BlackoutWidget Click to Return to Application Tsindrio raha hiverina amin'ny rindran'asa DownloadDialog Downloads Nalaina Clean Up Diovina 0 Items 0 Zavatra DownloadItem Form Antonta-taratasy fenoina Filename Anaran'ny rakitra Try Again Avereno indray Stop Ajanony Open Sokafy IntranetPodcastPublishingDialog Publish Podcast to YouTube Ametraka Podcat amin'ny Youtube Title Lohateny Description Fanazavana Author Mpamorona MainWindow Board Solaitra Web Tranon-kala Documents Rakitra Stylus Haingo Ctrl+T Ctrl + T Backgrounds Sary ambadika Text Lahabolana Capture Fakana Add To Current Page Ampiana amin'ny io pejy io Add To New Page Ampiana amin'ny pejy vaovao Add To Library Ampiana amin'ny tahirim-boky Pages Pejy New Page Pejy vaovao Undo Tsy atao indray Change Background Ovaina ny sary ambadika Ctrl+Z Ctrl + Z Redo Atao indray Ctrl+Y Ctrl + Y Previous Teo aloha Previous Page Pejy teo aloha PgUp PgUp Next Ao aorina Next Page Pejy ao aorina PgDown PgDpwn Manage Documents Fikarakarana ny rakitra Ctrl+D Ctrl + D Web Browsing Mpizaha tranon-kala Ctrl+W Ctrl + W Small Line Tsipika kely Medium Line Tsipika salasala Large Line Tsipika lehibe Smalle Eraser Fafotse kely Medium Eraser Fafotse salasala Large Eraser Fafotse lehibe Reload Current Page Avereno aseho io pejy io Load Home Page Aseho ny pejin'ny fandraisana Show Bookmarks Aseho ny tobin-drohy Add Bookmark Ampiana ny tobin-drohy Display Board Aseho ny solaitra Erase Content Fafana ny mpiatiny Display Preferences Aseho ny safidy nofaritana Show Library Aseho ny tahirim-boky Show Computer Desktop Aseho ny sehatr'asan'ny solosaina Ctrl+Shift+H Ctrl+Shift+H Create a New Folder Mamorona fitoeran-drakitra vaovao Create a New Document Mamorona rakitra vaovao Import a Document Manafatra rakitra Export a Document Mandefa rakitra Open Page in Board Manokatra pejy amin'ny solaitra Duplicate Selected Content Asina dikamitovy ny mpiatiny voafidy Delete Selected Content Fafana ny dikamitovy ny mpiatiny voafidy Add Content to Document Ampiana amin'ny rakitra ity mpiatiny ity Rename Content Soloina anarana ny mpiatiny Display Tools Aseho ny fitaovana Use Document Wide Size (16/9) Ampiasana ny haben'ny antonta-tarasy malalaka (16/9) Use Document Regular Size (4/3) Ampiasana ny haben'ny antonta-tarasy mahazatra (4/3) Use Custom Document Size Ampiasana ny haben'ny antonta-tarasy voasafidy manokana Stop Loading Web Page Ajanony ny fakana ny pejin'ny tranon-kala Put Presentation to Sleep Ahato ny fampisehoana Display Virtual Keyboard Asehoy ny fafan-teny virtoaly Record Presentation to Video Raiketo ho horonan-tsary ny fampisehoana Erase Items Fafana ilay zavatra Erase All Items Fafana ny zavatra rehetra Erase Annotations Fafana ny fanamarihana Erase All Annotations Fafana ny fanamarihana rehetra Clear All Elements Fafana ny zavatra rehetra Pen penina Annotate Document Manamarika rakitra Ctrl+I Ctrl+I Erase Annotation Fafany ilay fanamarihana Ctrl+E Ctrl+E Marker Penina lehibe Highlight Asongadina Ctrl+M Ctrl+M Selector Mpifantinana Select And Modify Objects Mifantina sy manova zavatra Ctrl+F Ctrl+F Hand Tanana Capture Part of the Screen Maka ampahan'ny efijery Custom Capture Fakana manokana Capture a Window Maka ny fikandrana iray Embed Web Content Mpiatin'ny tranon-kala natsofoka Capture Embeddable Web Content Fakana mpiatin'ny tranon-kala azo atsofoka Show Main Screen on Display Screen Aseho amin'ny efijery hita ny efijery ampiasana matetika Erase all Annotations Fafana ny fanamarihana rehetra eduMedia eduMedia Import eduMedia simulation Hafarana ny fiasan'i eduMedia