/**************************************************************************** ** ** Namespace ReplyXControl1 generated by dumpcpp from type library ** ocx\Reply2005.ocx ** ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef QAX_DUMPCPP_REPLYXCONTROL1_H #define QAX_DUMPCPP_REPLYXCONTROL1_H // Define this symbol to __declspec(dllexport) or __declspec(dllimport) #ifndef REPLYXCONTROL1_EXPORT #define REPLYXCONTROL1_EXPORT #endif #include <qaxobject.h> #include <qaxwidget.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qpixmap.h> struct IDispatch; // Referenced namespace namespace ReplyXControl1 { enum TxrstDataMode { modeSerial = 0, modeTimestamp = 1 }; enum TxrstKeypadConfigurationMode { kpcManual = 0, kpcBase = 1 }; enum TxrstKeypadPowerLevel { powLow = 0, powLowMid = 1, powMidHigh = 2, powHigh = 3 }; enum TxrstReplyModel { mNone = 0, mReply = 1, mReplyEU = 2, mReplyEZ = 3, mReply2005 = 4, mAutoDetect = 5 }; // forward declarations enum TxrstReplyModel; enum TxrstKeypadPowerLevel; enum TxrstDataMode; enum TxrstKeypadConfigurationMode; enum TxrstReplyModel; enum TxrstKeypadPowerLevel; enum TxrstDataMode; enum TxrstKeypadConfigurationMode; class REPLYXCONTROL1_EXPORT IReplyX : public QAxObject { public: IReplyX(IDispatch *subobject = 0, QAxObject *parent = 0) : QAxObject((IUnknown*)subobject, parent) { internalRelease(); } /* Property BaseChannel */ inline int BaseChannel() const; //Returns the value of BaseChannel inline void SetBaseChannel(int value); //Sets the value of the BaseChannel property /* Property BaseSerialNumber */ inline QString BaseSerialNumber() const; //Returns the value of BaseSerialNumber /* Property BaseVersion */ inline QString BaseVersion() const; //Returns the value of BaseVersion /* Property CommunicationTimeout */ inline int CommunicationTimeout() const; //Returns the value of CommunicationTimeout inline void SetCommunicationTimeout(int value); //Sets the value of the CommunicationTimeout property /* Property Connected */ inline bool Connected() const; //Returns the value of Connected /* Property ControlVersion */ inline QString ControlVersion() const; //Returns the value of ControlVersion /* Property DebugEventsEnabled */ inline bool DebugEventsEnabled() const; //Returns the value of DebugEventsEnabled inline void SetDebugEventsEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the DebugEventsEnabled property /* Property ErrorEventsEnabled */ inline bool ErrorEventsEnabled() const; //Returns the value of ErrorEventsEnabled inline void SetErrorEventsEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the ErrorEventsEnabled property /* Property ErrorExceptionsEnabled */ inline bool ErrorExceptionsEnabled() const; //Returns the value of ErrorExceptionsEnabled inline void SetErrorExceptionsEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the ErrorExceptionsEnabled property /* Property KeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled */ inline bool KeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled() const; //Returns the value of KeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled inline void SetKeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the KeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled property /* Property KeypadConfigurationMode */ inline ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadConfigurationMode KeypadConfigurationMode() const; //Returns the value of KeypadConfigurationMode inline void SetKeypadConfigurationMode(ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadConfigurationMode value); //Sets the value of the KeypadConfigurationMode property /* Property KeypadDigitEcho */ inline bool KeypadDigitEcho() const; //Returns the value of KeypadDigitEcho inline void SetKeypadDigitEcho(bool value); //Sets the value of the KeypadDigitEcho property /* Property KeypadGlobalConfigurationLock */ inline bool KeypadGlobalConfigurationLock() const; //Returns the value of KeypadGlobalConfigurationLock inline void SetKeypadGlobalConfigurationLock(bool value); //Sets the value of the KeypadGlobalConfigurationLock property /* Property KeypadList */ inline QString KeypadList() const; //Returns the value of KeypadList /* Property KeypadListCount */ inline int KeypadListCount() const; //Returns the value of KeypadListCount /* Property KeypadLowBatteryNotification */ inline bool KeypadLowBatteryNotification() const; //Returns the value of KeypadLowBatteryNotification inline void SetKeypadLowBatteryNotification(bool value); //Sets the value of the KeypadLowBatteryNotification property /* Property KeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse */ inline bool KeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse() const; //Returns the value of KeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse inline void SetKeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse(bool value); //Sets the value of the KeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse property /* Property KeypadPostAcknowledgement */ inline bool KeypadPostAcknowledgement() const; //Returns the value of KeypadPostAcknowledgement inline void SetKeypadPostAcknowledgement(bool value); //Sets the value of the KeypadPostAcknowledgement property /* Property KeypadSoftkeysEnabled */ inline bool KeypadSoftkeysEnabled() const; //Returns the value of KeypadSoftkeysEnabled inline void SetKeypadSoftkeysEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the KeypadSoftkeysEnabled property /* Property KeypadStarKeyEnabled */ inline bool KeypadStarKeyEnabled() const; //Returns the value of KeypadStarKeyEnabled inline void SetKeypadStarKeyEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the KeypadStarKeyEnabled property /* Property KeypadTransmitPowerLevel */ inline ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadPowerLevel KeypadTransmitPowerLevel() const; //Returns the value of KeypadTransmitPowerLevel inline void SetKeypadTransmitPowerLevel(ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadPowerLevel value); //Sets the value of the KeypadTransmitPowerLevel property /* Property LastErrorCode */ inline int LastErrorCode() const; //Returns the value of LastErrorCode /* Property LastErrorMessage */ inline QString LastErrorMessage() const; //Returns the value of LastErrorMessage /* Property MaxKeypads */ inline int MaxKeypads() const; //Returns the value of MaxKeypads /* Property Polling */ inline bool Polling() const; //Returns the value of Polling /* Property QuickStart */ inline bool QuickStart() const; //Returns the value of QuickStart inline void SetQuickStart(bool value); //Sets the value of the QuickStart property /* Property ReplyModel */ inline ReplyXControl1::TxrstReplyModel ReplyModel() const; //Returns the value of ReplyModel inline void SetReplyModel(ReplyXControl1::TxrstReplyModel value); //Sets the value of the ReplyModel property /* Property SerialPort */ inline int SerialPort() const; //Returns the value of SerialPort inline void SetSerialPort(int value); //Sets the value of the SerialPort property /* Property _DAXCtrl */ inline bool _DAXCtrl() const; //Returns the value of _DAXCtrl inline void set_DAXCtrl(bool value); //Sets the value of the _DAXCtrl property /* Method AddKeypad */ inline void AddKeypad(int iKeypadNumber, int iCount); /* Method AddKeypadByString */ inline void AddKeypadByString(const QString& sKeypads); /* Method BeginQuestion */ inline void BeginQuestion(); /* Method BeginQuestion */ inline void BeginQuestion(int iQuestionNumber); /* Method CheckForAnyReplyDevice */ inline bool CheckForAnyReplyDevice(int Port); /* Method CheckForReplyDevice */ inline TxrstReplyModel CheckForReplyDevice(int Port, ReplyXControl1::TxrstReplyModel Model); /* Method ClearDataBuffer */ inline void ClearDataBuffer(); /* Method ClearKeypadList */ inline void ClearKeypadList(); /* Method ClearLastError */ inline void ClearLastError(); /* Method CollectKeypadSerialNumbers */ inline void CollectKeypadSerialNumbers(); /* Method Connect */ inline bool Connect(); /* Method Disconnect */ inline void Disconnect(); /* Method IsKeyLocked */ inline bool IsKeyLocked(const QString& sKey); /* Method IsKeypadInList */ inline bool IsKeypadInList(int KeypadID); /* Method LockAllKeys */ inline void LockAllKeys(); /* Method LockKey */ inline void LockKey(const QString& sKey); /* Method Paint */ inline void Paint(); /* Method RemoveKeypad */ inline void RemoveKeypad(int iKeypadNumber, int iCount); /* Method RemoveKeypadByString */ inline void RemoveKeypadByString(const QString& sKeypads); /* Method RequestKeypadSerialNumbers */ inline void RequestKeypadSerialNumbers(); /* Method RequestKeypadTimestamps */ inline void RequestKeypadTimestamps(); /* Method ResetBase */ inline void ResetBase(); /* Method SetSubComponent */ inline void SetSubComponent(bool IsSubComponent); /* Method StartPolling */ inline void StartPolling(); /* Method StopPolling */ inline void StopPolling(); /* Method UnlockAllKeys */ inline void UnlockAllKeys(); /* Method UnlockKey */ inline void UnlockKey(const QString& sKey); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; // skipping event interface IReplyXEvents // Actual coclasses class REPLYXCONTROL1_EXPORT ReplyX : public QAxWidget { public: ReplyX(QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0) : QAxWidget(parent, f) { setControl("{69fc1183-7937-4bb1-a1c8-725b778511c9}"); } ReplyX(IReplyX *iface) : QAxWidget() { initializeFrom(iface); delete iface; } /* Property BaseChannel */ inline int BaseChannel() const; //Returns the value of BaseChannel inline void SetBaseChannel(int value); //Sets the value of the BaseChannel property /* Property BaseSerialNumber */ inline QString BaseSerialNumber() const; //Returns the value of BaseSerialNumber /* Property BaseVersion */ inline QString BaseVersion() const; //Returns