новые иконки в OpenBoard
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

430 lines
19 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2013 Open Education Foundation
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Groupement d'Intérêt Public pour
* l'Education Numérique en Afrique (GIP ENA)
* This file is part of OpenBoard.
* OpenBoard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License,
* with a specific linking exception for the OpenSSL project's
* "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that use the
* same license as the "OpenSSL" library).
* OpenBoard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with OpenBoard. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "UBPlatformUtils.h"
#include <QtGui>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include "frameworks/UBFileSystemUtils.h"
void UBPlatformUtils::init()
QString UBPlatformUtils::applicationResourcesDirectory()
return QApplication::applicationDirPath();
void UBPlatformUtils::hideFile(const QString &filePath)
// TODO UB 4.x Not possible on Linux as such, the filename should have a . as first char in name
void UBPlatformUtils::setFileType(const QString &filePath, unsigned long fileType)
// No fileType equivalent on Linux
void UBPlatformUtils::fadeDisplayOut()
void UBPlatformUtils::fadeDisplayIn()
QStringList UBPlatformUtils::availableTranslations()
QString translationsPath = applicationResourcesDirectory() + "/" + "i18n" + "/";
QStringList translationsList = UBFileSystemUtils::allFiles(translationsPath);
QRegExp sankoreTranslationFiles(".*OpenBoard_.*.qm");
return translationsList.replaceInStrings(QRegExp("(.*)OpenBoard_(.*).qm"),"\\2");
QString UBPlatformUtils::translationPath(QString pFilePrefix,QString pLanguage)
QString qmPath = applicationResourcesDirectory() + "/" + "i18n" + "/" + pFilePrefix + pLanguage + ".qm";
return qmPath;
QString UBPlatformUtils::systemLanguage()
return QLocale::system().name();
void UBPlatformUtils::bringPreviousProcessToFront()
// Mac only
QString UBPlatformUtils::osUserLoginName()
char *user = getenv("USER");
return QString::fromAscii(user);
QString UBPlatformUtils::computerName()
char hostname[256];
// if the name is longer than 255 the name is truncated but os doesn't ensure
// that the last character returned is a null character
return QString::fromAscii(hostname);
return "NOT FOUND";
void UBPlatformUtils::setWindowNonActivableFlag(QWidget* widget, bool nonAcivable)
void UBPlatformUtils::setDesktopMode(bool desktop)