Check Update Jereo raha misy fanavaozana Ctrl+H Ctrl+H Zoom In Zòma mahalehibe Zoom Out Zòma mahakely Line Tsipika Quit Hidio Eraser Fafotse Color Loko Back Miverina Left Havia Forward Manaraka Right Havanana Reload Averina alefa indray Home Fandraisana Bookmarks Tobin-drohy Bookmark Tobin-drohy Ctrl+B Ctrl+B Clear Page Fafana ny pejy Preferences Safidy nofaritana Erase Fafana Library Tahirim-boky Ctrl+L Ctrl+L Show Desktop Asehoy ny sehatr'asa Bigger Lehibe kokoa Ctrl++ Ctrl++ Smaller Kelikely kokoa Ctrl+- Ctrl+- New Folder Fitoeran-drakitra vaovao New Document Rakitra vaovao Import Manafatra Export Mandefa Open in Board Sokafana amin'ny solaitra Ctrl+O Ctrl+O Duplicate Asina dikamitovy Delete Fafana Del Del Add to Working Document Ampiana amn'ny rakitra iasana Add Selected Content to Open Document Ampiana amin'ny rakitra misokatra ny mpiatiny voasafidy Add Ampiana Rename Soloina ny anarana Cut Tapahana Copy Adika Paste Apetaka Grid Light Background Efamira-tsoramiafina ambadika mazava Grid Dark Background Efamira-tsoramiafina ambadika maizina Start Screen Recording Atomboka ny fandraiketana ny efijery Scroll Page Fampidinana sy fampiakarana ny pejy Laser Pointer Tondro laser Virtual Laser Pointer Tondro laser virtoaly Ctrl+G Ctrl+G Draw Lines Manoratra tsipika Ctrl+J Ctrl+J Write Text Manoratra lahabolana Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Add Item To Current Page Ampiana amn'ny pejy ampiaisana ilay zavatra Add Item To New Page Ampiana amn'ny pejy vaovao ilay zavatra Add Item To Library Ampiana amn'ny tahirim-boky ilay zavatra Create a New Page Mamorona pejy vaovao Duplicate Page Manao dikamitovy ny pejy Duplicate the Current Page Manao dikamitovy an'ilay pejy ampiasana Import Page Manafatra pejy Import an External Page Manafatra pejy ivelany Pause Ahato Pause Podcast Recording Ahato ny fandraiketana ny Podcast Podcast Config Fanefena ny Podcast Configure Podcast Recording Fanefena ny fandraiketana ny Podcast Flash Trap Alaina ny Flash Trap Flash Content Alaina ny mpiatiny Flash Web Trap Alaina ny tranon-kala Trap Web Content Alaina ny mpiatin'ny tranon-kala Window Capture Alaina ny fikandrana Show on Display Asehoy amin'ny zavatra hita Sleep Ampatorina Virtual Keyboard Fafan-teny virtoaly Plain Light Background Faritra ambadika mazava Light Mazava Plain Dark Background Faritra ambadika maizina Dark Maizina Podcast Podcast Record Raiketo Tools Fitaovana Multi Screen Efijery maromaro Wide Size (16/9) Habe lehibe (16/9) Regular Size (4/3) Habe antonony (4/3) Custom Size Habe safidina manokana Stop Loading Ajanony ny fakana OpenBoard OpenBoard Quit OpenBoard Sokafy OpenBoard Hide OpenBoard Afeno OpenBoard Hide OpenBoard Application Afeno ny rindran'asan'i OpenBoard Play Alefaso Interact with items Ampiasana ny zavatra Erase Background Fafana ny ao ambadika Remove the backgound Esorina ny ao ambadika Open Tutorial Open the tutorial web page Ruled Light Background Ruled Dark Background Reset grid size PasswordDialog Authentication Required Famantarana ilaina Username: Anaran'ny mpampiasa: Password: Teny fanalahidy: ProxyDialog Proxy Authentication Famantaranan'ny Proxy Connect to Proxy Mifandray amin'ny Proxy Username: Anaran'ny mpampiasa: Password: Teny fanalahidy: Save username and password for future use Raiketo ny anaran'ny mpampiasa sy ny teny fanalahidy ho an'ny fampiasana manaraka QObject Element ID = Isa famantaranaan'ilay zavatra = Content is not supported in destination format. Tsy zakan'ny andrefy tanjona ilay mpiatiny. Remove Page Fafao ny pejy Are you sure you want to