the value of BaseVersion /* Property CommunicationTimeout */ inline int CommunicationTimeout() const; //Returns the value of CommunicationTimeout inline void SetCommunicationTimeout(int value); //Sets the value of the CommunicationTimeout property /* Property Connected */ inline bool Connected() const; //Returns the value of Connected /* Property ControlVersion */ inline QString ControlVersion() const; //Returns the value of ControlVersion /* Property DebugEventsEnabled */ inline bool DebugEventsEnabled() const; //Returns the value of DebugEventsEnabled inline void SetDebugEventsEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the DebugEventsEnabled property /* Property ErrorEventsEnabled */ inline bool ErrorEventsEnabled() const; //Returns the value of ErrorEventsEnabled inline void SetErrorEventsEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the ErrorEventsEnabled property /* Property ErrorExceptionsEnabled */ inline bool ErrorExceptionsEnabled() const; //Returns the value of ErrorExceptionsEnabled inline void SetErrorExceptionsEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the ErrorExceptionsEnabled property /* Property KeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled */ inline bool KeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled() const; //Returns the value of KeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled inline void SetKeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the KeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled property /* Property KeypadConfigurationMode */ inline ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadConfigurationMode KeypadConfigurationMode() const; //Returns the value of KeypadConfigurationMode inline void SetKeypadConfigurationMode(ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadConfigurationMode value); //Sets the value of the KeypadConfigurationMode property /* Property KeypadDigitEcho */ inline bool KeypadDigitEcho() const; //Returns the value of KeypadDigitEcho inline void SetKeypadDigitEcho(bool value); //Sets the value of the KeypadDigitEcho property /* Property KeypadGlobalConfigurationLock */ inline bool KeypadGlobalConfigurationLock() const; //Returns the value of KeypadGlobalConfigurationLock inline void SetKeypadGlobalConfigurationLock(bool value); //Sets the value of the KeypadGlobalConfigurationLock property /* Property KeypadList */ inline QString KeypadList() const; //Returns the value of KeypadList /* Property KeypadListCount */ inline int KeypadListCount() const; //Returns the value of KeypadListCount /* Property KeypadLowBatteryNotification */ inline bool KeypadLowBatteryNotification() const; //Returns the value of KeypadLowBatteryNotification inline void SetKeypadLowBatteryNotification(bool value); //Sets the value of the KeypadLowBatteryNotification property /* Property KeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse */ inline bool KeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse() const; //Returns the value of KeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse inline void SetKeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse(bool value); //Sets the value of the KeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse property /* Property KeypadPostAcknowledgement */ inline bool KeypadPostAcknowledgement() const; //Returns the value of KeypadPostAcknowledgement inline void SetKeypadPostAcknowledgement(bool value); //Sets the value of the KeypadPostAcknowledgement property /* Property KeypadSoftkeysEnabled */ inline bool KeypadSoftkeysEnabled() const; //Returns the value of KeypadSoftkeysEnabled inline void SetKeypadSoftkeysEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the KeypadSoftkeysEnabled property /* Property KeypadStarKeyEnabled */ inline bool KeypadStarKeyEnabled() const; //Returns the value of KeypadStarKeyEnabled inline void SetKeypadStarKeyEnabled(bool value); //Sets the value of the KeypadStarKeyEnabled property /* Property KeypadTransmitPowerLevel */ inline ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadPowerLevel KeypadTransmitPowerLevel() const; //Returns the value of KeypadTransmitPowerLevel inline void SetKeypadTransmitPowerLevel(ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadPowerLevel value); //Sets the value of the KeypadTransmitPowerLevel property /* Property LastErrorCode */ inline int LastErrorCode() const; //Returns the value of LastErrorCode /* Property LastErrorMessage */ inline QString LastErrorMessage() const; //Returns the value of LastErrorMessage /* Property MaxKeypads */ inline int MaxKeypads() const; //Returns the value of MaxKeypads /* Property Polling */ inline bool Polling() const; //Returns the value of Polling /* Property QuickStart */ inline bool QuickStart() const; //Returns the value of QuickStart inline void SetQuickStart(bool value); //Sets the value of the QuickStart property /* Property ReplyModel */ inline ReplyXControl1::TxrstReplyModel ReplyModel() const; //Returns the value of ReplyModel inline void SetReplyModel(ReplyXControl1::TxrstReplyModel value); //Sets the value of the ReplyModel property /* Property SerialPort */ inline int SerialPort() const; //Returns the value of SerialPort inline void SetSerialPort(int value); //Sets the value of the SerialPort property /* Property _DAXCtrl */ inline bool _DAXCtrl() const; //Returns the value of _DAXCtrl inline void set_DAXCtrl(bool value); //Sets the value of the _DAXCtrl property /* Method AddKeypad */ inline void AddKeypad(int iKeypadNumber, int iCount); /* Method AddKeypadByString */ inline void AddKeypadByString(const QString& sKeypads); /* Method BeginQuestion */ inline void BeginQuestion(); /* Method BeginQuestion */ inline void BeginQuestion(int iQuestionNumber); /* Method CheckForAnyReplyDevice */ inline bool CheckForAnyReplyDevice(int Port); /* Method CheckForReplyDevice */ inline TxrstReplyModel CheckForReplyDevice(int Port, ReplyXControl1::TxrstReplyModel Model); /* Method ClearDataBuffer */ inline void ClearDataBuffer(); /* Method ClearKeypadList */ inline void ClearKeypadList(); /* Method ClearLastError */ inline void ClearLastError(); /* Method CollectKeypadSerialNumbers */ inline void CollectKeypadSerialNumbers(); /* Method Connect */ inline bool Connect(); /* Method Disconnect */ inline void Disconnect(); /* Method IsKeyLocked */ inline bool IsKeyLocked(const QString& sKey); /* Method IsKeypadInList */ inline bool IsKeypadInList(int KeypadID); /* Method LockAllKeys */ inline void LockAllKeys(); /* Method LockKey */ inline void LockKey(const QString& sKey); /* Method Paint */ inline void Paint(); /* Method RemoveKeypad */ inline void RemoveKeypad(int iKeypadNumber, int iCount); /* Method RemoveKeypadByString */ inline void RemoveKeypadByString(const QString& sKeypads); /* Method RequestKeypadSerialNumbers */ inline void RequestKeypadSerialNumbers(); /* Method RequestKeypadTimestamps */ inline void RequestKeypadTimestamps(); /* Method ResetBase */ inline void ResetBase(); /* Method SetSubComponent */ inline void SetSubComponent(bool IsSubComponent); /* Method StartPolling */ inline void StartPolling(); /* Method StopPolling */ inline void StopPolling(); /* Method UnlockAllKeys */ inline void UnlockAllKeys(); /* Method UnlockKey */ inline void UnlockKey(const QString& sKey); // meta object functions static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { return &staticMetaObject; } virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); }; // member function implementation #ifndef QAX_DUMPCPP_REPLYXCONTROL1_NOINLINES inline int IReplyX::BaseChannel() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BaseChannel"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetBaseChannel(int value){ setProperty("BaseChannel", QVariant(value)); } inline QString IReplyX::BaseSerialNumber() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BaseSerialNumber"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString IReplyX::BaseVersion() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BaseVersion"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int IReplyX::CommunicationTimeout() const { QVariant qax_result = property("CommunicationTimeout"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetCommunicationTimeout(int value){ setProperty("CommunicationTimeout", QVariant(value)); } inline bool IReplyX::Connected() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Connected"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString IReplyX::ControlVersion() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ControlVersion"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool IReplyX::DebugEventsEnabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DebugEventsEnabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetDebugEventsEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("DebugEventsEnabled", QVariant(value)); } inline bool IReplyX::ErrorEventsEnabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ErrorEventsEnabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetErrorEventsEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("ErrorEventsEnabled", QVariant(value)); } inline bool IReplyX::ErrorExceptionsEnabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ErrorExceptionsEnabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetErrorExceptionsEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("ErrorExceptionsEnabled", QVariant(value)); } inline bool IReplyX::KeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetKeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("KeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled", QVariant(value)); } inline ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadConfigurationMode