новые иконки в OpenBoard
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

533 lines
20 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Département de l'Instruction Publique (DIP-SEM)
* Copyright (C) 2013 Open Education Foundation
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Groupement d'Intérêt Public pour
* l'Education Numérique en Afrique (GIP ENA)
* This file is part of OpenBoard.
* OpenBoard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License,
* with a specific linking exception for the OpenSSL project's
* "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that use the
* same license as the "OpenSSL" library).
* OpenBoard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with OpenBoard. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QtGui>
#include "document/UBDocumentContainer.h"
#include "core/UBApplicationController.h"
#include "core/UBApplication.h"
#include "document/UBSortFilterProxyModel.h"
namespace Ui
class documents;
#include "gui/UBMessageWindow.h"
class UBGraphicsScene;
class QDialog;
class UBDocumentProxy;
class UBBoardController;
class UBThumbnailsScene;
class UBDocumentGroupTreeItem;
class UBDocumentProxyTreeItem;
class UBMainWindow;
class UBDocumentToolsPalette;
class UBDocumentReplaceDialog : public QDialog
UBDocumentReplaceDialog(const QString &pIncommingName, const QStringList &pFileList, QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags pFlags = 0);
void setRegexp(const QRegExp pRegExp);
bool validString(const QString &pStr);
void setFileNameAndList(const QString &fileName, const QStringList &pLst);
QString labelTextWithName(const QString &documentName) const;
QString lineEditText() const {return mLineEdit->text();}
void createNewFolder(QString str);
void closeDialog();
private slots:
void accept();
void reject();
void reactOnTextChanged(const QString &pStr);
QLineEdit *mLineEdit;
QRegExpValidator *mValidator;
QStringList mFileNameList;
QString mIncommingName;
QPushButton *acceptButton;
const QString acceptText;
const QString replaceText;
const QString cancelText;
QLabel *mLabelText;
class UBDocumentTreeNode
friend class UBDocumentTreeModel;
enum Type {
Catalog = 0
, Document
UBDocumentTreeNode(Type pType, const QString &pName, const QString &pDisplayName = QString(), UBDocumentProxy *pProxy = 0);
UBDocumentTreeNode() : mType(Catalog), mParent(0), mProxy(0) {;}
QList<UBDocumentTreeNode*> children() const {return mChildren;}
UBDocumentTreeNode *parentNode() {return mParent;}
Type nodeType() const {return mType;}
QString nodeName() const {return mName;}
QString displayName() const {return mDisplayName;}
void setNodeName(const QString &str) {mName = str; mDisplayName = str;}
void addChild(UBDocumentTreeNode *pChild);
void insertChild(int pIndex, UBDocumentTreeNode *pChild);
void moveChild(UBDocumentTreeNode *child, int index, UBDocumentTreeNode *newParent);
void removeChild(int index);
UBDocumentProxy *proxyData() const {return mProxy;}
bool isRoot() {return !mParent;}
bool isTopLevel()
if (mParent)
return !mParent->mParent;
else return false;
UBDocumentTreeNode *clone();
QString dirPathInHierarchy();
//issue 1629 - NNE - 20131105 : Add some utility methods
bool findNode(UBDocumentTreeNode *node);
UBDocumentTreeNode *nextSibling();
UBDocumentTreeNode *previousSibling();
//issue 1629 - NNE - 20131105 : END
Type mType;
QString mName;
QString mDisplayName;
UBDocumentTreeNode *mParent;
QList<UBDocumentTreeNode*> mChildren;
QPointer<UBDocumentProxy> mProxy;
class UBDocumentTreeModel : public QAbstractItemModel {
enum eAncestors {
, aUntitledDocuments
, aModel
, aTrash
enum eCopyMode {
, aContentCopy
enum eAddItemMode {
aEnd = 0 //Add to the end of the children list
, aDetectPosition //Detect the appropriate position (sorting)
enum eDocumentData{
DataNode = Qt::UserRole +1,
UBDocumentTreeModel(QObject *parent = 0);
QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const;
QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &child) const;
int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const;
int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const;
bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role);
Qt::ItemFlags flags ( const QModelIndex & index ) const;
Qt::DropActions supportedDropActions() const {return Qt::MoveAction | Qt::CopyAction;}
QStringList mimeTypes() const;
QMimeData *mimeData (const QModelIndexList &indexes) const;
bool dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent);
bool removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent);
QModelIndex indexForNode(UBDocumentTreeNode *pNode) const;
QPersistentModelIndex persistentIndexForNode(UBDocumentTreeNode *pNode);
// bool insertRow(int row, const QModelIndex &parent);
QPersistentModelIndex copyIndexToNewParent(const QModelIndex &source, const QModelIndex &newParent, eCopyMode pMode = aReference);
//N/C - NNE - 20140411
void copyIndexToNewParent(const QModelIndexList &list, const QModelIndex &newParent, eCopyMode pMode);
void moveIndex(const QModelIndex &what, const QModelIndex &destination);
UBDocumentTreeNode *currentNode() const {return mCurrentNode;} //work around for sorting model.
