180 lines
4.9 KiB
180 lines
4.9 KiB
function createElements( phrase )
var s = '';
for( var i = 0; i < phrase.length; i++ )
ch = phrase.charAt( i );
if( ch == " " ){
ch = " ";
s += '<div class="letter">' + ch + '</div>' +
'<div class="dash"> </div>';
return s;
var w = new wcontainer( "#ub-widget" );
var sentence = "";
sentence = (sankore.preference("ordSplPhrases", ""))?sankore.preference("ordSplPhrases", ""):"this is a bunch of words which should be split apart";
sentence = "this is a bunch of words which should be split apart";
w.maxWidth = 600;
w.setEditContent( '<div class="inputwrap"><textarea class="percent">' + sentence + '</textarea></div>' );
w.setViewContent( '<div class="upper"><div class="dash fixed">. </div></div>' );
w.setData( "dashWidth", w.elements.container.find( ".dash" ).outerWidth() );
w.setViewContent( '<div class="upper"><div class="dash fixed">M</div></div>' );
w.setData( "lineHeight", w.elements.container.find( ".dash" ).outerHeight() );
w.setViewContent( "" );
// onViewMode
w.onViewMode = function()
// clean up the text
var phrase = w.elements.container.find( "textarea" ).val()
.replace( /\r/g, '' ).replace( /\n/g, ' ' ).replace( / /g, ' ' ).trim();
// store the text
w.setData( "phrase", phrase );
// remove all dots (they are to be set during the exercise)
phrase = phrase.replace( / /g, '' );
// create the html
w.setViewContent( createElements( phrase ) );
// the behaviour
w.elements.containerView.find( ".letter" )
.mouseover( function()
var el = $( this ).next();
// determine new hover class
var is_fixed = ( el.get( 0 ).className.indexOf( "fixed" ) != -1 );
var hover_class = is_fixed?
"dash_hover_fixed" : "dash_hover";
// assign new hover class
el.addClass( hover_class )
.data( "hc", hover_class );
.mouseout( function()
var el = $( this ).next();
// remove current hover class
var hc = el.data( "hc" );
el.removeClass( hc );
.click( function()
var el = $( this ).next();
// remove current hover class
$( this ).trigger( "mouseout" );
// toggle fixed class
el.toggleClass( "fixed" );
// determine new hover class
// assign new hover class
$( this ).trigger( "mouseover" );
// viewSize
w.viewSize = function()
var w = 0;
var h = 0;
var dh = winstance.getData( "lineHeight" );
var dw = winstance.getData( "dashWidth" );
winstance.elements.containerView.find( "div:visible" ).each( function()
w += $( this ).outerWidth();
h = Math.max( h, $( this ).outerHeight( true ) );
var square = w*h;
h = Math.max( h, $( winstance.elements.containerView ).height() );
if( winstance.maxWidth )
w = Math.min( w, winstance.maxWidth );
h = parseInt( square / w );
return {
w: w,
h: h+dh
// editSize
w.editSize = function()
return {
w: winstance.elements.containerEdit.find( "textarea" ).parent().outerWidth( true ),
h: winstance.elements.containerEdit.find( "textarea" ).parent().outerHeight( true ),
w.checkAnswer = function()
var phrase = "";
var ch = "";
this.elements.containerView.find( "div:visible" ).each( function()
if( this.className.indexOf( "fixed" ) != -1 ){
phrase += ' ';
else if( this.className.indexOf( "dash" ) != -1 ){
ch = $( this ).html();
phrase += ch;
if( phrase == this.getData( "phrase" ) ){
this.elements.containerView.addClass( "answerRight" );
this.elements.containerView.removeClass( "answerRight" );
window.w = w;
window.winstance = w;
sankore.setPreference("ordSplPhrases", w.getData("phrase"));
}); |