls* CommandBars::FindControls() { Office::CommandBarControls* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 31, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControls* CommandBars::FindControls(const QVariant& Type) { Office::CommandBarControls* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 32, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControls* CommandBars::FindControls(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id) { Office::CommandBarControls* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 33, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControls* CommandBars::FindControls(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag) { Office::CommandBarControls* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id, (void*)&Tag}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 34, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControls* CommandBars::FindControls(const QVariant& Type, const QVariant& Id, const QVariant& Tag, const QVariant& Visible) { Office::CommandBarControls* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControls", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Id, (void*)&Tag, (void*)&Visible}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 35, _a); return qax_result; } inline int CommandBars::IdsString(int ids, QString& pbstrName) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&ids, (void*)&pbstrName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 36, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBars::Item(const QVariant& Index) { Office::CommandBar* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 37, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBars::ReleaseFocus() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 38, _a); } inline int CommandBars::TmcGetName(int tmc, QString& pbstrName) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&tmc, (void*)&pbstrName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 47, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ICommandBarComboBoxEvents::Change(Office::CommandBarComboBox* Ctrl) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Ctrl}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline IDispatch* CommandBarComboBox::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBarComboBox::BeginGroup() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BeginGroup"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetBeginGroup(bool value){ setProperty("BeginGroup", QVariant(value)); } inline bool CommandBarComboBox::BuiltIn() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BuiltIn"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarComboBox::Caption() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Caption"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetCaption(const QString& value){ setProperty("Caption", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* CommandBarComboBox::Control() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Control"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarComboBox::DescriptionText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DescriptionText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetDescriptionText(const QString& value){ setProperty("DescriptionText", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::DropDownLines() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DropDownLines"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetDropDownLines(int value){ setProperty("DropDownLines", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::DropDownWidth() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DropDownWidth"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetDropDownWidth(int value){ setProperty("DropDownWidth", QVariant(value)); } inline bool CommandBarComboBox::Enabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Enabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("Enabled", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::Height() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Height"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetHeight(int value){ setProperty("Height", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::HelpContextId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HelpContextId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetHelpContextId(int value){ setProperty("HelpContextId", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarComboBox::HelpFile() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HelpFile"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetHelpFile(const QString& value){ setProperty("HelpFile", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::Id() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Id"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::Index() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Index"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::InstanceId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("InstanceId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBarComboBox::IsPriorityDropped() const { QVariant qax_result = property("IsPriorityDropped"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::Left() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Left"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::ListCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ListCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::ListHeaderCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ListHeaderCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetListHeaderCount(int value){ setProperty("ListHeaderCount", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::ListIndex() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ListIndex"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetListIndex(int value){ setProperty("ListIndex", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoControlOLEUsage CommandBarComboBox::OLEUsage() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OLEUsage"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetOLEUsage(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage value){ setProperty("OLEUsage", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarComboBox::OnAction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OnAction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetOnAction(const QString& value){ setProperty("OnAction", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarComboBox::Parameter() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parameter"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetParameter(const QString& value){ setProperty("Parameter", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBarComboBox::Parent() const { Office::CommandBar* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CommandBar**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::Priority() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Priority"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetPriority(int value){ setProperty("Priority", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoComboStyle CommandBarComboBox::Style() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Style"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoComboStyle*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetStyle(Office::MsoComboStyle value){ setProperty("Style", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarComboBox::Tag() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Tag"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetTag(const QString& value){ setProperty("Tag", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarComboBox::Text() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Text"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetText(const QString& value){ setProperty("Text", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarComboBox::TooltipText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("TooltipText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetTooltipText(const QString& value){ setProperty("TooltipText", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::Top() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Top"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoControlType CommandBarComboBox::Type() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Type"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoControlType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBarComboBox::Visible() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Visible"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetVisible(bool value){ setProperty("Visible", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::Width() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Width"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetWidth(int value){ setProperty("Width", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::accChildCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accChildCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarComboBox::accDefaultAction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDefaultAction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarComboBox::accDescription() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDescription"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarComboBox::accFocus() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accFocus"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarComboBox::accHelp() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accHelp"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarComboBox::accKeyboardShortcut() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accKeyboardShortcut"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarComboBox::accName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::setAccName(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accName", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* CommandBarComboBox::accParent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accParent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarComboBox::accRole() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accRole"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarComboBox::accSelection() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accSelection"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarComboBox::accState() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accState"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarComboBox::accValue() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accValue"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::setAccValue(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accValue", QVariant(value)); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::AddItem(const QString& Text) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Text}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::AddItem(const QString& Text, const QVariant& Index) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Text, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::Clear() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarComboBox::Copy() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarComboBox::Copy(const QVariant& Bar) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarComboBox::Copy(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar, (void*)&Before}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 20, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarComboBox::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::Delete(const QVariant& Temporary) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Temporary}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::Execute() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 23, _a); } inline QString CommandBarComboBox::List(int Index) { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 24, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarComboBox::Move() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 25, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarComboBox::Move(const QVariant& Bar) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 26, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarComboBox::Move(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar, (void*)&Before}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 27, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarComboBox::RemoveItem(int Index) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 28, _a); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::Reserved1() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 29, _a); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::Reserved2() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 30, _a); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::Reserved3() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 31, _a); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::Reserved4() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 32, _a); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::Reserved5() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 33, _a); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::Reserved6() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 34, _a); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::Reserved7() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 35, _a); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::Reset() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 36, _a); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::SetFocus() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 43, _a); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::SetList(int Index, const QString& rhs) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index, (void*)&rhs}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 47, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* CommandBarComboBox::accChild(const QVariant& varChild) { IDispatch* qax_result = 0; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 60, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarComboBox::accDoDefaultAction() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 65, _a); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 66, _a); } inline int CommandBarComboBox::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 69, _a); return qax_result; } inline int CommandBarComboBox::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 70, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant CommandBarComboBox::accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&xLeft, (void*)&yTop}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 71, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarComboBox::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 74, _a); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 75, _a); } inline QVariant CommandBarComboBox::accNavigate(int navDir) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 78, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant CommandBarComboBox::accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir, (void*)&varStart}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 79, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarComboBox::accSelect(int flagsSelect) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 82, _a); } inline void CommandBarComboBox::accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 83, _a); } inline void ICommandBarButtonEvents::Click(Office::CommandBarButton* Ctrl, bool& CancelDefault) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Ctrl, (void*)&CancelDefault}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline IDispatch* CommandBarButton::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBarButton::BeginGroup() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BeginGroup"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetBeginGroup(bool value){ setProperty("BeginGroup", QVariant(value)); } inline bool CommandBarButton::BuiltIn() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BuiltIn"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBarButton::BuiltInFace() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BuiltInFace"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetBuiltInFace(bool value){ setProperty("BuiltInFace", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarButton::Caption() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Caption"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetCaption(const QString& value){ setProperty("Caption", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* CommandBarButton::Control() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Control"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarButton::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarButton::DescriptionText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DescriptionText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetDescriptionText(const QString& value){ setProperty("DescriptionText", QVariant(value)); } inline bool CommandBarButton::Enabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Enabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("Enabled", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarButton::FaceId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("FaceId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetFaceId(int value){ setProperty("FaceId", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarButton::Height() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Height"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetHeight(int value){ setProperty("Height", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarButton::HelpContextId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HelpContextId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetHelpContextId(int value){ setProperty("HelpContextId", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarButton::HelpFile() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HelpFile"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetHelpFile(const QString& value){ setProperty("HelpFile", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType CommandBarButton::HyperlinkType() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HyperlinkType"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetHyperlinkType(Office::MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType value){ setProperty("HyperlinkType", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarButton::Id() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Id"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarButton::Index() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Index"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarButton::InstanceId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("InstanceId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBarButton::IsPriorityDropped() const { QVariant qax_result = property("IsPriorityDropped"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CommandBarButton::Left() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Left"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QPixmap CommandBarButton::Mask() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Mask"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QPixmap*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetMask(const QPixmap& value){ setProperty("Mask", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoControlOLEUsage CommandBarButton::OLEUsage() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OLEUsage"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetOLEUsage(Office::MsoControlOLEUsage value){ setProperty("OLEUsage", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarButton::OnAction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OnAction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetOnAction(const QString& value){ setProperty("OnAction", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarButton::Parameter() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parameter"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetParameter(const QString& value){ setProperty("Parameter", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::CommandBar* CommandBarButton::Parent() const { Office::CommandBar* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBar", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::CommandBar**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QPixmap CommandBarButton::Picture() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Picture"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QPixmap*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetPicture(const QPixmap& value){ setProperty("Picture", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarButton::Priority() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Priority"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetPriority(int value){ setProperty("Priority", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarButton::ShortcutText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ShortcutText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetShortcutText(const QString& value){ setProperty("ShortcutText", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoButtonState CommandBarButton::State() const { QVariant qax_result = property("State"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoButtonState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetState(Office::MsoButtonState value){ setProperty("State", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoButtonStyle CommandBarButton::Style() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Style"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoButtonStyle*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetStyle(Office::MsoButtonStyle value){ setProperty("Style", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarButton::Tag() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Tag"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetTag(const QString& value){ setProperty("Tag", QVariant(value)); } inline QString CommandBarButton::TooltipText() const { QVariant qax_result = property("TooltipText"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetTooltipText(const QString& value){ setProperty("TooltipText", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarButton::Top() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Top"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoControlType CommandBarButton::Type() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Type"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoControlType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool CommandBarButton::Visible() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Visible"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetVisible(bool value){ setProperty("Visible", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarButton::Width() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Width"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetWidth(int value){ setProperty("Width", QVariant(value)); } inline int CommandBarButton::accChildCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accChildCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarButton::accDefaultAction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDefaultAction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarButton::accDescription() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accDescription"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarButton::accFocus() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accFocus"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarButton::accHelp() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accHelp"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString CommandBarButton::accKeyboardShortcut() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accKeyboardShortcut"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarButton::accName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::setAccName(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accName", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* CommandBarButton::accParent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accParent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarButton::accRole() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accRole"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarButton::accSelection() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accSelection"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarButton::accState() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accState"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant CommandBarButton::accValue() const { QVariant qax_result = property("accValue"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void CommandBarButton::setAccValue(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("accValue", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarButton::Copy() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarButton::Copy(const QVariant& Bar) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarButton::Copy(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar, (void*)&Before}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarButton::CopyFace() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); } inline void CommandBarButton::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); } inline void CommandBarButton::Delete(const QVariant& Temporary) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Temporary}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 20, _a); } inline void CommandBarButton::Execute() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarButton::Move() { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarButton::Move(const QVariant& Bar) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 23, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::CommandBarControl* CommandBarButton::Move(const QVariant& Bar, const QVariant& Before) { Office::CommandBarControl* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("CommandBarControl", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Bar, (void*)&Before}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 24, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarButton::PasteFace() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 25, _a); } inline void CommandBarButton::Reserved1() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 26, _a); } inline void CommandBarButton::Reserved2() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 27, _a); } inline void CommandBarButton::Reserved3() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 28, _a); } inline void CommandBarButton::Reserved4() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 29, _a); } inline void CommandBarButton::Reserved5() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 30, _a); } inline void CommandBarButton::Reserved6() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 31, _a); } inline void CommandBarButton::Reserved7() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 32, _a); } inline void CommandBarButton::Reset() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 33, _a); } inline void CommandBarButton::SetFocus() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 40, _a); } inline IDispatch* CommandBarButton::accChild(const QVariant& varChild) { IDispatch* qax_result = 0; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 58, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarButton::accDoDefaultAction() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 63, _a); } inline void CommandBarButton::accDoDefaultAction(const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 64, _a); } inline int CommandBarButton::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 67, _a); return qax_result; } inline int CommandBarButton::accHelpTopic(QString& pszHelpFile, const QVariant& varChild) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&pszHelpFile, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 68, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant CommandBarButton::accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&xLeft, (void*)&yTop}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 69, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarButton::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 72, _a); } inline void CommandBarButton::accLocation(int& pxLeft, int& pyTop, int& pcxWidth, int& pcyHeight, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pxLeft, (void*)&pyTop, (void*)&pcxWidth, (void*)&pcyHeight, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 73, _a); } inline QVariant CommandBarButton::accNavigate(int navDir) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 76, _a); return qax_result; } inline QVariant CommandBarButton::accNavigate(int navDir, const QVariant& varStart) { QVariant qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&navDir, (void*)&varStart}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 77, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CommandBarButton::accSelect(int flagsSelect) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 80, _a); } inline void CommandBarButton::accSelect(int flagsSelect, const QVariant& varChild) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&flagsSelect, (void*)&varChild}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 81, _a); } inline IDispatch* WebPageFont::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int WebPageFont::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString WebPageFont::FixedWidthFont() const { QVariant qax_result = property("FixedWidthFont"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebPageFont::SetFixedWidthFont(const QString& value){ setProperty("FixedWidthFont", QVariant(value)); } inline double WebPageFont::FixedWidthFontSize() const { QVariant qax_result = property("FixedWidthFontSize"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebPageFont::SetFixedWidthFontSize(double value){ setProperty("FixedWidthFontSize", QVariant(value)); } inline QString WebPageFont::ProportionalFont() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ProportionalFont"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebPageFont::SetProportionalFont(const QString& value){ setProperty("ProportionalFont", QVariant(value)); } inline double WebPageFont::ProportionalFontSize() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ProportionalFontSize"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(double*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebPageFont::SetProportionalFontSize(double value){ setProperty("ProportionalFontSize", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* WebPageFonts::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int WebPageFonts::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int WebPageFonts::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* WebPageFonts::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::WebPageFont* WebPageFonts::Item(Office::MsoCharacterSet Index) { Office::WebPageFont* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("WebPageFont*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("WebPageFont", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* HTMLProjectItem::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int HTMLProjectItem::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool HTMLProjectItem::IsOpen() const { QVariant qax_result = property("IsOpen"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString HTMLProjectItem::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* HTMLProjectItem::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString HTMLProjectItem::Text() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Text"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void HTMLProjectItem::SetText(const QString& value){ setProperty("Text", QVariant(value)); } inline void HTMLProjectItem::LoadFromFile(const QString& FileName) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&FileName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void HTMLProjectItem::Open() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void HTMLProjectItem::Open(Office::MsoHTMLProjectOpen OpenKind) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&OpenKind}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void HTMLProjectItem::SaveCopyAs(const QString& FileName) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&FileName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline IDispatch* HTMLProjectItems::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int HTMLProjectItems::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int HTMLProjectItems::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* HTMLProjectItems::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* HTMLProjectItems::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::HTMLProjectItem* HTMLProjectItems::Item(QVariant& Index) { Office::HTMLProjectItem* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("HTMLProjectItem*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("HTMLProjectItem", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* HTMLProject::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int HTMLProject::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::HTMLProjectItems* HTMLProject::HTMLProjectItems() const { Office::HTMLProjectItems* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("HTMLProjectItems*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("HTMLProjectItems", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("HTMLProjectItems"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::HTMLProjectItems**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* HTMLProject::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoHTMLProjectState HTMLProject::State() const { QVariant qax_result = property("State"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoHTMLProjectState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void HTMLProject::Open() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void HTMLProject::Open(Office::MsoHTMLProjectOpen OpenKind) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&OpenKind}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void HTMLProject::RefreshDocument() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void HTMLProject::RefreshDocument(bool Refresh) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Refresh}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline void HTMLProject::RefreshProject() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline void HTMLProject::RefreshProject(bool Refresh) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Refresh}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline IDispatch* MsoDebugOptions::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int MsoDebugOptions::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int MsoDebugOptions::FeatureReports() const { QVariant qax_result = property("FeatureReports"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void MsoDebugOptions::SetFeatureReports(int value){ setProperty("FeatureReports", QVariant(value)); } inline bool MsoDebugOptions::OutputToDebugger() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OutputToDebugger"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void MsoDebugOptions::SetOutputToDebugger(bool value){ setProperty("OutputToDebugger", QVariant(value)); } inline bool MsoDebugOptions::OutputToFile() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OutputToFile"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void MsoDebugOptions::SetOutputToFile(bool value){ setProperty("OutputToFile", QVariant(value)); } inline bool MsoDebugOptions::OutputToMessageBox() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OutputToMessageBox"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void MsoDebugOptions::SetOutputToMessageBox(bool value){ setProperty("OutputToMessageBox", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* FileDialogSelectedItems::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int FileDialogSelectedItems::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int FileDialogSelectedItems::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* FileDialogSelectedItems::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* FileDialogSelectedItems::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString FileDialogSelectedItems::Item(int Index) { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* FileDialogFilter::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int FileDialogFilter::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString FileDialogFilter::Description() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Description"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString