/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ function init(){ var h = 292; var w = 160; var wh = h+6; var ww = w+6; var clickFlag = false; var ubwidget = $("#ubwidget").ubwidget({ width:w, height:h }); var historyTab = $("<div></div>") .css({ height:h, marginRight:0, width:20, float:"left", backgroundImage:"url(images/historytab.png)", backgroundRepeat:"no-repeat" }) .toggle( function(){ resizeWidget(370, 294); historyPanel.show(); $(".ubw-container").css({ backgroundImage:"url(images/back.png)", width:328 }); if(window.sankore){ window.sankore.setPreference('historyTab', "visible"); }; }, function(){ resizeWidget(200, 294); historyPanel.hide(); $(".ubw-container").css({ backgroundImage:"url(images/back_small.png)", width:160 }); if(window.sankore){ window.sankore.setPreference('historyTab', "hidden"); }; } ) .hover( function(){ $(this).css({ backgroundImage:"url(images/historytabOver.png)" }); }, function(){ $(this).css({ backgroundImage:"url(images/historytab.png)" }); } ) .appendTo($("body")); var space = $("<div></div>"); space.css({ width:5, height:1, float:"left" }); var keysPanel = $("<div id='keysPanel'></div>").css({ float:"left" }); var mode = "standard"; var calc = ""; var displayTrunk = ""; var historyTrunk = ""; var lastHistory = ""; var subtrunk = 0; var itrunk = 0; var trunkpos = 0; var lastchar = { type:"NaN", value:"null" }; var inparenthesis = false; var erase = false; var abtn; var readyToCompute = false; var lastResult = "0"; var gDecimalSeparator = ""; var gThousandsSeparator = ""; var gDecimalCode = 0; var gDecimalString = ""; var gError = false; var historyTxt = "0"; var display = $("<div id='display'>0</div>") .addClass("ubw-inputbox") .css({ padding:"12px", marginLeft:"2px", marginBottom:"9px", marginTop:7, backgroundImage:"url(images/display.png)", fontSize:"22px", fontFamily:"Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif", color:"#777788", width:118, height:28, overflow:"hidden", textAlign:"right", }); var standardPanel = $("<div></div>").css({ float:"left" }); var cKeySize = { w:33, h:36 }; var btn7 = $("<div><img src='images/touche7.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:cKeySize.w, h:cKeySize.h }) .mousedown(function(){ appendToDisplay("7", 1) }); var btn8 = $("<div><img src='images/touche8.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:cKeySize.w, h:cKeySize.h }) .mousedown(function(){ appendToDisplay("8", 1) }); var btn9 = $("<div><img src='images/touche9.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:cKeySize.w, h:cKeySize.h }) .mousedown(function(){ appendToDisplay("9", 1) }); var btnDiv = $("<div><img src='images/touchediv.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:cKeySize.w, h:cKeySize.h }) .mousedown(function(){ appendToDisplay("/", 0) }); var btn4 = $("<div><img src='images/touche4.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:cKeySize.w, h:cKeySize.h }) .mousedown(function(){ appendToDisplay("4", 1) }); var btn5 = $("<div><img src='images/touche5.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:cKeySize.w, h:cKeySize.h }) .mousedown(function(){ appendToDisplay("5", 1) }); var btn6 = $("<div><img src='images/touche6.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:cKeySize.w, h:cKeySize.h }) .mousedown(function(){ appendToDisplay("6", 1) }); var btnMul = $("<div><img src='images/touchef.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:cKeySize.w, h:cKeySize.h }) .mousedown(function(){ appendToDisplay("*", 0) }); var btn1 = $("<div><img src='images/touche1.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:cKeySize.w, h:cKeySize.h }) .mousedown(function(){ appendToDisplay("1", 1) }); var btn2 = $("<div><img src='images/touche2.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:cKeySize.w, h:cKeySize.h }) .mousedown(function(){ appendToDisplay("2", 1) }); var btn3 = $("<div><img src='images/touche3.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:cKeySize.w, h:cKeySize.h }) .mousedown(function(){ appendToDisplay("3", 1) }); var btnSou = $("<div><img src='images/touchem.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:68, h:34 }) .mousedown(function(){ appendToDisplay("-", 0) }); var btn0 = $("<div><img src='images/touche0.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:cKeySize.w, h:cKeySize.h }) .mousedown(function(){ appendToDisplay("0", 1) }); var btnDot = $("<div><img src='images/touchedot.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:cKeySize.w, h:cKeySize.h }) .mousedown(function(){ appendToDisplay(".", 1) }); var btnC = $("<div><img src='images/touchec.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:cKeySize.w, h:cKeySize.h }) .mousedown(function(){ reset() }); var btnAdd = $("<div><img src='images/touchep.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:68, h:34 }) .mousedown(function(){ appendToDisplay("+", 0) }); var btnPaL = $("<div><img src='images/touchepg.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:cKeySize.w, h:cKeySize.h }) .mousedown(function(){ appendToDisplay("(", 1) }); var btnPaR = $("<div><img src='images/touchepd.