remove 1 page from the selected document '%0'? Tena te hamafa pejy iray avy amin'ilay rakitra '%0' voafidy ve ianao ? UBApplication Page Size Haben'ny pejy Podcast Podcast UBApplicationController Web Tranon-kala New update available, would you go to the web page ? Misy fanavaozana azo alaina, te hande amin'ny pejin'ilay tranonkala ve ianao ? No update available Tsisy fanavaozana azo alaina Update available Fanavaozana azo alaina Update Avaozy Board drawing... UBBackgroundPalette Grid size UBBoardController Downloading content %1 failed Fakana mpiatiny %1 tsy nety Download finished Fakana mpiatiny vita Unknown tool type %1 Fitaovana tsy fantatra karazana %1 Add Item Ampiana zavatra All Supported (%1) Zaka daholo (%1) Unknown content type %1 Mpiatiny tsy fantatra karazana %1 Delete page %1 from document Fafao ny pejy %1 amin'ilay rakitra Page %1 deleted Pejy %1 voafafa Add file operation failed: file copying error Fanampiana rakitra tsy nety: nisy tsy fetezana tamin'ny fandikana ny rakitra Group Atokony Ungroup Avaho Saving document... Document has just been saved... Deleting page %1 UBBoardPaletteManager Error Adding Image to Library Fanampiana ny sary amin'ny tahirim-boky tsy nety CapturedImage Sary nalaina UBBoardThumbnailsView Loading page (%1/%2) UBCachePropertiesWidget Cache Properties Toetoetran'ny tahiry Color: Loko: Shape: Bika: Size: Habe: Close Hidio UBDesktopPalette Capture Part of the Screen Maka ampahan'ny efijery Capture the Screen Maka ny efijery Show the stylus palette Aseho ny fanovana haingony Show Board on Secondary Screen Aseho ny solaitra amin'ny efijery faharoa Show Desktop on Secondary Screen Aseho ny sehatr'asa amin'ny efijery faharoa Show OpenBoard UBDocumentController New Folder Fiteoran-drakitra vaovao Page %1 Pejy %1 Add Folder of Images Manampy fitoeran-drakitra misy sary Add Images Manampy sary Add Pages from File Manampy pejy an'ilay rakitra Duplicating Document %1 Dikamitovy-na rakitra %1 Document %1 copied Rakitra %1 nadika Remove Page Fafao ny pejy Remove Document Fafao ny rakitra Are you sure you want to remove the document '%1'? Tena te hamafa an'ilay rakitra '%1' ve ianao ? Empty Trash Daba foana Are you sure you want to empty trash? Tena te hanafoana an'ilay daba ve ianao ? Emptying trash Manafoana daba Emptied trash Daba voafoana Remove Folder Mamafa fitoeran-drakitra Are you sure you want to remove the folder '%1' and all its content? Tena te hamafa an'ilay fitoeran-drakitra '%1' ve ianao sy ny mpiatiny rehetra ? No document selected! Tsisy fitoeran-drakitra voafidy! Open Supported File Manokatra rakitra zaka Importing file %1... Manafatra rakitra %1 ... Failed to import file ... Nisy tsy fetezana ny fanafarana rakitra ... Import all Images from Folder Alaina daholo ny sary amin'ilay fitoeran-drakitra Delete Fafao Empty Foana Trash Daba Open Document Manokatra rakitra Add all Images to Document Ampiana amin'ilay rakitra ny sary rehetra All Images (%1) Ny sary rehetra(%1) Selection does not contain any image files! Tsy misy sary ilay fantina! Are you sure you want to remove %n page(s) from the selected document '%1'? Tena te hamafa pejy %n avy amin'ilay rakitra '%1' voafidy ve ianao ? Folder does not contain any image files Tsy misy sary ilay fitoeran-drakitra Untitled Documents Rakitra tsy misy lohateny The document '%1' has been generated with a newer version of OpenBoard (%2). By opening it, you may lose some information. Do you want to proceed? Are you sure you want to remove all selected documents? Remove multiple documents UBDocumentManager images sary videos horonan-tsary objects Zavatra widgets widgets All supported files (*.