#!/bin/bash # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # --------------------------------------------------------------------- initializeVariables() { APPLICATION_NAME="OpenBoard" STANDARD_QT_USED=false # Root directory SCRIPT_PATH="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" PROJECT_ROOT="$SCRIPT_PATH/../.." BUILD_DIR="$PROJECT_ROOT/build/linux/release" PRODUCT_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/product" # Qt installation path. This may vary across machines QT_PATH="/home/dev/Qt/5.15.2/gcc_64" PLUGINS_PATH="$QT_PATH/plugins" GUI_TRANSLATIONS_DIRECTORY_PATH="/usr/share/qt5/translations" QMAKE_PATH="$QT_PATH/bin/qmake" LRELEASES="$QT_PATH/bin/lrelease" NOTIFY_CMD=`which notify-send` ZIP_PATH=`which zip` if [ -z $ARCHITECTURE ]; then ARCHITECTURE=`uname -m` if [ $ARCHITECTURE == "x86_64" ]; then ARCHITECTURE="amd64" fi fi } notifyError(){ if [ -e "$NOTIFY_CMD" ]; then $NOTIFY_CMD -t 0 -i "/usr/share/icons/oxygen/64x64/status/dialog-error.png" "$1" fi printf "\033[31merror:\033[0m $1\n" exit 1 } notifyProgress(){ if [ -e "$NOTIFY_CMD" ]; then $NOTIFY_CMD "$1" "$2" fi printf "\033[32m--> Achieved task:\033[0m $1:\n\t$2\n" } checkDir(){ if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then notifyError "Directory not found : $1" fi } checkExecutable(){ if [ ! -e "$1" ]; then notifyError "$1 command not found" fi } buildWithStandardQt(){ # if both Qt4 and Qt5 are installed, choose Qt5 export QT_SELECT=5 STANDARD_QT=`which qmake` if [ $? == "0" ]; then QT_VERSION=`$STANDARD_QT --version | grep -i "Using Qt version" | sed -e "s/Using Qt version \(.*\) in.*/\1/"` if [ `echo $QT_VERSION | sed -e "s/\.//g"` -gt 480 ]; then notifyProgress "Standard QT" "A recent enough qmake has been found. Using this one instead of custom one" STANDARD_QT_USED=true QMAKE_PATH=$STANDARD_QT LRELEASES=`which lrelease` PLUGINS_PATH="$STANDARD_QT/../plugins" fi fi } buildImporter(){ IMPORTER_DIR="../OpenBoard-Importer/" IMPORTER_NAME="OpenBoardImporter" checkDir $IMPORTER_DIR cd ${IMPORTER_DIR} rm moc_* rm -rf debug release rm *.o notifyProgress "Building importer" $QMAKE_PATH ${IMPORTER_NAME}.pro make clean make -j4 checkExecutable $IMPORTER_NAME cd - } createBuildContext() { BUILD_CONTEXT="buildContext" echo $ARCHITECTURE > $BUILD_CONTEXT } # Check command-line arguments to force an architecture for var in "$@" do if [ $var == "i386" ]; then ARCHITECTURE="i386" fi if [ $var == "amd64" ]; then ARCHITECTURE="amd64" fi done initializeVariables #buildWithStandardQt createBuildContext cd $PROJECT_ROOT # check of directories and executables checkDir $QT_PATH checkDir $PLUGINS_PATH checkDir $GUI_TRANSLATIONS_DIRECTORY_PATH checkExecutable $QMAKE_PATH checkExecutable $LRELEASES checkExecutable $ZIP_PATH #build third party application buildImporter notifyProgress "OpenBoardImporter" "Built Importer" # cleaning the build directory rm -rf $BUILD_DIR # Generate translations notifyProgress "QT" "Internationalization" $LRELEASES ${APPLICATION_NAME}.pro cd $GUI_TRANSLATIONS_DIRECTORY_PATH $LRELEASES translations.pro cd - notifyProgress "${APPLICATION_NAME}" "Building ${APPLICATION_NAME}" if [ "$ARCHITECTURE" == "amd64" ] || [ "$ARCHITECTURE" == "x86_64" ]; then $QMAKE_PATH ${APPLICATION_NAME}.pro -spec linux-g++-64 else $QMAKE_PATH ${APPLICATION_NAME}.pro -spec linux-g++ fi make -j4 release-install if [ ! -e "$PRODUCT_PATH/${APPLICATION_NAME}" ]; then notifyError "${APPLICATION_NAME} build failed" else notifyProgress "Finished building OpenBoard. You may now run the packaging script." fi