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(function ($) {
// Monkey patch jQuery 1.3.1+ css() method to support CSS 'transform'
// property uniformly across Safari/Chrome/Webkit, Firefox 3.5+, IE 9+, and Opera 11+.
// 2009-2011 Zachary Johnson www.zachstronaut.com
// Updated 2011.05.04 (May the fourth be with you!)
function getTransformProperty(element)
// Try transform first for forward compatibility
// In some versions of IE9, it is critical for msTransform to be in
// this list before MozTranform.
var properties = ['transform', 'WebkitTransform', 'msTransform', 'MozTransform', 'OTransform'];
var p;
while (p = properties.shift())
if (typeof element.style[p] != 'undefined')
return p;
// Default to transform also
return 'transform';
var _propsObj = null;
var proxied = $.fn.css;
$.fn.css = function (arg, val)
// Temporary solution for current 1.6.x incompatibility, while
// preserving 1.3.x compatibility, until I can rewrite using CSS Hooks
if (_propsObj === null)
if (typeof $.cssProps != 'undefined')
_propsObj = $.cssProps;
else if (typeof $.props != 'undefined')
_propsObj = $.props;
_propsObj = {}
// Find the correct browser specific property and setup the mapping using
// $.props which is used internally by jQuery.attr() when setting CSS
// properties via either the css(name, value) or css(properties) method.
// The problem with doing this once outside of css() method is that you
// need a DOM node to find the right CSS property, and there is some risk
// that somebody would call the css() method before body has loaded or any
// DOM-is-ready events have fired.
typeof _propsObj['transform'] == 'undefined'
arg == 'transform'
typeof arg == 'object'
&& typeof arg['transform'] != 'undefined'
_propsObj['transform'] = getTransformProperty(this.get(0));
// We force the property mapping here because jQuery.attr() does
// property mapping with jQuery.props when setting a CSS property,
// but curCSS() does *not* do property mapping when *getting* a
// CSS property. (It probably should since it manually does it
// for 'float' now anyway... but that'd require more testing.)
// But, only do the forced mapping if the correct CSS property
// is not 'transform' and is something else.
if (_propsObj['transform'] != 'transform')
// Call in form of css('transform' ...)
if (arg == 'transform')
arg = _propsObj['transform'];
// User wants to GET the transform CSS, and in jQuery 1.4.3
// calls to css() for transforms return a matrix rather than
// the actual string specified by the user... avoid that
// behavior and return the string by calling jQuery.style()
// directly
if (typeof val == 'undefined' && jQuery.style)
return jQuery.style(this.get(0), arg);
// Call in form of css({'transform': ...})
else if
typeof arg == 'object'
&& typeof arg['transform'] != 'undefined'
arg[_propsObj['transform']] = arg['transform'];
delete arg['transform'];
return proxied.apply(this, arguments);