******************************* * PORTING QT4->QT5 * * CHANGES * * win32 compilaton &exec * ******************************* QtSingleApplication replacement for Qt5 ---------------------------------------- http://blog.kadu.im/2015/01/qtsingleapplication-replacement-for-qt5.html UBWidgetMessageAPI.cpp ------------------------ -replace mGraphicsWidgetItem->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(js); by (Line 67) QtWebKitWidgets UBGraphicsWidgetItem.h --------------------- - add #include UBGraphicsMediaItem.cpp *----------------------- - comment //Phonon::createPath(mMediaObject, mAudioOutput); (line 109) - replace //mMediaObject->setCurrentSource(QMediaSource(absoluteMediaFilename)); by mMediaObject->setMedia(QUrl::fromLocalFile(absoluteMediaFilename)); (Line 191) - replace //mAudioOutput = new QMediaPlayer(format, this); by mAudioOutput = new QMediaPlayer; - replace //mMediaObject->seek(mInitialPos); by mMediaObject->setPosition(mInitialPos); UBGraphicsMediaItem.h ----------------------- - replace QAudioOutput *mAudioOutput; by QMediaPlayer *mAudioOutput; - replace //mMediaObject->setTickInterval(50); by mMediaObject->setPosition(50); UBGraphicsMediaItemDelegate.h ------------------------------- - add #include header file UBGraphicsMediaItemDelegate.cpp ------------------------------- - replace UBGraphicsMediaItemDelegate::UBGraphicsMediaItemDelegate(UBGraphicsMediaItem* pDelegated, QMediaObject* pMedia, QObject * parent) by UBGraphicsMediaItemDelegate::UBGraphicsMediaItemDelegate(UBGraphicsMediaItem* pDelegated, QMediaPlayer* pMedia, QObject * parent) - replace //mMediaObject->setCurrentSource(mSource); by mMediaObject->setMedia(QUrl::fromLocalFile(pMediaFileUrl)); - replace //QMediaObject* media = delegated()->mediaObject(); by QMediaPlayer* media = delegated()->mediaObject(); - replace //remainingTime() by ((media->duration()-media->position()) <= 0) { - replace totalTime()); by duration() (L246) - replace //QMediaObject* media = delegated()->mediaObject(); QMediaPlayer* media = delegated()->mediaObject(); //mMediaControl->totalTimeChanged(media->totalTime()); mMediaControl->totalTimeChanged(media->duration()); (line 267) - replace QMediaPlayer* media = delegated()->mediaObject();if (media->state() == QMediaPlayer::PlayingState) - replace // delegated()->mediaObject()->setCurrentSource(delegated()->mediaFileUrl()); delegated()->mediaObject()->setCurrentSource(delegated()->mediaFileUrl()); - replace // delegated()->mediaObject()->setCurrentSource(delegated()->mediaFileUrl()); delegated()->mediaObject()->setMedia(delegated()->mediaFileUrl()); line 230 UBGraphicsItemDelegate.cpp ---------------------------- -replace //mDelegate->mediaObject()->seek(tickPos); by mDelegate->mediaObject()->setPosition(tickPos); (line 1445) - replace //button->scale(0.8,0.8); by button->setScale(0.8); UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem.cpp ---------------------------------- replace //foreach(QGraphicsItem *child, children()) by foreach(QGraphicsItem *child, childItems()) Line 287 UBGraphicsScene.cpp ------------------- - replace //graphicsWidget->scale(ssf, ssf); by graphicsWidget->setScale(ssf); (1394) - replace //svgItem->scale(sscale, sscale); by svgItem->setscale(sscale); (1521) - replace //item->scale(ratio, ratio); by item->setscale(ratio); (1817) - replace //pixmapItem->scale(pScaleFactor, pScaleFactor); by pixmapItem->setScale(pScaleFactor); (1273) UBFileSystemUtils.cpp -------------------- - replace QDesktopServices by QStandardPaths ; (line 138,139, UBGraphicsMediaItem ------------------- - replace //translate(translation.x(), translation.y()); by setPos(translation.x(), translation.y()); line 355 UBGraphicsDelegateFrame.cpp ---------------------------- - replace //translate(center.x(), center.y()); by setPos(center.x(), center.y()); line 840 - replace //translate(-center.x(), -center.y()); by setPos(-center.x(), -center.y()); line 840 - replace rotate(-angle); by setRotation(rotation() - angle); line 840 GraphicsPDFItem.cpp ---------------------- - replace //#include by #include UBThumbnailWidget.cpp --------------------- - replace //setAcceptsHoverEvents(true); by setAcceptHoverEvents(enabled); (line775) (accept without "s") UBFeaturesWidget.cpp -------------------- - add #include - add #include header()->setResizeMode(eItemColumn_Desc, QHeaderView::Stretch); mpTree->header()->setSectionResizeMode(eItemColumn_Desc, QHeaderView::Stretch); //mpTree->header()->setResizeMode(eItemColumn_Close, QHeaderView::Custom); mpTree->header()->setSectionResizeMode(eItemColumn_Close, QHeaderView::Custom); (Line 