@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ |
tar: . name=kometa-xdg-@version@ base=kometa-xdg-@version@ |
tar: . name=@name@-@version@ base=@name@-@version@ |
copy: COPYING |
@ -1,201 +0,0 @@ |
Name: kometa-xdg |
Summary: XDG desktop settings for Kometa distros |
Summary(ru): Настройки рабочего окружения дистрибутивов Комета |
License: GPL-3.0 |
Group: Graphical desktop/Other |
Version: 1.5 |
Release: alt1.1 |
Source0: kometa-xdg-%version.tar |
Source1: COPYING |
BuildArch: noarch |
BuildRequires: rpm-macros-systemd |
%description |
XDG desktop settings for Kometa distros |
%description -l ru_RU.UTF-8 |
Настройки рабочего окружения дистрибутивов Комета |
#-------------------------------------------------------------- |
%package core |
Summary: Engine to set distribution-specific desktop settings |
Summary(ru): Движок установки дистрибутиво-специфичных настроек рабочего стола |
Group: Graphical desktop/Other |
Requires: sed |
%description core |
Engine to set distribution-specific desktop settings. |
Sets environmental variables $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS and $XDG_DATA_DIRS, |
adding /etc/xdg/kometa and /usr/share/kometa into them. |
Can be used separately from Kometa. |
%description -l ru_RU.UTF-8 core |
Движок установки дистрибутиво-специфичных настроек рабочего стола. |
Устонавливает переменные окружения $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS и $XDG_DATA_DIRS, |
добавляя в них /etc/xdg/kometa и /usr/share/kometa. |
Может быть использован вне кометы. |
%files core |
%doc COPYING |
%dir /etc/xdg/kometa |
%dir /usr/share/kometa |
%_bindir/kometa-xdg-env |
%_user_env_gen_dir/ |
/etc/profile.d/ |
#-------------------------------------------------------------- |
# alternatives between plasma5-classic, plasma5-foo etc. can be added later |
%package plasma5-classic |
Summary: KDE 5 desktop settings for classic variant of Kometa |
Summary(ru): Настройки KDE 5 для классического варианта Кометы |
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE |
Requires: %name-core = %EVR |
Requires: kometa-icons-theme-classic |
%description plasma5-classic |
KDE 5 desktop settings for classic variant of Kometa |
%description -l ru_RU.UTF-8 plasma5-classic |
Настройки KDE 5 для классического варианта Кометы |
%files plasma5-classic |
%doc COPYING |
/etc/xdg/kometa/dolphinrc |
/etc/xdg/kometa/kcminputrc |
/etc/xdg/kometa/kdeglobals |
/etc/xdg/kometa/kxkbrc |
%dir /usr/share/kometa/kxmlgui5 |
%dir /usr/share/kometa/kxmlgui5/dolphin |
/usr/share/kometa/kxmlgui5/dolphin/dolphinui.rc |
#-------------------------------------------------------------- |
%define regex auth[[:space:]]([[:space:]]).* user_envfile=.kometa_env readenv=0 user_readenv=1 |
%package pam-env |
Summary: Hack PAM configs to make Qt5 applications ran by usermode use Kometa icons |
Summary(ru): Хак конфигов PAM, чтобы запущенные через usermode приложения на Qt5 использовали иконки Кометы |
Group: System/Base |
# %%_qt5_plugindir/platformthemes/ |
Requires: libqt5-gui |
Requires: pam |
Requires(post): /bin/echo |
Requires(post): grep |
Requires(post): pam-config |
Requires(preun): grep |
Requires(preun): sed |
%description pam-env |
Hack PAM configs to make Qt5 applications ran by usermode use Kometa icons. |
%description -l ru_RU.UTF-8 pam-env |
Некоторые приложения, например, acc (alterator-standalone), запускаются из-под |
пользовательской сессии от root через usermode и при этом используют basealt |
в качестве иконки. В KDE 5 под X11 приложение само после запуска устанавливает иконку |
на панели задач. Темы иконок kometa* в качестве иконки basealt устанавливают логотип |
Кометы вместо Базальта, чтобы не создавать ошибочное впечатление, что Комета — продукт |
Базальта. Но из-под root Qt5 не узнает тему иконок и использует иконку basealt не из |
темы Кометы. Этот пакет при установке подключает выставление переменной окружения |
QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk3 для root, благодаря чему Qt5 начинает использовать |
пользовательскую тему иконок под root. Удаление пакета отключает выставление переменной. |
%files pam-env |
