новые иконки в OpenBoard
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13 years ago
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
13 years ago
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QtGui>
#include <QtXml>
#include "frameworks/UBGeometryUtils.h"
class UBGraphicsSvgItem;
class UBGraphicsPolygonItem;
class UBGraphicsPixmapItem;
class UBGraphicsPDFItem;
class UBGraphicsWidgetItem;
class UBGraphicsVideoItem;
class UBGraphicsAudioItem;
class UBGraphicsAppleWidgetItem;
class UBGraphicsW3CWidgetItem;
class UBGraphicsTextItem;
class UBGraphicsCurtainItem;
class UBGraphicsRuler;
class UBGraphicsCompass;
class UBGraphicsProtractor;
class UBGraphicsScene;
class UBDocumentProxy;
class UBGraphicsStroke;
class UBPersistenceManager;
class UBGraphicsTriangle;
13 years ago
class UBGraphicsCache;
class UBSvgSubsetAdaptor
UBSvgSubsetAdaptor() {};
virtual ~UBSvgSubsetAdaptor() {};
static UBGraphicsScene* loadScene(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, const int pageIndex);
static void persistScene(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, UBGraphicsScene* pScene, const int pageIndex);
static void upgradeScene(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, const int pageIndex);
static QUuid sceneUuid(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, const int pageIndex);
static void setSceneUuid(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, const int pageIndex, QUuid pUuid);
static void convertPDFObjectsToImages(UBDocumentProxy* proxy);
static void convertSvgImagesToImages(UBDocumentProxy* proxy);
static const QString nsSvg;
static const QString nsXLink;
static const QString nsXHtml;
static const QString nsUb;
static const QString xmlTrue;
static const QString xmlFalse;
static const QString sFontSizePrefix;
static const QString sPixelUnit;
static const QString sFontWeightPrefix;
static const QString sFontStylePrefix;
static UBGraphicsScene* loadScene(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, const QByteArray& pArray);
static QDomDocument loadSceneDocument(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, const int pPageIndex);
static QString uniboardDocumentNamespaceUriFromVersion(int fileVersion);
static const QString sFormerUniboardDocumentNamespaceUri;
static QString toSvgTransform(const QMatrix& matrix);
static QMatrix fromSvgTransform(const QString& transform);
class UBSvgSubsetReader
UBSvgSubsetReader(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, const QByteArray& pXmlData);
virtual ~UBSvgSubsetReader(){};
UBGraphicsScene* loadScene();
UBGraphicsPolygonItem* polygonItemFromLineSvg(const QColor& pDefaultBrushColor);
UBGraphicsPolygonItem* polygonItemFromPolygonSvg(const QColor& pDefaultBrushColor);
QList<UBGraphicsPolygonItem*> polygonItemsFromPolylineSvg(const QColor& pDefaultColor);
UBGraphicsPixmapItem* pixmapItemFromSvg();
UBGraphicsSvgItem* svgItemFromSvg();
UBGraphicsPDFItem* pdfItemFromPDF();
UBGraphicsVideoItem* videoItemFromSvg();
UBGraphicsAudioItem* audioItemFromSvg();
UBGraphicsAppleWidgetItem* graphicsAppleWidgetFromSvg();
UBGraphicsW3CWidgetItem* graphicsW3CWidgetFromSvg();
UBGraphicsTextItem* textItemFromSvg();
UBGraphicsCurtainItem* curtainItemFromSvg();
UBGraphicsRuler* rulerFromSvg();
UBGraphicsCompass* compassFromSvg();
UBGraphicsProtractor* protractorFromSvg();
13 years ago
UBGraphicsTriangle* triangleFromSvg();
UBGraphicsCache* cacheFromSvg();
void graphicsItemFromSvg(QGraphicsItem* gItem);
QXmlStreamReader mXmlReader;
int mFileVersion;
UBDocumentProxy *mProxy;
QString mDocumentPath;
QColor mGroupDarkBackgroundColor;
QColor mGroupLightBackgroundColor;
qreal mGroupZIndex;
bool mGroupHasInfo;
QString mNamespaceUri;
class UBSvgSubsetWriter
UBSvgSubsetWriter(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, UBGraphicsScene* pScene, const int pageIndex);
bool persistScene();
virtual ~UBSvgSubsetWriter(){};
void polygonItemToSvgPolygon(UBGraphicsPolygonItem* polygonItem, bool groupHoldsInfo);
void polygonItemToSvgLine(UBGraphicsPolygonItem* polygonItem, bool groupHoldsInfo);
void strokeToSvgPolyline(UBGraphicsStroke* stroke, bool groupHoldsInfo);
void strokeToSvgPolygon(UBGraphicsStroke* stroke, bool groupHoldsInfo);
inline QString pointsToSvgPointsAttribute(const QVector<QPointF> points)
const QVector<QPointF> crashedPoints = UBGeometryUtils::crashPointList(points);
int pointsCount = crashedPoints.size();
QString svgPoints;
static const int maxBufferLengthPerPoint = 30;
int maxBufferLength = maxBufferLengthPerPoint * pointsCount;
char *buffer = new char[maxBufferLength];
int length = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < pointsCount; j++)
const QPointF & point = crashedPoints.at(j);
int n = sprintf(buffer + length, "%.2f,%.2f ", point.x(), point.y());
length += n;
svgPoints = QString::fromAscii(buffer, length);
delete buffer;
return svgPoints;
inline qreal trickAlpha(qreal alpha)
qreal trickAlpha = alpha;
if(trickAlpha >= 0.2 && trickAlpha < 0.6){
trickAlpha /= 5;
}else if (trickAlpha < 0.8)
trickAlpha /= 3;
return trickAlpha;
void pixmapItemToLinkedImage(UBGraphicsPixmapItem *pixmapItem);
void svgItemToLinkedSvg(UBGraphicsSvgItem *svgItem);
void pdfItemToLinkedPDF(UBGraphicsPDFItem *pdfItem);
void videoItemToLinkedVideo(UBGraphicsVideoItem *videoItem);
void audioItemToLinkedAudio(UBGraphicsAudioItem* audioItem);
void graphicsItemToSvg(QGraphicsItem *item);
void graphicsAppleWidgetToSvg(UBGraphicsAppleWidgetItem *item);
void graphicsW3CWidgetToSvg(UBGraphicsW3CWidgetItem *item);
void graphicsWidgetToSvg(UBGraphicsWidgetItem *item);
void textItemToSvg(UBGraphicsTextItem *item);
void curtainItemToSvg(UBGraphicsCurtainItem *item);
void rulerToSvg(UBGraphicsRuler *item);
void compassToSvg(UBGraphicsCompass *item);
void protractorToSvg(UBGraphicsProtractor *item);
13 years ago
void cacheToSvg(UBGraphicsCache* item);
void triangleToSvg(UBGraphicsTriangle *item);
void writeSvgElement();
UBGraphicsScene* mScene;
QXmlStreamWriter mXmlWriter;
QString mDocumentPath;
int mPageIndex;