cff partial support

Ivan Ilin 13 years ago
parent b484a095c8
commit 61d46015e3
  1. 332
  2. 5
  3. 1

@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgEllipse(const QDomElement &e
//ellipse horisontal and vertical radius //ellipse horisontal and vertical radius
qreal rx = element.attribute(aRx).toDouble(); qreal rx = element.attribute(aRx).toDouble();
qreal ry = element.attribute(aRy).toDouble(); qreal ry = element.attribute(aRy).toDouble();
QSvgGenerator *generator = createSvgGenerator(rx * 2 + 10, ry * 2 + 10); QSvgGenerator *generator = createSvgGenerator(rx * 2, ry * 2);
//fill and stroke color //fill and stroke color
QColor fillColor = colorFromString(element.attribute(aFill)); QColor fillColor = colorFromString(element.attribute(aFill));
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgEllipse(const QDomElement &e
painter.setPen(pen); painter.setPen(pen);
painter.setBrush(QBrush(fillColor)); painter.setBrush(QBrush(fillColor));
painter.drawEllipse(5, 5, rx * 2, ry * 2); painter.drawEllipse(0, 0, rx * 2, ry * 2);
painter.end(); painter.end();
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgEllipse(const QDomElement &e
transform = transformFromString(textTransform); transform = transformFromString(textTransform);
hastransform = true; hastransform = true;
} }
repositionSvgItem(svgItem, rx * 2 + 10, ry * 2 + 10, cx - rx - 5, cy - ry -5, hastransform, transform); repositionSvgItem(svgItem, rx * 2, ry * 2, cx - rx , cy - ry, hastransform, transform);
delete generator; delete generator;
return true; return true;
@ -440,166 +440,101 @@ void UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseTextAttributes(const QDomElemen
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgText(const QDomElement &element) bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgText(const QDomElement &element)
{ {
// qreal x = element.attribute(aX).toDouble(); qreal x = element.attribute(aX).toDouble();
// qreal y = element.attribute(aY).toDouble();; qreal y = element.attribute(aY).toDouble();
qreal width = element.attribute(aWidth).toDouble();
// qreal width = 0; qreal height = element.attribute(aHeight).toDouble();
// qreal height = 0;
// QList<QRectF> textRects;
// QList<QFont> textFonts;
// QList<QString> textLines;
// QList<int> textAligns;
// QList<QColor> textColors;
// qWarning() << QString().sprintf("Text coordinates : %f,%f. Text size %f,%f", x, y, width, height);
// qreal fontSize = 12.0;
// QFont textFont;
// QColor fontColor;
// QString fontFamily = "Arial";
// QString fontStretch = "normal";
// bool italic = false;
// int fontWeight = QFont::Normal;
// int textAlign = Qt::AlignLeft;
// QTransform fontTransform;
// parseTextAttributes(element, fontSize, fontColor, fontFamily, fontStretch, italic, fontWeight, textAlign, fontTransform);
// textFont = QFont(fontFamily, fontSize, fontWeight, italic);
// QFontMetricsF metrics = QFontMetricsF(textFont);
// qreal curHeight = metrics.height();
// qreal curY = 0.0;
// qreal curX = 0.0;
// qreal linespacing = QFontMetrics(textFont).leading();
// //remember if text area has transform
// QTransform transform;
//// bool hasTransform = getCurElementTransorm(transform);
// QRectF lastDrawnTextBoundingRect;
// QStack<QFont> fontStack;
// QStack<QColor> colorStack;
// QStack<int> alignStack;
// // first extimate desired text area size
// // to do that, parse text area tags
// while(true)
// {
// mReader.readNext();
// QStringRef elementName =;
// if (mReader.isEndDocument())
// break;
// if (mReader.isEndElement())
// {
// if (elementName == tBreak)
// {
// //when tbreak appers, move down by the drawn rect height
// //TODO: line spacing is not calculated yet, probably additional code is required
// curY += lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.height() + linespacing;
// curX = 0.0;
// height += lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.height();
// lastDrawnTextBoundingRect = QRectF(0,0,0,0);
// continue;
// }
// if (elementName == tTspan)
// {
// textFont = fontStack.pop();
// fontColor = colorStack.pop();
// textAlign = alignStack.pop();
// continue;
// }
// }
