/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "UBThumbnailWidget.h" #include "UBRubberBand.h" #include "board/UBBoardController.h" #include "core/UBSettings.h" #include "core/UBApplication.h" #include "document/UBDocumentProxy.h" #include "document/UBDocumentController.h" #include "core/memcheck.h" UBThumbnailWidget::UBThumbnailWidget(QWidget* parent) : QGraphicsView(parent) , mThumbnailWidth(UBSettings::defaultThumbnailWidth) , mSpacing(UBSettings::thumbnailSpacing) , mLastSelectedThumbnail(0) , mSelectionSpan(0) , mPrevLassoRect(QRect()) , mLassoRectItem(0) { // By default, the drag is possible bCanDrag = true; setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform | QPainter::TextAntialiasing); setFrameShape(QFrame::NoFrame); setScene(&mThumbnailsScene); setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop); connect(&mThumbnailsScene, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(sceneSelectionChanged())); } UBThumbnailWidget::~UBThumbnailWidget() { disconnect(&mThumbnailsScene, SIGNAL(selectionChanged())); } void UBThumbnailWidget::setThumbnailWidth(qreal pThumbnailWidth) { mThumbnailWidth = pThumbnailWidth; refreshScene(); } void UBThumbnailWidget::setSpacing(qreal pSpacing) { mSpacing = pSpacing; refreshScene(); } void UBThumbnailWidget::setGraphicsItems(const QList& pGraphicsItems , const QList& pItemsPaths , const QStringList pLabels , const QString& pMimeType) { mGraphicItems = pGraphicsItems; mItemsPaths = pItemsPaths; mMimeType = pMimeType; mLabels = pLabels; foreach(QGraphicsItem* it, mThumbnailsScene.items()) { mThumbnailsScene.removeItem(it, true); } // set lasso to 0 as it has been cleared as well mLassoRectItem = 0; foreach (QGraphicsItem* item, pGraphicsItems) { if (item->scene() != &mThumbnailsScene) { mThumbnailsScene.addItem(item); } } mLabelsItems.clear(); foreach (const QString label, pLabels) { QFontMetrics fm(font()); UBThumbnailTextItem *labelItem = new UBThumbnailTextItem(label); // deleted while replace or by the scene destruction mThumbnailsScene.addItem(labelItem); mLabelsItems << labelItem; } refreshScene(); mLastSelectedThumbnail = 0; } void UBThumbnailWidget::refreshScene() { int nbColumns = (geometry().width() - mSpacing) / (mThumbnailWidth + mSpacing); int labelSpacing = 0; if (mLabelsItems.size() > 0) { QFontMetrics fm(mLabelsItems.at(0)->font()); labelSpacing = UBSettings::thumbnailSpacing + fm.height(); // TODO UB 4.x where is 20 from ??? configure ?? compute based on mSpacing ?? JBA Is it the font height? } nbColumns = qMax(nbColumns, 1); qreal thumbnailHeight = mThumbnailWidth / UBSettings::minScreenRatio; for (int i = 0; i < mGraphicItems.size(); i++) { QGraphicsItem* item = mGraphicItems.at(i); qreal scaleWidth = mThumbnailWidth / item->boundingRect().width(); qreal scaleHeight = thumbnailHeight / item->boundingRect().height(); qreal scaleFactor = qMin(scaleWidth, scaleHeight); //bitmap should not be stretched UBThumbnail* pix = dynamic_cast(item); if (pix) scaleFactor = qMin(scaleFactor, 1.0); QTransform transform; transform.