# copied to /root/.kometa_env by scriptlet |
%_datadir/kometa-pam-env |
%post pam-env |
# sisyphus_check does not allow to package files inside /root, |
# that is why I have to make this hack. |
# IMHO it's OK to package /root/* here as in rootfiles. |
cp %_datadir/kometa-pam-env /root/.kometa_env |
# This scriptlet sees if <...> exists in PAM configuration and adds it to there if it does not. |
# It does not add if if a sysadmin manually commented it out. |
# /etc/control.d/facilities/ seemed to be too complex and not easy to use for this task, so inventing a bicycle. |
TEXT='auth\t\toptional\ user_envfile=.kometa_env readenv=0 user_readenv=1' |
# based on /etc/control.d/facilities/pam_access |
CONFIG_COMMON=/etc/pam.d/system-auth-common |
CONFIG_SYSTEM=/etc/pam.d/system-auth |
if [ -f "$CONFIG_COMMON" ] |
then |
else |
fi |
if ! grep -qE "%regex" "$CONFIG" |
then |
echo "Adding loading ~/.kometa_env into PAM configs..." |
cp "$CONFIG" "$CONFIG".rpmsave |
# do not rely that shell-builtin 'echo' is capable of '-e' (not POSIX sh) |
/bin/echo -e "$TEXT" >> "$CONFIG" |
fi |
%preun pam-env |
# Package removal, not upgrade |
if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then |
for file in /etc/pam.d/system-auth-common /etc/pam.d/system-auth |
do |
if grep -qE "^%regex" "$file"; then |
echo "Removing loading ~/.kometa_env from PAM config ${file}..." |
sed -i'.rpmsave' -E -e "/^%regex/d" "$file" |
fi |
done |
unlink /root/.kometa_env |
fi |
#-------------------------------------------------------------- |
%prep |
%setup -q |
cp %SOURCE1 . |
%build |
: |
%install |
mkdir -p %buildroot%_bindir |
mkdir -p %buildroot/etc/profile.d |
mkdir -p %buildroot/usr/lib/systemd/user-environment-generators |
install -m0755 scripts/kometa-xdg-env %buildroot%_bindir/kometa-xdg-env |
# for console |
install -m0755 scripts/ %buildroot/etc/profile.d/ |
# for dbus services |
install -m0755 scripts/ %buildroot%_user_env_gen_dir/ |
mkdir -p %buildroot/etc/xdg/kometa |
cp -rv plasma5/XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/* %buildroot/etc/xdg/kometa |
mkdir -p %buildroot/usr/share/kometa |
cp -rv plasma5/XDG_DATA_DIRS/* %buildroot/usr/share/kometa |
mkdir -p %buildroot%_datadir |
echo QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk3 > %buildroot/%_datadir/kometa-pam-env |
%check |
cd scripts |
./ |
%changelog |
* Wed Feb 16 2022 Mikhail Novosyolov <> 1.5-alt1.1 |
- Commit 1.5-alt1 by tema@ |
* Tue Feb 15 2022 Artem Proskurnev <> 1.5-alt1 |
- Add power settings |
- Add Dolphin filer panel |
- Add "Set as wallpaper" |
- Set Chromium as the default browser |
* Fri Dec 24 2021 Mikhail Novosyolov <> 1.4-alt1 |
- Add setting $XDG_DATA_DIRS, enable "Show Previews" button in Dolphin |
- Tune description: note that kometa-xdg-core can be used just to set env outside of Kometa |
* Thu Dec 16 2021 Mikhail Novosyolov <> 1.3-alt1 |
- Turn off NumLock by default in KDE 5 |
* Thu Dec 16 2021 Mikhail Novosyolov <> 1.2-alt1 |
- Hack to make alterator use correct icons (new subpackage kometa-xdg-pam-env) |
- Use macro for directory with systemd user environment generators (thanks to ldv@) |
* Tue Dec 14 2021 Mikhail Novosyolov <> 1.1-alt1 |
- set default icon theme |
* Tue Dec 14 2021 Mikhail Novosyolov <> 1.0-alt1 |
- Init |
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ |
%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1 |
Name: mos-xdg |
Summary: XDG desktop settings for M OS distros |
Summary(ru): Настройки рабочего окружения дистрибутивов М ОС |
License: GPL-3.0 |
Group: Graphical desktop/Other |
Version: 2.0 |
Release: alt1 |
Source0: %name-%version.tar |
Source1: COPYING |
BuildArch: noarch |
BuildRequires: rpm-macros-systemd |
%description |
XDG desktop settings for M OS distros |
%description -l ru_RU.UTF-8 |
Настройки рабочего окружения дистрибутивов М ОС |
#-------------------------------------------------------------- |
%package core |
Summary: Engine to set distribution-specific desktop settings |
Summary(ru): Движок установки дистрибутиво-специфичных настроек рабочего стола |
Group: Graphical desktop/Other |
Requires: sed |
# package was renamed |
Obsoletes: kometa-xdg-core < 2.0 |