#define KEYBTDECL(s1, s2, clSwitch, code) KEYBT(s1, s2, clSwitch, 0, 0, KEYCODE(s1, code, 0), KEYCODE(s2, code, 1))
#define KEYBTDECLEX1(s1, s2, clSwitch, code, cs1, cs2) KEYBT(s1, s2, clSwitch, 0, 0, KEYCODE(cs1, code, 0), KEYCODE(cs2, code, 1))
#define KEYBTDECLEX2(s1, s2, clSwitch, code, cs1, cs2) KEYBT(s1, s2, clSwitch, 0, 0, KEYCODE(cs1, code, 2), KEYCODE(cs2, code, 3))
#define KEYBTDECLEX6(s1, s2, clSwitch, code, cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4, cs5, cs6) KEYBT(s1, s2, clSwitch, 0, 0, KEYCODE(cs1, code, 0), KEYCODE(cs2, code, 1), KEYCODE(cs3, code, 2), KEYCODE(cs4, code, 3), KEYCODE(cs5, code, 4), KEYCODE(cs6, code, 5))
#define KEYBTDECLEX8(s1, s2, clSwitch, code, cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4, cs5, cs6, cs7, cs8) KEYBT(s1, s2, clSwitch, 0, 0, KEYCODE(cs1, code, 0), KEYCODE(cs2, code, 1), KEYCODE(cs3, code, 2), KEYCODE(cs4, code, 3), KEYCODE(cs5, code, 4), KEYCODE(cs6, code, 5), KEYCODE(cs7, code, 6), KEYCODE(cs8, code, 7))
/* ` ~ */ KEYBTDECL(0x60, 0x7e, false, 41),
/* 1 ! */ KEYBTDECL(0x31, 0x21, false, 2),
/* 2 @ */ KEYBTDECL(0x32, 0x40, false, 3),
/* 3 # */ KEYBTDECL(0x33, 0x23, false, 4),
/* 4 $ */ KEYBTDECL(0x34, 0x24, false, 5),
/* 5 % */ KEYBTDECL(0x35, 0x25, false, 6),
/* 6 ^ */ KEYBTDECL(0x36, 0x88, false, 7),
/* 7 & */ KEYBTDECL(0x37, 0x26, false, 8),
/* 8 * */ KEYBTDECL(0x38, 0x2a, false, 9),
/* 9 ( */ KEYBTDECL(0x39, 0x28, false, 10),
/* 0 ) */ KEYBTDECL(0x30, 0x29, false, 11),
/* - _ */ KEYBTDECL(0x2d, 0x5f, false, 12),
/* = + */ KEYBTDECL(0x3d, 0x2b, false, 13),
/* q Q */ KEYBTDECL(0x71, 0x51, true, 16),
/* w W */ KEYBTDECL(0x77, 0x57, true, 17),
/* e E */ KEYBTDECL(0x65, 0x45, true, 18),
/* r R */ KEYBTDECL(0x72, 0x52, true, 19),
/* t T */ KEYBTDECL(0x74, 0x54, true, 20),
/* y Y */ KEYBTDECL(0x79, 0x59, true, 21),
/* u U */ KEYBTDECL(0x75, 0x55, true, 22),
/* i I */ KEYBTDECL(0x69, 0x49, true, 23),
/* o O */ KEYBTDECL(0x6f, 0x4f, true, 24),
/* p P */ KEYBTDECL(0x70, 0x50, true, 25),
/* [ { */ KEYBTDECL(0x5b, 0x7b, false, 26),
/* ] } */ KEYBTDECL(0x5d, 0x7d, false, 27),
/* a A */ KEYBTDECL(0x61, 0x41, true, 30),
/* s S */ KEYBTDECL(0x73, 0x53, true, 31),
/* d D */ KEYBTDECL(0x64, 0x44, true, 32),
/* f F */ KEYBTDECL(0x66, 0x46, true, 33),
/* g G */ KEYBTDECL(0x67, 0x47, true, 34),
/* h H */ KEYBTDECL(0x68, 0x48, true, 35),
/* j J */ KEYBTDECL(0x6a, 0x4a, true, 36),
/* k K */ KEYBTDECL(0x6b, 0x4b, true, 37),
/* l L */ KEYBTDECL(0x6c, 0x4c, true, 38),
/* ; : */ KEYBTDECL(0x3b, 0x3a, false, 39),
/* ' " */ KEYBTDECL(0x27, 0x22, false, 40),
/* \ | */ KEYBTDECL(0x5c, 0x7c, false, 43),
