@ -2266,20 +2266,9 @@ void UBSvgSubsetAdaptor::UBSvgSubsetWriter::textItemToSvg(UBGraphicsTextItem* it |
//for new documents from version 4.5.0
mXmlWriter.writeStartElement("itemTextContent"); |
// This is only a workaround that works quite well. The font sizes are expressed on
// px instead of pt because px is less sensitive to the physicalDPI of the Os. The
// main problem in fact appears when the file is used on another platform than the
// one used to create it.
// But a different solution has to be implemented to avoid some annoying case that
// are already present with this hack.
QString htmlString = item->toHtml(); |
qDebug() << htmlString; |
QRegExp regExp("font-size:([0-9]{,3})pt"); |
htmlString = htmlString.replace(regExp,"font-size:\\1px"); |
qDebug() << htmlString; |
mXmlWriter.writeCharacters(htmlString); |
// Note: don't use mXmlWriter.writeCDATA(htmlString); because it doesn't escape characters sequences correctly.
// Texts copied from other programs like Open-Office can truncate the svg file.
mXmlWriter.writeCharacters(item->toHtml()); |
mXmlWriter.writeEndElement(); //itemTextContent
mXmlWriter.writeEndElement(); //foreignObject