@ -0,0 +1,396 @@ |
#include "UBFFmpegVideoEncoder.h" |
// Future proofing
#define av_frame_alloc avcodec_alloc_frame |
#define av_frame_free avcodec_free_frame |
#endif |
QString avErrorToQString(int errnum) |
{ |
av_make_error_string(error, AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE, errnum); |
return QString(error); |
} |
* @brief Constructor for the ffmpeg video encoder |
* |
* |
* This class provides an interface between the screencast controller and the ffmpeg |
* back-end. It initializes the audio and video encoders and frees them when done; |
* worker threads handle the actual encoding of frames. |
* |
*/ |
UBFFmpegVideoEncoder::UBFFmpegVideoEncoder(QObject* parent) |
: UBAbstractVideoEncoder(parent) |
, mOutputFormatContext(NULL) |
, mSwsContext(NULL) |
, mFile(NULL) |
{ |
mTimebase = 100 * framesPerSecond(); |
qDebug() << "timebase: " << mTimebase; |
mVideoEncoderThread = new QThread; |
mVideoWorker = new UBFFmpegVideoEncoderWorker(this); |
mVideoWorker->moveToThread(mVideoEncoderThread); |
connect(mVideoWorker, SIGNAL(error(QString)), |
this, SLOT(setLastErrorMessage(QString))); |
connect(mVideoEncoderThread, SIGNAL(started()), |
mVideoWorker, SLOT(runEncoding())); |
connect(mVideoWorker, SIGNAL(encodingFinished()), |
mVideoEncoderThread, SLOT(quit())); |
connect(mVideoEncoderThread, SIGNAL(finished()), |
this, SLOT(finishEncoding())); |
} |
UBFFmpegVideoEncoder::~UBFFmpegVideoEncoder() |
{ |
if (mVideoWorker) |
delete mVideoWorker; |
if (mVideoEncoderThread) |
delete mVideoEncoderThread; |
} |
void UBFFmpegVideoEncoder::setLastErrorMessage(const QString& pMessage) |
{ |
qDebug() << "FFmpeg video encoder:" << pMessage; |
mLastErrorMessage = pMessage; |
} |
bool UBFFmpegVideoEncoder::start() |
{ |
bool initialized = init(); |
if (initialized) |
mVideoEncoderThread->start(); |
return initialized; |
} |
bool UBFFmpegVideoEncoder::stop() |
{ |
qDebug() << "Video encoder: stop requested"; |
mVideoWorker->stopEncoding(); |
return true; |
} |
bool UBFFmpegVideoEncoder::init() |
{ |
// Initialize ffmpeg lib
av_register_all(); |
avcodec_register_all(); |
AVDictionary * options = NULL; |
int ret; |
// Output format and context
// --------------------------------------
if (avformat_alloc_output_context2(&mOutputFormatContext, NULL, |
"mp4", NULL) < 0) |
{ |
setLastErrorMessage("Couldn't allocate video format context"); |
return false; |
} |
// The default codecs for mp4 are h264 and aac, we use those
// Video codec and context
// -------------------------------------
AVCodec * videoCodec = avcodec_find_encoder(mOutputFormatContext->oformat->video_codec); |
if (!videoCodec) { |
setLastErrorMessage("Video codec not found"); |
return false; |
} |
mVideoStream = avformat_new_stream(mOutputFormatContext, 0); |
mVideoStream->time_base = {1, mTimebase}; |
avcodec_get_context_defaults3(mVideoStream->codec, videoCodec); |
AVCodecContext* c = avcodec_alloc_context3(videoCodec); |
c->bit_rate = videoBitsPerSecond(); |
c->width = videoSize().width(); |
c->height = videoSize().height(); |
c->time_base = {1, mTimebase}; |
c->gop_size = 10; |
c->max_b_frames = 0; |
c->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P; |
if (mOutputFormatContext->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER) |
* Supported pixel formats for h264 are: |
*/ |
av_dict_set(&options, "preset", "slow", 0); |
av_dict_set(&options, "crf", "20", 0); |
ret = avcodec_open2(c, videoCodec, &options); |
if (ret < 0) { |
setLastErrorMessage(QString("Couldn't open video codec: ") + avErrorToQString(ret)); |
return false; |
} |
mVideoStream->codec = c; |
// Source images are RGB32, and should be converted to YUV for h264 video
mSwsContext = sws_getCachedContext(mSwsContext, |
c->width, c->height, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32, |
c->width, c->height, c->pix_fmt, |
SWS_BICUBIC, 0, 0, 0); |
// Audio codec and context
// -------------------------------------
AVCodec * audioCodec = avcodec_find_encoder(mOutputFormatContext->oformat->audio_codec); |
mAudioStream = avformat_new_stream(mOutputFormatContext, audioCodec); |
*/ |
// Open the output file
ret = avio_open(&(mOutputFormatContext->pb), videoFileName().toStdString().c_str(), AVIO_FLAG_WRITE); |
if (ret < 0) { |