64) UBWebPluginPDFWidget.cpp -------------------------- - add //#include by #include UBSpinningWheel.h ------------------ - add #include UBFeaturesWidget.cpp --------------------- - add replace QWidget *eventSource = (QWidget*)event->source(); by QWidget *eventSource = event->source(); UBSpinningWheel.cpp ------------------- - replace //painter.rotate(30 * (mPosition % 12)); by int val = mPosition.load(); and painter.rotate(30 * (val % 12)); PDFRenderer.cpp --------------- - replace //if (mRefCount == 0) by if (mRefCount.load() == 0) UBThumbnailWidget.cpp --------------------- - replace //mLassoRectItem = new QGraphicsRectItem(0, scene()); by QRectF rect_init(0,0,0,0); and mLassoRectItem = new QGraphicsRectItem(rect_init, (QGraphicsItem *)scene()); UBDocumentThumbnailWidget.cpp ----------------------------- -replace //mDropCaretRectItem = new QGraphicsRectItem(0, scene()); by QRectF rectInit(0,0,0,0); and mDropCaretRectItem = new QGraphicsRectItem(rectInit, (QGraphicsItem*)scene()); UBPlatformUtils_win.cpp ------------------------ - replace //#include by #include XPDFRenderer.cpp ---------------- - replace //if (sInstancesCount == 0 && globalParams) by if (sInstancesCount.load() == 0 && globalParams) C:\Qt_ide\5.2.1\msvc2010\include\QtCore\qdatetime.h --------------------------------------------------- qdatetime.h.patch ------------------ - error C2589: '('ÿ: jeton non conforme … droite de '::' - error C2059: erreur de syntaxeÿ: '::' --- qtbase/src/corelib/tools/qdatetime.h 9 03:11:14 2013 +++ qtbase/src/corelib/tools/qdatetime.h 30 18:15:30 2013 @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ inline qint64 toJulianDay() const { return jd; } private: - static inline qint64 nullJd() { return std::numeric_limits::min(); } + static inline qint64 nullJd() { return (std::numeric_limits::min)(); } static inline qint64 minJd() { return Q_INT64_C(-784350574879); } static inline qint64 maxJd() { return Q_INT64_C( 784354017364); } UBDisplayManager.h -------------------- - replace //#include by #include UBDockPalette.cpp ---------------- - replace //iconPixmap.setAlphaChannel(transparencyPix); by the block codes as following : //---------------------------------------------- QImage image = iconPixmap.toImage() ; image.setAlphaChannel(transparencyPix.toImage()); iconPixmap = iconPixmap.fromImage(image); //----------------------------------------------- UBWindowsMediaFile.cpp --------------------- - replace //#include by #include - replace //if (FAILED(mWMWriter->AllocateSample(pImage.numBytes(), &sampleBuffer))) by if (FAILED(mWMWriter->AllocateSample(pImage. byteCount()(), &sampleBuffer))) - replace //memcpy((void*) rawBuffer, imageBuffer, pImage.numBytes()); by memcpy((void*) rawBuffer, imageBuffer, pImage.byteCount()); UBWaveRecorder.cpp ------------------- UBGraphicsProtractor.h ---------------------- - replace //#include by #include UBGraphicsCompass.cpp ---------------------- - replace //setAcceptsHoverEvents(true); by setAcceptHoverEvents(true); UBGraphicsProtractor.h ---------------------- - replace //#include by #include #include #include UBGraphicsProtractor.cpp ------------------------- -replace //translate(rect().center().x(), rect().center().y()); by setPos(rect().center().x(), rect().center().y()); line 205 -replace //translate(-rect().center().x(), -rect().center().y()); by setPos(-rect().center().x(), -rect().center().y()); line 210 -replace //mResetSvgItem->translate(-resetButtonRect().left(), -resetButtonRect().top()); by mResetSvgItem->setpos(-resetButtonRect().left(), -resetButtonRect().top()); all translate->setPos (Lines 464,468,473,475,477,480,482,484, - replace //mMarkerSvgItem->rotate(- mStartAngle - mCurrentAngle); by mMarkerSvgItem->setRotation(- mStartAngle - mCurrentAngle); - replace //mRotateSvgItem->rotate(-mStartAngle); by mRotateSvgItem->setRotation( -mStartAngle); (Line 482) - replace //mResetSvgItem->rotate(-mStartAngle); by mResetSvgItem->setRotation(-mStartAngle); (Line 467) - replace //mResizeSvgItem->rotate(-mStartAngle); by mResizeSvgItem->setRotation(-mStartAngle); Line 478) - replace //mMarkerSvgItem->scale(scale, scale);//this do not impact the bounding box of thr svg item... by mMarkerSvgItem->setScale( scale);//this do not impact the bounding box of thr svg item... (line 503) - replace //mRotateSvgItem->scale(scale, scale);//this do not impact the bounding box of thr svg item... (Line 492) mRotateSvgItem->setScale(scale);//this do not impact the bounding box of thr svg item... - replace //mResetSvgItem->scale(scale * antiSc, scale * antiSc);//this do not impact the bounding box of thr svg item... mResetSvgItem->setScale(scale * antiSc);//this do not impact the bounding box of thr svg item... (Line 473) - replace //scale(1.5, 1.5); by setScale(1.5); (Line 82) - replace //mCloseSvgItem->rotate(-mStartAngle); by mCloseSvgItem->setRotation(-mStartAngle); (Line 458) - replace //scale(scaleFactor); by setScale(scaleFactor); - replace //mCloseSvgItem->scale(scale * antiSc, scale * antiSc);//this do not impact the bounding box of thr svg item... by mCloseSvgItem->setSale(scale * antiSc);//this do not impact the bounding box of thr svg item... (Line 467) - replace // mResizeSvgItem->scale(scale * antiSc, scale * antiSc);//this do not impact the bounding box of thr svg item... mResizeSvgItem->setScale(scale * antiSc);//this do not impact the bounding box of thr svg item... (Line 490) UBAbstractDrawRuler.h ---------------------- - replace //#include by #include UBWaveRecorder.cpp ------------------- -replace // QString deviceName = QString:: fromUtf16(caps.szPname); by QString deviceName = QString::fromWCharArray(caps.szPname) ; (Line 67) -replace //devices << QString::fromUtf16(caps.szPname); by devices << QString::fromWCharArray(caps.szPname); (Line 242) UBAbstractDrawRuler.cpp ------------------------ - replace //item.setAcceptsHoverEvents(true); by item.setAcceptHoverEvents(true); UBCustomCaptureWindow.h ------------------------ - replace //#include by include UBWebKitUtils.h --------------- -replace //#include by #include UBWindowCaptureDelegate_win.h ------------------------------ - replace //#include by #include UBOEmbedParser.cpp ------------------ -replace toAscii--> toLatin1 qurl.setEncodedUrl(url.toLatin1()); (line 230) WBSqueezeLabel.h ----------------- - replace //#include by #include UBWindowCaptureDelegate_win.cpp -------------------------------- - replace //mCapturedPixmap = QPixmap::grabWindow(mCurrentWindow); mCapturedPixmap = QScreen::grabWindow(mCurrentWindow); UBOEmbedParser.cpp ----------------- - replace //qurl.setEncodedUrl(url.toAscii()); by qurl.setUrl(url.toLatin1(),QUrl::TolerantMode); WBChaseWidget.cpp ------------------ - replace //#include by #include WBChaseWidget.h ----------------- -replace //#include by #include WBModelMenu.h -------------- -replace //#include by #include WBUrlLineEdit.cpp ----------------- -replace //#include by #include WBEditTableView.cpp -------------------- - replace //#include by #include WBEditTableView.h ------------------ -replace //#include by #include WBSearchLineEdit.cpp --------------------- -replace //#include by #include WBToolBarSearch.cpp ------------------- //#include #include //#include #include WBToolBarSearch.h ------------------ -replace //#include #include WBSearchLineEdit.h ------------------ //#include #include WBWebTrapWebView.cpp --------------------- - replace //#include //#include by #include #include WBWebTrapWebView.h ------------------- - replace //#include //#include by #include #include WBToolBarSearch.cpp ------------------- -add on the top of the file #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,0,0) # include #endif WBUrlLineEdit.h --------------- - replace //#include by //#include WBWebView.h ----------- - replace //#include //#include #include #include WBDownloadManager.cpp ---------------------- - replace storageLocation by QStandardPaths => QStandardPaths::writableLocation( QStandardPaths::DesktopLocation WBToolBarSearch.cpp -------------------- urlQuery1.addQueryItem(QLatin1String("q"), searchText); url.setQuery(urlQuery1); urlQuery2.addQueryItem(QLatin1String("ie"), QLatin1String("UTF-8")); url.setQuery(urlQuery2); urlQuery3.addQueryItem(QLatin1String("oe"), QLatin1String("UTF-8")); url.setQuery(urlQuery3); urlQuery4.addQueryItem(QLatin1String("client"), QLatin1String("uniboard-browser")); url.setQuery(urlQuery4); /*url.addQueryItem(QLatin1String("q"), searchText); url.addQueryItem(QLatin1String("ie"), QLatin1String("UTF-8")); url.addQueryItem(QLatin1String("oe"), QLatin1String("UTF-8")); url.addQueryItem(QLatin1String("client"), QLatin1String("uniboard-browser")); */ WBTabWidget.cpp ---------------- -replace //#include by #include WBTabWidget.h ------------- - replace //#include by #include Utils.cpp --------- - replace toascii() by toLatin1() **** TODO **** - solve //mCapturedPixmap = QPixmap::grabWindow(mCurrentWindow); mCapturedPixmap = QScreen::grabWindow((HWND)mCurrentWindow); UBGlobals.h ----------- replace //#ifdef Q_WS_WIN by #ifdef Q_OS_WIN UBCFFAdaptor.cpp ---------------- ************************************************ TODO ************************************************ - to solve dstList.setInsertInOrder(true); (Line 1954) qtsingleapplication.h --------------------- - replace //#include by #include - comment //QtSingleApplication(int &argc, char **argv, Type type); WBTabWidget.h -------------- - replace //#include by #include WBBrowserWindow.h ------------------ - replace //#include ;//#include by #include #include WBHistory.h ----------- - replace //#include ;//#include by #include #include UBGlobals.h ------------ - replace //#ifdef Q_WS_WIN by #ifdef Q_OS_WIN UBWindowCaptureDelegate_win.cpp ------------------------------- - solve the HWND -->WId window conversion from //mCapturedPixmap = QPixmap::grabWindow(mCurrentWindow); => solution : add into the UBWindowCaptureDelegate_win.h header : the inclusion header #include UBWindowCaptureDelegate_win.h ------------------------------- #ifdef Q_OS_WIN #include #endif qtsingleapplication.cpp ------------------------ - replace the content by the source file repository (CW) qtsingleapplication.h ------------------------ - replace the content by the source file repository (CW) UBWindowCaptureDelegate_win.cpp -------------------------------- ************************************************ TODO ************************************************ - solve the // mCapturedPixmap = QPixmap::grabWindow(mCurrentWindow); => pb of conversion between HWND and WId. qtlockedfile_win.cpp --------------------- - add #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 #define QT_WA(unicode, ansi) unicode #endif qtsingleapplication.cpp ------------------------- - remove the contentfrom source repository(CW). qtsingleapplication.h ------------------------- - remove the contentfrom source repository(CW). qtlocalpeer.h ------------- - replace the content by the old basis source repository (OpenBoard-Third-party) qtlocalpeer.cpp --------------- - replace the content by the old basis source repository (OpenBoard-Third-party) UBNetworkAccessManager.cpp -------------------------- - replace //#include by #include - replace // introMessage = introMessage.arg(Qt::escape(reply->url().toString())).arg(Qt::escape(reply->url().toString())); by : introMessage = introMessage.arg(QString(reply->url().toString())).toHtmlEscaped().arg(QString(reply->url().toString())).toHtmlEscaped(); WBHistory.cpp -------------- - replace //#include by #include - replace reset() by beginResetModel(); m_sourceRowCache.clear(); endResetModel(); (Line 1213,1268,) -replace //reset(); by beginResetModel(); endResetModel(); (Line 999,1006..) } - replace createIndex(row, column, 0); by (Line 969,1131,1140) createIndex(row, column); WBHistory.h ------------ - replace class WBHistoryFilterModel : public QAbstractProxyModel, by class WBHistoryFilterModel : public QAbstractProxyModel, public QAbstractItemModel - ?? pb at the level of compiler error: UBBoardView.cpp ---------------- ************************************************ TODO done cf below ************************************************ SOLVE THE ItemAt - comment the mouseReleaseEvent method - comment the mousePressEvent method WBHistory.cpp -------------- - comment and remove //beginResetModel(); and //endResetModel(); (Line 247) - comment and remove //beginResetModel(); and //endResetModel(); (Line 837-843) UBApplication.cpp ------------------ -remove and comment //QApplication::setStyle(new UBStyle()); // Style is owned and deleted by the application. UBTrapFlashController.h ----------------------- - replace //#include by #include . UBTrapFlashController.cpp ------------------------- - replace //#ifdef Q_WS_WIN // Defined on Windows. by#ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Defined on Windows. UBPodcastController.cpp ------------------------- -replace QDesktopServices::storageLocation. (Line 715) -replace by QStandardPaths::writableLocation. - replace repaintRect = repaintRect.unite(mSceneRepaintRectQueue.dequeue()); by repaintRect = repaintRect.united(mSceneRepaintRectQueue.dequeue()); - replace QRectF maxRect = rect.intersect(viewportRect); by RectF