/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "UBDocumentThumbnailWidget.h" #include "core/UBApplication.h" #include "core/UBMimeData.h" #include "core/UBSettings.h" #include "core/memcheck.h" UBDocumentThumbnailWidget::UBDocumentThumbnailWidget(QWidget* parent) : UBThumbnailWidget(parent) , mDropCaretRectItem(0) , mClosestDropItem(0) , mDragEnabled(true) { // NOOP } UBDocumentThumbnailWidget::~UBDocumentThumbnailWidget() { // NOOP } void UBDocumentThumbnailWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (!dragEnabled()) { event->ignore(); return; } if (!(event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)) return; if ((event->pos() - mMousePressPos).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance()) return; QList graphicsItems = items(mMousePressPos); UBSceneThumbnailPixmap* sceneItem = 0; while (!graphicsItems.isEmpty() && !sceneItem) { sceneItem = dynamic_cast(graphicsItems.takeFirst()); } if (sceneItem) { QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this); QList mimeDataItems; foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, selectedItems()) mimeDataItems.append(UBMimeDataItem(sceneItem->proxy(), mGraphicItems.indexOf(item))); UBMimeData *mime = new UBMimeData(mimeDataItems); drag->setMimeData(mime); drag->setPixmap(sceneItem->pixmap().scaledToWidth(100)); drag->setHotSpot(QPoint(drag->pixmap().width()/2, drag->pixmap().height() / 2)); drag->exec(Qt::MoveAction); } UBThumbnailWidget::mouseMoveEvent(event); } void UBDocumentThumbnailWidget::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { if (!event->mimeData()->hasFormat(UBApplication::mimeTypeUniboardPage)) { event->setDropAction(Qt::IgnoreAction); event->ignore(); return; } UBThumbnailWidget::dragEnterEvent(event); } void UBDocumentThumbnailWidget::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event); deleteDropCaret(); } void UBDocumentThumbnailWidget::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) { QList pixmapItems; foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, scene()->items(mapToScene(frameRect()))) { UBSceneThumbnailPixmap* sceneItem = dynamic_cast(item); if (sceneItem) pixmapItems.append(sceneItem); } int minDistance = 0; QGraphicsItem *underlyingItem = itemAt(event->pos()); mClosestDropItem = dynamic_cast(underlyingItem); if (!mClosestDropItem) { foreach (UBSceneThumbnailPixmap *item, pixmapItems) { qreal scale = item->transform().m11(); QPointF itemCenter( item->pos().x() + item->boundingRect().width() * scale / 2, item->pos().y() + item->boundingRect().height() * scale / 2); int distance = (itemCenter.toPoint() - mapToScene(event->pos()).toPoint()).manhattanLength(); if (!mClosestDropItem || distance < minDistance) { mClosestDropItem = item; minDistance = distance; } } } if (mClosestDropItem) { qreal scale = mClosestDropItem->transform().m11(); QPointF itemCenter( mClosestDropItem->pos().x() + mClosestDropItem->boundingRect().width() * scale / 2, mClosestDropItem->pos().y() + mClosestDropItem->boundingRect().height() * scale / 2); mDropIsRight = mapToScene(event->pos()).x() > itemCenter.x(); if (!mDropCaretRectItem && selectedItems().count() < mGraphicItems.count()) { mDropCaretRectItem = new QGraphicsRectItem(0, scene()); mDropCaretRectItem->setPen(QPen(Qt::darkGray)); mDropCaretRectItem->setBrush(QBrush(Qt::lightGray)); } QRectF dropCaretRect( mDropIsRight ? mClosestDropItem->pos().x() + mClosestDropItem->boundingRect().width() * scale + spacing() / 2 - 1 : mClosestDropItem->pos().x() - spacing() / 2 - 1, mClosestDropItem->pos().y(), 3, mClosestDropItem->boundingRect().height() * scale); if (mDropCaretRectItem) mDropCaretRectItem->setRect(dropCaretRect); } event->acceptProposedAction(); } void UBDocumentThumbnailWidget::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { deleteDropCaret(); if (mClosestDropItem) { int targetIndex = mDropIsRight ? mGraphicItems.indexOf(mClosestDropItem) + 1 : mGraphicItems.indexOf(mClosestDropItem); QList mimeDataItems; if (event->mimeData()->hasFormat(UBApplication::mimeTypeUniboardPage)) { const UBMimeData* mimeData = qobject_cast(event->mimeData()); if (mimeData) mimeDataItems = mimeData->items(); } if (1 == mimeDataItems.count() && (mimeDataItems.at(0).sceneIndex() == mGraphicItems.indexOf(mClosestDropItem) || targetIndex == mimeDataItems.at(0).sceneIndex() || targetIndex == mimeDataItems.at(0).sceneIndex() + 1)) { return; } int sourceIndexOffset = 0; int actualTargetIndex = targetIndex; for (int i = mimeDataItems.count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { UBMimeDataItem sourceItem = mimeDataItems.at(i); int actualSourceIndex = sourceItem.sceneIndex(); if (sourceItem.sceneIndex() >= targetIndex) actualSourceIndex += sourceIndexOffset; event->acceptProposedAction(); if (sourceItem.sceneIndex() < targetIndex) { if (actualSourceIndex != actualTargetIndex - 1) emit sceneDropped(sourceItem.documentProxy(), actualSourceIndex, actualTargetIndex - 1); actualTargetIndex -= 1; } else { if (actualSourceIndex != actualTargetIndex) emit sceneDropped(sourceItem.documentProxy(), actualSourceIndex, actualTargetIndex); sourceIndexOffset += 1; } } } } void UBDocumentThumbnailWidget::deleteDropCaret() { if (mDropCaretRectItem && scene()) { scene()->removeItem(mDropCaretRectItem); delete mDropCaretRectItem; mDropCaretRectItem = 0; } } void UBDocumentThumbnailWidget::setGraphicsItems(const QList& pGraphicsItems, const QList& pItemPaths, const QStringList pLabels, const QString& pMimeType) { deleteDropCaret(); UBThumbnailWidget::setGraphicsItems(pGraphicsItems, pItemPaths, pLabels, pMimeType); } void UBDocumentThumbnailWidget::setDragEnabled(bool enabled) { mDragEnabled = enabled; } bool UBDocumentThumbnailWidget::dragEnabled() const { return mDragEnabled; } void UBDocumentThumbnailWidget::hightlightItem(int index) { if (0 <= index && index < mLabelsItems.length()) { mLabelsItems.at(index)->highlight(); } if (0 <= index && index < mGraphicItems.length()) { UBSceneThumbnailPixmap *thumbnail = dynamic_cast(mGraphicItems.at(index)); if (thumbnail) thumbnail->highlight(); } selectItemAt(index); }