%1) Ny rakitra rehetra zaka (*.%1) File %1 saved Rakitra %1 voaraikitra Inserting page %1 of %2 Mampiditra pejy %1 amin'ny %2 Import successful. Fanafarana nety. Import of file %1 successful. Fanafarana ny rakitra %1 nety. Importing file %1 Manafatra rakitra %1 UBDocumentNavigator Page %0 Pejy %0 UBDocumentTreeWidget %1 (copy) %1 (fandikana) Copying page %1/%2 Mandika pejy %1/%2 %1 pages copied %1 pejy voadika UBDownloadWidget Downloading files Maka rakitra Cancel Ajanony UBDraggableThumbnailView Page %0 Pejy %0 UBExportAdaptor Warnings during export was appeared Nisy fitandremana niseho tamin'ny fandefasana ny rakitra Exporting document... Export failed Unable to export to the selected location. You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Export failed: location not writable Export successful. Fandefasana nety. UBExportCFF Export to IWB Alefa ho IWB Export as IWB File Alefa ho rakitra IWB Exporting document... Mandefa ny rakitra ... Export successful. Fandefasana nety. Export failed. Fandefasana tsy nety. UBExportDocument Page Pejy Export as UBZ File Alefa ho rakitra UBZ Exporting document... Mandefa rakitra ... Export successful. Fandefasana nety. Exporting %1 %2 of %3 Fandefasana %1 %2 amin'ny %3 Export to OpenBoard Format UBExportFullPDF Export as PDF File Alefa ho rakitra PDF Exporting document... Mandefa ny rakitra ... Export to PDF Alefa ho PDF Export successful. Fandefasana nety. UBExportPDF Export as PDF File Alefa ho rakitra PDF Exporting page %1 of %2 Mandefa ny pejy %1 amin'ny %2 Export successful. Fandefasana nety. Exporting document... Mandefa rakitra ... Export to PDF Alefa ho PDF UBExportWeb Page Pejy Export as Web data Alefa ho data an'ny tranon-kala Exporting document... Fandefasana rakitra ... Export successful. Fandefasana nety. Export failed. Fandefasana tsy nety. Export to Web Browser Alefa any amin'ny mpitety ny tranon-kala UBFeatureProperties Add to page Ampiana amin'ilay pejy Set as background Apetraka ambadika Add to library Ampiana amin'ny tahirim-boky Object informations Mombamomban'ny zavatra UBFeaturesActionBar Add to favorites Ampiana amin'ny zavatra tena tiana Share Zaraina Search Hikaroka Delete Fafana Back to folder Miverina any amn'ilay fitoeran-drakitra Remove from favorites Fafana amin'ny zavatra tena tiana Create new folder Mamorona fitoeran-drakitra vaovao Rescan file system Avereno jerena ny rakitrin'ny rafitra UBFeaturesController ImportedImage Sary Nafarana Audios Feo Movies Sarimietsika Pictures Sary Animations Sary ahetsika Interactivities Fifandraisana Applications Rindran'asa Shapes Bika Favorites Tena tiana Web search Fikarohana ny tranon-kala Trash Daba UBFeaturesNewFolderDialog Accept Ekena Cancel Ajanony Enter a new folder name Ampidiro ny anaran'ilay fitoeran-drakitra vaovao UBFeaturesProgressInfo Loading Maka UBGraphicsGroupContainerItemDelegate Locked Voahidy Visible on Extended Screen Hita amin'ny efijery voavelatra UBGraphicsItemDelegate Locked Voahidy Visible on Extended Screen Hita amin'ny efijery voavelatra Go to Content Source Hande any amin'ny fototr'ilay mpiatiny Set as background Apetraka ambadika UBGraphicsMediaItem Media resource couldn't be resolved Unsupported media format Media playback service not found Media error: UBGraphicsTextItem <Type Text Here> <Type lahabolana eto> UBGraphicsTextItemDelegate Text Color Lokon'ilay lahabolana Editable Azo ovaina UBGraphicsW3CWidgetItem Web Tranon-kala UBGraphicsWidgetItem Loading ... Maka ... UBGraphicsWidgetItemDelegate Frozen Nampagatsiahana Transform as Tool Ovaina ho fitaovana UBImportCFF Common File Format ( Andrefin'ny rakitra mahazatra ( Importing file %1... Manafatra rakitra %1 ... Import of file %1 failed. Fanafarana ny rakitra %1 tsy nety. Import successful. Fanafarana nety. Import failed. Fanafarana tsy nety. UBImportDocument Importing file %1... Manafatra rakitra %1 ... Import successful. Fanafarana nety. Import of file %1 failed. Fanafarana ny rakitra %1 tsy nety. OpenBoard (*.ubz) UBImportImage Image Format ( Andrefin'ilay sary ( UBImportPDF Portable Document Format (*.pdf) Portable Document Format (*.pdf) PDF import failed. Fanafarana PDF tsy nety. Importing page %1 of %2 Manafatra pejy %1 amin'ny %2 UBIntranetPodcastPublisher Error while publishing video to intranet (%1) Nisy tsy fetezana tamin'ny fandefasana ny horonan-tsary amin'ny tranon-kala anatiny (%1) Publishing to Intranet in progress %1 % Fandefasana amin'ny tranon-kala anatiny mandeha %1 % UBIntranetPodcastPublishingDialog Publish Alefa UBKeyboardPalette Enter Hiditra UBMainWindow Yes Eny No Tsia Ok Ekena UBMessagesDialog Close Hidio UBNetworkAccessManager <qt>Enter username and password for "%1" at %2</qt> <qt> Ampidiro ny anaran'ny mpampiasa sy ny teny fanalahidy ho an'ny "%1" amin'ny %2 </qt> Failed to log to Proxy Tsy nety ny fidirana ami'ny Proxy SSL Errors: %1 %2 Do you want to ignore these errors for this host? Tsy fetezana SSL %1 %2 Tena tsy te hiraharaha an'ireo tsy mety ho an'ilay milina ve ianao? Yes Eny No Tsia UBOpenSankoreImporterWidget Open-Sankore Documents Detected Show this panel next time You can always access the OpenBoard Document Importer through the Preferences panel in the About tab. Warning, if you have already imported your Open-Sankore datas, you might loose your current OpenBoard documents. Cancel Ajanony Proceed Open-Sankoré documents are present on your computer. It is possible to import them to OpenBoard by pressing the “Proceed” button to launch the importer application. UBPersistenceManager (copy) (adika) Document Repository Loss Haverezana ny fitehirizana ny rakitra has lost access to the document repository '%1'. Unfortunately the application must shut down to avoid data corruption. Latest changes may be lost as well. Moving page to trash folder... UBPlatformUtils English Anglisy Russian Rosiana German Alemanina French Frantsay Swiss French Frantsay avy amin'ny Suisse UBPodcastController Failed to start encoder ... Nisy tsy nety ny fandefasana ny encoder ... No Podcast encoder available ... Tsy misy Podcast encoder azo alaina ... Part %1 Ampahany %1 on your desktop ... eo amin'ny sehatr'asanao ... in folder %1 ao anatin'ny fitoeran-drakitra %1 Podcast created %1 Podcast voaforona %1 Podcast recording error (%1) Nisy tsy nety ny fandraiketana ny Podcast (%1) Default Audio Input Fidirana feo tsotra No Audio Recording Tsy misy ny fandraiketana ny feo Small Kely Medium Salasala Full Feno Publish to Intranet Alefa amin'ny tranon-kala anatiny Publish to Youtube Alefa amin'ny Youtube OpenBoard Cast UBPreferencesController version: kinova: Marker is pressure sensitive Ny penina lehibe dia sarotiny amin'ny fitsindrina UBProxyLoginDlg Proxy Login Fidirana Proxy Username: Anaran'ny mpampiasa: Password: Teny fanalahidy: UBPublicationDlg Publish document on the web Apetraka amin'ny tranon-kala ny rakitra Title: Lohateny: Description: Fanazavana: Publish Alefa UBSettings My Movies Ny sarimietsiko UBStartupHintsPalette Visible next time UBTeacherBarWidget UBThumbnailAdaptor Generating preview