/* z Z */ KEYBTDECL(0x7a, 0x5a, true, 44),
/* x X */ KEYBTDECL(0x78, 0x58, true, 45),
/* c C */ KEYBTDECL(0x63, 0x43, true, 46),
/* v V */ KEYBTDECL(0x76, 0x56, true, 47),
/* b B */ KEYBTDECL(0x62, 0x42, true, 48),
/* n N */ KEYBTDECL(0x6e, 0x4e, true, 49),
/* m M */ KEYBTDECL(0x6d, 0x4d, true, 50),
/* , < */ KEYBTDECL(0x2c, 0x3c, false, 51),
/* . > */ KEYBTDECL(0x2e, 0x3e, false, 52),
/* / ? */ KEYBTDECL(0x2f, 0x5f, false, 53)};
/* ё Ё */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x451, 0x401, true, 41, XK_Cyrillic_io, XK_Cyrillic_IO),
/* 1 ! */ KEYBTDECL(0x31, 0x21, false, 2),
/* 2 " */ KEYBTDECL(0x32, 0x5c, false, 3),
/* 3 № */ KEYBTDECLEX1(0x33, 0x2116, false, 4, 0x33, XK_numerosign),
/* 4 ; */ KEYBTDECL(0x34, 0x3b, false, 5),
/* 5 % */ KEYBTDECL(0x35, 0x25, false, 6),
/* 6 : */ KEYBTDECL(0x36, 0x3a, false, 7),
/* 7 ? */ KEYBTDECL(0x37, 0x3f, false, 8),
/* 8 * */ KEYBTDECL(0x38, 0x2a, false, 9),
/* 9 ( */ KEYBTDECL(0x39, 0x28, false, 10),
/* 0 ) */ KEYBTDECL(0x30, 0x29, false, 11),
/* - _ */ KEYBTDECL(0x2d, 0x4f, false, 12),
/* = + */ KEYBTDECL(0x3d, 0x2b, false, 13),
/* й Й */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x439, 0x419, true, 16, XK_Cyrillic_shorti, XK_Cyrillic_SHORTI),
/* ц Ц */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x446, 0x426, true, 17, XK_Cyrillic_tse, XK_Cyrillic_TSE),
/* у У */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x443, 0x423, true, 18, XK_Cyrillic_u, XK_Cyrillic_U),
/* к К */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x43a, 0x41a, true, 19, XK_Cyrillic_ka, XK_Cyrillic_KA),
/* е Е */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x435, 0x415, true, 20, XK_Cyrillic_ie, XK_Cyrillic_IE),
/* н Н */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x43d, 0x41d, true, 21, XK_Cyrillic_en, XK_Cyrillic_EN),
/* г Г */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x433, 0x413, true, 22, XK_Cyrillic_ghe, XK_Cyrillic_GHE),
/* ш Ш */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x448, 0x428, true, 23, XK_Cyrillic_sha, XK_Cyrillic_SHA),
/* щ Щ */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x449, 0x429, true, 24, XK_Cyrillic_shcha, XK_Cyrillic_SHCHA),
/* з З */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x437, 0x417, true, 25, XK_Cyrillic_ze, XK_Cyrillic_ZE),
/* х Х */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x445, 0x425, true, 26, XK_Cyrillic_ha, XK_Cyrillic_HA),
/* ъ Ъ */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x44a, 0x42a, true, 27, XK_Cyrillic_hardsign, XK_Cyrillic_HARDSIGN),
