You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
264 lines
9.6 KiB
264 lines
9.6 KiB
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<html xmlns="">
<title>Pixabay Image Search</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/basic.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery-1.6.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
This script makes use of the Pixabay image search API, documented here:
var API_KEY = '2217022-41b455b44dccd972675602446'; // TODO: move this to C++
// Number of results per page
var limit = 10;
// Maximum number of pages to display
var maxPages = 10;
// Minimum size of pictures to search for
var minHeight = 150;
var minWidth = 150;
// Image type to retrieve. Can be "photo", "illustration", "vector" or "all".
var imageType = "all"
// Language code to search in
var searchLanguage = "en"
// ---------------------
// Globals
var currentIndex = 0;
var currentTerm = "";
// ---------------------
function loadPage() {
var mode = false; //search or view mode
var hide = false; //hide or no main panel
//basic containers and elements
var search = $("<div id='search' class='search'>").appendTo("body");
var subSearchInput = $("<div id='subSearchInput' class='subSearch'>").appendTo(search);
var subSearchFilter = $("<div id='subSearchFilter' class='subSearch'>").appendTo(search);
var searchInput = $("<input id='searchInput' class='searchInput' type='text'/>").appendTo(subSearchInput);
var searchButton = $("<div id='searchButton' class='searchButton'>").appendTo(subSearchInput);
var searchResult = $("<div id='searchResult'>").appendTo("body");
var disc_nav_cont = $("<div id='disc_nav_cont' class='disc_nav_cont'>").appendTo("body");
var disclaimer = $("<div id='disclaimer' class='disclaimer'> image search<div>").appendTo(disc_nav_cont);
runSearch(searchInput.val(), 0);
if((event.keyCode == 0xA)||(event.keyCode == 0xD)){
runSearch(searchInput.val(), 0);
function runSearch(term, index) {
currentTerm = term;
currentIndex = index;
var page = index+1; // Page numbers start at 1 on Pixabay
var url = ""+API_KEY
url: url,
success: searchComplete,
error: searchFail,
dataType: "json"
function searchComplete(json) {
// Grab our content div, clear it.
var totalResults = json.totalHits;
var contentDiv = $('#searchResult').empty();
// Loop through our results, printing them to the page.
var results = json.hits;
//TODO: display a message on page when there are zero results. Would require locales, ideally
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var result = results[i];
Images are displayed in an `imgContainer` element. It contains
the image itself (`newImg`) but also some hidden fields containing
metadata that is sent to OpenBoard if the user clicks the image
// Image element
var imgContainer = $("<div class='imgContainer' draggable='true'>");
var newImg = document.createElement('img');
newImg.src = result.previewURL;
var imgWidth = (result.tbWidth > minWidth)?result.tbWidth:minWidth;
var imgHeight = (result.tbHeight > minHeight)?result.tbHeight:minHeight;
// Metadata to send to OpenBoard
var iUrl = $("<input type='hidden'/>");
var iContent = $("<input type='hidden'/>");
var iHeight = $("<input type='hidden'/>");
var iWidth = $("<input type='hidden'/>");
var iThumbnailUrl = $("<input type='hidden'/>");
var iTitle = $("<input type='hidden'/>");
iUrl.attr("value", result.webformatURL);
iContent.attr("value", result.type);
iHeight.attr("value", result.webformatHeight);
iWidth.attr("value", result.webformatWidth);
iThumbnailUrl.attr("value", result.previewURL);
iTitle.attr("value", getImageTitle(result));
// Add the image to the page
// Now add links to additional pages of search results.
function addPaginationLinks(totalResults) {
var curPage = currentIndex;
var pagesDiv = $("<div id='resultFooter' class='resultFooter'>");
var highestPageNumber = maxPages;
if (totalResults/limit < maxPages)
highestPageNumber = totalResults/limit;
for (var i = 0; i < highestPageNumber; i++) {
var link = $("<a class='pager_button'></a>").attr('href', 'javascript:gotoPage('+i+');').html(i+1).appendTo(pagesDiv);
if (curPage == i)
$("#disc_nav_cont #resultFooter").remove();
this.addEventListener("dragstart", imageDragging, false);
this.addEventListener("dragenter", imageDragenter, false);
this.addEventListener("dragleave", imageDragleave, false);
this.addEventListener("dragover", imageDragover, false);
function searchFail(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert('Couldn\'t connect to Pixabay: ' + textStatus + ' ' + errorThrown);
function imageDragging(e){
function imageDragleave(e){
return false;
function imageDragover(e){
return false;
function imageDragenter(e){
return false;
function gotoPage(i) {
runSearch(currentTerm, i);
function createMetaData(parent){
var meta = "";
meta = "<metadata><data><key>Type</key><value>Image</value></data><data><key>Url</key><value>" +
parent.find("input:hidden").eq(0).val() +
"</value></data><data><key>Content</key><value>" +
parent.find("input:hidden").eq(1).val() +
"</value></data><data><key>Height</key><value>" +
parent.find("input:hidden").eq(2).val() +
"</value></data><data><key>Width</key><value>" +
parent.find("input:hidden").eq(3).val() +
"</value></data><data><key>thumbnailUrl</key><value>" +
parent.find("input:hidden").eq(4).val() +
"</value></data><data><key>Title</key><value>" +
parent.find("input:hidden").eq(5).val() +
return meta;
function getImageTitle(image) {
// Pixabay images don't have a title, but we can fetch the first tag and use that as a title.
var firstTag = image.tags.split(",")[0]
return firstTag;