void setCurrentNode(UBDocumentTreeNode *pNode) {mCurrentNode = pNode;}
QModelIndex currentIndex() {return indexForNode(mCurrentNode);} //index representing a current document
QModelIndex indexForProxy(UBDocumentProxy *pSearch) const;
void setCurrentDocument(UBDocumentProxy *pDocument);
void setRootNode(UBDocumentTreeNode *pRoot);
UBDocumentTreeNode *rootNode() const {return mRootNode;}
UBDocumentProxy *proxyForIndex(const QModelIndex &pIndex) const;
QString virtualDirForIndex(const QModelIndex &pIndex) const;
QString virtualPathForIndex(const QModelIndex &pIndex) const;
QStringList nodeNameList(const QModelIndex &pIndex) const;
bool newNodeAllowed(const QModelIndex &pSelectedIndex) const;
QModelIndex goTo(const QString &dir);
bool inTrash(const QModelIndex &index) const;
bool inUntitledDocuments(const QModelIndex &index) const;
bool isCatalog(const QModelIndex &index) const {return nodeFromIndex(index)->nodeType() == UBDocumentTreeNode::Catalog;}
bool isDocument(const QModelIndex &index) const {return nodeFromIndex(index)->nodeType() == UBDocumentTreeNode::Document;}
bool isToplevel(const QModelIndex &index) const {return nodeFromIndex(index) ? nodeFromIndex(index)->isTopLevel() : false;}
bool isConstant(const QModelIndex &index) const {return isToplevel(index) || (index == mUntitledDocuments);}
bool isOkToRename(const QModelIndex &index) const {return flags(index) & Qt::ItemIsEditable;}
UBDocumentProxy *proxyData(const QModelIndex &index) const {return nodeFromIndex(index)->proxyData();}
void addDocument(UBDocumentProxy *pProxyData, const QModelIndex &pParent = QModelIndex());
void addNewDocument(UBDocumentProxy *pProxyData, const QModelIndex &pParent = QModelIndex());
QModelIndex addCatalog(const QString &pName, const QModelIndex &pParent);
QList<UBDocumentProxy*> newDocuments() {return mNewDocuments;}
void markDocumentAsNew(UBDocumentProxy *pDoc) {if (indexForProxy(pDoc).isValid()) mNewDocuments << pDoc;}
void setNewName(const QModelIndex &index, const QString &newName);
QString adjustNameForParentIndex(const QString &pName, const QModelIndex &pIndex);
QPersistentModelIndex myDocumentsIndex() const {return mMyDocuments;}
QPersistentModelIndex trashIndex() const {return mTrash;}
QPersistentModelIndex untitledDocumentsIndex() const {return mMyDocuments;}
UBDocumentTreeNode *nodeFromIndex(const QModelIndex &pIndex) const;
static bool nodeLessThan(const UBDocumentTreeNode *firstIndex, const UBDocumentTreeNode *secondIndex);
void setHighLighted(const QModelIndex &newHighLighted) {mHighLighted = newHighLighted;}
QModelIndex highLighted() {return mHighLighted;}
//N/C - NNE - 20140407
bool ascendingOrder() const{ return mAscendingOrder; }
QDateTime findNodeDate(UBDocumentTreeNode *node, QString type) const;
bool inMyDocuments(const QModelIndex &index) const;
void moveIndexes(const QModelIndexList &source, const QModelIndex &destination);
//N/C - NNE - 20140407 : END
bool isDescendantOf(const QModelIndex &pPossibleDescendant, const QModelIndex &pPossibleAncestor) const;
void indexChanged(const QModelIndex &newIndex, const QModelIndex &oldIndex);
void currentIndexMoved(const QModelIndex &newIndex, const QModelIndex &previous); /* Be aware that when you got the signal
"previous" index would have allready been deleted.
