The threading logic was changed somewhat. UBQuickTimeFile's run()
function no longer handles enqueuing the video/audio samples in a while
loop. Instead, it runs once, and uses Apple's Dispatch Queues to handle
enqueuing samples.
One dispatch queue was thus added for each input to the AssetWriter.
Each input is associated to one queue, and the requestMediaDataWhenReady
function insures that the inputs go and fetch any available samples when
they are able to write them.
As tested (for short podcasts, repeatedly), this solves all the problems
encountered earlier, such as the program hanging due to one input not
being ready, or corrupt files due (presumably) to missing samples.
Migrated all QuickTime-related code to modern AVFoundation / Core Video
/ Core Media equivalents.
Audio support was temporarily removed; to be re-established ASAP.
Beginnings of doxygen-style function documentation was added