thumbnails ... Mamorona kisarisary ho hita aloha ... %1 thumbnails generated ... %1 ny kisarisary no voaforona ... loading thumbnail of page %1 UBThumbnailTextItem Page %0 Pejy %0 UBToolsManager Compass Famantaranavaratra Ruler Fanipihana Protractor Rapporteur Mask Tasova Triangle Telolafy Magnifier Fanita-jery Cache Tahiry UBTrapFlashController Whole page Pejy iray manontolo Web Tranon-kala UBUpdateDlg Document updater Mpanavaozana ny rakitra files require an update. Mila fanavaozana ny rakitra. Backup path: Lalana ny dikamitovy: Browse Hizaha Update Avaozy Select a backup folder Safidio ny fitoeran-drakitra asiana dikamitovy Files update successful! Please reboot the application to access the updated documents. Nety ny fanavaozana ny rakitra! Avereno alefa ny rindr'asa ahafahana mampiasa ny rakitra novoazana azafady. An error occured during the update. The files have not been affected. Nisy tsy nety tamin'ny fanavaozana. Tsy niova ny rakitra. Files update results Valin'ny fanavaozana ny rakitra Updating file Manavao an'ilay rakitra Please wait the import process will start soon... Mba endraso kely azafady, anomboka tsy ho ela ny fanafarana ... Remind me later Ampatsiahivo ana amin'ny manaraka UBWebPluginWidget Loading... Maka ... UBWidgetUniboardAPI %0 called (method=%1, status=%2) %0 voaantso ( paika = %1, fandehany=%2) UBYouTubePublisher YouTube authentication failed. Famantarana YouTube tsy nety. Error while uploading video to YouTube (%1) Nisy tsy fetezana tamin'ny fandefasana ny horonan-tsary amin'ny YouTube (%1) Upload to YouTube in progress %1 % Fandefasana ho an'ny YouTube am-pandehanana %1 % UBYouTubePublishingDialog Upload Fandefasana Autos & Vehicles Fiarakodia & fiara Music Mozika Pets & Animals Biby Sports Fanatajahan-tena Travel & Events Dia & zava-miseho Gaming Filalaovana Comedy Mampiomehy People & Blogs Olona & Blogs News & Politics Vaovao & politika Entertainment Kilalao Education Fianarana Howto & Style Ahoana no manao azy & Haingo Nonprofits & Activism Tsy misy tombony & Fandraisana andraikitra Science & Technology Siansa & Teknolojia UBZoomPalette %1 x %1 x WBClearButton Clear Diovy WBDownloadItem Save File Raiketo ny rakitra Download canceled: %1 Fakana najanona: %1 Error opening saved file: %1 Nisy tsy nety tamin'ny fanokafana ny rakitra voatahiry: %1 Error saving: %1 Nisy tsy nety tamin'ny fandraiketana: %1 Network Error: %1 Nisy tsy nety tamin'ny rezo: %1 seconds segondra minutes minitra - %4 %5 remaining - %4 %5 sisa %1 of %2 (%3/sec) %4 %1 amin'ny %2 (%3 isakin'ny segondra) %4 ? unknown file size ? %1 of %2 - Stopped %1 amin'ny %2 - Najanona bytes bytes KB KB MB MB WBDownloadManager %1 Downloads always >= 2 %1 Nalaina 1 Download Nalaina 1 WBHistoryModel Title Lohateny Address Adiresy WBHistoryTreeModel Earlier Today Talohaloha androany %1 items %1 Zavatra WBSearchLineEdit Search Hikaroka WBTabBar New &Tab Vaovao & Tab Clone Tab Asina dikamitovy ny Tab &Close Tab &Idina ny Tab Close &Other Tabs Idina & ny Tab sasany Reload Tab Averina aseho ny Tab Reload All Tabs Averina aseho ny Tab rehetra WBTabWidget Recently Closed Tabs Ny Tab nidina vao vetivety (Untitled) ( Tsy misy lohateny) WBToolbarSearch Search Hikaroka No Recent Searches Tsy misy karoka vao natao vetivety Recent Searches Karoka vao natao vetivety Clear Recent Searches Fafao ny karoka vao natao vetivety WBWebPage Download Nalaina Add to Current Document Ampiana amn'ny rakitra iasana PDF PDF Error loading page: %1 Nisy tsy nety tamin'ny fanafarana ny pejy: %1 Download PDF Document: would you prefer to download