check it for "valid" first */
UBDocumentTreeNode *mRootNode;
UBDocumentTreeNode *mCurrentNode;
UBDocumentTreeNode *findProxy(UBDocumentProxy *pSearch, UBDocumentTreeNode *pParent) const;
QModelIndex pIndexForNode(const QModelIndex &parent, UBDocumentTreeNode *pNode) const;
QModelIndex addNode(UBDocumentTreeNode *pFreeNode, const QModelIndex &pParent, eAddItemMode pMode = aDetectPosition);
int positionForParent(UBDocumentTreeNode *pFreeNode, UBDocumentTreeNode *pParentNode);
void fixNodeName(const QModelIndex &source, const QModelIndex &dest);
void updateIndexNameBindings(UBDocumentTreeNode *nd);
QPersistentModelIndex mRoot;
QPersistentModelIndex mMyDocuments;
QPersistentModelIndex mTrash;
QPersistentModelIndex mUntitledDocuments;
QList<UBDocumentProxy*> mNewDocuments;
QModelIndex mHighLighted;
//N/C - NNE - 20140407
bool mAscendingOrder;
QDateTime findCatalogUpdatedDate(UBDocumentTreeNode *node) const;
QDateTime findCatalogCreationDate(UBDocumentTreeNode *node) const;
//N/C - NNE - 20140407 : END
class UBDocumentTreeMimeData : public QMimeData
QList<QModelIndex> indexes() const {return mIndexes;}
void setIndexes (const QList<QModelIndex> &pIndexes) {mIndexes = pIndexes;}
QList<QModelIndex> mIndexes;
class UBDocumentTreeView : public QTreeView
UBDocumentTreeView (QWidget *parent = 0);
//N/C - NNE - 20140404
QModelIndex mapIndexToSource(const QModelIndex &index);
QModelIndexList mapIndexesToSource(const QModelIndexList &indexes);
public slots:
void setSelectedAndExpanded(const QModelIndex &pIndex, bool pExpand = true, bool pEdit = false);
void onModelIndexChanged(const QModelIndex &pNewIndex, const QModelIndex &pOldIndex);
void hSliderRangeChanged(int min, int max);
void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event);
void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *event);
void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event);
void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
UBDocumentTreeModel *fullModel() {return qobject_cast<UBDocumentTreeModel*>(model());}
void rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end);
bool isAcceptable(const QModelIndex &dragIndex, const QModelIndex &atIndex);
Qt::DropAction acceptableAction(const QModelIndex &dragIndex, const QModelIndex &atIndex);
void updateIndexEnvirons(const QModelIndex &index);
class UBDocumentTreeItemDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate
UBDocumentTreeItemDelegate(QObject *parent = 0);
private slots:
void commitAndCloseEditor();
void processChangedText(const QString &str) const;
bool validateString(const QString &str) const;
QWidget *createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const;
void setEditorData(QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index) const;
void setModelData(QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &index) const;
void paint(QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex &index) const;
mutable QStringList mExistingFileNames;
class UBDocumentController : public UBDocumentContainer
enum DeletionType {
MoveToTrash = 0
, CompleteDelete
, EmptyFolder
, EmptyTrash
, DeletePage
, NoDeletion
enum LastSelectedElementType
None = 0, Folder, Document, Page
enum SortOrder
ASC = 0,
enum SortKind
UBDocumentController(UBMainWindow* mainWindow);
virtual ~UBDocumentController();
void closing();
QWidget* controlView();
UBDocumentProxyTreeItem* findDocument(UBDocumentProxy* proxy);
bool addFileToDocument(UBDocumentProxy* document);
void deletePages(QList<QGraphicsItem*> itemsToDelete);
int getSelectedItemIndex();
bool pageCanBeMovedUp(int page);
bool pageCanBeMovedDown(int page);
bool pageCanBeDuplicated(int page);
bool pageCanBeDeleted(int page);
QString documentTrashGroupName(){ return mDocumentTrashGroupName;}
QString defaultDocumentGroupName(){ return mDefaultDocumentGroupName;}
void setDocument(UBDocumentProxy *document, bool forceReload = false);
QModelIndex firstSelectedTreeIndex();
UBDocumentProxy *firstSelectedTreeProxy();
inline DeletionType deletionTypeForSelection(LastSelectedElementType pTypeSelection
, const QModelIndex &selectedIndex
, UBDocumentTreeModel *docModel) const;
bool firstAndOnlySceneSelected() const;
QWidget *mainWidget() const {return mDocumentWidget;}
//issue 1629 - NNE - 20131212
* Check if the current view will be deleted. If it' true,
* this function assures a view will be always selected, even if
* no view is availaible by creating a new one.