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:cKeySize.w, h:cKeySize.h }) .mousedown(function(){ appendToDisplay(")", 1) }); var btnEqu = $("<div><img src='images/toucheeq.png'/></div>").ubwbutton({ w:cKeySize.w, h:cKeySize.h }) .mousedown(function(){ compute() }); var historyPanel = $("<div id='historyPanel'></div>") .css({ backgroundImage:"url(images/historyback.png)", width:"auto", height:"auto", float:"left", marginLeft:3, marginRight:2, marginTop:6 }) .hide(); var historyBox = $("<textarea id='historyBox'></textarea>") .css({ padding:10, fontSize:"20px", fontFamily:"Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif", width:143, height:236, backgroundColor:"transparent", resize:"none", border:"none", overlay:"none", color:"#eeeeee" }) .val("0"); historyPanel.append(historyBox); var stop = $("<div></div>"); var sleft = $("<div></div>"); var sright = $("<div></div>"); stop.css({ width:140 }) .append(btnAdd).append(btnSou) .append(btn7).append(btn8).append(btn9).append(btnMul) .append(btn4).append(btn5).append(btn6).append(btnDiv); sleft.css({ width:105, float:"left" }) .append(btn1).append(btn2).append(btn3) .append(btn0).append(btnDot).append(btnC); sright.css({ width:45, float:"left" }) .append(btnEqu); standardPanel.css({ width:150 }) .append(stop) .append(sleft).append(sright); keysPanel .append(display) .append(standardPanel); ubwidget .append(historyPanel) .append(keysPanel); if(window.sankore){ historyTxt = window.sankore.preference('historyTxt', historyTxt); var ht = window.sankore.preference('historyTab', "hidden"); $("#historyBox").val(historyTxt); if(ht === "visible"){ historyTab.trigger("click"); }; } function resizeWidget(w, h){ window.sankore.resize(w+2, h+2); } function compute(){ var result = eval(calc) $("#display").text(updateDisplay(result)); lastResult = result; lastchar.type = "Nan"; lastchar.value = ""; calc = ""; $("#historyBox").val($("#historyBox").val()+historyTrunk+"\n= "+updateDisplay(result)+"\n\n"); $("#historyBox").scrollTop(99999); displayTrunk = ""; historyTrunk = ""; if(window.sankore){ window.sankore.setPreference('historyTxt', $("#historyBox").val()); }; lastHistory = $("#historyBox").val(); } function reset(){ $("#display").text("0"); calc=""; displayTrunk=""; historyTrunk=""; $("#historyBox").val(lastHistory); $("#historyBox").scrollTop(99999); } function formatNumberWithDelimiters(number) { var delimiter = gThousandsSeparator; var numString = number.toString(); if (!numString) return "0"; var dot = numString.indexOf(gDecimalSeparator); if (dot == -1) dot = numString.length; var stop = numString.length-dot; var characteristic = numString.substr(0, dot); if (!parseInt(characteristic)) return numString; // see if it's a negative number var numIsNegative = (parseInt(characteristic) < 0) var newNumber = ""; var delimiterCount = Math.floor((characteristic.length-1) / 3); var extras = characteristic.length % 3; if (!extras && characteristic.length > 2) extras = 3; if (extras) newNumber = newNumber + characteristic.substr(0, extras); for (var i=0;i< delimiterCount; i++) { if ( (0 == i) && numIsNegative && (extras == 1)) newNumber = newNumber + characteristic.substr(extras + (i * 3), 3); else newNumber = newNumber + delimiter + characteristic.substr(extras + (i * 3), 3); } return (dot ? (newNumber + numString.substr(dot, stop)) : newNumber); } function formatNumberWithScientificNotation(number) { if (number == 0) return number; var numString = number.toString(); if (!numString) return "0"; var num = new Number(numString); var sci = num.toExponential(5); if (sci == "NaN") sci = formatNumberWithDelimiters(numString); if (!sci) return "0"; return sci; } function updateDisplay(number){ if(String(number).length > 8){ number = formatNumberWithScientificNotation(number); } else{ number = number; } return number; } function appendToDisplay(_char, v){ var char = _char; // Display if($("#historyBox").val() === "0"){ $("#historyBox").val(""); }; if(char == "-" && lastchar.type == "NaN"){ char = "m"; }; // char is a number if(char <= 0 || char > 0 || char == "." || char == "m" || char == "(" || char == ")"){ if(char == "m"){ char = "-"; }; if(lastchar.type == "NaN"){ displayTrunk = ""; }; if(lastchar.value == "." && char == "."){ calc = calc.substr(0, calc.length-1); displayTrunk = displayTrunk.substr(0, displayTrunk.length-1); }; calc += String(char); displayTrunk += String(char); historyTrunk += String(char); lastchar.type = "Number"; } // char is an operator else { if(calc.length === 0){ var endCalc = calc; calc = lastResult + endCalc; historyTrunk = updateDisplay(lastResult); } if(lastchar.type == "NaN"){ calc = calc.substr(0, calc.length-1); calc += char; $("#historyBox").val($("#historyBox").val().substr(0, $("#historyBox").val().length-1)); } else{ try{ calc = eval(calc) + String(char); }catch(e){} } lastchar.type = "NaN"; try{ displayTrunk = eval(calc.substr(0, calc.length-1)); }catch(e){} $("#historyBox").val($("#historyBox").val()+historyTrunk+char); $("#historyBox").scrollTop(99999); historyTrunk = ""; } lastchar.value = char; $("#display").text(updateDisplay(displayTrunk)); } $("#historyBox").click(function(){ if(!clickFlag){ $(this).select(); clickFlag = true; } else{ clickFlag = false; $(this).blur(); } }); $(document).disableTextSelect(); };