setLastErrorMessage(QString("Couldn't open video file for writing: ") + avErrorToQString(ret)); |
return false; |
} |
// Write stream header
ret = avformat_write_header(mOutputFormatContext, NULL); |
if (ret < 0) { |
setLastErrorMessage(QString("Couldn't write header to file: ") + avErrorToQString(ret)); |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
void UBFFmpegVideoEncoder::newPixmap(const QImage &pImage, long timestamp) |
{ |
static bool isFirstFrame = true; |
if (isFirstFrame) { |
timestamp = 0; |
isFirstFrame = false; |
} |
if (!mVideoWorker->isRunning()) { |
qDebug() << "Encoder worker thread not running. Queuing frame."; |
mPendingFrames.enqueue({pImage, timestamp}); |
} |
else { |
// First send any queued frames, then the latest one
while (!mPendingFrames.isEmpty()) { |
AVFrame* avFrame = convertFrame(mPendingFrames.dequeue()); |
if (avFrame) |
mVideoWorker->queueFrame(avFrame); |
} |
// note: if converting the frame turns out to be too slow to do here, it
// can always be done from the worker thread (in thta case,
// the worker's queue would contain ImageFrames rather than AVFrames)
AVFrame* avFrame = convertFrame({pImage, timestamp}); |
if (avFrame) |
mVideoWorker->queueFrame(avFrame); |
// signal the worker that frames are available
mVideoWorker->mWaitCondition.wakeAll(); |
} |
} |
/** Convert a frame consisting of a QImage and timestamp to an AVFrame
* with the right pixel format and PTS |
*/ |
AVFrame* UBFFmpegVideoEncoder::convertFrame(ImageFrame frame) |
{ |
AVFrame* avFrame = av_frame_alloc(); |
avFrame->format = mVideoStream->codec->pix_fmt; |
avFrame->width = mVideoStream->codec->width; |
avFrame->height = mVideoStream->codec->height; |
avFrame->pts = mTimebase * frame.timestamp / 1000; |
const uchar * rgbImage = frame.image.bits(); |
const int in_linesize[1] = { frame.image.bytesPerLine() }; |
// Allocate the output image
if (av_image_alloc(avFrame->data, avFrame->linesize, mVideoStream->codec->width, |
mVideoStream->codec->height, mVideoStream->codec->pix_fmt, 32) < 0) |
{ |
setLastErrorMessage("Couldn't allocate image"); |
return NULL; |
} |
sws_scale(mSwsContext, |
(const uint8_t* const*)&rgbImage, |
in_linesize, |
0, |
mVideoStream->codec->height, |
avFrame->data, |
avFrame->linesize); |
return avFrame; |
} |
void UBFFmpegVideoEncoder::finishEncoding() |
{ |
qDebug() << "VideoEncoder::finishEncoding called"; |
// Some frames may not be encoded, so we call avcodec_encode_video2 until they're all done
int gotOutput; |
do { |
// TODO: get rid of duplicated code (videoWorker does almost exactly this during encoding)
AVPacket* packet = mVideoWorker->mPacket; |
if (avcodec_encode_video2(mVideoStream->codec, packet, NULL, &gotOutput) < 0) { |
setLastErrorMessage("Couldn't encode frame to video"); |
continue; |
} |
if (gotOutput) { |
AVRational codecTimebase = mVideoStream->codec->time_base; |
AVRational streamTimebase = mVideoStream->time_base; |
av_packet_rescale_ts(packet, codecTimebase, streamTimebase); |
packet->stream_index = mVideoStream->index; |
av_interleaved_write_frame(mOutputFormatContext, packet); |
av_packet_unref(packet); |
} |
} while (gotOutput); |
av_write_trailer(mOutputFormatContext); |
avio_close(mOutputFormatContext->pb); |
avcodec_close(mVideoStream->codec); |
sws_freeContext(mSwsContext); |
avformat_free_context(mOutputFormatContext); |
emit encodingFinished(true); |
} |
// Worker
UBFFmpegVideoEncoderWorker::UBFFmpegVideoEncoderWorker(UBFFmpegVideoEncoder* controller) |
: mController(controller) |
{ |
mStopRequested = false; |
mIsRunning = false; |
mPacket = new AVPacket(); |
} |
UBFFmpegVideoEncoderWorker::~UBFFmpegVideoEncoderWorker() |
{} |
void UBFFmpegVideoEncoderWorker::stopEncoding() |
{ |
qDebug() << "Video worker: stop requested"; |
mStopRequested = true; |
mWaitCondition.wakeAll(); |
} |
void UBFFmpegVideoEncoderWorker::queueFrame(AVFrame* frame) |
{ |
mFrameQueueMutex.lock(); |
mFrameQueue.enqueue(frame); |
mFrameQueueMutex.unlock(); |
} |
* The main encoding function. Takes the queued image frames and |
* assembles them into the video |
*/ |
void UBFFmpegVideoEncoderWorker::runEncoding() |
{ |
mIsRunning = true; |
while (!mStopRequested) { |
mFrameQueueMutex.lock(); |
mWaitCondition.wait(&mFrameQueueMutex); |
while (!mFrameQueue.isEmpty()) { |
writeLatestVideoFrame(); |
