/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: Qt Software Information (qt-info.com) ** ** This file is part of a Qt Solutions component. ** ** Commercial Usage ** Licensees holding valid Qt Solutions licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the Qt Solutions Commercial License Agreement provided ** with the Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms ** contained in a written agreement between you and Nokia. ** ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please ** contact the sales department at qt-sales.com. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qtsingleapplication.h" #include <qt_windows.h> #include <QtGui/QWidget> class QtSingletonSysPrivate : public QWidget { public: QtSingletonSysPrivate() : QWidget(), listening(FALSE) { } uint listening :1; protected: bool winEvent(MSG *msg, long *result) { if (msg->message != WM_COPYDATA) return FALSE; Q_ASSERT(msg->hwnd == winId()); COPYDATASTRUCT *data = (COPYDATASTRUCT*)msg->lParam; QString message = QString::fromUtf16((unsigned short*)data->lpData); emit ((QtSingleApplication*)qApp)->messageReceived( message ); if (result) *result = 0; return TRUE; } }; static HANDLE createLockedMutex(const QString &id) { HANDLE mutex; QT_WA({ mutex = CreateMutex(0, FALSE, (TCHAR*)id.utf16()); }, { mutex = CreateMutexA(0, FALSE, id.toLocal8Bit().data()); }); switch (WaitForSingleObject(mutex, INFINITE)) { case WAIT_ABANDONED: case WAIT_TIMEOUT: CloseHandle(mutex); mutex = 0; break; default: // WAIT_OBJECT_0 break; } return mutex; } static inline void closeLockedMutex(HANDLE handle) { if (!handle) return; ReleaseMutex(handle); CloseHandle(handle); } static HWND findWindow(const QString &id) { HANDLE mutex = createLockedMutex(id); HWND hwnd; QString wid = id + "_QtSingleApplicationWindow"; QT_WA( { hwnd = ::FindWindow(L"QWidget", (TCHAR*)wid.utf16()); }, { hwnd = ::FindWindowA("QWidget", wid.toLocal8Bit().data()); } ) closeLockedMutex(mutex); return hwnd; } void QtSingleApplication::sysInit() { sysd = new QtSingletonSysPrivate; (void)sysd->winId(); // Force widget creation } void QtSingleApplication::sysCleanup() { HANDLE mutex = createLockedMutex(id()); delete sysd; closeLockedMutex(mutex); } void QtSingleApplication::initialize( bool activate ) { if (sysd->listening) return; HANDLE mutex = createLockedMutex(id()); sysd->listening = true; sysd->setWindowTitle(id() + "_QtSingleApplicationWindow"); closeLockedMutex(mutex); if ( activate ) connect(this, SIGNAL(messageReceived(const QString&)), this, SLOT(activateWindow())); } bool QtSingleApplication::isRunning() const { return findWindow(id()) != 0; } bool QtSingleApplication::sendMessage( const QString &message, int timeout ) { HWND hwnd = findWindow(id()); if ( !hwnd ) return FALSE; COPYDATASTRUCT data; data.dwData = 0; data.cbData = (message.length()+1) * sizeof(QChar); data.lpData = (void*)message.utf16(); DWORD result; LRESULT res; QT_WA( { res = SendMessageTimeout(hwnd, WM_COPYDATA, 0/*hwnd sender*/, (LPARAM)&data, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG,timeout,&result); }, { res = SendMessageTimeoutA(hwnd, WM_COPYDATA, 0/*hwnd sender*/, (LPARAM)&data, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG,timeout,&result); } ) return res != 0; }