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# x86 assember
sub bn_mul_add_words
&xor($c,$c); # clear carry
&mov($r,&wparam(0)); #
&mov("ecx",&wparam(2)); #
&mov($a,&wparam(1)); #
&and("ecx",0xfffffff8); # num / 8
&mov($w,&wparam(3)); #
&push("ecx"); # Up the stack for a tmp variable
&mov(&swtmp(0),"ecx"); #
for ($i=0; $i<32; $i+=4)
&comment("Round $i");
&mov("eax",&DWP($i,$a,"",0)); # *a
&mul($w); # *a * w
&add("eax",$c); # L(t)+= *r
&mov($c,&DWP($i,$r,"",0)); # L(t)+= *r
&adc("edx",0); # H(t)+=carry
&add("eax",$c); # L(t)+=c
&adc("edx",0); # H(t)+=carry
&mov(&DWP($i,$r,"",0),"eax"); # *r= L(t);
&mov($c,"edx"); # c= H(t);
&mov("ecx",&swtmp(0)); #
&mov("ecx",&wparam(2)); # get num
&jnz(&label("maw_finish2")); # helps branch prediction
for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++)
&comment("Tail Round $i");
&mov("eax",&DWP($i*4,$a,"",0));# *a
&mul($w); # *a * w
&add("eax",$c); # L(t)+=c
&mov($c,&DWP($i*4,$r,"",0)); # L(t)+= *r
&adc("edx",0); # H(t)+=carry
&adc("edx",0); # H(t)+=carry
&dec("ecx") if ($i != 7-1);
&mov(&DWP($i*4,$r,"",0),"eax"); # *r= L(t);
&mov($c,"edx"); # c= H(t);
&jz(&label("maw_end")) if ($i != 7-1);
&pop("ecx"); # clear variable from