@echo off REM -------------------------------------------------------------------- REM This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify REM it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by REM the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or REM (at your option) any later version. REM REM This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, REM but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of REM MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the REM GNU General Public License for more details. REM REM You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License REM along with this program. If not, see . REM --------------------------------------------------------------------- GOTO EXIT set SCRIPT_PATH=%~dp0 set PROJECT_ROOT=%SCRIPT_PATH%\..\.. set APPLICATION_NAME=OpenBoard set QT_DIR=C:\Qt\5.5\msvc2010 set QT_BIN=%QT_DIR%\bin set PROGRAMS_FILE_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86) set GIT_BIN=%PROGRAMS_FILE_PATH%\Git\bin set VS_BIN=%PROGRAMS_FILE_PATH%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin set WIN_SDK_BIN=%PROGRAMS_FILE_PATH%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bin set INNO_EXE=%PROGRAMS_FILE_PATH%\Inno Setup 5\iscc.exe set BUILD_DIR=%PROJECT_ROOT%\build\win32\release set LRELEASE=%QT_DIR%\bin\lrelease set BASE_QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIRECTORY=%QT_DIR%\translations set PATH=%QT_BIN%;%PATH%;%WIN_SDK_BIN%;%GIT_BIN% call "%VS_BIN%\vcvars32.bat" echo %PATH% cd %PROJECT_ROOT% REM Third party impoter application set IMPORTER_NAME=OpenBoardImporter set IMPORTER_PATH="..\OpenBoard-Importer" IF NOT EXIST "%IMPORTER_PATH%" GOTO EXIT_WITH_ERROR set HOME_DIR="%cd%" cd %IMPORTER_PATH% IF EXIST "release" (del "release\*.*" /Q) IF EXIST "debug" (del "debug\*.*" /Q) IF EXIST "MakeFile" (del "MakeFile*" /Q) IF EXIST "MakeFile" (del "MakeFile*" /Q) IF EXIST "%IMPORTER_NAME%.exe" (del "%IMPORTER_NAME%.exe" /Q) "%QT_BIN%\qmake.exe" %IMPORTER_NAME%.pro nmake release IF NOT EXIST release\"%IMPORTER_NAME%.exe" GOTO EXIT_WITH_ERROR cd %HOME_DIR% REM this checks if the custom qt directory path REM is correct. This is important because installer REM pick up dll from this directory REM IF NOT EXIST "%QT_DIR%\bin\Qt5Core.dll" GOTO EXIT_WITH_ERROR rmdir /S /Q %BUILD_DIR% rmdir /S /Q install "%QT_BIN%\qmake.exe" %APPLICATION_NAME%.pro %LRELEASE% %APPLICATION_NAME%.pro %LRELEASE% %BASE_QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIRECTORY%\translations.pro set /p VERSION= < build\win32\release\version REM remove the last character that is a space set VERSION=%VERSION: =% REM git rev-list --tags --max-count=1 > tmp REM set /p LAST_TAG= < tmp REM erase tmp REM git describe %LAST_TAG% > tmp REM set /p LAST_TAG_VERSION=< tmp REM erase tmp REM echo %VERSION% REM echo %LAST_TAG_VERSION% nmake release-install IF NOT EXIST build\win32\release\product\%APPLICATION_NAME%.exe GOTO EXIT_WITH_ERROR xcopy C:\%APPLICATION_NAME%\bin\*.dll build\win32\release\product\ xcopy %QT_DIR%\bin\Qt5OpenGL.dll build\win32\release\product\ set CUSTOMIZATIONS=build\win32\release\product\customizations mkdir %CUSTOMIZATIONS% xcopy /s resources\customizations %CUSTOMIZATIONS% set I18n=build\win32\release\product\i18n xcopy /s %BASE_QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIRECTORY%\qt_*.qm %I18n%\ del build\win32\release\product\i18n\qt_help* del "build\win32\release\product\%APPLICATION_NAME%.pdb" call "%INNO_EXE%" "%SCRIPT_PATH%\%APPLICATION_NAME%.iss" /F"%APPLICATION_NAME%_Installer_%VERSION%" GOTO END :EXIT_WITH_ERROR echo "Error found" GOTO EOF :END echo "%APPLICATION_NAME% build finished" :EOF