Tic tac toe

Mental calculation version

The two players choose, complete and valid an operation in turn.

Click the "check" button to verify the entry. The App is able to verify the calculation.

If the answer is correct, the box is marked with a cross (X) or a circle (O) according to the player.

If the answer is false, the other player takes the hand and begins to play.

The name of the player is displayed on the left : Player 1 (X), Player 2 (O).

The first player to get 3 of his marks ( X or O) in a row (up, down, across, or diagonally) is the winner.

The "Reload" button restarts the game.

Enter the "Edit" mode to :

Insert the calculation in each field. Results of operations are automatically calculated by the interactivity.

The App is able to identify mathematical signs ("+", "*", "-", "/" and parentheses).

"Display" button comes back to the activity.