/* ф Ф */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x444, 0x424, true, 30, XK_Cyrillic_ef, XK_Cyrillic_EF),
/* ы Ы */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x44b, 0x42b, true, 31, XK_Cyrillic_yeru, XK_Cyrillic_YERU),
/* в В */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x432, 0x412, true, 32, XK_Cyrillic_ve, XK_Cyrillic_VE),
/* а А */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x430, 0x410, true, 33, XK_Cyrillic_a, XK_Cyrillic_A),
/* п П */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x43f, 0x41f, true, 34, XK_Cyrillic_pe, XK_Cyrillic_PE),
/* р Р */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x440, 0x420, true, 35, XK_Cyrillic_er, XK_Cyrillic_ER),
/* о О */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x43e, 0x41e, true, 36, XK_Cyrillic_o, XK_Cyrillic_O),
/* л Л */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x43b, 0x41b, true, 37, XK_Cyrillic_el, XK_Cyrillic_EL),
/* д Д */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x434, 0x414, true, 38, XK_Cyrillic_de, XK_Cyrillic_DE),
/* ж Ж */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x436, 0x416, true, 39, XK_Cyrillic_zhe, XK_Cyrillic_ZHE),
/* э Э */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x44d, 0x42d, true, 40, XK_Cyrillic_e, XK_Cyrillic_E),
/* \ / */ KEYBTDECL(0x5c, 0x2f, false, 43),
/* я Я */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x44f, 0x42f, true, 44, XK_Cyrillic_ya, XK_Cyrillic_YA),
/* ч Ч */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x447, 0x427, true, 45, XK_Cyrillic_che, XK_Cyrillic_CHE),
/* с С */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x441, 0x421, true, 46, XK_Cyrillic_es, XK_Cyrillic_ES),
/* м М */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x43c, 0x41c, true, 47, XK_Cyrillic_em, XK_Cyrillic_EM),
/* и И */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x438, 0x418, true, 48, XK_Cyrillic_i, XK_Cyrillic_I),
/* т Т */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x442, 0x422, true, 49, XK_Cyrillic_te, XK_Cyrillic_TE),
/* ь Ь */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x44c, 0x42c, true, 50, XK_Cyrillic_softsign, XK_Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN),
/* б Б */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x431, 0x411, true, 51, XK_Cyrillic_be, XK_Cyrillic_BE),
/* ю Ю */ KEYBTDECLEX2(0x44e, 0x42e, true, 52, XK_Cyrillic_yu, XK_Cyrillic_YU),
/* . , */ KEYBTDECL(0x2e, 0x2c, false, 53)};
/* ^ ? */ KEYBTDECL(0x5f, 0xb0, false, 41),
/* 1 ! */ KEYBTDECL(0x31, 0x21, true, 2),