maxRect = rect.intersected(viewportRect); - replace repaintRect = repaintRect.unite(mWidgetRepaintRectQueue.dequeue()); by repaintRect = repaintRect.united(mWidgetRepaintRectQueue.dequeue()); main.cpp ---------- - move QMessageLogContext context_m; on line 58 - replace // qt_message_output(type, msg); by qt_message_output(type,context_m, msg); *************************** COMPILATION IN DEBUG MODE : *************************** - compile all libraries (freetype.lib quazip.lib,xpdf.lib) with success - issue: error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL': value '2' doesn't match value '0' => 1st solution: compilation in RELEASE MODE ***************************** COMPILATION IN RELEASE MODE : ***************************** - problem : LINK : fatal error LNK1123: échec lors de la conversion en fichier COFF msvc 2010 qt 5.2 => solution : Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Compiler Update for the Windows SDK 7.1 - install the followin tools in your computer quth the msvc 2010 config: cf https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/kb/2934068 : support microsoft : " Erreur se produit lorsque vous installez le Kit de développement logiciel Windows pour Windows 7 et.NET Framework 4 " steps : ------ 1) remove and reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x32) : vcredist_x32.exe 2) remove and reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64) : vcredist_x64.exe 3) install Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 (ISO). 4) reinstall Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 (Installer) download the iso from the link https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=23691 cf link : https://msdn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/library/7dz62kfh.aspx cf http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10888391/error-link-fatal-error-lnk1123-failure-during-conversion-to-coff-file-inval => solution : the tools cvtres.exe was broken so copy C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\bin\cvtres.exe into C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\cvtres.exe The compilation works with success except warning message as following : - UBExportCFF.obj : warning LNK4217: locally defined symbol ??1UBCFFAdaptor@@QAE@XZ (public: __thiscall UBCFFAdaptor::~UBCFFAdaptor(void)) imported in function "public: virtual void __thiscall UBExportCFF::persist(class UBDocumentProxy *)" (?persist@UBExportCFF@@UAEXPAVUBDocumentProxy@@@Z). OpenBoard.pro -------------- - pb: fatal error LNK1123: échec lors de la conversion en fichier COFF vs 2010 qt 5.2 => add QMAKE_LFLAGS += /INCREMENTAL:NO UBBoardView.cpp ---------------- the ItemAt issue was solved by the last update methods from the repository. UBGraphicsTextItem.cpp ---------------------- - replace //#include by #include . *************************** COMPILATION IN DEBUG MODE : *************************** issue: error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL': value '2' doesn't match value '0' solution : replace the following config libraries by debug_release flag (quazip.pro,xpdf.pro) freetype.pro -------- - replace CONFIG += staticlib release by CONFIG += staticlib debug_and_release. quazip.pro ---------- - replace CONFIG += staticlib release by CONFIG += staticlib debug_and_release. xpdf.pro -------- - replace CONFIG += staticlib release by CONFIG += staticlib debug_and_release. OpenBoard.pro -------------- - insert the qtlockedfile config include($$THIRD_PARTY_PATH/trolltech/singleapplication/qtlockedfile.pri) freetype.pro ------------ - replace the old version 2.4.6 by the last release 2.6 => FREETYPE_DIR_WITH_VERSION = freetype-2.6.1 Openssl 1.0.2 library ---------------------- - configure & build & install the static version of the library Openssl 1.0.2. with msvc 2010 compiler. libeay32MT.lib is compiled with default /MT run-time option [Multithreaded static] quazip 0.7.1 library -------------------- - update the last update release quazip 0.7.1 => quazip.pro et quazip.pri xpdf 3.04 library ---------------- - Update the last release xpdf 3.04 lib. zlib 1.2.8 library ------------------ - Build the last static version of the library zlib 1.2.8 with msvc 2010 compiler. => Launch cl(command line msvc 2010). => Go the main folder path/zlib 1.2.8. => Enter nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc. => Retrieve and move the include headers files (zconf.h,zlib.h) and the static library zlib.lib.