/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Open Education Foundation * * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Groupement d'Intérêt Public pour * l'Education Numérique en Afrique (GIP ENA) * * This file is part of OpenBoard. * * OpenBoard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, * with a specific linking exception for the OpenSSL project's * "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that use the * same license as the "OpenSSL" library). * * OpenBoard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenBoard. If not, see . */ #ifndef UBPERSISTENCEMANAGER_H_ #define UBPERSISTENCEMANAGER_H_ #include #include "UBSceneCache.h" #include "UBPersistenceWorker.h" class UBDocument; class UBDocumentProxy; class UBGraphicsScene; class UBPersistenceManager : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private: UBPersistenceManager(QObject *pParent = 0); static UBPersistenceManager* sSingleton; public: virtual ~UBPersistenceManager(); static const QString imageDirectory; static const QString objectDirectory; static const QString videoDirectory; static const QString audioDirectory; static const QString widgetDirectory; static const QString teacherGuideDirectory; static void shiftPagesToStartWithTheZeroOne(QString persistencePath); static UBPersistenceManager* persistenceManager(); static void destroy(); virtual UBDocumentProxy* createDocument(const QString& pGroupName = "", const QString& pName = "", bool withEmptyPage = true); virtual UBDocumentProxy* createDocumentFromDir(const QString& pDocumentDirectory, const QString& pGroupName = "", const QString& pName = ""); virtual UBDocumentProxy* persistDocumentMetadata(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy); virtual UBDocumentProxy* duplicateDocument(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy); virtual void deleteDocument(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy); virtual void deleteDocumentScenes(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, const QList& indexes); virtual void duplicateDocumentScene(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, int index); virtual void persistDocumentScene(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, UBGraphicsScene* pScene, const int pSceneIndex, bool isAnAutomaticBackup = false); virtual UBGraphicsScene* createDocumentSceneAt(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, int index, bool useUndoRedoStack = true); virtual void insertDocumentSceneAt(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, UBGraphicsScene* scene, int index); virtual void moveSceneToIndex(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, int source, int target); virtual UBGraphicsScene* loadDocumentScene(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, int sceneIndex); UBGraphicsScene *getDocumentScene(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, int sceneIndex) {return mSceneCache.value(pDocumentProxy, sceneIndex);} QList > documentProxies; virtual QStringList allShapes(); virtual QStringList allGips(); virtual QStringList allImages(const QDir& dir); virtual QStringList allVideos(const QDir& dir); virtual QStringList allWidgets(const QDir& dir); QString generateUniqueDocumentPath(); QString generateUniqueDocumentPath(const QString& baseFolder); bool addDirectoryContentToDocument(const QString& documentRootFolder, UBDocumentProxy* pDocument); virtual UBDocumentProxy* documentByUuid(const QUuid& pUuid); QStringList documentSubDirectories() { return mDocumentSubDirectories; } virtual bool isEmpty(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy); virtual void purgeEmptyDocuments(); bool addGraphicsWidgetToDocument(UBDocumentProxy *mDocumentProxy, QString path, QUuid objectUuid, QString& destinationPath); bool addFileToDocument(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, QString path, const QString& subdir, QUuid objectUuid, QString& destinationPath, QByteArray* data = NULL); signals: void documentCreated(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy); void documentMetadataChanged(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy); void documentWillBeDeleted(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy); void documentSceneCreated(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, int pIndex); void documentSceneWillBeDeleted(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, int pIndex); private: int sceneCount(const UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy); static QStringList getSceneFileNames(const QString& folder); QList > allDocumentProxies(); void renamePage(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, const int sourceIndex, const int targetIndex); void copyPage(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, const int sourceIndex, const int targetIndex); void generatePathIfNeeded(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy); void checkIfDocumentRepositoryExists(); UBSceneCache mSceneCache; QStringList mDocumentSubDirectories; QMutex mDeletedListMutex; bool mHasPurgedDocuments; QList mDocumentCreatedDuringSession; QString mDocumentRepositoryPath; UBPersistenceWorker* mWorker; QThread* mThread; private slots: void documentRepositoryChanged(const QString& path); void errorString(QString error); void onSceneLoaded(QByteArray,UBDocumentProxy*,int); }; #endif /* UBPERSISTENCEMANAGER_H_ */