/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Webdoc SA * * This file is part of Open-Sankoré. * * Open-Sankoré is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2, * with a specific linking exception for the OpenSSL project's * "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that use the * same license as the "OpenSSL" library). * * Open-Sankoré is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with Open-Sankoré; if not, see * . */ #ifndef UBPODCASTCONTROLLER_H_ #define UBPODCASTCONTROLLER_H_ #include #include "UBAbstractVideoEncoder.h" #include "core/UBApplicationController.h" class UBGraphicsScene; class WBWebView; class UBPodcastRecordingPalette; class UBPodcastController : public QObject { Q_OBJECT; private: UBPodcastController(QObject* pParent = 0); virtual ~UBPodcastController(); public: static UBPodcastController* instance(); virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event); virtual QStringList audioRecordingDevices(); QList audioRecordingDevicesActions(); QList videoSizeActions(); QList podcastPublicationActions(); enum RecordingState { Stopped = 0, Recording, Paused, Stopping }; signals: void recordingStateChanged(UBPodcastController::RecordingState); void recordingProgressChanged(qint64 ms); public slots: void start(); void stop(); void pause(); void unpause(); void toggleRecordingPalette(bool visible); void recordToggled(bool record); void pauseToggled(bool pause); protected: virtual void setSourceWidget(QWidget* pWidget); virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event); private slots: void processWidgetPaintEvent(); void processScenePaintEvent(); void sceneChanged(const QList & region); void sceneBackgroundChanged(); void activeSceneChanged(); void applicationMainModeChanged(UBApplicationController::MainMode pMode); void applicationDesktopMode(bool displayed); void webActiveWebPageChanged(WBWebView* pWebView); void encodingStatus(const QString& pStatus); void encodingFinished(bool ok); void applicationAboutToQuit(); void groupActionTriggered(QAction*); void actionToggled(bool); void updateActionState(); private: void setRecordingState(RecordingState pRecordingState); void sendLatestPixmapToEncoder(); long elapsedRecordingMs(); static UBPodcastController* sInstance; QPointer mVideoEncoder; QTime mRecordStartTime; bool mIsGrabbing; QQueue mWidgetRepaintRectQueue; QQueue mSceneRepaintRectQueue; bool mInitialized; QImage mLatestCapture; int mVideoFramesPerSecondAtStart; QSize mVideoFrameSizeAtStart; long mVideoBitsPerSecondAtStart; static unsigned int sBackgroundColor; QWidget* mSourceWidget; UBGraphicsScene* mSourceScene; QTransform mViewToVideoTransform; int mScreenGrabingTimerEventID; int mRecordingProgressTimerEventID; int mPartNumber; void startNextChapter(); UBPodcastRecordingPalette *mRecordingPalette; RecordingState mRecordingState; bool mApplicationIsClosing; QTime mTimeAtPaused; long mRecordingTimestampOffset; QAction *mDefaultAudioInputDeviceAction; QAction *mNoAudioInputDeviceAction; QList mAudioInputDevicesActions; QList mVideoSizesActions; QAction* mSmallVideoSizeAction; QAction* mMediumVideoSizeAction; QAction* mFullVideoSizeAction; QList mPodcastPublicationActions; QAction *mYoutubePublicationAction; QAction *mIntranetPublicationAction; QString mPodcastRecordingPath; }; #endif /* UBPODCASTCONTROLLER_H_ */