// if (mReader.isEndElement() && elementName == tText)
// break;
// if (mReader.isStartElement() && elementName == tTspan)
// {
// fontStack.push(textFont);
// colorStack.push(fontColor);
// alignStack.push(textAlign);
// parseTextAttributes(fontSize, fontColor, fontFamily, fontStretch, italic, fontWeight, textAlign, fontTransform);
// textFont = QFont(fontFamily, fontSize, fontWeight, italic);
// metrics = QFontMetricsF(textFont);
// curHeight = metrics.height();
// linespacing = QFontMetricsF(textFont).leading();
// continue;
// }
// if (mReader.isCharacters() || mReader.isCDATA())
// {
// QString text = mReader.text().toString();
// //skip empty text qreal fontSize = 12;
// if (text.trimmed().length() == 0) QColor fontColor(qApp->palette().foreground().color());
// continue; QString fontFamily = "Arial";
// //get bounding rect to obtain desired text height QString fontStretch = "normal";
// lastDrawnTextBoundingRect = metrics.boundingRect(QRectF(), textAlign, text); bool italic = false;
// QString log = QString().sprintf(" at rect %f, %f, %f, %f. Bounding rect is %f, %f, %f, %f", 0.0, curY, width, height - curY, lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.x(), lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.y(), lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.width(), lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.height()); int fontWeight = QFont::Normal;
// qWarning() << "Text " << text << log; int textAlign = Qt::AlignLeft;
// textFonts.append(textFont); QTransform fontTransform;
// textRects.append(QRectF(curX, curY, lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.width(), lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.height())); parseTextAttributes(element, fontSize, fontColor, fontFamily, fontStretch, italic, fontWeight, textAlign, fontTransform);
// textLines.append(text);
// textAligns.append(textAlign);
// textColors.append(fontColor);
// curX += lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.width();
// if (width < curX)
// width = curX;
// if (height == 0)
// height = curHeight;
// continue; QSvgGenerator *generator = createSvgGenerator(width, height);
// } QPainter painter;
// } painter.begin(generator);
painter.setFont(QFont(fontFamily, fontSize, fontWeight, italic));
// QSvgGenerator *generator = createSvgGenerator(width, height); qreal curY = 0.0;
// QPainter painter; qreal curX = 0.0;
// painter.begin(generator); qreal linespacing = QFontMetricsF(painter.font()).leading();
// if (textRects.count() != 0) // remember if text area has transform
// { // QString transformString;
// QListIterator<QRectF> textRectsIter(textRects); QTransform transform = fontTransform;
// QListIterator<QFont> textFontsIter(textFonts); bool hasTransform = !fontTransform.isIdentity();
// QListIterator<QString> textLinesIter(textLines);
// QListIterator<int> textAlignsIter(textAligns);
// QListIterator<QColor> textColorsIter(textColors);
// while (textRectsIter.hasNext()) QRectF lastDrawnTextBoundingRect;
// { //parse text area tags
// QRectF rt =;
// QFont font =;
// QString line =;
// int align =;
// QColor color =;
// painter.setFont(font);
// painter.setPen(color);
// painter.drawText(rt.x(), rt.y(), rt.width(), rt.height(), align, line);
// }
// }
// painter.end(); //recursive call any tspan in text svg element
parseTSpan(element, painter
, curX, curY, width, height, linespacing, lastDrawnTextBoundingRect
, fontSize, fontColor, fontFamily, fontStretch, italic, fontWeight, textAlign, fontTransform);
// //add resulting svg file to scene painter.end();
// UBGraphicsSvgItem *svgItem = mCurrentScene->addSvg(QUrl::fromLocalFile(generator->fileName()));
// repositionSvgItem(svgItem, width, height, x, y, hasTransform, transform);
// delete generator; //add resulting svg file to scene
UBGraphicsSvgItem *svgItem = mCurrentScene->addSvg(QUrl::fromLocalFile(generator->fileName()));
repositionSvgItem(svgItem, width, height, x, y, hasTransform, transform);
delete generator;
return true; return true;
void UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseTSpan(const QDomElement &parent, QPainter &painter