/* 2 " */ KEYBTDECL(0x32, 0x22, true, 3),
/* 3 */ KEYBTDECL(0x33, 0xa7, true, 4),
/* 4 $ */ KEYBTDECL(0x34, 0x24, true, 5),
/* 5 % */ KEYBTDECL(0x35, 0x25, true, 6),
/* 6 & */ KEYBTDECL(0x36, 0x26, true, 7),
/* 7 / */ KEYBTDECL(0x37, 0x2f, true, 8),
/* 8 ( */ KEYBTDECL(0x38, 0x28, true, 9),
/* 9 ) */ KEYBTDECL(0x39, 0x29, true, 10),
/* 0 = */ KEYBTDECL(0x30, 0x3d, true, 11),
/* ? ? */ KEYBTDECL(0xdf, 0x3f, true, 12),
/* ` ? */ KEYBTDECL(0x60, 0xb4, true, 13),
/* q Q */ KEYBTDECL(0x71, 0x51, true, 16),
/* w W */ KEYBTDECL(0x77, 0x57, true, 17),
/* e E */ KEYBTDECL(0x65, 0x45, true, 18),
/* r R */ KEYBTDECL(0x72, 0x52, true, 19),
/* t T */ KEYBTDECL(0x74, 0x54, true, 20),
/* z Z */ KEYBTDECL(0x7a, 0x5a, true, 21),
/* u U */ KEYBTDECL(0x75, 0x55, true, 22),
/* i I */ KEYBTDECL(0x69, 0x49, true, 23),
/* o O */ KEYBTDECL(0x6f, 0x4f, true, 24),
/* p P */ KEYBTDECL(0x70, 0x50, true, 25),
/* ? ? */ KEYBTDECL(0xfc, 0xdc, true, 26),
/* + * */ KEYBTDECL(0x2b, 0x2a, true, 27),
/* a A */ KEYBTDECL(0x61, 0x41, true, 30),
/* s S */ KEYBTDECL(0x73, 0x53, true, 31),
/* d D */ KEYBTDECL(0x64, 0x44, true, 32),
/* f F */ KEYBTDECL(0x66, 0x46, true, 33),
/* g G */ KEYBTDECL(0x67, 0x47, true, 34),
/* h H */ KEYBTDECL(0x68, 0x48, true, 35),
/* j J */ KEYBTDECL(0x6a, 0x4a, true, 36),
/* k K */ KEYBTDECL(0x6b, 0x4b, true, 37),
/* l L */ KEYBTDECL(0x6c, 0x4c, true, 38),
/* ? ? */ KEYBTDECL(0xf6, 0xd6, true, 39),
/* ? ? */ KEYBTDECL(0xe4, 0xc4, true, 40),
/* ' # */ KEYBTDECL(0x27, 0x23, true, 43),
/* y Y */ KEYBTDECL(0x79, 0x59, true, 44),
/* x X */ KEYBTDECL(0x78, 0x58, true, 45),
/* c C */ KEYBTDECL(0x63, 0x43, true, 46),
/* v V */ KEYBTDECL(0x76, 0x56, true, 47),
/* b B */ KEYBTDECL(0x62, 0x42, true, 48),
/* n N */ KEYBTDECL(0x6e, 0x4e, true, 49),
/* m M */ KEYBTDECL(0x6d, 0x4d, true, 50),
/* , ; */ KEYBTDECL(0x2c, 0x3b, true, 51),
/* . : */ KEYBTDECL(0x2e, 0x3a, true, 52),
/* _ - */ KEYBTDECL(0x5f, 0x2d, true, 53)};
/* ? ? */ KEYBTDECL(0xb2, 0xb2, true, 41),
/* & 1 */ KEYBTDECL(0x26, 0x31, true, 2),
/* ? 2 */ KEYBTDECL(0xe9, 0x32, true, 3),
/* " 3 */ KEYBTDECL(0x22, 0x33, true, 4),
/* ' 4 */ KEYBTDECL(0x27, 0x34, true, 5),
/* ( 5 */ KEYBTDECL(0x28, 0x35, true, 6),
/* - 6 */ KEYBTDECL(0x2d, 0x36, true, 7),
/* ? 7 */ KEYBTDECL(0xe8, 0x37, true, 8),
/* _ 8 */ KEYBTDECL(0x5f, 0x38, true, 9),
/* ? 9 */ KEYBTDECL(0xe7, 0x39, true, 10),
/* ? 0 */ KEYBTDECL(0xe0, 0x30, true, 11),
/* ) ? */ KEYBTDECL(0x29, 0xb0, true, 12),
/* = + */ KEYBTDECL(0x3d, 0x2b, true, 13),
/* a A */ KEYBTDECLEX6(0x61, 0x41, true, 16, 0x61, 0x41, 0xe2, 0xc2, 0xe4, 0xc4),