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor); item->setTransform(transform); item->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, true); int columnIndex = i % nbColumns; int rowIndex = i / nbColumns; if (pix) { pix->setColumn(columnIndex); pix->setRow(rowIndex); } int w = item->boundingRect().width(); int h = item->boundingRect().height(); QPointF pos( mSpacing + (mThumbnailWidth - w * scaleFactor) / 2 + columnIndex * (mThumbnailWidth + mSpacing), mSpacing + rowIndex * (thumbnailHeight + mSpacing + labelSpacing) + (thumbnailHeight - h * scaleFactor) / 2); item->setPos(pos); if (mLabelsItems.size() > i) { QFontMetrics fm(mLabelsItems.at(i)->font(), this); QString elidedText = fm.elidedText(mLabels.at(i), Qt::ElideRight, mThumbnailWidth); mLabelsItems.at(i)->setPlainText(elidedText); mLabelsItems.at(i)->setWidth(fm.width(elidedText) + 2 * mLabelsItems.at(i)->document()->documentMargin()); pos.setY(pos.y() + (thumbnailHeight + h * scaleFactor) / 2 + 5); qreal labelWidth = fm.width(elidedText); pos.setX(mSpacing + (mThumbnailWidth - labelWidth) / 2 + columnIndex * (mThumbnailWidth + mSpacing)); mLabelsItems.at(i)->setPos(pos); } } QScrollBar *vertScrollBar = verticalScrollBar(); int scrollBarThickness = 0; if (vertScrollBar && vertScrollBar->isVisible()) scrollBarThickness = vertScrollBar->width(); setSceneRect(0, 0, geometry().width() - scrollBarThickness, mSpacing + ((((mGraphicItems.size() - 1) / nbColumns) + 1) * (thumbnailHeight + mSpacing + labelSpacing))); } QList UBThumbnailWidget::selectedItems() { QList sortedSelectedItems = mThumbnailsScene.selectedItems(); qSort(sortedSelectedItems.begin(), sortedSelectedItems.end(), thumbnailLessThan); return sortedSelectedItems; } void UBThumbnailWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { mClickTime = QTime::currentTime(); mMousePressPos = event->pos(); UBSceneThumbnailPixmap* sceneItem = dynamic_cast(itemAt(mMousePressPos)); if(sceneItem){ int pageIndex = UBDocumentContainer::pageFromSceneIndex(sceneItem->sceneIndex()); if(pageIndex == 0){ event->ignore(); return; } } mMousePressScenePos = mapToScene(mMousePressPos); QGraphicsItem* underlyingItem = itemAt(mMousePressPos); UBThumbnail *previousSelectedThumbnail = mLastSelectedThumbnail; if (!dynamic_cast(underlyingItem)) { deleteLasso(); UBRubberBand rubberBand(QRubberBand::Rectangle); QStyleOption option; option.initFrom(&rubberBand); mPrevLassoRect = QRect(); mLassoRectItem = new QGraphicsRectItem(0, scene()); #ifdef Q_WS_MAC // The following code must stay in synch with \src\gui\styles\qmacstyle_mac.mm QColor strokeColor; strokeColor.setHsvF(0, 0, 0.86, 1.0); mLassoRectItem->setPen(QPen(strokeColor)); QColor fillColor(option.palette.color(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Highlight)); fillColor.setHsvF(0, 0, 0.53, 0.25); mLassoRectItem->setBrush(fillColor); #else // The following code must stay in synch with \src\gui\styles\qwindowsxpstyle.cpp QColor highlight = option.palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight); mLassoRectItem->setPen(highlight.darker(120)); QColor dimHighlight(qMin(highlight.red() / 2 + 110, 255), qMin(highlight.green() / 2 + 110, 255), qMin(highlight.blue() / 2 + 110, 255), 127); mLassoRectItem->setBrush(dimHighlight); #endif mLassoRectItem->setZValue(10000); mLassoRectItem->setRect(QRectF(mMousePressScenePos, QSizeF())); if (Qt::ControlModifier & event->modifiers() || Qt::ShiftModifier & event->modifiers()) { // mSelectedThumbnailItems = selectedItems().toSet(); return; } mSelectedThumbnailItems.clear(); mPreviouslyIncrementalSelectedItemsX.clear(); mPreviouslyIncrementalSelectedItemsY.clear(); QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent(event); } else if (Qt::ShiftModifier & event->modifiers()) { if (previousSelectedThumbnail) { QGraphicsItem* previousSelectedItem = dynamic_cast(previousSelectedThumbnail); if (previousSelectedItem) { int index1 = mGraphicItems.indexOf(previousSelectedItem); int index2 = mGraphicItems.indexOf(underlyingItem); if (-1 == index2) { mSelectedThumbnailItems = selectedItems().toSet(); return; } mSelectionSpan = index2 - index1; selectItems(qMin(index1, index2), mSelectionSpan < 0 ? - mSelectionSpan + 1 : mSelectionSpan + 1); return; } } } else { mLastSelectedThumbnail = dynamic_cast(underlyingItem); if (!underlyingItem->isSelected()) { int index = mGraphicItems.indexOf(underlyingItem); selectItemAt(index, Qt::ControlModifier & event->modifiers()); } else { QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent(event); } if (!mLastSelectedThumbnail && mGraphicItems.count() > 0) mLastSelectedThumbnail = dynamic_cast(mGraphicItems.at(0)); mSelectionSpan = 0; return; } } void UBThumbnailWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { int distance = (mMousePressPos - event->pos()).manhattanLength(); if (0 == (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) || distance < QApplication::startDragDistance()) return; if (mLassoRectItem) { bSelectionInProgress = true; int incrementLassoMinWidth = 2; QPointF currentScenePos = mapToScene(event->pos()); QRectF lassoRect( qMin(mMousePressScenePos.x(), currentScenePos.x()), qMin(mMousePressScenePos.y(), currentScenePos.y()), qAbs(mMousePressScenePos.x() - currentScenePos.x()), qAbs(mMousePressScenePos.y() - currentScenePos.y())); if (QPoint() == prevMoveMousePos) prevMoveMousePos = currentScenePos; QRectF incrementXSelection( qMin(prevMoveMousePos.x(), currentScenePos.x()), qMin(mMousePressScenePos.y(), currentScenePos.y()), qAbs(prevMoveMousePos.x() - currentScenePos.x())+incrementLassoMinWidth, qAbs(mMousePressScenePos.y() - currentScenePos.y())); QRectF incrementYSelection( qMin(mMousePressScenePos.x(), currentScenePos.x()), qMin(prevMoveMousePos.y(), currentScenePos.y()), qAbs(mMousePressScenePos.x() - currentScenePos.x()), qAbs(prevMoveMousePos.y() - currentScenePos.y())+incrementLassoMinWidth); prevMoveMousePos = currentScenePos; mLassoRectItem->setRect(lassoRect); QSet lassoSelectedThumbnailItems; QSet toUnset; QSet toSet; // for horizontal moving QSet incSelectedItemsX = scene()->items(incrementXSelection, Qt::IntersectsItemBoundingRect).toSet(); foreach (QGraphicsItem *lassoSelectedItem, incSelectedItemsX) { if (lassoSelectedItem) { UBSceneThumbnailPixmap *thumbnailItem = dynamic_cast(lassoSelectedItem); if (thumbnailItem) lassoSelectedThumbnailItems += lassoSelectedItem; } } if(lassoRect.width() < mPrevLassoRect.width()) { if (!lassoSelectedThumbnailItems.contains(mPreviouslyIncrementalSelectedItemsX)) toUnset += mPreviouslyIncrementalSelectedItemsX - lassoSelectedThumbnailItems; } mPreviouslyIncrementalSelectedItemsX = lassoSelectedThumbnailItems; toSet += lassoSelectedThumbnailItems + mPreviouslyIncrementalSelectedItemsX; lassoSelectedThumbnailItems.clear(); // for vertical moving QSet incSelectedItemsY = scene()->items(incrementYSelection, Qt::IntersectsItemBoundingRect).toSet(); foreach (QGraphicsItem *lassoSelectedItem, incSelectedItemsY) { if (lassoSelectedItem) { UBSceneThumbnailPixmap *thumbnailItem = dynamic_cast(lassoSelectedItem); if (thumbnailItem) lassoSelectedThumbnailItems += lassoSelectedItem; } } if(lassoRect.height() < mPrevLassoRect.height()) { if (!lassoSelectedThumbnailItems.contains(mPreviouslyIncrementalSelectedItemsY)) toUnset += mPreviouslyIncrementalSelectedItemsY - lassoSelectedThumbnailItems; } mPreviouslyIncrementalSelectedItemsY = lassoSelectedThumbnailItems; toSet += lassoSelectedThumbnailItems + mPreviouslyIncrementalSelectedItemsY; toSet -= toUnset; foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, toSet) { item->setSelected(true); } foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, toUnset) { item->setSelected(false); } mSelectedThumbnailItems += lassoSelectedThumbnailItems; mPrevLassoRect = lassoRect; if (Qt::ControlModifier & event->modifiers()) { for (int i = 0; i < mSelectedThumbnailItems.count()-1; i++) { mSelectedThumbnailItems.values().at(i)->setSelected(true); } } } else { bSelectionInProgress = false; if (0 == selectedItems().size()) return; if(bCanDrag) { QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this); QMimeData *mime = new QMimeData(); if (mMimeType.length() > 0) mime->setData(mMimeType, QByteArray()); // trick the d&d system to register our own mime type drag->setMimeData(mime); QList qlElements; foreach (QGraphicsItem* item, selectedItems()) { if (mGraphicItems.contains(item)) { if (mGraphicItems.indexOf(item) <= mItemsPaths.size()){ qlElements << mItemsPaths.at(mGraphicItems.indexOf(item)); } } } if (qlElements.size() > 0){ mime->setUrls(qlElements); drag->setMimeData(mime); drag->exec(Qt::CopyAction); } } } QGraphicsView::mouseMoveEvent(event); } void UBThumbnailWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { int elapsedTimeSincePress = mClickTime.elapsed(); prevMoveMousePos = QPoint(); deleteLasso(); QGraphicsView::mouseReleaseEvent(event); if(elapsedTimeSincePress < STARTDRAGTIME) { emit mouseClick(itemAt(event->pos()), 0); } } void UBThumbnailWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { if (mLastSelectedThumbnail) { QGraphicsItem *lastSelectedGraphicsItem = dynamic_cast(mLastSelectedThumbnail); if (!lastSelectedGraphicsItem) return; int startSelectionIndex = mGraphicItems.indexOf(lastSelectedGraphicsItem); int previousSelectedThumbnailIndex = startSelectionIndex + mSelectionSpan; switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Down: case Qt::Key_Up: { if (rowCount() <= 1) break; if (Qt::ShiftModifier & event->modifiers()) { int endSelectionIndex; if (Qt::Key_Down == event->key()) { endSelectionIndex = previousSelectedThumbnailIndex + columnCount(); if (endSelectionIndex >= mGraphicItems.count()) break; } else { endSelectionIndex = previousSelectedThumbnailIndex - columnCount(); if (endSelectionIndex < 0) break; } int startIndex = startSelectionIndex < endSelectionIndex ? startSelectionIndex : endSelectionIndex; int count = startSelectionIndex < endSelectionIndex ? endSelectionIndex - startSelectionIndex + 1 : startSelectionIndex - endSelectionIndex + 1; mSelectionSpan = startSelectionIndex < endSelectionIndex ? (count - 1) : - (count - 1); selectItems(startIndex, count); } else { int toSelectIndex; if (Qt::Key_Down == event->key()) { toSelectIndex = previousSelectedThumbnailIndex + columnCount(); if (toSelectIndex >= mGraphicItems.count()) break; } else { toSelectIndex = previousSelectedThumbnailIndex - columnCount(); if (toSelectIndex < 0) break; } selectItemAt(toSelectIndex, Qt::ControlModifier & event->modifiers()); mSelectionSpan = 0; } } break; case Qt::Key_Left: case Qt::Key_Right: { QGraphicsItem *previousSelectedItem = mGraphicItems.at(previousSelectedThumbnailIndex); UBThumbnail *previousSelectedThumbnail = dynamic_cast(previousSelectedItem); if (!previousSelectedThumbnail) break; if (Qt::Key_Left == event->key()) { if (0 == previousSelectedThumbnail->column()) break; } else { if (previousSelectedThumbnail->column() == columnCount() - 1 || previousSelectedThumbnailIndex == mGraphicItems.count() - 1) break; } if (Qt::ShiftModifier & event->modifiers()) { int endSelectionIndex; if (Qt::Key_Left == event->key()) { endSelectionIndex = previousSelectedThumbnailIndex - 1; if (endSelectionIndex < 0) break; } else { endSelectionIndex = previousSelectedThumbnailIndex + 1; if (endSelectionIndex >= mGraphicItems.count()) break; } int startIndex = startSelectionIndex < endSelectionIndex ? startSelectionIndex : endSelectionIndex; int count = startSelectionIndex < endSelectionIndex ? endSelectionIndex - startSelectionIndex + 1 : startSelectionIndex - endSelectionIndex + 1; mSelectionSpan = startSelectionIndex < endSelectionIndex ? (count - 1) : - (count - 1); selectItems(startIndex, count); } else { if (Qt::Key_Left == event->key()) selectItemAt(previousSelectedThumbnailIndex - 1, Qt::ControlModifier & event->modifiers()); else selectItemAt(previousSelectedThumbnailIndex + 1, Qt::ControlModifier & event->modifiers()); mSelectionSpan = 0; } } break; case Qt::Key_Home: { if (Qt::ShiftModifier & event->modifiers()) { mSelectionSpan = - startSelectionIndex; selectItems(0, startSelectionIndex + 1); } else { selectItemAt(0, Qt::ControlModifier & event->modifiers()); mSelectionSpan = 0; } } break; case Qt::Key_End: { if (Qt::ShiftModifier & event->modifiers()) { mSelectionSpan = mGraphicItems.count() - startSelectionIndex - 1; selectItems(startSelectionIndex, mSelectionSpan + 1); } else { selectItemAt(mGraphicItems.count() - 1, Qt::ControlModifier & event->modifiers()); mSelectionSpan = 0; } } break; case Qt::Key_A: { if (Qt::ControlModifier & event->modifiers()) selectAll(); } break; } } QGraphicsView::keyPressEvent(event); } void UBThumbnailWidget::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event); if (0 == selectedItems().count() && mGraphicItems.count() > 0 && Qt::TabFocusReason == event->reason()) { selectItemAt(0); mSelectionSpan = 0; } } void UBThumbnailWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event); refreshScene(); emit resized(); } void UBThumbnailWidget::sceneSelectionChanged() { emit selectionChanged(); } void UBThumbnailWidget::selectItemAt(int pIndex, bool extend) { QGraphicsItem* itemToSelect = 0; if (pIndex >= 0 && pIndex < mGraphicItems.size()) itemToSelect = mGraphicItems.at(pIndex); foreach (QGraphicsItem* item, items()) { if (item == itemToSelect) { mLastSelectedThumbnail = dynamic_cast(item); item->setSelected(true); ensureVisible(item); } else if (!extend) { item->setSelected(false); } } } void UBThumbnailWidget::unselectItemAt(int pIndex) { if (pIndex >= 0 && pIndex < mGraphicItems.size()) { QGraphicsItem *itemToUnselect = mGraphicItems.at(pIndex); itemToUnselect->setSelected(false); } } void UBThumbnailWidget::selectItems(int startIndex, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < mGraphicItems.count(); i++) { mGraphicItems.at(i)->setSelected(i >= startIndex && i < startIndex + count); } } void UBThumbnailWidget::selectAll() { foreach (QGraphicsItem* item, mGraphicItems) { item->setSelected(true); } } int UBThumbnailWidget::rowCount() const { UBThumbnail *lastThumbnail = dynamic_cast(mGraphicItems.last()); return lastThumbnail ? lastThumbnail->row() + 1 : 0; } int UBThumbnailWidget::columnCount() const { UBThumbnail *lastThumbnail = dynamic_cast(mGraphicItems.last()); if (!lastThumbnail) return 0; int lastRow = lastThumbnail->row(); int lastColumn = lastThumbnail->column(); return lastRow > 0 ? (mGraphicItems.count() - lastColumn - 1) / lastRow : mGraphicItems.count(); } void UBThumbnailWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent * event) { QGraphicsItem* item = itemAt(event->pos()); if (item) { int index = mGraphicItems.indexOf(item); emit mouseDoubleClick(item, index); } } bool UBThumbnailWidget::thumbnailLessThan(QGraphicsItem* item1, QGraphicsItem* item2) { UBThumbnail *thumbnail1 = dynamic_cast(item1); UBThumbnail *thumbnail2 = dynamic_cast(item2); if (thumbnail1 && thumbnail2) { if (thumbnail1->row() != thumbnail2->row()) return thumbnail1->row() < thumbnail2->row(); else return thumbnail1->column() < thumbnail2->column(); } return false; } void UBThumbnailWidget::deleteLasso() { if (mLassoRectItem && scene()) { scene()->removeItem(mLassoRectItem); delete mLassoRectItem; mLassoRectItem = 0; } } UBThumbnail::UBThumbnail() : mAddedToScene(false) { mSelectionItem = new QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 0, 0); mSelectionItem->setPen(QPen(UBSettings::treeViewBackgroundColor, 8)); // TODO UB 4.x fix nasty dependencies : 8 is a bit less than half of UBThumbnailWidget.mSpacing } UBThumbnail::~UBThumbnail() { if (mSelectionItem && !mAddedToScene) delete mSelectionItem; } UBSceneThumbnailNavigPixmap::UBSceneThumbnailNavigPixmap(const QPixmap& pix, UBDocumentProxy* proxy, int pSceneIndex) : UBSceneThumbnailPixmap(pix, proxy, pSceneIndex) , bButtonsVisible(false) , bCanDelete(false) , bCanMoveUp(false) , bCanMoveDown(false) , bCanDuplicate(false) { if(0 <= UBDocumentContainer::pageFromSceneIndex(pSceneIndex)){ setAcceptsHoverEvents(true); setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, true); } } UBSceneThumbnailNavigPixmap::~UBSceneThumbnailNavigPixmap() { } void UBSceneThumbnailNavigPixmap::hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) { event->accept(); updateButtonsState(); update(); } void UBSceneThumbnailNavigPixmap::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) { event->accept(); bButtonsVisible = false; update(); } void UBSceneThumbnailNavigPixmap::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { Q_UNUSED(option); Q_UNUSED(widget); UBSceneThumbnailPixmap::paint(painter, option, widget); if(bButtonsVisible) { if(bCanDelete) painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, BUTTONSIZE, BUTTONSIZE, QPixmap(":images/close.svg")); else painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, BUTTONSIZE, BUTTONSIZE, QPixmap(":images/closeDisabled.svg")); if(bCanDuplicate) painter->drawPixmap(BUTTONSIZE + BUTTONSPACING, 0, BUTTONSIZE, BUTTONSIZE, QPixmap(":images/duplicate.svg")); else painter->drawPixmap(BUTTONSIZE + BUTTONSPACING, 0, BUTTONSIZE, BUTTONSIZE, QPixmap(":images/duplicateDisabled.svg")); if(bCanMoveUp) painter->drawPixmap(2*(BUTTONSIZE + BUTTONSPACING), 0, BUTTONSIZE, BUTTONSIZE, QPixmap(":images/moveUp.svg")); else painter->drawPixmap(2*(BUTTONSIZE + BUTTONSPACING), 0, BUTTONSIZE, BUTTONSIZE, QPixmap(":images/moveUpDisabled.svg")); if(bCanMoveDown) painter->drawPixmap(3*(BUTTONSIZE + BUTTONSPACING), 0, BUTTONSIZE, BUTTONSIZE, QPixmap(":images/menu.svg")); else painter->drawPixmap(3*(BUTTONSIZE + BUTTONSPACING), 0, BUTTONSIZE, BUTTONSIZE, QPixmap(":images/menuDisabled.svg")); } } void UBSceneThumbnailNavigPixmap::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { QPointF p = event->pos(); // Here we check the position of the click and verify if it has to trig an action or not. if(bCanDelete && p.x() >= 0 && p.x() <= BUTTONSIZE && p.y() >= 0 && p.y() <= BUTTONSIZE) deletePage(); if(bCanDuplicate && p.x() >= BUTTONSIZE + BUTTONSPACING && p.x() <= 2*BUTTONSIZE + BUTTONSPACING && p.y() >= 0 && p.y() <= BUTTONSIZE) duplicatePage(); if(bCanMoveUp && p.x() >= 2*(BUTTONSIZE + BUTTONSPACING) && p.x() <= 3*BUTTONSIZE + 2*BUTTONSPACING && p.y() >= 0 && p.y() <= BUTTONSIZE) moveUpPage(); if(bCanMoveDown && p.x() >= 3*(BUTTONSIZE + BUTTONSPACING) && p.x() <= 4*BUTTONSIZE + 3*BUTTONSPACING && p.y() >= 0 && p.y() <= BUTTONSIZE) moveDownPage(); event->accept(); } void UBSceneThumbnailNavigPixmap::updateButtonsState() { bCanDelete = false; bCanMoveUp = false; bCanMoveDown = false; bCanDuplicate = false; if(proxy()){ int pageIndex = UBDocumentContainer::pageFromSceneIndex(sceneIndex()); UBDocumentController* documentController = UBApplication::documentController; bCanDelete = documentController->pageCanBeDeleted(pageIndex); bCanMoveUp = documentController->pageCanBeMovedUp(pageIndex); bCanMoveDown = documentController->pageCanBeMovedDown(pageIndex); bCanDuplicate = documentController->pageCanBeDuplicated(pageIndex); } if(bCanDelete || bCanMoveUp || bCanMoveDown || bCanDuplicate) bButtonsVisible = true; } void UBSceneThumbnailNavigPixmap::deletePage() { UBApplication::boardController->deleteScene(sceneIndex()); } void UBSceneThumbnailNavigPixmap::duplicatePage() { UBApplication::boardController->duplicateScene(sceneIndex()); } void UBSceneThumbnailNavigPixmap::moveUpPage() { if (sceneIndex()!=0) UBApplication::boardController->moveSceneToIndex(sceneIndex(), sceneIndex() - 1); } void UBSceneThumbnailNavigPixmap::moveDownPage() { if (sceneIndex() < UBApplication::boardController->selectedDocument()->pageCount()-1) UBApplication::boardController->moveSceneToIndex(sceneIndex(), sceneIndex() + 1); } void UBImgTextThumbnailElement::Place(int row, int col, qreal width, qreal height) { int labelSpacing = 0; if(this->caption) { QFontMetrics fm(this->caption->font()); labelSpacing = UBSettings::thumbnailSpacing + fm.height(); } if(this->thumbnail) { int w = this->thumbnail->boundingRect().width(); int h = this->thumbnail->boundingRect().height(); qreal scaleWidth = width / w; qreal scaleHeight = height / h; qreal scaleFactor = qMin(scaleWidth, scaleHeight); UBThumbnail* pix = dynamic_cast(this->thumbnail); QTransform transform; transform.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor); // Apply the scaling this->thumbnail->setTransform(transform); this->thumbnail->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, true); if(pix) { pix->setColumn(col); pix->setRow(row); } QPointF pos(border + (width - w * scaleFactor) / 2 + col * (width + border), border + row * (height + border + labelSpacing) + (height - h * scaleFactor) / 2); this->thumbnail->setPos(pos); if(this->caption) { QFontMetrics fm(this->caption->font()); QString elidedText = fm.elidedText(this->caption->toPlainText(), Qt::ElideRight, width); this->caption->setPlainText(elidedText); this->caption->setWidth(fm.width(elidedText) + 2 * this->caption->document()->documentMargin()); pos.setY(pos.y() + (height + h * scaleFactor) / 2 + 5); // What is this 5 ?? qreal labelWidth = fm.width(elidedText); pos.setX(border + (width - labelWidth) / 2 + col * (width + border)); this->caption->setPos(pos); } } }