, qreal &curX, qreal &curY, qreal &width, qreal &height, qreal &linespacing, QRectF &lastDrawnTextBoundingRect
, qreal &fontSize, QColor &fontColor, QString &fontFamily, QString &fontStretch, bool &italic
, int &fontWeight, int &textAlign, QTransform &fontTransform)
QDomNode curNode = parent.firstChild();
while (!curNode.isNull()) {
if (curNode.toElement().tagName() == tTspan) {
QDomElement curTSpan = curNode.toElement();
parseTextAttributes(curTSpan, fontSize, fontColor, fontFamily, fontStretch, italic
, fontWeight, textAlign, fontTransform);
painter.setFont(QFont(fontFamily, fontSize, fontWeight, italic));
linespacing = QFontMetricsF(painter.font()).leading();
parseTSpan(curTSpan, painter
, curX, curY, width, height, linespacing, lastDrawnTextBoundingRect
, fontSize, fontColor, fontFamily, fontStretch, italic, fontWeight, textAlign, fontTransform);
} else if (curNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::CharacterDataNode
|| curNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::CDATASectionNode
|| curNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::TextNode) {
QDomCharacterData textData = curNode.toCharacterData();
QString text =;
//get bounding rect to obtain desired text height
lastDrawnTextBoundingRect = painter.boundingRect(QRectF(curX, curY, width, height - curY), textAlign|Qt::TextWordWrap, text);
painter.drawText(curX, curY, width, lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.height(), textAlign|Qt::TextWordWrap, text);
curX += lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.x() + lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.width();
} else if (curNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::ElementNode
&& curNode.toElement().tagName() == tBreak) {
curY += lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.height() + linespacing;
curX = 0.0;
lastDrawnTextBoundingRect = QRectF(0,0,0,0);
curNode = curNode.nextSibling();
} }
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgTextarea(const QDomElement &element) bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgTextarea(const QDomElement &element)
{ {
//TODO textarea node
qreal x = element.attribute(aX).toDouble(); qreal x = element.attribute(aX).toDouble();
qreal y = element.attribute(aY).toDouble(); qreal y = element.attribute(aY).toDouble();
qreal width = element.attribute(aWidth).toDouble(); qreal width = element.attribute(aWidth).toDouble();
qreal height = element.attribute(aHeight).toDouble(); qreal height = element.attribute(aHeight).toDouble();
qreal fontSize = 12; qreal fontSize = 12;
QColor fontColor; QColor fontColor(qApp->palette().foreground().color());
QString fontFamily = "Arial"; QString fontFamily = "Arial";
QString fontStretch = "normal"; QString fontStretch = "normal";
bool italic = false; bool italic = false;
@ -625,47 +560,18 @@ bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgTextarea(const QDomElement &
QRectF lastDrawnTextBoundingRect; QRectF lastDrawnTextBoundingRect;
//parse text area tags //parse text area tags
QDomElement curTextElement = element.firstChildElement(); //recursive call any tspan in text svg element
while (!curTextElement.isNull()) { parseTSpan(element, painter
QString tagName = curTextElement.tagName(); , curX, curY, width, height, linespacing, lastDrawnTextBoundingRect
if (tagName == tTspan) { , fontSize, fontColor, fontFamily, fontStretch, italic, fontWeight, textAlign, fontTransform);
parseTextAttributes(curTextElement, fontSize, fontColor, fontFamily, fontStretch, italic, fontWeight, textAlign, fontTransform);
painter.setFont(QFont(fontFamily, fontSize, fontWeight, italic));
linespacing = QFontMetricsF(painter.font()).leading();
QDomNode tspanNode = curTextElement.firstChild();
while (!tspanNode.isNull()) {
if (tspanNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::CharacterDataNode
|| tspanNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::CDATASectionNode) {
QDomCharacterData textData = tspanNode.toCharacterData();
QString text =;
//get bounding rect to obtain desired text height
lastDrawnTextBoundingRect = painter.boundingRect(QRectF(curX, curY, width, height - curY), textAlign|Qt::TextWordWrap, text);