/* z Z */ KEYBTDECL(0x7a, 0x5a, true, 17),
/* e E */ KEYBTDECLEX6(0x65, 0x45, true, 18, 0x65, 0x45, 0xea, 0xca, 0xeb, 0xcb),
/* r R */ KEYBTDECL(0x72, 0x52, true, 19),
/* t T */ KEYBTDECL(0x74, 0x54, true, 20),
/* y Y */ KEYBTDECLEX6(0x79, 0x59, true, 21, 0x79, 0x59, 0, 0, 0xff, 0),
/* u U */ KEYBTDECLEX6(0x75, 0x55, true, 22, 0x75, 0x55, 0xfb, 0xdb, 0xfc, 0xdc),
/* i I */ KEYBTDECLEX6(0x69, 0x49, true, 23, 0x69, 0x49, 0xee, 0xce, 0xef, 0xcf),
/* o O */ KEYBTDECLEX6(0x6f, 0x4f, true, 24, 0x6f, 0x4f, 0xf4, 0xd4, 0xf6, 0xd6),
/* p P */ KEYBTDECL(0x70, 0x50, true, 25),
/* ^ ? */ KEYBT(0x5e, 0xa8, true, 1, 2, KEYCODE(0x5e, 26, 0), KEYCODE(0xa8, 26, 1)),
/* $ ? } */ KEYBTDECL(0x24, 0xa3, true, 27),
/* q Q */ KEYBTDECL(0x71, 0x51, true, 30),
/* s S */ KEYBTDECL(0x73, 0x53, true, 31),
/* d D */ KEYBTDECL(0x64, 0x44, true, 32),
/* f F */ KEYBTDECL(0x66, 0x46, true, 33),
/* g G */ KEYBTDECL(0x67, 0x47, true, 34),
/* h H */ KEYBTDECL(0x68, 0x48, true, 35),
/* j J */ KEYBTDECL(0x6a, 0x4a, true, 36),
/* k K */ KEYBTDECL(0x6b, 0x4b, true, 37),
/* l L */ KEYBTDECL(0x6c, 0x4c, true, 38),
/* m M */ KEYBTDECL(0x6d, 0x4d, true, 39),
/* ? % */ KEYBTDECL(0xf9, 0x25, true, 40),
/* * ? */ KEYBTDECL(0x2a, 0xb5, true, 43),
/* w W */ KEYBTDECL(0x77, 0x57, true, 44),
/* x X */ KEYBTDECL(0x78, 0x58, true, 45),
/* c C */ KEYBTDECL(0x63, 0x43, true, 46),
/* v V */ KEYBTDECL(0x76, 0x56, true, 47),
/* b B */ KEYBTDECL(0x62, 0x42, true, 48),
/* n N */ KEYBTDECL(0x6e, 0x4e, true, 49),
/* , ? */ KEYBTDECL(0x2c, 0x3f, true, 50),
/* ; . */ KEYBTDECL(0x3b, 0x2e, true, 51),
/* : / */ KEYBTDECL(0x3a, 0x2f, true, 52),
/* ! ? */ KEYBTDECL(0x21, 0xa7, true, 53)};
/* § °*/ KEYBTDECL(0xa7, 0xb0, false, 41),
/* 1 +*/ KEYBTDECL(0x31, 0x2b, false, 2),
/* 2 "*/ KEYBTDECL(0x32, 0x22, false, 3),
/* 3 **/ KEYBTDECL(0x33, 0x2a, false, 4),
/* 4 ç*/ KEYBTDECL(0x34, 0xe7, false, 5),
/* 5 %*/ KEYBTDECL(0x35, 0x25, false, 6),
/* 6 &*/ KEYBTDECL(0x36, 0x26, false, 7),
/* 7 /*/ KEYBTDECL(0x37, 0x2f, false, 8),
/* 8 (*/ KEYBTDECL(0x38, 0x28, false, 9),
/* 9 )*/ KEYBTDECL(0x39, 0x29, false, 10),
/* 0 =*/ KEYBTDECL(0x30, 0x3d, false, 11),
/* ' ?*/ KEYBTDECL(0x27, 0x5f, false, 12),
/* ^ `*/ KEYBT(0x5e, 0x60, false, 1, 2, KEYCODE(0x5e, 13, 0), KEYCODE(0x60, 13, 1)),
/* q Q*/ KEYBTDECL(0x71, 0x51, true, 16),
/* w W*/ KEYBTDECL(0x77, 0x57, true, 17),
/* e E*/ KEYBTDECLEX8(0x65, 0x45, true, 18, 0x65, 0x45, 0xea, 0xca, 0xe8, 0xc8, 0xeb, 0xcb),
/* r R*/ KEYBTDECL(0x72, 0x52, true, 19),
/* t T*/ KEYBTDECL(0x74, 0x54, true, 20),
/* z Z*/ KEYBTDECL(0x7a, 0x5a, true, 21),