# this package was dropped as a very complex trick; |
# icons are replaced by a filetrigger more reliably |
Obsoletes: kometa-xdg-pam-env < 2.0 |
%description core |
Engine to set distribution-specific desktop settings. |
Sets environmental variables $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS and $XDG_DATA_DIRS, |
adding /etc/xdg/mos and /usr/share/mos into them. |
Can be used separately from M OS. |
%description -l ru_RU.UTF-8 core |
Движок установки дистрибутиво-специфичных настроек рабочего стола. |
Устонавливает переменные окружения $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS и $XDG_DATA_DIRS, |
добавляя в них /etc/xdg/mos и /usr/share/mos. |
Может быть использован вне М ОС. |
%files core |
%doc COPYING |
%dir /etc/xdg/mos |
%dir /usr/share/mos |
%_bindir/mos-xdg-env |
%_user_env_gen_dir/ |
/etc/profile.d/ |
#-------------------------------------------------------------- |
# alternatives between plasma5-classic, plasma5-foo etc. can be added later |
%package plasma5-classic |
Summary: KDE 5 desktop settings for classic variant of M OS |
Summary(ru): Настройки KDE 5 для классического варианта М ОС |
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE |
Requires: %name-core = %EVR |
Requires: mos-icons-theme-classic |
# package was renamed |
Obsoletes: kometa-xdg-plasma5-classic < 2.0 |
%description plasma5-classic |
KDE 5 desktop settings for classic variant of M OS |
%description -l ru_RU.UTF-8 plasma5-classic |
Настройки KDE 5 для классического варианта М ОС |
%files plasma5-classic |
%doc COPYING |
/etc/xdg/mos/dolphinrc |
/etc/xdg/mos/kcminputrc |
/etc/xdg/mos/kdeglobals |
/etc/xdg/mos/kxkbrc |
/etc/xdg/mos/powermanagementprofilesrc |
%dir /usr/share/mos/kxmlgui5 |
%dir /usr/share/mos/kxmlgui5/dolphin |
%dir /usr/share/mos/kservices5 |
%dir /usr/share/mos/kservices5/ServiceMenus |
/usr/share/mos/kxmlgui5/dolphin/dolphinui.rc |
/usr/share/mos/kservices5/ServiceMenus/setAsWallpaper.desktop |
#-------------------------------------------------------------- |
%prep |
%setup -q |
cp %SOURCE1 . |
%build |
: |
%install |
mkdir -p %buildroot%_bindir |
mkdir -p %buildroot/etc/profile.d |
mkdir -p %buildroot%_user_env_gen_dir |
install -m0755 scripts/mos-xdg-env %buildroot%_bindir/mos-xdg-env |
# for console |
install -m0755 scripts/ %buildroot/etc/profile.d/ |
# for dbus services |
install -m0755 scripts/ %buildroot%_user_env_gen_dir/ |
mkdir -p %buildroot/etc/xdg/mos |
cp -rv plasma5/XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/* %buildroot/etc/xdg/mos |
mkdir -p %buildroot/usr/share/mos |
cp -rv plasma5/XDG_DATA_DIRS/* %buildroot/usr/share/mos |
%check |
cd scripts |
./ |
%changelog |
* Tue Apr 26 2022 Mikhail Novosyolov <> 2.0-alt1 |
- Rename from Kometa to M OS (Moscow OS) |
- Drop pam-env hackery due to being useless (icons are reliably replaced by a filetrigger) |
- Package /etc/xdg/mos/powermanagementprofilesrc |
- Package /usr/share/mos/kservices5/ServiceMenus/setAsWallpaper.desktop |
* Wed Feb 16 2022 Mikhail Novosyolov <> 1.5-alt1.1 |
- Commit 1.5-alt1 by tema@ |
* Tue Feb 15 2022 Artem Proskurnev <> 1.5-alt1 |
- Add power settings |
- Add Dolphin filer panel |
- Add "Set as wallpaper" |
- Set Chromium as the default browser |
* Fri Dec 24 2021 Mikhail Novosyolov <> 1.4-alt1 |
- Add setting $XDG_DATA_DIRS, enable "Show Previews" button in Dolphin |
- Tune description: note that mos-xdg-core can be used just to set env outside of Kometa |
* Thu Dec 16 2021 Mikhail Novosyolov <> 1.3-alt1 |
- Turn off NumLock by default in KDE 5 |
* Thu Dec 16 2021 Mikhail Novosyolov <> 1.2-alt1 |
- Hack to make alterator use correct icons (new subpackage mos-xdg-pam-env) |
- Use macro for directory with systemd user environment generators (thanks to ldv@) |
* Tue Dec 14 2021 Mikhail Novosyolov <> 1.1-alt1 |
- set default icon theme |
* Tue Dec 14 2021 Mikhail Novosyolov <> 1.0-alt1 |
- Init |
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
. kometa-xdg-env |
MOS_XDG_TYPE=profile |
. mos-xdg-env |
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
. kometa-xdg-env |
MOS_XDG_TYPE=systemd |
. mos-xdg-env |
Reference in new issue