/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ var questionArray; var currentQstId = ""; var lang = ""; //locale language function init(){ //variables var toggleFlag = false; var endFlag = false; var mode = false; questionArray = new Array(); var popupFlag = false var flagForSelect = false; if(window.sankore){ try{ lang = sankore.locale().substr(0,2); sankoreLang[lang].edit; } catch(e){ lang = "en"; } } else lang = "en"; // toggle button var buttonDiv = $("
").appendTo("body"); var toggleButton = $("").appendTo("#buttonDiv"); buttonDiv.css({ top:"10px", right:0 }); //popup message var popupText = $("
").appendTo("body"); // adding question block var addQstDiv = $("
").appendTo("body"); var addQstButton = $("").appendTo(qstOptions); var applyChanges = $("").appendTo(qstOptions); var qstDelete = $("").appendTo(ansDiv); qstDiv.insertBefore("#addQstDiv"); $("#addQsqSpan1").text(sankoreLang[lang].q + (count + 2)); } //add answers function addAnsBlock(id, currId, text, stage, rightAns, type){ var newAnswer = $("
"); var value; var check = ""; if(stage){ value = getNeededElement(getNeededElement(questionArray, currId).answers,id).value; if(type != "2"){ if(rightAns == value) check = "checked='true'"; } else { rightAns = rightAns.replace(/,/g,""); if(rightAns.indexOf(value + " ", 0) != -1) check = "checked='true'"; } } else { value = ($("#" + currId + " .newAnswer input:checkbox").last().val()) ? parseInt($("#" + currId + " .newAnswer input:checkbox").last().val()) + 1 : 1; getNeededElement(getNeededElement(questionArray, currId).answers,id).value = value; } var count = $("#" + currId + " .newAnswer").size() + 1; var input = $("").appendTo(newAnswer); var ansSpan = $("" + sankoreLang[lang].a + count + "").appendTo(newAnswer); var ansContent = $("
" + text + "
").appendTo(newAnswer); var ansDelete = $("