painter.drawText(curX, curY, width, lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.height(), textAlign|Qt::TextWordWrap, text);
curX += lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.x() + lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.width();
} else if (tspanNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::ElementNode) {
//when tbreak appers, move down by the drawn rect height
//TODO: line spacing is not calculated yet, additional code is required
curY += lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.height() + linespacing;
curX = 0.0;
lastDrawnTextBoundingRect = QRectF(0,0,0,0);
tspanNode = tspanNode.nextSibling();
} else if (tagName == tBreak) {
curTextElement = curTextElement.nextSiblingElement();
painter.end(); painter.end();
//add resulting svg file to scene //add resulting svg file to scene
UBGraphicsSvgItem *svgItem = mCurrentScene->addSvg(QUrl::fromLocalFile(generator->fileName())); UBGraphicsSvgItem *svgItem = mCurrentScene->addSvg(QUrl::fromLocalFile(generator->fileName()));
repositionSvgItem(svgItem, width, height, x + 5, y + 5, hasTransform, transform); repositionSvgItem(svgItem, width, height, x, y, hasTransform, transform);
delete generator;
delete generator;
return true; return true;
} }
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgImage(const QDomElement &element) bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgImage(const QDomElement &element)
@ -750,6 +656,34 @@ bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgFlash(const QDomElement &ele
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgAudio(const QDomElement &element) bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgAudio(const QDomElement &element)
{ {
qreal x = element.attribute(aX).toDouble();
qreal y = element.attribute(aY).toDouble();
qreal width = element.attribute(aWidth).toDouble();
qreal height = element.attribute(aHeight).toDouble();
QString itemRefPath = element.attribute(aHref);
QUrl urlPath;
if (!itemRefPath.isNull()) {
QString videoPath = pwdContent + "/" + itemRefPath;
if (!QFile::exists(videoPath)) {
qDebug() << "can't load file" << pwdContent + "/" + itemRefPath << "maybe file corrupted";
return false;
urlPath = QUrl::fromLocalFile(videoPath);
UBGraphicsAudioItem *audioItem = mCurrentScene->addAudio(urlPath, false);
QTransform transform;
QString textTransform = element.attribute(aTransform);
bool hastransform = false;
if (!textTransform.isNull()) {
transform = transformFromString(textTransform);
hastransform = true;
repositionSvgItem(audioItem, width, height, x, y, hastransform, transform);
hashSceneItem(element, audioItem);
return true; return true;
} }
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgVideo(const QDomElement &element) bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgVideo(const QDomElement &element)
@ -927,8 +861,6 @@ bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseIwbElement(QDomElement &element
} }
return true; return true;
} }
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseDoc() bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseDoc()
@ -943,7 +875,6 @@ bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseDoc()
currentTopElement = currentTopElement.nextSiblingElement(); currentTopElement = currentTopElement.nextSiblingElement();
} }
return true; return true;
} }
@ -951,47 +882,30 @@ void UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::repositionSvgItem(QGraphicsItem *ite
qreal x, qreal y, qreal x, qreal y,
bool useTransform, QTransform &transform) bool useTransform, QTransform &transform)
{ {
QTransform curTrans = item->transform(); //First using viebox coordinates, then translate them to scene coordinates
// qWarning() << QString().sprintf("Item current transform = %f 0 0 %f %f %f, position %f, %f", curTrans.m11(), curTrans.m22(), curTrans.dx(), curTrans.dy(), item->x(), item->y());
//check if rect is rotated
//rotate svg item itself
QRectF itemBounds = item->boundingRect(); QRectF itemBounds = item->boundingRect();
//first, svg is mapped to svg item bound
//second, svg item is mapped to scene
