#!/bin/bash # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Packaging script for OpenBoard, for Debian-compatible distributions. # # This should be run after `build.sh`. # # The generated package structure is as follows : # # DEBIAN/ # | control # | md5sums # | prerm # | postinst # usr/ # | bin/ # | | openboard <-- actually a symlink to run.sh or OpenBoard # | share/ # | | applications/ # | | | openboard.desktop # opt/ # | openboard/ # | | importer/ # | | library/ # | | etc/ # | | qtlib/ (*) # | | plugins/ (*) # | | OpenBoard # | | OpenBoard.png # | | run.sh (*) # # (*) Only included if Qt libs and plugins are bundled. It is necessary to # bundle these if the target system doesn't provide Qt 5.5.1, for example. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- initializeVariables() { # This script's path SCRIPT_PATH="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" PROJECT_ROOT="$SCRIPT_PATH/../.." # Where the application was built (see build.sh) BUILD_DIR="$PROJECT_ROOT/build/linux/release" PRODUCT_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/product" IMPORTER_DIR="$PROJECT_ROOT/../OpenBoard-Importer/" IMPORTER_NAME="OpenBoardImporter" # Where the package is built to PACKAGE_BUILD_DIR="$PROJECT_ROOT/install" # Temporary folder, where we put all the files that will be built into the # package BASE_WORKING_DIR="debianPackage" APPLICATION_NAME="OpenBoard" APPLICATION_CODE="openboard" APPLICATION_PATH="opt" PACKAGE_DIRECTORY=$BASE_WORKING_DIR/$APPLICATION_PATH/$APPLICATION_CODE QT_PLUGINS_DEST_PATH="$PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/plugins" QT_LIBRARY_DEST_PATH="$PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/qtlib" DESKTOP_FILE_PATH="$BASE_WORKING_DIR/usr/share/applications" APPLICATION_SHORTCUT="$DESKTOP_FILE_PATH/${APPLICATION_CODE}.desktop" DESCRIPTION="OpenBoard, an interactive white board application" VERSION=`cat $BUILD_DIR/version` ARCHITECTURE=`cat buildContext` # Include Qt libraries and plugins in the package, or not # (this is necessary if the target system doesn't provide Qt 5.5.1) BUNDLE_QT=false # Qt installation path. This may vary across machines QT_PATH="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5" QT_PLUGINS_SOURCE_PATH="$QT_PATH/plugins" GUI_TRANSLATIONS_DIRECTORY_PATH="/usr/share/qt5/translations" QT_LIBRARY_SOURCE_PATH="$QT_PATH/.." NOTIFY_CMD=`which notify-send` ZIP_PATH=`which zip` } checkUser() { if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]; then echo "Please run the script as root" exit 1 fi } checkBuild() { if [ -z "$ARCHITECTURE" ]; then echo "Make sure you have built the software first using ./build.sh" exit 1 fi } notifyError(){ if [ -e "$NOTIFY_CMD" ]; then $NOTIFY_CMD -t 0 -i "/usr/share/icons/oxygen/64x64/status/dialog-error.png" "$1" fi printf "\033[31merror:\033[0m $1\n" exit 1 } notifyProgress(){ if [ -e "$NOTIFY_CMD" ]; then $NOTIFY_CMD "$1" "$2" fi printf "\033[32m--> \033[0m $1:\n\t$2\n" } copyQtLibrary(){ echo -e "\t $1" if ls "$QT_LIBRARY_SOURCE_PATH/$1.so" &> /dev/null; then cp -P $QT_LIBRARY_SOURCE_PATH/$1.so.? "$QT_LIBRARY_DEST_PATH/" cp -P $QT_LIBRARY_SOURCE_PATH/$1.so.?.? "$QT_LIBRARY_DEST_PATH/" cp -P $QT_LIBRARY_SOURCE_PATH/$1.so.?.?.? "$QT_LIBRARY_DEST_PATH/" strip $QT_LIBRARY_DEST_PATH/$1.so.?.?.? chmod 644 $QT_LIBRARY_DEST_PATH/$1.so.?.?.? # 644 = rw-r-r else notifyError "$1 library not found in path: $QT_LIBRARY_SOURCE_PATH" fi } copyQtPlugin(){ echo -e "\t $1" if ls "$QT_PLUGINS_SOURCE_PATH/$1" &> /dev/null; then cp -r $QT_PLUGINS_SOURCE_PATH/$1 $QT_PLUGINS_DEST_PATH/ strip $QT_PLUGINS_DEST_PATH/$1/* chmod 644 $QT_PLUGINS_DEST_PATH/$1/* # 644 = rw-r-r chmod +rx $QT_PLUGINS_DEST_PATH/$1 else notifyError "$1 plugin not found in path: $QT_PLUGINS_SOURCE_PATH" fi } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copying the application, libs etc. to the temporary working directory # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- initializeVariables checkBuild checkUser cd $PROJECT_ROOT rm -rf $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY mkdir -p $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY rm -rf $PACKAGE_BUILD_DIR notifyProgress "Copying product directory and resources" cp -R $PRODUCT_PATH/* $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY chown -R root:root $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY cp -R resources/customizations $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/ cp resources/linux/openboard-ubz.xml $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/etc/ cp resources/linux/openboard-ubx.xml $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/etc/ if $BUNDLE_QT; then cp -R resources/linux/run.sh $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/ chmod a+x $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/run.sh fi notifyProgress "Copying importer" mkdir -p $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/importer cp -R "$IMPORTER_DIR/$IMPORTER_NAME" "$PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/importer" notifyProgress "Stripping importer and main executable" strip $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/$APPLICATION_NAME strip $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/importer/$IMPORTER_NAME if $BUNDLE_QT; then notifyProgress "Copying and stripping Qt plugins" mkdir -p $QT_PLUGINS_DEST_PATH copyQtPlugin audio copyQtPlugin bearer copyQtPlugin generic copyQtPlugin iconengines copyQtPlugin imageformats copyQtPlugin mediaservice copyQtPlugin platforminputcontexts copyQtPlugin platforms copyQtPlugin platformthemes copyQtPlugin position copyQtPlugin printsupport copyQtPlugin qtwebengine copyQtPlugin sceneparsers copyQtPlugin xcbglintegrations notifyProgress "Copying and stripping Qt libraries" mkdir -p $QT_LIBRARY_DEST_PATH copyQtLibrary libQt5Core copyQtLibrary libQt5DBus copyQtLibrary libQt5Gui copyQtLibrary libQt5Multimedia copyQtLibrary libQt5MultimediaWidgets copyQtLibrary libQt5Network copyQtLibrary libQt5OpenGL copyQtLibrary libQt5Positioning copyQtLibrary libQt5PrintSupport copyQtLibrary libQt5Qml copyQtLibrary libQt5Quick copyQtLibrary libQt5Script copyQtLibrary libQt5Sensors copyQtLibrary libQt5Sql copyQtLibrary libQt5Svg copyQtLibrary libQt5WebChannel copyQtLibrary libQt5WebKit copyQtLibrary libQt5WebKitWidgets copyQtLibrary libQt5WebSockets copyQtLibrary libQt5Widgets copyQtLibrary libQt5XcbQpa copyQtLibrary libQt5Xml copyQtLibrary libQt5XmlPatterns copyQtLibrary libqgsttools_p fi notifyProgress "Copying Qt translations" mkdir -p $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/i18n cp $GUI_TRANSLATIONS_DIRECTORY_PATH/qt_??.qm $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/i18n/ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEBIAN directory of package (control, md5sums, postinst etc) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- notifyProgress "Generating control files for package" mkdir -p "$BASE_WORKING_DIR/DEBIAN" # Copy prerm script cp -r "$SCRIPT_PATH/debian_package_files/prerm" "$BASE_WORKING_DIR/DEBIAN/" chmod 755 "$BASE_WORKING_DIR/DEBIAN/prerm" # Generate postinst script (can't copy it like prerm because some paths vary depending on # the values of the variables in this script) SYMLINK_TARGET="/$APPLICATION_PATH/$APPLICATION_CODE/$APPLICATION_NAME" if $BUNDLE_QT ; then SYMLINK_TARGET="/$APPLICATION_PATH/$APPLICATION_CODE/run.sh" fi cat > "$BASE_WORKING_DIR/DEBIAN/postinst" << EOF #!/bin/bash # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # --------------------------------------------------------------------- xdg-desktop-menu install --novendor /usr/share/applications/${APPLICATION_CODE}.desktop xdg-mime install --mode system /$APPLICATION_PATH/$APPLICATION_CODE/etc/openboard-ubz.xml xdg-mime install --mode system /$APPLICATION_PATH/$APPLICATION_CODE/etc/openboard-ubx.xml xdg-mime default /usr/share/applications/${APPLICATION_CODE}.desktop application/ubz ln -s $SYMLINK_TARGET /usr/bin/$APPLICATION_CODE exit 0 EOF chmod 755 "$BASE_WORKING_DIR/DEBIAN/postinst" # Generate md5 sums of everything in the application path (e.g /opt) and the desktop entry cd $BASE_WORKING_DIR find $APPLICATION_PATH/ -exec md5sum {} > DEBIAN/md5sums 2>/dev/null \; find $DESKTOP_FILE_PATH/ -exec md5sum {} >> DEBIAN/md5sums 2>/dev/null \; cd $PROJECT_ROOT # Generate control file CONTROL_FILE="$BASE_WORKING_DIR/DEBIAN/control" echo "Package: ${APPLICATION_CODE}" > "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Version: $VERSION" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Section: education" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Priority: optional" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Architecture: $ARCHITECTURE" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Essential: no" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Installed-Size: `du -s $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY | awk '{ print $1 }'`" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Maintainer: ${APPLICATION_NAME} Developers team " >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Homepage: https://github.com/DIP-SEM/OpenBoard" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" # Generate dependency list echo -n "Depends: " >> "$CONTROL_FILE" unset tab declare -a tab let count=0 if $BUNDLE_QT; then for l in `objdump -p $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/${APPLICATION_NAME} | grep NEEDED | awk '{ print $2 }'`; do for lib in `dpkg -S $l | grep -v "libqt5" | grep -v "qt55" | awk -F":" '{ print $1 }'`; do presence=`echo ${tab[*]} | grep -c "$lib"`; if [ "$presence" == "0" ]; then tab[$count]=$lib; ((count++)); fi; done; done; else for l in `objdump -p $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/${APPLICATION_NAME} | grep NEEDED | awk '{ print $2 }'`; do for lib in `dpkg -S $l | awk -F":" '{ print $1 }'`; do presence=`echo ${tab[*]} | grep -c "$lib"`; if [ "$presence" == "0" ]; then tab[$count]=$lib; ((count++)); fi; done; done; fi for ((i=0;i<${#tab[@]};i++)); do if [ $i -ne "0" ]; then echo -n ", " >> "$CONTROL_FILE" fi # conditional dependency when libavcodec-ffmpeg56 or libavcodec-ffmpeg-extra56 is found depdVer=$(apt-cache show ${tab[$i]} | grep "Version: " | head -1 | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed -e 's/\([~:. 0-9?]*\).*/\1/g' | sed -e 's/\.$//') if [ "${tab[$i]}" == "libavcodec-ffmpeg56" ] || [ "${tab[$i]}" == "libavcodec-ffmpeg-extra56" ]; then echo -n "libavcodec-ffmpeg56 (>= ${depdVer}) | libavcodec-ffmpeg-extra56 (>= ${depdVer})" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" elif [ "${tab[$i]}" == "libavcodec-ffmpeg57" ] || [ "${tab[$i]}" == "libavcodec-ffmpeg-extra57" ]; then echo -n "libavcodec-ffmpeg57 (>= ${depdVer}) | libavcodec-ffmpeg-extra57 (>= ${depdVer})" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" else echo -n "${tab[$i]} (>= ${depdVer})" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" fi done echo -n ", onboard" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" if $BUNDLE_QT; then # Listing some dependencies manually; ideally we should use dpkg -p recursively # to get the dependencies of the bundled shared libs & plugins. Or use static libs. echo -n ", libxcb1" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo -n ", libxcb-icccm4" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo -n ", libxcb-xkb1" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo -n ", libxcb-image0" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo -n ", libxcb-render-util0" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" else echo -n ", libqt5multimedia5-plugins" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" fi echo "" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Description: $DESCRIPTION" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # .desktop file # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkdir -p $DESKTOP_FILE_PATH echo "[Desktop Entry]" > $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Version=$VERSION" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Name=${APPLICATION_NAME}" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Comment=$DESCRIPTION" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Exec=$APPLICATION_CODE %f" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Icon=/$APPLICATION_PATH/$APPLICATION_CODE/${APPLICATION_NAME}.png" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "StartupNotify=true" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Terminal=false" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Type=Application" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "MimeType=application/ubz" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Categories=Education;" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT cp "resources/images/${APPLICATION_NAME}.png" "$PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/${APPLICATION_NAME}.png" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Building the package # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- notifyProgress "Building package" mkdir -p "$PACKAGE_BUILD_DIR/linux" PACKAGE_NAME="${APPLICATION_NAME}_`lsb_release -is`_`lsb_release -rs`_${VERSION}_$ARCHITECTURE.deb" PACKAGE_NAME=`echo "$PACKAGE_NAME" | awk '{print tolower($0)}'` dpkg -b "$BASE_WORKING_DIR" "$PACKAGE_BUILD_DIR/linux/$PACKAGE_NAME" #clean up mess rm -rf $BASE_WORKING_DIR notifyProgress "${APPLICATION_NAME}" "Package built" exit 0