IReplyX::KeypadConfigurationMode() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadConfigurationMode"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadConfigurationMode*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetKeypadConfigurationMode(ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadConfigurationMode value){ setProperty("KeypadConfigurationMode", QVariant(value)); } inline bool IReplyX::KeypadDigitEcho() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadDigitEcho"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetKeypadDigitEcho(bool value){ setProperty("KeypadDigitEcho", QVariant(value)); } inline bool IReplyX::KeypadGlobalConfigurationLock() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadGlobalConfigurationLock"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetKeypadGlobalConfigurationLock(bool value){ setProperty("KeypadGlobalConfigurationLock", QVariant(value)); } inline QString IReplyX::KeypadList() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadList"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int IReplyX::KeypadListCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadListCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool IReplyX::KeypadLowBatteryNotification() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadLowBatteryNotification"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetKeypadLowBatteryNotification(bool value){ setProperty("KeypadLowBatteryNotification", QVariant(value)); } inline bool IReplyX::KeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetKeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse(bool value){ setProperty("KeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse", QVariant(value)); } inline bool IReplyX::KeypadPostAcknowledgement() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadPostAcknowledgement"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetKeypadPostAcknowledgement(bool value){ setProperty("KeypadPostAcknowledgement", QVariant(value)); } inline bool IReplyX::KeypadSoftkeysEnabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadSoftkeysEnabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetKeypadSoftkeysEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("KeypadSoftkeysEnabled", QVariant(value)); } inline bool IReplyX::KeypadStarKeyEnabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadStarKeyEnabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetKeypadStarKeyEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("KeypadStarKeyEnabled", QVariant(value)); } inline ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadPowerLevel IReplyX::KeypadTransmitPowerLevel() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadTransmitPowerLevel"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadPowerLevel*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetKeypadTransmitPowerLevel(ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadPowerLevel value){ setProperty("KeypadTransmitPowerLevel", QVariant(value)); } inline int IReplyX::LastErrorCode() const { QVariant qax_result = property("LastErrorCode"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString IReplyX::LastErrorMessage() const { QVariant qax_result = property("LastErrorMessage"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int IReplyX::MaxKeypads() const { QVariant qax_result = property("MaxKeypads"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool IReplyX::Polling() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Polling"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool IReplyX::QuickStart() const { QVariant qax_result = property("QuickStart"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetQuickStart(bool value){ setProperty("QuickStart", QVariant(value)); } inline ReplyXControl1::TxrstReplyModel IReplyX::ReplyModel() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ReplyModel"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(ReplyXControl1::TxrstReplyModel*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetReplyModel(ReplyXControl1::TxrstReplyModel value){ setProperty("ReplyModel", QVariant(value)); } inline int IReplyX::SerialPort() const { QVariant qax_result = property("SerialPort"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::SetSerialPort(int value){ setProperty("SerialPort", QVariant(value)); } inline bool IReplyX::_DAXCtrl() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_DAXCtrl"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void IReplyX::set_DAXCtrl(bool value){ setProperty("_DAXCtrl", QVariant(value)); } inline void IReplyX::AddKeypad(int iKeypadNumber, int iCount) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&iKeypadNumber, (void*)&iCount}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 7, _a); } inline void IReplyX::AddKeypadByString(const QString& sKeypads) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&sKeypads}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 