var sankoreLang = { view: "View", edit: "Edit", example: "this is a bunch of words which should be split apart" }; // if use the "view/edit" button or rely on the api instead var isSankore = false; // whether to do window.resize or not (window = widget area) var isBrowser = ( typeof( widget ) == "undefined" ); function wcontainer( containerID ) { // some protecred variables var thisInstance = this; this.editMode = false; var data = {}; // see setData and getData // widget size parameters this.minHeight = 100; this.minWidth = 400; // set to 0 for no max width restriction this.maxWidth = 0; // links to the elements of the widget this.elements = {}; /* ============ create ============ - creates html base, inits this.elements, assings events */ this.create = function( containerID ) { var html = '<div id="mp_setup">' + '<div class="viewmode">' + '<button>' + sankoreLang.edit + '</button>' + '</div>' + '<div class="editmode">' + '<button>' + sankoreLang.view + '</button>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '<div id="mp_content">' + '<div class="viewmode" id="mp_view">' + '</div>' + '<div class="editmode" id="mp_edit">' + '</div>' + '</div>'; var container = $( containerID ); container.append( html ); this.elements.edit = container.find( ".editmode" ); this.elements.view = container.find( ".viewmode" ); this.elements.container = container; this.elements.subcontainer = container.find( "#mp_content" ); this.elements.containerView = this.elements.subcontainer.find( ".viewmode" ); this.elements.containerEdit = this.elements.subcontainer.find( ".editmode" ); container.find( ".viewmode button" ).click( function(){ thisInstance.modeEdit(); } ); container.find( ".editmode button" ).click( function(){ thisInstance.modeView(); } ); }; /* =============== setViewContent =============== - assigns custom html to the viewmode container */ this.setViewContent = function( html ) { this.elements.container.find( "#mp_content .viewmode" ).html( html ); }; /* =============== setEditContent =============== - assigns custom html to the editmode container */ this.setEditContent = function( html ) { this.elements.container.find( "#mp_content .editmode" ).html( html ); }; /* ========================= modeEdit and modeView ========================= - switch the widget betweed modes * for customization extend onEditMode and onViewMode */ this.modeEdit = function() { this.onEditMode(); this.editMode = true; this.elements.edit.removeClass( "hide" ); this.elements.view.addClass( "hide" ); this.adjustSize(); }; this.modeView = function() { this.onViewMode(); this.editMode = false; this.elements.edit.addClass( "hide" ); this.elements.view.removeClass( "hide" ); this.adjustSize(); }; /* ================ adjustSize ================ - changes the widget size (window and container) */ this.adjustSize = function( width, height ) { // retrieve the arguments if( arguments.length < 2 ) { var s = ( this.editMode )? this.editSize() : this.viewSize(); var width = s.w; var height = s.h; } // check for validity if( width + height == 0 ) return; // add view/edit bar height if( !isSankore ){ height += $( this.elements.container ).find( "#mp_setup" ).outerHeight(); } // apply min and max restrictions width = Math.max( this.minWidth, width ); height = Math.max( this.minHeight, height ); if( this.maxWidth ){ width = Math.min( width, this.maxWidth ); } // if viewed as a widget, resize the window if( !isBrowser ) { var dw = this.getData( "dw" ); var dh = this.getData( "dh" ); if( width == 0 ){ width = widget.width; } if( height == 0 ){ height = widget.height; } window.resizeTo( width + dw, height + dh ); } // resize the container var params = {}; if( width != 0 ){ params.width = width; } if( height != 0 ){ params.height = height; } this.elements.container.animate( params ); }; /* ====================== setData and getData ====================== - store some data inside */ this.setData = function( name, value ){ data[name] = value; }; this.getData = function( name ){ if( typeof( data[name] ) == "undefined" ){ return null; } else return data[name]; }; // redefinable methods /* ========================== onEditMode and onViewMode ========================== - these are called when the mode is being changed */ this.onEditMode = function(){ // }; this.onViewMode = function(){ // }; /* ====================== viewSize and editSize ====================== - calculate container size for the adjustSize method * they are likely to be redefined for each particular widget */ this.viewSize = function(){ return { w: this.elements.containerView.outerWidth(), h: this.elements.containerView.outerHeight() }; }; this.editSize = function(){ return { w: this.elements.containerEdit.outerWidth(), h: this.elements.containerEdit.outerHeight() }; }; /* ===================== checkAnswer ===================== - check if the exercise in the view mode was done right * redefine it for each particular widget */ this.checkAnswer = function() { // }; // constructor end // if the constructor was called with a parameter, // call create() automatically if( arguments.length > 0 ){ this.create( containerID ); } this.setData( "dw", this.elements.container.outerWidth( true ) - this.elements.container.width() ); this.setData( "dh", this.elements.container.outerHeight( true ) - this.elements.container.height() ); window.winstance = thisInstance; }