//so, get svg to svg item scale and multiple by scene scale
qreal hScale = itemBounds.width() / width * curTrans.m11();
qreal vScale = itemBounds.height() / height * curTrans.m22();
qreal xScale = width / itemBounds.width(); qreal xScale = width / itemBounds.width();
qreal yScale = height / itemBounds.height(); qreal yScale = height / itemBounds.height();
if (useTransform) qreal fullScaleX = mVBTransFactor * xScale;
{ qreal fullScaleY = mVBTransFactor * yScale;
if (useTransform) { //if rotation or translation specified
QPointF oldVector((x - transform.dx()), (y - transform.dy())); QPointF oldVector((x - transform.dx()), (y - transform.dy()));
QTransform rTransform(transform.m11(), transform.m12(), transform.m21(), transform.m22(), 0, 0); QTransform rTransform(transform.m11(), transform.m12(), transform.m21(), transform.m22(), 0, 0);
QPointF newVector =; QPointF newVector =;
rTransform.scale(curTrans.m11(), curTrans.m22());
item->setTransform(QTransform(rTransform.m11() * mVBTransFactor, item->setTransform(rTransform.scale(fullScaleX, fullScaleY));
rTransform.m12() * mVBTransFactor, item->setPos((x - mViewBoxCenter.x() + (newVector - oldVector).x()) * mVBTransFactor,
rTransform.m21(), rTransform.m22(), 0, 0)); (y - mViewBoxCenter.y() + (newVector - oldVector).y()) * mVBTransFactor);
item->setPos((x - mViewBoxCenter.x() + (newVector - oldVector).x()) * xScale * mVBTransFactor, } else { //item is't rotated or translated
(y - mViewBoxCenter.y() + (newVector - oldVector).y()) * yScale * mVBTransFactor);
qreal fullScaleX = mVBTransFactor * xScale;
qreal fullScaleY = mVBTransFactor * yScale;
item->setTransform(QTransform(fullScaleX, 0, 0, fullScaleY, 0, 0)); item->setTransform(QTransform(fullScaleX, 0, 0, fullScaleY, 0, 0));
itemBounds = item->boundingRect(); itemBounds = item->boundingRect();
item->setPos((int)((x - mViewBoxCenter.x()) * mVBTransFactor), item->setPos((int)((x - mViewBoxCenter.x()) * mVBTransFactor),
(int)((y - mViewBoxCenter.y()) * mVBTransFactor)); (int)((y - mViewBoxCenter.y()) * mVBTransFactor));
QPointF newPos = item->pos();
} }
QTransform newTrans = item->transform();
// qWarning() << QString("Item new transform = %3 0 0 %4 %1 %2, position %5, %6").arg(newTrans.dx()).arg(newTrans.dy()).arg(newTrans.m11()).arg(newTrans.m22()).arg(item->x()).arg(item->y());
} }
void UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::experimentalReposition(QGraphicsItem *item, qreal width, qreal height, void UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::experimentalReposition(QGraphicsItem *item, qreal width, qreal height,
qreal x, qreal y, qreal x, qreal y,

@ -95,8 +95,13 @@ private:
inline bool parseSvgVideo(const QDomElement &element); inline bool parseSvgVideo(const QDomElement &element);
inline bool parseIwbGroup(QDomElement &parent); inline bool parseIwbGroup(QDomElement &parent);
inline bool parseIwbElement(QDomElement &element); inline bool parseIwbElement(QDomElement &element);
inline void parseTSpan(const QDomElement &parent, QPainter &painter
, qreal &curX, qreal &curY, qreal &width, qreal &height, qreal &linespacing, QRectF &lastDrawnTextBoundingRect
, qreal &fontSize, QColor &fontColor, QString &fontFamily, QString &fontStretch, bool &italic
, int &fontWeight, int &textAlign, QTransform &fontTransform);
inline void hashSceneItem(const QDomElement &element, UBGraphicsItem *item); inline void hashSceneItem(const QDomElement &element, UBGraphicsItem *item);
// to kill // to kill
void parseTextAttributes(const QDomElement &element, qreal &fontSize, QColor &fontColor, void parseTextAttributes(const QDomElement &element, qreal &fontSize, QColor &fontColor,
QString &fontFamily, QString &fontStretch, bool &italic, QString &fontFamily, QString &fontStretch, bool &italic,

@ -139,7 +139,6 @@ UBGraphicsScene::UBGraphicsScene(UBDocumentProxy* parent)
connect(this, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectionChangedProcessing())); connect(this, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectionChangedProcessing()));
} }
UBGraphicsScene::~UBGraphicsScene() UBGraphicsScene::~UBGraphicsScene()
{ {