8, _a); } inline void IReplyX::BeginQuestion() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 9, _a); } inline void IReplyX::BeginQuestion(int iQuestionNumber) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&iQuestionNumber}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 10, _a); } inline bool IReplyX::CheckForAnyReplyDevice(int Port) { bool qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Port}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 11, _a); return qax_result; } inline TxrstReplyModel IReplyX::CheckForReplyDevice(int Port, ReplyXControl1::TxrstReplyModel Model) { TxrstReplyModel qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Port, (void*)&Model}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 12, _a); return qax_result; } inline void IReplyX::ClearDataBuffer() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 13, _a); } inline void IReplyX::ClearKeypadList() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 14, _a); } inline void IReplyX::ClearLastError() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 15, _a); } inline void IReplyX::CollectKeypadSerialNumbers() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 16, _a); } inline bool IReplyX::Connect() { bool qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 17, _a); return qax_result; } inline void IReplyX::Disconnect() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 18, _a); } inline bool IReplyX::IsKeyLocked(const QString& sKey) { bool qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&sKey}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 19, _a); return qax_result; } inline bool IReplyX::IsKeypadInList(int KeypadID) { bool qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&KeypadID}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 20, _a); return qax_result; } inline void IReplyX::LockAllKeys() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 21, _a); } inline void IReplyX::LockKey(const QString& sKey) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&sKey}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 22, _a); } inline void IReplyX::Paint() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 23, _a); } inline void IReplyX::RemoveKeypad(int iKeypadNumber, int iCount) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&iKeypadNumber, (void*)&iCount}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 24, _a); } inline void IReplyX::RemoveKeypadByString(const QString& sKeypads) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&sKeypads}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 25, _a); } inline void IReplyX::RequestKeypadSerialNumbers() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 26, _a); } inline void IReplyX::RequestKeypadTimestamps() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 27, _a); } inline void IReplyX::ResetBase() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 28, _a); } inline void IReplyX::SetSubComponent(bool IsSubComponent) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&IsSubComponent}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 47, _a); } inline void IReplyX::StartPolling() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 48, _a); } inline void IReplyX::StopPolling() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 49, _a); } inline void IReplyX::UnlockAllKeys() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 50, _a); } inline void IReplyX::UnlockKey(const QString& sKey) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&sKey}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 51, _a); } inline int ReplyX::BaseChannel() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BaseChannel"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetBaseChannel(int value){ setProperty("BaseChannel", QVariant(value)); } inline QString ReplyX::BaseSerialNumber() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BaseSerialNumber"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString ReplyX::BaseVersion() const { QVariant qax_result = property("BaseVersion"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ReplyX::CommunicationTimeout() const { QVariant qax_result = property("CommunicationTimeout"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetCommunicationTimeout(int value){ setProperty("CommunicationTimeout", QVariant(value)); } inline bool ReplyX::Connected() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Connected"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString ReplyX::ControlVersion() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ControlVersion"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool ReplyX::DebugEventsEnabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("DebugEventsEnabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetDebugEventsEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("DebugEventsEnabled", QVariant(value)); } inline