@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ UBNewFolderDlg::UBNewFolderDlg(QWidget *parent, const char *name):QDialog(parent
connect ( mpButtons - > button ( QDialogButtonBox : : Ok ) , SIGNAL ( clicked ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( accept ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( mpButtons - > button ( QDialogButtonBox : : Cancel ) , SIGNAL ( clicked ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( reject ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( mpLineEdit , SIGNAL ( textChanged ( const QString & ) ) , this , SLOT ( text_Changed ( const QString & ) ) ) ;
connect ( mpLineEdit , SIGNAL ( textEdited ( const QString & ) ) , this , SLOT ( text_Edited ( const QString & ) ) ) ;
setMaximumHeight ( 100 ) ;
setMinimumHeight ( 100 ) ;
@ -578,3 +580,56 @@ QString UBNewFolderDlg::folderName()
return mpLineEdit - > text ( ) ;
void UBNewFolderDlg : : text_Changed ( const QString & newText )
http : //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365247(v=vs.85).aspx
< ( less than )
> ( greater than )
: ( colon )
" (double quote)
/ ( forward slash )
\ ( backslash ) // Note: The C++ compiler transforms backslashes in strings. To include a \ in a regexp, enter it twice, i.e. \\. To match the backslash character itself, enter it four times, i.e. \\\\.
| ( vertical bar or pipe )
? ( question mark )
* ( asterisk )
void UBNewFolderDlg : : text_Edited ( const QString & newText )
QString new_text = newText ;
# ifdef Q_WS_WIN // Defined on Windows.
QString illegalCharList ( " < > : \" / \\ | ? * " ) ;
QRegExp regExp ( " [<>: \" / \\ \\ |?*] " ) ;
# endif
# ifdef Q_WS_QWS // Defined on Qt for Embedded Linux.
QString illegalCharList ( " < > : \" / \\ | ? * " ) ;
QRegExp regExp ( " [<>: \" / \\ \\ |?*] " ) ;
# endif
# ifdef Q_WS_MAC // Defined on Mac OS X.
QString illegalCharList ( " < > : \" / \\ | ? * " ) ;
QRegExp regExp ( " [<>: \" / \\ \\ |?*] " ) ;
# endif
# ifdef Q_WS_X11 // Defined on X11.
QString illegalCharList ( " < > : \" / \\ | ? * " ) ;
QRegExp regExp ( " [<>: \" / \\ \\ |?*] " ) ;
# endif
if ( new_text . indexOf ( regExp ) > - 1 )
new_text . remove ( regExp ) ;
mpLineEdit - > setText ( new_text ) ;
QToolTip : : showText ( mpLineEdit - > mapToGlobal ( QPoint ( ) ) , " A file name can`t contain any of the following characters: \r \n " + illegalCharList ) ;