#!/bin/bash # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # --------------------------------------------------------------------- #********************** # functions #********************** checkUser() { if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]; then echo "Please run the script as root, may be using fakeroot command as follow" echo "fakeroot ./buildDebianPackage.sh [options]" exit 1 fi } initializeVariables() { APPLICATION_NAME="OpenBoard" MAKE_TAG=true STANDARD_QT_USED=false PRODUCT_PATH="build/linux/release/product" QT_PATH="/opt/qt55" PLUGINS_PATH="$QT_PATH/plugins" GUI_TRANSLATIONS_DIRECTORY_PATH="$QT_PATH/translations" QT_LIBRARY_DEST_PATH="$PRODUCT_PATH/qtlib" QT_LIBRARY_SOURCE_PATH="$QT_PATH/lib" if [ -z $ARCHITECTURE ]; then ARCHITECTURE=`uname -m` if [ "$ARCHITECTURE" == "x86_64" ]; then ARCHITECTURE="amd64" fi if [ "$ARCHITECTURE" == "i686" ]; then ARCHITECTURE="i386" fi fi NOTIFY_CMD=`which notify-send` QMAKE_PATH="$QT_PATH/bin/qmake" LRELEASES="$QT_PATH/bin/lrelease" ZIP_PATH=`which zip` } notifyError(){ if [ -e "$NOTIFY_CMD" ]; then $NOTIFY_CMD -t 0 -i "/usr/share/icons/oxygen/64x64/status/dialog-error.png" "$1" fi printf "\033[31merror:\033[0m $1\n" exit 1 } notifyProgress(){ if [ -e "$NOTIFY_CMD" ]; then $NOTIFY_CMD "$1" "$2" fi printf "\033[32m--> Achieved task:\033[0m $1:\n\t$2\n" } alertIfPreviousVersionInstalled(){ APT_CACHE=`which apt-cache` if [ ! -e "$APT_CACHE" ]; then notifyError "apt-cache command not found" else SEARCH_RESULT=`$APT_CACHE search ${APPLICATION_NAME}` if [ `echo $SEARCH_RESULT | grep -c ${APPLICATION_NAME}` -ge 1 ]; then notifyError "Found a previous version of ${APPLICATION_NAME}. Remove it to avoid to put it as dependency" fi fi } checkDir(){ if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then notifyError "Directory not found : $1" fi } checkExecutable(){ if [ ! -e "$1" ]; then notifyError "$1 command not found" fi } copyQtLibrary(){ if ls "$QT_LIBRARY_SOURCE_PATH/$1.so" &> /dev/null; then cp $QT_LIBRARY_SOURCE_PATH/$1.so.? "$QT_LIBRARY_DEST_PATH/" cp $QT_LIBRARY_SOURCE_PATH/$1.so.?.?.? "$QT_LIBRARY_DEST_PATH/" else notifyError "$1 library not found in path: $QT_LIBRARY_SOURCE_PATH" fi } buildWithStandardQt(){ # if both Qt4 and Qt5 are installed, choose Qt5 export QT_SELECT=5 STANDARD_QT=`which qmake` if [ $? == "0" ]; then QT_VERSION=`$STANDARD_QT --version | grep -i "Using Qt version" | sed -e "s/Using Qt version \(.*\) in.*/\1/"` if [ `echo $QT_VERSION | sed -e "s/\.//g"` -gt 480 ]; then notifyProgress "Standard QT" "A recent enough qmake has been found. Using this one instead of custom one" STANDARD_QT_USED=true QMAKE_PATH=$STANDARD_QT LRELEASES=`which lrelease` PLUGINS_PATH="$STANDARD_QT/../plugins" fi fi } buildImporter(){ IMPORTER_DIR="../OpenBoard-Importer/" IMPORTER_NAME="OpenBoardImporter" checkDir $IMPORTER_DIR cd ${IMPORTER_DIR} rm moc_* rm -rf debug release rm *.o #git reset --hard #git pull $QMAKE_PATH ${IMPORTER_NAME}.pro make clean make -j4 checkExecutable $IMPORTER_NAME cd - } #********************** # script #********************** checkUser for var in "$@" do if [ $var == "notag" ]; then MAKE_TAG=false fi # forcing a architecture because of cross compiling if [ $var == "i386" ]; then ARCHITECTURE="i386" fi if [ $var == "amd64" ]; then ARCHITECTURE="amd64" fi done initializeVariables #buildWithStandardQt alertIfPreviousVersionInstalled # check of directories and executables checkDir $QT_PATH checkDir $PLUGINS_PATH checkDir $GUI_TRANSLATIONS_DIRECTORY_PATH checkExecutable $QMAKE_PATH checkExecutable $LRELEASES checkExecutable $ZIP_PATH #build third party application buildImporter notifyProgress "OpenBoardImporter" "Built Importer" # cleaning the build directory rm -rf "build/linux/release" rm -rf install notifyProgress "QT" "Internalization" $LRELEASES ${APPLICATION_NAME}.pro cd $GUI_TRANSLATIONS_DIRECTORY_PATH $LRELEASES translations.pro cd - notifyProgress "${APPLICATION_NAME}" "Building ${APPLICATION_NAME}" if [ "$ARCHITECTURE" == "amd64" ]; then $QMAKE_PATH ${APPLICATION_NAME}.pro -spec linux-g++-64 else $QMAKE_PATH ${APPLICATION_NAME}.pro -spec linux-g++ fi make -j 4 release-install if [ ! -e "$PRODUCT_PATH/${APPLICATION_NAME}" ]; then notifyError "${APPLICATION_NAME} build failed" fi notifyProgress "Git Hub" "Make a tag of the delivered version" VERSION=`cat build/linux/release/version` if [ ! -f build/linux/release/version ]; then notifyError "version not found" #else # LAST_COMMITED_VERSION="`git describe $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)`" # if [ "v$VERSION" != "$LAST_COMMITED_VERSION" ]; then # if [ $MAKE_TAG == true ]; then # git tag -a "OBv$VERSION" -m "OpenBoard setup for v$VERSION" # git push origin --tags # fi # fi fi cp resources/linux/run.sh $PRODUCT_PATH chmod a+x $PRODUCT_PATH/run.sh cp -R resources/linux/qtlinux/* $PRODUCT_PATH/ notifyProgress "QT" "Copying plugins and library ..." cp -R $PLUGINS_PATH $PRODUCT_PATH/ # copying customization cp -R resources/customizations $PRODUCT_PATH/ # copying importer mkdir -p $PRODUCT_PATH/Importer cp -R ${IMPORTER_DIR}/${IMPORTER_NAME} $PRODUCT_PATH/Importer if [ $STANDARD_QT_USED == false ]; then #copying custom qt library mkdir -p $QT_LIBRARY_DEST_PATH copyQtLibrary libQt5Core copyQtLibrary libQt5Gui copyQtLibrary libQt5Multimedia copyQtLibrary libQt5MultimediaWidgets copyQtLibrary libQt5Network copyQtLibrary libQt5OpenGL copyQtLibrary libQt5PrintSupport copyQtLibrary libQt5Script copyQtLibrary libQt5Svg copyQtLibrary libQt5WebKit copyQtLibrary libQt5WebKitWidgets copyQtLibrary libQt5Xml copyQtLibrary libQt5XmlPatterns fi notifyProgress "QT" "Internationalization" if [ ! -e $PRODUCT_PATH/i18n ]; then mkdir $PRODUCT_PATH/i18n fi #copying qt gui translation cp $GUI_TRANSLATIONS_DIRECTORY_PATH/qt_??.qm $PRODUCT_PATH/i18n/ rm -rf install/linux mkdir -p install/linux #Removing .svn directories ... cd $PRODUCT_PATH find . -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null cd - notifyProgress "Building ${APPLICATION_NAME}" "Finished to build ${APPLICATION_NAME} building the package" BASE_WORKING_DIR="packageBuildDir" #creating package directory mkdir $BASE_WORKING_DIR mkdir "$BASE_WORKING_DIR/DEBIAN" mkdir -p "$BASE_WORKING_DIR/usr/share/applications" mkdir -p "$BASE_WORKING_DIR/usr/local" cat > "$BASE_WORKING_DIR/DEBIAN/prerm" << EOF #!/bin/bash # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # --------------------------------------------------------------------- xdg-desktop-menu uninstall /usr/share/applications/${APPLICATION_NAME}.desktop exit 0 #DEBHELPER# EOF cat > "$BASE_WORKING_DIR/DEBIAN/postint" << EOF #!/bin/bash # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # --------------------------------------------------------------------- xdg-desktop-menu install --novendor /usr/share/applications/${APPLICATION_NAME}.desktop exit 0 #DEBHELPER# EOF APPLICATION_DIRECTORY_NAME="${APPLICATION_NAME}-$VERSION" PACKAGE_DIRECTORY="$BASE_WORKING_DIR/usr/local/$APPLICATION_DIRECTORY_NAME" #move build directory to packages directory cp -R $PRODUCT_PATH $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY cat > $BASE_WORKING_DIR/usr/local/$APPLICATION_DIRECTORY_NAME/run.sh << EOF #!