FileDialogFilter::Extensions() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Extensions"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* FileDialogFilter::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* FileDialogFilters::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int FileDialogFilters::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int FileDialogFilters::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* FileDialogFilters::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* FileDialogFilters::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::FileDialogFilter* FileDialogFilters::Add(const QString& Description, const QString& Extensions) { Office::FileDialogFilter* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("FileDialogFilter*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("FileDialogFilter", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Description, (void*)&Extensions}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::FileDialogFilter* FileDialogFilters::Add(const QString& Description, const QString& Extensions, const QVariant& Position) { Office::FileDialogFilter* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("FileDialogFilter*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("FileDialogFilter", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Description, (void*)&Extensions, (void*)&Position}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline void FileDialogFilters::Clear() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void FileDialogFilters::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline void FileDialogFilters::Delete(const QVariant& filter) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&filter}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline Office::FileDialogFilter* FileDialogFilters::Item(int Index) { Office::FileDialogFilter* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("FileDialogFilter*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("FileDialogFilter", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); return qax_result; } inline bool FileDialog::AllowMultiSelect() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AllowMultiSelect"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FileDialog::SetAllowMultiSelect(bool value){ setProperty("AllowMultiSelect", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* FileDialog::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString FileDialog::ButtonName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ButtonName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FileDialog::SetButtonName(const QString& value){ setProperty("ButtonName", QVariant(value)); } inline int FileDialog::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoFileDialogType FileDialog::DialogType() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DialogType"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoFileDialogType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int FileDialog::FilterIndex() const { QVariant qax_result = property("FilterIndex"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FileDialog::SetFilterIndex(int value){ setProperty("FilterIndex", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::FileDialogFilters* FileDialog::Filters() const { Office::FileDialogFilters* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("FileDialogFilters*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("FileDialogFilters", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Filters"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::FileDialogFilters**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString FileDialog::InitialFileName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("InitialFileName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FileDialog::SetInitialFileName(const QString& value){ setProperty("InitialFileName", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoFileDialogView FileDialog::InitialView() const { QVariant qax_result = property("InitialView"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoFileDialogView*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FileDialog::SetInitialView(Office::MsoFileDialogView value){ setProperty("InitialView", QVariant(value)); } inline QString FileDialog::Item() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Item"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* FileDialog::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::FileDialogSelectedItems* FileDialog::SelectedItems() const { Office::FileDialogSelectedItems* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("FileDialogSelectedItems*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("FileDialogSelectedItems", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("SelectedItems"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::FileDialogSelectedItems**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString FileDialog::Title() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Title"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FileDialog::SetTitle(const QString& value){ setProperty("Title", QVariant(value)); } inline void FileDialog::Execute() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline int FileDialog::Show() { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* SignatureSet::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SignatureSet::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SignatureSet::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* SignatureSet::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* SignatureSet::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::Signature* SignatureSet::Add() { Office::Signature* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Signature*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Signature", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline void SignatureSet::Commit() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline Office::Signature* SignatureSet::Item(int iSig) { Office::Signature* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Signature*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Signature", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&iSig}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* Signature::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool Signature::AttachCertificate() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AttachCertificate"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Signature::SetAttachCertificate(bool value){ setProperty("AttachCertificate", QVariant(value)); } inline int Signature::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant Signature::ExpireDate() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ExpireDate"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool Signature::IsCertificateExpired() const { QVariant qax_result = property("IsCertificateExpired"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool Signature::IsCertificateRevoked() const { QVariant qax_result = property("IsCertificateRevoked"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool Signature::IsValid() const { QVariant qax_result = property("IsValid"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString Signature::Issuer() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Issuer"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* Signature::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant Signature::SignDate() const { QVariant qax_result = property("SignDate"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString Signature::Signer() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Signer"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Signature::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline IDispatch* IMsoEnvelopeVB::CommandBars() const { QVariant qax_result = property("CommandBars"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString IMsoEnvelopeVB::Introduction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Introduction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IMsoEnvelopeVB::SetIntroduction(const QString& value){ setProperty("Introduction", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* IMsoEnvelopeVB::Item() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Item"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* IMsoEnvelopeVB::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* MsoEnvelope::CommandBars() const { QVariant qax_result = property("CommandBars"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString MsoEnvelope::Introduction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Introduction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void MsoEnvelope::SetIntroduction(const QString& value){ setProperty("Introduction", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* MsoEnvelope::Item() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Item"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* MsoEnvelope::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* FileTypes::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int FileTypes::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int FileTypes::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* FileTypes::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void FileTypes::Add(Office::MsoFileType FileType) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&FileType}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline MsoFileType FileTypes::Item(int Index) { MsoFileType qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline void FileTypes::Remove(int Index) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline IDispatch* SearchFolders::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SearchFolders::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SearchFolders::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* SearchFolders::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SearchFolders::Add(Office::ScopeFolder* ScopeFolder) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&ScopeFolder}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline Office::ScopeFolder* SearchFolders::Item(int Index) { Office::ScopeFolder* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ScopeFolder*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("ScopeFolder", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline void SearchFolders::Remove(int Index) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline IDispatch* ScopeFolders::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ScopeFolders::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ScopeFolders::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* ScopeFolders::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::ScopeFolder* ScopeFolders::Item(int Index) { Office::ScopeFolder* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ScopeFolder*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("ScopeFolder", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* ScopeFolder::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ScopeFolder::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString ScopeFolder::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString ScopeFolder::Path() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Path"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::ScopeFolders* ScopeFolder::ScopeFolders() const { Office::ScopeFolders* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ScopeFolders*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("ScopeFolders", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("ScopeFolders"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::ScopeFolders**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ScopeFolder::AddToSearchFolders() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline IDispatch* SearchScope::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SearchScope::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::ScopeFolder* SearchScope::ScopeFolder() const { Office::ScopeFolder* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ScopeFolder*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("ScopeFolder", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("ScopeFolder"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::ScopeFolder**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoSearchIn SearchScope::Type() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Type"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoSearchIn*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* SearchScopes::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SearchScopes::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SearchScopes::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* SearchScopes::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::SearchScope* SearchScopes::Item(int Index) { Office::SearchScope* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SearchScope*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SearchScope", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* IMsoDiagram::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState IMsoDiagram::AutoFormat() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AutoFormat"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IMsoDiagram::SetAutoFormat(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("AutoFormat", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoTriState IMsoDiagram::AutoLayout() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AutoLayout"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IMsoDiagram::SetAutoLayout(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("AutoLayout", QVariant(value)); } inline int IMsoDiagram::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::DiagramNodes* IMsoDiagram::Nodes() const { Office::DiagramNodes* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNodes*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNodes", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Nodes"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::DiagramNodes**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* IMsoDiagram::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoTriState IMsoDiagram::Reverse() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Reverse"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoTriState*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IMsoDiagram::SetReverse(Office::MsoTriState value){ setProperty("Reverse", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoDiagramType IMsoDiagram::Type() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Type"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoDiagramType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IMsoDiagram::Convert(Office::MsoDiagramType Type) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Type}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void IMsoDiagram::FitText() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline IDispatch* DiagramNodes::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int DiagramNodes::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int DiagramNodes::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* DiagramNodes::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* DiagramNodes::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::DiagramNode* DiagramNodes::Item(const QVariant& Index) { Office::DiagramNode* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline void DiagramNodes::SelectAll() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline IDispatch* DiagramNodeChildren::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int DiagramNodeChildren::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int DiagramNodeChildren::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::DiagramNode* DiagramNodeChildren::FirstChild() const { Office::DiagramNode* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("FirstChild"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::DiagramNode**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::DiagramNode* DiagramNodeChildren::LastChild() const { Office::DiagramNode* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("LastChild"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::DiagramNode**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* DiagramNodeChildren::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* DiagramNodeChildren::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::DiagramNode* DiagramNodeChildren::AddNode() { Office::DiagramNode* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::DiagramNode* DiagramNodeChildren::AddNode(const QVariant& Index) { Office::DiagramNode* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::DiagramNode* DiagramNodeChildren::AddNode(const QVariant& Index, Office::MsoDiagramNodeType NodeType) { Office::DiagramNode* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index, (void*)&NodeType}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::DiagramNode* DiagramNodeChildren::Item(const QVariant& Index) { Office::DiagramNode* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); return qax_result; } inline void DiagramNodeChildren::SelectAll() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline IDispatch* DiagramNode::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::DiagramNodeChildren* DiagramNode::Children() const { Office::DiagramNodeChildren* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNodeChildren*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNodeChildren", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Children"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::DiagramNodeChildren**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int DiagramNode::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::IMsoDiagram* DiagramNode::Diagram() const { Office::IMsoDiagram* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("IMsoDiagram*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("IMsoDiagram", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Diagram"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::IMsoDiagram**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoOrgChartLayoutType DiagramNode::Layout() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Layout"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoOrgChartLayoutType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void DiagramNode::SetLayout(Office::MsoOrgChartLayoutType value){ setProperty("Layout", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* DiagramNode::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::DiagramNode* DiagramNode::Root() const { Office::DiagramNode* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Root"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::DiagramNode**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::Shape* DiagramNode::Shape() const { Office::Shape* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Shape"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::Shape**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::Shape* DiagramNode::TextShape() const { Office::Shape* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("TextShape"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::Shape**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::DiagramNode* DiagramNode::AddNode() { Office::DiagramNode* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::DiagramNode* DiagramNode::AddNode(Office::MsoRelativeNodePosition Pos) { Office::DiagramNode* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Pos}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::DiagramNode* DiagramNode::AddNode(Office::MsoRelativeNodePosition Pos, Office::MsoDiagramNodeType NodeType) { Office::DiagramNode* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Pos, (void*)&NodeType}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::DiagramNode* DiagramNode::CloneNode(bool CopyChildren, Office::DiagramNode* TargetNode) { Office::DiagramNode* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&CopyChildren, (void*)&TargetNode}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::DiagramNode* DiagramNode::CloneNode(bool CopyChildren, Office::DiagramNode* TargetNode, Office::MsoRelativeNodePosition Pos) { Office::DiagramNode* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&CopyChildren, (void*)&TargetNode, (void*)&Pos}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); return qax_result; } inline void DiagramNode::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline void DiagramNode::MoveNode(Office::DiagramNode* TargetNode, Office::MsoRelativeNodePosition Pos) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&TargetNode, (void*)&Pos}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); } inline Office::DiagramNode* DiagramNode::NextNode() { Office::DiagramNode* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::DiagramNode* DiagramNode::PrevNode() { Office::DiagramNode* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("DiagramNode", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); return qax_result; } inline void DiagramNode::ReplaceNode(Office::DiagramNode* TargetNode) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&TargetNode}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); } inline void DiagramNode::SwapNode(Office::DiagramNode* TargetNode) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&TargetNode}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); } inline void DiagramNode::SwapNode(Office::DiagramNode* TargetNode, bool SwapChildren) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&TargetNode, (void*)&SwapChildren}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); } inline void DiagramNode::TransferChildren(Office::DiagramNode* ReceivingNode) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&ReceivingNode}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 20, _a); } inline IDispatch* CanvasShapes::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::Shape* CanvasShapes::Background() const { Office::Shape* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Background"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::Shape**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CanvasShapes::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int CanvasShapes::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* CanvasShapes::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* CanvasShapes::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::Shape* CanvasShapes::AddCallout(Office::MsoCalloutType Type, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Width, (void*)&Height}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* CanvasShapes::AddConnector(Office::MsoConnectorType Type, double BeginX, double BeginY, double EndX, double EndY) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&BeginX, (void*)&BeginY, (void*)&EndX, (void*)&EndY}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* CanvasShapes::AddCurve(const QVariant& SafeArrayOfPoints) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&SafeArrayOfPoints}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* CanvasShapes::AddLabel(Office::MsoTextOrientation Orientation, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Orientation, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Width, (void*)&Height}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* CanvasShapes::AddLine(double BeginX, double BeginY, double EndX, double EndY) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&BeginX, (void*)&BeginY, (void*)&EndX, (void*)&EndY}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* CanvasShapes::AddPicture(const QString& FileName, Office::MsoTriState LinkToFile, Office::MsoTriState SaveWithDocument, double Left, double Top) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName, (void*)&LinkToFile, (void*)&SaveWithDocument, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* CanvasShapes::AddPicture(const QString& FileName, Office::MsoTriState LinkToFile, Office::MsoTriState SaveWithDocument, double Left, double Top, double Width) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName, (void*)&LinkToFile, (void*)&SaveWithDocument, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Width}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* CanvasShapes::AddPicture(const QString& FileName, Office::MsoTriState LinkToFile, Office::MsoTriState SaveWithDocument, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName, (void*)&LinkToFile, (void*)&SaveWithDocument, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Width, (void*)&Height}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* CanvasShapes::AddPolyline(const QVariant& SafeArrayOfPoints) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&SafeArrayOfPoints}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* CanvasShapes::AddShape(Office::MsoAutoShapeType Type, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Type, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Width, (void*)&Height}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* CanvasShapes::AddTextEffect(Office::MsoPresetTextEffect PresetTextEffect, const QString& Text, const QString& FontName, double FontSize, Office::MsoTriState FontBold, Office::MsoTriState FontItalic, double Left, double Top) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&PresetTextEffect, (void*)&Text, (void*)&FontName, (void*)&FontSize, (void*)&FontBold, (void*)&FontItalic, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* CanvasShapes::AddTextbox(Office::MsoTextOrientation Orientation, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Orientation, (void*)&Left, (void*)&Top, (void*)&Width, (void*)&Height}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::FreeformBuilder* CanvasShapes::BuildFreeform(Office::MsoEditingType EditingType, double X1, double Y1) { Office::FreeformBuilder* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("FreeformBuilder*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("FreeformBuilder", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&EditingType, (void*)&X1, (void*)&Y1}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::Shape* CanvasShapes::Item(const QVariant& Index) { Office::Shape* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("Shape*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("Shape", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 20, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::ShapeRange* CanvasShapes::Range(const QVariant& Index) { Office::ShapeRange* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("ShapeRange*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("ShapeRange", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); return qax_result; } inline void CanvasShapes::SelectAll() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); } inline IDispatch* OfficeDataSourceObject::Columns() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Columns"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString OfficeDataSourceObject::ConnectString() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ConnectString"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void OfficeDataSourceObject::SetConnectString(const QString& value){ setProperty("ConnectString", QVariant(value)); } inline QString OfficeDataSourceObject::DataSource() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DataSource"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void OfficeDataSourceObject::SetDataSource(const QString& value){ setProperty("DataSource", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* OfficeDataSourceObject::Filters() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Filters"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int OfficeDataSourceObject::RowCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("RowCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString OfficeDataSourceObject::Table() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Table"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void OfficeDataSourceObject::SetTable(const QString& value){ setProperty("Table", QVariant(value)); } inline void OfficeDataSourceObject::ApplyFilter() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline int OfficeDataSourceObject::Move(Office::MsoMoveRow MsoMoveRow) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&MsoMoveRow}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline int OfficeDataSourceObject::Move(Office::MsoMoveRow MsoMoveRow, int RowNbr) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&MsoMoveRow, (void*)&RowNbr}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline void OfficeDataSourceObject::Open() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline void OfficeDataSourceObject::Open(const QString& bstrSrc) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrSrc}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline void OfficeDataSourceObject::Open(const QString& bstrSrc, const QString& bstrConnect) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrSrc, (void*)&bstrConnect}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline void OfficeDataSourceObject::Open(const QString& bstrSrc, const QString& bstrConnect, const QString& bstrTable) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrSrc, (void*)&bstrConnect, (void*)&bstrTable}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); } inline void OfficeDataSourceObject::Open(const QString& bstrSrc, const QString& bstrConnect, const QString& bstrTable, int fOpenExclusive) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrSrc, (void*)&bstrConnect, (void*)&bstrTable, (void*)&fOpenExclusive}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); } inline void OfficeDataSourceObject::Open(const QString& bstrSrc, const QString& bstrConnect, const QString& bstrTable, int fOpenExclusive, int fNeverPrompt) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrSrc, (void*)&bstrConnect, (void*)&bstrTable, (void*)&fOpenExclusive, (void*)&fNeverPrompt}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); } inline void OfficeDataSourceObject::SetSortOrder(const QString& SortField1) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&SortField1}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); } inline void OfficeDataSourceObject::SetSortOrder(const QString& SortField1, bool SortAscending1) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&SortField1, (void*)&SortAscending1}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); } inline void OfficeDataSourceObject::SetSortOrder(const QString& SortField1, bool SortAscending1, const QString& SortField2) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&SortField1, (void*)&SortAscending1, (void*)&SortField2}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 20, _a); } inline void OfficeDataSourceObject::SetSortOrder(const QString& SortField1, bool SortAscending1, const QString& SortField2, bool SortAscending2) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&SortField1, (void*)&SortAscending1, (void*)&SortField2, (void*)&SortAscending2}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); } inline void OfficeDataSourceObject::SetSortOrder(const QString& SortField1, bool SortAscending1, const QString& SortField2, bool SortAscending2, const QString& SortField3) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&SortField1, (void*)&SortAscending1, (void*)&SortField2, (void*)&SortAscending2, (void*)&SortField3}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); } inline void OfficeDataSourceObject::SetSortOrder(const QString& SortField1, bool SortAscending1, const QString& SortField2, bool SortAscending2, const QString& SortField3, bool SortAscending3) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&SortField1, (void*)&SortAscending1, (void*)&SortField2, (void*)&SortAscending2, (void*)&SortField3, (void*)&SortAscending3}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 23, _a); } inline IDispatch* ODSOColumn::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ODSOColumn::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ODSOColumn::Index() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Index"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString ODSOColumn::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* ODSOColumn::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString ODSOColumn::Value() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Value"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* ODSOColumns::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ODSOColumns::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ODSOColumns::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* ODSOColumns::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* ODSOColumns::Item(const QVariant& varIndex) { IDispatch* qax_result = 0; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&varIndex}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* ODSOFilter::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString ODSOFilter::Column() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Column"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ODSOFilter::SetColumn(const QString& value){ setProperty("Column", QVariant(value)); } inline QString ODSOFilter::CompareTo() const { QVariant qax_result = property("CompareTo"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ODSOFilter::SetCompareTo(const QString& value){ setProperty("CompareTo", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoFilterComparison ODSOFilter::Comparison() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Comparison"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoFilterComparison*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ODSOFilter::SetComparison(Office::MsoFilterComparison value){ setProperty("Comparison", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoFilterConjunction ODSOFilter::Conjunction() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Conjunction"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoFilterConjunction*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ODSOFilter::SetConjunction(Office::MsoFilterConjunction value){ setProperty("Conjunction", QVariant(value)); } inline int ODSOFilter::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ODSOFilter::Index() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Index"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* ODSOFilter::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* ODSOFilters::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ODSOFilters::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ODSOFilters::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* ODSOFilters::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ODSOFilters::Add(const QString& Column, Office::MsoFilterComparison Comparison, Office::MsoFilterConjunction Conjunction) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Column, (void*)&Comparison, (void*)&Conjunction}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void ODSOFilters::Add(const QString& Column, Office::MsoFilterComparison Comparison, Office::MsoFilterConjunction Conjunction, const QString& bstrCompareTo) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Column, (void*)&Comparison, (void*)&Conjunction, (void*)&bstrCompareTo}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void ODSOFilters::Add(const QString& Column, Office::MsoFilterComparison Comparison, Office::MsoFilterConjunction Conjunction, const QString& bstrCompareTo, bool DeferUpdate) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Column, (void*)&Comparison, (void*)&Conjunction, (void*)&bstrCompareTo, (void*)&DeferUpdate}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void ODSOFilters::Delete(int Index) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline void ODSOFilters::Delete(int Index, bool DeferUpdate) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Index, (void*)&DeferUpdate}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline IDispatch* ODSOFilters::Item(int Index) { IDispatch* qax_result = 0; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* NewFile::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int NewFile::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool NewFile::Add(const QString& FileName) { bool qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline bool NewFile::Add(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& Section) { bool qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName, (void*)&Section}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline bool NewFile::Add(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& Section, const QVariant& DisplayName) { bool qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName, (void*)&Section, (void*)&DisplayName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline bool NewFile::Add(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& Section, const QVariant& DisplayName, const QVariant& Action) { bool qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName, (void*)&Section, (void*)&DisplayName, (void*)&Action}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); return qax_result; } inline bool NewFile::Remove(const