} |
while (!mAudioQueue.isEmpty()) { |
writeLatestAudioFrame(); |
} |
*/ |
mFrameQueueMutex.unlock(); |
} |
emit encodingFinished(); |
} |
void UBFFmpegVideoEncoderWorker::writeLatestVideoFrame() |
{ |
AVFrame* frame = mFrameQueue.dequeue(); |
int gotOutput; |
av_init_packet(mPacket); |
mPacket->data = NULL; |
mPacket->size = 0; |
// qDebug() << "Encoding frame to video. Pts: " << frame->pts << "/" << mController->mTimebase;
if (avcodec_encode_video2(mController->mVideoStream->codec, mPacket, frame, &gotOutput) < 0) |
emit error("Error encoding frame to video"); |
if (gotOutput) { |
AVRational codecTimebase = mController->mVideoStream->codec->time_base; |
AVRational streamTimebase = mController->mVideoStream->time_base; |
// recalculate the timestamp to match the stream's timebase
av_packet_rescale_ts(mPacket, codecTimebase, streamTimebase); |
mPacket->stream_index = mController->mVideoStream->index; |
// qDebug() << "Writing encoded packet to file; pts: " << mPacket->pts << "/" << streamTimebase.den;
av_interleaved_write_frame(mController->mOutputFormatContext, mPacket); |
av_packet_unref(mPacket); |
} |
// Duct-tape solution. I assume there's a better way of doing this, but:
// some players like VLC show a black screen until the second frame (which
// can be several seconds after the first one). Simply duplicating the first frame
// seems to solve this problem, and also allows the thumbnail to be generated.
static bool firstRun = true; |
if (firstRun) { |
firstRun = false; |
frame->pts += 1; |
mFrameQueue.enqueue(frame); // only works when the queue is empty at this point. todo: clean this up!
} |
else |
// free the frame
av_frame_free(&frame); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ |
extern "C" { |
#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h> |
#include <libavformat/avformat.h> |
#include <libavformat/avio.h> |
#include <libavutil/avutil.h> |
#include <libavutil/imgutils.h> |
#include <libavutil/opt.h> |
#include <libavutil/mathematics.h> |
#include <libswscale/swscale.h> |
} |
#include <atomic> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <QtCore> |
#include <QImage> |
#include "podcast/UBAbstractVideoEncoder.h" |
class UBFFmpegVideoEncoderWorker; |
class UBPodcastController; |
class UBFFmpegVideoEncoder : public UBAbstractVideoEncoder |
{ |
friend class UBFFmpegVideoEncoderWorker; |
public: |
UBFFmpegVideoEncoder(QObject* parent = NULL); |
virtual ~UBFFmpegVideoEncoder(); |
bool start(); |
bool stop(); |
void newPixmap(const QImage& pImage, long timestamp); |
QString videoFileExtension() const { return "mp4"; } |
QString lastErrorMessage() { return mLastErrorMessage; } |
void setRecordAudio(bool pRecordAudio) { mShouldRecordAudio = pRecordAudio; } |
signals: |
void encodingFinished(bool ok); |
private slots: |
void setLastErrorMessage(const QString& pMessage); |
void finishEncoding(); |
private: |
struct ImageFrame |
{ |
QImage image; |
long timestamp; // unit: ms
}; |
AVFrame* convertFrame(ImageFrame frame); |
bool init(); |
// Queue for any pixmap that might be sent before the encoder is ready
QQueue<ImageFrame> mPendingFrames; |
QString mLastErrorMessage; |
bool mShouldRecordAudio; |
QThread* mVideoEncoderThread; |
UBFFmpegVideoEncoderWorker* mVideoWorker; |
// Muxer
AVFormatContext* mOutputFormatContext; |
int mTimebase; |
// Video
AVStream* mVideoStream; |
struct SwsContext * mSwsContext; |
// Audio
AVStream* mAudioStream; |
FILE * mFile; |
}; |
class UBFFmpegVideoEncoderWorker : public QObject |
{ |
friend class UBFFmpegVideoEncoder; |
public: |
UBFFmpegVideoEncoderWorker(UBFFmpegVideoEncoder* controller); |
~UBFFmpegVideoEncoderWorker(); |
bool isRunning() { return mIsRunning; } |
void queueFrame(AVFrame* frame); |
public slots: |
void runEncoding(); |
void stopEncoding(); |
signals: |
void encodingFinished(); |
void error(QString message); |
private: |
void writeLatestVideoFrame(); |
UBFFmpegVideoEncoder* mController; |
// std::atomic is C++11. This won't work with msvc2010, so a
// newer compiler must be used if this is to be used on Windows
std::atomic<bool> mStopRequested; |
std::atomic<bool> mIsRunning; |
QQueue<AVFrame*> mFrameQueue; |
QMutex mFrameQueueMutex; |
QWaitCondition mWaitCondition; |
AVPacket* mPacket; |
}; |
Reference in new issue