/bin/bash # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # --------------------------------------------------------------------- env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/$APPLICATION_DIRECTORY_NAME/qtlib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/$APPLICATION_DIRECTORY_NAME/${APPLICATION_NAME} EOF CHANGE_LOG_FILE="$BASE_WORKING_DIR/DEBIAN/changelog-${APPLICATION_NAME}-$VERSION.txt" CONTROL_FILE="$BASE_WORKING_DIR/DEBIAN/control" CHANGE_LOG_TEXT="changelog.txt" echo "${APPLICATION_NAME} ($VERSION) $ARCHITECTURE; urgency=low" > "$CHANGE_LOG_FILE" echo >> "$CHANGE_LOG_FILE" cat $CHANGE_LOG_TEXT >> "$CHANGE_LOG_FILE" echo >> "$CHANGE_LOG_FILE" echo "-- Claudio Valerio `date`" >> "$CHANGE_LOG_FILE" echo "Package: ${APPLICATION_NAME}" > "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Version: $VERSION" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Section: education" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Priority: optional" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Architecture: $ARCHITECTURE" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Essential: no" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Installed-Size: `du -s $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY | awk '{ print $1 }'`" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Maintainer: ${APPLICATION_NAME} Developers team " >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Homepage: http://www.openboard.org" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo -n "Depends: " >> "$CONTROL_FILE" unset tab declare -a tab let count=0 for l in `objdump -p $PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/${APPLICATION_NAME} | grep NEEDED | awk '{ print $2 }'`; do for lib in `dpkg -S $l | awk -F":" '{ print $1 }'`; do #echo $lib presence=`echo ${tab[*]} | grep -c "$lib"`; if [ "$presence" == "0" ]; then tab[$count]=$lib; ((count++)); fi; done; done; for ((i=0;i<${#tab[@]};i++)); do if [ $i -ne "0" ]; then echo -n ", " >> "$CONTROL_FILE" fi echo -n "${tab[$i]} (>= "`dpkg -p ${tab[$i]} | grep "Version: " | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed -e 's/\([:. 0-9?]*\).*/\1/g' | sed -e 's/\.$//'`") " >> "$CONTROL_FILE" done echo "" >> "$CONTROL_FILE" echo "Description: This a interactive white board that uses a free standard format." >> "$CONTROL_FILE" find $BASE_WORKING_DIR/usr/ -exec md5sum {} > $BASE_WORKING_DIR/DEBIAN/md5sums 2>/dev/null \; APPLICATION_SHORTCUT="$BASE_WORKING_DIR/usr/share/applications/${APPLICATION_NAME}.desktop" echo "[Desktop Entry]" > $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Version=$VERSION" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Name=${APPLICATION_NAME} ($VERSION)" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "GenericName=${APPLICATION_NAME}" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Comment=Logiciel de création de présentations pour tableau numérique interactif (TNI)" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Exec=/usr/local/$APPLICATION_DIRECTORY_NAME/run.sh" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Icon=/usr/local/$APPLICATION_DIRECTORY_NAME/${APPLICATION_NAME}.png" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "StartupNotify=true" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Terminal=false" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Type=Application" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT echo "Categories=Education" >> $APPLICATION_SHORTCUT cp "resources/images/${APPLICATION_NAME}.png" "$PACKAGE_DIRECTORY/${APPLICATION_NAME}.png" chmod 755 "$BASE_WORKING_DIR/DEBIAN" chmod 755 "$BASE_WORKING_DIR/DEBIAN/prerm" chmod 755 "$BASE_WORKING_DIR/DEBIAN/postint" mkdir -p "install/linux" DEBIAN_PACKAGE_NAME="${APPLICATION_NAME}_`lsb_release -is`_`lsb_release -rs`_${VERSION}_$ARCHITECTURE.deb" chown -R root:root $BASE_WORKING_DIR dpkg -b "$BASE_WORKING_DIR" "install/linux/$DEBIAN_PACKAGE_NAME" #clean up mess rm -rf $BASE_WORKING_DIR notifyProgress "${APPLICATION_NAME}" "Package built" exit 0