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14 years ago
12 years ago
* Copyright (C) 2013 Open Education Foundation
14 years ago
12 years ago
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Groupement d'Intérêt Public pour
* l'Education Numérique en Afrique (GIP ENA)
12 years ago
* This file is part of OpenBoard.
* OpenBoard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 years ago
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License,
* with a specific linking exception for the OpenSSL project's
* "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that use the
* same license as the "OpenSSL" library).
12 years ago
* OpenBoard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 years ago
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 years ago
12 years ago
* GNU General Public License for more details.
14 years ago
12 years ago
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
12 years ago
* along with OpenBoard. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
14 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
#include "XPDFRenderer.h"
#include <QtGui>
#include <frameworks/UBPlatformUtils.h>
#include "core/memcheck.h"
QAtomicInt XPDFRenderer::sInstancesCount = 0;
XPDFRenderer::XPDFRenderer(const QString &filename, bool importingFile)
: mDocument(0)
14 years ago
, mpSplashBitmap(0)
, mSplash(0)
if (!globalParams)
// globalParams must be allocated once and never be deleted
// note that this is *not* an instance variable of this XPDFRenderer class
globalParams = new GlobalParams(0);
globalParams->setupBaseFonts(QFile::encodeName(UBPlatformUtils::applicationResourcesDirectory() + "/" + "fonts").data());
11 years ago
mDocument = new PDFDoc(new GString(filename.toLocal8Bit()), 0, 0, 0); // the filename GString is deleted on PDFDoc desctruction
14 years ago
delete mSplash;
mSplash = NULL;
if (mDocument)
delete mDocument;
if (sInstancesCount == 0 && globalParams)
delete globalParams;
globalParams = 0;
bool XPDFRenderer::isValid() const
if (mDocument)
return mDocument->isOk();
return false;
int XPDFRenderer::pageCount() const
if (isValid())
return mDocument->getNumPages();
return 0;
QString XPDFRenderer::title() const
if (isValid())
Object pdfInfo;
if (pdfInfo.isDict())
Object title;
Dict *infoDict = pdfInfo.getDict();
if (infoDict->lookup((char*)"Title", &title)->isString())
GString *gstring = title.getString();
return QString(gstring->getCString());
return QString();
QSizeF XPDFRenderer::pageSizeF(int pageNumber) const
qreal cropWidth = 0;
qreal cropHeight = 0;
if (isValid())
int rotate = mDocument->getPageRotate(pageNumber);
12 years ago
cropWidth = mDocument->getPageCropWidth(pageNumber) * this->dpiForRendering / 72.0;
cropHeight = mDocument->getPageCropHeight(pageNumber) * this->dpiForRendering / 72.0;
if (rotate == 90 || rotate == 270)
//switching width and height
12 years ago
qreal tmpVar = cropWidth;
cropWidth = cropHeight;
cropHeight = tmpVar;
return QSizeF(cropWidth, cropHeight);
int XPDFRenderer::pageRotation(int pageNumber) const
if (mDocument)
return mDocument->getPageRotate(pageNumber);
return 0;
void XPDFRenderer::render(QPainter *p, int pageNumber, const QRectF &bounds)
if (isValid())
qreal xscale = p->worldTransform().m11();
qreal yscale = p->worldTransform().m22();
QImage *pdfImage = createPDFImage(pageNumber, xscale, yscale, bounds);
QTransform savedTransform = p->worldTransform();
14 years ago
p->drawImage(QPointF(savedTransform.dx() + mSliceX, savedTransform.dy() + mSliceY), *pdfImage);
delete pdfImage;
12 years ago
QImage* XPDFRenderer::createPDFImage(int pageNumber, qreal xscale, qreal yscale, const QRectF &bounds)
if (isValid())
SplashColor paperColor = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}; // white
14 years ago
delete mSplash;
mSplash = new SplashOutputDev(splashModeRGB8, 1, gFalse, paperColor);
int rotation = 0; // in degrees (get it from the worldTransform if we want to support rotation)
GBool useMediaBox = gFalse;
GBool crop = gTrue;
GBool printing = gFalse;
mSliceX = 0.;
mSliceY = 0.;
if (bounds.isNull())
12 years ago
mDocument->displayPage(mSplash, pageNumber, this->dpiForRendering * xscale, this->dpiForRendering *yscale,
rotation, useMediaBox, crop, printing);
12 years ago
mSliceX = bounds.x() * xscale;
mSliceY = bounds.y() * yscale;
qreal sliceW = bounds.width() * xscale;
qreal sliceH = bounds.height() * yscale;
mDocument->displayPageSlice(mSplash, pageNumber, this->dpiForRendering * xscale, this->dpiForRendering * yscale,
12 years ago
rotation, useMediaBox, crop, printing, mSliceX, mSliceY, sliceW, sliceH);
mpSplashBitmap = mSplash->getBitmap();
return new QImage(mpSplashBitmap->getDataPtr(), mpSplashBitmap->getWidth(), mpSplashBitmap->getHeight(), mpSplashBitmap->getWidth() * 3, QImage::Format_RGB888);