* \param index The index that will be deleted.
* \param docModel The tree model which represents the organisation of the document hierarchy
* \return True if the index passed in argument was the current view, false otherwise.
void moveToTrash(QModelIndex &index, UBDocumentTreeModel* docModel);
QModelIndex mapIndexToSource(const QModelIndex &index);
QModelIndexList mapIndexesToSource(const QModelIndexList &indexes);
void sortDocuments(int kind, int order);
void moveIndexesToTrash(const QModelIndexList &list, UBDocumentTreeModel *docModel);
QModelIndex findPreviousSiblingNotSelected(const QModelIndex &index, QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel);
QModelIndex findNextSiblingNotSelected(const QModelIndex &index, QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel);
bool parentIsSelected(const QModelIndex& child, QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel);
void exportDone();
public slots:
void createNewDocument();
//issue 1629 - NNE - 20131105
void createNewDocumentInUntitledFolder();
void createNewDocumentGroup();
void deleteSelectedItem();
void deleteSingleItem(QModelIndex index, UBDocumentTreeModel *docModel);
void deleteMultipleItems(QModelIndexList indexes, UBDocumentTreeModel *docModel);
void emptyFolder(const QModelIndex &index, DeletionType pDeletionType = MoveToTrash);
void deleteIndexAndAssociatedData(const QModelIndex &pIndex);
void renameSelectedItem();
void openSelectedItem();
void duplicateSelectedItem();
void importFile();
void moveSceneToIndex(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, int source, int target);
void selectDocument(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, bool setAsCurrentDocument = true, const bool onImport = false, const bool editMode = false);
void show();
void hide();
void showMessage(const QString& message, bool showSpinningWheel = false);
void hideMessage();
void toggleDocumentToolsPalette();
void cut();
void copy();
void paste();
void focusChanged(QWidget *old, QWidget *current);
void updateActions();
void updateExportSubActions(const QModelIndex &selectedIndex);
void currentIndexMoved(const QModelIndex &newIndex, const QModelIndex &PreviousIndex);
//N/C - NNE - 20140403
void onSortKindChanged(int index);
void onSortOrderChanged(bool order);
void onSplitterMoved(int size, int index);
void collapseAll();
void expandAll();
virtual void setupViews();
virtual void setupToolbar();
void setupPalettes();
bool isOKToOpenDocument(UBDocumentProxy* proxy);
UBDocumentProxy* selectedDocumentProxy();
QList<UBDocumentProxy*> selectedProxies();
QModelIndexList selectedTreeIndexes();
UBDocumentProxyTreeItem* selectedDocumentProxyTreeItem();
UBDocumentGroupTreeItem* selectedDocumentGroupTreeItem();
QStringList allGroupNames();
LastSelectedElementType mSelectionType;
QWidget *mParentWidget;
UBBoardController *mBoardController;
Ui::documents* mDocumentUI;
UBMainWindow* mMainWindow;
QWidget *mDocumentWidget;
QPointer<UBMessageWindow> mMessageWindow;
QAction* mAddFolderOfImagesAction;
QAction* mAddFileToDocumentAction;
QAction* mAddImagesAction;
bool mIsClosing;
UBDocumentToolsPalette *mToolsPalette;
bool mToolsPalettePositionned;
UBDocumentGroupTreeItem* mTrashTi;
void moveDocumentToTrash(UBDocumentGroupTreeItem* groupTi, UBDocumentProxyTreeItem *proxyTi);
void moveFolderToTrash(UBDocumentGroupTreeItem* groupTi);
QString mDocumentTrashGroupName;
QString mDefaultDocumentGroupName;
UBDocumentProxy *mCurrentTreeDocument;
bool mCurrentIndexMoved;
UBSortFilterProxyModel *mSortFilterProxyModel;
public slots:
void TreeViewSelectionChanged(const QModelIndex &current, const QModelIndex &previous);
void TreeViewSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &selected, const QItemSelection &deselected);
private slots:
void documentZoomSliderValueChanged (int value);
void itemSelectionChanged(LastSelectedElementType newSelection);
void exportDocument();
void exportDocumentSet();
void thumbnailViewResized();
void pageSelectionChanged();
void documentSceneChanged(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, int pSceneIndex);
void thumbnailPageDoubleClicked(QGraphicsItem* item, int index);
void pageClicked(QGraphicsItem* item, int index);
void addToDocument();
void addFolderOfImages();
void addFileToDocument();
void addImages();
void refreshDocumentThumbnailsView(UBDocumentContainer* source);