/* u U*/ KEYBTDECLEX8(0x75, 0x55, true, 22, 0x75, 0x55, 0xfb, 0xdb, 0xf9, 0xd9, 0xfc, 0xdc),
/* i I*/ KEYBTDECLEX8(0x69, 0x49, true, 23, 0x69, 0x49, 0xee, 0xce, 0xec, 0xcc, 0xef, 0xcf),
/* o O*/ KEYBTDECLEX8(0x6f, 0x4f, true, 24, 0x6f, 0x4f, 0xf4, 0xd4, 0xf2, 0xd2, 0xf6, 0xd6),
/* p P*/ KEYBTDECL(0x70, 0x50, true, 25),
/* è ü*/ KEYBTDECL(0xe8, 0xfa, false, 26),
/* ¨ !*/ KEYBT(0xa8, 0x21, false, 3, 0, KEYCODE(0xa8, 27, 0), KEYCODE(0x21, 27, 1)),
/* a A*/ KEYBTDECLEX8(0x61, 0x41, true, 30, 0x61, 0x41, 0xe2, 0xc2, 0xe0, 0xc0, 0xe4, 0xc4),
/* s S*/ KEYBTDECL(0x73, 0x53, true, 31),
/* d D*/ KEYBTDECL(0x64, 0x44, true, 32),
/* f F*/ KEYBTDECL(0x66, 0x46, true, 33),
/* g G*/ KEYBTDECL(0x67, 0x47, true, 34),
/* h H*/ KEYBTDECL(0x68, 0x48, true, 35),
/* j J*/ KEYBTDECL(0x6a, 0x4a, true, 36),
/* k K*/ KEYBTDECL(0x6b, 0x4b, true, 37),
/* l L*/ KEYBTDECL(0x6c, 0x4c, true, 38),
/* é ö*/ KEYBTDECL(0xe9, 0xf6, false, 39),
/* à ä*/ KEYBTDECL(0xe0, 0xe4, false, 40),
/* $ £*/ KEYBTDECL(0x24, 0xa3, false, 43),
/* < >*/ KEYBTDECL(0x3c, 0x3e, false, 44),
/* y Y*/ KEYBTDECLEX8(0x79, 0x59, true, 45, 0x79, 0x59, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xff, 0),
/* x X*/ KEYBTDECL(0x78, 0x58, true, 46),
/* c C*/ KEYBTDECL(0x63, 0x43, true, 47),
/* v V*/ KEYBTDECL(0x76, 0x56, true, 48),
/* b B*/ KEYBTDECL(0x62, 0x42, true, 49),
/* n N*/ KEYBTDECL(0x6e, 0x4e, true, 50),
/* m M*/ KEYBTDECL(0x6d, 0x4d, true, 51),
/* , ;*/ KEYBTDECL(0x2c, 0x3b, false, 52),
/* . :*/ KEYBTDECL(0x2e, 0x3a, false, 53),
/* - _*/ KEYBTDECL(0x2d, 0x5f, false, 54)};
void UBPlatformUtils::initializeKeyboardLayouts()
nKeyboardLayouts = 5;
keyboardLayouts = new UBKeyboardLocale*[nKeyboardLayouts];
keyboardLayouts[0] = new UBKeyboardLocale(tr("English"), "en", "", new QIcon(":/images/flags/en.png"), ENGLISH_LOCALE);
keyboardLayouts[1] = new UBKeyboardLocale(tr("Russian"), "ru", "", new QIcon(":/images/flags/ru.png"),RUSSIAN_LOCALE);
keyboardLayouts[2] = new UBKeyboardLocale(tr("German"), "de", "", new QIcon(":/images/flags/de.png"), GERMAN_LOCALE);
keyboardLayouts[3] = new UBKeyboardLocale(tr("French"), "fr", "", new QIcon(":/images/flags/fr.png"), FRENCH_LOCALE);
keyboardLayouts[4] = new UBKeyboardLocale(tr("Swiss French"), "fr-CH", "", new QIcon(":/images/flags/fr.png"), SWISS_FRENCH_LOCALE);
void UBPlatformUtils::destroyKeyboardLayouts()
for(int i=0; i<nKeyboardLayouts; i++)
delete keyboardLayouts[i];
delete [] keyboardLayouts;
keyboardLayouts = NULL;
QString UBPlatformUtils::urlFromClipboard()
QString qsRet;
// Not used on Linux
return qsRet;