QString& FileName) { bool qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); return qax_result; } inline bool NewFile::Remove(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& Section) { bool qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName, (void*)&Section}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); return qax_result; } inline bool NewFile::Remove(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& Section, const QVariant& DisplayName) { bool qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName, (void*)&Section, (void*)&DisplayName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); return qax_result; } inline bool NewFile::Remove(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& Section, const QVariant& DisplayName, const QVariant& Action) { bool qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName, (void*)&Section, (void*)&DisplayName, (void*)&Action}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString WebComponent::HTML() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HTML"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponent::SetHTML(const QString& value){ setProperty("HTML", QVariant(value)); } inline int WebComponent::Height() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Height"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponent::SetHeight(int value){ setProperty("Height", QVariant(value)); } inline QString WebComponent::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponent::SetName(const QString& value){ setProperty("Name", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* WebComponent::Shape() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Shape"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString WebComponent::URL() const { QVariant qax_result = property("URL"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponent::SetURL(const QString& value){ setProperty("URL", QVariant(value)); } inline int WebComponent::Width() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Width"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponent::SetWidth(int value){ setProperty("Width", QVariant(value)); } inline void WebComponent::Commit() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void WebComponent::Revert() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void WebComponent::SetPlaceHolderGraphic(const QString& PlaceHolderGraphic) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&PlaceHolderGraphic}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline IDispatch* WebComponentWindowExternal::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString WebComponentWindowExternal::ApplicationName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ApplicationName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int WebComponentWindowExternal::ApplicationVersion() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ApplicationVersion"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int WebComponentWindowExternal::InterfaceVersion() const { QVariant qax_result = property("InterfaceVersion"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::WebComponent* WebComponentWindowExternal::WebComponent() const { Office::WebComponent* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("WebComponent*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("WebComponent", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("WebComponent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::WebComponent**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponentWindowExternal::CloseWindow() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline IDispatch* WebComponentFormat::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString WebComponentFormat::HTML() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HTML"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponentFormat::SetHTML(const QString& value){ setProperty("HTML", QVariant(value)); } inline int WebComponentFormat::Height() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Height"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponentFormat::SetHeight(int value){ setProperty("Height", QVariant(value)); } inline QString WebComponentFormat::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponentFormat::SetName(const QString& value){ setProperty("Name", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* WebComponentFormat::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString WebComponentFormat::PreviewGraphic() const { QVariant qax_result = property("PreviewGraphic"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponentFormat::SetPreviewGraphic(const QString& value){ setProperty("PreviewGraphic", QVariant(value)); } inline QString WebComponentFormat::URL() const { QVariant qax_result = property("URL"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponentFormat::SetURL(const QString& value){ setProperty("URL", QVariant(value)); } inline int WebComponentFormat::Width() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Width"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponentFormat::SetWidth(int value){ setProperty("Width", QVariant(value)); } inline void WebComponentFormat::LaunchPropertiesWindow() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline int ILicWizExternal::AnimationEnabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AnimationEnabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ILicWizExternal::Context() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Context"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString ILicWizExternal::CountryInfo() const { QVariant qax_result = property("CountryInfo"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ILicWizExternal::CurrentHelpId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("CurrentHelpId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ILicWizExternal::SetCurrentHelpId(int value){ setProperty("CurrentHelpId", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* ILicWizExternal::LicAgent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("LicAgent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString ILicWizExternal::OfficeOnTheWebUrl() const { QVariant qax_result = property("OfficeOnTheWebUrl"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* ILicWizExternal::Validator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Validator"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString ILicWizExternal::WizardTitle() const { QVariant qax_result = property("WizardTitle"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ILicWizExternal::SetWizardTitle(const QString& value){ setProperty("WizardTitle", QVariant(value)); } inline int ILicWizExternal::WizardVisible() const { QVariant qax_result = property("WizardVisible"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ILicWizExternal::SetWizardVisible(int value){ setProperty("WizardVisible", QVariant(value)); } inline int ILicWizExternal::DepositPidKey(const QString& bstrKey, int fMORW) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&bstrKey, (void*)&fMORW}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ILicWizExternal::DisableVORWReminder(int BPC) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&BPC}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline QString ILicWizExternal::FormatDate(const QDateTime& date) { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&date}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicWizExternal::FormatDate(const QDateTime& date, const QString& pFormat) { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&date, (void*)&pFormat}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); return qax_result; } inline int ILicWizExternal::GetConnectedState() { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ILicWizExternal::InternetDisconnect() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline void ILicWizExternal::InvokeDateTimeApplet() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); } inline int ILicWizExternal::MsoAlert(const QString& bstrText, const QString& bstrButtons, const QString& bstrIcon) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&bstrText, (void*)&bstrButtons, (void*)&bstrIcon}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ILicWizExternal::OpenInDefaultBrowser(const QString& bstrUrl) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrUrl}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); } inline void ILicWizExternal::PrintHtmlDocument(IUnknown* punkHtmlDoc) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&punkHtmlDoc}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); } inline void ILicWizExternal::ResetPID() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); } inline void ILicWizExternal::ResignDpc(const QString& bstrProductCode) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrProductCode}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); } inline QString ILicWizExternal::SaveReceipt(const QString& bstrReceipt) { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&bstrReceipt}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ILicWizExternal::SetDialogSize(int dx, int dy) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&dx, (void*)&dy}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); } inline void ILicWizExternal::ShowHelp() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 24, _a); } inline void ILicWizExternal::ShowHelp(QVariant& pvarId) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pvarId}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 25, _a); } inline void ILicWizExternal::SortSelectOptions(IDispatch* pdispSelect) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&pdispSelect}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 26, _a); } inline void ILicWizExternal::Terminate() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 27, _a); } inline int ILicWizExternal::VerifyClock(int lMode) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&lMode}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 28, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ILicWizExternal::WriteLog(const QString& bstrMessage) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrMessage}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 29, _a); } inline QVariant ILicValidator::Products() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Products"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ILicValidator::Selection() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Selection"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ILicValidator::SetSelection(int value){ setProperty("Selection", QVariant(value)); } inline void ILicAgent::AsyncProcessCCRenewalLicenseRequest() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::AsyncProcessCCRenewalPriceRequest() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::AsyncProcessDroppedLicenseRequest() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::AsyncProcessHandshakeRequest(int bReviseCustInfo) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bReviseCustInfo}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::AsyncProcessNewLicenseRequest() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::AsyncProcessReissueLicenseRequest() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::AsyncProcessRetailRenewalLicenseRequest() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::AsyncProcessReviseCustInfoRequest() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::CancelAsyncProcessRequest(int bIsLicenseRequest) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bIsLicenseRequest}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); } inline uint ILicAgent::CheckSystemClock() { uint qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); return qax_result; } inline uint ILicAgent::DepositConfirmationId(const QString& bstrVal) { uint qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&bstrVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); return qax_result; } inline uint ILicAgent::DisplaySSLCert() { uint qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GenerateInstallationId() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetAddress1() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 20, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetAddress2() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); return qax_result; } inline uint ILicAgent::GetAsyncProcessReturnCode() { uint qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetBackendErrorMsg() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 23, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetBillingAddress1() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 24, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetBillingAddress2() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 25, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetBillingCity() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 26, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetBillingCountryCode() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 27, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetBillingFirstName() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 28, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetBillingLastName() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 29, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetBillingPhone() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 30, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetBillingState() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 31, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetBillingZip() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 32, _a); return qax_result; } inline QDateTime ILicAgent::GetCCRenewalExpiryDate() { QDateTime qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 33, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetCity() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 34, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetCountryCode() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 35, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetCountryDesc() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 36, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetCreditCardCode(uint dwIndex) { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&dwIndex}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 37, _a); return qax_result; } inline uint ILicAgent::GetCreditCardCount() { uint qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 38, _a); return qax_result; } inline uint ILicAgent::GetCreditCardExpiryMonth() { uint qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 39, _a); return qax_result; } inline uint ILicAgent::GetCreditCardExpiryYear() { uint qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 40, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetCreditCardName(uint dwIndex) { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&dwIndex}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 41, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetCreditCardNumber() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 42, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetCreditCardType() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 43, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetCurrencyDescription(uint dwCurrencyIndex) { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&dwCurrencyIndex}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 44, _a); return qax_result; } inline uint ILicAgent::GetCurrencyOption() { uint qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 45, _a); return qax_result; } inline QDateTime ILicAgent::GetCurrentExpiryDate() { QDateTime qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 46, _a); return qax_result; } inline int ILicAgent::GetDisconnectOption() { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 47, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetEmail() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 48, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetEndOfLifeHtmlText() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 49, _a); return qax_result; } inline QDateTime ILicAgent::GetExistingExpiryDate() { QDateTime qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 50, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetFirstName() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 51, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetInvoiceText() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 52, _a); return qax_result; } inline uint ILicAgent::GetIsoLanguage() { uint qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 53, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetLastName() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 54, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetMSOffer() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 55, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetMSUpdate() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 56, _a); return qax_result; } inline QDateTime ILicAgent::GetNewExpiryDate() { QDateTime qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 57, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetOrgName() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 58, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetOtherOffer() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 59, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetPhone() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 60, _a); return qax_result; } inline uint ILicAgent::GetPriceItemCount() { uint qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 61, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetPriceItemLabel(uint dwIndex) { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&dwIndex}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 62, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetPriceItemValue(uint dwCurrencyIndex, uint dwIndex) { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&dwCurrencyIndex, (void*)&dwIndex}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 63, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetState() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 64, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetVATLabel(const QString& bstrCountryCode) { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&bstrCountryCode}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 65, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetVATNumber() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 66, _a); return