bool ReplyX::ErrorEventsEnabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ErrorEventsEnabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetErrorEventsEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("ErrorEventsEnabled", QVariant(value)); } inline bool ReplyX::ErrorExceptionsEnabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ErrorExceptionsEnabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetErrorExceptionsEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("ErrorExceptionsEnabled", QVariant(value)); } inline bool ReplyX::KeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetKeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("KeypadAddressChannelShortcutsEnabled", QVariant(value)); } inline ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadConfigurationMode ReplyX::KeypadConfigurationMode() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadConfigurationMode"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadConfigurationMode*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetKeypadConfigurationMode(ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadConfigurationMode value){ setProperty("KeypadConfigurationMode", QVariant(value)); } inline bool ReplyX::KeypadDigitEcho() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadDigitEcho"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetKeypadDigitEcho(bool value){ setProperty("KeypadDigitEcho", QVariant(value)); } inline bool ReplyX::KeypadGlobalConfigurationLock() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadGlobalConfigurationLock"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetKeypadGlobalConfigurationLock(bool value){ setProperty("KeypadGlobalConfigurationLock", QVariant(value)); } inline QString ReplyX::KeypadList() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadList"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ReplyX::KeypadListCount() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadListCount"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool ReplyX::KeypadLowBatteryNotification() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadLowBatteryNotification"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetKeypadLowBatteryNotification(bool value){ setProperty("KeypadLowBatteryNotification", QVariant(value)); } inline bool ReplyX::KeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetKeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse(bool value){ setProperty("KeypadOnlyAcceptInitialResponse", QVariant(value)); } inline bool ReplyX::KeypadPostAcknowledgement() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadPostAcknowledgement"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetKeypadPostAcknowledgement(bool value){ setProperty("KeypadPostAcknowledgement", QVariant(value)); } inline bool ReplyX::KeypadSoftkeysEnabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadSoftkeysEnabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetKeypadSoftkeysEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("KeypadSoftkeysEnabled", QVariant(value)); } inline bool ReplyX::KeypadStarKeyEnabled() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadStarKeyEnabled"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetKeypadStarKeyEnabled(bool value){ setProperty("KeypadStarKeyEnabled", QVariant(value)); } inline ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadPowerLevel ReplyX::KeypadTransmitPowerLevel() const { QVariant qax_result = property("KeypadTransmitPowerLevel"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadPowerLevel*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetKeypadTransmitPowerLevel(ReplyXControl1::TxrstKeypadPowerLevel value){ setProperty("KeypadTransmitPowerLevel", QVariant(value)); } inline int ReplyX::LastErrorCode() const { QVariant qax_result = property("LastErrorCode"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline QString ReplyX::LastErrorMessage() const { QVariant qax_result = property("LastErrorMessage"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(QString*)qax_result.constData(); } inline int ReplyX::MaxKeypads() const { QVariant qax_result = property("MaxKeypads"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool ReplyX::Polling() const { QVariant qax_result = property("Polling"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline bool ReplyX::QuickStart() const { QVariant qax_result = property("QuickStart"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetQuickStart(bool value){ setProperty("QuickStart", QVariant(value)); } inline ReplyXControl1::TxrstReplyModel ReplyX::ReplyModel() const { QVariant qax_result = property("ReplyModel"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(ReplyXControl1::TxrstReplyModel*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetReplyModel(ReplyXControl1::TxrstReplyModel