@ -367,8 +367,6 @@ void UBGraphicsTextItemDelegate::ChangeTextSize(qreal factor, textChangeMode cha |
int startPos = qMin(cursor.anchor(), cursor.position()); |
int endPos = qMax(cursor.anchor(), cursor.position()); |
qDebug() << "start: " << startPos << ", stop: " << endPos; |
QFont curFont; |
QFont nextCharFont; |
bool bEndofTheSameBlock; |
@ -376,6 +374,8 @@ void UBGraphicsTextItemDelegate::ChangeTextSize(qreal factor, textChangeMode cha |
int iPointSize; |
int iNextPointSize; |
int iCursorPos = startPos; |
QBrush curBrush; |
QBrush nextCharBrush; |
// we search continuous blocks of the text with the same PointSize and allpy new settings for them.
cursor.setPosition (startPos, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); |
@ -387,6 +387,7 @@ void UBGraphicsTextItemDelegate::ChangeTextSize(qreal factor, textChangeMode cha |
// Here we get the point size of the first character
cursor.setPosition (iCursorPos+1, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); |
curFont = cursor.charFormat().font(); |
curBrush = cursor.charFormat().foreground(); |
iPointSize = curFont.pointSize(); |
// Then we position the end cursor to the start cursor position
@ -397,9 +398,10 @@ void UBGraphicsTextItemDelegate::ChangeTextSize(qreal factor, textChangeMode cha |
// Get the next character font size
cursor.setPosition (iCursorPos+iBlockLen+1, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); |
nextCharFont = cursor.charFormat().font(); |
nextCharBrush = cursor.charFormat().foreground(); |
iNextPointSize = nextCharFont.pointSize(); |
if ((iPointSize != iNextPointSize)||(iCursorPos+iBlockLen >= endPos)||(0 != curFont.family().compare(nextCharFont.family()))){ |
if ((iPointSize != iNextPointSize)||(iCursorPos+iBlockLen >= endPos)||(0 != curFont.family().compare(nextCharFont.family()))||(curBrush != nextCharBrush)){ |
bEndofTheSameBlock = true; |
break; |
} |
@ -409,11 +411,12 @@ void UBGraphicsTextItemDelegate::ChangeTextSize(qreal factor, textChangeMode cha |
}while(!bEndofTheSameBlock); |
//setting new parameners
//setting new parameters
QFont tmpFont = curFont; |
int iNewPointSize = (changeSize == changeMode) ? (iPointSize + factor) : (iPointSize * factor); |
tmpFont.setPointSize( (iNewPointSize > 0)?iNewPointSize:1); |
textFormat.setFont(tmpFont); |
textFormat.setForeground(curBrush); |
cursor.setPosition (iCursorPos+iBlockLen, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); |
cursor.setCharFormat(textFormat); |