qax_result; } inline QString ILicAgent::GetZip() { QString qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 67, _a); return qax_result; } inline uint ILicAgent::Initialize(uint dwBPC, uint dwMode, const QString& bstrLicSource) { uint qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&dwBPC, (void*)&dwMode, (void*)&bstrLicSource}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 68, _a); return qax_result; } inline int ILicAgent::IsCCRenewalCountry(const QString& bstrCountryCode) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&bstrCountryCode}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 69, _a); return qax_result; } inline int ILicAgent::IsUpgradeAvailable() { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 70, _a); return qax_result; } inline uint ILicAgent::SaveBillingInfo(int bSave) { uint qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&bSave}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 71, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ILicAgent::SetAddress1(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 72, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetAddress2(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 73, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetBillingAddress1(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 74, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetBillingAddress2(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 75, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetBillingCity(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 76, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetBillingCountryCode(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 77, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetBillingFirstName(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 78, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetBillingLastName(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 79, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetBillingPhone(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 80, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetBillingState(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 81, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetBillingZip(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 82, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetCity(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 83, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetCountryCode(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 84, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetCountryDesc(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 85, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetCreditCardExpiryMonth(uint dwCCMonth) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&dwCCMonth}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 86, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetCreditCardExpiryYear(uint dwCCYear) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&dwCCYear}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 87, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetCreditCardNumber(const QString& bstrCCNumber) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrCCNumber}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 88, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetCreditCardType(const QString& bstrCCCode) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrCCCode}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 89, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetCurrencyOption(uint dwCurrencyOption) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&dwCurrencyOption}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 90, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetDisconnectOption(int bNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 91, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetEmail(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 92, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetFirstName(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 93, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetIsoLanguage(uint dwNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&dwNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 94, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetLastName(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 95, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetMSOffer(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 96, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetMSUpdate(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 97, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetOrgName(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 98, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetOtherOffer(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 99, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetPhone(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 100, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetState(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 101, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetVATNumber(const QString& bstrVATNumber) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrVATNumber}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 102, _a); } inline void ILicAgent::SetZip(const QString& bstrNewVal) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bstrNewVal}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 103, _a); } inline int ILicAgent::VerifyCheckDigits(const QString& bstrCIDIID) { int qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&bstrCIDIID}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 104, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ILicAgent::WantUpgrade(int bWantUpgrade) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&bWantUpgrade}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 105, _a); } inline IDispatch* IMsoEServicesDialog::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString IMsoEServicesDialog::ApplicationName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ApplicationName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* IMsoEServicesDialog::ClipArt() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ClipArt"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* IMsoEServicesDialog::WebComponent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("WebComponent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IMsoEServicesDialog::AddTrustedDomain(const QString& Domain) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&Domain}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void IMsoEServicesDialog::Close() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void IMsoEServicesDialog::Close(bool ApplyWebComponentChanges) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&ApplyWebComponentChanges}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline QString WebComponentProperties::HTML() const { QVariant qax_result = property("HTML"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponentProperties::SetHTML(const QString& value){ setProperty("HTML", QVariant(value)); } inline int WebComponentProperties::Height() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Height"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponentProperties::SetHeight(int value){ setProperty("Height", QVariant(value)); } inline QString WebComponentProperties::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponentProperties::SetName(const QString& value){ setProperty("Name", QVariant(value)); } inline QString WebComponentProperties::PreviewGraphic() const { QVariant qax_result = property("PreviewGraphic"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponentProperties::SetPreviewGraphic(const QString& value){ setProperty("PreviewGraphic", QVariant(value)); } inline QString WebComponentProperties::PreviewHTML() const { QVariant qax_result = property("PreviewHTML"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponentProperties::SetPreviewHTML(const QString& value){ setProperty("PreviewHTML", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* WebComponentProperties::Shape() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Shape"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString WebComponentProperties::Tag() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Tag"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponentProperties::SetTag(const QString& value){ setProperty("Tag", QVariant(value)); } inline QString WebComponentProperties::URL() const { QVariant qax_result = property("URL"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponentProperties::SetURL(const QString& value){ setProperty("URL", QVariant(value)); } inline int WebComponentProperties::Width() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Width"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void WebComponentProperties::SetWidth(int value){ setProperty("Width", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* SmartDocument::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SmartDocument::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SmartDocument::SolutionID() const { QVariant qax_result = property("SolutionID"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SmartDocument::SetSolutionID(const QString& value){ setProperty("SolutionID", QVariant(value)); } inline QString SmartDocument::SolutionURL() const { QVariant qax_result = property("SolutionURL"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SmartDocument::SetSolutionURL(const QString& value){ setProperty("SolutionURL", QVariant(value)); } inline void SmartDocument::PickSolution() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void SmartDocument::PickSolution(bool ConsiderAllSchemas) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&ConsiderAllSchemas}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void SmartDocument::RefreshPane() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceMember::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SharedWorkspaceMember::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceMember::DomainName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DomainName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceMember::Email() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Email"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceMember::Id() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Id"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceMember::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceMember::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SharedWorkspaceMember::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceMembers::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SharedWorkspaceMembers::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SharedWorkspaceMembers::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool SharedWorkspaceMembers::ItemCountExceeded() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ItemCountExceeded"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceMembers::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* SharedWorkspaceMembers::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceMember* SharedWorkspaceMembers::Add(const QString& Email, const QString& DomainName, const QString& DisplayName) { Office::SharedWorkspaceMember* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceMember*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceMember", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Email, (void*)&DomainName, (void*)&DisplayName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceMember* SharedWorkspaceMembers::Add(const QString& Email, const QString& DomainName, const QString& DisplayName, const QVariant& Role) { Office::SharedWorkspaceMember* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceMember*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceMember", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Email, (void*)&DomainName, (void*)&DisplayName, (void*)&Role}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceMember* SharedWorkspaceMembers::Item(int Index) { Office::SharedWorkspaceMember* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceMember*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceMember", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceTask::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceTask::AssignedTo() const { QVariant qax_result = property("AssignedTo"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SharedWorkspaceTask::SetAssignedTo(const QString& value){ setProperty("AssignedTo", QVariant(value)); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceTask::CreatedBy() const { QVariant qax_result = property("CreatedBy"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant SharedWorkspaceTask::CreatedDate() const { QVariant qax_result = property("CreatedDate"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SharedWorkspaceTask::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceTask::Description() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Description"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SharedWorkspaceTask::SetDescription(const QString& value){ setProperty("Description", QVariant(value)); } inline QVariant SharedWorkspaceTask::DueDate() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DueDate"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SharedWorkspaceTask::SetDueDate(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("DueDate", QVariant(value)); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceTask::ModifiedBy() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ModifiedBy"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant SharedWorkspaceTask::ModifiedDate() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ModifiedDate"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceTask::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority SharedWorkspaceTask::Priority() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Priority"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SharedWorkspaceTask::SetPriority(Office::MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority value){ setProperty("Priority", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus SharedWorkspaceTask::Status() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Status"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SharedWorkspaceTask::SetStatus(Office::MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus value){ setProperty("Status", QVariant(value)); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceTask::Title() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Title"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SharedWorkspaceTask::SetTitle(const QString& value){ setProperty("Title", QVariant(value)); } inline void SharedWorkspaceTask::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void SharedWorkspaceTask::Save() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceTasks::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SharedWorkspaceTasks::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SharedWorkspaceTasks::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool SharedWorkspaceTasks::ItemCountExceeded() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ItemCountExceeded"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceTasks::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* SharedWorkspaceTasks::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* SharedWorkspaceTasks::Add(const QString& Title) { Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceTask*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceTask", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Title}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* SharedWorkspaceTasks::Add(const QString& Title, const QVariant& Status) { Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceTask*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceTask", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Title, (void*)&Status}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* SharedWorkspaceTasks::Add(const QString& Title, const QVariant& Status, const QVariant& Priority) { Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceTask*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceTask", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Title, (void*)&Status, (void*)&Priority}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* SharedWorkspaceTasks::Add(const QString& Title, const QVariant& Status, const QVariant& Priority, const QVariant& Assignee) { Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceTask*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceTask", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Title, (void*)&Status, (void*)&Priority, (void*)&Assignee}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* SharedWorkspaceTasks::Add(const QString& Title, const QVariant& Status, const QVariant& Priority, const QVariant& Assignee, const QVariant& Description) { Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceTask*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceTask", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Title, (void*)&Status, (void*)&Priority, (void*)&Assignee, (void*)&Description}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* SharedWorkspaceTasks::Add(const QString& Title, const QVariant& Status, const QVariant& Priority, const QVariant& Assignee, const QVariant& Description, const QVariant& DueDate) { Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceTask*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceTask", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Title, (void*)&Status, (void*)&Priority, (void*)&Assignee, (void*)&Description, (void*)&DueDate}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* SharedWorkspaceTasks::Item(int Index) { Office::SharedWorkspaceTask* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceTask*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceTask", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceFile::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceFile::CreatedBy() const { QVariant qax_result = property("CreatedBy"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant SharedWorkspaceFile::CreatedDate() const { QVariant qax_result = property("CreatedDate"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SharedWorkspaceFile::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceFile::ModifiedBy() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ModifiedBy"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant SharedWorkspaceFile::ModifiedDate() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ModifiedDate"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceFile::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceFile::URL() const { QVariant qax_result = property("URL"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SharedWorkspaceFile::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceFiles::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SharedWorkspaceFiles::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SharedWorkspaceFiles::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool SharedWorkspaceFiles::ItemCountExceeded() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ItemCountExceeded"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceFiles::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* SharedWorkspaceFiles::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFile* SharedWorkspaceFiles::Add(const QString& FileName) { Office::SharedWorkspaceFile* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFile*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFile", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFile* SharedWorkspaceFiles::Add(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& ParentFolder) { Office::SharedWorkspaceFile* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFile*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFile", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName, (void*)&ParentFolder}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFile* SharedWorkspaceFiles::Add(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& ParentFolder, const QVariant& OverwriteIfFileAlreadyExists) { Office::SharedWorkspaceFile* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFile*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFile", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName, (void*)&ParentFolder, (void*)&OverwriteIfFileAlreadyExists}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFile* SharedWorkspaceFiles::Add(const QString& FileName, const QVariant& ParentFolder, const QVariant& OverwriteIfFileAlreadyExists, const QVariant& KeepInSync) { Office::SharedWorkspaceFile* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFile*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFile", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FileName, (void*)&ParentFolder, (void*)&OverwriteIfFileAlreadyExists, (void*)&KeepInSync}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFile* SharedWorkspaceFiles::Item(int Index) { Office::SharedWorkspaceFile* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFile*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFile", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceFolder::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SharedWorkspaceFolder::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceFolder::FolderName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("FolderName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceFolder::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SharedWorkspaceFolder::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void SharedWorkspaceFolder::Delete(const QVariant& DeleteEventIfFolderContainsFiles) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&DeleteEventIfFolderContainsFiles}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceFolders::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SharedWorkspaceFolders::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SharedWorkspaceFolders::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool SharedWorkspaceFolders::ItemCountExceeded() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ItemCountExceeded"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceFolders::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* SharedWorkspaceFolders::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFolder* SharedWorkspaceFolders::Add(const QString& FolderName) { Office::SharedWorkspaceFolder* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFolder*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFolder", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FolderName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFolder* SharedWorkspaceFolders::Add(const QString& FolderName, const QVariant& ParentFolder) { Office::SharedWorkspaceFolder* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFolder*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFolder", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&FolderName, (void*)&ParentFolder}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFolder* SharedWorkspaceFolders::Item(int Index) { Office::SharedWorkspaceFolder* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFolder*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFolder", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceLink::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceLink::CreatedBy() const { QVariant qax_result = property("CreatedBy"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant SharedWorkspaceLink::CreatedDate() const { QVariant qax_result = property("CreatedDate"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SharedWorkspaceLink::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceLink::Description() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Description"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SharedWorkspaceLink::SetDescription(const QString& value){ setProperty("Description", QVariant(value)); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceLink::ModifiedBy() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ModifiedBy"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant SharedWorkspaceLink::ModifiedDate() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ModifiedDate"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceLink::Notes() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Notes"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SharedWorkspaceLink::SetNotes(const QString& value){ setProperty("Notes", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceLink::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SharedWorkspaceLink::URL() const { QVariant qax_result = property("URL"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SharedWorkspaceLink::SetURL(const QString& value){ setProperty("URL", QVariant(value)); } inline void SharedWorkspaceLink::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void SharedWorkspaceLink::Save() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceLinks::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SharedWorkspaceLinks::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SharedWorkspaceLinks::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool SharedWorkspaceLinks::ItemCountExceeded() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ItemCountExceeded"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspaceLinks::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* SharedWorkspaceLinks::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceLink* SharedWorkspaceLinks::Add(const QString& URL) { Office::SharedWorkspaceLink* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceLink*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceLink", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&URL}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceLink* SharedWorkspaceLinks::Add(const QString& URL, const QVariant& Description) { Office::SharedWorkspaceLink* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceLink*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceLink", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&URL, (void*)&Description}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceLink* SharedWorkspaceLinks::Add(const QString& URL, const QVariant& Description, const QVariant& Notes) { Office::SharedWorkspaceLink* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceLink*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceLink", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&URL, (void*)&Description, (void*)&Notes}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceLink* SharedWorkspaceLinks::Item(int Index) { Office::SharedWorkspaceLink* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceLink*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceLink", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspace::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool SharedWorkspace::Connected() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Connected"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int SharedWorkspace::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFiles* SharedWorkspace::Files() const { Office::SharedWorkspaceFiles* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFiles*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFiles", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Files"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::SharedWorkspaceFiles**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceFolders* SharedWorkspace::Folders() const { Office::SharedWorkspaceFolders* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFolders*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceFolders", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Folders"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::SharedWorkspaceFolders**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant SharedWorkspace::LastRefreshed() const { QVariant qax_result = property("LastRefreshed"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceLinks* SharedWorkspace::Links() const { Office::SharedWorkspaceLinks* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceLinks*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceLinks", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Links"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::SharedWorkspaceLinks**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceMembers* SharedWorkspace::Members() const { Office::SharedWorkspaceMembers* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceMembers*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceMembers", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Members"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::SharedWorkspaceMembers**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SharedWorkspace::Name() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Name"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SharedWorkspace::SetName(const QString& value){ setProperty("Name", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* SharedWorkspace::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SharedWorkspace::SourceURL() const { QVariant qax_result = property("SourceURL"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SharedWorkspace::SetSourceURL(const QString& value){ setProperty("SourceURL", QVariant(value)); } inline Office::SharedWorkspaceTasks* SharedWorkspace::Tasks() const { Office::SharedWorkspaceTasks* qax_pointer = 0; qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceTasks*", &qax_pointer); qRegisterMetaType("SharedWorkspaceTasks", qax_pointer); QVariant qax_result = property("Tasks"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::SharedWorkspaceTasks**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString SharedWorkspace::URL() const { QVariant qax_result = property("URL"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void SharedWorkspace::CreateNew() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void SharedWorkspace::CreateNew(const QVariant& URL) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&URL}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void SharedWorkspace::CreateNew(const QVariant& URL, const QVariant& Name) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&URL, (void*)&Name}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void SharedWorkspace::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline void SharedWorkspace::Disconnect() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline void SharedWorkspace::Refresh() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } inline void SharedWorkspace::RemoveDocument() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); } inline IDispatch* Sync::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int Sync::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoSyncErrorType Sync::ErrorType() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ErrorType"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoSyncErrorType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant Sync::LastSyncTime() const { QVariant qax_result = property("LastSyncTime"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* Sync::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::MsoSyncStatusType Sync::Status() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Status"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(Office::MsoSyncStatusType*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString Sync::WorkspaceLastChangedBy() const { QVariant qax_result = property("WorkspaceLastChangedBy"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Sync::GetUpdate() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void Sync::OpenVersion(Office::MsoSyncVersionType SyncVersionType) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&SyncVersionType}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void Sync::PutUpdate() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void Sync::ResolveConflict(Office::MsoSyncConflictResolutionType SyncConflictResolution) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&SyncConflictResolution}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline void Sync::Unsuspend() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); } inline IDispatch* DocumentLibraryVersion::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString DocumentLibraryVersion::Comments() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Comments"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int DocumentLibraryVersion::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int DocumentLibraryVersion::Index() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Index"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant DocumentLibraryVersion::Modified() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Modified"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString DocumentLibraryVersion::ModifiedBy() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ModifiedBy"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* DocumentLibraryVersion::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline void DocumentLibraryVersion::Delete() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline IDispatch* DocumentLibraryVersion::Open() { IDispatch* qax_result = 0; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* DocumentLibraryVersion::Restore() { IDispatch* qax_result = 0; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* DocumentLibraryVersions::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int DocumentLibraryVersions::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int DocumentLibraryVersions::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool DocumentLibraryVersions::IsVersioningEnabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("IsVersioningEnabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline IDispatch* DocumentLibraryVersions::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline IUnknown* DocumentLibraryVersions::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::DocumentLibraryVersion* DocumentLibraryVersions::Item(int lIndex) { Office::DocumentLibraryVersion* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("DocumentLibraryVersion*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("DocumentLibraryVersion", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&lIndex}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline IDispatch* UserPermission::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int UserPermission::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QVariant UserPermission::ExpirationDate() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ExpirationDate"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QVariant*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void UserPermission::SetExpirationDate(const QVariant& value){ setProperty("ExpirationDate", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* UserPermission::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int UserPermission::Permission() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Permission"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void UserPermission::SetPermission(int value){ setProperty("Permission", QVariant(value)); } inline QString UserPermission::UserId() const { QVariant qax_result = property("UserId"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void UserPermission::Remove() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline IDispatch* Permission::Application() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Application"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline int Permission::Count() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Count"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int Permission::Creator() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Creator"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString Permission::DocumentAuthor() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DocumentAuthor"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Permission::SetDocumentAuthor(const QString& value){ setProperty("DocumentAuthor", QVariant(value)); } inline bool Permission::EnableTrustedBrowser() const { QVariant qax_result = property("EnableTrustedBrowser"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Permission::SetEnableTrustedBrowser(bool value){ setProperty("EnableTrustedBrowser", QVariant(value)); } inline bool Permission::Enabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Enabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Permission::SetEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("Enabled", QVariant(value)); } inline IDispatch* Permission::Parent() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Parent"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IDispatch**)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool Permission::PermissionFromPolicy() const { QVariant qax_result = property("PermissionFromPolicy"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString Permission::PolicyDescription() const { QVariant qax_result = property("PolicyDescription"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString Permission::PolicyName() const { QVariant qax_result = property("PolicyName"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString Permission::RequestPermissionURL() const { QVariant qax_result = property("RequestPermissionURL"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Permission::SetRequestPermissionURL(const QString& value){ setProperty("RequestPermissionURL", QVariant(value)); } inline bool Permission::StoreLicenses() const { QVariant qax_result = property("StoreLicenses"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void Permission::SetStoreLicenses(bool value){ setProperty("StoreLicenses", QVariant(value)); } inline IUnknown* Permission::_NewEnum() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_NewEnum"); if (!qax_result.constData()) return 0; Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(IUnknown**)qax_result.constData(); } inline Office::UserPermission* Permission::Add(const QString& UserId) { Office::UserPermission* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("UserPermission*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("UserPermission", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&UserId}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::UserPermission* Permission::Add(const QString& UserId, const QVariant& Permission) { Office::UserPermission* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("UserPermission*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("UserPermission", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&UserId, (void*)&Permission}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); return qax_result; } inline Office::UserPermission* Permission::Add(const QString& UserId, const QVariant& Permission, const QVariant& ExpirationDate) { Office::UserPermission* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("UserPermission*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("UserPermission", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&UserId, (void*)&Permission, (void*)&ExpirationDate}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); return qax_result; } inline void Permission::ApplyPolicy(const QString& FileName) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&FileName}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline Office::UserPermission* Permission::Item(const QVariant& Index) { Office::UserPermission* qax_result = 0; qRegisterMetaType("UserPermission*", &qax_result); qRegisterMetaType("UserPermission", qax_result); void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Index}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); return qax_result; } inline void Permission::RemoveAll() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); } #endif } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::IAccessible *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::IAccessible; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::_IMsoDispObj *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::_IMsoDispObj; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::_IMsoOleAccDispObj *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::_IMsoOleAccDispObj; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::_CommandBars *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::_CommandBars; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::CommandBar *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::CommandBar; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::CommandBarControls *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::CommandBarControls; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::CommandBarControl *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::CommandBarControl; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::_CommandBarButton *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::_CommandBarButton; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::CommandBarPopup *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::CommandBarPopup; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::_CommandBarComboBox *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::_CommandBarComboBox; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::_CommandBarActiveX *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::_CommandBarActiveX; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::Adjustments *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::Adjustments; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::CalloutFormat *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::CalloutFormat; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ColorFormat *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ColorFormat; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ConnectorFormat *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ConnectorFormat; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::FillFormat *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::FillFormat; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::FreeformBuilder *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::FreeformBuilder; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::GroupShapes *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::GroupShapes; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::LineFormat *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::LineFormat; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ShapeNode *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ShapeNode; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ShapeNodes *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ShapeNodes; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::PictureFormat *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::PictureFormat; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ShadowFormat *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ShadowFormat; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::Script *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::Script; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::Scripts *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::Scripts; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::Shape *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::Shape; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ShapeRange *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ShapeRange; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::Shapes *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::Shapes; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::TextEffectFormat *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::TextEffectFormat; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::TextFrame *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::TextFrame; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ThreeDFormat *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ThreeDFormat; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::IMsoDispCagNotifySink *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::IMsoDispCagNotifySink; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::Balloon *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::Balloon; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::BalloonCheckboxes *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::BalloonCheckboxes; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::BalloonCheckbox *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::BalloonCheckbox; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::BalloonLabels *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::BalloonLabels; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::BalloonLabel *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::BalloonLabel; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::AnswerWizardFiles *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::AnswerWizardFiles; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::AnswerWizard *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::AnswerWizard; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::Assistant *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::Assistant; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::IFoundFiles *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::IFoundFiles; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::IFind *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::IFind; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::FoundFiles *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::FoundFiles; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::PropertyTest *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::PropertyTest; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::PropertyTests *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::PropertyTests; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::FileSearch *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::FileSearch; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::COMAddIn *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::COMAddIn; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::COMAddIns *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::COMAddIns; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::LanguageSettings *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::LanguageSettings; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ICommandBarsEvents *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ICommandBarsEvents; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::CommandBars *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::CommandBars; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ICommandBarComboBoxEvents *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ICommandBarComboBoxEvents; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::CommandBarComboBox *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::CommandBarComboBox; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ICommandBarButtonEvents *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ICommandBarButtonEvents; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::CommandBarButton *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::CommandBarButton; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::WebPageFont *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::WebPageFont; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::WebPageFonts *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::WebPageFonts; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::HTMLProjectItem *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::HTMLProjectItem; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::HTMLProjectItems *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::HTMLProjectItems; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::HTMLProject *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::HTMLProject; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::MsoDebugOptions *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::MsoDebugOptions; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::FileDialogSelectedItems *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::FileDialogSelectedItems; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::FileDialogFilter *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::FileDialogFilter; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::FileDialogFilters *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::FileDialogFilters; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::FileDialog *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::FileDialog; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::SignatureSet *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::SignatureSet; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::Signature *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::Signature; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::IMsoEnvelopeVB *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::IMsoEnvelopeVB; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::MsoEnvelope *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::MsoEnvelope; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::FileTypes *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::FileTypes; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::SearchFolders *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::SearchFolders; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ScopeFolders *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ScopeFolders; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ScopeFolder *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ScopeFolder; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::SearchScope *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::SearchScope; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::SearchScopes *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::SearchScopes; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::IMsoDiagram *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::IMsoDiagram; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::DiagramNodes *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::DiagramNodes; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::DiagramNodeChildren *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::DiagramNodeChildren; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::DiagramNode *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::DiagramNode; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::CanvasShapes *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::CanvasShapes; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::OfficeDataSourceObject *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::OfficeDataSourceObject; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ODSOColumn *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ODSOColumn; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ODSOColumns *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ODSOColumns; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ODSOFilter *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ODSOFilter; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ODSOFilters *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ODSOFilters; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::NewFile *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::NewFile; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::WebComponent *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::WebComponent; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::WebComponentWindowExternal *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::WebComponentWindowExternal; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::WebComponentFormat *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::WebComponentFormat; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ILicWizExternal *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ILicWizExternal; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ILicValidator *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ILicValidator; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::ILicAgent *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::ILicAgent; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::IMsoEServicesDialog *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::IMsoEServicesDialog; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::WebComponentProperties *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::WebComponentProperties; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::SmartDocument *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::SmartDocument; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::SharedWorkspaceMember *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::SharedWorkspaceMember; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::SharedWorkspaceMembers *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::SharedWorkspaceMembers; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::SharedWorkspaceTask *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::SharedWorkspaceTask; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::SharedWorkspaceTasks *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::SharedWorkspaceTasks; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::SharedWorkspaceFile *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::SharedWorkspaceFile; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::SharedWorkspaceFiles *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::SharedWorkspaceFiles; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::SharedWorkspaceFolder *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::SharedWorkspaceFolder; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::SharedWorkspaceFolders *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::SharedWorkspaceFolders; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::SharedWorkspaceLink *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::SharedWorkspaceLink; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::SharedWorkspaceLinks *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::SharedWorkspaceLinks; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::SharedWorkspace *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::SharedWorkspace; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::Sync *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::Sync; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::DocumentLibraryVersion *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::DocumentLibraryVersion; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::DocumentLibraryVersions *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::DocumentLibraryVersions; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::UserPermission *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::UserPermission; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const Office::Permission *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new Office::Permission; } #endif