value){ setProperty("ReplyModel", QVariant(value)); } inline int ReplyX::SerialPort() const { QVariant qax_result = property("SerialPort"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(int*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::SetSerialPort(int value){ setProperty("SerialPort", QVariant(value)); } inline bool ReplyX::_DAXCtrl() const { QVariant qax_result = property("_DAXCtrl"); Q_ASSERT(qax_result.isValid()); return *(bool*)qax_result.constData(); } inline void ReplyX::set_DAXCtrl(bool value){ setProperty("_DAXCtrl", QVariant(value)); } inline void ReplyX::AddKeypad(int iKeypadNumber, int iCount) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&iKeypadNumber, (void*)&iCount}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 38, _a); } inline void ReplyX::AddKeypadByString(const QString& sKeypads) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&sKeypads}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 39, _a); } inline void ReplyX::BeginQuestion() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 40, _a); } inline void ReplyX::BeginQuestion(int iQuestionNumber) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&iQuestionNumber}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 41, _a); } inline bool ReplyX::CheckForAnyReplyDevice(int Port) { bool qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Port}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 42, _a); return qax_result; } inline TxrstReplyModel ReplyX::CheckForReplyDevice(int Port, ReplyXControl1::TxrstReplyModel Model) { TxrstReplyModel qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&Port, (void*)&Model}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 43, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ReplyX::ClearDataBuffer() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 44, _a); } inline void ReplyX::ClearKeypadList() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 45, _a); } inline void ReplyX::ClearLastError() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 46, _a); } inline void ReplyX::CollectKeypadSerialNumbers() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 47, _a); } inline bool ReplyX::Connect() { bool qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 48, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ReplyX::Disconnect() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 49, _a); } inline bool ReplyX::IsKeyLocked(const QString& sKey) { bool qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&sKey}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 50, _a); return qax_result; } inline bool ReplyX::IsKeypadInList(int KeypadID) { bool qax_result; void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result, (void*)&KeypadID}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 51, _a); return qax_result; } inline void ReplyX::LockAllKeys() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 52, _a); } inline void ReplyX::LockKey(const QString& sKey) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&sKey}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 53, _a); } inline void ReplyX::Paint() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 54, _a); } inline void ReplyX::RemoveKeypad(int iKeypadNumber, int iCount) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&iKeypadNumber, (void*)&iCount}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 55, _a); } inline void ReplyX::RemoveKeypadByString(const QString& sKeypads) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&sKeypads}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 56, _a); } inline void ReplyX::RequestKeypadSerialNumbers() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 57, _a); } inline void ReplyX::RequestKeypadTimestamps() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 58, _a); } inline void ReplyX::ResetBase() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 59, _a); } inline void ReplyX::SetSubComponent(bool IsSubComponent) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&IsSubComponent}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 78, _a); } inline void ReplyX::StartPolling() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 79, _a); } inline void ReplyX::StopPolling() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 80, _a); } inline void ReplyX::UnlockAllKeys() { void *_a[] = {0}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 81, _a); } inline void ReplyX::UnlockKey(const QString& sKey) { void *_a[] = {0, (void*)&sKey}; qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 82, _a); } #endif } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const ReplyXControl1::IReplyX *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new ReplyXControl1::IReplyX; } template<> inline void *qMetaTypeConstructHelper(const ReplyXControl1::ReplyX *t) { Q_ASSERT(!t); return new ReplyXControl1::ReplyX; } #endif