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* Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Département de l'Instruction Publique (DIP-SEM)
* Copyright (C) 2013 Open Education Foundation
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Groupement d'Intérêt Public pour
* l'Education Numérique en Afrique (GIP ENA)
* This file is part of OpenBoard.
* OpenBoard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License,
* with a specific linking exception for the OpenSSL project's
* "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that use the
* same license as the "OpenSSL" library).
* OpenBoard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with OpenBoard. If not, see <>.
#include <QtCore>
#include "UBSceneCache.h"
class QDomNode;
class QDomElement;
class UBDocument;
class UBDocumentProxy;
class UBGraphicsScene;
class UBDocumentTreeNode;
class UBDocumentTreeModel;
class UBPersistenceManager : public QObject
UBPersistenceManager(QObject *pParent = 0);
static UBPersistenceManager* sSingleton;
virtual ~UBPersistenceManager();
static const QString imageDirectory;
static const QString objectDirectory;
static const QString videoDirectory;
static const QString audioDirectory;
static const QString widgetDirectory;
static const QString fileDirectory; // Issue 1683 (Evolution) - AOU - 20131206
static const QString myDocumentsName;
static const QString modelsName;
static const QString untitledDocumentsName;
static const QString fFolders;
static const QString tFolder;
static const QString aName;
static UBPersistenceManager* persistenceManager();
static void destroy();
virtual UBDocumentProxy* createDocument(const QString& pGroupName = ""
, const QString& pName = ""
, bool withEmptyPage = true
, QString directory =QString()
, int pageCount = 0
, bool promptDialogIfExists = false);
virtual UBDocumentProxy *createNewDocument(const QString& pGroupName = ""
, const QString& pName = ""
, bool withEmptyPage = true
, QString directory =QString()
, int pageCount = 0
, bool promptDialogIfExists = false);
virtual UBDocumentProxy* createDocumentFromDir(const QString& pDocumentDirectory
, const QString& pGroupName = ""
, const QString& pName = ""
, bool withEmptyPage = false
, bool addTitlePage = false
, bool promptDialogIfExists = false);
virtual UBDocumentProxy* persistDocumentMetadata(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy);
virtual UBDocumentProxy* duplicateDocument(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy);
virtual void deleteDocument(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy);
virtual void deleteDocumentScenes(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, const QList<int>& indexes);
virtual void duplicateDocumentScene(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, int index);
virtual void copyDocumentScene(UBDocumentProxy *from, int fromIndex, UBDocumentProxy *to, int toIndex);
virtual void persistDocumentScene(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, UBGraphicsScene* pScene, const int pSceneIndex, bool isAnAutomaticBackup = false);
virtual UBGraphicsScene* createDocumentSceneAt(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, int index, bool useUndoRedoStack = true);
virtual void insertDocumentSceneAt(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, UBGraphicsScene* scene, int index, bool persist = true);
virtual void moveSceneToIndex(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, int source, int target);
virtual UBGraphicsScene* loadDocumentScene(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, int sceneIndex);
UBGraphicsScene *getDocumentScene(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, int sceneIndex) {return mSceneCache.value(pDocumentProxy, sceneIndex);}
void reassignDocProxy(UBDocumentProxy *newDocument, UBDocumentProxy *oldDocument);
// QList<QPointer<UBDocumentProxy> > documentProxies;
UBDocumentTreeNode *mDocumentTreeStructure;
UBDocumentTreeModel *mDocumentTreeStructureModel;
virtual QStringList allShapes();
virtual QStringList allGips();
virtual QStringList allImages(const QDir& dir);
virtual QStringList allVideos(const QDir& dir);
virtual QStringList allWidgets(const QDir& dir);
QString generateUniqueDocumentPath();
QString generateUniqueDocumentPath(const QString& baseFolder);
bool addDirectoryContentToDocument(const QString& documentRootFolder, UBDocumentProxy* pDocument);
void createDocumentProxiesStructure(bool interactive = false);
void createDocumentProxiesStructure(const QFileInfoList &contentInfoList, bool interactive = false);
UBDocumentProxy* createDocumentProxyStructure(QFileInfo &contentInfo);
QDialog::DialogCode processInteractiveReplacementDialog(UBDocumentProxy *pProxy);
QStringList documentSubDirectories()
return mDocumentSubDirectories;
virtual bool isEmpty(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy);
virtual void purgeEmptyDocuments();
bool addGraphicsWidgetToDocument(UBDocumentProxy *mDocumentProxy, QString path, QUuid objectUuid, QString& destinationPath);
bool addFileToDocument(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, QString path, const QString& subdir, QUuid objectUuid, QString& destinationPath, QByteArray* data = NULL);
bool mayHaveVideo(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy);
bool mayHaveAudio(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy);
bool mayHavePDF(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy);
bool mayHaveSVGImages(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy);
bool mayHaveWidget(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy);
QString adjustDocumentVirtualPath(const QString &str);
void closing();
bool isSceneInCached(UBDocumentProxy *proxy, int index) const;
void proxyListChanged();
void documentCreated(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy);
void documentMetadataChanged(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy);
void documentWillBeDeleted(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy);
void documentSceneCreated(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, int pIndex);
int sceneCount(const UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy);
static QStringList getSceneFileNames(const QString& folder);
void renamePage(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy,
const int sourceIndex, const int targetIndex);
void copyPage(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy,
const int sourceIndex, const int targetIndex);
void generatePathIfNeeded(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy);
void checkIfDocumentRepositoryExists();
void saveFoldersTreeToXml(QXmlStreamWriter &writer, const QModelIndex &parentIndex);
void loadFolderTreeFromXml(const QString &path, const QDomElement &element);
QString xmlFolderStructureFilename;
UBSceneCache mSceneCache;
QStringList mDocumentSubDirectories;
QMutex mDeletedListMutex;
bool mHasPurgedDocuments;
QString mDocumentRepositoryPath;
QString mFoldersXmlStorageName;
QProgressDialog mProgress;
QFutureWatcher<void> futureWatcher;
private slots:
void documentRepositoryChanged(const QString& path);