/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "UBWindowsMediaFile.h" #include #include "core/UBApplication.h" #include "core/memcheck.h" UBWindowsMediaFile::UBWindowsMediaFile(QObject * pParent) : QObject(pParent) , mWMhDC(0) , mWMWriter(0) , mPushSink(0) , mVideoInputIndex(0) , mWMProfile(0) , mWMInputVideoProps(0) , mWMInputAudioProps(0) , mWMProfileManager(0) , mFramesPerSecond(-1) { // NOOP } bool UBWindowsMediaFile::init(const QString& videoFileName, const QString& profileData, int pFramesPerSecond , int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight, int bitsPerPixel) { mFramesPerSecond = pFramesPerSecond; mVideoFileName = videoFileName; CoInitialize(0); if (FAILED(WMCreateProfileManager(&mWMProfileManager))) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to create a WMProfileManager"); close(); return false; } IWMProfileManager2 *wmProfileManager = 0; if (FAILED(mWMProfileManager->QueryInterface(IID_IWMProfileManager2, (void**) &wmProfileManager))) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to query the WMProfileManager for interface WMProfileManager2"); close(); return false; } HRESULT hr = wmProfileManager->SetSystemProfileVersion(WMT_VER_9_0); wmProfileManager->Release(); if (FAILED(hr)) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to set WMProfileManager SystemProfileVersion"); close(); return false; } if (FAILED(mWMProfileManager->LoadProfileByData((LPCTSTR) profileData.utf16(), &mWMProfile))) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to load WMProfileManager custom profile"); close(); return false; } DWORD streamCount = -1; if (FAILED(mWMProfile->GetStreamCount(&streamCount))) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to read mWMProfile stream count"); close(); return false; } if (FAILED(WMCreateWriter(NULL, &mWMWriter))) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to create WMMediaWriter Object"); close(); return false; } if (FAILED(mWMWriter->SetProfile(mWMProfile))) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to set WMWriter system profile"); close(); return false; } DWORD mediaInputCount = 0; if (FAILED(mWMWriter->GetInputCount(&mediaInputCount))) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to get input count for profile"); close(); return false; } for (DWORD i = 0; i < mediaInputCount; i++) { IWMInputMediaProps* wmInoutMediaProps = 0; if (FAILED(mWMWriter->GetInputProps(i, &wmInoutMediaProps))) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to get WMWriter input properties"); close(); return false; } GUID guidInputType; if (FAILED(wmInoutMediaProps->GetType(&guidInputType))) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to get WMWriter input property type"); close(); return false; } if (guidInputType == WMMEDIATYPE_Video) { mWMInputVideoProps = wmInoutMediaProps; mVideoInputIndex = i; } else if (guidInputType == WMMEDIATYPE_Audio) { mWMInputAudioProps = wmInoutMediaProps; mAudioInputIndex = i; } else { wmInoutMediaProps->Release(); wmInoutMediaProps = 0; } } if (mWMInputVideoProps == 0) { setLastErrorMessage("Profile does not accept video input"); close(); return false; } if (mWMInputAudioProps == 0) { setLastErrorMessage("Profile does not accept audio input"); close(); return false; } if (FAILED(mWMWriter->SetOutputFilename((LPCTSTR) videoFileName.utf16()))) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to set the output filename"); close(); return false; } if(!initVideoStream(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, bitsPerPixel)) { close(); return false; } if (FAILED(mWMWriter->BeginWriting())) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to initialize video frame writing"); return false; } return true; } bool UBWindowsMediaFile::close() { bool result = true; if (mWMWriter) { if (FAILED(mWMWriter->EndWriting())) { result = false; } } if (mPushSink) { mPushSink->Disconnect(); mPushSink->EndSession(); mPushSink->Release(); } if(mChapters.length() > 0) { IWMMetadataEditor *editor = 0; IWMHeaderInfo *headerInfo = 0; WMCreateEditor(&editor); editor->Open((LPCTSTR) mVideoFileName.utf16()); editor->QueryInterface(IID_IWMHeaderInfo, (void**)&headerInfo); foreach(MarkerInfo mi, mChapters) { headerInfo->AddMarker((LPWSTR)mi.label.utf16(), msToSampleTime(mi.timestamp)); } editor->Flush(); editor->Close(); headerInfo->Release(); editor->Release(); } releaseWMObjects(); CoUninitialize(); return result; } UBWindowsMediaFile::~UBWindowsMediaFile() { // NOOP } void UBWindowsMediaFile::releaseWMObjects() { if (mWMInputVideoProps) { mWMInputVideoProps->Release(); mWMInputVideoProps = 0; } if (mWMInputAudioProps) { mWMInputAudioProps->Release(); mWMInputAudioProps = 0; } if (mWMWriter) { mWMWriter->Release(); mWMWriter = 0; } if (mWMProfile) { mWMProfile->Release(); mWMProfile = 0; } if (mWMProfileManager) { mWMProfileManager->Release(); mWMProfileManager = 0; } if (mWMhDC) { DeleteDC(mWMhDC); mWMhDC = 0; } } bool