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новые иконки в OpenBoard

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<h3>Magic box</h3
<p>The cards pass through a box and are transformed. The goal is to identify the operation done by the box using a minimum of cards.</p>
<p>The assumptions may be written on the whiteboard (outside the App).</p>
<p>To pass a card through the box, simply click on it.</p>
<p>The "Edit" button allows you to :</p>
<li>choose the theme of the App : tablet, slate, or none (default tablet),</li>
<li>set the number of cards that you want to use,</li>
<li>set the cards before and after transformation.</li>
<p>The cards have by default a text field. To insert text, click on it. To add an image from your library, select the checkbox use image and drag and drop the item.</p>
<p>The "Reload" button replace cards on the left stack</p>