the PDF file or add it to the current OpenBoard document? WBWebView Open in New Tab Sokafy amin'ny Tab vaovao YouTubePublishingDialog Publish Podcast to YouTube Ametraka Podcast amin'ny Youtube Title Lohateny Description Fanazavana Keywords Teny mahasarika Category Antoko YouTube Username Anaran'ny mpampiasa Youtube YouTube Password Teny fanalahidy Youtube <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8.25pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:10pt;">By clicking 'Upload,' you certify that you own all rights to the content or that you are authorized by the owner to make the content publicly available on YouTube, and that it otherwise complies with the YouTube Terms of Service located at </span><a href=""><span style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;"></span></a></p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8.25pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:10pt;">Rehefa tsindrinao ny "Alefa" dia manamarina ianao fa manana ny alalana rehetra ami'ny mpiatiny na nomen'ny mpamorona alalana ianao andefa an'ilay rakitra amin'ny YouTube.</span><a href=""><span style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;"></span></a></p></body></html> Restore credentials on reboot OpenBoard OpenBoard brushProperties Opacity Hateviny On Light Background Amin'ny ambadika mazava On Dark Background Amin'ny ambadika maizina Line Width Sakan'ny tsipika Medium Salasala Strong Matevina Fine Tsara Pen is Pressure Sensitive Ny penina dia sarotiny amin'ny fitsindrina Show preview circle from px capturePublishingDialog Dialog Fifakalozan-kevitra Title Lohateny E-mail Mailaka Author Mpamorona Description Fanazavana documents OpenBoard Documents preferencesDialog Preferences Safidy nofaritana Default Settings Famaritana tsotra Close Hidio Display Asehoy Show Page with External Browser Asehoy ny pejy miaraka ami'ny mpizaha ivelany Virtual Keyboard Fafan-teny virtoaly Keyboard button size: Haben'ny kitendrin'ny fafan-teny: Positioned at the Top (recommended for tablets) Natao teo ambony (atoro ho an'ny tablets) Positioned at the Bottom (recommended for white boards) Natao teo ambany (atoro ho an'ny solaitra fotsy) Display Text Under Button Asehoy ny lahateny eo ambanin'ny bokotra Stylus Palette Fanovana haingony Horizontal Matory Vertical Mijidina About Mombamomba Software Update Fanavaozana kirakira Check software update at launch Jereo raha misy fanavaozana ny kirakira ami'ny fandefasana Internet Aterineto Home Page: Pejin'ny fandraisana: Toolbar Anjan'ny fitaovana Pen Penina Marker Penina lehibe version : … kinova: ... Licences Licences Network Rezo Show internal web page content on secondary screen or projector Asehoy nympiatin'ny pejin'ny tranon-kala anaty amin'ny efijery faharoa na amin'ny projecteur Multi display Fisehoana maromaro Swap control display and view display Ampifanakaloza ny fisehoana ny mpibaiko sy ny fisehoana ny hita Mode Fiasany Mode to start in: Fiasany amin'ny fandefasana an'azy: Board Solaitra Desktop Sehatr'asa Proxy User: Mpampiasa ny Proxy: Pass: Teny fanalahidy: Credits Voaka Open-Sankoré Importer Check if Open-Sankoré data could be imported at launch Use system keyboard (recommended) Built-in virtual keyboard button size: Grid On Dark Background Amin'ny ambadika maizina Opacity Hateviny On Light Background Amin'ny ambadika mazava trapFlashDialog Trap flash Alaina ny Flash Select a flash to trap Safidio ny Flash ho alaina about:blank Mombamomba: foana Application name Anaran'ny rindran'asa Create Application Mamorona rindran'asa