UBWindowsMediaFile::initVideoStream(int nFrameWidth, int nFrameHeight, int nBitsPerPixel) { BITMAPINFO bmpInfo; mWMhDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); if (mWMhDC == NULL) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to create a device context"); return false; } ZeroMemory(&bmpInfo, sizeof(BITMAPINFO)); bmpInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmpInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = nBitsPerPixel; bmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = nFrameWidth; bmpInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = -nFrameHeight; bmpInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmpInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = nFrameWidth * nFrameHeight * nBitsPerPixel / 8; bmpInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; WMVIDEOINFOHEADER videoInfo; videoInfo.rcSource.left = 0; videoInfo.rcSource.top = 0; videoInfo.rcSource.right = nFrameWidth; videoInfo.rcSource.bottom = nFrameHeight; videoInfo.rcTarget.left = 0; videoInfo.rcTarget.top = 0; videoInfo.rcTarget.right = nFrameWidth; videoInfo.rcTarget.bottom = nFrameHeight; videoInfo.dwBitRate = (nFrameWidth * nFrameHeight * bmpInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount * mFramesPerSecond); videoInfo.dwBitErrorRate = 0; videoInfo.AvgTimePerFrame = 10000000 / mFramesPerSecond; memcpy(&(videoInfo.bmiHeader), &bmpInfo.bmiHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); WM_MEDIA_TYPE mt; mt.majortype = WMMEDIATYPE_Video; if (bmpInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression == BI_RGB) { if (bmpInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount == 32) { mt.subtype = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32; } else if (bmpInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount == 24) { mt.subtype = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24; } else if (bmpInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount == 16) { mt.subtype = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_RGB555; } else if (bmpInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount == 8) { mt.subtype = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_RGB8; } else { mt.subtype = GUID_NULL; } } mt.bFixedSizeSamples = false; mt.bTemporalCompression = false; mt.lSampleSize = 0; mt.formattype = WMFORMAT_VideoInfo; mt.pUnk = NULL; mt.cbFormat = sizeof(WMVIDEOINFOHEADER); mt.pbFormat = (BYTE*) &videoInfo; if (FAILED(mWMInputVideoProps->SetMediaType(&mt))) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to set the video media type"); return false; } if (FAILED(mWMWriter->SetInputProps(mVideoInputIndex, mWMInputVideoProps))) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to set the input properties for WMMediaWriter"); return false; } return true; } bool UBWindowsMediaFile::appendVideoFrame(const QImage& pImage, long mstimestamp) { Q_ASSERT(pImage.format() == QImage::Format_RGB32); INSSBuffer *sampleBuffer = 0; if (FAILED(mWMWriter->AllocateSample(pImage.numBytes(), &sampleBuffer))) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to allocate memory for new video frame"); return false; } BYTE *rawBuffer = 0; DWORD rawBufferLength = 0; if (FAILED(sampleBuffer->GetBufferAndLength(&rawBuffer, &rawBufferLength))) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to lock video frame buffer"); sampleBuffer->Release(); return false; } const uchar * imageBuffer = pImage.bits(); memcpy((void*) rawBuffer, imageBuffer, pImage.numBytes()); HRESULT hrWriteSample = mWMWriter->WriteSample(mVideoInputIndex, msToSampleTime(mstimestamp), 0, sampleBuffer); sampleBuffer->Release(); if (FAILED(hrWriteSample)) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to write video frame"); return false; } mLastErrorMessage = ""; return true; } void UBWindowsMediaFile::appendAudioBuffer(WAVEHDR *buffer, long mstimestamp) { INSSBuffer *sampleBuffer = 0; if (FAILED(mWMWriter->AllocateSample(buffer->dwBytesRecorded, &sampleBuffer))) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to allocate memory for new audio frame"); return ; } BYTE *rawBuffer = 0; DWORD rawBufferLength = 0; if (FAILED(sampleBuffer->GetBufferAndLength(&rawBuffer, &rawBufferLength))) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to lock audio frame buffer"); sampleBuffer->Release(); return; } memcpy((void*) rawBuffer, buffer->lpData, rawBufferLength); HRESULT hrWriteSample = mWMWriter->WriteSample(mAudioInputIndex, msToSampleTime(mstimestamp), 0, sampleBuffer); sampleBuffer->Release(); if (FAILED(hrWriteSample)) { setLastErrorMessage("Unable to write audio buffer"); return; } mLastErrorMessage = ""; return; } void UBWindowsMediaFile::startNewChapter(const QString& pLabel, long timestamp) { MarkerInfo mi; mi.label = pLabel; mi.timestamp = timestamp; mChapters << mi; } void UBWindowsMediaFile::setLastErrorMessage(const QString& error) { mLastErrorMessage = error; qWarning() << error; }